03x03 - Hakikatin Pesinde, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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03x03 - Hakikatin Pesinde, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, folks!

Come here.


I said, gather!

Gather and watch what I'm about to do.

Come and see!

What is it, brother?

Do you know this man?

He is our man.

Why wait then? Let's go and rescue him.


I'm hanging this thief
for stealing my goods,

to make an example for other thieves.

Know that...

no one can steal
from Tristan the merchant.

Now I'll enjoy his death.

Any objections?

Any objections?

Hang him!

They know he won't talk.

They're using him as bait.

They want me to stand up for him.

What now, brother?

Night is the shelter of believers.

We'll save him tonight.

Hang him!

Hang him!

Hang him! Punish him!


k*ll him!

No mercy!

Hang him!

k*ll him!

Seems like
Ertugrul is still under our feet.

Though your feet are almost gone.

Anyone under my feet

will be six feet under, Master Simon.

There is no other option.

Then it is time to prove it.

My father used to say,

"Since Adam and Eve, no one knows
a sweeter poison than apple."

May he rest in peace.

I always believed that.

Until I found
the shadow of the black widow.

May the shadow of the black widow

bless our people.

Now, let's sweep away all the obstacles

and promote trust in us.

And tonight, as a starter,

the clean and pitiful death of Toktamis

will lead us in the right direction.

The Venetian merchant is arriving soon.

-Are the goods ready?
-Ready, yes.

Never mind the goods, tell me
if the Venetians' sacks of gold are ready.

I don't understand
why you're hiding it all from your father.

With no secrecy, would it be exciting?

And stop prying into everything,
Master Simon.


When will Dogan arrive?

When his duty is over, Turgut.


Yes, Bey.

I set you free.

Go wherever you want.


Bey, I owe you.

I'll feel humiliated
if I leave without paying my debt.

Well, I have no place to go
and a penny in my pocket.

Bey, if you let me,

I'll come with you and serve you.

Besides, I'm still your sl*ve.

Maybe this old fellow

can find a way to show his gratitude?

Your loyalty

and your blessing
would be more than enough.

From now on, stay as you wish,
you're my guest.

Stay as long as you want.

God bless you, Bey.


You're tired, get some rest.

I can't sleep, mother.

I know Ertugrul Bey
will bring us to light from this darkness,

but the men...

they just gave in.

If anyone gets worn out
and decides to leave, then we're doomed.

May I, Halime Sultan?

Come in, Banu Cicek.

You called for me.

Tell me.

Dogan Alp entrusted you to us.

But if he heard your words today...

he'd have done what was necessary.

I stand behind my words.

It's been two summers, Halime Sultan.

Two whole summers
since Ertugrul Bey sent him on his duty.

No word...


My Dogan will not return.

I know it.

Banu Cicek.

When his duty ends...

Dogan Alp will return to his camp.

Then would you be embarrassed
of the words you've spoken?

Ertugrul Bey speaks no words,
Mother Hayme.

No words. Because, I know,

he sent my hero away never to return.


I won't let you poison the camp
with your delusions, Banu Cicek.

Control these delusions,

or I will execute you with my own hands.

Anything else, Halime Sultan?

No. You can leave.


It's been a while.
Things aren't going well.

This evil heralds salvation.

God willing, mother.

What you reap is what you sow.

So, stand tall.

Now you're the lady of these nomads...

Ertugrul's deputy.

You're the mother of all my kids
in the camp.


Mother, Ertugrul Bey is here.

Welcome, Bey.

What is this, Bey?

What the hell?
Is that enough wheat for all of us?

Ertugrul Bey.

We spent days hunting in the mountains.

They became our home.

Is that all the wheat you could buy
with the skins from the hunt?

More will follow, Kara Bey.

Don't you worry.

Let us catch our breath
and we'll talk, be patient.

How much patience do we need, Bey?

We can't take it anymore.

Forgive me!

Who the hell is he?

-It's not one of us, who is he?
-Ertugrul Bey...

saved my life

from the sl*ve market, with gold
he was supposed to spend on wheat.

With our gold...


I'll return this favor.

Ertugrul Bey.

You've been inconvenienced.

I wish you left me there
for him to k*ll me.


Is this true, Ertugrul Bey?

You wasted our gold on this heathen?

We no longer have patience.

We're perishing on the roads
in the name of the holy w*r.

But all you say is, "Patience."

We hear no other words.

We want to know what to do.
We want a meeting tonight, Ertugrul Bey.

Since when are you
going after the sustenance?

God's the one who provides it, is He not?


is a guest of God.

God's guest comes with ten loaves.

Eats one...

leaves nine.

When did you forget
the Holy Creator's name?

It's not the time for meetings.

Do your share.

I won't let anyone

raise trouble

or agitate the people here.

Our life was not a bed of roses anyway.

This didn't happen
because when we came here.

It's not the time for meetings.

That is my word.



My son.


Heir of my blood.


Why refuse the meeting?

What are you up to?



My dear, go play inside.

I did not refuse a meeting.

I refused them asking for meetings
and agitating the people

after every little difficulty.

So say this in the meeting.

That's what a bey does.

Hayme Hatun.

I'm the bey of the camp.

I decide when to meet.

Ertugrul Bey, do you hear yourself?
This is not our law.

Why are my orders
being questioned, Halime Sultan?

A Bey's word is final,
isn't that our law?

If I'm the bey of this camp,

I decide.

