Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)

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Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger (1977)

Post by bunniefuu »


Come on! Come on, come on, boys.

Hey, captain, why the haste?
The city will not vanish.

It's not the city of charak he wishes
to see, but someone who dwells within.

After a long voyage, it is
good to stretch one's legs.

The only good thing about this
port is the inn of abu jamil the squint,

Who, for six months, I have been
dreaming of his roasted sheep's eyes.

And I the eyes of his daughter. You
were dreaming of more than her eyes.

Oh, captain, my mouth is dry.

And mine. Let's stop and
sample the wines of charak.

My thirst is a thirst
of a thousand men.

Stop and drink, and I promise, you will
go no further. Remember the last time?

You were stripped of
all your possessions.

Because of that, I added four
more eunuchs to the population.

Allah be with you. All the paradise I
seek is here. Who wants anything more?

I shall stay behind.

All is silent. No sound,
no lights... A city of ghosts.

Why is the gate closed?
Curfew is not until midnight.

No sentries about.

Ho, there, captain of
the watch! Open the gate!

Captain! Wake, wake, wake, wake.

It's sinbad, friend
of the caliph kassim.

And a better friend
to the princess farah.

Captain sinbad.

You know me? I am a merchant.

I hope to purchase some of the
cargo you will unload tomorrow.

Ah! No one is to be admitted
to charak after sunset.

- But why?
- The plague. Many have d*ed.

Every time we reach this port, some
misfortune strikes us. The plague.

The caliph kassim and
his sister, princess farah?

They are well, but kassim
is not the caliph... Not as yet.

I was told in jerash that the caliph
kassim's father d*ed three months ago.

True, but kassim has
not yet been crowned.

Captain, we'd better
return to the ship.

Yes, best to leave and
sell our cargo elsewhere.

I'm not leaving charak until I
see princess farah and kassim.

- But captain, it is the plague.
- Is there another way
into the town?

No, but if you wish
to take the risk,

You may enter at daybreak,
when the curfew is lifted.

Until then, I can only offer
to relieve your disappointment.

My tent has wine, food and
music. My people are your servants.

Please, be welcome.



Hassan, don't drink. The wine
is poisoned. Help aboo-seer.



Who are you? And why
have you tried to poison us?

From the depths of the
earth, I command you, arise.

Destroy them! k*ll sinbad!


Come, rafi.

Everyone, back to the ship!

Captain sinbad, wait!

Princess farah.


How did you get here?

Praise to allah I found
you. I must talk to you.

No here, not now.

And no going back
that way. Come with me.

Keep rowing back to the ship!

Keep rowing, keep rowing.

Mohammed, musah,
naveen! Where are they?

Easy, easy. Make
for the open sea.

Hoist the mainsail.
Do it! Aye, captain.

But the shoals, captain. We will
risk them. There is a full moon.

We'll lie offshore for the rest of
the night and not return until daybreak.

Return? You will
go back? At dawn.

Aboo-seer! Naveen!

Warm yourself.

Here, take this.

Drink this.

You were searching for me.
Why? I was told of your return.

I need help desperately. My
brother is in great danger.

Prince kassim? I
owe him my life.

A spell has been cast upon him.

My uncle balsora will
tell you. Why not you?

Please, I beg of you, do
not leave charak. Trust me...

For my brother's sake.
For him, I would risk my life.

For you, I would give it.

I was told there
was plague. Not true.

Balsora rules the city by day,

But by night, fear rules charak.

People whisper of witchcraft.

How can I help?

You will find a
way. Come, lie down.

I prayed every day
for your return.

It's been almost a year. Then I
was not willing to give up the sea.

Nor I my life at court. Now
I've decided to live on land.

And I to live at sea.

I have returned to charak
to ask kassim for your hand.

Will you consent? Willingly.

But only when my brother is able to
stand before you and give his consent.

When he is himself
again. "Himself"?

After my father's death...
Allah protect his soul...

The astrologers decided that the
first full moon would be auspicious...

For the coronation
of my brother kassim.

On the day of the ceremony,
the procession began,

But even as the crown was
being placed upon his head...

Shh, shh.

Lie back, lie back.

It was the last time I saw him as
the kassim I've known all my life:

Young, handsome, a true prince.

You talked of a spell. Or has
he fallen victim to the plague?

Worse than a thousand plagues.

Shh, do not talk of it now.


Hassan, where's the captain?

What is it, maroof? His excellency
is here... The vizier balsora.

