Zoolander 2 (2016)

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Zoolander 2 (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »


Sting, open up! It's Bieber!

Sting! Come on! Sting!

It's Bieber, bro! Open the door!

Oh, fudge!

You can't k*ll us all.

We will protect the Chosen One.


Peace out, world.

Peace out.

Valentina, he was pronounced
dead 13 minutes ago.

I can't believe it.

Justin Bieber?


The sixth pop star to die in the last year.

And all with that look.

As if they were
trying to tell us something.

That look.

There's only one person on Earth

who would know
how to interpret this look.

It's a dead end, Valentina.

No one has seen that man in years.

Then God help us all.

Shocking. Stupefying.

Something out of a Hollywood
disaster movie.

Just a few of the ways
New Yorkers described

what happened today
as Derek Zoolander's

Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good

and Who Wanna Learn to Do
Other Stuff Good, Too

literally collapsed into the East River

only two days after its official opening.

Students and teachers were evacuated.

And while Zoolander and his son,
Derek Jr., were unharmed,

sadly, his wife,
Matilda Jeffries-Zoolander,

has reportedly d*ed.

I just feel lucky no one
from my family was hurt!

She was crushed by the book?

A vigil is being held tonight

for the other chisel-cheeked
lion of the modeling kingdom,

Hansel, who is reported
to have sustained

permanent injury to his breathtaking face

after being trapped
beneath a burning beam.

authorities are still investigating,

the cause of the disaster
is believed to be

Zoolander's mind-boggling decision

to build the reading center

out of the actual materials
that were used to construct

the original architectural model.

Clothing designer
Jacob Moogberg,

AKA Jacobim Mugatu

was sentenced today
to two consecutive life terms

in a maximum security fashion prison

for his role in
the attempted assassination

of the Malaysian Prime Minister.

His co-conspirator, modeling agent

Maury Ballstein, turned state's witness...

I'll give you anything
you want on that fakakta fink.

...in exchange for relocation in the
Witness Protection Program.

Back in the news tonight,
former model, negligent builder,

now unfit parent, Derek Zoolander.

This footage was taken by a neighbor

across from Zoolander's SoHo loft.

D.J., how did Mommy make it soft?

The Child Protection Agency

removed Zoolander's son, Derek Jr.

late last night in a daring midnight raid

placing him in the custody of the state.

Which is why it pains me to say

that effective immediately,
I will retire from modeling

and live alone as a hermit crab.

I will now be anonymous
and known only as...



And finally tonight,

here's something to make you feel old.

Incredible as it may sound,

of the over 3.7 million
high school graduates this year

less than 2% could tell you
what a fax machine is,

name a Caucasian President,

or know who Derek Zoolander was.

Was... Was... Was...

Go away.

Derek! Open up, it's me.

I'm sorry, traveler,
you must have lost your way.

No one lives here by that name.

Right. Sorry. I mean, Eric.

I've got your mail.

Billy Zane. It's been years.

Where's my regular mailperson, Ingvar?

He couldn't make it.

I was in the neighborhood,
I thought I'd stop by.

Got your Netflix.

Whoa, Jack Ryan...

...and Jack Reacher.

Tonight's gonna be a total Jack-off.

You have something else here.

What is it?

Open it.

Gryootings, Derek Zoolownder.

Are you a Boxtroll?

That's Alexanya Atoz,

owner of the largest fashion
empire in the world.

Because you are one of the
world's true fishion icons,

I have personal selected you
to come to Rome...

The Eturnanal Cyootee...

To muddel my nyouest colleeauction

by my hoottest now designer...

Doon Atari.


Don Atari.

He's "it" in fashion right now.

People would die to be in his show.

I can't.

I'm a hermit crab now.

Gryootings, Derek Zoolownder.

I already told you!

It's like you're not even listening to me!

Derek, uh...


Maybe it's time to engage
with the world again.

Think about it, man.
This could be a sign.

And what if it's a stop sign, Billy?

I used to be a successful
model/fashion icon.

Now, I'm just a model/failure.

Slash-guy who is still a model/father.

Slash-guy who k*lled his wife

using cheap building materials
that collapsed on her.

Slash-guy who has got
to stop b*ating himself up about that!

Slash-guy who couldn't
make spaghetti soft

so they took away his son,

so-slash-now he's alone
and hiding from the world.


Slash-have you ever even tried
to get your son back?

You can do that?

Yeah. You'd hire a litigator,

he files the appropriate paperwork...

But I don't even know where he is.

First things first.

If you take this job
that Alexanya's offering you,

you could prove to Child Services

that you're a productive
member of society again.

Go to Rome.

Find yourself.

Become the father you were meant to be

and get your boy back.

Safe journey, my friend!

Thanks, Billy!

What have you got?

Ball and chain not happy.

Sorry I'm late!

Oh, my gosh.

I was finishing up Shavasana

and this sandstorm
kicked up out of nowhere.

I'm okay, though.

Ah, Natalka, you look beautiful.


Yes, really.

Dinner is ruined!

Guys, I told you
not to wait for me, didn't I?

Remember, we talked about this.

Can't we just take it slow?

When I met you guys two years ago,

it was the best orgy of my life.

Let's get back to that feeling.

It's there.


Every relationship has to evolve.

And somehow, you've managed
to stay the same.

But you're gonna
have to change, my man.

'Cause change, she is a-comin'.



All of you?

How is this even possible?

We thought you'd be happy.

Well, I am happy.

That, uh...

It's just a lot to process,
and that's what I'm doing.

To be honest,

I've never seen myself
in this role, you know, as a...

You mean a father?

Well... Uh... I...

Let me... I want to check on...

On the camel here!

Who am I?

Who am I?

Hey, Hansel!

