03x16 - Bubba's Baby

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x16 - Bubba's Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles

♪ Wall to wall

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending

♪ To it all

♪ Oh--oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat

♪ Of the night

If bubba's there,
it might take a while.

It's ok. Little guy
isn't going to
wake up soon.

Uh, I'd like to see
sergeant skinner,
if I may.

He's lieutenant skinner
now, ma'am.

Ahem. Sorry.


Either way, he won't be here
till 8:00 tomorrow morning.

He wasn't at home.
I'd sure like to find him.

You a friend of his?

I known bubba for years.

Uh, if he calls, tell him
cassie's looking for him.

Just cassie,
no last name?

Cassie's enough.

He'll know.

He's not going to be in
till tomorrow morning.

Want to try
his apartment again?

Later, I better start
moving on roger.

Let's go.

Well, let's go.


Letting flies
in or out?

No flies in mississippi
this time of year.

Where did they go?

To florida till may.


Oh, chief.

Hi. Morning, morning.

Morning. Sheriff mccomb
from hill is waiting
for you.

I gave him
a cup of coffee.

Oh, good. Good.


No, don't get up.
Don't get up.

Sit down. Make yourself
at home there.

Let me hang my hat up.


This is an
unexpected pleasure.

Well, you're
looking good, bill.
What's the secret?

You take things easy.
You spread the work.

We call that delegating

That's it.


You never run

Unless you hear
g*nf*re... Then
run the other way.

Duly noted. [Both laugh]

Listen, can you come to
jackson and speak at a dinner?

And get laughed at?

That's the idea.

Tad parish is retiring.
Here's the invite.

Uh, but what
brings you here?


First wife's mother d*ed.

She was a sweet,
kindly woman.

Hell, I should've
married her.

By the way,

A woman you knew d*ed
in jackson on tuesday...

Miss essie mavis longwood.


What of?

Fell down
a flight of stairs.

An accident, they say.

Listen, I got to go help put
this other woman away.

Try and make that dinner,
will you?

Uh, I'll call you.

Flight of stairs.

Flight of stairs.

I really hate this.

Well, roger's not going
to just hand me the money.

We got to twist it
out of him.

It's the we part
I hate.

I know.
That's why I hate you...

'Cause you're weak.

[Chuckles and shrieks] [shrieks]

You don't like anything

That takes
a little backbone.

Go on.

Get going.

Hi, sweetheart.
You all right?

going to be ok.

Do you really
think I'd miss
my wedding rehearsal?

Yes. That's why
I'm telling you
for the third time.


I will be there.

You ever going
to introduce me
to your bride-to-be?

Sure, paul.

You'll get
to meet her
at the wedding.

There may not be any wedding.

And if there's no wedding,
there's no money.

And if there's no money...

What are you
talking about?

Elise bennington
won't stand for that.

Whose car is that?

It's cassie chapin's.

And that's cassie in it.

Sure is.

She drove in from
jackson last night.

Got the back all fixed up for
traveling with the baby.

He's there, too.

I can't take this
right now.

I can't take it.
I can't take it!

She wants money
for the baby.

A baby she wasn't
supposed to have.

I paid 10,
no, $12,000

For a year
of easy living in jackson.

Fir an abortion
she didn't even get

There she is...

With the baby.

What are you going to do?

We're going to
have to k*ll her.

k*ll her?


You don't mean it.


We're partners...

Soon as we clean up
this little mess.

When I've decided
what I'm gonna say to her

And where I'm gonna meet her,
I'll call you.

You from here, miss?

Used to be.

Got an address here?

Yes, maudie. My address.

Why do you
need an address?

Oh, I don't need one,

But I sure do want one
for an item like this.

This necklace
is worth 20,000.


Is it all right if she...

Gives me the loan, then
I give you the money?

I don't keep
that much cash here.

Before I bring it in,
I want someone
else's appraisal.

You'll have to
leave these with me

Till tomorrow.

No, ma'am.

I'll be back tomorrow.

You have
your appraiser here,

And you have
plenty of money, too.


Unless you don't
want this deal.


Noon tomorrow.

And then we'll see.

Cassie: how could you
be so stupid? These things
are for a girl.

I told the woman
what I needed.

She said it was all ready
and on special.

I gave her the money
and ran out. I'm sorry.

I don't see it makes
much difference to him.

I shouldn't have
sent you alone.

You're going
to have trouble
with your friend tonight.

Maybe you should

I am not afraid
of a little trouble.

He's crazier than
when we used to all

Run around
partying together.

A lot meaner, too.

He hasn't helped me none.

