01x12 - Gönlümüz Halep

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x12 - Gönlümüz Halep

Post by bunniefuu »

For the men who d*ed...

God is the Greatest.

God is the Greatest.

God is the Greatest.

Peace be upon you and God’s blessings.

Peace be upon you and God’s blessings.

Our brothers ask for your
blessing one last time.

-Do you bless them?
-We bless them!

-Do you bless them?
-We bless them!

-Do you bless them?
-We bless them!

If God permits,
they will forgive us as well.

For our Prophet Muhammad’s intercession...

...for our brothers’ soul...

...for our tribe’s unity and abundance...

For God’s mercy...

...recite Al Fatiha prayer.

My Beys...

My heroes...

Wise men of my tribe...

...I know what is in your hearts...

...we have the right for revenge
from this lowlife.

He should not get away with the blood he
shed and the curses he got for cruelty.


...executing this lowlife is not for us.

His sentence should be given
by Sultan Aladdin.

Suleyman Shah...

...how many mothers are mourning now.

They think about their loved ones
who d*ed at the hands of Kara Toygar.

What you are saying makes us even suffer more.

You are so unaware! When did you see
our Bey make our tribe bow down in shame?

Our Bey knows what is best for all of us.

My Beys...

...we have the right to blood,
that is a fact but...

...practicing eye for an eye
is not an honor for us.

The sentence for collaborating with
the Crusaders and betraying the state...

...should be given by Sultan Aladdin.

Does anyone have an objection?

Commander Sari Boru shall take Kara Toygar
to Konya and deliver him to the sultan.

The lowlife dog will understand
before his last breath that...

...treachery would be punished
sooner or later.

Commander, you are a lucky man.

You will see this pig drowning
in his own blood.

We have to set on the road
to Aleppo in two days.

Are the preparations completed?

We have packed everything, Bey. Only
the dismantling of the carpet workshop...

...and the tents are left.

The herd has also set off, my Bey.

I sent some trusted Alps
with the herders as well.

Then the job of taking the agreement to
El Aziz and building the stables...

...and sheep pens shall be...

...yours, Gundogdu.

Father, with your permission...



-My Bey?

I seek refuge in God from Satan, the Accursed one.

In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

Ya Sin

By the wise Qur’an

Truly you are of those sent

On a straight path

A revelation of the Mighty, the Merciful

That you might warn a folk whose fathers
were not warned, so they are heedless.

Indeed, the word was proved true against the greater part of them, for they believe not.

Surely, we have put on their necks yokes reaching unto the chins, so they are made stiff-necked.

And We have set a bar before them
and a bar behind them

and (thus) have covered them so that they see not.

Now it is up to you.

You will go to Sultan Aladdin
and tell him everything.

You will tell him that Kayis...

...kidnapped the traitor Shahzadas
you were taking to Konya...

...then used their names to get support
from other Turkmen tribes for an uprising.

They want to rise up
and overthrow Sultan Aladdin.

I could not acknowledge such a thing,
so I set off again...

...to take the rebellious
Shahzadas to Konya.

They ambushed me. k*lled all my soldiers.

My most trusted commander, Sari Boru.

They cut his throat, right in front of me.

You will take an army from
Sultan Aladdin and bring them here.

Kayis will understand
why they call you the Fire of Wrath.

Then you will return back to
Konya and become the right hand...

...of the sultan you have just saved.

I did what I could do.

Unfortunately his fever is not going down.

They only thing we can do now is pray.

Our Bey...

...would like us to do our chores
and jobs whatever happens.

We all know our jobs and chores.

When he opens his eyes...

...he should see that all is done.

We have a long road
ahead of us to Aleppo...

...but none of us shall give up.


Welcome back, my Sheikh.

Thank you, my Pir's grandson.

May God have his mercy over us.

Your heavenly grandfather had said...

...“each bird flies with its own kind.

Eagles with eagles. Crows with crows.”

Aleppo has become very crowded.

Eagles are at one gate
and crows on the other.

They all have different wishes.

Some are after their food, not caring
about whether it is lawful or not...

...others are after a post. They don't
care whether God has given consent or not.

And when those plot against you, God (also) plots.

-Without doubt, God is the best of plotters!
-Dear God. Of course.

Good news for you, Selcan Hatun.

Your intuition was right.

From now on you will not only live for
your husband, but for your son as well.

A long journey awaits Ertugrul and us.

We are impatient to leave...

...but this will be the hardest
journey I will be on.

I know.

Be my confidant, my comrade, Sultan.

-If only things were different.
-If only.

I heard that...

...Suleyman Shah is not well.

They say he is sleeping and waiting for death!

They say he waits for
his time in his deathbed.

We piled more problems over his troubles.
We became a big burden for him.

May God help him.


Suleyman Shah said that...

...Gundogdu Bey will be going to Aleppo.
She will take you there, Halime.

Gundogdu Bey?

Do not forget to dismantle this.

Tie them well.
We have a long road ahead of us.

So you came, Kurdoglu.

When you hear the things I am going
to say, you will be surprised.

The identities of our valuable guests
who brought...

...nothing but dark clouds over our tribe
are revealed.

Numan who claimed to be a trader
was actually a Seljuk Shahzada.

But what is your intention
of telling me this news, Selcan Hatun?

I saw what you can do with
a piece of information, Kurdoglu.

My father and uncle Kurdoglu
went on a hunt one day.

They were both around our ages then.

-Uncle Kurdoglu fell of his horse.
-Why? Did something happen to the horse?

The horse had startled because
there was a big bear in front of them.

What did Kurdoglu do?

My uncle could not do anything
because his leg was broken.

When that bear was about to
tear my uncle apart...

...my father came and
k*lled the bear with his spear.

You father is very brave.

