02x01 - Ouroboros

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Loki". Aired: June 2021 to present.*
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Loki resumes his role as the God of Mischief as he steps out of his brother's shadow to embark on a new adventure.
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02x01 - Ouroboros

Post by bunniefuu »

I hereby arrest you for crimes
against the Sacred Timeline.

- How do you plead?

MISS MINUTES: Long ago, the all-knowing
Time-Keepers emerged,

creating and organizing
the Sacred Timeline.

Sometimes, people like you
veer off the path.

- We call those Variants.

I'm Agent Mobius, by the way.

- How long have you been here?
- MOBIUS: I don't know.

It's hard to say. You know Time
passes differently here in the TVA.

LOKI: I can't go back, can I?

I can't offer you salvation,

but maybe I can offer
you something better.

A fugitive Variant's been
k*lling our Minutemen.

The Variant we're hunting is you.

- Trusting this man is not a good idea.
- I can handle him.

The Time-Keepers didn't create you.

They kidnapped you from the timeline!

You were disloyal to the TVA.

HUNTER B-: You were
in the Time-Keepers' chambers.

- They weren't real.
- RENSLAYER: And why'd you think

- that changes anything?
- That changes everything!

HE WHO REMAINS: Lamentis, The Void.

Every step you took to get here,

I paved the road.

You k*ll me and destroy all this,

and you don't just have one devil,

you have an infinite amount.

Or you take over and return
to the TVA as its rulers.

- What if he's telling the truth?
- He's a liar, Loki.

I'll see you soon.

LOKI: Someone is coming.

Countless different versions
of a very dangerous person.

And they're all set on w*r.
We need to prepare.

MOBIUS: Take it easy.
What division are you from?

- What? What are you talking about?
- Who are you? What's your name?

Boots on the ground now. Archives.


Hold it right there, Variant!

LOKI: What is going on?

Mobius, it's me.

I don't know you.





Calm your mind and relax.



I'm fine. I'm fine.





She'll be fine.



WOMAN ON COMMS: Level five intruder.

He's hopped into a mail cart
and descended to the lower level.


Have we met each other?

Casey, help me. Please, tell me
you know what's going on.

Don't you remember me?

I got him. I got the intruder.

I got the intruder!





Just a second ago, you didn't know me.

Casey. Casey.

Casey, something terrible is happening.

I'm being pulled from...

Wait, no.

Has that always been there?

CASEY: The crack? It's been there
as long as I can remember.

I was in the past.

Where's Mobius? B-?

They're probably in, uh,

- Chrono Bay Three, so...



- MOBIUS: Now what?

the branches keep on growing

and we tell the people of the TVA
the truth about this place.

And you think people are
gonna be ready to hear that?

HUNTER B-: People have lives
on the timeline, Mobius.

Yes, I know.

They should have the chance
to live those lives.

Think about it.

Hey, everything you've been doing
is wrong and all your gods are dead.

How are people gonna take that?

We have to give it a shot.

Hey, Mobius, Loki was
just here looking for you.

Loki's here?

- CASEY: He was, and then he disappeared.
- I don't understand.

He disappeared right in front of me.

He looked like he was in pain.

Maybe Miss Minutes can locate him.

You just saw him?

I did.

MOBIUS: Miss Minutes? It's not working.

HUNTER X-: Hey, I have a question.

Can I help you with something, X-?

We don't see you down here too often.

This one here. Is this
on the Sacred Timeline?

'Cause looks fun.

Jet Skis, Sea-Doos. (CHUCKLES)

Is one of these calling
your name, Mobius?

Well, I don't know about calling,

maybe gently whispering.

"Mobius! Come take us
for a little spin".

You know the funny thing about Jet Skis,

everyone thinks that
it's a personal watercraft,

and it's actually a brand,
same way Kleenex is.

Mobius, Mobius, I don't care.

Why'd you ask?

With Renslayer missing,
there's a new judges' council.

So, General Dox and Judge Gamble

would like to see you both
in the w*r Room.

I wonder what that's about, huh?



Mobius. Where is he?

He's in the w*r Room.

HUNTER B-: So we're answering
to the judges' council now?

- Okay, they probably heard the rumors...
- Mob...


Nothing. Let's just ease them into it.

- We're just gonna tell them the truth.
- Agreed, but gently.


- What is that?
- I don't know.

