Ordet (1955)

Easter, Religious/Spiritual Movie Collection.

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Ordet (1955)

Post by bunniefuu »


Yes, what is it?

Johannes is out on the dunes again.

ls he? 0h no!

l'll go and look for him.

l'll come with you.
l'll come too.

what's the matter?

-lt's your brother.

No - Anders.

Anders? So there's trouble
with Johannes again.

-l'd better go with them.

Yes, l suppose so.
Poor fellow!

Do you mean Johannes?

Yes. Don't you think one should
pity him? 27, and incurably mad.

l don't know.
Perhaps he's happy as he is.

You can't think that.

Put on something warm.

Yes, all right.

Your father's going, too.

Yes. l'm ready now.

l'll have some hot coffee
for you.

Yes, we'll need it.

woe unto you, hypocrites,

unto you, and you,

and you.

woe unto you for your
lack of faith!

woe unto you who do not
believe in me, the risen Christ,

who was sent to you by Him who
made the heavens and the earth.

Verily l say unto you,
the day of judgment is at hand.

God has summoned me to prophesy
before His face.

woe unto him that
does not believe,

for only those
who have faith shall enter

into the Kingdom of Heaven.


ls Johannes...?


what good does all
this do, Johannes?

l am the light of the world,

but the darkness
does not comprehend it.

l have come unto mine own,

but mine own do not receive me.

what are the candles for?

That my light may shine
in the darkness.

l feel sorry for him.

He's completely crazy.

He goes around thinking
he's Jesus.

will he ever be sane again?

lt's all that studying
that has turned his head.


He should never have
been made to study.

l did it because he had
a talent for it.

You wanted to have a parson
in the family.

No, Mikkel, that's not true,
there are parsons enough.

what we need is someone
who can shake people up.

with Johannes's special abilities
l thought he might be the spark

that could fire Christendom
again from this farm.

l prayed so earnestly that it be he,
the prophet that should come.

The reformer?

The renewer, yes. l prayed
so ardently for it.

But you see what has come of it.

well, l suppose we'd better go
back to bed. Goodnight, father.

Goodnight, my boy.

Goodnight, father.

Goodnight, Anders.

l'll just go and have a look
at the sow.

Johannes will be himself again.

l've hoped and hoped he might,
but he'll never get any better.

why don't you believe so?

Miracles don't happen any more.

Nothing is impossible, if one
prays to Him for it.

l have prayed and prayed
and prayed, lnger.

Then you must go on praying,

for Jesus has promised what we
pray to Him for, He will give us.

l know, lnger, l know. But what
good have all my prayers done?

How do you know what your prayers
may have set in motion?

Pray, and go on praying, however
little you feel it helps...

Goodnight, little granddad.

Goodnight, lnger. l think l'll
sit here a little while longer.

Yes, all right.


l feel so sorry for your father.

l'm sorry for Johannes.

So am l, but...

But what?

Johannes is perhaps closer to God
than the rest of us,

but your father...

l can't stand
all his righteousness.

l think you are being unfair.

He has also been unfair to me.

He has never reproached you.

No, he kept quiet. But l could
feel what he was thinking.

l saw the look in his eyes

when l kept away from all
the godliness here on the farm.

But Mikkel, you believe in God,
don't you?

You know how l feel
about all that, lnger.

That you have no faith?

Not even faith in faith.

But you have something else,
something more important.

And what is that?

A heart, goodness.

l tell you, it's not enough
to have faith

if one is not a good person
at the same time.

And that's what you are.

But l have no faith.

lt will come.

Are you sure of that?

Yes. And then you will see
how warm you will feel,

a glow inside you
and you'll be so happy.

lt's nice to be happy, isn't it?

Yes, lnger girl
and now we must sleep.

Goodnight, little girl.

Goodnight, big boy of mine.

Karen, run out with that
to the hens.

You'll have to give me
a bit of help.

with what?

well, you see, Anne and l
we're thinking of...

Anders! You haven't fallen
in love with the tailor's Anne?

Yes. ls there anything wrong
with that, Mikkel?

You could have done much worse.


Yes. l don't mean there's
anything against her,

she's a sweet girl.

But what?

what would father think?

That's where you two will have
to help me, if you will, that is.

Yes, but what about her father.
what will he say about it?

You know, they've got quite
different ideas about religion.

we love each other, it doesn't
make any difference.

Yes, that's what we think too,
Mikkel and l, but...

But? But what, eh? Mikkel?

l'm darned if l know...

Listen now, will you help me
or won't you?

why don't you go over and
have a word with Anne's father?

l don't think it's any use
talking to him.

Give it a try anyway.

well yes, l suppose l could.

what do you think, lnger?

Yes, give it a try.

Meanwhile, l'll try to have
a talk with your father

that will be the most difficult
part of it.

-Do you think so?
-Yes, but l'll find a way.

Thanks a lot, lnger. l'm sure
you'll manage it somehow.

lt's your job to fix it up
with the tailor.

So long!
l'll go over right away.

-And good luck!

l hope to goodness father
won't blow up and get stubborn.

l'm most worried that
he'll be unhappy about it.

lt's time you went down
to the reed bed.

l suppose so.
So long, my girl.


we just fell in love.

