Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1939)

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Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (1939)

Post by bunniefuu »


I've never heard a more beautiful Angelus.

Who is the bell ringer of Notre Dame?

Quasimodo, Your Majesty.

The people simply call him the Hunchback.

Quasimodo. Heh. What an odd name.

And now, Master Fisher,
let's see what reason... High Justice had for asking me
to come to your shop.

What do you call this apparatus?

The German inventor Gutenberg
calls it a printing press, Your Majesty.

- What is it for?
- To print books, Your Majesty.

- For whom?
- For the people.

They will learn to read
when they can get books.

I can print a volume like this one
in a few weeks...

...and quite inexpensively.

Imagine, Frollo, a few weeks.

When I ordered my prayer book... took them years to copy it out...

...and cost me a fortune.

This is more beautiful
than the printed book.

the printing press is a miracle.

A horrifying miracle.

Horrifying? This small press?

FROLLO: Small things have a way
of overmastering the great.

"The Nile rat kills the crocodile."

This small press can destroy a kingdom.

LOUIS: Oh, come, come, my High Justice,
don't exaggerate.

What is that?

It is the first page of a new book,
Your Majesty.

Let me see it.

On the Freedom of Thought.

- Who wrote it?
FISHER: Pierre Gringoire.

Gringoire? Who is he?

A French poet, Your Majesty.

A heretic, sire.

To spread him is to communicate disease.

How do you know?

It may be a great blessing to France
if people can get books and learn to read.

To me, it's a new form
of expression of thought.

Out there is the old form.

All over France, in every city...

...there stand cathedrals like this one...

...triumphal monuments of the past.

They tower over the homes of our people
like mighty guardians...

...keeping alive the invincible faith
of the Christian.

Every arch, every column, every statue... a carved leaf out of our history.

A book in stone...

...glorifying the spirit of France.

The cathedrals are the handwriting
of the past.

The press is of our time...

...and I won't do anything to stop it, Frollo.

We must break the press and hang the printer,
for they will destroy our old and holy order.

No, no, no. I'm not such a fool.

I will protect France from these books... I will protect it
from witches, sorcerers and Gypsies...

...the foreign race
that is overrunning all of Europe.


Get back.

Why do you stop us?

Because no Gypsies can enter Paris
any longer without a permit.

- It's the new law.
MAN: If the others can enter, why can't we?

They are Frenchmen.
You're Gypsies. Foreigners.


You came yesterday, we come today.

Hey! Hey! Hey!


Let them pass. It's Fools' Day.

Fools' Day or not, we don't want foreigners.
Stop her. Catch her.


What's the matter, Helene?

Grandma, the Hunchback of Notre Dame
just crossed my path.

Go home quickly and light the candle.

That won't help against Quasimodo.
He's possessed.

Yvonne, aren't you going to the festival
to see the king?

I can't. Mother says there are too many thieves
and beggars in the crowd.

Oh, they'll get you at home just as well.
You'll see.



Well, what's he trying to do?

He's heard it rumored that the Earth is round
and is attempting to walk to the Indies.

- It's not round, it's flat.
- The idiot?

Some famous geographers and mathematicians
also believe the Earth is round.

-Isn't round, it's flat.
- Do you recollect that letter we had from, uh...?

What's his name? Christopher Co--
Oh, Christopher Columbus...

...who wrote claiming he could,
by steering a westerly course...

-...reach the Indies?
- It's flat.

I'm greatly tempted to endow the venture.

Our country could not afford the risk
of such an enterprise.

Columbus. Hmm. The man's the laughingstock
of the court of Spain.

Who knows?

The future may prove Ferdinand's court
was the laughingstock.

- It isn't round.
- What are you mumbling about, doctor?

- The Earth isn't round. It's flat.
- How do you know?

I have observed it on all my travels
over Europe. Everywhere, it's flat.

Oh, let's listen to the play.

The old can never last.

The new is claiming its place.

It's foolish to cling to the past.

Believe in the future's face.

PLAYER 1: It pains me to relate that death
is the fate of noble and peasant alike.

You are born in a womb...

And end in a tomb.

Clopin's coming.




- How's business?
- Bad.


- How's business?
- Much better if they weren't watching that play.

CLOPIN: I'll tend to that.
- You'd better.

You rest and live and rest again.

Beware you do not live in vain.

And if you eat too much,
you'll throw it up again.


You stupid, ignorant drunkards, you.


I offer you truth.

- We don't want your truth.
- No, we don't want it.


We will now choose the King of Fools.


Applicants come forth. Men, women.

The ugliest face wins the crown.

Ugly faces!

Ugly faces!


How do you like his face?




The ugly is very appealing to man.

- It's a matter of taste.
- No, it's instinct.

One shrinks from the ugly
yet wants to look at it.

There's a devilish fascination in it.

We extract pleasure from horror.

Only the mob, sire.

Think so?

Look at our friends.

They don't look exactly uninterested.

- Horrible.
- That's the prettiest ugliness I've ever seen.

- Awful.
- Beautiful.

- What?
- That girl. What a beauty.

I've never seen her before. Have you?

She is pretty.

- Who is she? What's her name?
- Esmeralda.


The people seem to like her, and so do I.

- Doctor, lend me half a livre.
- Half a livre?