Hassan, ask the princess
to come on deck. Yes, captain.

Aye, aye.

Excellency. Captain,
welcome again to charak.

Ah, there she is. May
allah's name be exalted.

I prayed that princess farah
might reach you safely last night.

- Has she told you?
- Yes, this morning.

But is it true, excellency?

Let us go on board.

Oh, my beloved child. Praise
be to allah you are safe.

Hassan, boucheri, food and drink for
our guests. The rest of you, back to work.

So, you have told the
captain of our misfortune.

But is it true, excellency?

Tragically, horribly.

We have consulted all the wisest men
and doctors from here to alexandria.

- They can do nothing.
- Come, sit down.

Sinbad, you have traveled
to many foreign lands. Help us.

Perhaps there is someone
somewhere. Truly, my lord,

I will do all in
my power to help,

But what has happened to kassim
requires skills far greater than mine.

It needs an understanding of the
black arts, a great alchemist, a magician.

A... Wait.

Yes, I have heard of
such a man, if he still lives.

- Who?
- A greek. Some say
the wisest man in the world.

His name is... Hassan,
you remember.

Melanthius. That's it,
the hermit of... Maroof.

- Casgar.
- Yes, a remote haunted island
off the coast of phyrgia.

Have you been there? No,
nor have I met anyone who has.

His deeds are legendary,
but he may not even exist.

- The islands is ringed
with deadly reefs.
- You must take us to him.

- It would be a dangerous voyage.
- I will risk it.

No, my child, I cannot
allow you to go.

Unless prince kassim is crowned
before the passing of seven moons,

He will lose forever
his right to be caliph.

- Melanthius is our only hope.
- Some say he's mad.

And that the island savages eat
human flesh and worship him as a god.

I will send treasure...

Gold and precious jewels for
you, your crew and for melanthius,

If only he can
restore my nephew.

Should I undertake this voyage, it
would not be for gold or jewels,

But for a treasure
far more precious.

Oh, my beloved son.

May allah preserve you. Zabid!



Keep those horses steady!

Who is that? Zenobia, my
stepmother. She hates me.

She was not at court.

My mother d*ed when I was born.

It is said zenobia is a
witch and willed her death.

Allah protect us.
Why is she here?

Be on your guard, sinbad. She's
more dangerous than a scorpion.

O queen, may allah's
blessings be on thee.

We meet at last, captain. What
brings you back to our shores?

To deliver my cargo
and visit my friend, kassim.

- And his sister?
- I am bound by love
to them both.

I intend to ask the caliph kassim for
the hand of princess farah in marriage.

There is no caliph to
consent to your marriage.

Kassim has not yet been
crowned, nor is he likely to be.

I have been told of the
events at the coronation.

I shall help, if I can.

Kassim is beyond help. Do
not be blinded by love, sinbad.

Balsora must be made to understand
once and for all no one can help him.

- I shall tell him.
- Do not provoke her.

Foolish old man, why do you
interfere? You can do nothing for kassim.

Captain sinbad can help
us. I implore you, be silent.

What can you do...

When they've consulted all the wise
men, doctors, priests, astrologers?

- There may be another.
- No one.

Abandon this false hope.
Kassim is doomed forever.

You lie. You want him doomed.

Within the passing of seven moons,
if kassim is not crowned caliph,

He will lose his right
forever... That is the law.

You bewitched him. You want
your son rafi to be caliph.

Let me cut the smile from
her face! Let me go, let me go!

You will bring an eternal
curse on all our heads...

If you draw one drop of blood
from any member of the royal family.

It's only for that she
hasn't m*rder*d kassim.

As cunning as a snake,
as malicious as a shark.

- But rafi will never be caliph.
- There is no one to prevent it.

Melanthius will prevent it.

Melanthius is a myth, and his
powers are a legend. He does not exist.

We shall soon discover if
the myth and the legend exist.

- We sail tonight.
- Oh, my beloved, may your days
always be blessed.

Sail for rhodes or tripoli.
You'll find richer cargo there.

Set sail in search of melanthius and
you'll set a course for hell and damnation.

- Aboo-seer, hassan, bahadin,
prepare the ship for sea.
- Aye, aye, captain.

Order your men to bring
treasure for melanthius.

We sail for casgar.

Set a careful watch on zenobia.

I will have my men watch
her castle by day and by night.

Zabid there will be in command.
He's the best soldier I have.

