01x09 - Büyük Rüya

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x09 - Büyük Rüya

Post by bunniefuu »

Will they die?

Unfortunately it has to be that way.

They will all die, except Gundogdu.

Maybe a lucky Alp will live to bring
the bad news to Suleyman Shah.

I don’t believe it.
The reign of Suleyman Shah will be over.

What a big bad world. Incredible.

What if he insists on customs...

...and not hand over the prisoners?

What else can he do?
Will he accept the death of his own son?

What will we do if he rounds up
his Alps and att*cks Kara Toygar?

I know Suleyman Shah very well,
he would put his own life at stake.

Kara Toygar will k*ll both of them.

Then only Ertugrul will be left.

-And his death...
-You have gone too far, my Bey. Too far.

No good would come out of this.

You dog! If you were so scared,
why did you team up with me?

For the good of the tribe, my Bey.

-I didn’t expect it to be...
-What didn’t you expect? What?

If a few Alps need to be sacrificed
for the good of the tribe, let them be.

Isn’t it so? Tell me, isn’t it so?

You are right, my Bey.
They can be sacrificed.

May God rest their souls.

We did what needed to be done.

If I hadn’t persuaded Kara Toygar
for the caravan raid...

...he would have stepped on us with his army.

He would rot our dynasty.

Now, all we need to do is to sit back and wait
till the tribe gets the bad news.

You go and wash your face,
you need to freshen up.

Watch out for this coward, Alpargu.

If his fear triggers his tongue...

...feel free to cut it from its root.

Everything will be alright, you will see.

Suleyman Shah would not sacrifice his son.

He would not sacrifice him, right?
Of course not.

But he would not step back
from our customs either.


...please do not over think
the situation and devastate yourself.

What if he acts foolishly to rescue Gundogdu
from Kara Toygar’s hands?

This is what I am worried about.

I will go and talk with Suleyman Shah.

First he will free Gundogdu.

Then I will make him hit the roads
to get Kara Toygar wherever we want.

Once we are there, the rest is up
to your courage and skill, son.

-An important matter is being discussed, Selcan Hatun.
-Get out of my way.

-Our Bey’s orders.
-I told you to get out of my way.

We will ambush Kara Toygar
on the Falcon Hill.

Let us talk outside.

I promise that I will deliver my brother
Gundogdu to you safe and sound.

If anything happens to my Gundogdu...

...if you sacrifice your brother to the ones
you found on the roads...

...you shall never find
peace from me, Ertugrul.

My Bey...

...as a father...

...I will request one last thing from you.

If you give permission,
I want to entrust my daughter to you.

Kara Toygar is after me and my son.
They have no business with my daughter.

My daughter is the tribe’s girl
from now on.

She has no one to turn to
or anywhere to go.

Please be rest assured, aunt.

Stop! What do you want?

I wanted to ask about a sergeant.

He used to be a sergeant in my legion.

-What is his name?
-Sari, they call him Sari Boru too.

Of course we know Sari Boru.

He is not a sergeant but a captain now.

Is he in the base?

He went on a mission with Kara Toygar.
If you have a message, tell it to us.

I do, warrior, I do.

Welcome, Titus.

Have a seat.

I read the letter Ustad-i Azam
sent with a pigeon.

He does not want Kayis
to migrate to Aleppo.


He should not worry.

Kayis will not migrate to Aleppo...

...but to a place
I find suitable for them.


Their future Bey thinks just like me.

He prefers to kneel in front of
the Mongols rather than...

...to be neighbors with the Crusaders.

Who is this man?


Suleyman Shah’s blood brother.

An ambitious fool.

Someone who will do anything we say,
someone we can use as we wish.

What about Suleyman Shah?

Suleyman Shah...

...will come to my fort in the evening...

...and surrender.

Moreover, he will bring with him
the Shahzadas...

...your knights let escape.

Afsin Bey!

I thought you were dead.

It had to be known like that, Boru.

