Castle of Sand (1974)

Cops/Detective/Court/Procedural Movie Collection.

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Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?
Cops, Detective, Court, Procedural Movie Collection.
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Castle of Sand (1974)

Post by bunniefuu »


What about breakfast?

All right.

Let's go there.

You're young.

You eat and sleep well.

Couldn't you sleep?

I woke up early.

Composed a poem?

First time in Tohoku. It
should inspire a verse.

But work comes first.


Eitaro Imanishi, Investigation 1st
Section, Metropolitan Police Department

and Hiroshi Yoshimura,
Detective, Kamata Police Station

Please be seated.

You thought at first
that Kameda was a surname?

Inquiries were sent to
the Tohoku prefectures.

No results were produced.

But the only clues we have are

Tohoku dialect and Kameda.

We then thought it might be
a geographical name and so

This is a small town.

Everything comes to our
notice. So we sent the report.

Will it be of some help?

This man stayed at Asahiya,
an inn with a long history.

I refused him at first because
of his looks and clothing.

But he said he would pay in advance.

He paid promptly?

Even gave a tip to the maid.

His looks?

Was he tall or short? Of average build?

Over here?

No, over there.

You there!

Yes, you.

That man was standing here?

Yes, near the roots of that tree.

This tall?

He stood here for 30
minutes without speaking?

At times he crouched.

Sometimes he walked back and forth.

Avery strange man.

The he did nothing special?

It's hard to say what he was
looking at or trying to do.

He lay sprawled here?

That's right.

Without doing anything at all?

Not many idle people
here, so he drew attention.

When I asked, at least 5 or 6
persons remembered seeing him.

The man disappeared and never returned?

That's right.

Impossible to trace.

Probably a false name and address.

Only here one day.

He's vanished.

What about the nearby
towns and villages?

Let the local police do it.

Imanishi, do you intend to go back?


Must we return empty-handed?

Eat your melon.

I know it's inexcusable.

Nothing to show for coming here.

Our work requires waste
of time and labor.

Let's forget about this man.

Since we're here.

Let's check if anyone left
for Tokyo and failed to return.

We can do that.

Tohoku dialect.

That and Kameda are all we have.

Tohoku dialect. Kameda.

The crime was discovered June 24, 1971.

In the Kamata marshaling yard, Tokyo.

Getting late.

Lot of trouble for you.

A corpse brought here.



The victim's age 60 to 65.

Rather slender build.

Wearing gray suit. No name.

No personal affects.

Identity unknown.

Blood type: Group O.

Cause of death: Fractured skull.

Struck on head and face with a rock.

k*lling by train faked after death.

Presence of alcohol detected.

Lapse of time after death:

Came into your bar
between 10 and 10:30 p. M?


Spoke in zu-zu manner?

He had a provincial accent
typical of the Tohoku area.

In Tohoku dialect?

You heard it? No mistake?

Very strong accent.

You placed the whisky on the
table and started to sit down

It was a private talk.
He asked me to leave.

The younger one?

The one seated there.

And then?

I left and went to the counter.

The two left here
shortly before 11:30 p. M?

That's right.

Ordered more drinks.

Kept on talking.

The older man was speaking
earnestly to the younger man.


Couldn't you hear what they were saying?

Music was being played at the time.

Besides, they weren't talking loudly.

This man spoke earnestly.

What was their relationship?

A business deal? Or just friends?

It needn't be definite.

Isn't there some word
that you remember hearing?

Didn't you notice?

When we served the second drinks?

Can't remember.

And you?

When serving the second drinks.

I clearly heard the word Kameda.


I heard the word 2 or 3 times.

How is Kameda? Has
Kameda changed in any way?

You're sure that it was Kameda?

No mistake.

It's narrowed down.

The young man who as drinking in the bar

is the likely suspect.

He was said to be wearing
a white sport shirt.

Blood must have splattered on him.

He couldn't go very far.

Over there.

It might not be as simple as that.

Why not?

The sport shirt.

Could have been thrown into the river.

An undershirt would be enough.

No one would be suspicious
in this hot weather.

It so, the sport shirt
would have been found.

