974 - March 18, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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974 - March 18, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[haunting music]

VOICEOVER:Strange and frightening events

have occurred

on this night in and around the great house at Collinwood.

Inside the house, a young man named Jeb Hawkes

has been subjected to a kind of terror

he has never known before.

A mysterious shadow that threatens to destroy him.

And in a small house on the edge of town,

Sabrina Stuart has confronted a man known only as Bruno.

A man capable of k*lling the one she loves.

It appears there's nothing more to say, my dear.

All right.

Then I will let this speak for me.

[haunting music]

What do you think you're doing?

I love Chris.

And I am not going to let anyone harm him.

I'm going to k*ll you.

[suspenseful music]

[theme music]

[suspenseful music]

[door opening]

[Sabrina exclaiming]

What the devil's going on here?

-SABRINA: No, let me go! -SKY: Take it easy!

-BRUNO: Sabrina! -SKY: I won't hurt you!

SABRINA: What are you going to do?

I'm not going to k*ll you, if that's what you're thinking.

No, on the contrary, I admire you!

I'm very grateful to you.

For what?

Because you've shown me how much you love Chris Jennings.

If his love for you is as deep,

then he'll be very useful to us.

What do you mean?

You'll find out soon enough.

Take her to a back room.

Stay with her.

Since when have you been giving orders?

You'll do as I say, and if you don't like it,

take the matter up with Nicholas.

I think I will!

I don't like your attitude, lately.

Not one bit.

Look, I must warn you.

If it's a question of my authority versing yours,

then Nicholas is gonna back me up.

Now be a good fellow and take her in the back room.

[suspenseful music]

Might as well. Take it easy. Relax.

Sit down.

-Who is he calling? -Nicholas!

Who is Nicholas?

You'll find out for yourself.

You should be meeting him soon enough.

Can you tell me why they are so anxious to hurt Chris?

That is the thing I don't understand.

Look, baby, I don't know who Chris is.

I don't know why they're keepin' you here, you hear?

If you wanna know anything, ask Nicholas when he gets here.

[haunting music]

All right? What's all this about?

BRUNO: There's a girl in the back room I want you to see.

SKY: Nicholas, I've gotta talk to you.

It'll have to wait.

We've got important business to discuss.

SKY: Look, man, I'm talkin' to Nicholas.

Just give us a few minutes, Sky.

All right, who is she?

A very determined young girl.

She, uh, tried to k*ll me tonight.

I hope you didn't call me over here to tell me that.

Her name is Sabrina Stuart.

She's the fiancée of one named Chris Jennings.

NICHOLAS: And what, pray tell,

has Chris Jennings to do with me?

Even the pure of heart who say their prayers by night.

[haunting music] The werewolf?

I've, well, now, isn't that interesting?

BRUNO: I thought that would please you.


I think you found a way for me to redeem myself.

What do you mean?

The moon is gonna be full again tomorrow night.

If we can get Mr. Jennings here by then,

I think I can put his talents to very good use.


Well, haven't you begun to wonder how

Jeb is managing to stay alive?

Oh, he's not gonna stay alive much longer.

Angelique is seeing to that.

I don't want Angelique to see to that.

I want to get him.

Now I believe his marriage to Carolyn is keeping him alive.

I think she is providing him with the will to live.

If anything should happen to Carolyn,

Jeb would lose the will to live, wouldn't he?


Now, we must work very quickly, Bruno.

My mission here has been a failure.

If I can destroy Jeb, I will have salvaged something.

If Angelique gets to him first,

it's all over to me, Bruno.

Just tell me what you want me to do.

All right. Now listen very carefully.

[suspenseful music]



JEB: Yes?

My name's Chris Jennings.

Is Sabrina Stuart here?

JEB: Uh, no, I'm the only one here.

Who are you?

JEB: [sighing] Jeb Hawkes.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, yes, yes.

Of, uh, of course.

JEB: Of course?

Well, we haven't met before, have we?

No, no. We haven't.

Maybe Carolyn knows where Sabrina is.