Didn't we, darling?

we've been married
for eight years.

Mind you're not too clumsy.

Am l usually?

No, certainly not.

Dear God,
please help me today.

lt's because it has rained
through the roof.

lt's you? why, granddad
you scared me!

Did l?

what was it you said?

l said, that patch up there
it's rain water. The roof leaks.

This confounded rheumatism...

what's all this? Coffee
at this time of day?

lt's so cold today, granddad.

Yes, yes. And homemade cakes!
You made them yourself?

You're so fond of them.

Tell me, is this what
you are looking for?

Thanks! l'll have the long one
today. But it needs filling.

lt is filled.

Can you also do that?

There's nothing l can't do.

Except have sons.

Now then! Here you are.


Listen, granddad...


A corpse in the front
living room.

whatever are you talking about?

Johannes, be quiet
and shut the door.

A corpse in the living room to
the glory of my Father in Heaven.

Now then, Johannes, now then!

what on earth was
he talking about?

who worries about what he says,

won't you have another cup?

well, thanks, just a drop.

That was the new parson.
He went into the church.

lt's funny he hasn't been here
to see us yet.

He'll come some time or other.

l suppose Mikkel and Anders
are down at the reed bed.

Yes. Mikkel went just
as you came.

His sermons are good enough.

who? The parson?

Yes, it's just that it takes him
too long to reach ''amen''.

Yes, perhaps. Granddad...


won't you help me?

You can all right. There now!

You know Anne,
the tailor's Anne.

Yes. what about her?

Don't you think she would make
a first-class wife for Anders?

ls that why we are
having coffee?

Yes. well, no, it isn't, really.
But don't you think she would?

l don't think we'll talk any more
about that.

To think you set so much stock
by that...

By what?

Your peasants' pride.

l think ''birds of a feather'' is best.

Granddad, l think the most
important thing

is to love one another.

Love comes with the years, lnger.

Little granddad, you understand
everything in the world,

except love.

Now, now!

Tell me, have you ever in
your life been in love?

Have l ever been in love?
At least ten times.

That's just what l thought.

Thought what?

That you have never really
been in love.

l have at any rate been married,
so far as l know.

Yes, that with you and Maren,
that was just...

Just what?

A farmers' agreement.

lnger, Maren was a good wife
to me. Just the wife l needed.

l beg your pardon, granddad.

Granddad, if you promise me
Anders and Anne

can have each other, then
l'll promise you something

that will make you really happy.

And what is that,
may l ask?

You shall have fried eel
for dinner on Sunday.

That's what l call an offer.

And granddad, l'll promise you
this time it will be a boy.

Does that make you happy?

You are quick to promise, lnger.

Then do you say ''yes''?

lnger, lnger, you trouble
yourself about many things.

You'll see, Anders will soon
get that thought out of his head

and we'll easily find
the right girl, who will...

well! Then l'd better tell you
how things are.

Anders is not down
at the reed bed with Mikkel.

-Not at the reed bed?

Then where is he?

So, that was the reason
we should have coffee.

Yes, granddad, that was the
reason. And when he gets back,

we'll both of us say,
''Congratulations''. won't we?

So Peter the tailor gets himself
a son-in-law today.

And you get a daughter-in-law.
A sweet, good and capable girl.

That's not what l've asked for.

Granddad, say ''yes'' now.

After he's gone over there

without saying anything
to me about it?

And you, lnger, you knew about it
and never said a word.

lt's a conspiracy, a conspiracy
of my own children

behind my back.

No, l'm blessed if l will.

Granddad, where are you going?

Don't ask me. You don't tell me
where you are going.

Granddad, granddad!

And in his shirt sleeves!

You'd better go in
and get some coffee.


And tell Hans to give the mare
some straw.


Here you are.
what came over you, granddad?

Borgen's Farm is not
what it was.

Johannes will never be
any different.

How do you know that?

And Mikkel will never be
any different.

That you can name those two
in the same breath!

what's wrong with Mikkel, anyhow?

Just this, that he has renounced
the faith of his forefathers.

Mikkel is good enough.
He has God in his heart.

And now Anders...

Sometimes l just can't
understand you.

You go about looking as though
God has forsaken you.

Do l?

Yes, something has snapped
inside me.

And you know what the reason is.

Because God did not hear
your prayers

when you knelt by Johannes's bed.

No, lnger,
that's where you are wrong.

lt was not God's fault,
it was my own.

lf l had had faith when l prayed,
the miracle would have happened.

But l prayed only because
l thought it was worth trying.

when a father cannot pray
for his child with faith,

then miracles do not happen.

Don't you think God could do it
just the same?

l don't believe it any longer.

Do you know what l believe?

l believe a lot of little
miracles happen secretly

God hears people's prayers, but
he does it kind of secretly,

so as not to have too much fuss
made about it.

Perhaps you're right.

l think l'll go and meet Maren
and Little lnger.

They must be on the way home
from school.

Yes, it must be about time.

Coming along?

You bet l am.

But the rheumatism?

l don't give a darn about
the rheumatism!

l'm not quite a cr*pple yet.


The time is coming for me to go,
l hear the voice of winter

For l also am only
a bird of passage

My real home is elsewhere

There you are, little Anne.
was there anybody at home?