- Afraid I won't repay you?
- She's a Gypsy, sire.

Who cares about her race?

Heh. She's pretty.

Doesn't she make your pulse b*at faster?

What about you, doctor?

I'm a widower four times, sire...

...but I could begin all over again.

What's the matter?

That eye, staring at me.

MAN 1: Somebody's in there.
WOMAN 1: It's an animal.

WOMAN 2: Fiend.
WOMAN 3: Come out if you're a good Christian.

MAN 2: Get under there, see what it is.
- Get him out.

Get under there. Get after him. Go ahead.

He's going out the other way.


It's Quasimodo.
It's the Hunchback of Notre Dame.




No, no, no.

Don't spoil their fun, Frollo.

Stay here.


- Make him the king!
CROWD: Yeah!


Well, Quasimodo, we knew you were ugly
but didn't know you were so ugly.

We've never been so close to you before.
You've always been up in your bell towers.

And now we want to make you
King of Fools.

What do you say?

What's the matter? Are you deaf?

The plague to you.
I offer you the fools' crown and you bite me.

MAN 1:
He's deaf. The bells have made him so.

MAN 2:
Deaf. Maybe he's dumb too.

- That makes him the perfect king.
- Oh, he can speak.

But he doesn't like to.

- Well, what will we do about it?
MAN 2: Show him the crown.

MAN 3: By unanimous vote,
we now proclaim you King of Fools.


King Quasimodo, Quasi-Quasimodo

Quasimodo, ruler of fools, we bow

All you rabble
Scum and scavengers of France

Mark you the fool
With crown upon his ugly brow

Hail to the idiot king
Shout and sing

Quasimodo, Quasimodo

King of the Fools is Quasimodo

Hail to the king

King of the Fools

Cock-a-doodle-doo, cock-a-doodle-doo

Quasimodo, cock-a-doodle-doo

I am the true King of Fools.

I battle for beauty,
and the ugly gets crowned.

What greater fool can there be than I?

All you rabble
Scum and scavengers of France

Mark you the fool
With crown upon his ugly brow

Hail to the idiot king
Shout and sing

Quasimodo, Quasimodo

King of the Fools is Quasimodo


He can't take away our king.

No bills, only petitions.

But I need money.
Actors must be paid. The play was ordered.

SERVANT: This is no time to ask for money.
- It never is.

- So we go hungry.
GUARD: Here, don't push. Don't push.

- I must see the king. I must.
- Must? Ha-ha-ha.

Hey, you Gypsy, let me see your city permit.

- Catch her!
MAN: Stop her.

Stop her.

Stop her!

Stop her!


- We've got to arrest her. She's a Gypsy.
- Church is sanctuary for all.

They can't enter Paris anymore.
It's the law now.

The power of the law ends at this threshold.

It's no use.
The king himself could do nothing here.

Don't be afraid.

You are safe here.

What have you done?

Why are they after you?

I'm a Gypsy-

That's not your fault.

It's an act of God.

Take her to the bell tower.

Quasimodo will look after her.

Quasimodo is not here, Your Grace.

- Where is he?
- I don't know, Your Grace.

FROLLO: Where is my brother?
- His Grace is in the vestry...

...preparing for the evening service.

- Claude.

I must speak to you.

What is it?

It's about Quasimodo.

He made a spectacle of himself
before the king and all the people.

- Where is he now?
- Up in his tower.

You must impress upon him again...

...he must have nothing to do
with anybody outside church.

But you have more influence over him than I.
He's your foundling, Jehan.

You picked him up on the church steps,
not I.

Ever since he was a child,
he has looked to you as his protector.




Quasimodo is back now.

I'll take you to him.

Who's that?

The Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

The Mother of God.

If we open our hearts to her with faith...

...she comforts us.

How can I speak to her?

Kneel down and pray
as the others are doing.

I've never prayed before...

...but the priest told me
you help all those who are in need.

Give me security. Give me happiness.

- Give me always a good home.
- Give me a rich husband.

- Give me many admirers.
- Give me beauty.

- Give me a rich harvest.
- Give me prosperity.

Give me happiness.

Take all I have...

...but please help my people.

They are in great need, in great danger.

- What are you doing in Notre Dame?
- I'm praying.

You cannot pray here. You are a heathen.

Who are you?

You're not a priest and yet you look like one.

I am what I wish to be.

- Get up, leave this church.
- No.

You desecrate the very stones
on which you kneel.

You dance publicly without shame,
awakening in every man...

-...the weak and sinful desire to look at you.
- Dancing isn't sinful. It's like talking.

- Get up.
ESMERALDA: Leave me alone.

Your hand...

...there's the mark of the devil on it.

You witch.

For saying that, I shall have you hanged.

Now I know who you are.

Mother of God, don't let him hang me.

- Protect me. Protect me.
- Praying won't help you.

- You come from an evil race.
- You don't know anything about my people.

Honest people don't live
by witchcraft and magic.

If we really had the power of magic... you think we'd choose to be outcasts,
to be poor and persecuted always?

Surely we'd use it for our own benefit.

All Gypsies should be destroyed
by fire and sword.

You mustn't talk like that in here.

The Mother of God is listening.

I'm a heathen, yet I could be here all my life
and never have an evil thought.

Never speak, just be here.


