989 - April 8, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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989 - April 8, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky music]

NARRATOR:This is the great house at Collinwood

as it looks in a strangely different time.

A time existing parallel with our own,

but in which people who look familiar to us

are actually strangers, leading completely different lives.

It was Barnabas Collins who first discovered

the existence of this other band of time,

and then found his way into it.

Soon afterward, a man named William Loomis

learned Barnabas' darkest secret.

Now Barnabas is chained in a coffin,

unable to observe the strange and frightening

events occurring in this world of parallel time.

[suspenseful music]

[phone ringing]



[suspenseful music]

CRYUS'S THOUGHTS: Who is John Yeager?

He could be someone I met last night,

after I took the compound.

But I don't remember anything about last night.


What could have gone wrong?

[suspenseful music]

[door clicking]

PAXTON: Dr. Longworth?

Yes? Who is it?

PAXTON: My name is Paxton.

I'm from the police.

May I come down?

Uh, yes. Yes, of course.

What can I do for you, Mr. Paxton?

I'd like to ask you some questions about last night.

[spooky theme music]

What about last night, Mr. Paxton?

First of all, I have something rather

unpleasant to tell you.

I believe you have a fiancee named Sabrina Stuart.

Has anything happened to Sabrina?

Now, don't be alarmed, Doctor.

She apparently had a very bad scare,

but she wasn't physically hurt.

It seems that Carolyn Loomis was on her way

from a party when she discovered Ms. Stuart

wandering in a dazed condition on the Collins estate.

So, we questioned Ms. Stuart and she mumbled

about a strange man that att*cked her in her room.

Oh, good Lord.

PAXTON: Fortunately, a neighbor heard the commotion

and frightened the intruder off.

Did Sabrina describe this man to you?

No, she really never got a look at him.

But a neighbor saw him.

Doctor, I'd like to know if you left your house last night.

Mr. Paxton, you don't think I have anything--

No, no, it couldn't be you.

You don't even fit the description.

Well, then why are you asking me what I did last night?

Well, after we left Ms. Stuart's apartment,

we got another report of an as*ault on Clover Street.

I'm sorry about that, but I don't see what

all these questions have to do with me.

Well, in both cases, the description

that the men gave us seemed to be the same person.

Then, at about saw a man answering that description

here in this neighborhood.

He followed him.

And he entered this house, at exactly :.

This house?

Did you have a visitor at that hour?


Were you in the house then?

Yes, as a matter of fact, I was.

I went to bed at about midnight.

Did this witness tell you what this man looked like?

Yes, what he looked like and how he got in the house.

He, uh, he let himself in, by himself with his own key.

That's impossible.

My housekeeper and I are the only ones

with keys to my place.

Well, well, nothing is impossible

for an accomplished burglar,

assuming that's what the man was.

You know, he could have made his own skeleton key.

Did you find anything disturbed or missing in this house?

No, no, nothing at all.

It's rather strange.

You see, I left my man at your

front door until dawn and I placed another

man at the back door.

The stranger never did come back out.

Now, either he's still somewhere in the house

or there's another exit that we don't know about.

There is, Mr. Paxton.

There is another door this way.

This door leads to a courtyard outside.

Now, I always keep this locked on the inside.

But this morning, I came in and it was wide open.

I see.

So, he could have made his escape through that door

without my man spotting him.

Very possibly.

Well, I suggest that you have your locks changed

as soon as possible.

I will. I will immediately.

Oh, Mr. Paxton, could you show what this man looks like,

so I can be on the lookout too?

Well, as I said, the descriptions were vague,

but everyone agreed that he was a big man,

very broad in the shoulders and curiously enough,

uh, uh, very well dressed.

Oh, and he had a mustache.



That's the one thing that all three witnesses remembered

about his face.

Well, I am sorry that I disturbed you so early, Doctor.

No, no, no, not at all.

Tell me, did they take Sabrina to her room.

Yes, as far as I know, Mrs. Loomis is with her now.

Thank you.

Well, thanks for your cooperation, Doctor.

Not at all.

PAXTON: I'll call you as soon as we get any progress.

Please do, thank you.

Good day, Doctor.

Good day.

CYRUS'S THOUGHTS: Everyone agreed he was a big man,

very broad in the shoulders, extremely well-dressed

and he had a mustache.

[suspenseful music]


Is there anything I can get for you?

I want Cyrus.

I've been trying to reach him all night,

but his phone doesn't answer.

I don't understand.

Neither do I.

I better try him again.

[knocking on door]

Cyrus, where have you been?

I've been trying to reach you all night.

I know, I'm sorry.

I kept the phone off.

I turned it off.

The police told me what happened.


I've been waiting for you.

Oh, Sabrina, I'm sorry.

But I'm here now.

Can't you tell me what happened?

It was evil. Evil. It makes no sense.

My ring. My ring.

He took your engagement ring.

I don't understand.

She's been this way since I found her last night.

I'd better call the druggist and order a sedative.

Yes, I think a good night's sleep should help her a lot.

[mysterious music]

CAROLYN: She's sleeping now.


Well, there's no need for you to stay if you don't want to.

Oh, I don't mind.

