983 - March 31, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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983 - March 31, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

NARRATOR:For several weeks Barnabas Collins

has known of a strange room in the East Wing

of the Great House at Collinwood,

a room in which he discovered the existence

of another level of time.

The people he saw in this room were all people he knew,

and yet they were leading completely different lives.

They were living in a world of parallel time.

Now, through some mystifying warp in time,

Barnabas has become a part of this other existence,

but he soon discovers he has placed himself in great danger

for a man named William Loomis learns Barnabas'

darkest secret, and now Barnabas Collins lies trapped

in a chained coffin.

There is no one to help him, and he has no way of knowing

what strange and mysterious events are going on

in this world of parallel time.

Good morning.

Good morning, Mrs. Stoddard.

Please, call me Elizabeth.

Are you ready to see the children now?

Well, do you happen to know where Quentin is?

I thought I'd like to have him with me when I met them.

Well, I think it might be better

if you handled this alone.

After all you are mistress of Collinwood

and Daniel must realize that sooner or later.

I'm glad you changed your mind and decided to meet

your stepmother, Daniel.

I'm going to do more than just meet her, Amy.

I'm going to find a way to drive her out of this house.

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

Daniel, that's a terrible thing to say.

I meant it, Amy, I want her out of this house.

But Daniel, if your father married her, then she must be

a very nice person.

That's not why he married her.

He married her because he was lonely.

He still loves my mother very much.

I know that.

That doesn't mean you can't try to be friendly.

She's no friend of mine.

She never will be.

She'll be sorry she ever came into this house.

QUENTIN: Hey, what's this Elizabeth has been telling me?

I guess I'm just having a bad case of nerves.


I just don't want to be a disappointment to the children.

What makes you think you will be?

Quentin, I don't know, this is just so new to me

and it could be a terrible adjustment for the children

with somebody new.

Now look, in the first place only one of them

has to make any adjustment and that's Daniel,

and I'm quite sure he'll do it without any problems.

You come over here and sit down and relax.

It will all be over before you know it.

Elizabeth, you stay with Maggie while I go get the children.

CHRIS: Quentin, welcome home.

Chris, good to see you.

Come on in and meet the new Mrs. Collins.

Maggie, this is my cousin, Chris Collins.

He's also my lawyer and he also manages the estate for me.

It's very nice to meet you, Chris.

Welcome to Collinwood.

MAGGIE: Thank you.

An odd hour of the day for you to be here.

You're usually chained to your office until two o'clock.

I need to talk to you about something.

Do you have a minute?

QUENTIN: I'm in no mood for a crisis today.

Well, this is about Bruno.

Bruno, what about him.

CHRIS: He's come back, I thought you knew that.

QUENTIN: No, I didn't know.

If you and Chris want to talk Quentin,

why don't I go up and get the children.

Yes, we'll talk about this right now.

Maggie, you'll excuse us for a moment, please.

Yes, of course.

All right, how long has he been here?

Elizabeth discovered him a few days ago.

He was up in Angelique's room.

Who let him in the house?

I don't know.

Knowing Bruno, I imagine he let himself in.

QUENTIN:Yes, that's true.

Where is he now?

CHRIS:Well, after Elizabeth told me he was around,

I walked down to the cottage, heard the piano playing,

went in, and there he was.

QUENTIN:And what did you do about it?

I didn't want to do anything until I talked to you.

Well, what's there to talk about?

You know how I feel about him.

I told him he's not wanted here.

He insists that Angelique gave him permission

to move into the cottage.

Angelique is dead.

Now he no longer has her benevolence to fall back on.

Now I want him thrown off this estate as soon as possible.

Is that clear?

CHRIS:Shall I use force if necessary?

I don't care how you do.

You're a lawyer, just get rid of him.

Don't let him take advantage of Angelique's name any longer.

You call me if you have any problems.

I apologize for intruding that way

and upsetting your husband.

MAGGIE: Do you think everything will be alright?

Yes, I think so.

