01x09 - A Greater Good

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boston Legal". Aired: October 3, 2004 – December 8, 2008.*
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Follows the exploits of former Practice character Alan Shore, and his passionate co-workers, at the fictional offices of Crane, Poole & Schmidt.
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01x09 - A Greater Good

Post by bunniefuu »

MAN: It is also my expert opinion
that the document analysis is reliable...

...as these handwriting samples
are comparatively similar.

ATTORNEY: I see...
- I am so bored.

- Shh.
- I need to get back to the office...

...I have so much work to do.

The sample provided on the top...

...contains the same content
as the original on the bottom.

Namely, they are both
the subject's signature.

No pun intended.


- This is actually k*lling me.

- Part of me is dying.
- Shh.

I have a b*mb.


- This is better.
BOMBER: Remember me, judge?

Fifteen to twenty
for aggravated manslaughter?

Well, I got out today.
And you know what?

I'm still aggravated.

Sit down!

Do you mind, we're trying
to conduct a trial here.

Get over here!


Did you hear me? I said I had a b*mb.

No, you don't, and here's why:
A, you said, "manslaughter."

You didn't have the guts
for m*rder one the first time.

B, if you're clever enough
to make that "aggravation" joke...

...you know that threatening
to have a b*mb...

...carries a much lesser sentence
than actually wearing one.

C, that coat is fairly svelte.

And D, if you really had a b*mb
you wouldn't need to have a hostage.

- Would you?
- I do have a b*mb.

Come on, we've got two more expert
witnesses to get through by lunch.

You could speed through your testimony
just to keep up with our schedule.

- Uh-huh.
- Sit down or I'll blow this thing!

You don't have a b*mb.

- Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
- No, you don't.

- Prove it.
- Mr. Chase...

I was a hostage negotiator as a Marine.
This man does not have a b*mb.

I do too.

- You're interrupting.
JUDGE: Mr. Chase...

- Show me the b*mb.
- I'll blow this!

Show it to me.

I'm not gonna show you.

I didn't think so.




What do you know.

What's that thing?

It's an ornament.
Christmas tree ornament.

Can't go to court like that.

Course not.

- You okay, Denny?
- It's this case.

It seems like I've done nothing else
but work on it for the last three weeks.

What in particular about the case
is bothering you?

I don't know what it's about.

It's, well... If you, say,
were going to briefly describe it...

...to someone who was clueless,
what would you say?

I'd say we represent
a big drug company.

- Yes, that's the part I like.
- Then I'd say they're being sued...

...by a woman who claims
she was wrongfully removed...

...from the company's clinical trial
of a potent new diabetes medicine.

That's where I lose track.

Special pills make woman happy.
Company take pills away.

Woman sue
to get back on special pills.

- Got it.
MARTIN: Denny.

Martin. Hey, Martin.

You remember Alan Shore.

It's an ornament.
I head the office cheer committee.

Since I received no late-night call,
I assume we didn't settle.

- We informed your in-house counsel.
- I like to hear things from you.

I feel I have a direct relationship
with you.

- We didn't settle.
- I don't really understand this.

Every legal opinion I've gotten says
the merits fall one-sidedly in our favor.

Legal opinions only go to the law,
Mr. Jeffries.

I had opportunity to view
the plaintiff's videotaped deposition.

She comes off as an extremely
sympathetic and likable person.

- And?
- You don't.

Our fear, and the plaintiff's hope...

...is that the jury will like her
and feel for her pain...

...and attempt to alleviate said pain
with millions and millions of your dollars.

I was under the impression
I hired attorneys...

...who could employ reason
and intellect...

...to offset the emotion
inuring to the plaintiff's favor.

Did I hire the wrong law firm,
Mr. Shore?

Certainly not, sir.
You've hired the best.

Paul, the Meyers age-discrimination case.
We just got the DVD-ROM delivered.

Sixty-five hundred pages
of McNamara documents.

