937 - January 26, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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937 - January 26, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

(eerie music)

- [Narrator] A time of great anguish

for those who live at Collinwood,

for the horror which is enveloping the great house

continues to grow,

and with the advent of Jeb Hawkes,

it promises never to stop.

And Barnabas Collins,

forced to become a Leviathan

to save his Josette held hostage in the past,

tries desperately to control the evil Jeb.

Fighting for time until he can destroy those

who thr*aten him and his world.

But summoned to the village,

Barnabas discovers that he has less time than he thinks.

(clock chimes)

- I don't know why you sent for me.

I thought the matter was settled.

- It is not.

- I don't know why Carolyn came here tonight.

- Because she was destined to,

just as she is destined to walk up those stairs

and into my room.

- Your room?

- [Jeb] Yes, Mr. Collins.

I need company when I'm there.

- She will become as you are,

when you are behind that door.

I don't believe it.

- There are many things in the book, Mr. Collins.

You'd better believe it.

Carolyn will be the first so honored,

and then each one of you will be able to change your form.

- And we will become as mindless as you when you change?

- Be careful, Mr. Collins.

- [Barnabas] And we will m*rder as you do?

- Of course, if it is necessary.

- You cannot have Carolyn!

The rest of us will face our fate if we must,

but you cannot have her!

- I can, and I will!

Friday, there will be a wedding in my room,

a wedding between Carolyn and me.

(creepy music)

Remember, Barnabas.


(eerie music)

(sinister music)

- You're learning very well, David.

- Would you sign my cast, Maggie?

- (laughs) He asked me to sign it before it was even dry.

(Maggie laughs)

- Bet your money.

There won't be any white spaces left.

You know I've never broken a bone before?

- I wish you'd tell me how you did this.

- I told you already.

- So tell me again.

I still don't understand it.

- I was riding my bicycle down Crown Street.

You know where that little park begins?

- [Maggie] Mm-hmm.

- I got on the path.

This man jumped out of the bushes.

- Who was he?

- [David] I don't know.

Never seen him before.

- What did he look like?

- [David] He was tall and he had blond hair, weird eyes.

- [Maggie] Why didn't he help you to the hospital?

- [David] I don't know.

When I fell he just walked away.

- I'm glad Megan found you

and took you to the hospital,

but you shouldn't have been in town, David.

What were you doing there?

- [David] I don't have to tell you everything.

- Were you going to the antique shop?

- [David] Why would I be going there?

I wish you two would leave me alone.

So what if I broke my leg?

It's gonna heal, isn't it?

I wanna go show Mrs. Johnson.

(perplexed music)

- I don't understand it.

- Jebbers!

You will not marry Carolyn on Friday.

- (laughs) You will stop me?

- Yes I will!

- (laughs) When I was a child

you gave me orders.

I hated it then,

but there was nothing I could do,

and now I can do anything I want!

- Now you will still obey the orders!

Now that you k*lled her father,

the wedding must be postponed

until we find out how the book allows for this situation!

According to the book,

he is the one who is to give her away!

- I have seen her,

and I want her,

and I told you before, you can give her to me!

- All right.

You may be right, but remember,

according to the book,

she must want you.

She cannot be forced!

- Force means one thing to you, Mr. Collins,

and another to me.

And why are you so against our marrying?


- Because we have many things to do before the time comes.

Now the book says

that there must be a time table!

- There is a time table and it's right here,

and we will follow it.

Friday evening, there will be a wedding in my room.

Afterwards, you will prepare rooms at Collinwood for us.

You will do that.

- But Collinwood is not my house!

- No!

It is mine!

I have seen to that.

And you will do that, or I will go to Mrs. Stoddard.

- [Barnabas] No!

- You will do as I tell you.

(troubled music)

After the wedding, Roger Collins will become one of us.

- But what if he can't be taken over?

There are those who can't, you know.

- Then he'll join the list of the expendables.

There are a lot of people in that house

whom I don't like.

Dr. Hoffman, I think she's an enemy, don't you?

- She doesn't know enough to become an enemy!

- But I have seen her watching me.

And you will think of a suitable fate for her,

and that's an order!

And then there is Maggie Evans.

- Maggie Evans doesn't even know you.

What thr*at could she possibly be?

- She was a thr*at to me when I was Michael,

so she'll be a thr*at to me now.

Her parents are dead, aren't they?

(laughs) There will be no questions asked.

- [Barnabas] That is not true.

You are wrong!

- Well then you will have to do some very clever thinking.


I know she's one of us,

but that was against my permission.