Carolyn and her mother just left.

Yeah, you did tell me that you're the only one here.

I'm sorry, I'm growing very anxious about Sabrina.

-Hope you find her. -Yeah, I do too.

Well, thanks.

[suspenseful music]

I think your friend Nicholas has forgotten you.

What do you mean?

I don't hear them talking any more.

They must have gone away.

No, that can't be.

Nicholas promised he'd talk to me.

You just sit tight and relax.

Nicholas? Gods!


From tycoon to lackey.

My, how the mighty are fallen.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

Angelique, what are you doing here?

Oh, I came to see you, Sky.

How did you know where to find me?


I've been keeping a very close watch on your activities.

Tell me.

How does it feel to be a has-been?

What are you talking about?

ANGELIQUE: That's what you are, you know.

SKY: I said, what are you talking about?

Every one of your business ventures is a disaster.

There's nothing you can do about it.

Because all you are now is Nicholas Blair's sl*ve.

SKY: That's not true!

I'm very important to him!

Oh, don't be absurd.

[dramatic music]

Consider right now, what you're doing.

What he has you doing.

Keeping guard over a helpless young girl.

You're not important to Nicholas.

He doesn't care anything about you.

That's not true.

What does Nicholas plan to do with that girl anyway?

or hasn't he consulted you?

Angelique, shut up!

What's the matter, Sky?

Am I making you unhappy?

Get off my back!

Oh. [chuckling]

You've quite thin-skinned

in your declining days, haven't you?

Shall I tell you how it's all going to end?

Nicholas is going to find

some ingenious way of doing himself in.

He always does.

And then you're going to be alone.

All alone.

With no one to turn to.

And then...

Someone's going to put you out of your misery.

Who knows?

It may even be me.

Well, I better not keep you any longer.

I know you have an important job to do in the next room.

[suspenseful music]

JEB: What?


I let myself in.

I, um, hope you don't mind.

No, no, please don't! Leave the room dark!


Well, I'm only gonna be here a moment, Jeb.

You can hide in the darkness again after I'm gone.

JEB: Why did you come?

You sent a message to me through Bruno.

I thought it deserved a personal reply.

You mean?

You mean you can help me?

No, I don't mean that at all.

JEB: Well, then, what do you mean?

I really don't see why

you let yourself get so excited, Jeb.

The simplest thing for you to do is accept one fact.

You are a doomed man.

There is no way out for you.

There's got to be!

And I'm going to find it!

Because Angelique isn't going to destroy me!

Oh, well I sincerely hope not,

because I intend to have that privilege myself.

That's all I came to tell you, Jeb.

One of us is going to finish you off.

I only hope it's me.

Good night, Jeb.

[foreboding music]

I did look.

I looked everywhere.

She's nowhere to be found.

I know it's tomorrow!

Quentin, I don't care about the arrangements for Wyncliffe.

Sabrina is missing,

and I'm not going anywhere until I find her.


I'll call you back.

Somebody at the door.

-Are you Chris Jennings? -That's right.

My name is Sky Rumson.

May I come in for a moment?

What's on your mind, Mr. Rumson?

SKY: You're looking for Sabrina, aren't you?

CHRIS: You a friend of hers?

SKY: I know where she is.

And I know she's in grave danger.

What do you mean?

She's being held in a house near the edge of town

by a man named Bruno, against her will.


-SKY: You know him? -Yeah, I know how.

I gotta get her outta there.

Well, that's why I came her to help you and Sabrina.

How do I know that?

I don't know you.

I don't even know if you're telling me the truth.

Look, you've got to trust me

that I'm telling you the truth.

Maybe this will convince you.

Sabrina's compact.

You were over at Bruno's place.

You saw her?

Mr. Jennings, up until one half hour ago,

I was guarding Sabrina

for Bruno and a man named Nicholas Blair.

I don't know what they're planning or how it involves you,

but I'm tired of seeing them hurt people.

That's why I came here to help you.

They don't know you're here?

If they knew I were here,

they'd k*ll me.