You've been taken around the estate yet?

MAGGIE: No, I haven't had a chance to leave the house.

I'd be glad to do it at your convenience.

MAGGIE: That would be very kind of you.

I hope you'll be very happy here at Collinwood.

I hope so too.

I want to make Quentin happy.

I want to make him as happy as the first Mrs. Collins did.

Oh, did I say anything wrong?

Angelique became a legend in her own time,

a legend that would be very difficult for anyone

to live with.

[knocking at door]

DANIEL: Come in.

Good morning, Daniel.

Good morning, cousin Elizabeth.

ELIZABETH: Good morning, Amy.

Good morning.

Your father wants me to bring you downstairs.

Is she down there?

Your stepmother is very anxious to meet you.

My stepmother.

We're very anxious to meet her too.

Come on, Daniel, you've got to meet her sometime.

Amy is right, Daniel.

It's not going to be half as bad as you think it is.

Come along now.

Hey, I'm sorry I lost my temper about Bruno.

Who is Bruno?

Why do you dislike him so much?

Well, he's someone I hope you never meet.

The less said about him, the better.

[knocking at door]

It must be the children.

Well, well, here we are.

Come on in.

I want you to meet your stepmother.

Maggie, this my son, Daniel.

This is my favorite girl, cousin Amy.

Hello, Daniel.

DANIEL: How do you do?

Hi, Amy.

I'm very pleased to meet you.

I don't know what we're supposed to call you.

Well, I don't know either.

I suppose you could call me Maggie.

That would be alright, wouldn't it, Quentin?

QUENTIN: Whatever you all decide is fine with me.

Hey, listen, I've got a lot of work to do

so I'm going to leave the three of you here

to get acquainted.

MAGGIE: Should we all sit down then?

Well, he'll either like her or he won't like her.

Well, you know he won't.

You know how devoted he was to Angelique.

Then Maggie will simply have to find a way

to win him over.

I don't envy her.

I don't envy anyone who has to follow

in Angelique's footsteps.

Do I get a demerit for speaking out of turn?

I'll be in my study.

[door slams]

AMY: You used to live in Collinsport, didn't you?

Yes, when I was a little girl,

but I moved away when I was eight.

Daniel, I'm very glad we've met finally.

You know I'm counting on you to help me.

Help you, how?

Collinwood is such a big house, and I thought you

might be just the right person to show me through the house

and around the grounds.

Haven't you met Chris yet?


Chris, Amy's brother.

Oh, yes, I did a little while ago.

DANIEL: He'll show you around the estate.

It's part of his job.

Well, perhaps if I told him I wanted you

to show me around then--

He wouldn't like that.

MAGGIE: Why not?

Everyone at Collinwood has their own job to do,

and they do it.

That's the way my mother wanted it.

I'm sure that won't be changed.

My mother used to talk about the order of things.

She said Collinwood was like a perfect clock.

It never stopped running.

You could depend on it and live your life by it.

That's a very lovely sentiment.

[clock chiming]

It's noon.

Haven't you met the gardener yet?

The gardener?

No, not yet.

Every day at noon my mother used to go

and talk to the gardener.

She took care of all the landscaping

of the whole estate herself.

That's why everything is so beautiful.

My mother loved and understood everything

that was beautiful.

Well, I know a little bit about landscaping.

Of course, I haven't been here long enough to learn

the routine, so I...

DANIEL: Why don't Amy and I go upstairs

and we'll give you a chance.

Come Amy.

It was very nice meeting you, Maggie.

ELIZABETH: You must be very proud

of that performance, Daniel.

I knew you'd be standing out here listening.

I just knew it.


It's going to take time.

You can't expect him to accept you

without some disappointment.

That was a total disaster, a total disaster.

The boy is living in the past.

He's never accepted his mother's death.

Difficult as it may be, you are the one

who eventually must make him accept it.

She must have been a very beautiful woman.

Yes, yes, that she certainly was.

David, this is your mother's room.