Well, there's really nothing you can do now.

She'll be asleep well into the night.

The sedative takes that long.

All right, I may go home and take a nap myself.

I'll come back and check on her later this evening.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for this.

I hope she's going to be all right.

I hope so too.

CYRUS'S THOUGHTS: The man who tried to att*ck her

had to be me.

He couldn't have been anyone else.

There's no other way I could have gotten the ring.

But why can't I remember anything?

What else did I do last night?

How's Sabrina?

Cyrus gave her a sedative.

She's sleeping.

Did they get the guy who att*cked her?


[cheerful whistling]

May I ask what the occasion is?

WILL: The occasion?

This well-dressed man number you're doing.

You haven't paid so much attention to yourself in years.

Maybe you think I look something like I did before

we got married, don't I?

I have trouble remembering.

Well, maybe I'm trying to recall the image.

[laughing] Oh, I see.

You just decided out of the blue to try

and look respectable again.

No, it so happens I ran into Quentin

and made Angelique's sister invite me up to meet her.

That's all.

Oh, is that all?

WILL: Mm-hmm.

If I'm not mistaken, Alexis is Angelique's twin sister,

isn't she?

Now you know perfectly well she is.

Now cut it out, Carolyn.

Just stop it.

How can I stop it, Will?

We can't go through this tacky little drama

again without me.

I'm part of it, Will.

Carolyn, it isn't Angelique.

It's her sister.

Her twin sister.

It'll be like Babylon revisited, won't it, Will?

You know, you're really not going about this properly.

You should be in the middle of a book.

You know what I mean.

Something she can lure you away from.

Well let's give credit where credit is due, sweetheart.

I will be in the middle of a book very soon,

thanks to your strange friend downstairs in the coffin,

Barnabas Collins.

You know, at least the companions I pick are human.

I didn't choose him, you know that.

You know he helped us to prevent what happened.

Oh, is that right?

Then why are you so anxious to get him out of the coffin?

What would the local society editor think

if he knew that the former Carolyn Stoddard

has become intimate friends with a vampire.

I don't care what he is.

It's wrong and it's cruel to keep anyone chained up

the way Barnabas is.

Well, he is going to stay chained up, baby,

because he is my way back to the top.

Do you understand?

And if you do one thing to go near that coffin,

if you make one move to free him, you'll be sorry.

You better remember that.


Please don't go to Collinwood.

I am invited and I am going.

It can't do you any good, Will.

You know that.

I, I'm sorry for the things I said.

I didn't mean them.

We both know you did, baby.

But I'm going because I want to prove something to myself.

I've got to prove I've lived her down, Carolyn.

I hope you do, Will.

[spooky music]


[suspenseful music]

Thank you.


Well, I enjoyed your visit very much, Mr. Loomis.

I thought we had it settled,

you were going to call me Will.

Oh yes, of course.

And I want to tell you that you haven't made

me feel ill at ease the way all the others have.

Now, you shouldn't be upset.

You should take it as a compliment.

Your sister was very special around here.

I gather that you were quite fond of her.

Yes, yes, we became good friends.

We had a lot in common.

I suppose you and Angelique didn't correspond very much.

No. No, we weren't very close.

I regret that now.

Well, maybe I could help you to know her better.

You know, posthumously.

What her interests were and all that?

Maybe you and I could have dinner sometime

and talk about her.

Oh, I think I'd like that.

Well, I'm perfectly free tonight, I mean if you're free.

Oh no, thank you Will, but I plan to have dinner

in town with Quentin.

WILL: Mm-hmm.

Well, some other time then.


Yes, some other time.

I'd be delighted.

You know where to reach me.

The house that bears your name.

Now, how could I forget that?

Have you ever been out to the estate?

Why, no.

I haven't had the opportunity.

Maybe I could get a chance to show it to you sometime.

Oh, well, I hate to be a burden.

You're a writer, I understand.


It must take up a lot of your time.

Well, you know how we writers are.

We accept any and all distractions.

Why don't you think about it?

All right, I'll think about it.

It's been a pleasure meeting you, Will.

Yes, same here.

[knocking on door]



I am certain that this foundation can control

and shake to the very foundation, the mind of man.

I am now certain of it.

I am ready for it.

I am not afraid.

CYRUS'S THOUGHT: Nothing after that.

Nothing, but that terrible scrawl,

which I couldn't have made.

Or could I?

What sort of condition was I in?

[door clicking]


Cyrus, you shouldn't have left her alone.

CYRUS: Carolyn, what's the matter?

Sabrina, she's not in her room.

That's impossible, that sedative should've

lasted well into the night.

I can't understand how you could've left her.

If I'd known you would've done that,

I would have stayed there with her myself.

Now, Carolyn, don't be upset.

I'm sure she's all right.

How can you say such a thing?

What if that man who att*cked her came back?

That's impossible.

How do you know?

I just, I don't know.

Cyrus. Cyrus, you can't just stand here.

We've got to go and find her.

All right, you're right.

SABRINA'S THOUGHTS: This is where it all began, long ago.

Our fingers must touch.

The circle must not be broken.

Let the seance begin.

[spooky theme music]
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