It's me they're after. You know that, don't you?

I know that. But I don't know how it involves you.

CHRIS: How do I know they didn't send you here

to lure me there?

You don't.

But you'll have to trust me if you wanna get Sabrina back.

CHRIS: What do we do?

I've been guarding Sabrina with Bruno.

Now this is the key to Bruno's house.

You come to the house at o'clock.

I'll take care of Bruno.

And if we can take him out and get Sabrina out of the house.

CHRIS: What's in this for you?

You must have some kind of angle.

I just don't wanna be involved with these people anymore.

All I wanna do is get out from under.

[suspenseful music]

[foreboding music]

[Jeb exclaiming] Oh, my God!

It's even bigger! [suspenseful music]



You've got to come to me!

Oh, you've got to listen to me!

You gotta let me talk to you!

Listen, did they,

did they treat you all right while I was gone?

They left me alone the whole time.

Did you see Chris?

Yes, we made plans.

Tonight, if everything goes well,

you'll be outta here by midnight.

[Sabrina sighing]

I don't know how to thank you.

Don't thank me yet, baby.

It's no guarantee that we'll succeed.

[suspenseful music]

[foreboding music]

BRUNO: Everything all right?

Yeah, everything's fine.

BRUNO: Wanna come out for a minute?

I wanna talk to you.

SKY: What's on your mind?

You, uh, left the house earlier.

You were gone longer than you said you would be.

-SKY: So? -What kept you?

What is this, the third degree?

Look, I just asked a simple question.

Don't get so jumpy.

Tell me where you went, Sky!

Listen, I just went into town.

A friend o'mine blew in from New York,

and I, uh, I wanted to talk to 'em.

You wouldn't lie to me, would you, Sky?

SKY: Why would I?

I don't know.

I'm asking you.

Look, are you calling me a liar?

I'm not calling you anything.

I was just concerned and curious.

I worry about you, Jeb.

You see, you no longer have any outside friends.

All you've got is Nicholas and me.

It's up to us to take care of you.

And believe me, that's what we're going to do.

[foreboding music]

ANGELIQUE: You can't hide from me, Jeb.

No matter how hard you try.

What? What? Who is this?

Where are you?

[suspenseful music]

ANGELIQUE: You kept imploring me to appear.

Here I am.

JEB: Angelique!

ANGELIQUE: Turn on the lights, Jeb.

Oh, no.

No, I don't want to.

ANGELIQUE: It's perfectly safe.

As long as I'm here, the shadow won't appear.

[suspenseful music]

You said you wanted to talk to me?

Look, Angelique!

You gotta take this thing off me!

Please, Angelique!

Can't think of any good reason why I should.

Look, Angelique, I'm a, I'm a changed man.

Believe me, I'm a changed man, I!

Look, I'm married to Carolyn now.

I love her very much.

I loved Sky Rumson very much.

I wasn't responsible for that.

I, I hardly even knew him!

I had nothing to do with that!

-Don't you understand? -What I understand

is that the whole so-called conspiracy revolved around you.

Therefore, I do hold you responsible.

But not only you.

I intend to settle Nicholas when I'm through with you.

Do you have any feelings at all?

I had them once.

And they all died when I found out the truth about Sky.

All right.

You won't do anything for my sake.

Please think of Carolyn.

I've thought of Carolyn.

A lot. I feel a...

I, I identify with Carolyn.

I'm sorry she's going to be unhappy.

I know how that feels.

[sighing] But, you haven't got much longer to wait.

In only a short time now,

the shadow will be full grown,

and that'll be the end of you.

I'll be there to witness it, Jeb.

I wouldn't want to miss it.


[dramatic music]

Angelique! Well, you won't be there!

Look, it's, nothing is gonna happen!

Nothing is gonna happen!

'Cause I'm gonna find a way to beat it!

Do you hear me?

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

Help me.

Help me.

Good evening, Mr. Jennings.

Sabrina and I have been waiting for you.

[dramatic music]

[theme music]
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