I'm no further along
in the contracting business.

Still just his gofer.

Making next to nothing.

I'll do things for you
once I'm settled.

But back me up
tonight, hear?

I'll do my best, cassie.

He's got a lot to lose.

You tell that to roger.

Necklace will keep me
in incidentals.

But I will need
to find a house.

Couple mortgages.

Payments for
at least a year.

I really hope
it all works out
for you, cassie.

For us.

We've been close
in so many ways, paul.

Don't worry.

happens to me...

to you, too.

Your elise will
love living here.

I know I would.

Don't worry, roger.

I don't need
anything this grand.

It doesn't look
as though it would be mine.

You want to go
to the trouble
of proving he isn't?

I don't want
any trouble, cassie.

I'm just trying
to work out a way
to be rid of you.


You used to
love me so.

I bet...

You don't love
your bride-to-be

The way you used to
love little cassie.

But you're crazy
about that money

Elise bennington's
bringing with her,
ain't you?

Well, I want
a little of it, too.

Rid of you...


I want to be

Rid of you, too.

But how can
I be rid of you?

Because you're a liar.

You can't be trusted.

You said you wanted to be
rid of that baby.

Yes roger.
I did lie about that.

I knew I wanted that baby
while I made love.

I wanted a baby

More than anything
in the world.

Now all I want out of this
life, is the best for him.

I'm a wonderful mama.


I'm a wonderful mama,
aren't i, sugar?

I love you.

You're so cute.


What are you looking at?

You're so sweet.

[Baby gurgles]

[Baby gurgles]

there you go, sweetheart.

Now you're
nice and comfy.

And now...

I'll put this
in your hand...

I'll put this
in yours.

What should I do with it?

Hold onto one corner
and flush it in the toilet.

Mrs. Tibbs, don't make me
do a thing like that.

Oh, bubba, you
had a brother
and sister.

I was good
at chastising them.

I just couldn't
clean them.

All right buba, get me a
plastic baggie.

I'll handle it.


Aren't you the most
adorable little baby?


I love babies.


Sure that's
the right food?

Mrs. Lyons at
nally's never close
recommended it.

Says she's been
selling baby food
25 years,

So she
ought to know.

Mrs. Lyons?

Did she ask
about the baby?yeah.

What did you tell her?

I told her
what happened.

Oh, virgil,
you shouldn't
have done that.

She knew
it wasn't ours.

Half of sparta
already knows

Some woman left
a baby at my door.

My baby.

Good lord almighty,

Why did this baby's
mama do this to me?

More than
likely, bubba,

The father did it.

Father. Why? He's dressed in pink,

But he's a boy.

A woman would've
dressed him in blue.

To bring him to me. To bring him anywhere.

Women want
to do things right,

Even if they're
doing something wrong.

Ok. Who's the man,
and why did he pick me?

Probably knew you.

Nobody who knows me

Would leave
a baby with me.

That's a good point,

Well, where's
the baby now, lieutenant?

Miss tibbs
has taken it where?

Oh, she wants to know
where to take it.

Just a minute.

Y'all won't
believe this.

Some girl left
her baby at bubba's door,

And bubba's
trying to say

It was a guy
who left it.

Tell you what,

Why don't I put you
on with parker?

He knows about
agencies and all that.


Yeah, uh, there's
a place in town

For infants
with no known parents,

But there's
another place in town

For infants with
at least one known parent.

You sure we don't
know one parent?

Bubba: let me tell you!

I know for certain
one of your parents

Was related
to the other...

Wait till the chief
hears this.


You all right? Yeah.


Ha ha ha!

What is so funny?

I was just trying
to imagine bubba
keeping this baby.

[Both laugh]

That is kind of funny.

Well, I was imagining
keeping it ourselves.

Uh, althea,

This is not
the baby for us.

I know. But we know
how to get one.

Don't we?

[Baby crying]

Hi, I'm althea tibbs.
This is my husband virgil.

He works
for the police force.

Oh, yes.
I've heard of mr. Tibbs.

Come in. Thank you.

They just telephoned
you were coming.

I'll bet the girl

Who abandoned
that darling baby girl

Is really
suffering inside.

I'm sure she is,

But this baby is sailing
under false colors.

It's actually a boy.

He was left on a police
officer's doorstep.

Yes. Lieutenant
skinner, they said.


Even you policemen
have to face up

To the consequences
of your indiscretions,

Don't you?


I got rid of the baby.
Don't worry.

And cassie?

I put the body
in the car

Where no one
will find them.

I did
your dirty work.

I had no choice.

Cassie was too greedy
and too stupid

For her own good.

