04x17 - Paper Castles

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x17 - Paper Castles

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat of the night ♪


It's done.

Parker, luann,
can you take a t.a.
At earle's creek?

What you got?

98 Feet.

Man he must have
been traveling

When he come off
the road.

O.k. Take him out.

All right,
come on through. Come on!

All right, back it up
a little bit.

Broken piece
of headlight.

You know,
if he hit another car,
you'd see metal or paint.

Or something.


We got some wood.

Woman: jamison?

You got anything yet?

Jamison: yeah, luann,
we're finishing up
the earle's creek fatal.

The deceased
was ronald papazian,


159 Del rio drive,
houston, texas.

Just tell the chief it looks
like a solo spin-out.

There you are, mr. Paten.
$40 In nickels.

Is there anything else?


Good day, then.


Morning, gracie,
or should I say
good afternoon by now?

I'm sorry, chief.
It's the boss.

Says he wants
to force the customers

To use
the a*t*matic teller.


Uh, listen, the bank
has been making

Certain appropriations
from my funds.

I wonder if you'd
explain them to me.

This one, for instance.

That's your service fee.

And what is that one?

That's your handling expense.

And this last one here?

Those are a.t.m. Charges.

Is it costing me
anything to put
money in the bank?

I just work here.

Uh, bill!

How you doing?hi, hi.

I'd like you
to come over
and meet michael lawrence.

He's from houston, texas.
He's a regular
whiz kid.

If you know what I mean.

Well... Some other time.look, uh, chief,

I want them to know
the city of sparta's
behind this project,

Including the chief of police.

after that tragedy
at earle's creek.

Ronald papazian
was their partner.

Oh, yes, yes.
Well, uh, yes.
All right.

Good, good.

Mike lawrence,
bree harris.

Hi, hi, it's a pleasure
to know you.

My condolences on losing
your partner mr. Papazian.

Well, thank you
very much.

It's very hard
to believe
that he's gone.

I know, I know

But it's like
ronny would say,

"Life must go on."

I know this will be
a fitting memorial
to that fine young man.

Making the magnolia mall
the pride of sparta

Is what ronny
would have wanted,
you're right.

Must be a comfort
to know that.

Chief gillespie,
thomas spiers.

Virgil tibbs
is my good friend.

Oh, it's a pleasure
to meet you,
mr. Spiers.

You involved
in this enterprise?

Certainly looking that way.

We'd be proud to have you
on our team.

Well, it's nice
to meet you.

See you all again soon.

Well, gentlemen,
as I was saying,

What we
are looking for
are active,

Involved partners--
total hands-on

Well, well.
What a pleasant

How are you doing,

Oh, I'm fine.

I suppose the city council's
crazy about that mall
in there.

They certainly are.
I'm the point person
on the project.

Which reminds me,

City planning needs
your traffic survey.

These people want another
stoplight or two.

They expect to be that busy
do they?

Well, they expect people
from all around,

The nearest other mall
being in jackson.

Oh, yeah.
I've been to that one.

They got everything
except the one thing
you drove all the way to find.

So...the survey?

Oh, yes. Oh, sure.

We'll get right on it.
We'll give it what
they call top priority.

Well, I got
to meet with tucker.

Did you see the model?uh-huh.

Well, what do you think?

Well, I think it's wonderful
what you can do with
paint and cardboard.

You are
quite incorrigible.

Thank you, doctor.

Yeah, you can go ahead
and release the body now.

Go ahead.


Oh, this, uh...

Have you seen
jamison's report

On that fatal out there
at earle's creek?

No. Why?

That was dr. Robb.
He said they found
no traces of any dr*gs,

Including alcohol,
in the victim, papazian,

When he flew his car
off that road
down to earle's creek.

So? He was going too fast
and he lost it.

Yeah. But I can't
explain that glass
on the road there.

How do you mean?

Well it came
either from papazian's car
or some other vehicle,

But there were no signs
of a collision.

The lab could tell
if the glass matches
papazian's car.