It hasn't been.

The investigation faced

numerous difficulties.

Above all, the victim

had not been identified yet.

The young man who was at the bar.

It's still a mystery.

Who was he and where did he go?

The bloodstained shirt
also remains missing.


The one word remembered by the hostess.

The word both men knew.

Kameda is our principal clue.

The Police Agency assisted us.

found in the Tohoku area.

The families, relatives,

friends knew of no missing person.

The investigation has become snagged.

Despite your efforts.

We are baffled.

In pursuing the investigation further.

I would like to hear
your views and ideas.

Speak frankly.

About that name Kameda.

Why limit it to the Tohoku area?

Their mutual friend might
be living here in Tokyo.

Or somewhere west of Tokyo.

I've something to say about Kameda too.

How's Kameda? Any change?

Were being asked at the bar.

Was it a man's name?

It might have been a locality.

I've had that thought.

Yesterday I looked at a railway map.



In Akita.

Bring an Akita map!

Kameda, a small town at
the northern tip of Japan.

After 2 fruitless days.

In Kameda, Tohoku district.

They decided to go back.

If it could be linked
to that strange man.

We'd have something to show.

Deep colored sea.

Lighter on Pacific side.

Appears enriched.

That's Tohoku for you.

Yoshimura, what happened to that shirt?

Sport shirt?

Since it wasn't found around Kamata.

He didn't live there.

Yes, he couldn't have gone far.

Maybe he had a relay point.

Where he could change.

You mean a hideout, friend or
sweetheart somewhere near Kamata?

Transfer made at Ugo-Honjo
to the express train Chokai.

Shall we eat?

The dining car.

Let's have beer.

No use brooding. I'll treat.

You're blocking the aisle.

I'd like to travel more.

Not much fun.


Don't be foolish. I meant
taking my child along.

Sorry. I forgot something.

Autograph, please.

Who's that fellow?

Can I have some tea?

Who is he?

Eiryo Waga? You mean the musician?

Noted conductor.

He's been invited by
an American orchestra.

According to newspapers.

Great expectations are
being placed in him.

Looks quite young.

How's this?

You were writing a poem?

Not about the search?


Green leaves reflected in
the river and a man asleep.

Refers to that strange man?

More or less

Summer in the north. Water colored deep.

Good expression. I like this part.

In memory of this trip.

Returned to Tokyo at 6:43 a. m.
The trip to Tohoku was failure.

The Metropolitan Police
Department took over the case.

Near Enzan in the central part of Japan.


That new assignment.

Forget about the k*lling.

You're not on that now.

Forget it!

Get me the Maicho Shimbun.

I'm not certain whether it was a letter.

Could it have been
cloth instead of paper?

I didn't look that closely.
Some special reason?

Not particularly.

Shall I introduce her to you?

It was 4 or 5 days ago.

Just by chance.

I was with a writer friend in the Ginza.

Met her unexpectedly.

Care for a drink.


Waiting for Rieko?

I'm Rieko.

Just a few questions
for my own information.

You rode on the Chuo Line recently?

Chuo Line?

Why, no. I haven't left
Tokyo for a long time.


Someone is sure that he saw you.

Is that so? It couldn't
possibly have been me.



Never mind. I left my handbag.

I'll be right back.

All right.

Would you care for a soft drink?

No thanks.

The composer?

Yes, Eiryo Waga.

He's going to America in autumn

to conduct an orchestra.

He's working on a major composition now.

Destiny for piano and orchestra.

He has confidence. Announcing
the title so boldly.


That woman?

Not sure.

It might possibly be Sachiko Tadokoro.

Father is a former Finance Minister.

Akiko, where's Rieko?

Went to get her handbag.

Not there.

Where did she go?

August 9. The case saw

an unexpected development.

The victim's son appeared.

No mistake?

We must ask you next.

To identify the body at the morgue.

He's your father?

Yes? He is.

Thank you for preserving the body.

He has been identified.

Thank you.

He started out for the
Grand Shrines of Ise.

Didn't return.

At the beginning.

We didn't worry.

But 50 days passed by.

We decided to ask the police to search.