Did you get the money?

Yes, l'll put it away.

All right, my girl.

You're back, Anne.
Can you let the hens out?

All right, mother.
l'll give them some water.

Look here, Anne.

lt seems to me
you've been crying.

Did you meet anybody
on the way?

Yes, l met Anders
in the sand dunes.

Anders from Borgen's Farm?


Did you talk with him?

Yes. They got 1 5 piglets.

l hope you remembered
what l've told you.

Yes, father,
l remember all right.

You know you must be on guard.

Yes, father.

That sin does not get control
of you.

Yes, father.

That's a good girl.

Anne, bring some firewood in
with you.

All right, mother.

Do you know what l was
just thinking, Kirstine?

No, Peter.

lt might not be such a bad thing,

to be father-in-law
to Borgen's Farm.

Then Anne would never
lack anything.

lt wasn't the worldly advantages
l was thinking of.

wasn't it?

No, l was looking further ahead.

what were you thinking of?

l was wondering
if we small folk down here

could not win over Borgen's Farm
for the Kingdom of God.

That would be a wonderful thing.

Makes you feel dizzy?
lt did me, too.

But l came down to earth again.

How, Peter?

l realized l was thinking

more about the worldly than
the heavenly advantages.

lt was a blessing 0ur Lord
opened your eyes.

Yes. Thanks and praise be to Him.

Pick up the scraps, so that
nothing goes to waste...

Come in.

Good day. l happened
to be passing by.

God be with you.

l beg your pardon?

God be with you.

Thank you.

You are perhaps...

You don't know me.

Are you the son of the farm?

l am a bricklayer.

l build houses,

but nobody will live in them.

won't they?

They like to build themselves.

They build themselves, even
though they do not know how.

Therefore some of them inhabit
half-finished huts,

others live in ruins,

most of them
wander about homeless.

Are you one of those
in need of a house?

l am the new minister.
My name is...

My name is Jesus of Nazareth.

Jesus. But how can you
prove that?

Thou man of faith,
whose own self lacks faith!

People believe in the dead
Christ, but not in the living.

They believe in my miracles
from 2000 years ago,

but they don't believe
in me now.

l have come again
to bear witness

to my Father who is in Heaven -
and to work miracles.

Miracles no longer happen.

Thus speaks my church on earth...

that church which has failed me,

that has m*rder*d me
in my own name.

Here l stand, and again
you cast me out.

But woe unto you, if you nail me
to the cross again.

That's absolutely appalling.

lt's you, Anders.

Yes. Good day, Peter.

what did you want?
Something you want sewn?

No, it's not that.

Then what do you want?

well, you see...
Anne and l, we're fond of each other,

and now l've come to ask you
if l can have her hand.

And my answer is ''No.''
Definitely ''No.''

why not call Anne in
and ask her?


why not?

lt would make no difference.

Aren't l good enough?

No, Anders, you are not
good enough.

what's wrong with me?

what's wrong with you is
you are not a Christian.

Not a Christian?

Not what we here understand
by Christian.

l think l'm just as much
a believer as you and Kirstine.

That's possible - but you are not
of our faith,

and that is what counts with me.
Now you had better go,

we're going to have a
prayer meeting.

My regards at home.

Good day.

in the name of the Lord.

welcome. Good day, welcome
in the name of the Lord.

lt's you? welcome
in the name of the Lord.

Come in and sit down.

Good day, Reverend. l am the
eldest son of the farm,

Mikkel Borgen.

-Are you? Good day.
-welcome to Borgen's Farm.

Thank you.

won't you sit down?

Thank you.

l'm afraid there's no one
at home. would you like a smoke?

No, thank you very much.

Did you meet anybody?

Yes, yes. l met, l believe,
wasn't it your brother?

Have you spoken to Johannes?


l hope he wasn't unpleasant
to you.

No, no. But was he born,
well, a little...

Yes, we don't talk much about it
up here, but with you...

No. Something happened.

was it... a love affair?

No, no.
lt was Søren Kierkegaard.

ln what way?

-Johannes studied theology.
-Did he?

lt went all right at first...

but then he had a difficult time
with speculation and doubts...

-And then it turned inward?

lt must have been a terrible time
for the family.

Yes, one is so helpless,
one wants to help,

but there is nothing
one can do...

Here comes father, so we'd
better talk about something else.

Good day, Reverend.
welcome to Borgen's Farm.

Thank you.

Good day. And welcome.

Thank you.

This is Maren and Little lnger.

Are there others
besides these two?

Not yet. But we're expecting.

Mikkel! May l bring you
a cup of coffee?

No, thank you. Another time,
perhaps. l have an appointment.

Goodbye, Reverend, and thank you
for coming.

lt was a pleasure. Goodbye.


Allow me.

Run along and get something
to eat.

He seems a pleasant
sort of fellow.

That's what he's being paid for.
Has Anders gotten back?

Have you told father?

Yes. You may as well know at once
what your father has decided.

shall have a wife

but he will have a wife
of the same faith as we have.

Father is afraid.


Afraid that Anne's faith
is stronger than Anders,

so that Peter
can triumph over us.

l believe you understand me.

when l took over the farm here,

there wasn't a grain of living
Christianity in the whole parish.

l began one man against them all,

in church they thundered against
me, no one was on my side.