Why don't you
just send it in?

I believe I will.

Uh, I was over to
the bank this morning
and, uh...

I ran into papazian's
surviving partners--

Fellow--mike lawrence--
and the woman--
bree harris.

They were promoting
the mall there.

And they didn't
seem particularly

Maybe they're not sorry.

I also met
a fellow there,
a friend of yours--

Tommy spiers.

He appears
to be involved
in that enterprise.

Yeah, well, you know,
tommy's a friend.

He's been through
some rough times.

What kind
of rough times?


Business failures,

A marriage
that didn't work out,

Problems with booze.

He could really
use some success.

Well, maybe
he'll get some.
It could work out.

Is there something...
You're not telling me?

No. I don't know
anything at all.

Seems to be a good
deal, isn't it?

I don't know...

But now you got me worried
because tommy has a talent
for picking losers.

Man: it's so good
to see you guys.

Give me another
vodka rocks. Double

No, I'm fine,


You know, I'm so glad
we could get together
at such short notice.

I mean we really hate
losing touch with our friends,
you know.

And it's great
to finally meet

you're a lucky man.

I didn't tell you
how lucky.

You mind?

Samantha has consented
to marry me.

Ha ha ha ha!

Congratulations!bring us some
champagne, please.

Yes, sir.hey!

I was supposed
to do that.

For once, everything
is turning out right
in my life.

Oh, yeah, the chief told me
you're getting involved
in some business deal?

Magnolia mall.

We're going to open
a video rental business.

Woman: uh-oh. Get virgil
as a customer.

He never brings
the tapes back.


That's a great
business, tom.

Well, we think so.
It's great getting in
at the start like this.

It's a terrific deal.

How do you mean?

They got it set up
so the tenants are partners.

You mean investors.yeah, sure.

We get equity
and a break on rent.

You put up
lots of money?

All we've got,
but we know it's
going to work.

You know, the big problem
is with the city.

The building permits
are taking forever.

Yeah, but, did you check
these people out,

Other projects
they've done?

They've been doing it
for a while you know.

Sparta savings
thinks they're solid.well, now, tom,

Banks have been known
to make mistakes.

You know the problem
with being a cop?

You start
suspecting everyone.

Honey, please.
They just
got engaged.

You know, when
virgil proposed,

He read me my rights.

And then I took her
into custody.

[All laugh]

They're in a hurry, virgil.
That's what harriet delong
tells us.

And they are waiting
on us!

How can we tell
the number of lights

If we don't know
where internal streets
will cross the main?

Well, let us see the plans.
Where's the plans?

I don't have any plans
I'd like to see them for
reasons other than traffic.

Then where's the map?we haven't got a map.

Letter?haven't got a letter.

Phone call?haven't got a phone call.

Well, now, who's going to run
to the hall of records
and run this thing down?

A man who to my knowledge
doesn't have anything
particular to do this moment

Or a man with
three different cases
pending on his desk?


Well, obviously it's not
going to be that man,

So it must be
this man.

So what's this
all about, virgil?i don't know.

Just say I have
a suspicious mind.


This is detective
virgil tibbs
from the police department!

A detective would
hardly be from
animal regulation.

What can I do
for you, mr. Tibbs?

The magnolia mall!

Have the plans
been approved yet?

Would y'all
stop shouting at me?

I just put new batteries
in this darn thing.

And the answer is no.

why not?

Because they ain't
been submitted.

That'll do it
every time.

What did they approve?

A bunch
of pretty drawings,

Which is all
well and fine,

But to get
building permits,

You need
real plans--

Structure details,
electrical, plumbing,
engineer work.

Did they say anything...
Did they say anything
about the delay?

Which day
of the week?

There's a storm
in houston.

The architect
is sick.

I'm waiting for
the lawrence fellow to tell me
to hear the dog ate them.

Maybe there aren't any.

Can't trust no one
from houston,
not no more.

Thanks, seth!


Now don't go getting
excited about some
delayed plans.

