01x15 - Adalet Ordusu

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x15 - Adalet Ordusu

Post by bunniefuu »

Why is it dark in here?


Yes, my Bey?

Why are these oil lamps not lit, Rahman?

I don’t know, my Bey.

You’d not even be aware of it,
if all the hell broke loose

My Bey?

-Find something and cover that tear.
-Yes, my Bey.

No one will know about what happened here.

Don’t leave my father alone
for even one moment.

Yes, my Bey.

Thank God, your pain was as a sign of good.

So, the motherhood starts with pain
and ends with God’s mercy and grace.

You made us happy in these hard times.

May God permit us to hold
the child in our arms.

If God permits, mother.

If my Bey father recovers soon,
he would be happy too.

Of course he would. We were yearning
for a grandchild for a long time.

Of course he would be happy.

-My Gokce.


Son, we have good news.

Our bride Selcan is pregnant.

He will continue our progeny and
become Bey of the tribe, if God permits.

If God permits. Thank you, mother.

-May you be blessed.
-Thank you, Gokce Hatun.

You should not have left
my Bey father alone.

He is not alone, Hatun.
Rahman is with him.

You take care and do not worry
about other things.

What a coward.

First she sent me to the tent.
Then sent her husband after me.

So she wanted Suleyman Shah dead in order
to take revenge for her father Alpsungur.

And she was going to make me
a bait for Gundogdu at the same time.

Two birds with one stone.

I couldn’t predict that ignoble woman’s plan.

When a wolf gets old,
it becomes the laughingstock of the dogs.

What do you say, Alpargu?
Are we too old now?

Their cries tear my heart apart. I wish
we could k*ll them before setting on fire.

This illness is not like
the ones you know, son.

If you touch the meat or blood of these
animals, the whole tribe would be doomed.

Our Holy Mother, revive me so that
I can free myself from the dark.

If my father is alive
and if I can meet him...

...show me a sign.


...are you here?


You told me that you were prepared
to learn the truth.

Then come with me.

-Is it here?

You never saw me, Altes.

Is my father behind this door?

-My daughter?

-My girl!


-My girl!

I thought you were k*lled years ago.

I always thought of you.
Hope of seeing you again kept me alive.

Father, why are you here?

Your mother, your sister and
you are in my dreams every night.

-What happened to your mother, my girl?

We lost her to plague last year.

Father, why are they holding you here?

Uncle told us that you were dead.

Does my uncle know that you are here?

I will talk with him and
take you out of here.

My girl!


My girl!

-My daughter.

My baby!

My Elanora!

My baby, my Elanora!

Help me God!

Help me God!

In short, Ertugrul Bey,
just like the poet says...

I b*rned and turned to ash
I became a guide for the sufferers

I was a Shah and became a subject
With the fire of your love

With your permission, my Bey.

It is your turn to take watch.

I could not sleep.


You know that...

...I have a thousand problems.

Their solutions are in my power...

...and my power is in my belief.

But there’s one...

...that is the most alluring amongst others...

...which also tears my heart out.

And the cure for that one is only you.

It was that gazelle with those beautiful eyes
that took me to you by following it...

...and then got me in this love.

I aimed to k*ll it...

...and it teared my heart out with the fire of love.

What I am trying to say is...

...since the first moment I saw you...
-Please, Ertugrul. Stop.

I shall not.

I cannot send you away with my own hands.

Do not go.

Stay with me.

Be the sultan of my heart,
the mother of my children...

...and my companion till the end.

You are a valiant and honest brave
with a good heart, Ertugrul Bey.

We owe you not one but a thousand lives.

But my fate was sealed a long time ago.

I cannot leave my father and brother
in a world of unknown to go after love.

When I could not even become
the sultan of the palace I was born in...

...I cannot be the sultan of your heart.

This is your tongue talking.

What about your heart?

What does your heart say, Halime?

My heart and my tongue talk the same.

Don’t go.




Halime! Halime!



Halime. Halime.

Halime, my girl!

Hold down the rear! Let us separate.
We will meet in Aleppo!

We shall separate.


-Come on, boy! Come on.

-Come on!

-Come on, we are going.

Go on. Quick! Quick!

Sir, they are running away.

Ertugrul is trapped now...

...let us catch the small Shahzada
to please Ustad.

Get the horses.

You carry on, Shahzada.
I will catch up with you.

Come on. Come on!

My Bey, you catch up with them.
We will guard your back.

Quick, on your horses!

