956 - February 22, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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956 - February 22, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky ambient music]

VOICEOVER:This night has brought revenge

to the great house of Collinwood.

A revenge of an angry Angelique Collins.

For she not only had discovered that her husband

is part of Jeb Hawke's plot,

but she has been rejected again

by her lifelong love, Barnabas Collins.

Because he loves another.

And so like the servant girl she was in ,

she plots her moves carefully.

Maggie Evans must fall in love with another.

Barnabas must find himself as unloved as she feels.

And so she works her magic.

[dramatic tones]

[gasps] How did we get this mark?

Quentin, why?

It must be some kind of punishment.

Maggie, no.

Well then, why did it appear on both our hands?

What does it matter what it means?

I've got to know.

Look at me.

Quentin, this is wrong.

You must go.

I could never do that, and leave you here alone.

You don't want me to go, I know that.

No, I don't.

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]

You're so disloyal.

To Barnabas?


Now you mustn't feel that way.

He couldn't expect us to try and fight it.

And we couldn't if we wanted to.

You know that, don't you?

Yes, I do.

Now we can, we can still help Barnabas.

And we'll still fight with him against Jeb.

The way we feel won't interfere with that.

You've got to be very careful, very careful.

Because if Jeb finds out you're not one of them.

You've got to promise me

that you'll make no mistakes with him.

I won't.

Oh, God, I wish you weren't involved at all.

I had no choice, Quentin, he made me open that box.

He'd have k*lled me if he'd known he failed

to bring me under his control.

Well, whatever he tells you to do,

you must check with me first.

I will.

'Cause I can't lose you.

Not the way we feel now.

Shall we tell Barnabas?

It's my place to tell him.


I don't know, I don't know.

Amy, I didn't hear you come in, you startled me.

Maggie Evans opened the box.

Our box!

How did you know that?

Didn't you know?

Yes, I did, Jeb told me secretly.

No one else was to know.

Did he tell you, too?

Who did?

He's fighting against us, Mrs. Stoddard.

Her and Quentin and Barnabas!

I thought Barnabas was one of our leaders.

What's happening, Mrs. Stoddard?

Amy, I think you'd better tell me exactly what happened.

The mark is gone.

It's disappeared from your hand too.

How strange.

MAGGIE: What is?


MAGGIE: You must have meant something.

But I said nothing.

It's over, isn't it? So quickly.

You don't feel the way you did a few minutes ago, do you?

Do you?

I feel embarrassed.

The mark, the mark has something to do with the way we feel.

Oh, Maggie, you shouldn't be such a romantic.

You and I merely looked at each other for a few moments.

Yes, and it won't happen again.

You're right, it won't happen again.

I'd better go.

Maggie I did mean one thing.

I'm worried about you, and so is Barnabas.

You've got to get out of this house,

it's not safe for you here.

Quentin, if I go then Jeb will know

that I'm working against him.

I can't go unless he orders me to, you must see that.

Yes, I see that more clearly

than anything else at the moment.


Quentin, let's not talk about it anymore.

No, you're right.

We don't really have anything to say to each other.

I won't remind you of it again.

Please don't.

Good night, Maggie.

Barnabas's ring!


Maggie? Is something wrong?

No, Mrs. Stoddard.

I just dropped something, that's all.

I wonder if you'd mind helping me carry some books

from upstairs down to the study?

I wouldn't ask you, but Mrs. Johnson's already gone to bed.

MAGGIE: Yes, of course.

It won't take long.


[eerie tones]

Well, hello.

I was just about to knock.

Why I'm Willie Loomis, don't you remember me, Amy?

AMY: Of course Mr. Loomis. Yeah.

Hey, where you goin' this time of night?

On an errand.

WILLIE: Oh, hey, well will you tell Julia or Barnabas

I'm here first, huh?

They aren't here right now.

Are you sure?

I mean I was just over at the Old House and no one's there.

I mean, Julia's been expecting me, you sure she's not here?

AMY: I know who's in the house and who's not, Mr. Loomis.

Yeah, yeah I s'pose you do.

Well, I guess I just wait, huh?

Hey, is Maggie Evans in?

Oh, no.

WILLIE: Well she's out, too?

Yes, she won't be back 'til late tonight.

Hey look, look I gotta make a phone call,

I mean, I didn't expect to be this long.

Well, you go ahead you run along, do your errand.

Hey, are you sure they know you're going out tonight?

Mrs. Stoddard's sending me.

I left my bicycle outside and it's going to storm.

Well yeah, yeah, that's right.

Now I'll just go ahead and make the phone call.

Go you run before it starts to rain.

[phone dial turning]

I didn't even know they kept books up here.

ELIZABETH: I don't know why we do.

I must clean out the tower room.

This room!

It's like walking into another time.

I wonder what they used it for?

[door slams]

Mrs. Stoddard?

[lock clicking]

Mrs. Stoddard, what are you doing now?

Mrs. Stoddard, let me out, Mrs. Stoddard!

[dramatic tones]

Mrs. Stoddard?