Every useless document
they could dump on here.

They're probably not ready.
This is meant to slow us down.

They want us to ask for a continuance,
because Simmons won't give them any.

Well, we won't be asking for one.
Uh, Miss Heep?

Uh, Miss Wilson, we have a trial
next week. Lori will fill you in.

I want you to pore through
this document.

The likelihood is it contains nothing
relevant, but we can't take any chances.

- Lori will tell you what to look for.
SALLY: I'm sorry.

Um, can you get somebody
to take my place?

You have something else more pressing?

No, but I prefer
not to work on this case.

- Why not?
- It's personal.

- You're making it professional.
SALLY: I'm... I'm just not...

I'm... I'm uncomfortable
working with Tara.

- Because?
- I used to sleep with Alan...

...and now she does.

- And she wants to.
- I do not.

How dare you make a remark to one
of the most senior partners of this firm...

...that I wanna sleep with
another associate here?

Even if I did wanna sleep with
Alan Shore, which I assure you I do not...

But even if your remark was truthful, it
would not make it any less inappropriate.

You're right. I apologize.

- Do you bear some ill will towards me?
- No.

I suppose I regressed to the childish
defense that everybody else is doing it.

I'm not doing it,
I'm not sleeping with Mr. Shore...

...which you very well know.
- I only said you wanted to.

And again, I apologize.

My remark was, as you say,
completely inappropriate.

However accurate.

However accurate.

I've had type-2 diabetes
since I was 25.

It's been the same medicines
pretty much the whole time.

And when you were invited to participate
in a clinical trial of SV113...

...what did your daily regimen

I took one pill in the morning
when I woke up.

ATTORNEY: That's all?
- That was it.

I had more energy.
I was even losing weight.

And no more needles.
It was a godsend...

...until they took it away.
ATTORNEY: And how did that happen?

My doctor told me that the company
had kicked me off the test.

He said that I had broken the rules
of the trial. But I didn't.

- I didn't do anything wrong.
- And after you were taken off the test?

My health deteriorated again, rapidly.

Can you tell us your prognosis today.

I'm dying.
I've got probably five to six years...

...unless something changes

What reason did the company give
for removing you from the SV113 study?

Noncompliance. But I complied.

You're a heavy smoker,
is that correct, Mrs. Hewitt?

- I quit.
- When did you quit, if I may ask?

- A week before the study.
- Just like that.

- Two packs a day, cold turkey.
- My life depended on it.

Some of the doctors and clinicians...

...uh, smelled cigarette smoke on you
during your exams.

My husband's a chain smoker. It was
his smoke they smelled on my clothes.

Amazing. You smoked two packs a day,
you live with a chain smoker...

...and you're able to just quit
cold turkey.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

Mrs. Hewitt, 177 million people
in the world have diabetes.

This drug study is the only way
to get SV113...

...the drug you yourself
called a godsend, approved for sale.

One hundred and seventy-seven million

...are counting on you
to follow the rules, Mrs. Hewitt.

Which I did.

With the stakes being
so enormously high...

...with some 70,000 people dying
every year from diabetes...

...with a desperate need to develop
the drug that can save those lives...

...you realize how important it is
for my client...

...not to take any chances, don't you?

I followed all the rules.

- All in all, I don't think she hurt us.
- She hurt us. I saw the jury.

- Where's our expert?
- Should be in the conference room.

I'll meet you there.

Sally, may I offer you
one little piece of advice?


You're an extremely beautiful
young woman.

- Thanks.
- That's not the advice.

The advice is be on the ware
of senior partners...

...who are looking for the slightest
excuse to plant a big wet one on you.

- Excuse me?
DENNY: They lurk.

And when beautiful women, such as
yourself, stand under the mistletoe...

- Merry Christmas, Sally.
- Let's go meet our expert, Denny.

- I had a blood flow going.
- No doubt.

- Dr. Girard.
- Yes.

