01x24 - Kutlu Fetih

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x24 - Kutlu Fetih

Post by bunniefuu »

Continue until he speaks.

You will not even taste the joy
of rotting in the dungeons of Aleppo.

Bamsi? Dogan?



Ertugrul Bey?

Aykiz? My Aykiz.

My Aykiz.

Aykiz. Aykiz.

Ustad, I congratulate you.

My vizier?

Thank God!

I’m grateful to God to see you alive.

My vizier...

...what am I doing here?
What do these men want from me?

Are they...

Are you...

...suspecting me?

Do you think that I betrayed you?


...my eyes are open wide enough
to see the truth.

If you even have
a doubt they I am a traitor...

...if you have the slightest doubt...

...k*ll me here at once without hesitation.

I don’t care about your life...

...or your death...

...as much as I care about
a knot in this Turkmen carpet.

Now, I am listening to you. Speak!

Hasn’t this Turkmen goat herder
spoken yet?

Don’t let him die.

Let me have some fun
while you are having your lunch.

Do not die, alright?
Our fun is not finished yet.

It is my turn to have fun.

Just like the tick in the carpet found its
home, you found your home in this barrel...

...you Turkmen goat herder.

Tell me, Esma. Who else is a Templar
other than you in the palace?

What is the goal of
the Templars within the Aleppo palace?

I wish I would die...

I wish you k*lled me, so I wouldn’t
have to bear the pain of your doubts.

Stop lying to me!

Tell me the truth.

Esma, why did you do this to me?

My vizier, I did not betray you.

I didn’t lie in the court,
when I testified against you either...

...I only told what I saw.

I beg you...

I beg you,
please don’t treat me like a traitor.

What did I do to deserve this?

Who are the other Templars in Aleppo?

How is your trade, Abu Hisam?

Abu Hisam. I yearn for the day I’ll get
rid of this name and these Muslim attires.

But the answer to your question
is positive, Nasir.


Anything that can be converted into money.
Mines, quarries, big fields...

...we will own them all.

Bit by bit.

While El Aziz dreams about
swimming in pools of gold...

...all the treasure of Aleppo will flow
into the cool cellars of our castle.

Until his highness the Ameer turns into
a beggar who begs from the Templars...

...we shall take everything he has.

Then, I shall give you the good news.

Ertugrul is in our hands.

You will give him to me.

You have to learn to be patient,
my precious friend.

After we use that goat herder as a bait
to pull Sahabeddin into our trap...

...then Ertugrul will be yours.

Do we have permission, sisters?

Of course, please.

My children...

...how much you hurt inside
can be seen from the tears in your eyes.

Not knowing the fate of those whom you
wait is eating your heart out like a worm.

Your pain is great.
But big dreams require big sacrifices.

Who sees the dream, my Effendi?
Will Ertugrul and Turgut be sacrificed?

Once upon a time, Prophet Abraham
wanted to have a son.

He prayed to God over and over again.

He said if he had a son,
he would sacrifice him to God.

One day, Prophet Abraham was touched
by a piece of eternal mercy of God...

...and Ishmael opened his eyes to this world.

Then, one day Abraham saw a dream.

In his dream he saw that
he was sacrificing Ishmael.

He told this dream to Ishmael.

A son is like an essence of the father.
Ishmael was a believer like his father.

He accepted.

He said, “do not grieve, father.
Carry out your promise to our Great God.”

As his heart rose with compassion,
as his soul got ripped apart with pain...

...he put the Kn*fe to Ishmael’s neck
at a dark corner.

Just at that moment, Gabriel came down
with a sacrificial ram on his lap.

God witnesses that you are one of those
who keep their promises.

Take that Kn*fe from Ishmael’s neck
and sacrifice this.

Thank God.

It is like this, my children.

Those who dream big and keep their promise
need to be ready for big sacrifices.

Ertugrul and his companions
are passionate to see a good dream...

...for the Muslim world
who are living in a nightmare right now.

That is why they put their necks
to the Kn*fe like Ishmael.

Kn*fe will not be hurt from them.

With His help, the Compassionate
and the Merciful God...

...won’t let those brave men to be hurt.

You scared us, Halime.

I am so sorry, governess.
I made you worry.

When an ache struck like that
all of a sudden...