Why did you do this?


Mrs. Stoddard?

She's found out.

She overheard Quentin and me,

that's the only possible explanation.

What am I going to do?

Oh, [smooches], oh well you know

I can't help it, precious.

Oh, I mean your ol' William,

he wants to be with you so bad but I just gotta wait.

Well sure I'll hurry, I'll get back as soon as I can.

ELIZABETH: Willie Loomis!

Hey, I gotta go now. [smooches]

Well hello Mrs. Stoddard!

Boy I'll bet you you're surprised to see me, huh?

Well, I certainly am.

Yeah, well Julia sent for me.

Is she or Barnabas in?

No, they're not.

Oh, well you, I mean do you mind if I wait for them?

I gotta see Barnabas.

Willie, Barnabas will not be coming to the house tonight.


I'm sure of it.

Well, Julia will, I mean she still lives here, huh?

Yes, she does, but I don't know when she'll be in,

she doesn't tell me where she spends her time.

No, ma'am, I guess not.

Hey Mrs. Stoddard, do I look different to ya?

No, I don't think so.

I'm gonna get married.

-Congratulations. -Yeah, can you imagine that?

Ol' Willie Loomis gettin' married!

Well, I bet you that's gonna shock a lotta people, huh?

Oh, man, they'll never understand it,

I mean not when they see her.

I tell you Mrs. Stoddard, she is just outta this world.

Really, I'm terribly sorry Willie,

but I haven't got time to chat.

Oh, sure, Mrs. Stoddard, I understand.

Well, it's been nice to see ya.

I mean, if I don't see ya again.

I mean I probably will.

I'm gonna go ahead and tell Maggie the good news.

And don't you go ahead and tell her now, Mrs. Stoddard.

Do you know where she is?

Maggie Evans?


I haven't the faintest idea.

Well, I'll see ya.

You go to the Old House, Willie.

I'm sure Barnabas will be there soon.

Bye, Mrs. Stoddard.

[door clicks]

[wind blowing]

I don't know, Mrs. Stoddard,

she's never acted like that to me before.

Well, she's always been real nice.

No, she looked so funny

when I mentioned Barnabas and Maggie.

What's goin' on here?

[leaves rustling]

She went out for the bicycle.

Where is it?

[wind blowing]

Amy, did you see Willie in the woods?


I was afraid you would.

We don't want any questions.

AMY: Is Maggie locked in the room?


Is he coming?

[ambient flute music]

Was it right to tell Jeb?

Oh, yes, he was very glad but--

Oh, why did Maggie turn against us, why?

The main thing is that she did,

and that's the only important thing.

And he's coming to take care of it soon.

[suspenseful music]



Maggie, you in there?

Well, where is she? Where?

[dramatic tones]

Jeb isn't coming here the way he is in his room, is he?

That form?

I don't know, Mrs. Stoddard.

He mustn't, he'll start all that talk again

about the murders.

And worse than the talk,

the police will know that Philip is innocent.

Jeb was very angry, Mrs. Stoddard.

Now, don't be sad.

Poor Maggie.

Mrs. Stoddard, she's a traitor.

I think you've forgotten that.

Yes, you're right, I have.

And now I think you'd better go and see if Maggie's alright.

Oh, yes, yes I think I should too, Mrs. Stoddard.

I'll tell her that Jeb is coming.

Yes, yes, tell her that.

[suspenseful music]




Unlock the door, there's been a terrible misunderstanding!

I don't know how it happened but, but I'm locked in here.

Please, unlock the door!

AMY:I can't do that, Maggie.

But Amy you must, please!

AMY:Only Jeb can.


AMY:Yes, he's coming now.

Amy, Amy please we've been friends, don't leave me here!

Don't let Jeb come here!

Amy, please!

[door knob rattling] Amy!


Willie, Willie Loomis!

[shushing] Take it easy, that kid's still around here.

Help me out of here!

I will, I will Mag, but tell me what goes on around here?

[door slams]

[lock clicks]

It's a trap, a trap!

Maggie, that kid did this!

Willie, please help me out of here.

Now I've got you in on this!

Maggie, Maggie please, don't cry, don't cry.

We'll get outta here, don't worry.

I'll figure out somethin',

ol' Willie will I mean, he always does, doesn't he?

Just take it easy. We'll get outta here.

I wish Willie Loomis had never broken into this house.

He told me all about the life he was going to have.

AMY: He tried to save Maggie's life.

I know, you're right.

And there's nothing I can do about it now.

Come on, Amy.

Yes, Mrs. Stoddard.

Take my hand.

Of course.

[door bangs shut]

[dramatic tones]


Oh, man! [grunts]

Oh, Maggie, I always thought

I coulda gotten outta any place.

Not out of this room, Willie.

Well, what happens now, Maggie?

You can tell me.


Did you hear that?


That's breathin'!

Hey, who breathes like that?

Willie, Willie!

What is it, Maggie?

He's coming from outside the door!

[heavy panting]

[spooky music]
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