Billy Zane?

Got your Netflix.

And this.

- Thanks very much.
- No, it's my bag.

Excuse me, I think that's...

No, trust me, this is my bag.

- Just look at the ticket right here.
- Hansel.

Never heard of him, honcho.

Look right here at the ticket
and you can see that...

Derek Zoolander.

Hi. It's been a long time.

Yeah. Not long enough.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I think I should peace.

Wait a minute!

We haven't seen each other since...

Since the building you designed

fell on my face and ruined my career?

Yeah, it's been a while.

It was an accident. I didn't mean to...

You didn't mean to build
the support beams out of popsicle sticks

and highly-flammable rubber cement?

That was just a little accident?


This is it. Forever.

Because I promise you,

this is the last time
we will ever see each other.

Right here, this moment.

Good-bye forever.

Works for me.

Hope you're not an epiplectic,

because we're about to get blinded.

Yep. Here we go.

Susan Boyle, right here!

Take a picture of that!


I guess with my beard
and your disgusting face,

they don't know who we are.

Derek! Hansel!

Hey, boys. I'm Vip.

- Vip?
- Yeah.

I'm in charge of social media
for Don Atari.

I've been working for him since I was 10.

How old are you now?


Should we go to the hotel?

Pretty strange, you and I
both getting called back

to the big stage like this.

A gig's a gig.
I'm just doing this to get my son back.

Explain how doing a fashion show's
gonna accomplish that.

Simple. Child Services hears
I'm working again,

KKK, a responsible parent,

and they give me my son back.

Responsible parent?

What? You don't think I could be one?

No, it just brings up
some junk from the past.

I didn't have a father.

It's kind of my big issue right now.

- You didn't have a father?
- Nah.

All my mom ever told me
was my dad was a b*at cop.

Always on the road.

The road away from little Hansel.

Valentina. You're going to
want to see this.

Check out Mr. Disco Barry Gibb.

Zoolander is in Rome?

Welcome to the Palazzo D'Caca.

The entire hotel is biodegradable

and made from reclaimed human waste.

This is the ultra-exclusive, fully-toxic,

Zero-Footprint Suite.

The masseuses at the spa
are all homeless.

And the hotel
has complimentary farm-to-table Wi-Fi.

Wait... We're rooming together?


There must be some mistake.

I'll call Billy Zane.

Good idea.

Look, tiny phone! That is so retro.

I'm gonna take a picture of it
with my phone.

This is Billy Zane.
I'm not here right...

Well, Don Atari
is waiting for you down in the lobby.

Oh, and don't drink the water
or you'll die.

I just have one question.


What in the world is farm-to-table Wi-Fi?

You're asking me?

Muchacho, I have no idea.

- For serious?
- No!

Because when Vip said that,
you had this look on your face, like,

"I totally know
what farm-to-table Wi-Fi is!"

I was acting cool
'cause I thought you knew.

I thought you knew!

No, I just didn't want Vip
to think I was uncool!

I miss not knowing things with you.

Yeah. Me, too.

Why didn't we do this sooner?

Because we've both been in hiding

since the day I k*lled my wife

and permanently d*sfigured you.

Oh, yeah, that's probably it.

That was the day I lost the fire.

The fire?

The fire in my face.

It's kind of my big issue right now.

You still got it, D-Zone.
You're Derek Zoolander.

You stopped a Chinese throwing star
in mid-air with a look.

I was there.

That's not me anymore.

Yes, it is.

Hey, flash me that beautiful look.

Give me that incredible Magnum.


Think fast. Magnum.

Wait, no!

Magnum! Now!


Come on! You got this,
but you got to focus!

- Come on!
- Hansel, stop!

You got this! Yeah!

Maybe we could try a wash cloth?

- Tequila!
- Hansel, no!

No! It's not working!

Ah, you're right.

What happened to us?

You mean me.

You still have it.

No, I don't.

Look at this face. It's a horror show.

Come on, Hansel. It can't be that bad.

It is.

- Take off your mask.
- No.

No way.

No one's ever seen me
without this mask.

And no one ever will.

I think I know the real you.

And it has nothing to do
with the way you look.

You mean that?

Of course, I do.



It's disgusting! Put it back!

I was wrong, please,
put the mask back on! It's so gross!

I can't be friends with you
if you look like that! Please!

It is so disgusting!
Please, put it back!

Please, Hansel, put it back, I was wrong!

No. This feels good.

Could you please put the mask back on

so I can concentrate on
what you're saying?

No! I'm done hiding.

Look, there's only one way
for us to find ourselves.

Know what that is?

Look inward and connect
with our authentic truth?

No. I was gonna say
become the two biggest,

hottest models in the world again.


Okay. So what say
we get you cleaned up,

shave that billy goat beard,

go downstairs and show these punks
what real fashion looks like?

Oh, my God. Yes, dude!

Yes! You guys look so lame.
I love it, dude.

You ninjas dressed up
all old-school just to meet me.

So Jedi.

You guys suck. Both of you guys suck.

You look great.


I'm Don Atari. What up?

What up, Hansel?

Yeah. That's sick.

Wait a minute. "I'll call Billy...".

I just said that!

I know. Like, 15 minutes ago, right?

Vip told me, so I made these retro shirts

with your old catchphrase on it.


Hey, let me introduce
my collective, dude.

They're all losers, I hate these guys.

We got TRS-80, KITT...

Rubik, my man Gleek.

Eh, this guy gives
the best shitty tattoos ever.

He's a genius. His tattoos are so stupid.

He's the one who did
my Colonel Sanders.

Look at that, pretty epic, huh?

It sucks, I don't like it, dude.

Why would I do this to myself?
I never wanted this on me.

I love it, dude. I got it
when my grandfather d*ed.

