02x18 - Zaferin Serefi

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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02x18 - Zaferin Serefi

Post by bunniefuu »

Turali. You are here.


Are you going to stand there and watch me?

Or are you going to help me?

You wonder what am I doing, right?

I am making a steel glove
for Ertugrul Bey.

So, he can grab his sword as he used to.

So, he can avenge your parents and Aykiz.

We dug one grave for each.
This is why we are late.

I am sorry, Bey.


They have their finger on the pulse.

Otherwise, why would they
k*ll a miserable man?

They want us to starve in winter.

This is going to be harder
than we thought, brother.

It is but I have another question
in my mind.


Apparently, Noyan will
cause trouble in winter.

If Ertugrul is right

will Dodurga share their food with us?

Selcan Hatun.

Apparently, you are not alright.

Your patterns are uneven.

You are not making it right.
Go to your tent and rest for a while.

I will do it again.

Leave it!

Leave it!

Apparently, Gundogdu Bey's anger
hurt you a lot.

Selcan! Selcan!

Go, pull yourself together
and then come back to rug loom.


Run, run!


Are you alright?

He is a Kayi.

Move! Move aside! Move!

Do not stand up, you are hurt!

Find Gundogdu Bey for me!
I have words for him!


Run and get Gundogdu now!

Hold on! Hold on!

What are you looking at?
Go and get help, now! Now!

Hold on! Hold on, Bey!

So, you are going to help.

Call Artuk Bey.

Let me pass. Move aside. Let him breathe.


-What happened?

Bey, Hamza...


Hamza did it, Bey.

He wanted to k*ll me.

Kargin and he left with 11 Alps.

-He left!
-Where did he go, Gunkut?

To Noyan, Bey.

They betrayed all of us.

No, Hamza could not have done this.

You got us into trouble, Gundogdu.

Kocabash, prepare the horses,
we go after traitors.

Yes, Bey.

Move aside! Move aside!

Come on, help.

With the name of God, slowly.


What is going on, brother?
You came in without permission.

Tugtekin was right.

Hamza is a traitor!

Probably, so is Abdurrahman!

What are you saying, brother?

Hamza and Kargin took Noyan's side
with 11 Kayi Alps!

He also wounded a Kayi Alp
who tried to stop the treason!

Sick bastard.

People will follow him, Hayme.

Kayi tribe is rotten to the core
but we have not seen it.

You must put a stop to other people's
possible betrayals now!


Execute Abdurrahman.

If he confesses his crimes,
finish him off immediately.

If he does not

take his life slowly
and make an example of him!

This way. This way!

Something is wrong, Turgut.

Something happened in nomad tent
while we were away.


Tugtekin was right.

Hamza is a traitor.

What happened?

He took 12 Alps to Noyan.


Because of him,
they think Abdurrahman is a traitor too.

They want to execute him.
They are in headquarters talking about it.


...this is going to end badly.

We must take precautions.

It is not too late
to take precautions, Bey.

You still have a chance.

How could you enter the headquarters
without permission, Ertugrul?

How could you take revenge while you are
securing the justice, Uncle?

Oghuz traditions do not let a brave Alp
pay for other's treason.


...we are talking about what to do
in here.

We have not decided yet.

Beys will make someone pay for their rage.

They look for a scapegoat.
The scapegoat will be Abdurrahman.

I do not let this happen.

This is all because of your obstinacy.

Now you dogmatize!

After you came, Alps got confused
and did not know who is their commander.

Now, they turned their backs to Beys
and changed their side.

I told you, Noyan would not wait
for his army.

You did not hear my words.

While you were hiding your head
in the sand, Noyan started the w*r.

Do not force me into a corner, Ertugrul.

I will show no mercy even to you.

You disturbed the peace in nomad tents.

Do not get in our way.

You have no place in this headquarters.

Get out, now!

Stop it, Ertugrul Bey. Enough.

It is a pity for your mother and uncle.

Your uncle was always praising you
to the skies.

Whenever he said your name,
he would be happy.

Now, he cannot sleep and have anything.

Enough is enough.

Dodurga was united until you came back
from death.

Enough is enough.

Do not be stubborn, obey your Beys.

This is what a brave man like you must do.

Where did they go?

You are stubborn, right?

Where did they go, aunt-in-law?

To north.

Korkut Bey ordered us not to allow you
inside, Ertugrul Bey.

You cannot enter the tent.


We will get you out of here, Abdurrahman.
Be ready.

Do not let me die
before I prove my innocence, Bey.

Do not worry.

Ertugrul Bey, do not make us do things
that we do not want to do.


I will come back, Abdurrahman.

Bey, let us come with you.

Stay here. Keep an eye on Abdurrahman.

Yes, Bey.

Yes, Bey.

There is something
I want you to know, Ertugrul Bey.

I am listening, Halime Sultan.

You mother is disappointed in you
as your brother.

And even angry.

But know that they are both feeling sorry.