That window up there,
glowing in red and blue...

...with the setting sun breaking through...

...and how the light floats
around the tall columns.

They're like the high pines in the forest.

It's so quiet and peaceful here.

Almost quieter than in the woods...

...where the birds chatter and sing
when I come.

You know, the birds and deer
eat out of my hand.

They're not shy at all
when you are kind to them.

I know.

You like animals?


You say that?


Then you cannot hate
as much as you pretend to.

Somewhere in your heart,
there must be love.

I know.

I see it in your eyes.

God has shown me the goodness in you.

Surely he'll show me a way
to help my people.

Mother of God, you know how Gypsies
are cruelly driven from country to country.

So you see, I have to speak to the king.

If he is kind,
he will do something to help my people.

- Please, do make him listen to me.
- He will.

You will be heard...

...but you must give me a good reason.

They tell me Gypsies are a lot of thieves.

That's not true, Your Majesty.

Whenever we steal,
it's because we're hungry.

My people have good hearts,
and we love you.

You have a good heart too, sire...

...because you've promised to help us.

You little witch.

I merely meant that I might consider it.

- Where do you live?
- Uh...

LOUIS: Where shall I send you my answer?
- To...

- To Notre Dame?
- Yes, Your Majesty.

Good. Then I'll send my message here.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Thank you, Mother of God.

Thank you. Thank you.

I must go and tell my people.

- Why?

- You live here in sanctuary, don't you?
- Yes.

Don't be so disturbed.

You'll enjoy living in the bell tower,
high above all Paris.

I often like to go there myself.

Come, let me show you.

The bell ringer will watch over you.

Don't be afraid.
It's Quasimodo, the bell ringer.

He's harmless.

Don't run away. Come with me.

Help! Help! Help!



You beast, you monster!
Let me go! Let me go!

What have I done?

- Let me go! Let me go!
- Devil! You unholy monster!

Let her go! Help!

Help! Save her!

- Save her! Save her!
MAN: What's the noise?

- What are you yelling about?
- There, it's the Hunchback.

There, the Gypsy dancer,
he's running away with her. Save her.

Save her.

Stop him.

- Where'd he go?
- That way, Phoebus.

There he goes. There he goes. Get him.


Stop him, Phoebus.

Take her. Take the girl.

WOMAN: Where's everybody running to?
What's happened?

- The guards have caught someone.
- A criminal.

- Who is it?
- It's the Hunchback.

Stop him. Stop that, you. You beast, stop.

WOMAN: Let's get him. Let's get him.
- Yeah.

Let me hang him.

- Leave that to the law.
- Don't let him get away. Tie him up well.

Stop that biting or I'll knock your teeth out.

What's your name?


I'll remember it.

And I'll see you again.

Come on, you beast. Come on.


- Come on.
- We'll go inside.

No, no. I'd better wait out here.

Never wait for a man, my dear.

He'll come back.

He will, sure as his name is Phoebus.


- Congratulations. So you got him.
- Thanks to your help.

- My help?
- Yes, you yelled loud enough.

I would arouse all Paris
against such monsters.

Is the Gypsy girl your sweetheart?

Most special, my dear Captain Phoebus.

And remember, I will repay you, not she.




Pennies, sir.

Pennies, sir.

Pennies, sir.

Pennies, sir.

Pennies, sir.

Pennies, sir.


Pennies. Pennies. Pennies.


- Pennies.
- Pennies.





- Where's the king?
- He's busy now. You'll have to wait.

QUEEN: The first moment I saw her,
she went straight to my heart.

Esmeralda, you belong to us now.

Who's the king here?

I and nobody else gives
the kiss of initiation.

Many of your tribe have found this a haven.

You too will find peace and a home here.


- What's the matter?
- He doesn't wanna pay his share.

Come with me. Come with me.

Leave him alone.

You know what the rules are.

Pay up your share or--

I'll give you a count of three
to change your mind.





- Who's that?
- A stranger.

- They caught him prowling around in the court.
- How did he get in?

Is the guard asleep? Let me see him.

Bow down.
You're standing before the king of beggars.

- Who are you?
-[STAMMERING] Permit me to introduce myself.

Maître Gringoire,
doctor of the seven liberal arts. Uh...

Do you know where you are?

The Court of Miracles...

...where the blind can see...

...and the lame walk.

Do you know what happens to people
who come in here uninvited?

- I can imagine.
- Let me hang him.

- He's a spy.
- He's a doctor.

I'm a poet
whose play was done at the festival.

Anyone caught here
who's not a beggar or thief must hang.

No. No, you can't do this to me.

- I haven't done anything.
- It's a rule.

I'm not a spy.

You can't.


What a pity.

My ballad could make you immortal.

What? What did you say?

- Say it again.
- I mean...

I mean, I, uh...

I intended to write a poem in your honor,
to glorify your reign.

- Let me hang him, please.
- Quiet.

- You're not trying to cheat me?
- Keep me alive, you will live in history.

Imagine, my Clopin in history.

Don't put your oar in.

Besides, I belong here naturally.

Being a poet, I'm already a vagabond
and I can learn quickly to be a thief.

And I will amuse you with such rhyming
eloquence as you've never dreamed of.

Good intentions are not enough.

They've never put an onion in a soup yet.

You'll have to undergo a test.