The only stupid thing
she ever did

Was to get involved
with you.


You always were jealous,
weren't you, borden?

Yeah, I was.

But that's over.
She's gone.

Now let's talk
about the future,

My future.

Ok. Talk.

You said partnership.

When does it start?

When it's time.

Best not wait too long.

Don't you thr*aten me!

You think of this.

You were the one seen
parading around town
with the girl.

Don't worry, paul.

Cassie's not
the kind of girl

Anybody would
miss too much.

Oh, bubba. Yeah.

A girl came in
looking for you.

She only left me
her first name, cassie.


She was
acting funny.

You say acting funny?

Yes. That's cassie.

You never said
whether she had a baby.

She might have
in the car.

Some guy drove her.

I got a look at him

And wrote down
the plate number
and car make.

And, bubba,

I always said
you'd be the first.

First what?

The first of us
to be a family man.

Parker, when humor
gets personal,

It loses something
kind of special.

Really? What? Like the good will
of a man

That could
get you a stripe.

Want me to put out
a finder on that car?

You might as well.

And ask that computer
for a history, too.

Bubba: hey, corbin! Yes, sir.

Don't go hog-wild.

I don't want
an arrest order.

Just tell
the boys if they
happen to spot

A blue 1982 cadillac,
license lqj 523,

To just call it in.

Yes, sir.

All points bulletin.
We got a lookout...

Does she really know you?

Yeah. We're related...

Sort of.

Not, I hope,
in the way
of producing

A male heir
to your name,
your property,

And chattels
appertaining there to.

Come on, chief.
Not you.

I thought you'd
have more sense.

Listen. Cassie's
basically a good kid.

I'll admit
she gets a touch wild
now and then.

But what is she to you?

She's the daughter
of a brother-in-law

Of my sister claudia,

Through claudia's
second marriage

To thurman chapin jr.

How do you
know her?

Let me tell you

It wasn't that long ago

That families
were still families.

They went
to church together,

They went
to picnics together,

They knew each other.

I'll tell you
something else.

They knew and made sure

Their kids
was raised right.

I remember
when cassie was busted

Trying to push down
the drive-in movie screen.

So much for
being brought up right.

That car
was registered
in jackson

And recently
changed ownership

To miss
cassie chapin.

The former owner
was miss essie mavis

Essie mavis longwood?
She's dead.

She just d*ed.

She, uh...

Fell down
a flight of stairs.

Fell down
a flight of stairs.

That's most peculiar.

Just a minute there,

Before you take off...

You coming to
the dinner, gillespie?

Forget that. I got
to know something.

I got to know
if essie longwood's
death was accidental.

I don't know
if I should be
talking to you.

Mccomb, let's
quit fooling around!

This is a
police inquiry.

Well, maybe we
can make some
sort of arrangement.

I can't believe
what I'm hearing here.

All right.
I'll come and speak

At tad parish's
retirement dinner.

Now tell me
what I need to know!

Well, I'll tell you
what we know.

Essie mavis longwood

She wasn't pushed
down those stairs.

But the daughter went
through essie's things.

Claims there's
a necklace missing,

Estimated its value
near, um...

30 Grand.


That puts some pepper
in the gumbo, doesn't it?

All right. Thank you.
I'll see you on the 23rd.

You going to be
real funny, bill.


Is there a full moon?

I don't know. I don't like it.

Too many odd
occurrences lately,

And it seems to me
they must be connected.

First there's the baby,

Then there's
poor miss longwood,

And then there's cassie
driving to sparta
in that car.

Now sheriff mccomb
come and tell me

There's a valuable
necklace missing.

Ok, so it sounds like
there's a connection.
Let's find it.

Where should we begin?

You should start
where the baby's
clothes were bought.

The baby's clothes
are no big deal, baby.

A boy dressed in pink.

Wrong. Bought by a man,

the boy's father.

You know something?

I think maybe we hired

The wrong tibbs
around here.

Bubba, I want you
to go over
to miss barrett.

Find out where
those baby clothes
were bought.

You want me
to check baby clothes?

I presumed
you'd want to get

To the bottom of this.

You need a woman's help?

Luann, go over there
with him.

John, come sit in
at this desk here.

And telephone as soon
as you find anything.

These baby clothes
could be an important
element of this case.

Hey, chief, uh,

What exactly
are we looking for?

What we're
looking for

Is the man
who's the father
of this child...

Of yours.

Yes, sir.

Corbin, I can't
help wondering.

Could this really be
cassie's baby?

Well, we'll find out,

what a surprise.
Come in.