I know.

I am not feeling resentful towards them.

They do what they think is right.

They think about sending you into exile
with Turgut and Dogan.

That is what I want, Halime Sultan.

I cannot do anything
in this nomad tent.

Do not worry.

Everyone will realize the truth
sooner or later.

So, what is my role, Bey?

Waiting patiently, Halime Sultan.

Waiting patiently.

Beys, headquarters will give a judgment
about Abdurrahman Alp.

Do you have anything to say?


Wise men of our nomad tents!

You are making a mistake.

Headquarters will decide whether
it is right or wrong, Wild Demir.

The truth is obvious.

No treason goes unpunished.

Ayes for the execution of Abdurrahman Alp?

On a day that Kayi Beys see fit,
the execution will take place.

Shame on you!

They went this way.

They might have set a trap.

Maybe with Mongols.

Kocabash, go down and tell Alps
to follow us from up.

-Maintain eye contact.
-Yes, Bey.

Come on, to the horses!

Ertugrul Bey, I was not expecting you.

How could you betray them, Hamza?

Someone must put a stop
to Gundogdu Bey's mistakes.

That must have been you.

But you chose to die instead of obeying.

First, you lost your hand

then stopped being an Alp.

Noyan will not stop until he kills you.

What did bastard Noyan give you
to get you betray your nomad people?

I am not content with what I have
unlike your brother Gundogdu, Ertugrul!

Now, lower your sword.

Until the traitors are dead,
I will not sheathe my sword.



I know your hand is crippled.

Take down this man
who is attacking your Bey!

I said take this man down! Take him down!

Treacherous dogs!

Treacherous bastards!

The new Bey of your nomad tent
is me, Ertugrul!

From now on, you will obey me.

You did a lot of things for us.

I spare your life.

But do not get in my way again, Ertugrul.

Or I will be your angel of death.

Treacherous dogs!

k*ll me! k*ll me!

I would not k*ll a one-handed man.

Tie him up!

If I do not put your heads on my spear
and walk around with them

I shall not be known
as the son of Suleyman Shah.

If God permits, you will not fall prey
to the wolves, Ertugrul.

These mountains are not safe.

Greetings to your brother Gundogdu.

I will take his life soon.

You time is running out, Noyan's dog.

We are leaving, Alps! Come on!

God, give me my sword hand back.

God, do not humiliate me
in front of my enemies.

Where are the tracks?

Tugtekin, we will find them. Do not worry.

This is happening because of Ertugrul!

We should have ex*cuted
Abdurrahman and Hamza!

We should have done it!

We will do what is necessary
for our nomad tent.

Calm down a little.

Come on, we are heading back
to nomad tent.

You are my Johnny-on-the-spot, Geyikli.

You are everywhere.

We must see who sends a Johnny
to those in need.

Thank you. May you live long.

Cranes brought news from bastard Noyan.

He is back from Ogeday's place.
He wants to cause trouble to nomad tent.

We will cause trouble to him first.

I need to free Abdurrahman. Good bye.

We wanted to be united
but they stabbed us in the back.

We shared our food

and tents but peace has left
our nomad tent.

Peace must be restored
in the nomad tent, Korkut Bey.

Or you will lose Dodurga because of Kayi.

Beys, you all knew there could be problems
when you accepted unity.

Despite all possible problems,
we decided to unite.

We cannot turn back.

You have nothing to worry about.

You filled your pockets
thanks to Kayi's casualties.

Impertinent! I will cut your tongue off!

Know your place!

This is my headquarters!

Kayis must pay for their treachery.

Or there will be a blood bath.

We want pound of flesh!

Beys in Korkut Bey's marquee
will want pound of flesh from us.

We paid the price before,
so we will pay this too.

We will pay the price

but how will we clear this traitor mark?

We fought many enemies

but none of them hurt me
as much as Hamza did.

What if he was the traitor since
the beginning and led us to slaughter?

Hamza became like this
because of his anger to Gundogdu.

What will we do, Mother?

What does Kayi tribe think
about remigration?

Migration for Kayi is like running
towards Azrael.

We have neither strength
nor goods to migrate.

God, please help us.


Every treachery has a price.

The price will be paid sooner or later.


You call this price?

We already paid a price by sharing
our food and nomad tent with you.

What is the situation, Tugtekin?

The situation is...

Kayi Alps now belong to Noyan.

Every Kayi in nomad tent
can take Noyan's side someday.

How can we live with all these traitors?

Dodurga Beys yielded to their anger.

They throw the baby out
with the bathwater.

I say that Kayis must resign
from their duties in headquarters...

...or their Alps must hand over
their swords

and Abdurrahman must be ex*cuted.

That means Kayis will be our equerries.

They cannot be even our equerries.

If they herd our animals,
that would be enough.

What do you think, Bey?


-Oh God!



Let him breathe!

Are you alright, Bey?

-Take off his caftan!
-Bring water!

-Bring water!

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