My son, sinbad has
agreed to help them.

We must act quickly. But how?

He has taken them to the isle of casgar
to consult the great sage, melanthius.

Is the heart ready? Yes.

You said no one can help kassim.

Exquisite, my son.

If melanthius truly lives, he
is the one person who could.

You promised me.
I am to be caliph.

You swore that kassim would
never inherit charak. I shall prevent it.


Sinbad has a ship, a crew.

Balsora has the palace guards. We
shall have other forces at our command...

More powerful than a palace guard,
than a lovesick sea captain and his crew.

That... Will be our army.

Quickly as you can. We must
be away before nightfall!

- Take that box in my cabin.
- Gently, I implore you.


Come look. Look!

It's a baboon. Oh, what
a beautiful specimen.

Back to work, or I'll make
baboons of the lot of you.

Does he do any tricks, princess?

There, there. They mean no harm.

O brave and proud bull,

Whose mighty heart my son
has fashioned of purest gold,

b*at with the power
as only I command you.

I made it perfect
in every detail.

O mighty abu salem,

You who rule over
a thousand devils,

By all the fires of
hell and darkness,

Give strength and life
to this, your creature,




A colossus of bronze...
And mine to command.

Hear anything? Nothing.

Keep awake. Orders are to
keep a watch on zenobia's castle...

Or I'll slit your throat.

The wind is dying.



A baboon that can play chess?

Go away!

- He's frightened of you.
- I'm frightened of him. He att*cked me.

Baboons can turn
savage, you know.

He is not savage. I
command you to go away!

Is he a gift for the wise man of
casgar, melanthius, to play chess with?

Go away!

- Hassan, get back to your work.
- But captain,
the beast was playing...

- Chess. I know. He has beaten me twice.
- Huh?

He is not really a baboon.

N-not a...

He was transformed by the black
arts of queen zenobia's witchcraft.

He is... Prince kassim.

Can you be certain it
is not the princess...

Who has been bewitched to believe
that this ugly animal is a prince?

He is my brother.


"I am kassim."

Now do you believe?

What is it? What can it be? Shh.

A ship that moves without sails.

He seems to be
rowing for six men.

Come on, let's
try to get aboard.

Hurry, it's moving out to sea.

A fishing boat.

Spies of balsora.

Minaton! We'll head into them.

It's zenobia.

For the love of allah,
row! Row, will you?

Row, you thickheads, row! Row!

Oh, oh, it's witchcraft!

- Save yourselves!
- Ram them, I said! Ram them!

Mercy! Save me! Save me!

Minaton. Minaton.

Quick! Quick!

I await!

And now for casgar.

North by northeast.

On your mark,
three. I see nothing.

Breaker ahead!


The rocks and the
reefs will be invisible.

It'll be impossible to land.

- I have an excellent idea.
- Yes?

Let's turn back.

- Lower the rowing boat.
- Aye, aye, captain.

Hassan, keep up, keep up.

Stay close together. Move, move!


How can you be sure
where to find melanthius?

This is a path.
There are tracks,


Forward, men.


A great pillar.

Must be a holy place. Built
by a people of great skill.

What can it be?

A temple, perhaps.

It seems to be carved
out of solid rock.

Could be there
is treasure in it.

Could be the castle
of melanthius.



I will see if anyone is there.

- Who are they?
- Take cover!

Quickly, quickly.
They're going to k*ll us.

Run for the wall!




They will not harm you now.

Have you been shipwrecked?

No, my ship is anchored
safely. I am captain sinbad.

Only those who were wrecked
have landed here before,

But the casgar people
always found them first.

We seek the wise man
known as melanthius.

Does he truly exist?

- Does he live on this island?
- Why do you seek him?

It is a matter of great
urgency and importance.


Go, I say.

This is princess farah from
the distant city of charak.

I am dione. Come.

- But melanthius... Does he exist?
- Follow me.

Truly incredible...
A magnificent city.

But completely
deserted. Who built it all?

The ancestors of the natives.
What happened to them?

They became too civilized
and destroyed each other.

Is that where the savages live?

Those are the tombs
of their forefathers.

- And those buildings
to the right?
- Tombs of kings.

There is someone there.

Is that the great melanthius?

Yes, father, I will.

Melanthius will see you.

But how did you...
My father taught me.

He calls it telepathia, a greek
word for communication of the mind.

Come, follow me.

Master melanthius. You're
a brave man, captain sinbad,

And a remarkable navigator
to have landed on casgar safely.