Denny Crane, single.

Alan Shore.

- Hello.
- Very nice to meet you.

- Well, should we get started?
- We should.

I'm afraid it's gonna be
a long night.

I'll need to go over every inch of you
with a fine-tooth comb.

I beg your pardon, your testimony.

I'll need to go over your testimony
with the comb.

- Where are we going to do this?
- Right here.

It's not my case, Rene, it's Lori's.

I have no idea where she is. Hang on.
Do you know where Lori is?

- No, I gotta run. I got that dinner thing.
- Oh, go.

- Need a ride anywhere?
- No, thanks, my car's in the garage.

All right,
so, what's the big emergency?

Well, if you have him on the phone,
then ask him.

I don't want anything. I'm offering.

Since we turned over that CD
last second...

...we won't oppose a continuance
if you people want it.

Say you need to page Lori,
ask if she can call him later...

...and then get his cell phone number.

Yeah. That will be great.

Uh, my number is 617-555-0194.

Well, well, well.

Can I get a beer?

- Ooh! Oh!
- Oh!

- Fantastic.
- Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

- It's all right. It's okay.
- How embarrassing.

I'll pay for the dry cleaning,
I assure you.

It's okay. Really.

So besides Miss Hewitt, there were
56 other people removed from the study.

For a drug of this magnitude,
we have to be extremely cautious.

But what motivated your caution?

Please tell me
it was more than a hunch.

These people do suffer from a crippling,
life-threatening disease, doctor.

As do I.

I'm very sorry.

I understand the promise
of a drug like this...

...on a very personal level, Mr. Shore,
but if it endangers people...

How does it endanger people?

How are these 57 people endangered
by SV113?

Fifty-seven, that's an exceptionally
large number of people to purge...

...isn't it, doctor?

How are these people endangered?

They weren't.

Mary Beth Hewitt and the 56 others
were on a different drug.

It was a slight variation from SV113
that we had only begun to investigate.

These people, they knew
they were on this other drug?


So you gave an experimental,
unapproved drug to 57 people...

...and told them
they were taking something else?

As soon as we became aware
of the side effects...

The headaches?

There was onset of acute liver damage
at about six weeks.

There was one prior subject
who went first, and complications...

Please don't look at me as if...

What could possibly have impelled you
to delude these people?

You can't understand.
It takes years to get a drug approved.

And when you spend your life...
I thought...

The company thought that we had
the next polio vaccine, or penicillin.

Except your penicillin
turned out to be a poison.

But as soon as we discovered it,
the company shut the study down.

That's why Mrs. Hewitt was taken off
the drug she thinks was SV113.

To prevent liver failure.

So you're a therapist?

De facto therapist.
I'm really a flight attendant.

- But everybody tells me their problems.
- Oh, do you solve them?

- I do, actually.
- Well, tell me mine.

- I'm sorry?
- My problem.

What am I lamenting
at this very moment?

- I'm embarrassed to say, actually.
- Uh-uh. I insist, tell me.

You're wishing
your girlfriend looked like me.

- Ah, keep going.
- You hate your job.

- Which is?
TARA: I wanna say accountant.

- But I'm gonna say lawyer.
- Oh.

- Am I that obvious?
- I meet lawyers all the time.

They fly a lot.
They're constantly in distress...

...over all the horrible things
they have to do for their horrible clients.

- What are you working on right now?
- A horrible case for a horrible client.

- It's age discrimination.
- Mm. Plaintiff or defense?


- Ooh, bad boy.
- Mm-hm.


Whistle blower?

Yes. There are all sorts
of protections to avail yourself of...

Hold on a second. You're advising
a witness to turn state's evidence...

...against your own client?
- I am.

Look, I was the one
who pushed the study.

I was the one who put those people
on that drug.

You were motivated by the
drug's promise, your employer, by greed.

Can't you get disbarred
for advising me to...?

And should you lose your license...