That's really cool.

So, uh, what's the deal with the show?

Yeah, where do you want us
to fire up this chainsaw?

Colosseum? Trevi Fountain?
Spanish Steps?

What? No way, dude.

Those places are gnar-gnar bo-bo.

We're holding it
in an abandoned medical waste facility

on top of an industrial trash heap.

It's totally toxic, but super chill.

Cool! Sounds dope.

Yeah, fresh.

Oh, what?

You guys are like,
"Sounds dope!" "Fresh!"

They're doing the voices and everything!

I didn't think you guys
would do the voices. That's sick!

"Sounds dope! Sounds fresh!"

I don't like you guys.
It's an honor to have you.

Hey, retreads!

I want to introduce you all to my muse

and basically, like,
the biggest supermodel

in the whole world right now, dude.

This is All.

All what?

We are All.

So, are you like a male model
or a female model?

All is not defined by binary constructs.

That's cool. I don't like labels, either.

But I think he's asking,
do you have a hot dog or a bun?

Do you have a wiener or vergiener?

All is all to all.

By the way, All just
married hermself, dude.

Monomarriage is finally legal in Italy.

I support that.

Derek, that's pretty good, right?

Uh, I'm sorry, are you not comfortable

with people like All
in the workplace or something?

No. Of course, I am.

I mean, like, if your son or
whatever came to you and said,

"Hey, Dad, I really want to marry All,"

like, wouldn't you be so stoked for that?

Isn't that, like, exactly what you want?

Imagine All walking in, being like,

"We'll finally be together."

You'd be like hella stoked for that, right?


I'd be, like, totally stoked.

All is done here. Atari.

See you, fools.

Guys, Alexanya Atoz is here!

The show must begin now!

Wow. Alexanya Atoz.

They say she doesn't walk.
She just floats.

She looks even better in person.

Ah, I got those juices flowing again.

Just put us out there. Let us do our thing.

Come on! Come on!

Chop, chop! Lay down, lay down!

Get in, get in. Take off your robes.

Go! Go! Go!

Derek! I have a really
good feeling about this.

I know. I feel so alive!




Ha! Yah!

Quit it, All!

Hot dog!
It's definitely a hot dog!

All is done.


So let me tell you what I think worked.

I think we got to shake off
some of the rust.

I was trying out a few new looks,

although it might have been hard to see

through all the dates, or,
was it, you know, prunes?

Hansel, are you insane?

We were a joke out there.

A total laughing stick.

What do you want me to say?
I mean, I know...

I know we looked like idiots,

but I'm trying to make the best of it!

Knuck, knuck!

Not now! We...



...vere amowzing.


Your fece so hundsome.

Und, Hansel, so stemmy.

Ridowkulously stemmy and hyot.

I'm sorry. I can't understand
a word that you're saying.

I want to invite you to be my gyuests

at the most elite
fishion event in housetory.

The IncrediBall.

Oh, what!

The IncrediBall?

Is that like the Met Ball?

No, sveet, stupid Deryuck.

For the first time
in the housetory of fishion,

all of the most important
designers will come together

under one rureff.

I trust you will be dere

with your hyot and stemmy feces.

Dudes. Holy Shazbot! What!

You're guys are gonna be
the center-pizzle of IncrediBall!

What does that mean?

The center-pizzle of IncrediBall.

That was bananas, Johnny.

I'm done.

What? Derek, what are you
talking about?

Did you not hear what they just said?

We're going to be the center
of the IncrediBall.

I can only pray that nobody from
Child Services attended the show

or I'll never get little Derek back.

What about all the attention?

This is exactly
what we were talking about!

No, Hansel. It's exactly
what you were talking about.

We don't fit in anymore.

Don Atari and All
and that creepy little Vip!

- I don't want any part of it!
- Derek.


Derek! D-rock!

Derek Zoolander?


Valentina Valencia.

Interpol, Global Fashion Division.

Fashion Police? We're clean, lady.
Go harass somebody else.

Besides, I'm out of fashion.

I need to talk to you.

It has to do with
the death of Justin Bieber.

His death is not my problem.

Look, I'm trying to find out
who's k*lling the pop stars of the world.

And I think you're my only chance.

What part of "not my problem"
did you not understand?

None of it.

So you did understand
the part about it not being my problem,

or you didn't understand any part of it
not being a part of my problem?

No, no, no, Derek.

I think what she's saying is that
she understands what you're saying,

but she doesn't accept it.

Hansel! It's all too confusing.

I thought coming here
would help me find myself,

and possibly my son.

But this is more than I bargained for.

This hermit crab
is crawling back into his planetarium.

I can use the database at Interpol
to help you find your son.

If you help me.

I think we got to play ball with her.

She's got some kind of database

or something that she says

will help us find little Derek.

And she's hot.

I trust her.

So, before Bieber d*ed,
he Twitpic'd this look.

He posted it to the blogspot
for his summer concert tour.

He was trying to send a message.

It's Blue Steel, right?

What are you, a f*cking idiot?

Yeah, that's Blue Steel.

My question is,
is Interpol one of those socialist things

where they hire
mentally-impaired people?

I... I know.

That's right.

I heard your mother worked here.

Oh, snap!

My mother doesn't work here.

No more games, okay?

Is this Blue Steel or not?

Not even close.

I knew what it was the moment I saw it.

It's an old one... From the 90s.

It was for a body lotion campaign I did.

I called it "Aqua Vitae".

Young forever.


Still holds up.

Notice the curvature
of my right eyebrow.

It's night and day from Blue Steel.

He's right.

When I overlay them, there are over


I had no idea there was
so much subtlety involved.

Please accept my apologies, Derek.

None taken.


