944 - February 4, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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944 - February 4, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie orchestral music]

VOICEOVER:The full moon has begun its rise,

and Chris Jennings is about to take

the most desperate gamble of his life.

Alone in his cottage on the great estate,

he waits for the moon to change him into a werewolf,

hoping he can retain his human intelligence

and will long enough to do what

must be done to end the curse.

For this flower, brought to him

by Sabrina Stewart, is the legendary Moon Poppy.

And, if he can succeed in eating its blossom,

he will shed the hated animal form forever.

[dramatic, pounding drum b*at]

[moves into crescendoing horn solo]

["Dark Shadows Theme"]

[dramatic, pounding drum b*at]

[pot bangs]


[pot smashing]

[tables crashing]

No, Maggie, I don'’t believe you

did everything you could'’ve.

That'’s a cop out.

Of course I want you to keep on him.

You keep after him until he'’s told you

exactly where Carolyn Stoddard is.

Is that clear?

It better be.

[phone slamming]

[dramatic, crescendoing music] [banging]

[door opening] [bells jingling]

I bring you greetings from Portland.

It'’s a charming city.

Glad you think so.

What'’s the matter?

Didn'’t Barnabas believe that Maggie

had a long lost aunt there?

I don'’t know if he did or didn'’t.

She wouldn'’t tell him where Carolyn is.

[chuckles] He will.

And give the girl time.

I don'’t have time.

I want Carolyn now.


Now or later, it'’s all the same.

With me and Carolyn, it'’s now.

It'’s just that I'’ve never met

a girl who could matter that much.


With me, it'’s always

now or later.

[dramatic music]

Just like I said.

You'’re not listening to me, what the matter?

What are you saying?

I was just remembering a poem.

BRUNO: A poem?


Even if a man is pure at heart

and says his prayers at night,

he can become a werewolf when the wolfbane blooms

and the moon is full and bright.

What made you think of that all of a sudden?

Because there'’s a werewolf out there.

A werewolf?

[werewolf howling]

Don'’t you hear it?

Listen carefully.

[eerie music]

Yeah, well, I do hear something.

[werewolf howling]

A dog.

It'’s not a dog, you stupid!

It'’s a wolf.

It'’s a werewolf!

Now look, Jeb, I just can'’t believe

that there'’s a werewolf --

JEB: Listen, you better believe it.

And you better do exactly as I tell you,

because there'’s a werewolf out there.

[werewolf howling]

It'’s the most dangerous of creatures.

What do you mean?

They were the only creatures we couldn'’t tame.

They were the only ones that were

more ruthless and cunning than we were.

[werewolf howling]

And, they were the enemy.

We tried to drive them out.

We tried to k*ll as many as we could,

but there was always one left,

and it was always howling.

[werewolf howling]

And it was always howling!

And I can'’t stand that sound,

there'’s got to be a way to stop it!

[dramatic music]

He couldn't eat the petal.

[werewolf howling]

The human part of him was submerged to quickly,

and the animal could only destroy.

[rustling and bumping]

Who'’s there?

[door opening]

[woman screaming]

Sabrina, please. Sabrina.

We'’ve met before, I'’m Barnabas Collins.

I'’m trying to help Chris as well.

[crying] Nothing can help him now.

You must never think that way.

What other way is there to think?

He'’s gonna be k*lled tonight.

I know it.

You don'’t know, you only feel it.

- SABRINA: No. - You just feel it.

I know it. [sobs]

He will be k*lled as surely as this flower is destroyed.

I know it, and it'’ll be my fault.

If I hadn'’t brought the flower,

he wouldn'’t have stayed here by himself, unprotected.

[crying] He wouldn'’t have been

able to get out into the woods

where someone will get him.

He'’s gone there before, Sabrina.

- He'’ll come back alive. - No.

Not this time.

Oh, I wish there was some way I could

tell him I didn'’t want to hurt him.

I only wanted to help. [sobs]

I wish I were in the woods with him now.

Even if you were, Sabrina, [werewolf howling]

you couldn'’t be able to make him understand.


No, tonight.

Tonight is the only night I could save him.

Sabrina, you'’re frightened, you'’re upset.

You'’re saying things that make no sense.

No, they do make sense.

I don'’t know why, but they do.

I am the one person he will not hurt.

He will not k*ll. I know it.

He didn'’t k*ll me before and he won'’t now.

That is why I must go to him.

The only thing you must do is to go home

and I'’m going to take you there.


The I'’m going to give you some brandy

because we must talk about it.

There'’s nothing more to say.