...we can run off to Bali together
and become bartenders.

- My life is here, in medicine.
- Yes.

And you are in a unique position
to remind your employer...

...they, too, are in the business
of medicine, not simply profit.

You need to blow the whistle.
And what's more, you want to.



- Denny?
- Set to go?

What are you doing?

Oh, there's an office Christmas party
next week.

I do a number. It's good for morale.
Helps get me laid. Are we off to court?

Actually, I have a feeling court
won't be going forward today.

What do you mean?
Did something happen?

Was I in the room when it happened?

It seems our client is guilty
of a little noncompliance as well.

The actual test that...

- We represent big drug company.
- I'm with you.

Big drug company tell patients they take
one pill, while slipping them another.

- You know this how?
ALAN: Evidently our expert witness...

...comes armed not only with details
but a conscience. She told me.

I believe she plans to tell the FDA.


Whistle blower.

- Did you tell her to whistle-blow?
- I might have mentioned it.

Do you know how much this client is
worth to this firm, and to me personally?

Nuts. I knew there was something
I forgot to consider.

- Where is this woman?
- Hopefully with the U.S. Attorney.

Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Shore,
there's a Dr. Girard waiting in reception.

- Send her in.
- That's all right. I'll go and greet her.

Send the woman in here.

Here's good.

Oh, Tara, we have a pretrial conference
set on McNamara at 2.

How are you and Sally doing...?

Remember the document that said
McNamara was incorporated...

...in "19efficiency3,"
we thought it was a typo?

- Yeah.
- Well, code broken.

They had a plan called the "40 Factor"...

...which was designed to phase out
workers who were 40 and older.

Replace them with younger employees
who would cost the company less.

Right. They actually described the plan
in memoranda...

...which were archived
on the company's hard drives.

Gotta love the hubris.

But they then got nervous
and did a search and replace...

...to substitute the word "efficiency"
for "40."

And 1943 became 19efficiency3.

- Exactly.
- Wait, how did you find this out?

I had drinks with opposing counsel
last night. Quite a talker.

Wait a second,
he admitted this to you?

Well, actually he admitted it
to a flight attendant.

He didn't know that I was an attorney
for the other side.

Why not smiling?
Why are we not smiling?

- Tara, we can't use this information.
- I beg your pardon?

You tricked another attorney into
violating privilege. You can't do that.

- Last week you impersonated a doctor.
- First, that was different.

- Second, the stakes were life and death.
- Lori...

And third, I was wrong.
In retrospect, I would never do it again.

Well, we have the information, Lori.
So if it's a matter of ethics...

...we absolutely have to tell the client
that we have it.


- I just don't think I can do it.
- Because?

Alan, these people have been
very good to me for 10 years.

Now, by people,
you mean these corporate people...

...who jeopardize public health
and safety on a massive scale...

...in order to line their pockets?

They were convinced we had a possible
cure based on my representations.

I would as soon blow the whistle
on myself rather...

- Do that then.
- And what good would come of it?

- Really?
DENNY: May I express a thought?

I so rarely get one.

I should preface this by admitting that
I'm so far up the ass of big business...

...I view the world
as one giant colon.

You're right to prioritize loyalty, doctor.
Loyalties count for something.

- Denny, please...
- I'm speaking, Alan.

Doctors like science, right?
They do the math.

Well, do the math on whistle-blowing.
Nice concept in theory.

Appeals to the altruistic inner self
and all that.

But whistle blowers end up penniless
and ostracized.

This thing will take years to get to court,
while your life will be ruined tomorrow.

- Denny...
- And if Alan Shore suggested...

...you won't get hurt far worse
than your company, he's lying.

What's going on?

Our client is violating at least
a half a dozen criminal laws...

...by secretly testing an unapproved
drug, which causes liver failure...

...on unwitting human guinea pigs.

Dr. Girard is considering
whether to go public.