Mobius, I was just doing my job.

You mean pruning me.

Yeah, well, I guess you were
just following orders.

It's actually Renslayer who
really owes me the apology.

What's the mood like in there?




LOKI ON TAPE: You're all Variants!

Everyone who works at the TVA.

The Time-Keepers didn't create you.

They kidnapped you from the timeline

and erased your memories.

Memories she can access
through enchantment.

So, before this, you had a past,
maybe you had a family, a life.

The branches are growing.
They're way past red line.

And you put out an order
to stop pruning.

We just need a moment to explain.

Into the microphone, Hunter.

We are doing this by the book
and on the record.

We just need a moment to explain.

Make it make sense.

You are quite a marvel.

I will be proud to lead with you.

You made a difference in this w*r.

Thank you for being on my team.

For us.

For All Time.


HE WHO REMAINS: Ravonna Renslayer,
you are quite a marvel.

I will be proud to lead with you.

And under whose authority did you make

the call to stop pruning branches?

We didn't have time for proper protocol.

Don't you understand?
We're all Variants!

JUDGE GAMBLE: D- testified

that he went to the timeline
and saw Renslayer's Variant.

And that would certainly corroborate
what B- is saying.

HUNTER B-: That's right.

Renslayer had a life on the timeline.

- On the record, .
- To hell with the record.

You had a life on the timeline.

And so did you.

So did I.

MOBIUS: Look, we get the concerns
'cause we had 'em also.

But let's also admit that
the timeline is branching.

The sky hasn't fallen, we're...

HUNTER X-: What sky are you looking at?

Are you seeing this
robot head on the table?

Well, the sky is falling, Mobius.
This changes everything!

This changes nothing.

We won't let the timeline branch.
I'm sorry, Hunter.

If we don't protect it, what
on earth are you suggesting?

Protect? Is that what you think
we've been doing?

With all due respect, ma'am,

we haven't been protecting,
we've been destroying.

There are people with lives
on those branches,

and we have committed atrocities

- every time we prune.
- GENERAL DOX: Atrocities?

- Yes.
- Take caution in your tone.

Call it whatever you want,

but we have to take a moment
to understand what is...

- We don't have a moment.
- You've made your position clear.

So we don't have time for protocol now?

And you've made
your position clear, Hunter.

All my life, I've always handed
down the same verdict.


The Time-Keepers deemed it so.

HUNTER B-: Ma'am,
I know how hard it is

to turn your back on everything
you've believed in.

But the TVA has to change,
and it has to start now.

We can't go back
to pruning those branches.

I can do anything.


Tell the TVA to stop pruning,
effective immediately.



- Mobius. You know me.
- MOBIUS: Where the hell were you?

- HUNTER X-: Hey.
- LOKI: Help me.

- HUNTER X-: Hey!
- What just happened?

- LOKI: Just a moment ago, you didn't know me.
- GENERAL DOX: Stand down!

- Tell me you recognize me. Do you know me?
- Yeah.

Everyone, stand down!

- Come on. Come here.
- Mobius. We found him.

- Who?
- Him.



Get back!

That's who built this place!
That's who stole your lives!

That's who's coming back!


Easy, put it down.

- Put it down.
- She was going to k*ll him.

- MOBIUS: Who, Sylvie?
- Mobius, yes.

Sylvie? Where is she?

- I don't know.
- It's okay. It's all right.

- Come.
- LOKI: She kicked me through a Time Door.


The Time-Keepers are fake,
but their warnings were real.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

What do you want me to do?

We need to know what happened
at the End of Time.

Find Sylvie.

She's the reason we're in this mess.

Who's she? What does
she want with Sylvie?

General Dox. Don't worry
about her. Are you okay?

- What happened with the cloud monster?
- Alioth?

Alioth was a distraction.

He was a guard dog. We found him.

A Citadel at the End of Time.

- But where's Sylvie?
- I don't know, she's still there.

I just wanted time to think.

It was an impossible choice,
but she seemed so certain.

How could she be given
the possible consequences?

- I just wanted time to think.
- Okay, slow down, Loki.

You wanted time to think,
so, let's think.

- It's okay.


we got to the man at the End of Time,

and he made sense.

We thought it was about
freeing the timeline,

but that brings only more malevolence,
more v*olence, more w*r.

More of him. They're coming.

- They're all coming.
- Who?