Our state is under great thr*at.

I need your help.

Why is this ominous news late?

My Bey, Suleyman Shah calls you to his tent.

Whatever happens,
Kara Toygar should not get the Shahzadas.

What if he succeeds in taking
the Shahzadas to Sultan Aladdin?

He would be Aladdin’s favorite commander.

Templars would have Konya in their hands.

They would roam within the palace.
The consequences would be deadly, Sari.

This state was founded
with great difficulty.

We will not refrain from k*lling
the Shahzadas if needed.

I am ready to do anything
you want from me, my Bey.

Thank you, I know that, Sari, I know.

What a tyrant this Kara Toygar is!

How could he dare to k*ll our warriors?
As if that is not enough...

...he captured Gundogdu as a prisoner?

Now, they expect me to deliver our guests.

That means that the death of
this rabid dog will be from us.

Let us go with our Alps and
make the sky fall on them.


I will go alone.

I won’t let you go alone.

Did we become blood brothers for one to
stay behind and cry like women...

...while the other one
is going for a certain death, my Bey?

The end of this travel is unknown, Kurdoglu.

How can I go on this road if
my blood brother is not staying behind...

...to protect and serve my tribe
in case something happens to me?

You shall be taking
my place until I return.

Put this on as well.

Do not feel cold on the road.

-Say it, my lion.

What if I can’t see you again?

What are you saying, Yigit?

We have weathered the storm together.
We have faced so many difficulties.

We will overcome this too.

But this time we are separated.
You will not be with us.

-What if those men take us and...
-Do not worry your pure heart like this.

Look, this time we are not alone.
There are Beys of the tribe.

They will protect us, they will care for us.

Always stay beside my father.
Do everything he says, alright?

And do not think about me.
I will sit here and wait for you.

There will be no sadness, do we agree?

Come on.

Now go...

...and say goodbye to your friends. Go on.


I am just talking so that
Yigit is not scared or gets sad but...

...my mind does not believe my own words.
How will it end?

My girl, it has been a very long time.

We went through many sorrows
by running away and getting captured.

This thing will finish once and for all,
if God permits.

Ertugrul has a plan.
I found it probable as well.

With God’s permission,
we shall go and come back.

This tribe paid a very big price for us.

We can never repay them for all they did.

Please let me.
Let me come with you as well.

Whatever happens, good or bad...

...we should be together at the end.

You pray for us, that is enough, my girl.

My precious and brave daughter with
a beautiful heart and a beautiful face.

Just like her mother, self sacrificing
and loyal. My beautiful daughter.

Do not worry.

Everything will be fine.

What happened? What do you want?

Come with us.

This carbuncle hurts just like a Kn*fe
on my back.

My Bey...

...your pain is my pain.
But there is nothing I can do.

All I can do is to pray
for you and my sons.

We went through so many sorrows,
so many journeys, so many battles.

We had the privilege to grow old.
Thank God, we have seen these days, Hayme.

You are right, my Bey.
We saw so many weddings, so many babies...

...so many springs.
We saw so many victories.

If God permits, we will continue
to see more.

I want your blessing.

Neither these troubles nor this life is permanent,
my Bey.

You always walked on the right path.
You never bowed to tyrants.

Has anyone seen a person
on the right path getting lost?

If God permits,
I will see you and my sons’ return.

May God be with you.

My blessing is with you.

Thank you.

What is it? What do you want?

Where are you coming from and
where are you headed to, Afsin Bey?

I want to hear what you are made of
from your mouth.

Dear God, please protect them.

You called for me, mother.

I did. Come and sit down.

Yes, mother?

Ertugrul Bey?

Do I have permission?

Halime Sultan comes to our tent,
does she need a permission?

Ertugrul Bey...

...I lied to you.

Yes, you did.

Do you understand now, why we had to go?

Why the days we spent in this tribe are
only a dream that we would wake up from?

You are happy here.

Despite a life you lived in a palace...

