02x19 - Sefer Bizim Zafer Allah'indir

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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02x19 - Sefer Bizim Zafer Allah'indir

Post by bunniefuu »

In conclusion,
Tugtekin lost his trust to us.

How could he not?

From now on, how could
we look at his face?

Stop there.

Having a treacher in a nomad tent does
not make whole nomad people treacher.

Who knows how many treachers
are there in their nomad tent?

I wish there was only a treacher.

We have disturbed peace
since the day we came.

I am surprised by

how could we did not see what they did?

I said we should not have migrated,
you did not listen.

If we herd our animals in wild lands
wolves and jackals

will lay an ambush for sure.

They would want pound of flesh.

They will make us pay for it.

We will pay whatever it is, Crazy Iron.

You are exhausted, Bey.
Your heart needs calmness.

Instead of living in peace at his age,
he is struggling with troubles.

Kayis cause him real troubles.

Permission, Bey?

Come in!

Ertugrul is here, Bey.

So he is here to die.
Get Alps ready quickly.

Do not you hear me?

Yes, Bey.

Do not cause trouble in nomad tent, Bey.
Do not break the traditions.

There is no tradition left, Artuk.


What you are going to do
will make enemy stronger.

First, cut them in pieces,
then you will eat them.




My dear father.

Does Bey drink this syrup?

This will cause his death at this age.

Leave me alone with sons of Suleyman Shah.

Come closer.

Look me in the eye both of you.

I did not raise you for this.

If your father my Suleyman Shah were alive

what would he have
said to your impertinence?

What would he have said?

We faced many troubles.

We defeated many evils.

We need unity and peace!
What did you do?

How could you face the community?

From now on

if you lay a hand on each other

you will have neither my love
nor my blessing!

Did you hear my words?

Hug and ask for blessing.

Give me your blessing, brother.

You have it.

Give me your blessing, too, brother.
-You have it.

Sit down.

Tell me about Hamza problem.

Strength is a desire erupting
from a man's veins.

But gold is a cheap
odalisque of that desire.

I know none of you wants this gold.

You are here to fight in the
strongest army of the world

and be a soldier of largest army
in the world.

To battle!

To take off heads!

But if you have desire for gold

come and get as much as you want.

I give all the gold I have if he wants.

You are not cheap men
who set off for gold.

You are the best warriors
this world ever seen.

You are Kayi Alps.

Now you are to serve Mongols

who are your brothers for thousands
of years and world's sultan Ogeday.

This is a holy meeting.

The meeting of world's best warriors
and biggest emperor of the world.

Welcome among us.

From now on, you are not my soldier

but my blood brother.

No permission.

I did not ask for permission. Move aside.
We will enter.


Obey Tugtekin Bey's words.

Obey so we will not have a problem.

We obey the Beys' words.

We brought food.

Let him eat something.

Go in.

But do it quick.


We brought you food, brother.

What is the situation?

They said Hamza is a treacher.

It is right.

He turned out a Mongol spy.

Maybe, he was the treacher
since the beginning.

He led the nomad people to slaughter.

They want to project their rage onto me.

As long as Ertugrul Bey is here
as long as we are here

they could not harm a hair on your head.

Do not worry.

Brother, you must
take care of your health.

If something happens to you,
people will be perished.

Hayme, people are already perished.

All Beys ask

is this the reward of helping Kayi

what if other Kayis are treachers?

What else they say?

They say, we have no peace
and order has been broken.

So, what are saying to all these?

My dear sister, I need to calm Beys down.

To do this you must pay a price.

Abdicate from headquarters

or let your Alps lay down their arms.


Your Beys want to see us as shepherd
and Kayi as herd.

They want Kayi to serve them. Is it?

My Beys behaved themselves till now.

Your son Ertugrul and your nomad people
are the faulty ones.

Or this unity will break down.

You have gone...

...you are speechless.

No one knows what are you thinking.

If my tongue knows what my heart thinks

I cut my tongue
so no one will be in trouble.

We always have a rough ride, Ertugrul.

Tell me, I want to know
what is in your heart.

Just know this.

Mad horses are running wild in my heart.

Passing the seas.

Trebling the very ground.

They run without having had fill.

Away, far away.

These mad horses tell our nomad tent's
name will be known to world someday.

World will be on his knees before us.

Justice will flourish everywhere.

They say world will be ours.

We do not have a nomad tent yet, Ertugrul.

How could all world will be ours?

That is why, I do not tell
what is in my heart to anyone.

Look, even you do not believe
what mad horses told me.

How will we defeat all this evil
and trouble, Tugtekin?

Sow the wind and reap the
whirlwind, Gokce.

We Turks are here to make
these lands our homeland.

So, we will pay a price
till these lands will be ours.

What is on your mind?

We need to gather nomad people
and take treachers out.

How will it be, Tugtekin?

