966 - March 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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966 - March 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:On this night one evil man will visit upon

the Collins estate, a kind of terror never known before.

He's placed Carolyn Stoddard in a deep trance

and has chosen her to take part in a strange

and terrible ceremony, a ceremony which could

end in his destruction.

Place the box on the altar

and then take a place beside her.

[thunder rumbling]

Be ready.

[dramatic music]

I'm ready.

Prince of darkness, I call upon the flame

to summon you.

I beseech all the dark creatures of nature to summon you

here to me.

You must be a witness to this ceremony.

You must give your blessing to these two creatures

who will soon become your obedient servants.

I call upon the seven plagues

and upon the charred and the blackened stars

that reigned on my beginning to draw you

from the darkness of the earth,

that you may witness the vows that are taken here tonight .

Take the scepter, Jeb, and begin the vows.

Take the scepter, Jeb.

[dramatic music]


Now, Barnabas!


Get her now, Barnabas!

Stop him.

Stop him you fool!




You fool.

Look what you've done.

We gotta get out of here, go on with it!

[wind howling]



[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

It's all over now.

Thanks to you.

The Leviathan cause is dead,

with one stupid blow you've ended it.

All those under our control are released.

That pleases you, doesn't it?

I warned you, Nicholas.

But I wanted to remain as me now.

Yes. And because of what you've done,

you've also succeeded in destroying us out.

What are you talking about?

You'll never have to change into your Leviathan form

again, Jeb, because it longer exists.

And what is there left?

- Me. - No.

Jeb, there is nothing anymore.

All that remains is a shell, a manifestation.

This body you inhabit is not yours.

It was able to exist only in the beginning

to sheer force of mind.

When the shrine exploded,

this body should have d*ed with it.

But I didn't die.

And I'm left.

And I can see and hear, and feel.

Yes, but only to sheer force of mind.

How long could your will power hold up, Jeb?

Not very long I promise you.

Your time is running out.

[dramatic music]

There's a hose outside, go get it.

[dramatic music]

What's happening here?

I gotta get Nicholas.

[dramatic music]


What's the matter.

She can't hear you, Elizabeth.

She's been put into a trance.

A trance?

We must get her upstairs at once.

But how did this happen to her?

Who's responsible?

I'll explain everything after we get her upstairs.

I think the time has come for you, Elizabeth,

to know the truth about a great many things.

[dramatic music]

[wind howling]

[dramatic music]


All our dead had turned into skeletons.

Nicholas you've got to come back to the cottage with me.

- There's been a fire. - In the back room.

Yes, how did you know?

Everything is over for us, Bruno.

Jeb has destroyed it all.

What are you talking about, Nicholas?


I'll tell you all about it on the way

back to the carriage house.

Sleep now and when she comes out of the trance,

we'll resume.


Barnabas, I want you to explain all of this to me.

Well I don't know how or where to begin.

Begin what?

Elizabeth, we're committed to a cause

that is both false and destructive.

We've all been in danger including Carolyn.

Barnabas, I have no slightest idea

what you're talking about.

What cause?

Tell me.

You know very well of course I'm talking about

the Leviathans.

You, David, Aimee.

You're not making any sense.

BARNABAS: You're really sure you don't know

what I'm talking about?

I'm positive.

Lord, it's too good to be true.

What Jeb did has caused everyone to be released

from the spell.

What are you saying about Jeb?

You know Jeb, don't you?

ELIZABETH: Of course.

How much do you know about Jeb?

Not very much.

He seems like a very nice young man

and he's quite fond of Carolyn.

Barnabas, will you tell me what this is all about?

I'll explain everything later.

The one thing you have to know now is that Carolyn's safe.

I'll explain everything else.

She's coming out of it.


Jeb. Where are you?


[thunder rumbling]

[wind howling]


I must see you.

You're the only one who could save me.

[dramatic music]

How are you feeling?

I'm all right.

I don't understand how I got here.

Barnabas brought you back home.

From where?

I found you alone in the woods.

What's the last thing you remember, Carolyn?


I was alone

in the carriage house.

What are you doing there alone?

Well, I was waiting for Jeb.

He had gone out for something and asked me

to wait for him until he came back.

An he never came back?


BARNABAS: Somebody else came back.


Nicholas Blair.


Is he responsible?


Responsible for what?

The reason you don't remember anything

after he talked with you is because he hypnotized you.

Hypnotized me?


I'm afraid I can't answer that right now.

I don't have the answer myself.

I have more investigating to do.

Elizabeth, I'll be back.

I'll talk to you later.

Mother, I'm going to call the carriage house.


I've got to find out what happened to Jeb.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

[door closes]

There's no answer.

I'm terribly afraid that something may have gone wrong.

He never should have left you there alone.

Mother, he couldn't expect Nicholas Blair would appear.

I'm not sure of anything anymore.

I thought Nicholas was a perfectly sane and healthy man,

obviously he's not.

[knocking on the door]

- Who is it? - Jeb Hawkes.

- Jeb. - You stay right where you are.

[dramatic music]

I wanna see Carolyn.

May I ask who gave you the permission to roam

around this house if you will and who let you in?