I'm sure you're
not here to see me,

But the little fella
is right in here.

Thanks, sandy.

Oh, isn't he
just the cutest
little thing?

Cute? He's as handsome
as can be.

Aren't you,
little bubba?



Well, I have to
call him something.

What is your
christian name,
lieutenant skinner?

Uh, let's just
stick with bubba

If we must
make a connection.

Mrs. Barrett,
all we came over here for

Was to take a look
at the baby's things.

Well, here they are.

This carryall's
mighty nice,
isn't it?

Miss peters has
the nicest things

At her
lullaby-wear shop.

You are on the cute side,
ain't you, little bubba?

[Baby gurgles]

[Clears throat]

Have you lost what's
left of your mind?

It's a possibility that
makes perfect sense.

That baby's part of
a black market ring

Run by
bubba's cousin.

Somebody stops
the check,

she unloads
the baby.

A black market baby?

There's hundreds
of thousands
of them everywhere.

I'd love to see you
run this by the chief.

I dare you.


You know,
I think I will.


Maudie: little lonnie jamison.

Yes, ma'am,
can I help you?

I wouldn't be
surprised at all,

But I'm here to help
you, handsome.

And just what with?

Parker, please,

Uh, just stay
over there, see?

Handle the radio
and telephone.

Get that part down.
Concentrate on it.

Then we'll move you on
to things like thinking.

William o. Gillespie.

Never did know
what the "o" stood for.

Army recruiting sergeant
added it to my name.

I never did
subtract it.

What can we
do for you?

She's here to help us.

To help us? Do tell.

Well, yesterday morning,
a little before noon...

Wait a minute,
before I start,

Do you pay
for this sort of thing?

Maudie, I've
already paid you

By letting you
stay in business.


Well, yesterday,

This girl comes
into my shop.

Wants to pawn a necklace.

Value, 20,000 or more.

Says she'll bring
it back today at noon.

Got an appraiser waiting,
plus cash.

She never shows up.

Point is,

What's a raggedy girl doing
with a gewgaw like that?

Did you get her name?

I didn't take it down.

Was she with anyone?

Can I get
my p*stol permit back?

You think
she can?


That depends on
who was with that girl.

Who was it, maudie?

Paul borden.

Paul borden.

I don't believe
I know paul borden. Oh, sure you do.

Young fella. Red, curly
hair. On the lean side.

Worthless, treacherous,
but a really nice boy.

We found the shop
that sold them
baby clothes.

The cashier gave
a description of
who bought them.

It wouldn't be
a curly, red-headed

Kind of lean
young fellow, would it?

Yes, sir.

Maudie, did you
hear that?

I just got the same
information free.

Now, bill...

Jamison, get me
an address on paul borden

And any other

Right on it, chief.

You're not going
to welsh on a deal,
bill gillespie?

Oh, uh. No,

Uh, maudie...

But I'm thinking
about welshing on it.

Paul borden?

That's right.

Detective tibbs,
sparta police.

This is
chief gillespie.

Yeah, so?

You were seen

In maudie's
pawn shop.

Any law against that?

If you were trying

To peddle stolen
property, there is.

Is it me, or is this guy
making no sense?

Now, listen. Don't
you, paul borden,

Try to get cute
with me, you hear?

'Cause if I get
an itch to do so,

I can make life
really miserable
for you.

The necklace cassie
tried to pawn
was probably stolen.

Cassie? Yes.

I mean, uh,
she told me

It was
a family heirloom.

It is...

But not her family.

Cassie have a baby?

Yeah, sure.

W-why are you asking me
all these questions?

Know where we
can find cassie?

I haven't seen her
since yesterday.

I've no idea
where she is.

I think he's lying.

I think he's
lying, too.

You the ones
that called?

Yep. I was saying
how it 'minded me

Of that 20-pounder
I caught.

I took this divorcee
up there...

All I need to know...

Right. Anyway,
I says to him,

"Get over here
and help."

I said,
"it feels like
a fighting catfish."

Ernie says, "funny,
looks more like

One of them
fighting caddies."


There's no question
about it, chief.

It's that blue
cadillac de ville--lqj 523.

What are you saying?

Fishermen pulled
a cadillac out
of that lake

With a 20-pound line?

No, chief. The lake,
they lowered the lake.

The fishermen?
How can fishermen
lower the lake?

The power company
opens the dam
once a month.

Well, anything else,
uh, bubba?

Are you sure? Yeah, I'm real sure.

What's going on there?

Lonnie: chief, we found
a body in the car.

A woman's body,
cassie chapin.

Oh, lord.