It's only for that
I've agreed to see you.

Well, thank you, but I still don't
understand how you know who I am.

The mind is an
extraordinary thing, sinbad.

Thought is transferable. It can
travel through space, even to the stars.

The method needs time,
patience and a skillful daughter.

What have you got
in there? Tell me.

It's a cage holding
a... Wait, don't tell me.

It's an arboreal anthropoid
of the genus papio.

- No, it's a baboon.
- That's what I said... A baboon.

What a dear little
fellow. Careful.

Whoa! He can be savage with
everyone but the princess.

Yes, I see. As a species, they are
aggressive and of low intelligence.

- He trusts only me.
- He looks so unhappy,
poor creature.

Dione! Careful!

- It is the baboon about whom...
- You wish to see me. Yes, yes, I know.

Well, I suggest we continue
below in my laboratory.

Out of the sun. Come, dione.

You claim it can write and
play chess? It, my brother,

Was a brilliant chess
player from the age of seven.

Dione, fetch me a mirror.

As a scientist and alchemist, I know
that metals can be transformed,

But as a philosopher...

Easy, fellow, easy.

I can also believe
in the possibility...

Of a metaphysical change.

Thank you, dione.

Let him see his face. Go on.

He's weeping.

By all the gods.

A true baboon would have att*cked
its reflection, thinking it an enemy.

It would not have recognized
itself and been moved to grief.

I am very happy to
meet you, prince kassim.

The oars.

Rafi, what has happened?

The oars are smashed. It
would take hours to repair.


Sinbad found a way through.

Whatever drug or elixir
it was that this woman...

Zenobia. Zenobia.

Whatever it was she used is
the most powerful black magic...

And is beyond my knowledge.

You see, unfortunately,
time is on her side. Oh!

Perhaps the prince
would like some of these.

Here. How kind of you. Kassim?

Apes are mostly
vegetarian, you know.

Can never resist fruit.

- He does. He likes them.
- Yeah, I thought he would. Dione!

Where's the mint
tea? Coming, father!

I brought him something.
Bananas... He likes those.

I'll serve the tea.

What did you mean when you said that
time was on the side of queen zenobia?

Well, you see, the longer
the transformation is delayed,

The more likely is kassim to
lose those human qualities...

That still remain to him.

- Then there is no hope
for my brother?
- Well...

Ah, wait.

There was a time when men knew how
to combat this form of black witchcraft.

A nation with an intelligence so far
superior to anything we know today...

They knew the secret
of transforming matter.

Dione, help me find the
arimaspi scrolls, will you?

- The arimaspi?
- Yes.

Archimedes of syracuse...
A very dear friend of mine...

He based many of his
inventions on principles...

Originally developed by
arimaspi mathematicians.

Here they are!

Manuscripts beyond value.
I wonder where I left 'em.

I found them!

Yes, these are the ones. Clear
the table. Runic cuneiform.

These scrolls are
more than 2,000 years old.

There we are. What do they say?

Well, this first one will be of
special interest to you, captain.

Oh? It's sailing directions.

The first written authority.

The only way to restore kassim is to
undertake a journey to their country?

A journey to hyperborea,
the land of the arimaspi,

Is the only possible way
of restoring prince kassim.

These other scrolls
confirm the legend.

It tells of a warm
and green valley...

At the northernmost point of the
world, surrounded by wide seas of ice.

There in the valley of hyperborea
the arimaspi built a shrine,

Earth, fire, air and water.

Within that shrine is the source
of their extraordinary power.

This power enabled them to preserve
their valley against the glacier...

And to change or transform
the nature of matter.

I have been experimenting
with a similar power.

Is there truly such a
valley? Oh, beyond a doubt.

Then how soon can
you be ready to sail?

The journey would be impossible!

You'd be traveling in the
coldest regions of the world.

Cold, certainly; difficult and
dangerous, perhaps; but not impossible.

And we shall have you to
interpret the scrolls. I'm too old!

Besides, there's so little
time. Come with us, melanthius.

It cannot be that this noble prince
shall spend the rest of his days in a cage.

Dione, light the candles.
The shrine is his one chance,

And you're the only one
that can lead us there.

Please, say you will.

Where did you find
that? With the scrolls.

The key... The only means of
opening the door to the shrine.

Hyperborea... To visit the shrine,
examine the very source of life.

Archimedes would
split himself with envy.

Now, everyone stand well back!