Cause that happens
all the time.
I'm here to tell you

Practically every
major player in sparta
is involved in this deal.

My advice is
don't rock that boat.

I don't really care at all
about the major players,

But I have a friend
who's been down so many times

I don't know
if he can take
another failure.

You're a sweet man...
But don't be reckless.

And you're
a sweet lady.

And thanks
for caring about me.


Parker, virgil.

I want you to call
houston bunco

And see if they
have anything
on lawrence and papazian.

Ladies and gentlemen, can I
have your attention, please?

Today we signed
partnership papers.

Now, by doing so,
we have laid

The foundation
for a project
that will take sparta

Into the new millennium!

[Crowd cheering]

Thank you.
Now--now, as we all know,

None of this
would've been possible
without the leadership

And the entrepreneurial
zeal of your general partners.

So now I'd like
to introduce to you

Mr. Michael lawrence
and miss bree harris!

[Crowd cheering]

Before I say anything,

I would like
to dedicate this moment

To ronald papazian.

Thank you, ronny.
I know you're up there
somewhere watching.

When I first
came to sparta,

I knew that it was
a very special place.

I felt that I had
a personal destiny here.

I felt that I wanted
to contribute something
to this community.

To quote
a son of the south...
I had a dream.


Thank you.
Thank you.
And with your help,

And the help of abe tucker
and the sparta savings,

That dream
is about to come true.

-Hear, hear!
-[Crowd cheering]

Lawrence: thank you.

What you trying to do, man,
poison me?

You don't like it?like it?

Tastes like you boiled socks
in it.

There's no call
to be insulting.

That's what you call
your new cajun
spicy-flavored coffee.

I think it's piquant.what?

Pretty darn good!

What's that terrible smell?
I sure hope it's coming
from the street.

Ain't nothing
I'm responsible for.


Is there anything I should
know about the night shift?no, not really, chief.

Well, a couple of leading
citizens got advised
to cab it home

From the sparta savings
and loan shindig
that's about it.

Quite a do, was it?

I suppose
if you're spending
the customers' money,

You can afford
to splash around
the champagne.

What is that?

Papazian's lab report.
We don't have a match
on the headlight.


So the glass y'all found
on the road

Is not the same
as his car, huh?

No, sir.
Different brand entirely.

Now, what would you call that
a hit and run?

There would have to be
paint on papazian's car.

And there ain't none.
Not even a mouse lick.

Well, then I believe

Y'all ought to go back
to earle's creek and snoop
around a little more.

Yes, sir.
Come on, let's go.

Sure, anything you got.

Right. I'd appreciate it.
Thank you.

Well, it seems
that lawrence is dirty.

What did you find out?

Well, houston bunco
has an investigation
going on--

Their last mall project.
Lawrence raised
lots of money.

Construction never started.
Investors lost everything.

Will houston
charge the man
with anything?

Well, they don't have enough
for a criminal complaint.

Chief, um, well, you know
I have a friend involved
in all of this.

Yeah, I wish he wasn't.

What would you think
if I was to tell him
about the investigation?

I'd say don't do it...

If I knew for sure
that's what you
were going to do.



Looks like
we got some
tire tracks here.

Looks like mx-5s
off of some big european car

Looks like they came
off the road here.

We also got
cigarette butts
with lipstick on them.

Well, what
we got here?

What you got there?

Well, somebody spilled
something out here.

I'll send some samples
to the lab. Try to figure out
what it is.

Yeah, we found tire tracks
and a dumped ashtray
over there.

Yeah, somebody was doing
something out here.

But what that
something is,
is another matter.


How you doing?
Hello, samantha.

What will you have?i'm not.
Althea's expecting me home.

I'll have
another sh*t.

What have you got?

These are my notes on
lawrence's past projects.

I promised sam
we'd get our own place.

Honey, it doesn't matter.

Somewhere with
an extra bedroom.

We're planning
on kids.
Did I tell you?

I figured.

But we're together, baby.
That's all that counts.

It took two years
to save that money.

