01x11 - Hain Kim?

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x11 - Hain Kim?

Post by bunniefuu »

Suleyman. Suleyman.


Dear God.

You will pay for this.
Your tribe will be exterminated!

You won’t have any daylight to see.

Look at that lowlife dog, still barking!

Stop! What are you doing?
Didn’t you hear Bey’s orders?

Would a Kayi member violate
his Bey’s order?

Suleyman, you are not well,
let me call Akcakoca to come and see you.

Do not worry, Hayme. I am only tired.

Where are the Bey symbols?

Kurdoglu’s doings. Come on.

Lay back.

Never mind.

Do not frown, Hayme.
Let us catch our breath first...

...we will talk about what happened later.

He swung his sword and...

...cut the enemy’s throat.

I wish I could have been there
and saw it with my own eyes.

You know, when I grow up I will be like
my brother Ertugrul...

...as strong and as brave as him.


If you keep this up,
you will surpass all the Alps, Dundar.

Brother? Yigit was telling me
how you fought with the enemy.

He was very brave as well,
did he tell you those as well?

I will go and check on my father.

Tell me now.
Did you do the job I gave you?

After you left,
something happened to the tribe.

They stoned sister Halime's tent.

-They stoned the tent?

-And sister Halime was inside.

Thank God my mother came
and scored them off.

Then she took sister Halime to our tent.

I know you are troubled.
I know you went through a lot.

But these are all temporary,
you know how to pass these difficulties.

I did not only make a problem for myself,
I made a problem for others as well.

Be more gentle, Hatun.

Should I grieve for my Alps
who set off with me and d*ed...

...or that I was a c*ptive of that dog Kara Toygar.

Should I be embarrassed because our Bey,
my father surrendered himself just to save me...

...or that Ertugrul came and played the hero!

They sowed the seeds,
Kara Toygar mowed you.

Are you blaming yourself
for being grinded in the millstone?

The real culprits are enjoying themselves.


Welcome, Ertugrul Bey.
I was coming to see you.

Brother, mother should have prepared
some food, let me go and check.

My heart was right.
You kept your promise once again.

You brought my father and brother
back to me safe and sound.

May God bless you, Ertugrul Bey.

Thank God, we had the chance to return.

I heard about what some people did
when we were gone, Halime Sultan.

I heard that some presumptuous people
did some unforgivable things.

They betrayed their Bey and
customs to stone a tent.

You were not here but...

...Bey’s wife, most gracious Mother Hayme
stood before them like a mountain.

-She took me under her wings.
-They will pay for what they did.

You have returned safe and sound,
that is enough for me.

As I am thankful to God, I have
no place for anger in my heart or tongue.

Do not dwell on those tactless people,
Ertugrul. They were in pain.

They lost their loved ones because of us.

You have such a pure heart, even the evil
things done against you cannot defile it.

In the lifetime allocated to us,
there are things which are good or evil.

We thank God, when He gives a sorrow,
He gives a remedy as well.

My father told me that you will be with us
until we leave the Seljuk territory.

If God permits.

I will be beside the tree.

With your permission, I would like to
introduce you to a very nice girl.

Gundogdu Bey...

...if there is someone who should be
ashamed, that person is not you.

Ertugrul should be ashamed
as he led this curse upon our tribe.

Look at the situation I am in, Hatun.

Look how embarrassed I felt in front of the people!

My honor is crushed.

Do not worry, people know the truth.

Wind cannot rock a stone,
only takes the dust on it.

Giving up does not suit you.
Now come to the table.

Your father expects all the family
to be there.

What will happen now, my Bey?
What if Kara Toygar speaks?

We will do whatever is needed.
The arrow has been thrown.

It's not up to fate to see who gets sh*t.

My Bey, even if we deal with Kara Toygar...

...we fueled the fire in the tribe while
Suleyman Shah was gone.

Won’t he ask about the culprits?

If he starts to investigate the matter,
my head will be on the line first.

Baybora, we are in a storm
at the moment.

If you tremble like a dried leaf,
you can be scattered!

Be strong!

What should I do then, my Bey?

Go and hide for a while.

I will call you back when
the dust settles.

-Alright, my Bey.
-And what are we going to do, my Bey?

What we are going to do?

We will return the symbols to Suleyman Shah...

...that we preserved in his absence.

-Where is your brother?
-He is talking with sister Halime.

I am sorry that I am late.

Gokce, come on my girl, you sit as well.

In the name of God, the Compassionate,
the Merciful.

We delayed it due to these
recent events but...

...I need to take the signed letter
back to Aleppo, father.

The guests would like to go as well.
I do not know their destination...

...but we discussed that
we can at least go to Aleppo together.

If you give permission.

After the headquarters and the funerals,
we shall think about it.


There it is, Alpargu...

...we brought back the Bey symbols to
where they belong.

-What is happening, Rahman?
-Kurdoglu brought back the Bey symbols.

He asks for permission to come in.

Tell him to wait.

Now, tell me.
Who told you the tent Hamza was hiding in?