Filippo, we need to find
everything there is on Aqua Vitae.

Hold on a second, lady. A deal's a deal.

Now, you help me find my son.


His name is Derek Jr.?


Have you ever Facebooked him?

No, thanks. Matilda facebooked...

...and it k*lled her.

Found him.

He's at the Orphanage
Del Piccolo Cletusi.


In Rome.

Wait. What?

He's in Rome.

That's convenient. So we can
hit that party at the IncrediBall.

A little too convenient.

Someone wants you here, guys.

But who?

Listen to me.

Be careful
at the orphanage.

And trust no one at House of Atoz.

I'll see what I can find.

Thanks for coming with me.
I feel kind of nervous.

Hey. You're showing up. Feel good.

That must be him.


He's even more gorgeous
than I imagined.

You're a lucky man.

You there. Boy.

- What's his name?
- Who?


That's Fabrizio.


What a beautiful name.

He used to be called Derek Jr.

Really? That's strange,
'cause that's my name.

Bye, mister.

- Let's go.
- What?

- Let's go.
- Why?

I can't do this.

Why not?

He's fat! The fat one is Derek Jr.

No, that chubby kid's name is Fatlander.

I heard them call him that.

Don't you get it?
He switched the "Zoo" part with "Fat".

That's how he came up with "Fatlander".
Fat equals Zoo!

So wait. You're saying that
just because your son is fat

that makes him some sort
of terrible person?

Maybe you're right.

No, I'm asking.

Does being fat
make someone a terrible person?

And I'm agreeing with you.

I seriously think my fat son
might be a terrible person.

And it doesn't make him
a good person, I know that.

But I don't know what to say.

I think you better puddle-talk it out.

So I guess I have a lot to ponder.

You sure do.


What? Who's that?

I don't know. It wasn't me.



Ghost of Matilda? Is that really you?

Yes, Derek.

I'm sorry I haven't
been in touch, but I've just been so dead.


You must love our son.

He needs you.

But beware of the Headmaster.

What's happening to you?

Love our son.

- Ew!
- And beware the Headmaster.


I'm the Headmaster.

Derek Zoolander...

...I'm assuming.

Because I've never met you ever.

Mr. Hansel informs me
that you'd like to see your son.

Easily arranged. Come.

I should tell you,
your son is incredibly gifted.


If you want
to find the Spirits in the Material World,

you need to talk
to the Ghost in the Machine.

What? Who is this?

I have a Message in a Bottle for you,

so don't go to The Police.

Okay, don't go to the police
'cause there's a message in a bottle.

Okay, I got it.

Now go prank call someone else, idiot.

Here they are now.

Hey, there, sport.

I hear someone's a fat little smartypants.

I'll leave you to it, then.

I'm gonna let you two catch up

and maybe hit the spa back at the Caca.

Look, I know you have
a lot of unresolved feelings,

but I'm still your father.

You're not my father. You weren't there.

That wasn't my choice.
I was there when you were little.

Most kids play catch with their father.

They don't go with them
to a thong sh**t.

There are lots of
starving children in Africa

who would die to go to a thong sh**t.


Look, let me make it up to you.

Let's go play ball-catching now.


So how's the family reunion going?

Great. I'd like to check him out

for a few hours, if that's okay.

Sure. As long as he's back by sundown.

He seems like a nice guy.

You seem like an idiot.

Okay, I think I know
what would help right now.


Frozen chocolata gelato!


Oh, my God!

Hashtag, oops.

You know, sometimes it takes an
extremely traumatic experience

to make you appreciate
a good makeover.

Am I right?


Derek Jr.!

- Are you mentally insane?
- What?

What are you reading?
I Am Malalalala?

No books! Think of your mother.

What's the big deal?
Mom read tons of books.

And a one-ton book k*lled her.

The book didn't k*ll Mom. You did.

And you nearly k*lled me, too.

Come on. Look at us.
We look ridiculous.

What, okay,
maybe your pants are a little loose.

- Are you serious right now?
- What?

I don't want to be anything like you!

You're a has-been!

And you are the most narcissistic,

self-involved person I've ever met!

But that's not how I think of me.

I'm going back to school.

Little Derek, come back here!

I thought we were gonna
give each other facials!


How did you learn to speak Italian?

Because I'm smart!

Mom was smart, too.

The only stupid thing she ever did

was fall in love with you.

I don't even have the words
to express what a burn that is.

I don't know what to say.

No, I mean I literally
don't have the vocabulary to respond.

You're like a walking Tyrannosaurus.

You mean "walking thesaurus".

I don't know.

I guess it's nice
that you want to reconnect or whatever.

But we're too different.

And it's too late.

Thanks for the gelato.


Hi there, Hansel.

I heard you

are on the rebound.

No, no. I'm still... Still committed.

We're just taking a
little time to kind of...

Doesn't mean we can't enjoy
each other's bodies.

Oh, damn it.


Meaningless sex always makes me
feel better about myself.

Come on.



We know you're in there!

Stay here. Stay here.

Hansel, let us in! We want to apologize!

Come back to the pigpile, Hansel.

Touch-a, touch-a, touch me.
I want to be dirty.

That's it. I've had enough.
Everybody, back up.

Back! Back!

Hello! Hello!


My gosh.

God... Ow!

Oh, Hansel.

Okay. You guys have a talk.
I'm going to a bar.

That's a good idea. Yeah, go.


You are a basic bitch.

Come on, let's go. Come on. Out.

I can k*ll you.

Please. Let me just explain.

Guys, you didn't
even give me a chance to explain!

Hansel, how can you expect
to love 11 people

when you don't even love yourself?

I hope they were worth it.

That's not fair.



Hey, where did everybody go?
I wasn't done with that hippo.

Who am I?