Imagine that power, a
million times greater,

Used not for evil but for good...
That is what the arimaspi have left us.

- Yes, I will go with you.
- Oh, thank you! Thank you!

Yes, by all the gods, I will!


No way of reading the sun.

Cloud and fog.

Hurry. Hurry!


They are leaving!

Hurry! We must follow them!

With a following wind to drive us, we
should be many leagues into the... Shh.

And into the western ocean
before the next full moon.

Why not sooner? Not possible.

Time is our enemy on all counts.

At the moment, kassim is still in
possession of certain human qualities.

But the longer the
transformation is delayed,

The more he'll revert to a
baboon's natural behavior...

More aggressive,
savage, dangerous.

He may never be kassim again.

We are under full
sail. I can do no more.

It is believed there is a swift
ocean current due north,

Past the casgars.

North... They're moving north
towards the celtic isles, but why?

We should be close
to sinbad's ship.

Keep a lookout.

I must know what advice
the greek gave them.

I must know what
they mean to do.

I can't!

It was powerful enough
to transform kassim.

I must know!


By hecate...

And all the secrets
of darkness...

And forces of hell,


Captain sinbad!

Is there no way of
increasing our speed?

A ship can only sail as
fast as the wind allows.

I'll have to consult
the chart again. Maroof.

And now the moon is on
the wane. Dear, oh, dear.

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no! If
you study my design,

You'll see there's more
curve in the runners.

The snow will be deep. But I
have never seen snow, master.

Here, let me try it. I shall
join you in a few minutes.

Maroof, the chart.

Here, sharpen this.

Bahadin, more rope
ties for the sledges.

The cargo nets will
need to be prepared.

Everything as strong
but as light as possible.

Hassan, I told you to
get that Kn*fe sharpened!

No, you must try.

You can do better...
You know you can.

No, kassim. Not like that.

The other way around.

Like that.

Very well, kassim, as you're so
bad-tempered, no more writing today.


Kassim, be quiet.

Your friend is very
disobedient today.

Please, kassim,
I'm trying to work!

Will you be still?

- Kassim!
- Father, why is he
behaving like that?

Kassim! Kassim!

Stop it! Stop.

- No, kassim!
- Kassim!

Careful. Be careful.
In the cage. In it.

Well, well, well. And what by zeus
and all the gods have we got here?

- And who?
- Zenobia.

Ah, I thought as much.

But how? Never mind how.

Be careful.

She's a witch and dangerous.

Put me down! Let me go!

Don't... Hold me!

- Don't hold me! How dare you!
- Captain.

I said, put me down! Captain,

The glass jar,
there on the shelf.

It's like trying to
hold on to a scorpion.

Dione, clear the table. Captain,
put the jar down over there.

Make a space. Put me down!

- No wonder kassim was violent.
- You should have
left her to him.

No, no, princess, no.

I want to interrogate her.

I suggest that whatever
power she's used to

Transport herself
here and change her size...

Is similar in power and property
to that which transformed kassim.

But what is it, and where is it?

You may leave her in my charge.
I will try to extract it from her.

- You must take every care.
- Yes, a confrontation with evil
could be dangerous.

Captain, take the princess
and dione up on deck.

Come with me.

Now, then, mistress,

What powers have you
used to shrink yourself, hmm?

I will never tell you! Oh, dear.

I despise brutality,

But at this present moment I am
prepared to reject compassion.

The sting of this insect can
be fatal to the strongest.

- But to someone of your size...
- No!

Then answer my
questions, and quickly!

What are you searching
for here on this ship, hmm?

These, perhaps?


- Oh!
- Or this?

How could you know
of their existence?

When will you decide to return
to your proper shape and size...

And how?

Something of unique power...

Power that might be used to return
prince kassim to his human form...

And make our journey to the
shrine of the arimaspi unnecessary.

The arimaspi!

Where is it? And in what form?

A liquid? A powder?

My locket... Gone!

You've dropped it, haven't
you? Now, where would it be?

Kassim, have you seen it?

Ah, there it is.

It's mine. It's mine!
It belongs to me!

- Yes.
- It can't be!

Smashed... The liquid's
evaporating. There's not much left.

Take care!

The liquid is
precious! Evidently.

And I believe it's the very stuff you
used to transform kassim into an animal.

Perhaps there's not enough left
to retransform him. I must test it.

Yes, on our friend here.

No! No, that's mine!

I need it! Now then.