Come on. I am listening. Tell me.

Who was behind this malice?

I cannot talk, my Bey.
If I do, they would k*ll me.

So they would k*ll you.

Who told you that
we would spare you if you don’t?

Go on, talk, you dog!

The stones you threw to sister Halime's
tent, were they as big as these?


...so that you have a chance.

Who provoked you to att*ck? Who? Tell me!


...these valiant people
do not deserve small stones like pebbles.

Big rocks like this one are more suitable.

It was Baybora.

It was Baybora’s doing.


As if my brother’s madness,
my father’s stubbornness...

...and the cruelty of the enemy
is not enough...

...we have a traitor within us.

A traitor who sells
his own people to the enemy.

Who is this traitor?

If I knew...

If I knew,
I would punish him with my own hands.

But he must be very close.

So there is a traitor nearby teaming up
with the enemy but you still...

...hide in your tent and keep quiet,
is that so?

Don’t you understand? You are
the only hope for this tribe, Gundogdu.

Don’t leave the field empty for others
to roam, don’t let unity of the tribe...

...fall apart for those faceless people
who we don’t know anything about.

The people you have been whinging about,
do you know who they are…


They are from the Seljuk dynasty, Hatun.

The man called Numan is a Shahzada and
that girl you look down on, is a sultan.

Now I understand everything
that has happened.

The trouble Ertugrul brought
to our tribe overwhelmed him as well.

Will you sit here and watch like
an outsider or will you get up...

...show what you are made of?
-Don’t you understand, Hatun?

He is the one who is protecting
the Shahzada and his family...

...he is the one who saved me,
he is the one who saved my father...

...he is the one who captured KaraToygar.

-There is no but to it!

Enough. I am tired.

After we leave the Seljuk territory
safely with the help of Ertugrul Bey...

...the rest is my duty, my Shahzada.
You can be rest assured.

You have helped us greatly
in our time of need, Afsin Bey.

-Thank you.
-Not at all, my Shahzada. It is my duty.


My son?

I am fed up of running away.
We are always on the roads.

We are always running away.
I get scared while running away, father.

This is the first time I had a friend.
For the first time I played games.

I don’t want to leave, father.
Let us stay here.

But we have to go, my son.

For your sister, for your future...

...we have to go.

I saw this mare in the mountains
where I had gone to become an Alp.

She was different from the other mares.
Wilder and more maverick.

She was very hard to catch,
even harder to bring to the tribe.

She was very stubborn.

Then she drank the water of the tribe,
ate its bread. She was tamed.

As she believed and trusted,
she understood her value in my eyes.

She is yours now.
If you give permission...

...I named her Sultan.

God willing...

...you shall never be separated from her.

We have a long journey ahead.

Even if the end is imminent,
the journey is ours.

Thank you, Ertugrul Bey.

I will take care of Sultan.

She will be by my side as long as I live.

With my apologies, my Bey.

We found out the person
who provoked the people.

-Who was it?

I hope you did not get bored of waiting,

I know you don’t like it at all.

Not at all, my Bey.

We would wait for you
until our last day if needed.

May it be easy on you, my Bey.
God spared you for us.

What happened is in the past.

You tell me now, what happened
in the tribe while I was away?

Some people saw Hamza, my Bey.
They got suspicious.

They created a bit of
a havoc in the tribe.

Thank God, Mother Hayme came out and
put those tactless people in their place.

Hayme may have put those tactless people
in their place, what did you do, Kurdoglu?

First I gathered the Beys
in the tent to calm them down.

I did not want them to see
the tent empty and to think that...

...no one is leading them. Otherwise,
things might have gone out of control.

We did what we had to do and
controlled the situation, thanks to you.


...what about taking
the Bey symbols out, Kurdoglu?

My Bey...

...while Hayme Hatun was dealing with
her own troubles here...

...I didn't think it would be wise to deal
with the tribe issues here as well.

Thank you.

But, there is a traitor in the tribe,
this is obvious.

As I said, my Bey...

...some people saw Hamza. They must have
seen him while Akcakoca was going in...

...and getting out of the tent.

This is not one, not two, Kurdoglu.

When they ambushed the tribe,
someone showed them the way.

The same person informed Kara Toygar about
the trap we set at the place of exchange.

If Ertugrul did not change the plan...

...we would have been k*lled
at those rocks.

If there is such a traitor, my Bey, I would
skin him alive in the middle of the tribe.

Do you have any other orders for me, my Bey?

We will gather the Beys at
the headquarters and talk about the trial.

My wish is to send Kara Toygar
to the Sultan to be judged.

Support me in the headquarters. Help me.
We need to calm down the public.

This is the wisest decision, my Bey.

Do not worry.


...my valiant wife.
We have been through hard times.

Do not overthink these things. Kurdoglu
did what he had to do. Do not dwell on it.

You know best, my Bey.

What are you doing in my tent?

There is a ring of fire all around us,
what would people think?

Do not speak in vain, Kurdoglu.
We are partners of crime now.