Looks like
paul borden was lying.

Gillespie: well...

I can't arrest him
for that,

But, I can sure
arrest him for m*rder.

What's this
about a letter?

I'm glad you're here.

I found this
in the little boy's

I thought it might help
locate his parents.

"Nathaniel lee."

Maybe that's his father.


Mrs. Barrett, I'll
make sure the chief
gets this, ok?

Thank you.

They're very beautiful

And very
valuable, too.

And you wanted them,

So you k*lled cassie
to get them, didn't you?


that's hard to believe.

The pearls were found
in your apartment...

And you were
the last one with her.

You were seen driving
around town, including here.

I was helping
her out.

We were old friends.

What did cassie want
with lieutenant skinner?

I don't know.

Said he was
a friend.

So you took
cassie's baby,

And you left it
on lieutenant skinner's

Didn't you, paul?

Why would I do
something like that?

I think you
made a mistake.

You probably
lost your head.

You k*lled cassie,
but, uh...

I think you're
kind of a nice fellow
down deep,

And you just couldn't
go on and k*ll
that baby, right?

This is all crazy.

Don't hide, paul.

Don't hide!

If we're wrong here,

You better
set us straight fast

'Cause at this moment,
all the evidence
points at you!

I want you to tell me

Who was the father
of that child.

Hey, bubba.

Where's the chief? He's in the jail
questioning borden.

Well, this is a letter
from cassie...

To the baby.

"Dear nathan" , guess
the baby's name is nathan...

"I'm leaving this
because I'm scared,

"And I want to
make sure you end up
in the right hands.

"Your mama has done

"A lot of crazy things
in her life.

"Having you
is not one of them.

"I may be about to do
another crazy thing,

"Maybe my last thing.

"I just want the kind
of life for you

"That I could
never afford."


You know, paul...

I think I'm going
to ask you

To read the rest
of this letter.

From right there...

Where I left off
saying "afford."

You read it to us,
would you? Aloud.

"Maybe... Inheriting you
will be just what it takes

"To make a man
out of your father.

"Who knows?

"Your daddy...

"Paul borden...

"May turn out...

"To be a good guy
some day."

Was she right
about that, paul?

What was it, paul?

What was that last
crazy thing that she did?

Tell us about
the mother of your child.

I, uh...

I didn't know
I was the father.

Maybe that's
why I couldn't...

You couldn't what?

Cassie went to jackson
for an abortion.

It was all paid for,
but she didn't do it.

Met some old lady
who took her in,

Helped her through it.

Couple of days ago,

She came back here...
Wanting money.

And you wouldn't pay?

Aw, she wasn't
blackmailing me.

I got nothing.

I didn't know
I was the father

Till I read this letter.


If you didn't think
you were the father,

Who did?



Roger selworth.

That builder.
Let's go get him.

Right about now,
you'll probably find him

At the methodist church
on randolph.

Well, virgil, get
something in writing
here, will you?

Let's go get him.

wedding march plays]

Fine. And stop
right there.

You took the words
right out of my mouth.

Excuse me.
Roger selworth?

This shouldn't
take long, elise.

It better not.

I'm in the middle
of my wedding rehearsal.

And it would have been
an outstanding event.

That's a very beautiful
young woman in there,

Is it that
building zone
problem again?

Come down
to my office tomorrow,

And whatever it is,
we'll discuss it.

Oh, we'll discuss it.

Today, at the jailhouse.

You under arrest.

For what?

Uh, m*rder... That's
the main charge.

Uh, bubba,
tell him that thing

They always say,
will you?

I always misplace
that card that
it's written on.

You got a right
to keep your mouth shut.

You say anything,
we gonna hang it
on you later.


Yeah, that's
more like it.

Not a bad-looking
little fella,
huh, lonnie?

For a pudgy guy

Who's losing
his hair, he's fine.

A relative
will be taking
little nathan?

Yes, ma'am.which one?

I'm not sure, still
got to interview a few.

You're interviewing
your relatives?

Your relatives
are the ones

You got to be
most careful of.

You know
my family.

That's why I approve
your cautious behavior.

I have an idea.

Since you're really
the child's godfather,

We need
a picture of you

little nathan.

a splendid idea.

What? What?

Go ahead.

Hold the baby with...

Bubba, this is
the right thing to do.

I don't know
about that.

[Laughs] um...

Look at him.
Come on, step over here.

Get some distance between
yourself and the camera.

Look at that.
Isn't he great?

Ready to take
the picture? Yes, sir.

Go ahead.

Oh, come on,
bubba, smile.

Snap it.

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