Then we'll see if you're good for anything.

Get the bellboy ready.

- Hurry up.
- Bring him down.


Now, then, up you go, up.

Stand on the stool. One leg.

- I'll break my neck.
- Then you'll save us the hanging.


Try to take a purse out of that pocket.
But if one single bell jingles, you've failed.

- And then?
- Then you hang.

- Can you do it?
- I'm above that sort of thing.

I cut throats. I don't cut purses. Try it.


MAN 1: Get it.
MAN 2: You can do it.

MAN 3:
You'll be...

Don't tinkle.

Please, little bells, don’t jingle.

My life depends on you.


There must be something easier I could--
I could try.


Get right up, take the bellboy's place.

Too bad.

And I'd almost come to like him.


Why not give him a chance
to marry one of the girls?


Let me hang him.



Poet for sale. Poet for sale.

Poet for sale.

- What does that mean?
CLOPIN: Poet for sale!

- If one of our girls will marry you, you are free.
CLOPIN: Poet for sale!

And I can't hang you.

A charming idea.



- Goodbye.
- Goodbye.

CLOPIN: Going.
- And thank you, my friend.

- Gone.
- Gone.

That neck.

Wait, wait!

Are you going to hang that man?

unless you take him for your husband.

- I'll take him.
- Well... you want her or not?

My rope. My rope.

The wedding cup.

Take it from Esmeralda, drink and break it.


And he had such a nice neck.

Let's escort them to the bridal chamber.

Ta-ra ta-ta, ta-ra ta-ta

Under the gallows tonight

Ta-ra ta-ta, ta-ra ta-ta

Beggars are wed tonight

Happy are the cats and mice

Even the lice

Ta-ra ta-ta, ta-ra ta-ta

Under the gallows tonight

Ta-ra ta-ta, ta-ra ta-ta

Beggars are wed tonight

Happy are the cats and mice

Even the lice

Jump and sing until it's light

This is a beggars' wedding night

We must have a light.

Here's flint and tinder.

- Now a little wood.
- Let me help you.

No, it's a woman's part to build the fire.

But it was a man
who first brought it to Earth.

- Who?
- Prometheus.

- Who is that?
- A god who stole it from heaven... holding a rod to the sun
until it b*rned into flame.

He created creatures out of clay...

...and blew his breath into them
and they came to life.

Then they too could make fires
to warm their bodies.

As we do?

Just as we do.

Oh, Esmeralda, I feel as if...


How can I tell you how I feel?

This day, first the people ridiculed me...

...then I found you...

...then I lost you.

And now... we are together...


For such a miracle,
I waited through the dark and endless night...

...when before, my days I hated.

Now I welcome Phoebus' light...

...Phoebus, king of day.


What did I say to hurt you?


Oh, you must tell me.

Who is Phoebus?

Phoebus, the sun god.

The sun god.

Why do you ask?

I love a man named Phoebus.


Not that captain who saved you
from the Hunchback.


So you don't love me.
It was nothing but pity, pity, pity.

I'm sorry if I hurt you.

Well, since you won't have me...

Have me as your husband,
maybe you'll have me for your friend.

My friend?

Do you know what friendship is?

Like brother and sister.

Like two petals on the same flower.

And love?

That's to be two and at the same time one.

I love you, Esmeralda.

I'm ready to live with you
as it shall please you... husband and wife if you think good
or as brother and sister if you like it better.

I'm enough of a philosopher
to hold everything in proper equilibrium.

- The what?
- The proper balance.

- Oh, you're a juggler?
- No, I'm sorry. I can’t juggle.

But you can learn. I'll teach you.


Oh, that's wonderful.

I could never do it.

Try it.

- It's no use.
- Don't talk.

- Heh.
- You have to balance.

It's no use.


Something must have happened.
The whole court is...




- What's the matter?
- He has an order to arrest all the Gypsies.

No, only the girls.

Round them up. Round them up.


Good morning, Your Honor.

- What is it?
- The Gypsy girls are ready for your inspection.

FROLLO: The one I'm looking for is not here.
Release them.

Did you find out in which prison
Quasimodo is held?

- Not yet, Your Honor.
- Why not?

- Find out at once.
- Yes, Your Honor.



Speak up, prisoner. The judge is deaf.


Your name?

Your age?

Your profession?


Emile, have you got
all the prisoner's answers down?


You are accused...

...of disturbing the peace...

...abducting a woman...

...and resisting the king's guards.

What is your defense?

Quick and to the point.


So you plead guilty.

Twenty-five next month.

For that, you shall be whipped.

Bell ringer at Notre Dame.

Your Honor, the prisoner is deaf.
He hears nothing.


That's different.

For that insolence... shall spend another hour
on the pillory.

Next case.


"We hereby announce that Quasimodo,
the bell ringer of Notre Dame... to receive 50 strokes
with the cat-0'-nine-tails...

...for his att*ck upon a woman.

Thereafter, he will be exposed
for one full hour to public disgrace."


To think that yesterday on the same spot,
they crowned him their king.

- Today...
- That's life.

He's getting what he deserves.

All nobles got what they deserve,
we wouldn't have enough pillories.

- It's a shame, flogging that cr*pple.
- Poor wretch.

Oh, Master Pierrat.