There'’s a great deal to say!

Because when Chris is himself again,

the desire you have to help him

will mean the only thing ...

[dramatic music]




Sabrina, if you can hear me, listen to me.

You must come back.

You cannot go out there in the woods alone.



[wind howling]

[leaves rustling]

[werewolf growling] [dramatic orchestra crescendo]

[wind howling]


Sabrina, answer me if you can hear me.

You must.

There's no sign of her.

She's got to be someplace.

Perhaps, if I get some of the servants

of Collinwood to help.

[werewolf howling]

It'’s alright.

- It'’s gone off somewhere else. - It'’ll be back.

Well when he comes back, I'’ll be ready for him.


I said I'’d take care of him.

Just like I'’ll take care of all your enemies.

JEB: What'’s that for?

I think it'’s best to k*ll.

Won'’t do ya any good.

Silver, silver is the only way to k*ll him.

He'’s not like our other enemies.

Well, we'’ll see about that when he faces my g*n.

But the g*n isn'’t gonna do you any good!

Don'’t go.

Jeb, I'’ve got to go!

If only to prove to you that I don'’t just talk.

I do what has to be done no matter how dangerous!

[werewolf howling] [bells jingling]

[door slamming shut]

[door opening] [ominous, dramatic music]

[door closing]

[telephone ringing]


Oh, Barnabas, I'’m so glad I found you there.

BARNABAS:Why, what is the matter?

It'’s nothing we can discuss on the phone.

You've got to come here immediately.

What'’s happened?

I won'’t discuss it on the phone.

BARNABAS:But you must!


BARNABAS:At least tell me if Carolyn is alright.

Now tell me that much.

I will tell you nothing until you're here.

Now, come as quickly as you can.

[telephone receiver clunking] [eerie dramatic music]

Why wouldn't she tell me anything?

There must be a way of finding out something.

Yes, there is.

[door opening]

[werewolf howling]

[wind whistling]

[werewolf howling]

[slow, deep bass b*at]

It sounds so far away,

but it proves he's still alive.

Chris, you've got to stay alive,

until I find you, until I come to help you.

[werewolf howling] [slow, eerie music]

[muffled thump]

[werewolf howling]

[door rattling & bells jingling]

Were you going somewhere?

No, I was just listening to the night.

It'’s a beautiful night.

The moon is so full and clear.

It would be a beautiful night if ...

BARNABAS: If what?

[door closing] [bells jingling]

If I had Carolyn.

You will have Carolyn at the proper time.

The proper time.

Who knows if I'’m gonna make it to the proper time.

The time of the Leviathans is a long time in coming.

No, don'’t give me that stuff.

How do those people know, who lived so long ago,

how I feel about Carolyn now?

And I want her now!

Her mother wouldn'’t have taken

her away unless she needed the rest.

Her mother wouldn'’t have taken

her away if you hadn'’t told her to.

You and I are on the same side.

It would be better if we didn'’t quarrel.

Are we on the same side?


- Now, if you will excuse me. - Where are you going?

Home. I'’m going home.

Before you go, I'’ll give you a chance

to prove that we'’re on the same side.

Do you want that chance?

BARNABAS: Well, what do you want me to do?

Tell me about the werewolf.


There'’s no such thing.

Don'’t tell me there'’s no such thing.

Such ignorance doesn'’t become a man with your history.

Now you know there'’s one, and you know he'’s around here.

I know there'’s been talk about a strange animal in the woods,

but no one'’s ever seen it.

It'’s hard to tell, in a village like this,

what is legend and what is not.

It'’s not hard to tell.

Now, there is a werewolf here,

just as he senses that I'’m here.

I didn'’t know that he was your enemy.

Well, now you do.

Now you start listening to the legends more closely,

because I'’ve gotta find out where he is,

and I gotta find out who he is,

and I'’ve gotta k*ll him before he kills me!

[ominous music]

[wind whistling]

[leaves rustling]

[leaves rustling]

Who'’s there?

Chris, is that you?

Is that you, Chris?

[leaves rustling]


[woman screaming]

[growling & snarling]

No, I didn'’t mean to scream.

I won'’t scream again, and I'’m not going to run away.

I wanna help you, Chris.

I wanna help you.


[crescendoing orchestral music]

[dramatic orchestral music] [growling]


[g*n fires]

[howling & whimpering]

BRUNO: You'’re alright now. He'’s gone.

[Crying] No. No. No.

Don'’t you understand? You'’re alright.

You had a bad scare, but I saved you.