- "You came to k*ll the devil".
- I don't understand.

Maybe he was.

But maybe he wasn't.
She was convinced he was.

We fought, Mobius, and she
kicked me through a Time Door.

Well, I'd ask who won, but...

It was a draw.

You both kicked each other
through Time Doors simultaneously?

No. I was actively
trying not to fight her.

I was trying to stop her.
She was gonna k*ll him.

Stop. Relax. Forget about it.

Look, Renslayer kicked me
down some steps, too.

Listen, just calm down.

I just wish I had tried harder,
I wish I'd had more time.

Don't do the coulda woulda shoulda.
Just focus on what we know.


That is what we know.
w*r. And it's on its way.

Maybe it's true, everything
he was doing, the pruning,

the preservation of the Sacred Timeline.

It was about preventing more of him.

There was no simple choice,
there was no other way.

- That's who you showed us in there?
- He Who Remains.

This is his kingdom.

And he said he keeps us safe,
but how can you believe that?

- He built this place.
- No, how would I not remember that?

- How could he...
- Because he wiped your memories.

And he obviously did it more than once.

- They have to listen to us.
- Hey!

Believe me, they listened to you, okay?
We heard you loud and clear.

You have to explain to me exactly,

how did you just appear in there?

I mean, did you come straight
from the End of Time?

No, I was in the past.

What do you mean, in the past?
Where in the past?

- Here. Here, the past TVA.
- No, there is no past TVA.

Time doesn't work like that here.

But it does now, 'cause it's
happening to me.

- It's impossible. No, it's not.
- It's possible, Mobius.


- Did you see it?
- Yeah, I saw it.

Yeah? What does it... How does it look?

It looks... I mean, how does it feel?

(SIGHS) It's not that bad.

Really? I mean, it look...

I guess it doesn't look that bad,

but we definitely gotta
get you some help.

Let me call Miss Minutes.

- No. You can't trust her.
- What?

- Are you sure?
- Pretty sure.

She was there with him
at the End of Time.

No, we gotta get you checked out.

Yeah, let's swing you by
Repairs & Advancement. Come on.

They'll have a look at you.

Where's that? I need
to get back in there.

MOBIUS: Come on.

Mobius, I know you're trying to help me.

LOKI: But we should be dealing
with the bigger problem here.

- He Who Remains.
- I understand and we'll get to that.

In order to do that,
I need a Loki Who Remains.

We need to address the fact
that you keep disappearing.

What? I don't keep disappearing.
We don't have time...


You just disappeared.

I can't keep looking at it
'cause it's horrible.

What? I thought you said
it didn't look that bad.

I was lying.

It's terrible, looks like
you're being born or dying

or both at the same time.

- It's freaking me out.
- It's okay.

It looks really painful.

- It's not that bad. I can handle it.
- Come on. How does it look?


Okay, and Sylvie kicking you through
the Time Door into the past,

that somehow started all this?

All I know is I was in the past.

It was He Who Remains' TemPad,

so maybe that's how it was possible.

Wait, that's who you said
had my memory wiped?

Yes. He Who Remains.

Is that what you're calling him,
or that's his name?

That's how he's introduced.

That's arrogant. It's like calling
yourself "Last Man Standing".

LOKI: Is it arrogant
if you can back it up?

- Can he back it up?
- Yeah.

That's scary.

- Imagine a million of them.
- I'd rather not.

Where are you taking me?

It's all right, it's a little
off the beaten path.

I have no memory
of having my memory wiped.

LOKI: You sure you know
where you're going?

Yeah, it's just right up here.

It's been a while since
I've been down here.

Actually, I'm not sure
I've ever been down here.

Oh, hey, welcome to R & A.

MOBIUS: Good. We're in the right place.

We have a little bit of a situation
we wanted to run by you.



Great to see you again.

Good to see you, too. Yeah, I...

Loki, I wanna introduce you to...

I'm Ouroboros.

- Nice to meet you, Loki.
- Sorry.


- LOKI: Ouroboros, hi.
- But he calls me O.B.

Yeah, I call him O.B.

That's like a nickname I have. Yeah.


How long has it been?

(EXHALES) How long has it been? Uh...

Could it be three or four...

- Four hundred years.
- What?

- Feels like a thousand, right?
- Yeah.

Remember, you got off on the wrong floor

and I told you it was the wrong floor...