- I let myself in. - Well, let yourself out.


I'm sorry, Carolyn, I think his behavior is shocking.

You have changed.

It's just as they said you would.

ELIZABETH: What are you talking about?

You remember who I am

but you don't remember anything else.

ELIZABETH: You're not making any more sense than Barnabas.

Yeah, look, Mrs. Stoddard, I've got to see Carolyn.

It's very important.

I'll just take a few minutes.

Please mother. Please let him come in.

- I do want to talk with him. - All right.

But make it brief. You need your rest.

We'll make it brief, Carolyn

because I don't think I have much time anyway.

What do you mean?

I don't know.

All I know is that if I stay around here any more,

my life is gonna end.

CAROLYN: Jeb, why do you feel that way?

I don't know.

It's just I've got to go away, Carolyn.

I've gotta go very far.

And I want you to come with me.

You want me to go away with you?

JEB: Don't you want to?

Jeb, I wanna be with you but...

But what?

I don't understand why it's necessary to go away.

Carolyn, I'm not asking you to understand.

Now, you said you love me.

And I do.

Well, come away with me.

Carolyn, we'll go to Collinsport.

We'll get married and then we'll go away.

Honey, what is the matter?


Well then give me your answer.

[thunder rumbling]

Jeb, there can only be one answer.

If I can't get you to stay here with me,

then I'll go away with you.

Oh, Carolyn, honey.

[dramatic music]

I don't understand it.

That room was completely in flames.

Now how can a fire like that put itself out?

Because it was no ordinary fire.

When Jeb destroyed the box and the shrine,

the time of the Leviathans ended,

everything pertaining to our cause was destroyed.

With one blow, he released all those

that we have taken over.

What about Jeb?

What's gonna happen to him?

The thing that troubles me.

He should have been destroyed

when the shrine and the box were destroyed.

His true form no longer exists, he can never change back to it.

And he should be dead too.

BRUNO: Then why isn't he dead?

I can only believe that he is staying alive

with sheer force of will, nothing else makes sense.

Now, he deserves to die for what he's done.

Oh, well, don't worry, Bruno.

He's going to die.

I will take care of that.

[brooding music]

Dearest mother, I know this will come as a shock to you,

but Jeb has asked me to marry him tomorrow

and I have accepted.

I hope you will give us your blessing.

I love him very much.

Lovingly, Carolyn.

[dramatic music]

Everything is ready.

The moment I will be Mrs. Jeb Hawkes.

Come with me.

[dramatic music]

[Carolyn gasps]


What's the matter?

Why is he here?

Nicholas is going to perform the ceremony.

No, I don't want him to. It frightens me.

Carolyn, you have nothing to be afraid of.

No one is going to harm you.

Nicholas isn't going to harm you.

Good evening, Carolyn.

Good evening.

You look beautiful.

Thank you.

If you're both ready, we can begin.

No, we can't begin.

Why not?

My parents are not here.

We can't begin without them.

Carolyn, your mother doesn't approve of the marriage.

She won't be here.

But my father will and we must wait for him.

Carolyn, you know it.

Your father is dead.


No, I can't believe that.

JEB: You must believe it because it's true.

Carolyn, do you understand?


I understand.

Let's begin the ceremony

and you and I will be together very soon.


Very soon.

Prince of darkness,

I call upon the flames to summon you.

I beseech all the dark creatures of nature

to help summon you here to me.

For you must be a witness to this ceremony,

you must give your blessing to these two creatures

who shall become your obedient servants.

Jeb, what is he saying?

I've never heard a marriage ceremony like this.

- Carolyn, we must be silent. - But I don't understand

what he's doing.

I summon you in the name of the seven plagues,

in the name of the charred and blackened stars

that reigned at my beginning to rise

out of the darkness of the earth.

Yes, I take it all.

I'm too frightened.

Let him finish, Carolyn.

Let him finish.

[thunder rumbling]



Jeb, what's happening?

I don't know.

[wind howling]

[suspenseful music]

Jeb, it's my father.

I knew he would be here.

No, it can't be.

It can't be.

Show yourself to us.

- Barnabas. - What do you want here?

- What are you doing here? - Have you told her, Jeb?

JEB: Told her what?

You cannot marry her until you tell her.

I don't know what you're talking about.

BARNABAS: Tell her who k*lled her father.

I don't know.

BARNABAS: Yes, you do.

You k*lled Paul Stoddard.

No, I can't believe that.

BARNABAS: Admit it. Go on and admit it, Jeb.

Jeb, tell me it isn't true.

Tell me, Jeb. Tell me.

Oh, my God.

It's true.

We're going to be together, Carolyn.

Very soon, no matter what happens.


Stay away from me.

Don't touch me!



[dramatic music]

[knocking on the door]

Jeb, I have to talk to you.


I've changed my mind.

You what?

I can't go with you.

Why not?

Something happened.

JEB: What?

Well, it's hard to explain, Jeb.

You better try.

You better say something.

You can't just walk in here and tell me you're not going.

You can't do that.

- I won't let you. - Don't touch me!

Don't touch me!


[suspenseful music]
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