953 - February 17, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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953 - February 17, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

VOICEOVER:Danger looms on the great estate of Collinwood.

For Barnabas has destroyed the antique shop.

And with it, the room where Jeb must go

to assume his other, evil form.

But Elizabeth has taken Megan into the house,

and given Jeb the deserted coach house on the estate.

Megan is determined to consecrate a room there.

A room where Jeb can become the true Leviathan.

I don't want the room.

It was all right when I was younger,

and I had to change all the time.

But now I'm me, I'm in this form,

I see no reason why I can't remain in this form.

You are what's in that room.

Jeb is only what the world sees.

But the world seems to like it fine.

You mean Carolyn Stoddard seems to like it fine.

What if she does?

I didn't give up everything in my life

so that someone like her could have a...

a date to take her to dinner!

If you want her,

then it must be in the way the book demands,

the way the Leviathans demand.


Would you be jealous otherwise?

Well, I've given up a lot for you.

So, you tell me.

Well I'm tired of hearing it,

just as I'm tired of you thinking of me as

Alexander and Michael.

And that you have some special hold over me.

Well, you're not special anymore.

Because things are different, I'm different.

And they're different between us.

No, that's not true.

[dramatic music]

Isn't it?

[thunder crashing]

Oh! Jeb, Jeb what'd you do?

Jeb, what's happening?

[door crashes]

Someone's there.

[footsteps rustling]

I hear someone coming!

I can't see anyone, who is it?

Who is it?

Who did you make angry?

[suspenseful music]

[eerie music]

You always go too far, Jebes.

Who are you?

Come into this room!

Be sure you really want me, Jeb.

For once you see me,

you will know that you have to follow my orders.

I've watched you, both of you, make your mistakes,

his more disastrous than yours, Megan.

I've watched your blundering, your ineptitudes,

and I have come to save the Leviathans.

Let there be light!

For I am tired of eternal darkness.

You may call me Nicholas Blair.

That name means nothing to me.

It will.

Go, let me be alone with him,

for Jebes and I have much to discuss.

Tell no one that I am here.

For you can be punished even more easily than he.

The name I use is known here and I shall make myself

known to the proper people at the proper time.


[door slams]

Shall you give your explanations now

for the crimes you have committed,

for the chances you have taken,

for the power you have usurped,

before we go into what will happen to you now?

Look at me.

For I can change anything, Jeb.

Even Carolyn Stoddard's feeling for you.

Begin now.

[dramatic music]

[door slams]

Who's there?


You frightened me.

- Oh, I'm sorry, Carolyn. - I didn't know you'd gone out.

It's just nerves, that's all.


What's the matter?

Do you feel a, a presence in this room?


Carolyn, Carolyn, you're simply exhausted.

I suppose you're right.

I haven't been sleeping well.

Let me get you something.

It's almost as if I'm afraid to go to sleep.

I'm afraid I'll have that dream again.

Tell me the dream.

No, it's too insane.

Jeb with...

with blood on his hands.

But, Megan, I keep having it

and each time it goes one step further.

What was the last dream?

I don't even wanna think about it.

And I won't.

Come, let's go to bed.

- But you should talk about it! - No no, absolutely not.

Were you at the coach house?


Is Jeb getting settled?


He's quite settled.

Jeb is going to be fine, just fine.

I only did what I had to do!

The state will hang Philip.

You sacrificed one of us!

Another game you were playing,

just as you were when you brought that

sheriff back to life.

If his state can be called that.

Every move unwise.

And the most unwise was Barnabas Collins.

You made him a vampire.

You had to make him totally useless to us!

A shabby performance, indeed.

And a dangerous one.

He will be after you and he will be relentless about it.

Well, I will take care of him.


We must destroy Barnabas Collins!

Now, Jebes.

We have come to your most serious defection.

You never want to change into your

Leviathan form again, do you?

To want to be a human, is for a Leviathan, the greatest sin.

Give me the box.

Do you think I am going to let you stand in the way

of the return of the Leviathans?

This is my idea!

The resurrection of the Leviathans,

I will not see it fail!

Now, the box!

Or the next time Carolyn Stoddard sees you

she will run from you as she did when

she saw you as you truly are.

Bring it to me.

I'm going into this room.

I will consecrate it so that you will be able to change

into what you truly are, do you understand?

Answer me.


You will wait here.

[dramatic music]


You see, Jeb, I can anticipate your every move.


Am I going to have to constantly prove

what powers I have to you, Jeb?

I do hope not, that would be unbelievably

boring for both of us.