Here from this farm the fight
was waged all those years,

until the farm had won
the victory.

And now you ask me to open
the doors of the farm

to the sour holy crowd
down by the village pond,

who fought against me...

No, l'd sooner die first.
Can you understand me, lnger?

Yes, granddad,
but l am thinking of Anders.

l know Anders.
He's a good boy

but he's weak and easily

and therefore he should
have a wife of his own faith.

And he's to give up the girl
he loves.

Mind what you say, Mikkel.

You misunderstand your father,

Heaven, here he comes.

Ah! Anders. Have you been
at the reed bed?

No, father, l was at...

Yes, yes, from, yes, yes...


what is it? Are you bawling?

He said ''No,'' father,
he said ''No.''

what are you saying?

He turned me down.

who turned you down?

Peter the tailor.

But Anders!

Did Peter the tailor
turn you down?

Yes, immediately.
Then he threw me out.

ls my son not allowed to have
Peter the tailor's daughter?


And may l ask why?

Because, because l'm
not good enough.

why aren't you good enough?

Because l am not of their faith.

we here at Borgen's farm,

we're not good enough
for Peter the tailor.

The devil we're not! we here
at the farm are heathens.

l'd like to know if Peter
the tailor is brave enough

to say that to my face.

Anders, is it serious between
you and Anne?

would l have let him
throw me out otherwise?

That's a sensible reply.
lnger, my jacket.

Get ready, Anders.

harness up Hans.

He was ready for you before.

Yes, yes, that's right.

You're the best father
l've ever had.

Yes, yes, hurry up. l will,
l will, Heaven help me.

Here you are.

Thanks. God knows who
he thinks he is...

Have you a clean handkerchief?
Ah! There it is.

You remember everything.

Remember to keep an eye
on the sow.

And one says the age
of miracles is past.

l must go out and unload.

l must get the dishes done.

we are washed in the blood
of the lamb,

we know God performs his wonders
among us still today.

ls it not a great wonder,

that you are sitting here in
the knowledge of your salvation?

ls it not a wonder, Kristen
Thatcher, that God has seen fit

to convert you and make you
give yourself to Him?

ls it not a wonder that l,
miserable sinner,

stand here and bear witness
amongst you? ls it not wonderful?

ls it not glorious? ls it not
a great blessing?

Thanks and praise be to God.

Come in.

Good evening.

Ah! Good evening.
welcome to our meeting.

l've not come to attend
your meeting.

l've come to have
a word with you.

That you are also welcome to.

Come in.

Good evening.

Are you alone?

l've brought Anders with me.

Mette Maren was just going to
bear witness.

Yes, Maren, now we are assembled
here again...

l just wanted to say
l wish for each one of you

that you may come to be on
the same terms with God as l am.

while l still lived in sin,

l was so cramped and pressed
down by it,

but then l saw the light,

and now l am the happiest person
in the world,

and l praise and thank God
and that's what l wanted to say.

That was a good confession.

Sit down, won't you?

Shall we sing hymn number 1 3?

close your ears no more

Open for the voice of the lamb

Hark! lts voice is full
of grace

Come and rest against my breast

Yes, number 82.

God be with you.

Hello! Yes, this is
Mikkel Borgen again.

Hasn't the doctor come back yet?

ls that what he said?
Then he should be here soon.


The mid-wife, yes, she's come,

but she doesn't dare anything
until the doctor gets here.

Yes, she has asked us to bring in
a large table.

Just a moment, there's a car
coming now.

Yes, it's him, thank Heavens!

Yes, goodbye.

what? Yes, thanks very much.


lt's not going well
with lnger.

who says so?

The mid-wife.

well, let's see
how bad it is.

Think all of you

Come all of you

God's judgement will be
salvation to all

Good night, brothers
and sisters.

we'll meet again, God willing,
in a week's time

in the Poor House
in the name of Jesus.

Goodnight, my friend,

Good evening, Anders.
And welcome.

Can you go out and light up
the stove, little Anne?

Sit down beside your father.

Thank you.

Good evening and welcome.

Thank you, Kirstine.

would you like some coffee?

All right!

will you fill your pipe?

well, l don't mind.

And Anders?

No, thanks, not just now.

Bacon prices are rising, Peter.

Yes, eggs fell yesterday.

Have you many hens, Peter?

About as many as you have pigs,
l imagine.

Ah! There's the coffee.

lsn't Anne coming in?

l don't think so.

why not?

She'd better not.

l think it makes it easier
for her to go the Lord's way.

There, father, you hear?

Then you can drink
your coffee out in the kitchen.

All right. That is, if the...
if you think it best.

You can do it anyhow.

The three of us will drink
in the kitchen,

since you'll decide things here.

Look here, Peter,
on the way over.

l've tried to see things
from your point of view.

And what did you come up with?

That there's no reason for our
children to suffer because

we two don't see eye to eye
about religion.

Anne shall have one of our
own faith.

we have no intention of taking
God from her.

lt's a waste of time
talking about it.

You can't understand me.

what about you?
Can you understand me?

l can understand you all right.
l've been like you myself once.

But that was not enough for you.