It will be good.

Do not worry about these.
Let us have a race.

Come on.

While your Alps being treachers

you are enjoying yourself here.

So, you are riding in wilderness
instead of being a Bey

and go after treachers.


Let us go.


Let us go, Gokce.

Let us go.

I scared too much that you hurt him.

Son of Suleyman Shah, Ertugrul,
does not deal with colt.


You are a real cook. It is delicious.

We know that big head of yours is cunning

but your hands are skillful, too.

Am I cunning, Bohach brother?

Look at his eyes, they are astute.

Look at them, they never stop.

Turgut and Dogan...

...they came to see the Abdurrahman.

Did they see him?

Samsa let them see.


Brainless, stupid Samsa!

If you do not obey my orders once more,
I make dog food from your flesh.

I told you, do not let them see!

You will breathe down Ertugrul and
his Alps neck on smallest mistakes.


Here, this will clean you up.


Korkut Bey wanted us to dismiss
from headquarters

or lay down Alps' arms.

Look at our condition!

I wish the ground would open up
and swallow me.

What is on your mind, Bey?

We will spoil the game with another game.

We will draw Tugtekin upon us.

He is already on our neck
waiting for a mistake.

So we will force him to make a mistake.

What will we do, Bey?

We will show everyone that
Tugtekin is an Alp

who is not bounded to traditions.

You are treachers
and you challenge us now!

You cannot wave a flag here!

My brother is waiting for an answer.

What will we say?

I want to talk to my uncle one last time.

What is happening outside?


Come in.

Mother Hayme, Tugtekin Bey...

It is our flag!

Are you only strong enough
for Kayi Bey's legacy, Tugtekin?

Do not forget, this is not a simple cloth.

Raging on an ancestor legacy
does not suit an Alp like you.

So you can still talk without shame.

Did you forget, your Alps betrayed to
their nomad tent and be Noyan's dog!

Instead of being a brother and a father
you are betraying your Alps

who will die by your order.

Will you keep these nomad people united
by making others pay for your faults?



Enough! Lay down your sword!

What are you trying to do? Lay it down!

What do we live for?

What do we fight for and be a martyr?

In this world which we could not control

why do we go to endless battles?

To trample on our ancestors' legacies...

...or keep that legacy over our heads!

Do not let our legacy
become forlorn, brother.


You behaved shamefully.

We trusted Tugtekin and gave him
commandership of Alps, but...

Tugtekin has crossed the line this time.

Ertugrul behaved Tugtekin as he deserved.

So he saved your,
my and your father honor.

You speak the truth, Mother.
Tugtekin has crossed the line.

But it is our Alps who stabbed Tugtekin
in the back Ertugrul's Alps.

Things would not have come this far.

If we do not keep unity in nomad tent

we will finish ourselves before Mongols.

Just like Cain and Abel.

How long will you let him crush me...


We need to handle this situation quietly.

He who gets up in anger,
sits down with a loss.

I could not believe you.

You are still favoring him.

He humiliated me in front of everyone.

You are still favoring him, father.

My aunt and him.

He is not just someone.
Do not you understand?

You always favored Ertugrul!

You always thought he is better than me!
You still do!

His Alps betrayed and followed Noyan!
You are still defending him!


Do you know why all these
have happened, father?

Do you know why all these
have happened, father?

Because of you!

Because of you! You always favored him!

Now, answer me!

Do you favor Ertugrul
because you love him

or because you are afraid of him?

Tell me, father. Are you afraid of him?

Tell me, are you afraid of him?

Ertugrul would have never
humiliated himself

by hauling down the flag of a nomad tribe
and stepping on it!

But you are too weak
and stupid to see this!

Get out!




Tugtekin's dignity is Dodurga's dignity.

So, it your dignity.

You must restore Tugtekin's dignity.

You must bring rebellious Kayi Alps
into the line.

Every move I made comes right back at me
in these rough times, Aytolun.

Do not see it?
-I see it, Bey.

But, we must teach Ertugrul a lesson.

Or he will fetter you
instead of obeying you.

How will do that, Aytolun? How?

On one side my dear sister Hayme.

On the other side cherry of
Oghuz's cheek, Ertugrul.

Is it easy?

Execute Abdurrahman.

You enjoy the best of both worlds.

So, Dodurga people will be happy

and Kayi people will pay a price.

What is happening?

-What are you doing?
-Move aside!

-What do you want from Abdurrahman?
-Move aside!

-Move aside! Move aside!
-Take your hands off me!

Tell me who send you and
what you want from Abdurrahman?

Move aside, Korkut Bey's orders!

What do you want?

Your time is up, Abdurrahman.

Why are you grinning, treacher?

Neither your Bey nor you can tell me
my time is up.

But God can.

Will you talk like this while a horse
is dragging your carcass?

Move! Move!
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