No meals out,
no movies. Two jobs.

I just thought
you should know, tommy.

Maybe there's some way
you can get your money back.

Thanks, virgil.

You're a real friend.

Can I hang onto this?


I should go.

Can we talk tomorrow?yeah.
Yeah, o.k.


There's no way
I'm going to let

These clowns
rip me off.

Why, tommy.

Come in.

Tommy spiers,
what a pleasant surprise.

It's late, but, what the hell.
How about a drink?

I want my money back.

You hear that, honey?
He wants his money back.

Sit down. Relax.

Tell me.
What's on your mind?

This whole damn
thing is a scam
from the start.

You're not
building any mall.

The reason the plans
not approved,

You never
submitted plans.
Give me my money.

Tommy, cool it.
The plans are delayed.
It's no big deal.

You're being sued,
you're being audited,
you're being investigated

By a grand jury.
And you are going to
give me my money back.

Where did you
get all that?

From detective
virgil tibbs, sparta
police department.

He's investigating
you, too.

The money,

[Sighs] tommy, the money
is not yours,

And it's not mine
to give back.

Partnership money.


So unmingle it.

Let's take a look at
our partnership agreement.

I know what that
damn agreement says.

It makes no difference.
Give me my money or you
aren't going to have any deal.

How do you mean?

What I mean, lawrence,
is real simple.

I'll call that stupid
banker. I'll call all
the other partners

And tell them this
deal's a paper castle.

I'll tell them
what's in here.

I think that would
be a really bad idea.

Really bad.

You going to give me
my money?


Then I got calls
to make.

I'm going to start
right now.


Well, that was real smart.

Shut up and help me.

I would if I knew what
you were trying to do!

Just grab him
and lift him up.

get him up.
Get him up.


Let him down.
Let him down.

Bree, get over here.

Get over here!


Talk to the police.
Be real upset.

Why do you suppose
this poor fellow spiers
wanted to k*ll you?

The sparta
police department.


How do you
reckon that?

The folder.
Take a look
in that folder.

Want to, chief?

Yeah, let me see it.

It seems you have
a detective tibbs

Who has been
badmouthing myself
and my associate.

He convinced...

That poor man
that he was going
to get ripped off.

He came back here
to get his money.

I told him I didn't have
that kind of cash around.


He went crazy.

Real crazy.

I thought he'd k*ll us both.

Why? Did he thr*aten you
in any way?

Well, no, but...

I thought he might, you know.

You m*rder*d my friend!

Uh, detective tibbs, could I
see you in the foyer please?

The foyer, please.

They are claiming
that tommy att*cked them.

I don't believe it.

They claim
you put him up to it

By telling him
that mall was a bad deal.

It is a bad deal.

I was helping
a friend get out of it.

But you
were helping him

With inside
police information.

There's your notes
on the floor in there.

It's official
police documents
found on the scene.


You blaming me
for the death
of my friend?

They are blaming you.
I'm trying
to be your friend.

We got to hold
those two.

We've got nothing
to hold them with.

We shouldn't
just let them walk.

Yes, we should.
For now.

Well, where is he?

Mr. Tucker,
you got to wait out there.

Chief: parker, tell tucker
I'll be right there.

I hope so.
I got a big bone
to pick with you!

Parker, would you kindly
restrain unauthorized use
of that police radio?

Mr. Tucker,
you can't don't do that.

I just did.

Oh, mr. Tibbs.
I'd like a word
with you, please.

Do you have
very much experience
in business, mr. Tibbs?

Monkey business, yeah,
how about and you?

Don't be
being insolent with me!

You don't stuck your nose
where it don't belong.

Lots of important people
are madder than hell,

And you're
costing them money!

Why are voices
being raised in here?

of police stupidity.

Oh, lord.

Did you search
lawrence's business past

With the texas
secretary of state?

No. Why?

You ever hear
of silver spur investments
or snake hill properties?