Why didn'’t you leave me alone?

Leave you alone?

Look, if I hadn'’t come along, he'’d have k*lled you.

He wouldn'’t have hurt me.

He wouldn'’t. He ...

[somber music]

[eerie, dramatic music]

[glass clanking]

[door bell ringing]

[door opening]

Oh, come in Barnabas.

BARNABAS: Where'’s Carolyn?

[door closing]

Carolyn and her mother are both sleeping.

Well then, what'’s the matter?

Nothing with them, but plenty with me.

What do you mean?

Please, come in here.


my life here now, as Angelique Rumson,

is terribly important to me.

Especially Sky.

I couldn'’t bear it if I lost him.

I won'’t lose him.

BARNABAS: I know that.

Then you must know that you must

get Carolyn and Elizabeth out of here immediately.

But you said they could stay here

as long as he was away.

They could stay even longer, as far as he'’s concerned.

When I told him I had house guests,

he said they could remain here as long as they wished.

BARNABAS: Did you tell him who they are?

Yes, he was very generous about them.

He'’s a very kind and generous man.

But, I am not so generous, and I will not

give up my happiness to help anyone.

BARNABAS: But if he approves?

Listen to me, Barnabas.

Last night Elizabeth was looking at me very intently,

and insisted that I reminded her of someone.

Carolyn suggested that perhaps,

she had seen me in some magazine.

Did she accept the suggestion?

Yes, she did,

for the moment.

But, Barnabas, how much longer is it going to be

before she recognizes the woman named Cassandra,

who was married to her brother?

And, how much longer before I make some slip,

and reveal a little bit too much

knowledge of the Collins family?

And, I won'’t just be revealing myself to Elizabeth,

I'’ll be revealing myself to a

dedicated member of the Leviathans.

And then, we are all lost.

Yes, she is a dedicated member,

but I am her leader and she'’ll do exactly as I say.

Will she?

Will she, even if Jeb tells her to do otherwise?

She will never do anything to hurt Carolyn.

That, I know!

Well, you know a lot more than I do!

And, you'’re a lot more confident

that nothing will happen here.

Oh, Barnabas, if something does happen here ...

Oh, there'’s nothing more I can say.

If Sky finds out about me, I'’m completely lost.

Alright, Angelique.

- I'’ll take them away. - Thank you, Barnabas.

- Tomorrow. - No, please, now.

I can'’t.

The danger to Carolyn is worse than ever.

I'’ll come by to take them tomorrow.

To take them away.

Alright, but until then, I'’m the one who'’s in danger.


remember, if you fail to keep your promise ...

I won'’t fail.

[slow orchestral music]

[bells jingling] [door opening]

What happened?

Quite a few things.

For one thing, there is a werewolf.

JEB: You saw it?

Saw him?

I fought him, and sh*t him, at close range.

He ran off into the woods, badly wounded.

But not dead!

I told you, you'’ve gotta use a silver b*llet!

Then next time I'’ll get silver b*ll*ts when I meet him.

Because, the next time the moon is full,

I'’m gonna be right there, with him.

How can you say that?

Because tonight I found more than just a werewolf.

I found a girl, who wasn'’t afraid of him.

Who felt she could control him.

Control him?

That girl must know him very well.

So, that girl'’s gonna lead us to him

the next time the moon'’s full.

Who is this girl?

Her name'’s Sabrina Stewart.

She lives at the inn with her brother.

- I took her home. - Did you meet the brother?

No, she said he was away for the night.

I wonder if that means ...

I don'’t know.

Look, maybe I should take care

of him just as soon as possible.

Just on the chance that he --

JEB: No, no. You fool.

If you k*ll him while he'’s in human form,

it'’ll turn him into an animal forever.

And that'’s just what he'’d like,

so he can haunt me always, and howl always!

Look, if he bothers you that much,

I'’ll go look for him right now!

Don'’t worry!

You'’ve got Bruno.

[door opening & closing] [bells jingling]

[telephone ringing]


This is Jeb S. Hawkes.

Who is this?

Oh, I see.

Yes, I'’d like to know very much about Carolyn Stoddard.

Well, if you do, tell me.

[chuckles] Now, isn'’t that a coincidence?

On Little Windward Island.

No, tomorrow won'’t do.

No, tomorrow won'’t do at all, it'’ll be too late.

It has to be tonight, do you understand?

I thought you would.

Now, listen very carefully,

the ceremony must take place there,

on Little Windward Island.

And, this is what I want you to do.

[dramatic drum roll]

["Dark Shadows Theme"]
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