You are right, Borgen,
it was not enough for me.

l won't say anything against you
and the others

but l can't stand you,
l'm darned if l can.

what is it you can't stand
about us?

First and foremost
all your conversion rubbish.

And what else have you
against us?

l can't stand
your undertaker faces.

Yes, l've heard that before.

No, you, you have the bright,
happy Christianity,

while we, we are the dark of soul
and undertakers.

But since you are one of the
bright and happy Christians,

why do you always look
so miserable when one meets you?

l feel so free and glad,

because l know there is a place
waiting for me in heaven.

And the rest of us,
all the rest of us,

we go straight down to hell
to eternal torments, don't we?

Yes, that's what you think,
isn't it?

Yes. words, words,
you have them all right.

And the dead arose
and began to speak,

and He gave him to his mother.

would you like to see
the picture?

lt's a lovely picture.

You can see better over here,

ls there any more coffee?

Yes, Peter.

You take it in, Anne.

with the coffee pot?

Do you think l should have
some more, Anne?


Then just half a cup. lsn't
your mother in the kitchen?

Yes, but Anders is also there.

Thank you, my girl, thank you.

well, Peter, have you changed
your mind?

what do you mean by that?

l mean about Anne and Anders.

No, l haven't.
Not yet, anyhow.

Not yet?

Tell me, Morten, do you feel
completely content with your God?

Yes, yes, of course l do.

Do you now, Morten?

what are you trying to get at,

You are not content, Morten.
Come over to us.

Have you gone out of your mind?

Then you would get peace
in your soul.


Morten, Morten, don't say that.

when you are only dust returned
to dust it will be too late.

Come, come over to us.

l'll be blessed if l do.

Morten, Morten, the Lord is
the God of miracles.

He has the power to redeem you
from disbelief and delusions.

Disbelief and...

Disbelief and delusions.

You say that of my faith.

Do you know what the difference
is between your faith and mine?

You think Christianity
is sullenness and self-torment.

l think Christianity is
the fullness of life.

My faith is for all day long
and joy in life.

Yours is the longing for death.

My faith is the warmth of life.
Yours is the coldness of death.

that ours is the right way.

what is it really you are
looking for?

we are looking for God and
nothing else.

well, it all sounds very nice,
but nevertheless

we do not regard you as being
either converted or believers,

so in my opinion...

ln your opinion?

You are all lost.

ln the opinion of Peter the
tailor we'll all end in hell...

Anders, Anders.

Yes, father.

we are going home.

But... don't l get Anne?


And l say ''Yes'', you shall have her,
the devil strike me,

you will have her,
even if l myself

have to drag her out of this
prison house. Come along.


we are going now.

And goodnight,
Peter the tailor.

Morten. Don't you see that
the wrath of God is upon you?

l won't hear another word
of that rubbish.

You won't hear me
but you shall hear God.

You shall be tested still more.

Hello! Yes, it is. what?

No, not yet.

Yes, they are just leaving.


well, goodnight. l hope
she soon gets better.

what is it? what did you mean by
''hope she soon gets better''?

Truly we live in an age
of miracles.

what do you mean by that?

Just as l tell you you are
to be tested still more,

your son, Mikkel, calls.

And what then?

And tells me that lnger
is dangerously ill.

lnger? Then it must be
the child.

No, it was something unusual,
so far as l understood.

Then l must hurry.

l earnestly hope that the Lord
will reach your heart this time,

however hard He has to strike.

what is it you are saying?
God help me,

l believe you actually hope
my daughter-in-law will die.

Yes. lf there is no other way,

then l hope it
in the name of the Lord.

You do, do you?

Don't, Morten, don't,
l tell you.

Do you know what the answer
is to that?

-No, don't!
-This is the only answer!

Father, control yourself.

There are witnesses. Even if
you are the mighty Morten,

others also have their rights.

Go to hell.

l won't get in your way...

swine of a landowner.

Are they labor pains?

Yes, definitely.


You can get
the anaesthetic.

Yes, doctor.

Borgen, will you hold the lamp?

what was that?
what has happened?

lt's nothing.
She will come to shortly.

How is the pulse?

Not too good.

Remove the mask.

Come give me a hand.

Let's listen to the heartbeat.

lt's a bit rapid.

ls the child alive?

Yes, so far. But we must
get it over with.

will she pull through?

You mustn't disturb me...
bring the lamp a bit closer...

now, put down the lamp
and get me a pail.

How big? Like that?

How's it going?

Karen, run out and get
that little pail

my wife bought last week.

l see the doctor is here.
lsn't the mid-wife?

They are both here.

ls it the child?

lt's lying wrong.

And lnger?

we must be thankful if
her life can be saved.

Here you are.

ls it serious, father?

we're in for a busy night,

Are we?

Yes, praying.

Yes, father. Both for Anne
and for lnger.

For lnger.
Anne, that will clear itself up.

Go to bed now,
and trust in God.

Shouldn't we pray together,

Little Anders, when it's really
serious l pray best alone.

God's will be done!

Then came our Lord Himself, with
His scythe and His hour-glass.

Yes, Johannes, yes.

why art thou afraid. 0h! thou
of little faith?

l have not yet ascended unto
my father.

Keep quiet, Johannes.