We will either rise together
or we will sink together.

Moreover, when you hear the thing
I came here to tell you...

...you will be thanking me.

Do you know who those migrating birds
that took refuge in our tribe really are?

Yes, Kurdoglu Bey. I shall inform
Gundogdu Bey that you will visit him.

He will be glad.

What happened, Ertugrul? Why did you
fall on my tent like a lightning?

Do you know where Baybora is?

How should I know, Ertugrul?
But if you need him, I can send someone.

Do not bother yourself. I will find him.



Ertugrul and Halime were together
under a tree all alone.

It is obvious that Ertugrul Bey
is determined to go with them.

I saw them with my own eyes.

-He gave that girl a horse as a present.

I have to take matters
in my own hands once again.

You can sit and cry, Gokce.

Ertugrul has connected the dots.

Finish off Baybora.

We have to break the chain before
it gets tangled around our throats.

Do I have permission, father?

Come in, my girl, come.

How are you, father? Do you need anything?

Thank you, my dear. How are you?

How is Gundogdu?

He is sad, father. I am afraid that
he may not recover from this.

He is in great pain but the worst one
is the Alps who got k*lled.

He came up with the idea of
going to Aleppo. He found a new home...

...but he did not even have the chance
to be happy when he heard the news.

When Ertugrul said that he will return
to Aleppo, he got even more depressed.

If Gundogdu can go to Aleppo,
he might recover somewhat.

I do not know what to do.
I'm just waiting.

Gundogdu on one side
and Gokce on the other.

When she learned that Ertugrul and Halime
will go to Aleppo, she got depressed.

You know how sensitive she is.

She worries that a shadow might
cast over her happiness with Ertugrul.

Look, son...

...the thing you are forging is
a bar of iron, not Kara Toygar’s head.

It is as if you have a problem
but you do not talk about it.

What use would talking do?

What use would keeping quiet do?

Look now...

...there is one problem
which is beyond all other problems.

It is beyond migrating or
fighting in a battle.

My Bey...

...there is someone who wants to see you.

It is such a big problem that many Beys,
many valiant Alps cannot handle it.

I have such a problem Deli Demir
that I cannot speak of it.

I do not know the words
that can describe this problem.

The tongue is only
a messenger of the heart, son.

The problem is not in the tongue
but in the heart.

If your heart is right...

...both your words and your heart will find their way.

But your problem is obvious, son.

There is only one problem
that scares a brave...

...and that is love.

If you open your heart
to the one you love...

...you would grow like an sycamore tree.

If you do not...

...a worm would start eating you alive
from inside.

Even if you are a great sycamore tree,
you would fall down.

How can I do it?

She can never abandon her father or
brother and I cannot abandon my home.

Tribe is a tribe with loved ones.
Home is a home with loved ones.

You are Ertugrul with your love...

...if you do not have love,
any place you call home...

...any sword you swing to the infidels
would not satisfy you.

Come on,
break that chain on your tongue...

...so that your heart can have some peace.
-The corpses of our Alps are coming.

What advantage will you gain over this?

We don’t want you to settle on our borders
and be trouble for us. That is all.

According to Kara Toygar,
you are an intelligent man.

If he is right,
all three of us want the same thing.

Both Kayis’ and your rescue depends on
Kara Toygar’s being commander of the army

He is the only person that would make
you Bey and let your tribe migrate...

...to anywhere you like.
You are in a big trouble Kurdoglu.

You are responsible for the death
of those Alps you will bury soon.

You cannot clean your hands without
becoming the Bey of the tribe.

It’s not possible to get Kara Toygar
out of the tribe but...

...if you are as strong as
you claim to be...

...you can save him.

Why did we need to meet secretly, Alpargu?


...found out that you provoked the public.

-He probably made your dogs talk.

You lowlife! I warned you all!

I told you that we cannot get away
with it! You did not hear me!

It was you and Kurdoglu that made
everything come to this point.

What will I do now?

Get on your horse and run away.
Don’t ever look back.

Where will I go? Where?

I have children.
How can I leave them behind and go?

You shall return when
we set everything straight.

This is not a dirt on the hand
that can be washed away in a few seconds.

So many Alps d*ed,
all the goods in the caravan are gone.

-You think Suleyman Shah would let it go?
-Control yourself, Baybora!

How can I go without them?

How can my children live
in the tribe with this shame?

You lowlife!

Do not worry...

...I will look after your family.

For the men who d*ed...

God is the Greatest.

God is the Greatest.

God is the Greatest.

Peace be upon you and God’s blessings.

Peace be upon you and God’s blessings.

Our brothers ask for your
blessing one last time.

-Do you bless them?
-We bless them!

-Do you bless them?
-We bless them!

-Do you bless them?
-We bless them!

If God permits,
they will forgive us as well.

For our Prophet Muhammad's intercession...

...for our brothers’ soul...

...for our tribe’s unity and abundance...

For God’s mercy...

...recite Al Fatiha prayer.
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