- Five.
- I can't stand it, Clopin.

You could if you'd been whipped once.

GRINGOIRE: Have you?
- Twice.

Now I buy protection.

GRINGOIRE: From whom?
- The nobility.

- The guardians of the old and holy traditions.
CLOPIN: The very same.

They buy it from the king
and sell it to those beneath.

It's quite all right.

You see, after the w*r...

...and don't forget,
it lasted a hundred years...

...thousands of us went from door to door
asking for honest work...

...and we were whipped for begging.

The ruling class didn't say, "Work or starve."

It said, "Starve, for you shall not work."

And I starved.

Thousands did,
till I organized the Beggars' Guild.

Of which I am Member 7419.

You needn't be ashamed.

True, we're not great thieves like the nobles.

Our robberies are petty compared
to the wholesale plunder of the nation.

- I wonder if moral difference isn't in our favor.
- Right.

Someday you and I will write a book
on the truth of beggary.

We will. Right now we've got to do something
to stop the whipping of that poor devil.

Only the chief justice can do that.

Isn't the archbishop his brother?

I don't think he can do anything,
but you might try him.

Twenty-nine. Thirty.


That's no whipping. He hasn't shed a tear.

Those possessed of the devil never do.

It's the whipper's fault.

- What do you mean?
- Our whipper would make him cry.

You mean you have a better whipper
in Marseille than we have in Paris? Why...


I know, I know, I know.

-Isn't there any way to stop the whipping?
- I wish I had the power.

Quasimodo belongs to the world
of the church, doesn't he?

He does, yet if he ventures into the world
outside, he must accept its laws.

If his punishment seems unjust...

...there is a higher power who watches...

...and avenges.

Forty-eight. Forty-nine. Fifty.

The prisoner shall remain
for one full hour on the pillory.




SPEAKER: The cellars of the Palace of Justice
are overflowing with prisoners.

It is the same throughout France.

It's not the common thief and m*rder*r,
but the thousands and thousands of heretics...

...freethinkers and preachers of sedition
that are our problem.

We have to build more prisons.

It is not more prisons we need,
it's more executions.

We're far too lenient. What'd you find out?

Quasimodo has already been sentenced.

- Where is he?
- At the pillory.

Council is dismissed.








Did you see that?

And I thought he loved the Hunchback.

Never trust a man
with pinched nostrils and thin lips.

- Gringoire.
GRINGOIRE: Esmeralda.

- Where have you been?
- With my people.

I crept through the gates to tell them
the king has promised to help us.






CROWD: Water. Water.



There's your water. Ha-ha-ha.



Claude, I couldn't prevent it.

Before I knew what was happening,
he was already sentenced.

What do you think, Jehan,
made Quasimodo pursue the girl?

He never did anything like it before.

He would not disgrace us
unless he were forced to.

I know how disappointed you are in him...

...but we must bear our burden in patience.

The hour's up. Release him.

All right. Get up. Go.


She gave me water.

"Are we not all God's creatures...

...placed in the center of the universe... rule with love
as our Father in heaven?

The time has come
to regard our fellow man with respect...

...for only thus will we reach
the fulfillment of our destiny."

No wonder Frollo fears the printed book.

Imagine all the people reading this.

- Printing press seems to be a great invention.
- It is.

I'm glad I'm living
in this age of great beginnings.

Ouch. You're hurting me.
I should have made you my chief torturer.

I beg your pardon, sire.

I wouldn't have to rub so hard
if Your Majesty would bathe more often.

- How often would you say?
- Twice a year.

- Twice a year?
- At least.


- Would that make me live longer?
- It would.

Good. I am determined
to live a hundred years...

...and more
if your new elixir does what you promise.


What's the matter?

Why are the bells ringing at this hour?

And so strangely?
What's the matter with the Hunchback?

See? It is Quasimodo.

He's getting crazier every day.

Yes, he certainly has changed.

What do you mean?

He's been different
ever since that Gypsy girl gave him water.

That's right. He keeps mumbling her name.

Maybe he's in love with her.

There. Is that lead hot enough to pour yet?




Who is she?

The Gypsy girl.
She's been invited to dance here tonight.

- Gringoire, what are you doing?
- The world looks beautiful this way, Esmeralda.

One should always look at it
standing on one's head.

Gringoire, be sensible.


It's monstrous to be as sensible as I am.

Please remember why you're here.

To divert the noble lords and ladies
of Paris...

...lest they take poison
to end the ennui of their empty lives.

Are you ready?

Yes, I am.

Come on, Bimbo.

Don't forget your cue, Esmeralda.

What have I done?

Why do you pursue me?

What have you done?

You have awakened in me
all that should have stayed dormant.

I have sought a tranquil existence
and had it.

Until I saw you.

Since then, my powers have failed me...

...for I cannot rid myself of you.

In every book I read, I see your face.

In every sound, I hear your voice...

...or the jingle of your tambourine.

I've questioned my conscience
through the deep hours of the night...

...only to awaken in greater confusion.

- Let me go. They're waiting for me to dance.
- I don't want them to see you dance.

You're breaking my wrist.

I didn't mean to hurt you.

Come away from here.

I can't bear it
that all those men will see you dance.

I want you for myself alone.

If I can't have that... will be my end...

...and yours.