But in His native village
He performed no great works,

because they did not believe
in Him.

Go to your room. Go to bed.

well, Mikkel?

The child has come.

was it a boy, as lnger
promised me?

Yes. lt was a boy.

There, you see, the Lord
does not fail...

He's lying there, in the pail,
cut into four pieces.

you could pray to God.

You can do that, father.

what are you doing now, Johannes?

Didn't you see Him?


The Lord.

The Lord?

with the hour-glass and the
scythe. He took the child away.

lf you had believed in me,
this would not have happened.

Now l am powerless.

How great must your need be
before you listen to me?

Little Johannes, if you want to do
your old father a favor,

go to your room.

Look, look.

what shall l look at?

Can't you see Him?
He's standing there.


The man with the scythe, he
has come back...to fetch lnger.

Keep quiet, man.

You still do not heed me.

Johannes... no, no, this is madness
and yet...

what is madness
and what is reason?

You are drawing nearer to God,
it will cost you but one word.

No, no, no...go away.

You are seeking grapes
on thorn bushes.

The vines you pass by...

Go away, l tell you, or
you will make me mad, too.


what! Not in bed yet,
little Maren?

Yes, l am.


You spoke so loud, granddad.

Yes, we have moved.


your room. Do you know why?


Because we are expecting
a little brother.

who has told you that?


were you pleased about that?

l would rather have had
a little sister,

but mother said she had promised
you a little brother.

Did she say that?

Yes. And then just think, she
goes and gets ill like this.

Yes, so our Lord has decided

not to send
the little brother just yet.

Has He?

Yes, and now you can go in.

and pray to God to make
your mother better again.

Yes, but He won't do that.

He won't?

No, she's going to die tonight.

what's that? what did you say?

Uncle Johannes says so.
And then he'll call her back to life

just like the man in the Bible,
you know.

what rubbish is this?

That's what Uncle says.

but now you'd better go and tuck
yourself in bed, little Maren.

Yes, granddad.

Goodnight, sweetheart.

Goodnight, granddad.

l can't bear to be in there.

Be strong, my boy.

l can see the way it's going.

The way it's going?



l won't bear to lose her.

You won't lose her, Mikkel.
God will. God will.



lf lnger dies...

will you promise me that
you will live until

Anders and Anne are married,
so that the children have a home?

lt must not happen. 0h! God!
Don't take lnger from us.

Let's go in to her.
l'll come with you.

You are strong, old father.

Yes...but l am holding on to
God's hand. Come.

Uncle, will mother die soon?

Do you want her to, little girl?

Yes, because then you'll bring
her back to life, won't you?

lt'll probably come to nothing.

why not?

The others won't allow me to.

Then what about mother?

Then mother will go to heaven.

But l don't like that at all.

Little girl,

you don't know what it's like
to have a mother in Heaven.

ls it better than having her
here on earth?

You can see that for yourself.

But what nonsense!

lf we get into trouble, we won't
have a mother to look after us.

A child that has a mother in
Heaven doesn't get into trouble.

when one's mother is dead,
she is always with you.

As she is when she is alive.

But then she has so many other
things to think about.

Yes, she has to milk and scrub
the floors and wash up.

The dead don't have to do
all that.


l'd rather have you awaken her,

would you?

Yes, so that we could keep her.


won't you awaken her?

lf the others will allow me,
l will.

Don't you bother about
the others.

How happy l am.

Are you?

Yes. will you come tuck me in?

Yes, and l will let
one of my Father's angels

keep watch beside
your bed tonight.

will you give us your
blessings, as you usually do?

Yes, l will.

And he took the little children

to His bosom.

Laid His hands upon them
and blessed them.

God, do not send death to us.

Look now, Borgen.

Don't say it, Doctor.

lt's all over.

what? No.

She's asleep, and with any luck
there won't be any complications.

Eternal thanks and praise.

Yes, it was a tough job.

lt certainly was, Doctor.
And many thanks.

And now we want lots of coffee.

Yes, indeed, we certainly do.

Karen, Karen, we must have...

lnger's getting better,
she's getting over it.

we must have coffee, coffee,
from real coffee beans.

Doctor, may l go
and have a look at her?

Yes, if you are quiet about it.

Very quiet.

Good evening.

Good evening, Reverend,
and welcome again.

Thank you, thank you.

Do you know?

Yes, l know both the doctor
and his car.

That was what made me look in.

l wanted to hear
what was happening.

Good evening, Doctor.

lt was kind of you. You see,
my son's wife... she was,

she had to...

Yes, she was expecting,
wasn't she?

The child d*ed,
but she pulled through.

l see.

Now take off your coat,

There's some coffee coming
in a minute, and then we...

Thanks, but l've got to be
getting home.

You can drive with...with...
with the doctor.

Yes, of course.

Yes, sit down now.
l'll just take a peep in there.

She's sleeping like one of God's
angels. Here you are, doctor.

Thank you.

lt's like a miracle.

You must pardon me,
my good Borgen.

l don't want to hurt your
religious feelings,

but now that it's turned out
all right, allow me

to tease you a little.

which do you think helped
most this evening,

your prayers or my treatment?

God's blessing, my dear doctor.

used to say.