I'm for it, Denny's against.
Do you have a vote?

You seem like a man
with a scintilla of morality.

Alan, my vote's the only one
that counts, and I'm not going public.

You say that as if you have a choice,

You see, the only way our client
wins here is with your testimony.

So the clerk will swear you in,
you'll take an oath to God.

But as a scientist, you are bound
to an even higher standard.

To believe in God,
all you need is faith.

To believe in science,
you need to see the truth.

You need to speak the truth.
Am I right?

If asked certain questions under oath,
you will answer truthfully...

...because that's who you are.
GIRARD: You don't know me.

And you would never ask me questions
that would torpedo your own case.


It seems it's you
that doesn't know me.

Isn't it exciting?

It's absolutely unethical, Tara,
for God's sakes!

- Please don't lecture me.
- This lecture is called for.

Attorneys at this firm
do not go undercover as stewardesses...

...to circumvent privilege. It is fraud.
It is wrong. It is dishonest.

It holds every member of this firm
up to disrepute.

- Breathe.
- It hurts other clients at this firm.

- Mine, Paul's, Lori's.
- How?

- Breathe.
- Our reputation for fair dealing...

...is at play at every conference,
every motion, every trial.

If that reputation is compromised,
the stain runs to all cases. Not just the...

- Breathe.
- I know how and when to breathe!

This is about Alan Shore.

- It's about some not-so-latent hostility...
- You're out of line.

You're out of line.
You fancy the pants off Alan Shore.

So as long as we're preaching honesty,
let's be truthful about that.

You know something, Tara?
This does involve Alan.

What happened
in that bar last night...

...you heard opposing counsel
on his phone.

You sensed a great opportunity.
You asked what would Alan Shore do.

You likely did what he would have.

- You've never done that, say, last week?
- No. I did. And as I said, I was wrong.

That's all. You can go.

- What are you gonna do?
- Haven't decided.

- Well, you can't not use...
- I haven't decided, Tara.

You're dismissed.

Well, I'm sorry I lost my cool.
But you handled that perfectly.

Thank you.

Did that have anything
to do with Alan?

How does he do it?

No matter what I do, no matter what
anyone else says, it's always about Alan.

It was just a question.

I should be the example for the young
associates around here, not him.

- Well, Tara is Alan's girlfriend.
- Why is that?

I mean, why is she interested in him?
I ask you.

- Do you fancy Tara, Brad?
- No, I'm just speaking in general terms.

- All the women here...
- Yeah, you keep saying "all the women."

- But who, specifically, Brad?
- Look, you're missing the point.


And the point is?

I diffuse a human b*mb. Does anyone
say, "Oh, are you okay, Brad?"

"Oh, nice job saving lives, Brad."
No, it's:

"Tara circumvented privilege
because she's sleeping with Alan."

I'm the only one talking
about Tara and privilege.

Is this about me?

We're buddies, Brad. Talk to me.


I'd like to be more than buddies.

I don't bring it up,
because I sense it's something...

...that you're not interested
in pursuing.


Is it something you'd like to pursue?




Anyway, you handled the meeting well.

You surprise me, Denny.
I thought you'd be with me on this.

- There's a deeper principle involved here.
- Which is?

Fishing. There's a fishing lodge
in British Columbia.

It's called Nimmo Bay.
Best fishing lodge in the world.

In the Great Bear Rainforest.

- How does this lodge affect...?
- Want to buy it. Costs lots of money.

If I lose this client,
I might not be able to buy it.

- You have plenty of money.
- Yes, to buy other things.

This case, this client is earmarked
for this fishing lodge.

Well, if I can't convince you,
I guess I can't convince you.

Alan, I'll ask Dr. Girard the questions
this afternoon.

- I've prepared the direct.
- I'll ask the questions.

- I'm questioning her.
- No, you aren't.

- Yes, I am. Yes, I am. Yes.
- No, you aren't. No. No.