Now, ladies and gentlemen,
next in our program...

...the flower of Egypt,
the dancing wonder, Esmeralda.



Ladies and gentlemen,
this is really not Esmeralda.

This is Aristotle, the great mathematician.

The miracle goat.

He will tell any one of you
how much money you have in your purse.

Very well. How much money have I?



Phoebus, isn't that the Gypsy girl?

Come, Fleur, let's all dance.

Well, Bimbo, this is no party for us.

Come on, Aristotle.


Who are you? Where do you come from?

Speak up. I'm a soldier,
and I'm accustomed to being obeyed.

And here I sit and talk to you
as if I'd never seen a girl before...

...never held one in my arms.

Why do I do this? Why?

- Because you love me.
- For love.


Heh. Forever is a long time.

You forget I'm a soldier
and gamble swiftly with life and death.

I'm willing to throw my life away for you


You see, love is only a part of my life.

It's a very sweet part, I admit.

For me, it's everything.

It's all my life.

There's someone here.

What is it?

Don't worry.

Phoebus, now I see...

...why Luna guards the night
for the soul to pray.

How I welcome Phoebus' light...

...Phoebus, king of day.


- Say again you love me.
- I love you.

- More than anything in the world?
- I can't do any more than just love you.

- I can.
- You are a woman.

So you won't love me after tonight?

Perhaps not.

Let's get away from here.

There's somebody near us.

- I'm afraid.
- We'll stay, my love.



MAN 1:
m*rder! m*rder!

- m*rder!
MAN 2: Captain Phoebus has been k*lled!

MAN 1: m*rder!
MAN 3: Captain Phoebus has been k*lled.

MAN 1:


MAN 4:
The Gypsy, she did it.

MAN 5:
There's the Kn*fe. Arrest her.


Bertrand, Guillaume,
why don't you stop him?

It's impossible.

- We can't make him stop.
- Something's happened. He's gone mad.

We've tried everything.
We can't even reach him.

Go and get more help. We must stop him.

He'll awaken all Paris.


He's stopped.

- Jehan.
- Claude.

- I've been looking for you.
CLAUDE: Good. I'm glad you came.

We couldn't stop Quasimodo.
I thought he'd gone mad.

Where have you been?
I've been waiting for you all evening.

Oh, let's go down to my room.

I have a surprise for you.

I want you to hear some new music.
There's a young Italian composer.

He's written the most beautiful things,
and you must listen--

What's the matter?

You may not want a m*rder*r in your room.

What do you mean?

I have k*lled a man...

...out of love for a woman
who has bewitched me.

I know she is the trap
that Satan has set for me.

You are the servant of God.

You must help me.

Claude, speak.

"He that smiteth a man so that he shall die...

...shall be surely put to death."

And God also said,
"I will appoint a place whither he shall flee."

I can't help a m*rder*r.

Then she must die.

Who must die?

This Gypsy girl
who has made me a m*rder*r.

- But she's not guilty.
- Yes, she is.

She has bewitched me.
Therefore, she must die.

Die for your crime?

That's the devil's logic.
You can't believe that.

I do.

A sorceress once bewitched
Bruno de Furenzie.

He had her b*rned and was saved.

This girl's death shall be my redemption.

You're mad. You can't commit another crime.
Your conscience won't let you.

There is no crime I would not commit
to free myself of her.

Then my duty is to help the girl, not you.


You are my brother.

I am no longer your brother.

Psst. Psst.

ESMERALDA: Who's there?
- Gringoire.

- Gringoire.
- Darling.

You don't believe I k*lled him.

I know you didn't.

How is Aristotle?

- I have a cabbage for him.
- Thank you for Aristotle.

Your hands are like ice.

You're not afraid, are you?

Not now.

Oh, Gringoire.

Why did I ever come to Paris?

Don't cry, darling.

I keep thinking and thinking... I came here to soften the king's heart
toward my people...

...and how my own silly heart betrayed me.

- For that, I deserve to die.
- You will not.

I will get you free.

You will look after my people
when I'm gone.

Don't talk like that.


Yes, darling.

Forgive me, even though it is too late.

For what?

About Captain Phoebus.

Even before he was k*lled,
I knew he really didn't love me.

I've been a fool.

Don't speak of it.

- You're not angry with me?
- Never.

Oh, thank you, Gringoire.


- I hear someone coming.
- Don't leave me. Don't leave me.

I must work to get you free.


- What is it?
- Quiet. There's somebody talking.

It seems to come from over there.

Look, it's Quasimodo.

How can we save her?

How can we save her?

How can we save her?

How can we save her?

Here. Here is the appeal.
Quick, Master Fisher. Quick.

- We'll print it.
- To the people of Paris.

Not so fast. I must get the type ready.

- How soon can we get the first copies?
- Tomorrow.

- Good, good.
- But who will distribute them?

Every student, every beggar
in the Court of Miracles will help us.

Let me see.

"Parisians, day after day,
innocent people disappear.

Some die on the gallows.
Others are buried alive in dungeons."

By order of His Honor, the High Justice,
destroy this devilish apparatus.

You may destroy the form, but not the spirit.

Parisians, mark my words.

Today it is an innocent Gypsy girl.

Tomorrow it may be your brother
or your children or yourselves.

Parisians, let us appeal to the king.