Wait, that's right! Yes!

'Cause then I stayed for a little bit.
He took me over...

- You stayed...
- No, he left immediately.

Well, I'm back.

Yes, you are.

Believe it or not,
he was my last visitor.


- Reunited. Four hundred years.
- Yeah.

- That's right.
- LOKI: Yeah.

- Hey, how are the other guys doin'?
- What other guys?

- What other guys?
- It's just O.B.

- It's just O.B.
- Yeah. O.B.

- Oh. Hang on.
- Hold on, O.B. Okay.

The work orders really pile up
if I take a break,

so I just keep at it.

Forever. No sleep.

O.B., we just have
a quick question for you.


Great being part of a team.

So, how is the team doing up there?

Pretty great. Yeah. I mean, well...

You know about the Time-Keepers
and, you know...

That! That's what's been happening.

Wow. Time slipping.

- What, you... Time... You know that?
- Yeah.

- You've seen that?
- Yeah.

- Can you fix that?
- No.

It's impossible to time slip in the TVA.

I know, but we just saw it happen.

Yeah. I'm having trouble
reconciling that.



Uh, may I call you "O.B."?


I like that.

- Uh, do I know you?
- Yes.

In the future. Well, it's your future.

My present. It's complicated.

I've been pulled through

- different times in the TVA...
- Time slipping.


I've been time slipping in the TVA...

It's impossible to time slip in the TVA.

- But you just saw it happen.
- Yeah.

I'm having trouble reconciling that.

I know it looked like your
friend was time slipping,

but it must be something else.

I've never seen anything
close to that happen before.



There was one time.

That guy that was here?
What was his name?

- Loki?
- Yeah.

A long time ago, he came to me
complaining about time slipping.

How did I not remember that?

Wait, is he talking to you in the past

and you're just now remembering it?

Wow. That makes perfect sense.

- There's no flaw in that logic.
- Yes.

- I guess Time slipping is possible at the TVA.
- Yes.

So, you remember.

- What did you tell him?
- I told him...

That's impossible.

That's not impossible because
I was just with you in the future.

Mmm... I think I would remember that.

Yes, but it hasn't happened to you yet.

- Do you see?
- Good point.

It sure would be more convenient

if we were having this
conversation in the future

and this were the past.

We were. This is the... Never mind.

O.B., look, for the sake of argument,

let's just say, if it were possible
to time slip in the TVA,

- how might one...
- It's not.

I understand that.

But theoretically, if it were possible
to time slip in the TVA,

how might one remedy that?

Well, first off, someone in the time
you want to end up in

would need a Temporal Aura Extractor.

- Do you have one of those?
- I do not.

O.B.: Ha! I got it.

One Temporal Aura Extractor.


Can you hold onto that until
my friend Mobius drops by?

No. Wait.


I actually do have an Extractor here.

One Temporal Aura Extractor.

And did you happen to discuss

how to use such a thing with my friend?

You need to get to the Temporal Loom,

so the Extractor can pull Loki
directly out of the time stream.

Wait, so, I need to get
to the Temporal Loom

so the Extractor can pull Loki
out of the time stream?

- But it could be dangerous.
- How dangerous?

Oh. Not too bad
if you're quick about it.

- Gotta be quick about it.
- If you spend too long in it,

that kinda temporal energy
will peel the skin right off you.

Wait, I thought you said "not too bad"

and now you're talking about me
getting my skin peeled off of me.

Oh. Not too bad compared
to what Loki has to do.

Why, what's Loki gotta do?

Violently rip myself from
every thread of time and space?

- All at once?
- That means prune yourself.

- Why?
- Well, when something is pruned,

it's released from time,

so the hope is that
after you prune yourself,

the Extractor will pull you
into the present.

Of course.


Um... and then if it doesn't do that?

Well, have you heard about
how if you fall into a black hole

you turn into spaghetti?

- No.
- Good.

The less you know about
that, the better.


Damn it!

O.B.: Hey, Loki's back.

Well, I guess you two are ready to go.

Wait, hold it, am I ready to get
my skin peeled off? I don't know.

Am I ready to violently rip myself
from every thread of time?

I'd rather have that.

You'd rather be atomically disassembled
and never reassembled?

Than to have your skin ripped off?

LOKI: At least you get to live.

Live? What's the quality
of life with no skin?

There has to be another way.