We shouldn't be in here.

DANIEL: Just come in and close the door.

What are doing here anyway?

This is one room in the house where we can talk

and no one will hear us,

and because I found a way to get rid of Maggie.

AMY: I'm not going to help you with your plan, Daniel,

because I don't think it's right.

We're going through with it, Amy.

I don't want her in this house.

AMY: No, Daniel, I'm scared.

You're gonna be a lot more scared if you don't help me.

Daniel, you're hurting me.

You gonna help me?

All right, I'll do it.

All right, I'll tell you what to do in the next room.

There's a secret panel, come on.

How can you say that you're a failure

after just one meeting?

Because I was.

Daniel hated me.

I have the feeling he always will.

That's not true.

He doesn't know you.

Until he does, of course, it's going to be difficult.

Come here, you're just going to have to show him

that you're determined to be his new friend.

He'll come around, believe me.

MAGGIE: Are you sure about that?

I just think that to know you is to love you very much.

He'll come around.

I've got a lot of confidence in both of you.

All you have to do, Amy, is stand right here.

My mother's room is on the other side.

You can hear everything that we're saying in there.

Now do you remember the right tune?


Now tell me when you're going to start humming.

When I hear you say, "Mother, please sing to me again."

DANIEL: All right, now don't forget

and don't change your mind about helping.

I'll be here, don't worry.


Daniel, hello.

DANIEL: I was just looking for my father.

Well, he's in his study.

DANIEL: No, he's not I just came from there.

Well, he must be somewhere in the house.

Why don't you sit down and talk to me for a while.

No, I think I want to find him.

[clock chiming]

That was silly of me.

I should have known I wouldn't be able to talk

to him now anyway.

Do you know where you father is?

DANIEL: Yes, he's there every day at this time,

and he doesn't like to be disturbed.

When he's where?

In my mother's room.

He kept it exactly the same way it was before she left,

and he goes there, he stands in front of her portrait,

and he remembers her, and sometimes he talks to her.

Daniel, why are you doing this to me?

DANIEL: Doing what to you?

Trying to upset me.

Daniel, I want us to be the very best of friends.

I'm not trying to upset you, Maggie.

I just wanted to tell you where he is.

I can't believe that your father would go to her room

every day at this time.

He isn't the kind of man who would cling

to the past like that.

It just goes to show that you don't know him very well.

My father loved my mother very much.

He's never gotten over her death.

Daniel, please stop this.

You don't believe me, do you?

Well, you can go up there yourself and see.

See for yourself.

How you can be sure that she's going to her room?

Don't worry, that's where she's going.

Remember what you have to do?


Tell me.

What are you two whispering about?

We were just playing a game.

[knocking at door]


[door slams shut]

Your father wasn't here.

Daniel, he wasn't here.

Maybe he left before you came in.

Daniel, I don't believe that he was here.

Isn't she beautiful?

Oh, Daniel, I wish I could make you understand.

Understand what, that she's dead

and that she's never coming back?


Well, you're wrong.

She is coming back some day.

Daniel, that's impossible.

It is, she told me she's coming back.

She told me even since she's been away.

MAGGIE: Daniel don't talk like this.

DANIEL: Mother, tell her she's wrong.

Tell her.

Sing to me again, please, mother.

Daniel, I'm not going to stay here

and listen to you talk like that.

[humming a lullaby]

That's not possible, it's some kind of trick.

It isn't a trick, Maggie.

She's still here.

She never left.

She's never going to leave.

Daniel, I don't believe this.

I've got to stop it.


AMY: Daniel, Daniel.

You were wonderful, Amy.

Did you see her just now?

Everything went exactly the way I wanted it to.

Say, how'd you get in here from the secret room so fast?

I never got to the secret room.

Chris stopped me downstairs.

I'm sorry, Daniel.

You've got to be joking.

I heard you humming, so did Maggie.

AMY: You couldn't have because I wasn't there.

Well, if you weren't there, who was?

[eerie music]
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