Perhaps you believe in miracles,

Believe? Naturally miracles
are possible, since God

is the creator of
everything and everything

is therefore possible to Him,


God can perform miracles,

-He does not do so.
-And why not?

Because miracles would break
the laws of nature,

and naturally God does not break
His own laws.

But what about the miracle
of Christ?

Those were under
special circumstances.

l see. That is to say ''Under
special circumstances''

your otherwise so reliable God
can throw a hitch into the works.

Come on, my good pastor!

That's the trouble with doctors.

They always believe in what's
least worth believing.

There you go, Doctor.

The Lord be with you.
The Lord bless you and keep you .

The Lord let the light of
His countenance shine upon you

and give you grace .

The Lord let the light of
His countenance upon you

and give you peace. Amen .

what was that?

That was Johannes giving his blessing
to the little children.

l see.

Yes. You know, Reverend...
well, you saw him, didn't you?

Excuse me, but
don't you think...

l mean, wouldn't he
be better off in a home?

My boy stays here with me
so long as l am at Borgen's Farm.

Johannes will get better all right.

Do you think so?

Just wait until he runs against
a psychic shock, which

will turn upside down that bag of
tricks we call the subconscious.

You think he can be
as he was before?

Yes, just as he was before...

There you are, Reverend,
you see,

the doctor also believes
in miracles.

l believe in those miracles
which my science has taught me.

God grant it may happen.

Yes, we hope so, Borgen.

l'll have a look at the patient
and then we'll be off.

l'm ready.

Dear Borgen,
my heartiest congratulations.

Thank you very much, Reverend.

Aren't you grateful for what God
has done for you here tonight?

You can be sure l am, Reverend.

lt has been a difficult time.

lt certainly has. and yet
l would not have missed it.

l can also understand that.

Thank you.

well, Doctor?

She's sleeping as she should.

Now you can just go to bed.


And the thanks of Borgen's
Farm for this night's work.

Karen, send two geese over
to the doctor at Christmas.

l am not a vet... They will die
under my treatment.

Coming along?

Yes, yes. Goodnight, Borgen.

How is it going with lnger?

well, Anders, better than could
have been expected.

That's fine.

There he is again,
the man with the hour-glass,

he has come back
to fetch lnger.

Johannes, go to your bed.

Look, now he's going through
the wall.

Those are the doctor's
car lights.

lnger is asleep now.

There is no longer
any danger for her life.

Listen - it's the scythe -
he missed his stroke.

That is the doctor,
he's backing his car out.

Stop, will you, come back,
do you hear?

You must. He will not.
Then go.

ln the hour of faith you will
have to bring her back.

Listen, now, Johannes,
that's enough of that.

Now she is dead.


Suddenly, she drifted away
in her sleep.

lnger dead? You're lying.
Now you are lying.

lt's your nerves.

But the doctor was just in there
with her.

Come see for yourselves.

l felt her grow stiff in my arms.

l saw her lips turn blue
and her eyes glaze over.

The Lord gave and the Lord hath
taken away.

The Lord's name be praised.

Shouldn't we call the doctor?

lf you think he can deal with
death, then call for him, Anders.


No, he left from here
a short time ago.

Yes. will you tell him...
will you tell him that...

that she has just d*ed... lnger.

Thank you. Goodbye.

The Lord gave and the Lord hath
taken away.

She is not dead,
she is sleeping.

Do you think so?
would you like to see her sleeping?

Show me where
you have laid her.

lf you have faith, you shall
see the glory of God.

The Lord gave and the Lord hath
taken away.

l, the Christ,
have come from God,

and with God shall l remain

among the clouds of Heaven.

Anders! Anders!

ls he dead?

No, father, these are not
the ones who die.

Not even that much mercy has
been granted us.

Mikkel, my boy.

why did she have to die?

why should we be torn
from each other?

lt is all so meaningless,
so meaningless.

Mikkel, you know why.

what do l know?
l only know that

everything l loved
and worshipped

is now to be buried in the earth
to rot, to rot and rot.

Death certificate:
Name: lnger Borgen, House-wife

Date of Death: 1 3 August 1 925

Register of the Parish of Husby
C.J. Houen - 8I1 4I1 925

Yet a little while l am with you.
Ye shall seek me.

whither l go, ye cannot come
[St. John Xlll. 33]


My faithful wife and our beloved
mother lNGER B0RGEN born Kjar

has been taken from us

Maren, Little lnger.

daughter-in-law and sister-in-law

lNGER B0RGEN has gone to eternal
rest in steadfast faith

in her divine Savior

deeply missed by all
at Borgen's Farm.

Morten Borgen
Anders Borgen

But l say unto you which hear,
love your enemies,

do good to those who hate you.
Bless those who curse you,

and pray for those who
spitefully use you.

And unto him that
smiteth thee on the one cheek

offer him also the other.

lt is time to go, if we're going
to get seats in church.

Yes, Kirstine.

Do you remember when
Morten Borgen came here?

Yes. why?

l offended him greatly.

lt seems to me it was
Morten Borgen that offended.

That's possible, but my offense
was greater.

Kirstine, l should have turned
the other cheek.

Aren't you a little hard
on yourself?

No, remember the words of Christ,
''what will you in church?