We were told there was a
nationwide inquiry from Tokyo.

The photo shown to us.

Looked so much like my father.

I had to come here at once.

Okayama Prefecture?

Father was Kenichi Miki.

My name's Shokichi.

How old was he?

He was 65.



Eldest son?

No, I'm an adopted son.

He had no child.

I was an employee at first.
Father later adopted me.

Then I married.

An adopted son and daughter then?

That's how it was.

From a year ago, father let
us take care of the business.

He virtually retired.

You say he left for Ise?

He had long wanted to
visit the Grand Shrines.

Early in June, he said he wanted
to travel in a carefree manner.

We agreed to his plan.

He left when?

On June 10.

How much money?

I think he took 120,000
or 130,000 with him.

There was no word after that?

Only these.

One postcard from
Kotohira, another from Ise.

Kotohira? Kompira Shrine in Shikoku.

Reached Ise via Kyoto and Nara.

Will return after 2 days here.

But to Tokyo

Had business here?

Don't think so.

We can't understand why
Father visited Tokyo.

No reason for it.


Did your father have
a friend name Kameda?

No one by that name.

He didn't?

Is there a place called
Kameda near your town?

There isn't.

This is very important,
so please think carefully.

Have you ever heard of a person or place

called Kameda?

Neither a person nor a place like that.

Never did?


Father was born and lived to Emi.

Did he ever speak in the Tohoku dialect?

Why, no. Never in the Tohoku dialect.

Did he ever live in Tohoku?

No. He was policeman
in Shimane for awhile.

After retirement, he
returned to his hometown, Emi.

The he opened a grocery shop.

I don't think he ever went
to the Tohoku area.

Did your father have an enemy?
Someone bearing a grudge?

No one like that.

He was kind to everyone.

They all respected him.

You said that he was once a
policeman in Shimane Prefecture.

A policeman comes into contact
with all kinds of people.

At that time?

I'm an adopted son.

Don't know much about the past.

But not in Father's case.

Even if I do say so.

He was certainly a splendid man.

No backbiters at all.

You'll understand if you make inquiries.

A tough case. We're back
at the beginning again.

Still, the victim has been
identified. A big step forward.

But the Tohoku dialect and Kameda?

You still have an attachment for Kameda?

National Language Institute

Whether the Tohoku dialect
is spoken elsewhere?

I want to check that.

No, it is not.

It is spoken only in Tohoku.

It might so happen that

An entire Tohoku village
moves to Hokkaido.

That's very rare case.

But phonemic similarities do exist.


Method of pronunciation,
the sound system.

Platform vendor's call

If Sushi is pronounced Susu.

People in Eastern Japan
will say that's Tohoku.

But in Western Japan, they'll
think of the Shimane area.


Tohoku is identified with
the so-called zu-zu dialect.

But in northeast Shimane.

There is a district where
the zu-zu dialect is spoken.

Shimane area?

This particular Shimane district.

And Tohoku have a phonemic similarity.

Drink all you want.

Eat Yakitori.

What's happened?

I'll tell you all about it.

I'm curious.


The victim and Tohoku district.


Is that Kamedaka?

In the zu-zu dialect

A word's ending is not clear.

A characteristic.

When a zu-zu dialect man says Kamedake.

It'll sound like Kameda to us.


Shimane police sent me a report.

The victim, Miki, was a policeman.

For 20 years at Kamedake.

How's that?

Going to Shimane?

By b*llet train to Osaka.

Then express.

Excursion ticket? Convenient.

I envy you.

The main work will center on...

A checkup.


I'll pursue that sport shirt.

That hostess?

She's vanished.

I've asked around.

No trace.

She has moved somewhere.

I'll make a thorough
search of the Chuo Line.

Of course, this isn't my assignment.

Wouldn't it be better
after I return from Shimane?

This will be different.

I'll bring back some kind
of a present this time.

Eiryo Waga Composing

Grand Symphony Destiny

Waiting for the local train

to go to Mimori.

You must be tired. It's so hot.

Please be seated.

I had a report on your visit.

About Kenichi Miki, isn't it?

It's an old story. Goes back
about 20 years into the past.