- Huh. Been doing that all day.
- MOBIUS: No, it's not the lamp.

We're having power surges
all through the TVA.

What did you say?

So, the timeline is branching now?

I bet that's what's causing
the power surges.

- And maybe your time slipping.
- Really? How?

Things are a mess upstairs, Mobius.
This better be important.

It is.

The branching is overloading
the Temporal Loom.

- Temporal Loom?
- That's bad.

You know, the Temporal Loom.

- It's in the TVA Guidebook.
- LOKI: The what?

O.B.: There's one on every desk
at the TVA.

It's a detailed index of every
mechanical classification

and maintenance routine in each sector,

on each device, and inside every
computer program at the TVA.

- I wrote it myself.

Okay, O.B., this piece
just came off right here.

Is that important? I think...



The Temporal Loom
is the heart of the TVA.

It's where raw time is refined
into physical timeline.

And it's not constructed to weave
together so many new branches,

so it's overloading.

I've never seen it like this.

LOKI: It looks like a disaster.

O.B.: It is a disaster.

You don't get down here
too much, I guess.

O.B.: I never had to.

Miss Minutes took care of everything.

I just ran diagnostics
every few hundred years.

So, O.B., what do we do? How
do we stop it? The meltdown?

We need to prune those extra branches.

That means the death of countless
people. We can't do that.

Then I'll need to close the blast doors
to protect the TVA,

while I figure out how to retrofit it
to handle all those branches.

- What about the time slipping?
- Once those doors close,

we won't be able to re-sync you,
so, it's now or never.




- Now!
- O.B.: Wait!

It's now, but now
isn't for a little bit.

We still gotta get Mobius into position.

But first...

Mobius, to fix Loki's time slipping,

you'll go out there and
launch the Extractor,

which will pull Loki
from the time stream

before I need to close the blast doors.

Loki, this timer is synced to the Loom.

You'll stand by to prune yourself

within moments after this turns green.

Green means Mobius succeeded.

Green means prune.

If you're too late, you will
be lost to time forever

and Mobius will lose all of his skin.

Okay, you've got about an hour.

You've got about five minutes.

Anyway, I'm gonna get everything ready.


Dox and her crew are raiding the armory.

They're going after Sylvie.
That's their only lead.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you
doing? Where are you going?

- Sylvie, Dox...
- No!

We have one shot at this.

HUNTER B-: I'll handle Dox.

Good luck.

Mobius, if I...

- If I don't make it back, I...
- You'll make it back.

Right, but when I use this thing,
I might not make it back...


He'll make it back.



It's the future.

The Timestick.

Once these doors open,

the temporal radiation will
start aging away your suit,

so get down the gangway,

lock the Temporal Aura Extractor
into place,

and hoof it back here
the moment I tell you to.

- How the hell am I gonna hoof it in this?
- You got to.

Or what?

Or the blast doors will close
and lock you out.

And then, your suit will age
away, you will age away,

and you'll get very old,

and all your skin will get
peeled away, and you will die.

Is this cracked?

- You're good.
- O.B.!

Get ready to see some hoofin'
like you've never seen before.



WOMAN ON PA: All personnel,

report to your nearest
Time Door evacuation point.

LOKI: The Timestick.


All personnel, report to your nearest
Time Door evacuation point.

All personnel, report to your nearest
Time Door evacuation point.

LOKI: Come on. The Timestick.


LOKI: There's still time.

All personnel, report to your nearest
Time Door evacuation point.


MOBIUS: Damn it!





Mobius, I need to close
the blast doors now

to have any hope of fixing the Loom.

MOBIUS: Give him more time.
He can still make it.

O.B.: Mobius, we have seconds.



O.B.: Five.





MOBIUS: No. Not yet.

Not yet!

Give him more time!



No. No.

O.B. OVER RADIO: Mobius, listen to me.

There is nothing you can do for him.

He's lost to time.


He's not going to make it.


(PANTING) There you are!




We need to find Sylvie.

Where are they going?

All this for Sylvie?

HUNTER D-: I don't buy it.



How do I do this?

What would you like?

Not squirrel, not possum, not rats.

Something that's already dead,
and nothing with a face.


Well, you can try our new
Chicken McNuggets,

and we have a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish,

- and a hamburger, cheeseburger.

I quite like the Quarter Pounder,

which you can try with or without cheese.

I wanna try everything.


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