I will make that coward Selcan regret
the day she was born, Niya.

She will pay a heavy price for fooling me.

I shall breath down her neck like death.

There is no end to tricks in Selcan.

She walks in the tribe
like a ball of fire.

She bellows the fire anywhere she likes.

And if my name is Kurdoglu...

...I know how to turn that fire into ash.

You shall take one life of
that double lived coward.

Before she can hold her baby
in her arms...

...before she can brag about giving
a grandchild to the Bey bloodline...

...that baby shall die.

Get out of the way.

My dear lamb...

...I brought you water, get up.

Was it you...

...who k*lled my father Baybora?

Here you are, my girl.

May it be easy on you.

May it be easy on you, sister.

With God’s permission, we are ready,
Gundogdu Bey.

What happened, my Bey? Is there something
that clouds your heart, that worries you?

It’s dangerous around here, Deli Demir.

I will allocate some trusted
Alps for your journey.

You are son of a Bey, you are a Bey.

You don’t need to tell me everything.

But if there is something
I need to know...

...you would tell me, right, my Bey?

I always say that caution is a virtue.

We can’t even trust the clouds above us
or the blowing wind.

Anyway, you should start
your own preparations.

Don’t talk like that, my Bey.

What kind of preparations need to be made
for a man like me?

I just have to pay my last respects to someone
while there is still time for it.

So, I should be doing that.



Was it you...

...who k*lled my father Baybora?

Baybora was like a brother to me.

Your father was k*lled by those who
saw us as a thr*at to their Seigniory.

What are you trying to say?

You should understand, the k*ller of
your father is Suleyman Shah.

Can those we called our Shah and
obeyed as Beys, k*ll us, father?

But if I am your son...

...I shall make them pay for it.

I seek refuge in God from Satan, the Accursed one.

In the name of God, the Compassionate,
the Merciful.


I am going, my dear wife.

Leaving our lands again…

The caravan is ready.

But this time,
you will not be in the caravan.

You will never be able to see our new land.

First thing will be marrying off our Aykiz
when the tribe is settled.

That day...

...I shall cry quietly in a corner.

As you are not beside me,
you won’t be able to wipe my tears.

Aykiz will give me a grandchild
when the time comes.

You won’t be able to hold
those little hands and feet.

My battle worn and battered heart...

...will be even more worn out
being without you.

But no one will need to say:
“Come on. Get up, Deli Demir.

Who will make weapons for
the Alps of this tribe other than you?”

Isn’t this world a temporary moorland
for everyone, my loved one?

When the time comes, I shall join
the caravan that goes to the real home.

We will meet then.

Knowing this is enough for me, my love.

The woman I saw the first time I opened my
eyes, the woman I gave my heart and loved.

Until then, while you are under
this cold ground...

...I shall be feeling cold even
in front of the ironsmith’s fire.

I wanted you to know that.
May God bless you.

My sincere condolences, son.

The world is like that.
An inn with two doors.

Thank you, Master Demir. The world is
the innkeeper, we are the travelers.

Those who finish the number of breaths
given to them go under the ground.

You are right, Bozok.
May God give you more patience.

Anyway, see you in the camp.
Peace be upon you.

Peace be upon you, Master Demir.
May you have a good journey.

-Don’t move!

Drop down the axe or I will cut off his throat!

Tie him up.


We need go faster, my Shahzada.

She loses more blood
as the horse goes faster, Ertugrul.

We shall rest here.

Ertugrul and the rest...

...you caught them...


Sir, Ertugrul and others...

Did you let them escape?

Have mercy on me, sir.

Gokce, put these ointments
in a place we can find easily.

-We cannot waste time during the journey.
-Alright, mother.

Selcan, don’t lift heavy things.
God forbid, you are already in pain.

Do you know what I think?

It is not wise for you stay back with
the caravan while you are pregnant.

Come with us in this journey.

Thank you, mother.
I do not know what Gundogdu would say.

I do not think that he would oppose but...

...you are right, he is your Bey,
you should ask him.

You take the arms rack.


...Mother Hayme says...

...I do not want to worry,
you should come with us as well.

She is worried after last night.

How come?
What happened last night for her to worry?

Because of my cramps. She is afraid that
I would get tired in the caravan...

...and something might happen to the baby.

You are staying here as well.
After last night, I would get worried too.

I want you always to be by my sight.

So you worry for your son and
you want us to stay with you.

As you wish, Gundogdu.
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