None of the policemen
here now know about him.

So today I've called two
or three who have already retired.

Thank you.

Among those arrested by Miki
while he was at Kamedake.

There's no one who would
bear a grudge against him?

In a rural area like this, no
major crime is likely to occur.

Admonition or warning generally suffices.

There was only one sent
to prison. For theft.

That man still thinks of Miki as a god.


After he was released, Miki
found a good job for him.

I met him yesterday.

He said he's able to lead a
decent life. All because of Miki.

At first the people showed
a cold attitude toward him.

Felt like quitting at times but
never went back to his old wavered.

The main reason was Miki's
strong encouragement.

Miki had a firm sense of
justice that never wavered.

I could never have emulated
the high example that he set.

Everyone seems to speak
very highly of Miki.

The records here show that
he received 3 citations.

His former colleagues all agree.

That he was both serious and kind.

If there's a grudge
theory in the present case.

The cause wasn't while
he was a policeman.

If there is any.

It must have been after
he returned to Okayama.

But then, the dialect problem
and Kameda won't fit in.

That's true.

At Kamedake.

There are many who
knew Miki quite closely.

They might be able to help.

But far to the village.

Please feel free to use our jeep.

Kamedake Station?

Were you born here?

Yes, I was.

You show no trace of a dialect.

I'm just being careful.

Among ourselves?

You wouldn't understand the old folks.

To Kirihara's house?

Almost time for supper.
Can you take me to an inn?

Call at our substation tomorrow.

I'll leave word there.

The Kirihara house visited.

Kirihara, Miki's closest friend

When he was a policeman here,

He was a very police
and quiet-mannered man.

What I'm asking?

I'd call him a paragon.

The entire village
practically adored him.

Mr. Kirihara, please think carefully.

Was there anyone who might
bear a grudge against him?

How could such a crime happen?

Who raised his hand against a saint?

The reason.

Might be hidden here.

Can you think of such
a person? Or occurrence?

You've come from afar to ask that?

No one in this village
would have a grudge.

Occurrence? During a flood,
he saved the lives of 2 women.

He also rescued a baby from a fire.

Didn't the police chief?

He told me about that.

That's not all.

Many other examples.

I remember that there was a woodcutter.

One day he became sick
deep in the mountain.

A doctor could not get there.

Miki carried the woodcutter
on his shoulders to a hospital.

I also remember the time.

When an ailing beggar
and his child came.

Miki sent the man to a
hospital, took care of the boy.

Miki was a totally unselfish man.

After he was promoted to section chief

at the Mimori station.

His wife passed away.

It was unfortunate that
Miki did not have a child.

Besides the old man, Kirihara.

About 17 or 18 other persons

were interviewed.

They all concurred that Miki

was a model police officer.

No motive whatsoever for the k*lling

could be discovered here.


Drive there.

History of Kamedake?

I want to read it. It's all I can do.

Better go home.

Official trip as yet.
Back to work tomorrow.

By the way, that detective
who went with you to Tohoku.



Near Enzan in the central part of Japan.

A thorough search of the Chuo Line.

He's come across 5 or 6 scraps.

Scraps of paper?

Looks like cloth.

Colored spots. Sent to the science lab.

Blood perhaps.

Human blood?

Blood type?

Not definite as yet.

It'll take about 10 hours.

Can't it be done in 1 hour, 2 hours?

That's absurd.

Imanishi! When?

Good work!

Any success?

The victim's blood type: O

Back to Kamata, scene of the crime.

The former investigators were summoned.

An intensive search
began for Rieko Takagi.

You'd better move again.

The city center might be safer.

I have a request.

I've done everything you've
asked me to do. Up to now.

That's why?

I'm not afraid of surgery.

No! Never!

Absolutely no!

I've told you before.

History of Kamedake Village

Policeman Miki of the substation.

Not only took good care of the boy.

But decided to adopt him as his son.

After he was promoted to section chief

at the Mimori station.

His wife passed away.

It was unfortunate that
Miki did not have a child.

Why not announce it in newspapers?

She's not the main culprit, of course.

But find her. She can
lead us to the k*ller.