Your room is ready for you now, Jeb.

You will not mind it so much once you have changed form.

- Don't make me change. - I have no choice.

There's no harm in telling you that my last endeavor

on Earth took place here, also.

It was a failure.

I do not like being punished for failure,

I will not fail a second time.

Now, get in to your room, Jeb.

You cannot k*ll me, not even in that other form.

Yes, Jeb, I can read your mind.

Believe it, now.

And save yourself all the trouble.

Well, I may not be able to k*ll you in that room,

but you're going to regret it.

Well, I'll take that chance.

Open the door and go in.

[door closes]


Come in.

Is the revolt held, Mr. Blair?

There's no sound of breathing.

He is sulking, of course.

Does he know that you spoke to me?

That I was the one that told you where he was.


You're afraid of him, aren't you?

Well, I don't want him to think ill of me.

Well, I will protect you, Bruno.

As long as I'm useful to you.


Just as long as that.

Is that where the change takes place, in there?

Whether Jeb wants it or not?

He can delay it.

But that is all.

[heavy breathing]


All is well now, Bruno, all is well.



No, not again.

Not again.

[eerie music]

Why is there blood on your hands, Jeb?

What have you done?

What have you done?


[hinge squeaks]

[Carolyn screams]

Who is that?

Who is that?

Jeb, Jeb, you've k*lled someone!


Don't believe that!

Who was that?

Whose body was that?

There's nobody in there, Carolyn!



No! Don't show it to me!

There's no one in that room, Carolyn.

Don't show it to me!

No one!

No one! You saw nothing!




Where am I?

What happened to the room?

The body?

It's the cemetery.

I've come to a cemetery.

Who's calling me to come here?

Someone is, I know that.

Who wants me here?

VOICEOVER:Open it, find out whose body is there.

Why Jeb has blood on his hands.

I can't, I can't!


It's empty.

Whoever was here is trying to tell me something.

Whose grave is it?



[dramatic music]



I disagree with the sacrifice of Philip Todd,

but perhaps Jeb is right.

Someone had to pay for the murders

that have already been committed.

But there must be no more killings

while Philip is in jail.

That is your responsibility.

I'm glad you came, now our day will arrive sooner.

True, Bruno.

I plan to be in Collinwood just as quickly as possible.

If I may ask one question?

Why Collinwood?

That is the one question you may not ask, Bruno.

But there is a reason.

A most important reason.

[heavy breathing]



[door slams]

[heavy breathing]

No, I didn't betray you, I told him nothing!

Just where you were, that's all.

Don't k*ll me, don't, no!

I tried to get in good with him,

but that's as much for your sake as mine, I swear it!

Look at me, trust me, he'll,

we'll know what he's gonna do before he does it!

Don't come any closer, don't!



You were gonna k*ll me!

It was.

It was.

You and it are the same in that room!

I don't wanna be like that ever.

I swear I don't!

Bruno, if I were only human--

Don't even say that!

I wanna be like you are in there!

You aren't in love, Bruno.

Jeb, Jeb!

What does that dream mean?

My father's grave, why my father's grave?

Father, speak to me.

Tell me whatever it is you want to say.


Who is it?

It's Jeb.

I had to come.

Why, Jeb?

I don't know, I just had a feeling.

That I was in trouble?

Are you?

Jeb, you reassured me before about my dream.

I keep having it, and it keeps going on!

What's happening now?

Jeb, if we went to my father's grave tonight,

his coffin would be empty.

What do you mean?

I don't know.

I went to the graveyard, in my dream,

to find out who you had k*lled.

Jeb, what's wrong?


Jeb, there's some truth in that dream, what is it?



I went to your room to give you a sleeping pill.

She's very upset.

Carolyn, you better take that pill.


Take her up to the room, Megan.

Jeb, I'm sorry.

Don't worry, don't worry anymore.

Meet me at Paul Stoddard's grave,

as soon as she's asleep.

[dramatic music]

[wind whistling]

You'll sleep all right now, Carolyn.

Yes, thank you.

And you won't have anymore dreams tonight.

[dramatic music]

MEGAN: Of course, he'll be in there.

You're just being hysterical, Jeb.

You won't even open it!

He's working against me!

Well, of course he is.

And it's your own fault, because you k*lled him!

Oh, Jeb, Jeb, let's not fight.

This is all ridiculous, all of this.

We'll see.

He is, she knows!

He's smiling!

Look at him, staring at me!

Gloating, he's gonna tell her!

We've gotta burn it.

We must burn the body!

[eerie music]
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