- Yes.
PAUL: This time I will cast a vote.

Let me make this simple for you,
Mr. Shore.

Please, call me Alan.
I feel we've grown close.

You will be present in court, at the table,
because your sudden absence...

...would send a strange message
to the jury...

...that might compromise our case.
But Denny will ask the questions.

If you attempt to ask the witness
anything at all, you will be fired.

There's a legal term for this. Ah, yes:


This is not puffery on my part,
Mr. Shore.

I have spoken with other senior partners.
We are in agreement. The votes are in.

If you attempt to undermine our case
in any way...

...your employment will be terminated.
- In that event, I will go to cable.

Denny, you and I should go open
our own firm.

I'll ask the questions, Alan.

I'll leave you with this one
last thought then:

Denny Crane.

- Hey.
- Hi.

The lawyer from McNamara, the guy
Tara duped, he'll be in here at 2.

I've summoned Tara as well.
I'll try to iron things out a little.

That's good.

- Lf you could make it, then...
- Fine, 2 p.m.

Would you mind looking at me
for a second?

You and I have a big m*rder trial
scheduled for next week.

- Are we gonna be okay?
- We're fine.

Do you plan to speak to me
in marine talk forever?

No, sir. Sir.

You're a great guy, you're a smart guy,
an attractive guy.

- Any girl would...
- Meeting's at 2.



- Do you even know what to ask?
- Did she examine the plaintiff?

Did she feel the plaintiff complied
with the study protocol?

She'll say yes or no. Get in a bunch of
rhetoric about the need for safeguards.

- Then we'll go have a cheesesteak.
- You can live with yourself?

Denny Crane.


Arms out, please.


Oh, this isn't mine. Why would I
be carrying around an ice pick?

Please empty out all your pockets, sir.


- You need to open your briefcase.
- Do you know who I am?

You'll need to open your case.

- Alan!
- Can you step this way, sir?

- You checking me for bombs?
- It's a federal offense...

...to joke about expl*sives
at a security checkpoint.

- I've gotta get upstairs.
GUARD: Take off your shoes, sir.

- Where's Denny?
- He got held up. Not to worry.

- Mr. Shore, are we ready to proceed?
- We are, Your Honor.

The defense calls Dr. Amanda Girard.

We're at the part
where you swear under oath.


Okay. Let's evacuate
in an orderly fashion, please.


It is against the law
to pull fire alarms, sir.

My hand slipped.

Tell Judge Wallace in Division Three
I need to see him in his chambers now.

What kind of nonsense is this?

You put an ice pick in his pocket
and a picture of S*ddam Hussein?

You pull a fire alarm?

We're at odds as to how to proceed
with the witness.

Yes, I heard that. You're supposed
to be adults, for God's sake.

You're lawyers.
And on the same side, at that!

Your Honor, there are unusual
circumstances in play.

I'm interested in truth and justice.
My colleague favors a fishing lodge.

Look, I don't give a damn
what your differences are.

- First off, your firm is fined $50,000.
- What?

Second, whatever either of you do in
that court, you both get held responsible.

You understand me? Third. Mr. Crane,
since you're the named partner...

...and it is your client,
I'll let you have the floor.

- Your Honor, I have prepared...
- Keep your mouth shut, Mr. Shore.

Now, let's get back inside.

- Please have a seat, Tara.
- Tara?

- All right, what's going on?
- We have a situation, Mr. Barr.

Tara is an attorney
who works for this firm.

You gave her information...

...about an efficiency factor
employed by your client.

This would be considered
privileged information.

- I never revealed who my client was.
- We already knew who the client was.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
- Both you and Miss Wilson...

That's her real last name, Wilson.

Both you and she have committed
serious violations.

You would likely lose your job and get
a suspension. You would get worse.

It would be in the best interest of all
if this situation didn't become public.

My problem, as Tara correctly points out,
is having the information.