Her photo in newspaper
might get quick results.

But the very next day,
in a river or Tokyo Bay.

The body of a strangled woman
might float to the surface.

A kite without a string.
The k*ller will escape.

Beer! More beer!

I'd like to go to Ise.

Why did Kenichi Miki come to Tokyo?

For what purpose? His
itinerary never included Tokyo.

Why a sudden change of
plan after arriving in Ise?

Perhaps something he
couldn't tell his son?

His character rules that out.

Then why?

It might be that he met
someone unexpectedly. Or else?

It's difficult to know.

Anyway, I'd like to go to Ise once.

Both the Tohoku and Shimane
trips proved fruitless.

It's hard to make another request.

Papa here?

In his office.

To the Seifukaku later.

Yes, certainly.

Excuse me for awhile.

What will you have?

I'm famished. Eiryo, what do you prefer?

Let's see.

The specialties here are
shellfish and barbecued shrimps.

That's just fine for me.

For me too.

Please wait for awhile.

The guests are waiting for you.

I'm going to dine here with these two.

Let them wait.

The guests?

Some politicians and industrialists.

About money again?

As a patron, I'd like to meet
you more often but no time.

I wanted show this.

Cultural bureau members
made it. The tickets are?

Being taken care of.

Papa, a Culture Ministry
should be formed with you

as Minister.

Trend of the times.

How is your composition progressing?

I'm working on it.

Do you best. All
preparations are being made.

Don't worry, Papa.
He's inspired this time.

It'll be superb.

Am I right?

Well, do it. I'll provide
whatever help I can.

It'll be tough from now.

A protruding nail is hit.
Many people are envious.

Be careful. One never
knows who's a friend or foe.

They'll smile, then try
to kick you from the back.

Artists aren't like politicians.

They're both human beings.
There's not much difference.

Except for one thing.

We create our own victory or defeat.


Went to Ise, the last stop

on the victim's sightseeing schedule.

Thought he was from Tohoku?

He had that kind of an accent.

He arrived here on June 19.

About what time was it?

At night.

I asked if he had eaten already.

He said no, so I had supper prepared.

Then he went out?

No. He said he was tired.

He asked for a masseur.
Then went to bed.

No one visited him?

No one at all.

On June 20?

He went out after breakfast
and returned in the evening.

Worshipped at the
Inner and Outer Shrines.

He said he went to Toba too.

To Toba?


Was he in a good mood?

Why, yes. That is, he seemed to be.

Did he mention about meeting someone?

Stayed a second night?

Anything unusual happen?

He saw a movie.

He said he felt bored.

Asked where a movie
theater was. I told him.

Which one?

Hikariza. That's the closest.

His return?

It wasn't so late.

No visitor after that?

No phone call?


On the 21st?

He was scheduled to
leave on the 9:20 train.

He breakfasted at 8.

Then suddenly changed his plan.

Said he would stay till night.

Sudden change?

What did he do?

He went out after noon.


To a movie.

A movie?

At the same place, Hikariza.

The same film that he
had seen the night before?

Morning Mist of Tone

and Street of Men were being shown?

Double feature.

Bring soft drinks.

Don't bother.

These give the plots of the
films that were screened.

The entire cast is listed here?

The speaking roles.

Where can I see these films now?

They're in the storage
room at the head office.

Some crimes involved?

I'm asking just for reference.

You want to know about June 21?

Just to make sure.

Hm. That's a Saturday.

It was a new program.

Hokkaido. Edo Devil.

June 20 and 21 films were different?

That's right.

We change Saturdays.

Is something wrong?

It seems to be taking form.

What is destiny?

No one ever knows.

Is that true for music?

Understandable. When completed.

Papa's worried about us.

Weekly magazine gossip. He
favors an early marriage.

Not right now.

After this work is over?

I feel I could be happy with you.

It's not so with you?

Happiness? In this world?

It doesn't exit.

People only pursue a shadow.

And that's destiny?

No, it's much larger, stronger.

Larger? Stronger?

The very fact that we were born.

Perhaps the fact that we are living.

To be born and to exist? Destiny.

I can understand that.

But let's make one destiny clear.