- Witness. ..
- Let us--

...this is not a public square.

If you do not observe the dignity of this court,
I will put you in prison.

Close the door.


Silence. Silence in the court.


Show them the evidence.

Witness, does this dagger
belong to the Gypsy?


Is it the dagger
which k*lled Captain Phoebus.

How could she have k*lled a man
much stronger than herself?

It's obvious she was just trying
to defend herself against the real m*rder*r.

You know she's innocent.

These witnesses have proved it.

Sit down.

Silence. Silence in the court.

Your Honor, it's time to use the t*rture
on this stubborn wench.

Not yet. Bring in the other prisoner.

Look at the goat.

MAN 1: It's a thief.
MAN 2: Bring it out.

CLERK: Silence. Silence in the court.
MAN 3: Get him.


The witchcraft is proved. It's evident
that the girl and the goat worked together.

I protest in the name of common sense.

In the name of man, who's not to be judged
by superstition and prejudice.

Remove the witness.

A shame when the fate of a girl depends
on the behavior of a goat.

If the goat doesn't know the human language,
why don't judges learn the goat's language?


Do you still deny that Satan is your master?

That you were sent
to destroy man's body and soul...

...and deliver him into hell?

I am innocent.

Show her what she has to expect...

...if she refuses to admit her guilt.



It wasn't her.

If you want to know who it was, it was me.


He gets uglier every day.

Silence in the court!


Do you confess now?

I am innocent.

You Honor, in view of late hour and prisoner's
attitude, there's nothing left but the t*rture.

Proceed. The court will adjourn.

MAN 1: This is it, I'd say.
MAN 2: What do you think?

WOMAN: She is as innocent as I am
of k*lling the captain.

- She'll confess under t*rture.
- They all do.

- I hate to see her hang.
MAN 3: I don't believe--


Is the doctor here?

- Yes.
- Proceed.





Your Honor. Your Honor,
His Majesty, the king, is in the courtroom.

No, no, no. Let's stay back here.

I detest trials, but our archbishop...

...has made my existence unbearable
with his appeals on behalf of this girl.

Your Majesty's presence here
should satisfy His Grace.


Silence. Silence in the court.

Your Honor, the prisoner has confessed.

Monsieur le Procurator,
we are ready to hear your requisitions.


- What's he saying?
- He's demanding the death penalty.


We will now take the vote.



What's this?


Did you confess under t*rture?



...I'm innocent.

You say you're innocent.

They say you're guilty. I'll find out.

Untie her.

Come here.

Let us submit her to trial by ordeal.

Is this the dagger found in her hand?

Here is my dagger.

If you touch yours,
you will be judged guilty.

If you touch mine, you will be innocent.

Blindfold her.


The judgment is against you.

I'm sorry.

Gypsy girl...

...on such a day as it shall please the king... are to be taken barefoot
before Notre Dame to do public penance...

...thereafter to be hanged on the gallows
together with your accomplice, the goat.

May God have mercy on your soul.

A bird was my mother

My father another

Over the water







You've been kind to me.

I kneel before you, innocent of crime.

I believe you.

I cannot allow this girl to do public penance
on holy ground, because she is not guilty.

- Then she will hang without public penance.
- You won't dare.

She is a witch and must die. Take her away.




Sanctuary! Sanctuary!




Thank heaven, the sanctuary will save her.

Oh, no, she k*lled one of us
and must die regardless.

We will go to the king
and force him to suspend sanctuary.


But she's my wife. I must see her.

Not now. Believe me, she is safe here.

- But Quasimodo--
- He will not harm her.

- He did once before.
- That was not his fault.

Believe me,
she is safe now with Quasimodo.

Eat, eat.

I'm going away... that you don't have to see
my ugly face...

...when you're eating.

Come here.

Come here.

You called me back.

I'm deaf, you know.

You would think there would be nothing
more wrong with me, wouldn't you?

But I'm deaf too.

It's horrible.


I never realized till now... ugly I am...

...because you're so beautiful.


I'm not a man.

I'm not a beast.


I'm about as shapeless
as the man in the moon.



Oh, uh...

I'm deaf, you know...

...but you can speak to me by signs.

Why did you save me?


You asked me why I saved you.


Oh, I tried to carry you off...

...and the next day,
you gave me a drink of water...

...and a little pity.


You must never leave the church...

...or they'll...

...hang you.


...that would k*ll me.


It's good in the church.

It's high, high up.




Heh. People.

Look, little people.

Look. Look.

Here. Up here.

Ff lends.

Up there, babies.




Big Marie. Heh.

She made me deaf, you know. Heh.


I can hear my friends. Heh.

Shall I play them for you?




I am proud to be the first to sign.

Jean du Lac.

I never heard of such an outrage.

An imbecile hunchback takes the law
into his own hands and the king approves of it.

France is not to be governed
by the shouting of the rabble...

...nor can the judgment of our courts
be willfully set aside by the church.

When the king reads this
and sees the names of those who signed it...

...he will do away with sanctuary for all time.

Come, Frollo.

Your signature.

Your name will force the king
to decide in our favor.

That girl must hang,
and this resolution will seal her fate.

I have something to say to you.



What is it, my child?



Gringoire. Gringoire.

Every man in the Court of Miracles
is ready to fight for Esmeralda.