- Will he be tempted?
- Don't! Don't!

Ah, yes, there's a good
fellow. Lap it up. That's the way.

No! No, there's not
enough! Be silent!

By all the gods!


k*ll the greek!

No, no!

No, don't! Get away
from me! Get away!

Aah! Help me!

Captain, help me!

Transformed! The locket!


What? Get back!

It's a mad bee! Where?
Where? Where? What is it?

It's not a bee. It's a mosquito!

But what a mosquito!

The bird... It's getting away!

k*ll the bird first.
We need the locket.

Oh, kassim!

Praise be to allah
that you're unhurt.

Alas, I underestimated
the power of zenobia,

And I fear I've thrown
away a chance for kassim.

I am profoundly sorry.

You were right, princess. We
should have left her to kassim.

Try to calm him, dione.

He's becoming more savage.

Best to keep him locked
in his cage from now on.

Safe... You are safe.

Is there enough?

Yes, by all the gods of the
underworld, there must be!

Not enough!

Not enough!

If only I had seen more,

Memorized more,
recorded it into my brain.

A valley. At the
end of the world.

And here... The shrine of the
legends, the healing shrine.

We must let sinbad
show us the way.

Then I shall find the means to
prevent melanthius from interfering.

Come. Help me.


Ice! Ice ahead!

- Where away?
- Dead ahead... Icebergs!

At last!

Will it be soon now? We must try to
sail north for at least four more days.

The less distance to
cover on foot, the better...

Anything to gain time.

The fourth full moon.

Two degrees port!


Look at it!

One column of that on top of
us, and we'd sink like a ship of lead.

The entrance to the
tunnel is somewhere there.

When we can enter safely
our journey will be all but over.

Sinbad, there! Exactly as
described in the scrolls.

Hassan, fetch me the
charts. The tunnel?

That leads directly to the
shrine. The mouth is too narrow.

It will cr*ck the boat like a walnut!
We must take the longer route.

There's less than
three moons left!

If only we could have
entered the tunnel.

We'll never make headway against
this. It's getting thicker every hour.

The hull must split
if we go further.

Maroof, load up the
sledge. Are we moving out?

Throw up the ropes. Quickly.

Keep moving! Don't stop!

Pull! Keep pulling!

It's easier to abandon it!

Keep moving!

The ice is no match for a
boat of bronze. And sinbad?

Perhaps smashed,
drowned or frozen.

Move it!


What could it be?

What is it?

Look. It's beginning to cr*ck.

I'll get the others!

On your feet! Seize anything
you can... Spears, axes, anything!

What is it? Melanthius,
protect dione and the princess!

A giant walrus! We must stop
it before it reaches the camp!

Come on, come on!

att*ck it in the eye! The eye!

- Watch for the tusks!
- att*ck its eyes! Watch out!

Watch out! Maroof!

There's no way through the hide!

Bahadin, no!

att*ck! att*ck!

Get the cargo net!

Careful, maroof, careful!

Protect the supplies!

Get the cargo net!

Unravel it! This way! Quickly!

Open it! Spread it out!

Spread it. Spread it out.

Save kassim. Push!
Go on, push, push!

Throw it!

- Pull! Pull it!
- He's pulling us!

Pull away! Pull away from him!

Away! Away!

- He's pulling us!
- That's it! Hold it steady!

Help me!

Cut me loose!

Sinbad, my foot!

Cut me loose!

Hassan, your Kn*fe!

Cut me loose. Cut me loose!

Aah! Aaah!

Too bad you couldn't hold him. I
should like to have examined him.

Walrus giganticus...

My profound apologies. Next time I
shall try harder. Maroof, are you hurt?

It is said a man has only
one life. Now I have two.

I owe both to captain sinbad. I've never
seen a black man turn white before.

No sign of a tunnel
between the cliffs.

The chart in the
scroll is precise!

There is an entrance, and I
mean to find it! Minaton, sail on!

We found it! We
found it! We found it!

We found it! We found it!

We found it! Look,
the aurora... See?

Hyperborea... Just
beyond the hills.

- And that strange,
glittering curtain of light?
- The arimaspi call it...

The gift of the winter apollo;
we call it aurora borealis.

And there, directly below the
aurora, the valley of the shrine.

He's turning carnivorous.

- I hope it is not too late.
- He no longer seems to respond
to human speech or contact.

Except for dione.

Take them, maroof.
Protect the women.