This is neither the place
to question my judgments...

nor is it your duty.

When it's time...

I'll gather the beys,

and listen to them.


O King of Kings...

The only one...

The word coming forth
from the Holy Father.

As a benefactor Thou hast now
ineffably sent forth Thy Spirit,

equal in might,
upon the apostles who chant,

Glory to Thy dominion...

O Lord.

Lord, give me strength.

Let me make my enemies
live in hell on earth.

Bey is coming.


Gather here.

Toktamis Bey.

Honor my table tonight.

We can talk about the rugs
we'll sell to the Venetians.

We've got
a lot of work to come this winter.

As you wish, Bey.

I am at your command.

Colpan Hatun.

We have guests for dinner.

Prepare accordingly.

Be sure nothing is missing.

Yes, Bey.

Aybuke, begin the preparations.

Yes, Colpan Hatun.

Bey? What happened to your leg?

My father...

He knew everything.

Ural, let me do it.

From now on...

no more rest for anyone.

If I am on a Kn*fe edge,
everyone else will be too.

First, you must lose this wrath.

You know a tightened rope
breaks the easiest.

Everyone has an evil eye on you,
so be like a lake...

not a roaring river.

You'll roar, when it's time.

It's not good, Colpan,
that my father learned this.

Not good.

Who do you think he learned this from?

That is...

Toktamis's doing.

His days are numbered.

Tonight at the dinner...

we're going to bury him.

Before Ali Er comes,
we have to send him off.

Or it gets worse for all of us.

That's it.

Your wrath may be like a river, after all.
Flowing slowly, but with power.

Ural Bey will bring peace to these evil
lands. Whoever stands in his way...

will be drowned in your wrath.

This is our time.


will have his last meal
at my father's table.

So, Toktamis Effendi,

you declare your own kingdom?

You've made your bed, you'll sleep in it.

Get rid of the bulgur.

Not welcome on my table.

That ropy stuff is unworthy for our Bey.

Wheat will be fine.

Yes, Colpan Hatun.

Thank you, Colpan Hatun.

An excellent feast, as always.

Our beys carrying the burden of our camp
deserve the best, Toktamis Bey.

How many rugs are left, Ural?

Enough for the Venetians.

Any discolored,

or poorly crafted, Colpan?

No, Bey.

What about you, Aslihan?

I disliked a few.

The women will work tonight
to get them ready for tomorrow.

Well done, my daughter.

I don't want to hear
that Cavdars deliver poor quality goods.

This is delicious, Colpan Hatun.

Thank you, Toktamis Bey.

This time the enemy will att*ck
with everything.

So there is no time to lose.

We have to be firm like a castle.


An uprising is on the way.

Folks are at the ends of their tethers.

Damn the ungrateful.

Everything is fine when they're full.
When they're hungry, the muttering starts.


They've been good for a couple of years,

One good trade would bring hope

to the people, Bey.

I heard the Venetians are coming
to buy some rugs.

Gather all the rugs in the camp,

Abdurrahman, Dundar,

this duty is yours until we're back.

Bey, if you let me,
I want to visit all the beys in the camp.

So, they won't be upset
about not having a meeting.

Well thought, Artuk Bey.

Fill them with enthusiasm.

I will.


What if Sultan's man dies?

What if we can't find the man
we go in search of?

We have no choice.

Bring him out of that market,
dead or alive, Turgut.

It'll be tough

to get Sultan Aladdin's spy out of that

huge bazaar, Bey.

How will you do that?

Do you know...

how wolves set up an ambush
for their prey, Dundar?

Listen to me closely.

The first thing we'll do...

We'll capture the spy of Sultan Aladdin
who settled in this land.

To catch the big fish...

we will use the circumcised knight
as our bait.

Will he come to that bait, Master Simon?

Not that easily, Philip.

I assume he's smart enough to know
I'm setting a trap for him.

A trap within a trap.


Don't forget.

We must get him alive. At any cost.

God help us all.

Ertugrul Bey, may I?

Come in, Halime.

Bey, I have some things to say,
if you'll allow me.

Go head, Halime. I'm listening.

Bey, forgive me.

I said inexcusable things.

I was upset by the words of the women
in the camp,

and I made the same mistake,
I acted like them.

I'm sorry.

These lands are surrounded
with fire, Halime.


if we turn to Allah as Ibrahim did,

that fire feels like a bed of roses.

Our duty is

to resign to Allah's will.

With Allah, no sorrow.

With Allah, no sorrow.

We live in hard times.

You have a lot weighing on you, I know.

And that's what made you say those things.

We are off hunting with the Alps tonight.

I hope it will be a good one,
with God's help.

God willing, Bey.

I wish that your arrow hits its prey.

Come home with plentiful supplies.


Don't worry about us.

Wolves are the only thing we've not become
and now they will fear us.

Let's see what they come up with.

There's nothing like a noble wolf.

It looks great.

A warrior bears his load on his shoulders,
Bamsi Beyrek.

Aye, brother. Right you are.

A warrior without a woman, Bamsi Beyrek?

Brother Gonkut...


I'll chop that tongue out, brother.

Chop that tongue out.

Chief Turgut Alp,
these alps have no manners.

They don't know how to talk to elders.


Salam, Bey.

Here, Bey. Your fur is ready.

Good, thanks.

Wolves like the foggy weather.

Come on, warriors.

The w*r is ours.

The victory is Allah's.
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