Are you better now?

I am better, thank you.

Your father is here, outside.

Stop. Don’t try to get up.

Governess, let us invite him in.

And I shall take some fresh air.

Come in, Numan Effendi.

My girl.

Thank God I am well, father.

-Tell me, my girl.

I am aware of what happened.

I know what happened to Ertugrul, father.

First Yigit, now Ertugrul.

How will we get rid of this trouble we are in, father?

My girl...

His highness Ameer would like to
see Numan Effendi.

My girl.

Your highness, when the whole Muslim world
was in the dark...

...you rose up like the sun above Aleppo.
I am thankful to God for this.

You are the hope not only for this this city
but all the sufferers.

Don’t say that.

Yes, your highness.


Come in, come close, please.

You know how valuable
these prisoners are for us.


Everything in this world will be over,
everything will be forgotten...

...everything will be forgiven...

...but I will not forgive you!

I will never forget
what you have done to us!

You lowlife dog!

I wanted to introduce you to two of
the most precious persons of Aleppo.

-Peace be upon you.
-And peace be upon you.

And peace be upon you, Kurdoglu.

Since I have seen you so well father...

...nothing bothers me anymore.

Thank you, God.

And you gave me the good news of
a grandchild, son.

You made me happy.

We are in a bind once again,
Suleyman Shah.

-Rahman told us.
-I understand.

What will we do, my Bey?
What is on your mind?

We are passing the straight path, Kurdoglu.

We will clear this matter without
harming or being harmed...

...and without falling into hell.

Why did they imprison my brother?

It is a game of these Crusader infidels.

Templars have infiltrated everywhere.

Then we should go and
bring down the sky on top of them.

So many Alps have become martyrs
because of these infidels.

Our tribe got scattered.
We almost went to w*r with Kara Toygar.

We won’t find peace until
we finish them all.

But Gundogdu, the tribe is on migration.
We are not ready for a w*r.

I told you that Aleppo would be our grave.

Do not worry, Kurdoglu.
Someone from our blood will come and...

...won’t leave our graves here.

Now, listen to me closely.

Another valuable friend of mine
whom I want you to meet it...

Open the door!

Your highness Ameer.

What kind of an imprudence is this?
What do you think you are doing?

Nasir, I am hoping that you will give a
suitable punishment to this tactless man.

-Of course.

His highness Ameer...

...regarding Commander Nasir’s order
to collect information on a case...

...we have attained vital news.

That is why I had to barge in.
I beg for your forgiveness.

Commander, as per your order, we looked
everywhere and we are now sure that...

...servant Esma has been kidnapped
from the palace.

Excuse me!


Go and search...

...every house in Aleppo one by one
if necessary and find Esma, Nasir.

I mean, right now.

Tomorrow, we will be leaving for Aleppo.
Either we will get our homeland from there...

...or we will die! There is no other way.

What about Ertugrul?

We do not know what he is accused of.

We shall learn and act accordingly.

Gundogdu, you shall go to
the moorland where we will settle.

Have the tribe settle there but be ready
for a w*r that might start anytime.

Deli Demir, you ready the weapons.

As you wish, my Bey.

What will we do now, Nasir?

What if Aftalia speaks?

You don’t know Aftalia, Titus.

She would never do anything to harm
the Templars, you can be rest assured.

You have still not learned that
you can never be sure about people, Nasir.

We cannot risk it.

We should find Aftalia and bring her back,
whatever the cost.

Dead or alive.

We are almost sure that they have kidnapped her
from the palace, right?

Has anything happened lately
that drew your attention?

Think a bit harder.

No. Nothing.

We took Ertugrul and
put him in the dungeon.

The rest was ordinary palace chores.

What about before?


Where are you taking these?

His highness Ameer and Leila Sultan’s
governess Ummulhayr Hanim ordered us...

...to change the carpets of the Harem.


Bring the governess to me!

Nasir is looking for Esma
everywhere in the palace.

He will be aware of her absence soon.


...they tortured him in the dungeon.

-My brother, don’t!

We are not like them. We do not t*rture.

We do not owe our enemies
anything but justice.

There is more news.

Some people came to the lodge
from your tribe.

They said two young women and an old man.

They asked the bookseller about Ertugrul.

I am going.