''Be reconciled to thy brother,
then come and offer thy gift.''

well, we'd better be going.
we must call at Borgen's Farm.

Aren't we going to church?

No, we're going to the Borgen's
Farm. Are you ready, Anne?

Yes, father.

lnger Borgen, born Kjar.

born 24 January, 1896
d*ed 1 3 August, 1 925

Blessed be he that hath peace
in his soul

None knoweth the day,
before the sun goeth down

Good morning, good morning,
sings the bird on the bough

lt saw the evening sun
behind the prison wall

At dawn the flowers curtsied

By evening they lay crushed
under a storm of hail

Small children played often
in the red glow of morning

By evening they lay on the coffin
still and dead

lt'll be a large procession,


The reverend will soon be here.


we'll have to let them finish

with their coffee-drinking
in there.


well, lnger, we must put the lid
over you.

Mikkel! Father!

Mikkel, let the parson
say a prayer first.

Yes, yes. we'll send her away
with full honors.

Ah! Here comes the parson.
Shall we let the spectators in?

Mikkel, you'll k*ll me.

All right. we'll wait.

Good morning, Borgen.
There she is.

l suppose some good
must come of it.

have happened.

Those were the words of faith.

Good morning, Borgen.

Remember, Mikkel Borgen,

that even in pain
there is beauty.

Yes. And all that beauty,

it's so frightfully important.

Any news of Johannes?

we've looked everywhere
for him,

no one has seen or heard
anything of him.

Then we must be prepared
for the worst.

God grant he may have
found peace.

Shall l let them in?

May l say a few words?

Death is the gateway to eternity,
and the young woman,

who lies here has passed through,
before her dear ones.

we are mourning because we think
of our grief and loss,

for truly there is no need
to mourn on her behalf.

Therefore, be grateful
for your memories,

your bright, happy memories,

of the days that have passed by,
and the bright hope

you have for her in the life
that is to come.

To you, Mikkel Borgen, l would
say, if you can live your life

in the memory of her, and can
bring up your children,

so that she would be glad if
she could see it,

then you two,
who loved one another,

shall again be re-united,
never to be separated again.

Shall we say The Lord's Prayer
in silence?


Thank you, Reverend,
for your kind words.

No need to thank me.

Father, look.

Peter, have you come here?

You must forgive me for intruding
on you, Morten Borgen

will you take my hand?

But it was l who struck you.

lt was l who forgot the words
of 0ur Savior.

l have prayed to Him
for forgiveness.

You must do the same, Morten.

lt is all so unimportant now.

No, it is not,
for l have something to say here,

beside this coffin,
something you must all know

before lnger is carried away.

l know you mean well, Peter,
but enough has been said here

l'm coming to what
l have to say

that lnger's place
shall not stand empty.

Anne, come here.

ls Anne with you, Peter?

Here she is.

for this.

Now she belongs to you all.


Now l have only my Savior left,
and Him l shall never give up.

Be gentle with her up here.

You shall be the sunshine
in all our lives, Anne.

Thank you, Anders.


have come.

Karen, come.

Now we'll come to the end.

Goodbye, lnger.

Thank you for everything,
for everything was good.

we shall soon meet again. Yes,
Mikkel, there's another meeting.

Goodbye, lnger.
God rest your soul.

Say goodbye to your mother.

Goodbye, mother.

She doesn't understand
any of this. She is too little.

And the rest of us, we don't
understand any of it either.

That is so true, Borgen.

Goodbye, lnger
and thank you.

Anders, the lid.

No, you must not take her.
You must not separate us.

No! Mikkel, no!

There now, Mikkel, her soul
is with God.

lt is not here,
you can see that.

Her body is here.
l loved her body also.

Be strong, say your ''Goodbye.''
You are a son of Borgen's Farm.

Goodbye, little sweetheart.

Goodbye, my little girl.


Yes, father.

Father? You say, father?
Your eyes are as they were before

You have found your wits again,

Yes, l have found
my wits again.

Not one of you has had
the idea

of asking God to give lnger
back to you again.

Johannes, now you are
blaspheming God.

No, all of you blaspheme God
with your lukewarm faith.

lf you had prayed to God,
He'd have listened to your prayers.

what is all this?

Standing here and shouting
over my wife's dead body.

My brother...

why is there not one among
these believers who believe.

lnger, you must rot,
because the times are rotten.

Put the lid on.

Hurry, now, uncle.

The child...

the child...

the greatest
in the kingdom of heaven.

Hurry up now.

Do you believe l can do it?

Yes, uncle.

Thy faith is great, thy will
shall be done...

Look now at your mother.

when l say the name of Jesus
she will arise.

Hear me, thou who art dead.

He's crazy.

ls it crazy to wish
to rescue life?


Trust in God.

Jesus Christ,
if it is possible,

then give her leave to come back
to life, give me the word,

the word that can make
the dead come to life.


in the name of Jesus Christ,
l bid thee...



Little lnger girl.

Morten, it is the God of old

the God of Elijah,
eternal and the same.

Yes, eternal and the same.

The child.

ls it alive?

Yes, lnger.

lt lives at home with God.

with God?

with God?

Yes, lnger. l have found
your faith.

Now life begins for us.

Life, yes...



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