- You would even k*ll one of us?

- Yes.

I'm not sentimental, Mr. Collins.

She will have to go.

The housekeeper too.

- Mrs. Johnson will do as I say,

as Mrs. Stoddard says!

- There will be other servants.

I will see to that.

- It is impossible!

- I don't know what that word means, Mr. Collins.

I only know that you have hours

to prepare for the wedding,

or else!

I know how difficult it must be

to only exist at night,

to feel the lust for blood

so that it drives you,

like an animal hunting for prey.

But think of Josette,

with Oberon and Haza standing guard over her.

(laughs) Haza can be much more cruel

than I ever dreamed of.

Do you know what you are supposed to do?

Do you know what you are to make happen?

You will not forget?

(eerie music)

- [Barnabas] David, what's happened?

- You.

- Yes, me.

Welcome, David.

- Why did you wanna hurt me?

Barnabas, he's the one.

I was on my bicycle and he jumped out of the bushes.

- You're responsible for this?

- Yeah.

I can do what I want now.

David must understand that I can be cruel,

as well as kind.

- There was no need for you to harm this boy!

- David and I will be very close,

just as we were when we were Michael and Alexander.

It is important that he understand this.

It is very important.

(ominous music)

- [Maggie] Julia, have you seen David?

- No.

- [Maggie] He didn't go to the kitchen,

Mrs. Johnson hasn't seen him,

and he's nowhere downstairs.

Now where could he have gotten in a wheelchair?

- I don't know,

(door opening)

but I have an idea.

(door creaks open)


- [Maggie] David Collins, now where have you been?

- What's the matter?

- Well you shouldn't be out alone.

You could've had another accident.

Now you let me help you upstairs.

- [David] I can get upstairs myself

if you'll just hand me my crutches.

- Dr. Hoffman?

- That's all right, I think he should.

He's gotta learn how to do that sooner or later, Maggie.

- All right, David, now you be careful.

And be careful on those stairs.

Now why would he be outside?

Sometimes I think there's something that's happening

to this house and everyone in it.

David is not the same little boy.

I don't mean that he's just growing up.

It's something much more than that.

(creepy music)

- Hello, David.

(trembling music)

Now you know why I had to do that, don't you?

- Yes, I do.

- [Jeb] Good.

I'm glad you understand,

even if Barnabas Collins doesn't.

You and I always understand each other.

- You were Alexander and Michael, weren't you?

- Yes.

I call myself Jeb now.

And you, you will always do exactly as I tell you.

- Yes.

- Good.

You're a good boy.

You get an A.

Remember that radio that your father picked up

in Boston for you?

You gave that to me when I was Michael.

- I remember.

- Hmm.

I knew then how close we'd be,

when you'd learned what you must,

and now you have,

so I'm gonna give you something.

Do you like this?

- [David] It's a neat watch.

- [Jeb] (laughs) Take it

as a graduation present.

- [David] You don't have to give me anything.

- [Jeb] I want you to take it.

(mysterious music)

- David.


You're the one who caused his accident.

- I'm Jeb Hawkes.

- [Maggie] What are you doing here?

You're not supposed to be here.

How did you get in here?

(dramatic music)

- He just came in to see me.

- Yes, I felt responsible.

- How did you get up here?

I didn't see you come in.

- I didn't want to disturb anyone.

I just wanted to see David.

- But you knew we wouldn't let you.

- Yes, I guessed that.

- You can leave now.

The boy needs his rest.

I mean that.

- Sure, Miss Evans.

- How did you know my name?

- I've heard about all of you.

- David, I'll talk to you later.

(strange music)

Neither David's father or aunt would appreciate your visit.

If you wanted to help David,

you should've done it when he fell, Mr. Hawkes.

- You seem to think that there's something sinister

in my coming here, Miss Evans.

Believe me, there isn't.

I always do what I want.

Dr. Hoffman can verify that I am loyal, kind,

and sometime obedient.

Can't you, doctor?

- [Maggie] You know each other?

- [Jeb] Yes, we've met,

although the doctor seems to be speechless now.

- I'm surprised to see you here.

- It's nice to see you again.

I must apologize for my rudeness

in our first meeting.

You can answer Miss Evans's questions.

- Yes, some of them at least.

- Good night, doctor, Miss Evans.

We'll be seeing each other again.

(eerie music)

- Who is he?

- [Julia] I wish I knew.

- He's frightening.

Those eyes, the way they stared at me,

it reminded me of that terrible little Michael.

Why was he in David's room?


- Maggie, Maggie, you must find out.

- Yes, I will.