It was in your pocket
- Delicate perfume.

I don't know who she is
but see that she goes away.

Your journey on that hot summer day

must have been arduous.

It was most kind of you to visit me.

Despite your visit?

I was unable to offer any help.

Thank you for the kind
letter you sent me.

I greatly appreciated it.

I wanted to answer at once.

But in seeking the facts.

Time passed. I apologize for the delay.

Concerning your inquiry
about the beggar and child.

The man's name was Chiyokichi Motoura.

He came from the village of Obatake,

Ishikawa Prefecture.

Yamanaka Spa

Obatake Village, Kaminuma
County, Ishikawa Prefecture

Chiyokichi Motoura's main family?


I'm an old friend of Chiyokichi.

I came to Yamanaka Spa.
This is a small gift.

Thank you.

Chiyokichi never spoke
much about his wife.

What happened to her?

She died.

She separated from Chiyokichi.

I suppose it couldn't be helped.

She went to Kanazawa and
worked at a restaurant.

It was three years later that she died.

What about their son Hideo?

Chiyokichi brought up
Hideo? All by himself.

Does Hideo come here?

Chiyokichi took Hideo with
him. No word after that.

It seems so long ago.

I think it was in summer 1942.

He received farewell gifts
from all the villagers.

Chiyokichi was 36 and Hideo 6 or 7.

Hello. Oh, it's you.


It's true. I did go to the hospital.

Then I saw a young
mother carrying a baby.

Together with her mother and her husband.

Then I couldn't!

I'm not saying I want a child
to force you into marrying me.

You can get married to Sachiko Tadokoro.

All I'm asking is to
let the child be born.

And after that?

The baby?

I'll give birth to the
child and bring it up myself.

I don't need your help!

I want the child!

No! Don't let it be born.

I'll have the child.
I'll bring it up alone.

It won't have a father.

Happier than you!


Much happier.

Unlike you, the child
will have a mother!

You... you lost both parents
in the Osaka air raid.



Miscarriage. Abnormal bleeding.

Taxi driver thought it
was a traffic accident.

No way to know her identity.

Should have gone to an obstetrician.

But no time.

Died... at 1:12 a. m.

At that moment Imanishi was

waiting at Maibara,

to transfer to a train

He intended to check
on the family register

of a certain person.

Is this name registered at that address?

Just a moment.

Yes, it's here.

Are you sure?

It's in the register.

No mistake?

Never any fraud here.

Of course not.

This is who I am.

Could I look at the original register?

I'll ask.

Father: Eizo Waga.

Born June 17, 1908.

Died March 14, 1945.

Mother: Katsue.

Born February 7, 1912.

Died March 14, 1945.

Son: Eiryo. Born October 11, 1937.

Appears correct.

Both Eizo Waga and his wife
Katsue died on the same day?

March 14, 1945 was the day
of the air raid on Osaka.

This entire area was burned out.

In an air raid.

Is there something...?

I've had occasion to look
at many family registers.

This paper appears new.

The air raid burned the former register.

Burned? Was this copied from somewhere?

I think the Legal Affairs Bureau records

were destroyed but...

Just as I thought. Those
records were burned too.

Then how was this register complied?

By declaration.


In case of w*r damage.

The register is restored
by asking the people.

This is recognized by law.

Someone familiar with that area.

Prewar and postwar days.

Let's see.

The town association head?

There's the Kyoeikai,

an association of restaurants, shops.

It's acting secretary might be best.

Over there.

See that tobacco shop?

Before the air raid, it
used to be a bicycle shop.


Luckily we evacuated early.

Eizo and his wife were
really good people.

Both k*lled. How did their son escape?


They had no son?

The couple and an apprentice.

Sort of a shopboy. He was a smart lad.

The Wagas treated him
like their own son.

October 2. Joint conference

Regarding the crime
discovered earlier this year.

The victim's body in the
marshalling yard at Kamata.

The prime suspect,
permanent domicile in Osaka.

Present address 3
Onden, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.

Is Eiryo Waga. I ask for...

A warrant of arrest.


I shall speak, first of all,

About the victim, Kenichi Miki.