Who am I?

- Derek?
- Hey, Hansel.

Are you trying to figure out
who you are, also?


♪ Who am I? ♪

Hey, Katy!

Yeah, it's like,
when will we find out who we really are?

I know, right?

Who am I?

Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Even you don't know who you are?

In an ever-expanding universe,

slowly pulling itself apart
into nothingness,

what use does the question
"Who am I?" even have?

Neil, I got to say,
you're totally blowing my mind right now.

That's what I do.

I'm Neil deGrasse Tyson, bitch.


Hansel! Derek!
You have to come to Interpol!

I have incredible news!

We did
a full diagnostic on your Aqua Vitae look,

and a linguistics analysis
on its etymology.

The direct translation is "Water of Life."

But many have
interpreted it another way.

"The Fountain of Youth".

Okay, look, I only
worked there for a summer.

And, no, they don't give happy endings.

No, Derek. The actual Fountain of Youth.

Can you imagine if the Fountain of
Youth indeed does exist...

And if Alexanya Atoz
could market such a liquid...

Do you ever get that feeling

when you see
beautiful teenager girl with perfect skin

and you want to k*ll her
and take her skin

and put it on your skin?

We bottled that feeling.

House of Atoz Yowth Milk.

...she would make billions.

Excuse me.


You are in serious danger.

Don't Stand So Close To Me.

Come on. It's this prank caller again.

- Put it on speaker.
- What... Why?

Just put it on speaker!

Who is this?

I am your King of Pain.

Every breath this guy takes, I'm like,
"What are you talking about?"

Oh, Jesus.

Just meet me
at Saint Peter's Basilica at midnight.

Sounds like this guy's really into Sting.

I model my life after Sting.

And Bieber was k*lled
in front of Sting's villa.


Forgive me, Father.

I have many sins
that I would like to confess.

One of my sins has to do with
the death of Justin Bieber.

No way.

Hey, Derek.

Hey, Sting.

And hello, sweet Hansel.


You two know each other?

Sadly, we've never met.

And yet I feel like I've known you...

...my entire life.

Tell me.

Have you heard of
the Fountain of Youth?

Yes. Why does everybody
keep asking me that?

No, Derek, not the hand job
joint you worked at in SoHo.

The real Fountain of Youth.

It dates back some 6,000 years.

Its original location is thought to have
been the Garden of Eden.

You mean the Turkish bathhouse
I used to work at in Tribeca?

No, Derek. The Garden of Eden.

The birthplace of Adam and Eve

and Steve.

Steve? Who's Steve?

Steve is the original supermodel.

The first of the purebloods.

He was said to be so beautiful,

with a look so powerful...

...that even
the pools of water he gazed upon

could not reflect his beauty back to him.

That look...

That look was called "El Niño".

But, honestly, I've never heard of Steve.

Countless lives throughout history

have been lost to make sure of that.

Evil forces have hunted
his offspring for centuries.

For the legend states

that if you wrench the still-b*ating heart

from the gorgeous body
of a true descendent of Steve

and drink its blood,

you will obtain eternal beauty.

So the Fountai n of Youth
is not a fountain at all.

The Fountain of Youth is...

A person.

And not just anyone.

A direct descendent of Steve.

The Chosen One.

How do you know all this?

Because I, and many rock stars
like me, are his protectors.

You see, there are only a few genes

that separate the greatest rock
stars in history from male models.

Which genes are those?

The ones for talent and intelligence.

Of course.

We were entrusted
to protect the Chosen Ones.

But who is the Chosen One?

We believe it is your son.

And that he is in grave danger.

But he's back at the school!

We have to get to him before something
terrible happens to him!

No. Wait. Hansel. Look into my eyes.

Is there anything you want to ask me?

Anything at all?

Do you really have sex for ten hours?

No comment.


Farewell, my handsome boy.

- Farewell.
- Good-bye, Sting.

Bolt cutters!

He's gone!

It's like no one was ever here.

It was a wig.


It was a wig the whole time.

That was a wig?

That Headmaster
wasn't a good guy at all!


No! No! No!


Derek, relax!

Don't do it.

When you want to go to it.

- Filippo.
- Si.

I need you to pull up everything you have

on the man who was arrested
back in 2001

for brainwashing Zoolander.

Facial scans to be cross-referenced

with security footage
of the headmaster of the orphanage.

It's a positive I.D.

The Headmaster
didn't have a name or papers.

Oh, my God.

It's the evil breakdancing DJ.

He was arrested with Mugatu
and his accomplice back in 2001.

It's Katinka

Where are they now?

disappeared off the grid.

It looks like the Evil DJ
came through the Swiss border

with forged papers
about three weeks ago.

I suppose they could have...

Driven to Rome
and kid napped Derek's son.


Which means the person
behind all of this is...



Who are we talking about?

Mugatu's in there.

For ten years,
there has only been one name

on the list of visitors that he will allow.

Thank you.

For what?

For helping us.

When I was a little girl
growing up in Albacete,

my room was covered
in pictures of Derek Zoolander.

The most amazing model alive.

Except I'm not one anymore.

My son called me a has-been.

I'm a has-been.

What kind of has-been were you?

I was a swimsuit model.

- I'm so sorry.
- My heart goes out to you.

I was never able
to transition to print or runway.

To your world of high fashion.

Because of these.

These intrusive, oversized naturals.

These things could never fit
into a sample size.


You need to go for this now...

Not later. Now.

- Hansel, are you serious?
- Yes.

While Matilda lies warm in her grave?

Matilda's been dead for years.
You need to move on.

Honestly, by now
she's just a couple of teeth.

A piece of spine.

Maybe a little skull fragment,
like that guy from Tales from the Crypt.

The Crypt Keeper.