(mysterious music)

- Mr. Grant Douglas, please.

- He was just sorry, I guess.

Megan told him that I broke my leg.

- [Maggie] David, he's a stranger.

Now why didn't he come to the front door

and ask about you the way a stranger would?

- He came in the back door.

- [Maggie] That was wrong, David.

- He's different from other people, Maggie.

- He certainly is.

- Look, he gave me this.

- [Maggie] Why did he give you that?

- Because he was sorry.

There's nothing wrong with that.

You can't make me give it back.

I like Jeb.

- Why do you like him, David?

- I don't have to tell you everything, Maggie.

- David, you are going to tell me everything.

I'm not leaving here until you do.

There's more to this than you're telling me.

(knocking on the door)

(suspenseful music)

- Quentin, thank you for coming.

- What's wrong?

- I need your help.

I've got to solve the mystery of Jeb Hawkes.

- Never heard of him.

- And the mystery of Paul Stoddard's death and the others.

- Mm-Hmm, and you want me to play detective, is that it?

- I don't wanna talk about it here.

David and Amy are upstairs.

- (laughs) You don't trust them?

- Not David,

not after the way he's behaved tonight.

Quentin, please come with me.

Barnabas helped you.

You've got to help Barnabas.

(foreboding music)

- You shouldn't talk that way about Jeb.

- David, I don't understand what's wrong with you.

He caused you to have an accident

and you talk about him as if he were some sort of hero.

- You musn't hold him responsible for it.

You musn't, Maggie.

- David, you're frightened.

- I'm not frightened, not of Jeb,

not now.

- What do you mean not now?

- Not since he gave me this.

(shadowy music)

- When I saw the birthmark on Jeb Hawkes's wrist,

I knew that he was the same,

the same person as Alexander and Michael.

We've got to dig this grave.

- You just told me you saw Michael in his coffin.

- Yes I did,

but I'm learning not to trust what I see anymore.

Something that's happening that is so terrifying

that I'm sure the supernatural is involved.

- You think they buried him,

then tried to resurrect him?

- I don't know.


Yes, I think so.

- Julia, if what you think is true,

what are you going to do?

- I won't know until I find out.

- Well here goes.

(dramatic music)

- I couldn't sleep.

I brought David to the door

and then went home and tried to.

- You found David?

You brought him home?

- Yes.

I found him at the antique store.

- What's happening?

Why was David at the antique store?

Who is this Jeb Hawkes?

- I wish I could answer your question,

but I can't, Maggie.

But there's something else on my mind,

something equally important.

I'm very concerned about Carolyn.

- Yes, so am I.

- I tried to persuade her to leave Collinsport,

forget her father and go somewhere else,

but she won't.

- [Maggie] I know, I tried that too.

- We think alike, Maggie.

You don't know how gratifying it is to find that out.

I don't think that the antique shop

is quite the answer for Carolyn.

In fact, now that Jeb Hawkes is there,

I'm frankly afraid.

- Of what?

- I don't know, I just have a feeling.

I know he's interested in her.

He asks about her.

I had the feeling that it is more

than just a casual relationship.

Maggie, you and Carolyn are such great friends.

Certainly you can discourage her from going there.

- Barnabas, it means a great deal to you, doesn't it?

In some way I don't understand.

I'll try to do everything I can.

(mysterious music)

We've known each other for so long,

and yet I've never felt that

you were so concerned about the family.

- I'm concerned about all of you.

- I'll try to do everything I can about Carolyn.

- Thank you, Maggie.

- Barnabas, I should check

and make sure that David is asleep.

I don't trust Jeb Hawkes.

- You're very wise, Maggie.

(ominous music)

- [Barnabas Voiceover] Am I wrong involving her,

even to the extent I have?

But I must have help

if I am to end this.

(eerie music)

- Barnabas, I've got to talk to you immediately.

- [Barnabas] I'm sorry, but I'm tired, Julia.

- I will not be put off again.

You've got to listen to me this time.

- I will not.

I've told you not to involve yourself.

- I'm afraid I am more deeply involved

than I've been before.

- What do you mean?

- [Julia] Barnabas, I just dug up Michael Hackett's grave.

I found an empty coffin.

What does that mean to you?

- Nothing.

- I'll tell you then what it means to me.

I pronounced that child dead two weeks ago.

I would swear that he was dead.

For some reason, it had to be fate that he was dead.

I don't know how, but I do know why.

In fact, I know so much about what's happening

that you had better tell me everything.

- All right, Julia.

I will tell you the whole story.

(dramatic music)

(spooky music)
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