I have an obligation to tell my clients,
who, undoubtedly, would elect to use it.

I'm also obliged to safeguard privilege,
even when it's on the other side.

So as I said, we've got a situation.

Where we last left off in settlement
discussions, our number was 3.2 million.

Yours was 2. 1. The deal probably
makes somewhere in between.

My proposal to you, Mr. Barr,
is we settle it at 3.

- I don't think I could sell it.
- You sell it...

...by telling your client
and colleagues...

...that the other side knows about
the factor. We broke the code.

How we found out, we won't reveal.
That protects you, it protects Tara.

You profit from her deception.

We profit somewhat from her deception
combined with your stupidity.

If we wanted to exploit it,
we'd go to trial and tell a jury...

...which, technically, I should advise
my clients to do.

Our side profits some. Your side
gets off with a pretty mild number...

...given the smoking g*n. And you two
get off with your careers.

Now, if you have a better proposal,
I'm listening.

It wasn't just my determination...

...but the consensus
of all the treating doctors.

- Mrs. Hewitt was smoking.
- And others were excluded too, right?

Yes, 56 others.

It is common to weed out subjects
as you go along...

...in order to protect the integrity
of the study.

And this was all about
the integrity of the study?

- Yes.
- I believe you.

You strike me as an honest woman.

- Uh, do you believe in God, doctor?
- I do.

"God as my witness."
That's what it says in the oath.

I like to think God
watches over me too.

Except in the privacy of my bedroom
committing lewd acts.

- Mr. Crane.
- You're a scientist, right, doctor?

- You believe in facts, the truth?
- Yes.

Good. Will you tell the court
exactly why...

...Mary Beth Hewitt was removed
from the trial of SV113?

- I just did.
DENNY: You said smoking.

The plaintiff believes that
to be a pretext.

I'm asking you to declare it
one more time, before God, the judge...

...Mr. Shore, me. The truth.

Why was she taken off the study?

She was taken off...

...a different study.


Excuse me?

Mrs. Hewitt unknowingly was part
of a secret test...

...involving a drug
unapproved for study.

When it was discovered that it
caused liver failure...

...she and the 56 others on it
were taken off.


DENNY: Your Honor, this is obviously
an unexpected development.

I need some time to confer
with my client.

I thought she'd stick to the story.

I threw the biggest softball
right down the plate.

All she had to do was reemphasize
it was smoking.

- What happens now?
DENNY: What happens now?

The peat moss hits the fan,
you lying bastard. We're dead.

Did you elicit that testimony

What? Of course not.
You know me, Paul.

I'm not what I once was.


- Don't say you're proud of me.
- They're bringing criminal charges.

- How about if I say I'll defend you?
- Really? And what's my defense?

You were misguided by the best
and the worst of intentions.

This'll all be over within a year.

A year is too long. My liver is failing.

I was the first subject. I began the trial
ahead of the others.

That's how we discovered
the side effects.

A year's too long for me.
But thanks for the offer.


Oh, screw it.


Nice performance today, Denny.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

You could've ever-so-slightly
tipped me off.

- Would've saved a lot of aggravation.
- Oh, please.

If I had included you with so much
as a wink, you'd be canned.

We lost a client.

Well, there are lesser fishing lodges.

No repercussions from Lewiston?

I'm Denny Crane.

As far as he knows,
I played it straight.

You know, they can never tell
whether I know what I'm doing or not.

Yes. Can you tell?

Not really.

Every once in a while,
just to keep them guessing...

...I stick a cigar in my ear.

Do I look silly?

Try it.

- We look good together.
- Yes, we do.

Next on Boston Legal:

- Do you believe me?
- I certainly want to believe you...

...but when I look at the evidence,
I don't know.

- Why are you women in my office?
- You don't know?

I think I do. Let's take off our clothes.

- Are you Alan Shore?
- Not if you're a process server.

- Shut up! You, shut up!
ALAN: Sir.
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