He became a policeman in
Shimane Prefecture in 1923.

He retired in 1948.

After that he opened a
grocery store in his hometown.

And adopted a son.

He led a peaceful life in Okayama.

On June 10 he started out on a visit.

To the Grand Shrines
of Ise and Kansai area.

It was an unhurried trip
to Kotohira, Osaka, Kyoto.

Then on June 19 he reached Ise

and stayed at the Ogiya inn.

But after arriving in Ise.

He decided to visit Tokyo
by changing his plan.

Tuning finished?

Why did he decided to visit Tokyo?

The only thing he did that
attracts our attention.

Was going to a theater, Hikariza.

To see movies 2 days in a row.

At first I though he had seen.

Some unexpected person in the films.

But Hikariza was showing
entirely different films.

On these two days.

In other words, his interest
was not in the films.

How about seeing the show?

I won't have time.

Back to Tokyo?

The next train...

It's too late for the 2:14

Why not take a bus to
Ise, then go to Nagoya?

Oh, that photo?

Ex-Finance Minister?

Tadokoro is from this prefecture.

Our president helped in his campaign.

As a kind of chief of staff.

You have copies of the photo
made later by the Ise police.

The caption below.

From right: Bank president,
Hikariza's Hayashi.

Tadokoro and his wife.

Their daughter Sachiko.

Extreme left:

Eiryo Waga.

What stirred Kenichi Miki.

Made him go again the
next day for confirmation.

And led to his sudden visit to Tokyo.

Was neither the banker nor the
Tadokoros in the photo.

It was Eiryo Waga.

Birth and the time to live at last?


Thank you.

Thanks, everybody.

Thus Kenichi Miki left Ise
by the night train on June 21.

He contacted Eiryo
Waga on arrival June 22.

But for Eiryo Waga,
Miki was the one person.

He absolutely did not want to meet.

Waga went very reluctantly.

He decided to m*rder Miki. This he did.

His sweetheart Rieko
disposed of the sport shirt

that he wore.

By scattering pieces from the Chuo Line.

Detective Yoshimura found the scraps.

He can tell you about Rieko
and Waga's relationship.


On August 20.

Rieko Takagi suffered a
miscarriage on the street.

In Setagaya Ward.

She bled excessively.

Although taken to a clinic.

She died the next day,
August 31, at 1:12 a. m.

A woman named Ishii occupied room 7.

She went out on the 20th.

Didn't return for a week.
I reported to the police.

She had been found dying
on the street. Unidentified.

Could this have been
the woman you mentioned?

That's her. Miss Ishii.

The man stood in front of room 7.

Pressing the bell,
fumbling with the knob.

I thought he had come
for her belongings.

Miss Ishii?

Gone out?

Miss Ishii has died.

I've been seeking her relatives.

Were you related?

As with us, the suspect Eiryo Waga.

Ironically, Rieko's
death led to verification.

Of her relationship with Eiryo Waga.

His fingerprints have been found.

On the bell and doorknob of room 7.

Imanishi... now tell
us why you suspect Waga.

First, about Waga's birthplace.

Permanent domiciles:

Naniwa Ward, Osaka.

Father: Eizo Waga. Mother: Katsue.

This is fiction.

Actually he was an employee there.

This was his false
declaration after the w*r.

This is real.

Permanent domicile:

Father: Chiyokichi
Motoura. Mothers: Fusa.

He was their child and
was named Hideo Motoura.

He was born on March 17, 1937.

When Hideo Motoura was 3 years old.

His father became ill.
The mother went away.

The boy was brought up by his father.

In summer 1942.

Chiyokichi abandoned his native village.

He left, leading 6-year-old
Hideo by the hand.

The mother gone.

The two abandoned their
native village. Why?

His father's illness.

Incurable at the time.

Was leprosy.

What was their journey
like? The father and son?

I can only imagine it. They
are the only ones who know.

The events after that.

Have been pieced together from
Miki's police diary.

Documents of the Shimane
Sanitation Bureau.

History of Kamedake Village.

And the accounts of elderly villagers.

Miki took the man to the substation.

Heard his story. Took steps
for medical examination.