Hansel, stop it! I'm not ready.

The world's most
notorious fashion criminals are in there.

Be careful, Derek.
He'll try to get inside your head.

Don't worry. It's closed for business.

Give 'em hell, Derek.

You're goin' down, Zoolander!

You're goin' down, listen to me!

You better listen to the Hammer!
Can't touch this!

No! No! Zoolander
can't touch Mugatu! No!

Shut up, Hammer!

Members Only. Members Only.

Epaulettes are not a crime.

Smart casual. Smart casual.

You can't touch him!

Mr. Hammer is wrong!

Derek Zoolander.

I've been expecting you.

What have you done with my son?


Our most overrated appendage.

When not allowed the use of them,

you'd be surprised how quickly

feet can be trained to do
the exact same thing.

Your son is doing wonderfully.

From what the school tells
my offshore accountant...

He's incredibly smart.

Your accountant?

Who do you think paid
for that fancy orphanage?

When he was taken away from you,

someone had to make sure
he got his eight square meals a day.

Eight? You bastard!

I'm sorry. I'd love
to keep talking about this,

but I seem to have developed
a nasty itch.

I'd ask you to scratch it for me,

but no doubt you'd think
I was just trying to trick you.

Or you're trying to make me
think I shouldn't help you.

In which case, I should do the
opposite of that and help you.

Or don't help me.

I think that's even a better option.

You're trying to switch it around on
me, but I won't take the bait.

Sorry, Mugatu.

I'm going with my first instinct.

And helping you.

I really wish you wouldn't.

Too late. The die is cast.

I'd prefer that you didn't.

I'm going to do it.

Please don't.

Let me go!

Not until you untie my straitjacket
and put it on, okay?

If I do, will you let me go?


Which means you will let me go.

So I'll do it.

Oh, my gosh.


Check and mate, Mugatu.

Your move.

You really are an idiot, aren't you?

Like, super, super white hot,
blazingly stupid.

For ten long years...

I've been plotting my escape
from this dreadful place.

For ten long years.
For ten long years.

Ten years spent creating some of the
most realistic and lifelike masks...

...ever made.

One for you.

And one for me.

All so that today...

...you can become me!

And I can become...


That's it?

You'll never get away with this.

All of the guards
here are former male models.

Somehow I don't think
it's gonna be a problem.

Guard! Guard!

Will that be all, Mr. Zoolander?

That will be all.



Come back here, Mugatu!


Go get Derek!


Go get Derek!

And tell my orgy I love them!


Where's my g*dd*mn latte?

Oh, and, um, here.

What's that?

I missed you, too.




Oh, no. Hey, sorry to interrupt.


Don Atari, what are you doing here?

Don't you knuck?

Mugatu? What? No way, dude.

I thought you were
supposed to be in jail, dude.

You're like some dangerous criminal

that tried to assassinate
a world leader, dude.

That was some crazy retro-Bond sh*t.

So corny. I loved it.

Who are you?

Uh, hello! I know you been
all Shawshanked out,

but, like, seriously, I'm the new stupid
king of fashion, whatever.

Don Atari, baby.


So you know who I am, right?

Derelicte was the dumbest, dude.

You and SpongeBob are, honestly, like,
my biggest influences ever, dude.

And did you just escape from prison

in the most ingenious way possible?

Uh, what?

And did you engineer the abduction

and fattening of the son of Zoolander,

and delivery
of the Chosen One for ritual sacrifice

as the key to the Fountain of Youth?

Did you?

Did you? Did you do that?

- Naw.
- Naw?


- Naw?
- Naw.

Did you say "naw"?

I... I said... "naw".

So, I just want to ask you again.

Do you know

who I am?

Whatever, you're...

I'm Jaca-boo-who?

Jacobim Mugatu.

That's right!

I'm Jacobim Mugatu!

Fashion genius.

And you...

You are no one!

Do you understand me?

No one!

I'm the Mamba Bajamba!

I'm the Mamba Bajamba!


You'll take my name into death!

You should know, I actually
care about everybody

and everything very truly...

That's right! I just
k*lled a little hipster!


Prison changed me deeply!

It affected me psychologically.

I'm a psycho!

This is just the beginning. Watch out!

Buyer beware!

Now where is that
chubby little blood fountain?


Mugatz just k*lled Atari.

For serious?

Also, they're going
to k*ll your son tonight.


Hang on. I'm gonna try
and get more intel.

What's going on?

Why did you kidnap me?

I didn't kidnap you.
Don't be a silly-billy.

I'm just a fun,
non-threatening clown, that's what I am.

Who wants to massively
increase your caloric intake.


Come here.

There's an all-you-can-eat pasta bar.


Spicy hot pasta puttanesca.

Which means "whore's pasta"!

As in a whore, who made this pasta.

Doesn't that look delicious?

Next, an all-you-can-eat lard bar.

Squirt, piggy, squirt!

Squirt it! Squirt!

All the lard you want!

Fill your little tummy full of lard!

Hansel, where is he now?

He's okay.

It's actually kind of nice.

Mugatu's hooked him up
with some snacks.

He's got like a lard bar
and some cheesecake and stuff.

Oh, and pasta, too.


Oh, no. You're right.
He's fattening him for the slaughter.

You can drop this stupid act.

I know who you are.
You're Jacob Moogberg.

And you're supposed to be in jail.

Hey! Jacob Moogberg d*ed
the day I put ebony and ivory

on skinny satin neckwear!

You hear me?

Okay. I got to make my move. Later.

You listen to me, Biggie Smalls.

I went to prison!

You better scarf down that
last bowl of whore pasta!

We roll in two!

You okay in there, little fella?

We should call the police boat!

They'll never get here in time.

Who says swimsuit models are useless?