Stand still, all of you!
Don't make any sudden moves.

He's as frightened
of us as we are of him.

I'm more frightened. I'm
twice more frightened.

Now, sinbad, lower your sword,

And step back slowly.

Do it!

What sort of evil monster is it?

He's not a monster.

He's one of man's ancestors.

And they're not evil.
They're called troglodytes.

I've got the skull of one
of them in my laboratory.

He's coming closer!

Dione... Dione, speak to him.


They have no idea of language,
but these primates were known...

For their gentleness with
the female of the species.

There, there.

No harm... We mean no harm.

Friends... We are friends.

Dione, be careful!

Kassim, he means no harm.

Perhaps he might
be able to help us.

Dione, princess.

Persuade kassim to bring the trog
over here. I've something to show him.

Kassim, kassim, bring trog.

Bring him over there.

There, to my father.

Kassim, I want the troglodyte...

To look at this. The face
drawn on the scrolls.

The face that marks the entrance
to the valley, the gate to the shrine.

Where, where?

Hyperborea! By all
the gods, he's done it!

Hassan, maroof, the weapons.

There! There it is!

The entrance to
the tunnel of ice!

The way to hyperborea.

We shall be there first.
Oh! The tunnel, minaton.

I will light the torches.

Farah, are you all right? Yes.

There! Look over there!

The last of the
arimaspi? Who can say?




The boat is still moving!

There's some extraordinary force
pulling us like a mighty magnet,

Drawing us to the shrine.

The face from the scrolls.

The gate to the shrine.

Come on.

Trog seems
frightened of the gate.

Frightened of what
lies beyond, perhaps.

- Why should he be afraid?
- Like all primitives,
he's afraid of the unknown,

Afraid of what he
can't understand.

Help me move the bar.

It's no use. We cannot move
it without blocks and ropes.

Trog will help us. He must help.

The shrine of the four elements.

See, it exists, a reality.

Hope for kassim, at last.

The arch!

The boat is stopping.



Go on, up into the sunlight.

There it is.


At last you'll have a use for
that precious key of yours,

If you can find
a lock to fit it.

We'll find it. The scrolls
haven't been wrong yet.

We must look for an opening
somewhere there among the rocks.



We must be close.

Hurry, rafi!

Nothing, nothing.

I could not find an entrance.

We must make an entrance!
Rafi, minaton, stay clear!

Spirits of the underworld,

Infuse this potion
with your powers!


What was that?

It's like an earthquake.

There can only be one
possible answer. The witch...


He'll never break
through. He must.

He must!

He must! Minaton! Minaton, pull!

He's done it!

He's done his work.

The wall is breached!

Look there. Zenobia's creation.

- A bull's head, but a...
- Giant's body.

Almighty god, defend us.

They should never have
tried to force an opening!

Now the power of the
shrine is threatened.

The atmosphere inside...
Destroyed. This key is useless.

Perhaps there's still
time, but we must be swift.

Drawn down from the
crown of apollo itself.

The guardian of the shrine.

- The ice is melting.
- Look out!

We must act at once. The cage...

And the chains...

Just as described
in the scrolls.

We must pass kassim
in the cage and pass him

Through the column of
light as soon as possible.

Sinbad, the chains...
See if they still operate.


Thank all the gods. The
gods have abandoned you!

Too late, sinbad!

Kassim will never be caliph!

Now, rafi. Now!

Not that animal!
k*ll melanthius!

They are helpless without him!

Sinbad, bring kassim.

May the gods of the
arimaspi grant us the time.

Bring him up, bring him up.

O great apollo,

All you gods and forces that work
for good against evil, help us now.

O great mystery,
come to our mortal aid.

Reveal your secret!

Lower the cage!

Your highness.

Prince kassim.

This way, your highness.



Master melanthius...
He made it all possible.

- How shall I ever thank you?
- It's an old debt repaid.


The power of the shrine
is failing! We must go!

Not a moment to lose. The
temperature's changing violently.

Be swift, or the shrine
will become our tomb!

- Zenobia!
- She's gone.

Stand back. Get back.

Get back, get back!

Come on, let's go. No, not yet!

Now, move, move!

Take dione and the
princess back to the gate.

We shall not leave. Give
me your dagger. Do as I say!

And if I do not join you within an
hour, then head for ship at once...

And then for charak before
the seventh moon is full.

Maroof is dead.

They're coming!

Where's maroof?

Come on! We must
not waste a moment!
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