...I told you not to be like Kara Toygar.

But you are suffocated in your illiteracy.

I hope you can change
some things before it is too late.

I give you my respects, Commander Nasir.

What am I doing here, Commander?

Are you interrogating me?

How can I do such a thing,
Ummulhayr Hanim?

You are the mother of this palace.
How can you say that?

There is only one small issue
that stuck on my mind.

-I wanted to consult you about that.
-Do ask, I am listening.

Did you recently give an order to donate
the old carpets of the palace to the poor?

We continuously donate the old items in
the palace to the poor...

...but I have not given
such an order recently.

Moreover, you know me, Commander...

...I do these charity work without showing off.

Of course we know this, governess. You are
the soul of Aleppo carved from a jewel.

The protective wing of Aleppo’s poor.

I do apologize for my inconvenience.


You can go back to your quarters.


Prepare your regiment immediately.

To a city where Ertugrul is in chains,
where even the Alps cannot escape...

...how could you send Gokce?

Selcan! Gokce volunteered to go.

Have you forgotten that
our women are as brave as our men?

Do not worry. Nothing will happen to them.

Would Deli Demir leave them and return
if they were in an insecure place?

Mother Hayme, Gokce is my only companion.

If she is gone as well...

...how can I bear this pain?

Do not fear.

Selcan, look at me.

Nothing will happen to them.
Do you understand?

Do not fear.

God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest

God is the Greatest, God is the Greatest

My vizier, you can tell
anything to this lad.

He would even forget the message himself
after he delivers it.

There are a few men that I trust in the
palace. You will tell them where we are.

They will whisper our location to
Ertugrul and he can manage the rest.

Come on, lads, let’s do this.

Great God!

Stop! What are you doing?

We have to leave immediately. Wear
the guard’s uniform. We have to hurry.


Where are you taking that?

What is inside it?

Put it down!

Great God!


My vizier, you should leave.

My vizier, you should leave,
we will take care of him.


My vizier, please go.

My vizier, go! Come on!

This way.

Go inside here, my Bey.

God damn it!

Guards! Guards!

He shall not even stick
his nose out of the palace...

...or I will have all of you ex*cuted,



Where is Leila Sultan, my girl?

I did not see her this morning, governess.

Where is she?


Search the Harem immediately. Find Leila
Sultan wherever she is and inform me.

As you wish.

Governess, why are you so worried?

His highness loves his sister very much.
He wants to know every move of her.

What am I going to do?

This is all I can do, my Bey.

Go down this hall.

It will take you to Nasir’s room.

This is a very dangerous plan,
may God be on your side.

-As Aykutluk said, you are a brave man.
-Thank you.

You fools. God damn you all!

Commander, we have found
two of our guards’ dead.

Get out!
Get out and find that man, get out!

Did I make you angry?

What do you want, Ertugrul?

Everyone in Aleppo to know who you are!

Then you have to k*ll me.

Because no one can break my sealed lips.


Are you going to poison yourself
and die like a foaming rabid dog?

I don’t think so, Nasir.

You are a coward dog.

You should see your own face. It is
as white as the shroud of the Sultan.

You still haven’t seen that great power
you are fighting against, right?

I will destroy you and
your reckless tribe to the last man.

I’m not afraid of being k*lled.

I have seen the drooling bodies of your
dogs that were after me, so many times.

I even lost count.

I don’t think you are as devoted as
those dogs of yours, Nasir.

When it comes to k*lling you...

...one more or one less.
It makes no difference to me.

If you hurt me...

...Shahzada’s daughter Halime,
for whom you went all into this trouble...

Do you think we are stupid, Ertugrul?

We know everything.

If something happens to me...

...Shahzada’s daughter Halime,
her brother who is our prisoner...

...and your Alp Turgut...

...may turn up dead.

I already took my precautions, Ertugrul.

I have countless men in this palace
who would take Halime’s life...

...that Titus couldn’t succeed with his arrow.

I am not even counting
the ones in Kayi.

What happened, Ertugrul?
Have you changed your mind about k*lling me?

Go on, k*ll me.

What are you waiting for?
k*ll me, Ertugrul!

I will expose the people
who made you do this one by one.


...may God be my witness that I shall
k*ll you with my own hands, Nasir.
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