Wait. What are you doing?

How long can you hold your breath?

- What?
- Take me from behind, Derek.

And grab me like your life depends on it.

Not like this.

Like this!

For safety. And buoyancy.

Wait. What?

We are swimming back to Rome.

Oh, okay.

I just talked to your dad.

And we've got to get you
out of here pronto.

I never want to see him again.

What're you talking about?
Your dad's a great guy.

He loves you like you're his own.

I am his own!

He's literally the worst father ever!

Do you know
it would break your mom's heart

to hear you bugging out
on your dad like this?

You knew my mom?

Oh, yeah. One of the most
amazing women I ever met.


You didn't want to cross her in the sack.

Those hips of hers would put a love
lock on you to b*at the band.

Wait, what?

I remember there was one night,

she had me and your dad
absolutely twisted in knots.

I was driving the freight train,

your dad's tearing tickets in the caboose.


She had a mouth
like Chinese fingercuffs.

You know where you, like, try to pull it
out but it just keeps getting tighter...

Stop it! God.

Look... I'm not going.

Well, Mugatu's planning
to cr*ck your chest open,

cut your heart out with a Kn*fe,
and drink your blood!


Here he comes.
Everything's gonna be okay.

It's okay, it's okay.

I was exaggerating.

It's D-Day, little dumpling.

You're an amazing swimmer.

Why are you doing this?

Don't talk with your mouth full.

It's soaking wet! It's ruined!

How are we gonna reach Hansel?

We need a phone.

Wait a minute.

Like this one?


Hansel, where are you?

I don't know. Some kind of tunnel.

I think we're underneath the IncrediBall.

It smells like the ruins
of an ancient bathhouse.

It's at the Caracalla Baths.

I'll drop a pin or a needle or whatever

and you can track my coordinates.


They'll never let us in looking like this.

Interpol Fashion Division!

We need your vehicle
and your clothes. Now!

Why is Anna Wintour walking
away from the red carpet?

We have to get in there.

Every bathhouse I've ever worked
at always had a rear entrance.

I'm sure this one's no different.
Come on.

This is definitely it.

If I feel around here long enough,

I should be able to find the hole...



Boy, am I glad to see you guys.

Hansel, my son is going
to die hating me.

Hating you? The last time I saw him,

he couldn't stop talking about
how much he loves you.

- Really?
- Yes.

He said that?

Yes. I mean, I'm kind of paraphrasing,

and you had to read between the lines,

but, basically.

Shut up! Can we talk about this later?

Yeah, come on. Let's go!

This way.

That's Alexander Wang.

And Vera Wang.

Both Wangs.

Marc Jacobs.

Tommy Hilfiger.

They are all here for the sacrifice.

In the beginning of time,

God created Adam and Eve...

...and Steve!






- D.J.
- Wait.

We don't have backup yet.

Jacobeem Mugowto has deliver us...

...the Choosen Why-yun.

And behold,

God expunged Steve from the Garden,

only to redeem us with eternal youth...


...bathed in the blood
of the fat little Chosen One!

- Derek!
- Derek, don't.


I don't care
if you're fat anymore, Derek Jr.

I love you.

Look, I have made
a lot of mistakes in my life,

but you are by far the best one.

I was a mistake?

I think so.

To tell you the truth, we were having
so much sex, I can't remember.

T ell me about it, muchacho.


You're beautiful. You have the fire.
You just need to believe it.

The fire?

The fire in your face.

I lost it the day I k*lled your mom.

Oh, look. It's a sad, scared little boy

talking to his fat son
about their feelings.

You are responsible for all this!

You lured me to Italy
so you could escape from prison.

You made Don Atari
and Alexanya hire me to set this trap.

But enough is enough!

Enough is enough!

Eat my blade, Junior!

Time to die, Chubby Checker!

Magnum, buddy. Now.

I can do this.


That did not work at all.

It just doesn't hold up, does it?

You sleuthed the whole thing out, Derek,

but failed to de-sleuth
the most important piece of the puzzle.

I owned the construction company

that built the Center for
Kids Who Can't Read Good.

I personally made sure they cut corners.


But that means that...

That's right, JuJu Bean.
That's How I k*lled Your Mother!

On CBS, right after Two Broke Girls.

Dad, it wasn't you!

It wasn't...

Wait. You called me "Dad".

Oh, I guess I did.

Now you don't have the ceremonial Kn*fe!

Which means, no Fountain of Youth!

Come on, Derek! We need the blood!

Stop being so emotional, Derek.

Just give him the g*dd*mn Kn*fe.

Derek, we need the blood!

Blood of Steve!
Blood of Steve!

Blood of Steve! Blood of Steve!

Blood of Steve!
Give him back the Kn*fe, Derek.

Blood of Steve! Blood of Steve!

Shut up, Valentino!

Just shut up! Everyone shut up!

There is no Fountain of Youth!


I mean, Adam and Eve and Steve?

Are you serious?
You actually believed that crap?


It's literally the stupidest thing
I've ever heard!

I get it if Alexander Wang believes it,
but the rest of you, come on!

Oh, please.

Without me, you'd still
be cutting patterns at Men's Wearhouse.

Oh, look,
it's the White Witch from Narnia!

Oh, no, I'm sorry it's just Anna Wintour.

I'll knock your teeth out!

I'll rip your g*dd*mn tongue out!

Check out the new
spring collection from Hilfiger.

Brought to you by white privilege!

You couldn't make a down jacket
to save your life!


I don't understand.
You're saying the legend isn't true?

Why are you doing all of this, then?

Because Marc, by Marc Jacobs...

...I knew there'd only be
one thing that would gather

the entire idiotic fashion
world into one place with no exit!

Todd! Doors!