Your man, chief,
by attacking the reputation
of mr. Lawrence,

Has single-handedly
the most important

Business opportunity
to ever come to sparta,

Not to mention
causing the untimely death

Of mr. Lawrence's

By whipping him up
into a frenzy!

How about
the saddlepeak partnership?

This is stuff
you don't catch
on commercial trws.

Will you rein him in?

No. I want
to hear some more.

The partnerships
are all in chapter seven.

The money is long gone.

Tell me something,
mr. Tucker.

The money that's put
into the magnolia mall,

Is it an escrow account?

Is it?

That would appear
to be prudent.

All right.

I don't have to stand here
and listen to you
cast aspersions

On my ability as a banker.

No. No, you don't have
to stand there at all.

The door
is right behind you.

Thank you, chief.

You know,
harriet called.

There are lots of people
baying for my blood.

They can bay
all they want

As long
as they can't bite none.

They can't do that
unless you happen
to be wrong about this.

Mr. Lawrence, I mean.

What's that?the lab report
on that spill.

It says in there
it was sulfuric acid.

Oh, really? Well, now,
what is sulfuric acid
doing out

Down that road?

More than likely spilled out
of a car battery.

A battery, yeah.
Thank you, sergeant.

Yes, sir.

That accident's
really bugging you,
isn't it, chief?

It is.

Something very weird
happened out there
at earle's creek.

I'd appreciate your help
figuring what.

Well, the book says
find the motive,
the opportunity,

And find
the method.

So what's
the motive?

Well, I'd say
one partner against
another partner.

You know,
when people are
partners in crime,

Business disputes
don't get settled
in court.

That's true.

This looks like
a fine place for
a successful wreck.

If that's what this is.

Yeah, and opportunity.

It's a lonely road here.
It's almost deserted
at night.

A guy driving down
from his cabin.

But how did they know
when he'd get here?

I'd say they
made arrangements
to meet for dinner.

That way, he'd know
when he was leaving.


And as for method,
we found battery acid,

We found
those splinters of wood,

We found headlight glass
that didn't match
on the road.

I don't know, just...

O.k., Uh...
I'm the victim.

I come barreling
down this road.

I know no one is there
because it's night

And you can see
another car

So around this corner...

Around this corner,
and something makes me
fly off the road.

Excuse me.

What would you say
to a pair of headlights

On high beam,
blinding you?

You mean
somebody set them

And then
turned them on?

and from those
wood splinters we found,

They could've
set them on this.

Which explains why
there's no evidence
of another car.

These people
are pretty foxy.

The evidence
is too circumstantial
to build a case on.

Well, then I
think we better
do something else.


Let's do that.

we have company.

Now what?now we're going
to the police station.

I mean,
you and miss harris here.

We're kind of busy
right now.

We'd be glad
to come to the inquest--

This has nothing to do
with the unfortunate
mr. Spiers.

We'll get to that
in due course.

Well, then
what is this about?

If you'll
let us tell you,
mr. Lawrence,

It's about the death
of your partner
ronny papazian.

What about it?

We think you k*lled him.

So, first you try
to ruin our deal,

Your meddling
gets thomas spiers k*lled,

And now
you have the gall

To come walking
into our home
saying I was

Somehow involved
with the loss
of my best friend?

Nobody said you were
somehow involved.

We said you k*lled him.

Now, uh, let's go.

Excuse me.

What's that for?

To check auto parts stores,
find out
if they remember

You buying batteries
or headlights.

I want to call
my attorney.

We want you to.

In a few

What makes you think
that we did this?

We've got tire impressions
matching your car,

Cigarette butts
from mrs. Harris' car.

can be lifted
from them

Using a new
laser method.

I'll bet you that
officer's going to find

Where you got
all that paraphernalia.

We think
we got a case.

And I think
that you have nothing,
mr. Gillespie.

And our attorney is going
to press charges against you
for false arrest.

I'll call back
in a little while, chief.

Then there's what we call

Special circumstances--

Lying in wait
with intent to k*ll
as you did that night.

That makes the charge
a capital offense.

I saw an execution.