Look at that new w*apon.
With this, we save her.

We'll not let nobles
take away our right of sanctuary.

Don't bother me now.

I've got to finish this appeal to the king,
to the people.

The printer is waiting.

Words won't save her.
I have a better way: force.

I don't believe in force.

My friend, you are a dreamer,
a scribbler, a poet.

What do you want?
To prove your point or save Esmeralda?

A plague on you
if you don't stop arguing like lawyers.

- Do something.
- Right.

- No, wait.
- Till they hang Esmeralda?

Gringoire, my army of beggars,
thieves and cutthroats is ready to march.

- No, no, no, Clopin. We must wait.
- What for?

For the effect of my pamphlet
on the population of Paris.

But you forget the power of nobility.

You forget that the king will read this too.

He failed before
when they destroyed the printing press.

I can't depend on pamphlets.

We march. Get ready.

And this pamphlet, you say, is being distributed
by craftsmen and students throughout Paris?

Throughout the whole country, sire.

Heh. My craftsmen are awakening.

The result of your printing press, sire.

- If we had taken the--
- Read on, read on.

"The people have faith in their king
and are certain...

...that so long as the courts continue
to use t*rture instead of common sense...

...that he will refuse the nobles' demand
to suspend the sanctuary of Notre Dame."

Heh. A thrust at you, Frollo. Heh.


What's that?

Why are they gathering out there?

- Olivier.
- Sire.

What's going on?

The people fear the nobles' influence
upon you, sire...

...and have come here to make certain
you will not suspend sanctuary.

What does all this mean?

It's the pamphlet, sire.


I see.

I see.

This poet is cleverer than I thought.

This bold new way of appealing
by printed petition... creating a sort of public opinion...

...that is forcing decisions even on kings.

Impertinent, but I like it.

It's different.

Public opinion is dangerous, sire.

Dangerous? For whom?

- Your Majesty, the archbishop has arrived.
LOUIS: Let him come in.

The pledge of the sanctuary
is being threatened--

- Have you read this?
- I have, sire...

-...and all the people are aroused by it.
- Good, my people.

Do your work. Go on.

Destroy these false nobles
who want to be kings.

Hang, pillage, sack them.

- On, my people, on.
- But, sire, the cathedral...

-...Notre Dame, they will destroy it.
- What do you mean?

Beggars are afraid that the Gypsy girl
is no longer safe in the church...

...and are storming Notre Dame.

That, I would not endure!


It's all your fault.

CLAUDE: My fault?
- Yes.

If you hadn't interfered with the execution,
the girl would have been hanged.

But, sire, the Gypsy girl is innocent.

Ah. The trial by ordeal was against her.

Still, she is innocent.

If you're so sure she's innocent,
you must know the real m*rder*r.

Who is it? Speak up.

- Your Majesty...
LOUIS: Who is it you're protecting?

I'm waiting for my brother to speak.

LOUIS: Oh, what is this,
a personal matter between you two?

Who is it?

It's the Hunchback.


Then who is it?

Who is the m*rder*r?

I am.

I did it, and I would do it again.

I don't understand.

He's madly in love with the Gypsy girl.

And he condemned her to death?

Because she didn't love him.

Frollo, a m*rder*r.

Olivier! Olivier!

- Who are you?
- Gringoire.

Oh, the man that wrote the pamphlet.
I would talk with you.

Arrest Frollo. Quick. Quick.

Come in. Come in.

I, Clopin, king of the beggars,
summon you, archbishop of Paris... give up the Gypsy girl.

We've come to save her
from the nobles who want to hang her.

Open the door, archbishop of Paris,
or we'll break into your church.

What's all this about?

- Who are you?
- Craftsmen.

- Craftsmen?
- Citizens of Paris.

We've read Maître Gringoire's pamphlet and
are here to defend the sanctity of Notre Dame.

No one shall violate it.

Not even the nobles?

Not even the nobles.

I don't believe you.



People. They've come to hang you.

But I'll keep them away.

If you don't leave here, they can't catch you.
No one can get in here.

I wouldn't let them.

If you're afraid, pull the rope.

I can hear the bell.


What's the matter? Are you all cowards?

You can't let those nobles
hang an innocent girl.

She's one of us. Come on, fight.

You're not afraid of a stick of wood,
are you?

Where's your courage, beggars?

Come on, we'll save her. Set her free.

Come on. Come.

Come on. Fight.

Don't slink away like frightened rats.


What are you afraid of?
There's no demon up there.

That's only Quasimodo, the bell ringer.

We should thank him
for furnishing us with a battering ram.

Come on, lads, do your work.


Come on, lads! Forward, lads!


Forward, lads.



Molten metal, molten metal, molten metal.



MAN 2:
Open it.














She's free.

We won. The king has pardoned her.


Disperse and go your ways in peace.

The girl has been pardoned...

...and all her people are free
to live anywhere in France.


- She's free!
- Gringoire! Gringoire!


Why didn't you wait?

I told you I could save her
without using force.

I thought that was just a poet's dream.


Don't thank me. Thank Quasimodo,
who saved you from hanging.

And Gringoire,
whose little printed papers set you free.

- Gringoire.
- Esmeralda. Your Grace.


Why was I not made of stone like thee?
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