Todd! Silks!


For years you all left me
to die in a stinking cell!

Well, now it's my turn!

I was living a peaceful life of reclusion.

Why drag me into this?

Because my big issue is...

...I hate you, Derek Zoolander!

Then why k*ll all those pop stars?

Why k*ll Justin Bieber?

Really? You're asking me
why I k*lled Justin Bieber?

Todd! Pooch!

It's a b*mb!

Not just any b*mb.

A device, designed by Philippe Starck

in collaboration with Al-Qaeda

for their new spring expl*sive collection.

Todd! Floor!

When I throw this
into this ancient pool of lava,

it will overflow,
k*lling everyone in fashion.

Leaving only me.

You can't k*ll fashion!

I'm afraid fashion already k*lled itself.

Mugatu! I'm coming across!


Heat is a temporal construct of the mind.


It doesn't exist.


It's so hot! It's hot!


Stop it, Hansel! Stop it!

Derek, toss me the Kn*fe.

You got it!


So stupid.

What the hell is your problem?

You guys are the absolute worst.

Put the b*mb down, Mugatu!

Oh, you're the bubble-butted Playboy
model trying to take me down.

Swimsuit model!

Sports Illustrated cover,
three years in a row!




Game on, my sexy sister.

Look! They're sexy fighting!


Tommy likee.

Hey, idiots!
Maybe this will get your attention!

I've got a b*mb in my hand
and it's armed!

Derek, now! Magnum! Do it!

Fly, baby, fly!

Bust it out!

Yes! I knew it.

Hansel, I need your help.

Here, let me try!

It's not working! Derek, it's not working!

I can't hold it, Hansel! I don't have it!

You've got your son! I've got nothing.

Not anymore, Hansel.

Who's your daddy now?

I don't know who my daddy is!

That's the whole point!

- Hansel.
- What?

I am your father.

Holy sh*t. Sting?

Let's do this now.


Nice try, but that looks about
as powerful as your fat son's...

I'm not fat!

He's plus size.

And I've got the fire.

El Niño! It's real.

It's so beautiful.


The prophecy was true.

He is the Chosen One.

Hansel. He's still so hot right now.

No way! It's a glitter b*mb!

Looks like you still have it.

I guess I do.

- Well, we do.
- Mmm.


Your face!

How bad is it?

Welcome to my world, bro.

- Hansel!
- Hansel!

- Orgy!
- Hansel!

What are they doing here?

I knew how much they meant to you,

so I called them on the way over.

You did that for me?

You're the best friend anyone could
ever ask for, Derek Zoolander.

You look so beautiful. Oh.

We missed you so much.

And I've missed you, too.

And I'm ready to be a father.
To all our children.

Minus one.


I lost my baby.


I guess kicking the door
down wasn't such a good idea.

We're going to be a family,
that's all that matters.

Wait. Are you sure?

You're right. We shouldn't.

Hey. It's okay, Dad.
I don't think Mom would mind.


Go to her, Derek.

You're cool with it?

I'm totally cool with it.

I'm dead.

Literally nothing bothers me anymore.

Oh, and guess what?

Mugatu live-streamed all of this

to every fashion blog on the planet.

Everybody loves you guys again.

Did you hear that?

We did it. We're back.

And famous. And totally self-realized.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

If you're thinking...

Lava pool party!


They're back!

After six weeks in the burn ward,

their disgusting facial scars healed

by a miraculous hot lava treatment

Derek Zoolander and Hansel
owning the runway once again

after exposing fashion's top designers

in yet another human sacrifice scandal.

This time with the aid
of Interpol agent Valentina Valencia,

now Zoolander's wife.

The two recently broke ground

for the Valentina Valencia
Center For Swimsuit Models

Who Want To Be Taken Seriously

And Maybe Transition
Into Law Enforcement Too.

Hansel, definitely back
and fully self-realized.

Now a model parent. And father of ten.

As crowds at Paris Fashion Week

go cray-cray for Derek Zoolander, Jr.,

the world's hottest
plus size model-slash-

National Book Award winner-

slash-one-half of celebrity
couple Zoolala.

Yes, these three are totally on fleek...

Redefining what it means
to be really, really,

ridiculously good-looking.

Pumped up with the sex appeal

'Bout to cop another feel
Then I foot the bill

I got bang bang with the looks that k*ll

Sashay, Shante, then hit the blue steel

Trying to take a ride in the cool mobile

You wanna keep me on the line
'Cause my culo real

Rockstar sh*t with the Goose on the chill

My pockets so fat, got a sumo deal

I'm a star, so the camera flicker

Look at her go, blame it on the liquor

Doing it big, my selfie two figures

Could give it up, but I ain't a quitter

Ooh, I be flyer than you
World domination, I'm so Mugatu

Yes, I be smashin ', plenty of fashion

Doing my anthem,
Now give 'em the Magnum

Relax, don't do it
When you wanna go to it

Relax, don't do it

Relax, don't do it
When we got the club moving

Relax, don't do it

When you wanna come

Pack it up, old lames
You just irrelevant to us

Old as the presidents
Your style is like the republican twos

That's a definite
Give grief to all your relatives

And next of kin and
Gave 'em D-attention, no decificit

When I say ancient relics,
Hansel and Derek,

I'm handsome, you jealous

I can tell it from your facial expressions
Or I take it, you smell it

I'm sorry, Don Atari, but Donatella
suggested Valentino for the party

sh**t it in the right direction

Make it your intention

Live those dreams

Scheme those schemes

You gotta hit me

Hit me with those laser beams

Relax, don't do it
When you wanna go to it

Relax, don't do it
When you wanna come

Relax, don't do it

When we got the club moving

Relax, don't do it

When you wanna come

When you wanna come

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