He contacted the main station and

asked for instructions.

Ordinarily the man would
have been sent away.

But not policeman Miki.
He knew help was needed.

Obatake Village, Ishikawa Prefecture?

You left it when?

Summer 2 years ago.

Have you ever seen a doctor?

No, because...

Eat the cake.

Contacting his village,

receiving instructions took times.

Miki decided that the man should
be placed in an isolation hospital.

About a week later, confirmation came.

From their village, identifying
Chiyokichi and Hideo.

Instructions came for the man
to be placed in a loprosariua

On August 21 Jikoen officials
came to receive Chiyokichi.

You don't want to be
separated from Hideo?

What will you do if he
should contract the disease?

Not only the disease.

What of Hideo's future?

You can't go on like this!

You'd better think it over carefully.

Chiyokichi did not
agree for a long time.

To be separated from Hideo.

Miki persuaded him.

His logic finally made
Chiyokichi reach a decision.

On August 22 Chiyokichi
left Kamedake Village.

Miki took care of Hideo
and sought a guardian.

His father's sickness
made this difficult.

The childless Miki.

Finally decided to raise
Hideo as him own son.

Despite such signs of affection.

The vagabond habit?

Or was it an attempt to find his father?


Then this Hideo who ran away.

Reached Osaka by some unknown route.

And began working at Eizo Waga's shop?


He became a shopboy
at Waga's bicycle shop

late in 1944.

In 1948, through contrivance,
he became Eiryo Waga.

In his career after that.

He worked his way
through Kyoto High School.

At Tokyo Arts University,
his talent came to light.

He became what he is.

Smooth sailing as Eiryo Waga.

With a brilliant future.

Miki appeared unexpectedly.

The motive for the k*lling.

Was to keep his true
birth from becoming known.

We'll have to wait
for Waga's confession.

We can only guess.

Miki wouldn't speak
lightly of Waga's past.

But there was one problem

that Miki just had to touch upon.

According to the maid at the Ise inn.

Miki boarded the night
train leaving Ise at 10:35

This train arrived in Tokyo at 6:10

Nothing else to do.

He looked in the phone
book, contacted Waga.

The two must have met at once.

They met for the second
time at the Kamata bar.

Why was this second meeting held?

Miki strongly urged
Waga to visit his father.

Whose days are numbered.

What! Chiyokichi Motoura is still alive?

He is.

You're Motoura?

I came to ask.

Do you know this person?

Chiyokichi Motoura clearly
recognized Waga as Hideo?

Don't know him?


Never saw or met him?

One who resembles him?

Suppose a boy whom you know well.

Grows up... Wouldn't he
look like this young man?

I... I don't know anyone like that!

Why won't you go to see him?

It'll interfere with your work?

What are you saying?
I can't understand you.

Your father with whom
you traveled so long.

For your own sake, I'll take you there.

Even if a rope is necessary.

Come, Hideo!

With the doctor in charge
and nurse as witnesses.

His effects were examined.

There were 50 letters.

I have them here.

They were all sent by Kenichi Miki.

No one else ever wrote to him.

As far as Chiyokichi was concerned.

Kenichi Miki was his sole
link with the outside world.

Miki and Chiyokichi corresponded for

about 24 years.

These letters continued.

Even after Miki's retirement
and his return to Okayama.

Nearly all of Chiyokichi's
letters were centered on Hideo.

Where is he now?

If only...

I could see him once.

Chiyokichi kept repeating that wish.

Miki wrote that Hideo was bright.

Must be achieving
great success somewhere.

No need to worry.

Hideo was bound to come
and see his father someday.

Without fail.

Miki kept repeating
that. Over and over again.

To console Chiyokichi.


Didn't Waga wish?

Of course!

They're meeting now!

Waga can only meet his father

Through music!

Medical science has advanced.

Hansen's disease can be cured.

Patients are able to recover

completely and return to society

The only barriers existing now.

Are unscientific prejudiced
and discrimination.

Japan no longer has patients

like Chiyokichi Motoura.

Nevertheless no matter what change
is undergone by the journey of life

The destiny that binds parent
and child remains eternal.
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