They use
a lethal injection now.

Executioner comes in,

Only he looks
more like a doctor.

They attach an i.v. Line
to your arm
and inject a drug

That paralyzes
the respiration,
stops the heart.

The executioner,
why, he doesn't
care if you're old

Or young like you

Or white or black
or male or female,

from where he works
he doesn't even see you.

I suppose
it's kind of peaceful,

Uh, if you relax
and go with it.

You don't scare me.

I am merely appealing
to your sense
of self-preservation.

If you're thinking
about a deal--

You'll have
to go to prison.

I know, but I'm in no mood
to do a whole lot of time.

What are you
talking about?

Bree, they do
not have a case.

I can't really depend
on that, now can i, mike?

Parker! Parker! Parker!
Par-parker, don't hit him.
Just restrain him.

You talk to them,
and I swear...
I'll make you sorry.

I swear!

I'll do my own talking.

Well, now...
Are you going to tell us
all about this?

I want a deal.

Sure you do.

I'm fixing
to make one for you.

What made lawrence
k*ll papazian?

Papazian had become
a total pain.

He loved to splash
that money around,
mainly on girls.

And he had
a big mouth,

Which was getting
way out of hand.


He'd definitely become
a major risk.

Oh, an unnecessary

In the worst way.
Mike promised me
his cut.

So mike's new partner
was you.mm-hmm.

The first problem was
to get mr. Ronny papazian
where we wanted him to be.

Don't waste
much time, do you?

I told you I didn't
have any to waste.

Any complaints?

Heh. No.

No complaints.

You'll have to give me
about 10 minutes.

We can't get back
at the same time.

I think you ought
to tell mike.

Tell him what?

Tell him
you're with me now.

Let's just make sure
that I really am.

We'll see
how things work out.

But you leave it
to me to say when, o.k.?

I'm right behind you, babe.

How'd it go?
Y'all have fun?

Oh, I had fun...thinking
about the future, mikey.

You know,
I believe that.

I really do.

You better get set.
Ronny won't wait
10 minutes.

It's done.

Mike said
it was perfect.

Ronny was an accident
just waiting to happen.

We just advanced
the date.


You want to admit
being complicit
in that?

Of course not.
Everything I did...

I was forced to do.

What kind of force?

Mike terrorized me.

And what about
tommy spiers, miss harris?

What kind of deal
are we talking?

A deal
to save your life.

Now, uh...
The details

Are going to have
to be worked out
by others,

But if you're
willing to testify
in full

On all
outstanding matters

Including tommy spiers
and the magnolia mall,

You might be free
again while you're
still young.

Tommy spiers
was threatening to...
Torpedo the deal.

Mike sh*t him.

Did tommy really
bring a g*n?

No. That was my g*n.

And the mall?

Mike's already
transferred the money
to the cayman islands.

Can't help you
with that.

All right.
This is your statement.

We'll transcribe it,
type it.

You'll read it
and sign it.

Will you?

With both hands.


Sir, you got plenty
of nickels last time.

Ladies and gentlemen,
please excuse me.
I won't be but a moment.

Gracie, good morning.

Good morning, chief.
What can I do
for you today?

You can
add up my accounts.

Give me
a cashier's check
for the sum of same.

You want to close
your accounts?

That's what I mean.

Uh, mr. Tucker.

Gracie. What is it?

I'm closing out
my accounts
in this bank.


Chief, you've been banking
here since you were knee-high
to a quarter horse,

And your daddy
before that.

My daddy would turn
in his grave

If he knew
the banking practices
going on here today.

What do you do
for these people
in this bank?

You line 'em up,
that's all.

These honest people,
they can't
get loans here

To build a home
or start a business.

There you are, chief.

That will be your balance.

You got plenty of money
for any blackguard,

Charlatan, or mountebank
that comes down the pike
with any kind

Of hollow scheme
full of junk
and hot air.

My money is not safe
in this bank, you hear?

My money is better off
at home...

the mattress...

With the dog
lying on it.
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