They became blood brothers then.

Yigit, you will be going tomorrow.

When you go, please don’t forget that
you have a brother in Kayi tribe.

Let us go.




Oh God, who has given Luqman al-Hakeem the secret...

...protect us from incurable troubles.

They are upstairs.

Welcome, Nasir.

You called for me, sir.

Go to El Aziz immediately and tell him to
stop Kayis from settling at our borders.

-But, sir, Titus...
-I cannot waste time by talking about...

...the stupid decisions Titus made.

He is only a pawn
who thinks he is a vizier.

It is very hard to dissuade
El Aziz from his decision.

He really liked the Kayis.

Is El Aziz's love for the Kayis so much...

...to take the risks of infecting
whole Aleppo with plague?

Did you manage to find the person
who sent the spies to k*ll Ertugrul?

According to the information I have, the
Templars have mobilized all their spies.

I am trying to uncover
their sources within the palace.

Come, Nasir, come. Come.

Sir, the problem is important,
I did not want to wait for the morning.

Intelligence have been informing
about the plague in Anatolia.

I wanted to be sure whether our potential
allies have been plagued or not.

Sir, I know, you like Kayis very much.

I also believe that they are cut out for
in case of a Crusaders’ att*ck...

-But what, Nasir?

Sir, unfortunately
most of their livestock have perished.


...reject them from our borders, Nasir.

Do you understand? Don’t.

When he brings the agreement,
I personally want to talk with Ertugrul.

Come on now, Gundogdu.
All the Beys have gathered in the tent.

Today is the day.

Do not talk like
my father has d*ed, Kurdoglu.

You are the tribe’s son as much as
you are your father’s son, Gundogdu.

Will you sit in your tent like
a woman while your tribe is in trouble?

As we move down to the plains from
the highlands the troubles shall cease...

...and my father will get well.

I have nothing else to say, Kurdoglu.

Do you know what you will face while going
down to the plains from the highlands?

What are you trying to say, uncle?

I am saying that...

...this path we are taking
is not wise, son.

This is the headquarter’s decision
and my father’s order.

This is my final word, Kurdoglu.

Do you think that I want to be
the acting Bey...

...and to sit in the tent
under your father’s shadow?

Don’t you know me, Gundogdu?

Wasn’t it you who said your father is
too old to perform his Bey duties...

...and asked me to support you
to become the new Bey?

Didn’t I tell you that I would be
supporting you until the end?

What is your cause now?

I am an old man with only
a few years to live.

I told you numerous times that the tribe
needs a brave, determined Bey like you.

I would like you to trust me
until I save you from these problems...

...and make you a Bey in our new home.

Come to the point, uncle.

I have learned the real identity
the ominous guests Ertugrul brought here.

I know that Numan and his son are from
the Seljuk dynasty, they are Shahzadas.

Those people you were complaining about
are from the Seljuk dynasty, Hatun.

The man called Numan is a Shahzada and
that girl you look down on, is a sultan.

If we deliver them...

...the Sultan would award our tribe.

We can settle in the best places of
Seljuk territory.

What do you want from me, Kurdoglu?

Give up on Aleppo.

Aleppo will be our doom.

We should take them tonight...

...and deliver them
to the Sultan, Gundogdu.

May God heal you for our sake and
for the sake of Kayi tribe!

My Bey...

...we are ready for the ambush.

You look surprised!

Alpargu, leave us.

I was expecting you.

But I was not expecting you, Gundogdu.

Kurdoglu will go at night
to ambush a tent and kidnap a Shahzada...

...and I will miss this party.
How can this be?

You wanted them to leave yesterday...

...and today you are guarding their tent, huh?

Well, it’s you who is trying to be the tribe’s Bey
by deceiving people with a high hand...

...so, let me guard the tents...


There should be one, guarding the tribe...

...to keep it safe from dangerous people!

We wouldn’t want people just riding into the tribe swinging their swords.

Now tell me, where did you learn
this Shahzada issue?

When I went to Kara Toygar
as a messenger, I put out feelers on him.

I connected the dots.

Why did you keep it as a secret until now?

I did it for the same reason as Suleyman Shah
who even hid it from his own sons!

You are lying.

You asked, I answered.

Now, whoever brought you into doubt,
go and question them!

The people you have been complaining about
are from the Seljuk dynasty, Hatun.

The man called Numan is a Shahzada and
that girl you look down on, is a sultan.

-Brother, I need to talk with you.
-Not now.

-I said, not now, Dundar!


...is there something wrong?

Was it you who told Kurdoglu that
Numan and his son were Shahzadas, Hatun?

-What happened?
-Answer me. Did you tell him or not?

What Shahzada, Gundogdu?
What are you talking about?

What made you so angry?

Kurdoglu learned that
they are Shahzadas, Hatun.

What did he do then?

I don’t know his intention
but he wanted to imprison them.

-Where are the Shahzadas?
-They left with Ertugrul.

I want you to take the agreement
to El Aziz, Ertugrul.

But brother,
my father gave this duty to you.

Very well, and I am giving it to you.

We should do what we know best, Ertugrul.

Don’t you always say...

let the headquarter be yours
and hunt mine?

-And you let them go? What are you up to?
-What is it to you?

-Did you tell him or not?
-I did not tell, Gundogdu.

What business can I have with Kurdoglu?

Did Kurdoglu tell you
that he heard it from me?

He said that it was someone else.
But if you told him, Hatun...

...may God be my witness that...

You were not like this.
Something happened to you.

Don’t you trust the woman
who is carrying your child in her womb?

To your wife who is going to
give you a son?

My Bey, Ertugrul and his Alps have left.

Round up the men you trust,
they should go after them.

Tell them not to refrain from
shedding blood if needed.
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