...you talk about a nomad life
like a dream, Halime.

Even if the whole world comes together...

...I will not let you become unhappy.

Do you understand me, my girl?

I did, mother.


You may go now.

Instead of reacting and
spewing out bitter words...

...recite God’s name, pray
and fill your heart with goodness...

...so that our fate would be good as well.

The problem is not my happiness.

The problem is my father’s
and my brother’s life.

Do not worry.

I will not let anything happen
to your father or your brother.

I will bring them back to you
safe and sound.

You can be rest assured.

You will go but you will also take
whatever is left of the ones...

...taken from my life, Ertugrul.

My father, my brother.

I beg you to return with them.

Return and complete
the thing that is missing inside me.

If I cannot make it back, know that...

...I have found everything in you,
which I felt missing inside me.

Their intention is not good, Gokce...

...they will let my man die
in the name of customs.

Sister, Suleyman Shah
is a human being as well.

Would a human let his child to be k*lled?
Get rid of these delusions from your mind.

You do not know Suleyman Shah yet.
He would even burn his tribe for customs.

I have to find a way, Gokce, I have to.

I will not let them sacrifice my man!

Dear God!

Ertugrul’s Alps have prepared
their horses and weapons, waiting to go.

I have things to tell you, Kurdoglu.

What happened, Selcan Hatun?

Gundogdu trusts you, he respects you.
You know that.

What about you, Selcan Hatun?

-I have always trusted your bravery.
-Thank you.

What happened to Gundogdu is not
acceptable. But do not worry...

...Suleyman Shah will bring him back.
-No, he will not.

If you are brave, if you do not want
Suleyman Shah to throw...

...his tribe into fire,
if you respect Gundogdu a little bit...

If Suleyman Shah
does something like this...

...I would throw him into the fire myself.

Now I am listening to you, Selcan Hatun.

Suleyman Shah and Ertugrul...

...will ambush
Kara Toygar at the Falcon Hill.

-What are you saying, Selcan Hatun?
-I heard it with my own ears.

Suleyman Shah decided to be loyal
to his customs rather than his son!

Do not tell this to anyone, Selcan Hatun.
And you did not talk with me...

...we did not see each other.
Alright, Selcan Hatun?

What will happen to Gundogdu?

We will find a solution.

Go on, get out before anyone sees you.

Will we let them go, my Bey?

We will, so that Kara Toygar’s hunt
can be more fruitful, Alpargu.

I cleansed the tribe from all filth
without drawing a sword...

...or getting blood on my hands.

Come on, get on your horse.
I have things to tell to Kara Toygar.

I swear on the horses
that run endlessly...

I swear on the horseshoes that sparkle...

If I am scared to die for our tribe,
for our Bey, for our customs...

...may I be slayed by my own steel sword,
like a crop in the field.

May the blue sky tear,
may the brave ground sink...

...may my name be erased
from all monuments.

May my forefather Oguz,
my blessed tribe sue me in the next life!

In this path I have taken,
may God be by my side...

...may Godsend Hidr accompany me.

Come on, Titus. Relax a bit.

Today is our day.

We will both get what we want.

You were this comfortable
when Ertugrul was going to Aleppo as well.

You were this relaxed.
Then we know what happened.

Your soldiers’ incompetence.

Sir, Suleyman Shah.

Let us not make our visitors wait.
Let them in.

He came alone, sir.

Bring him here immediately.

Now you will have to take a pot luck, Kara Toygar?

You, what are you up to, Suleyman Shah?
Where are they?

You will get what you want
after you release my son.

Do you have a death wish?

Are my and my son’s lives more valuable
than your Shahzadas?

You will free Gundogdu, Kara Toygar!

Are you threatening me?

If something happens to Gundogdu...

...Ertugrul will take them outside
Seljuk territory.

You will never find them again.

Neither you, nor the Templars you serve.

If you free my son...

...I will take them to you.

Where are they?

I have left them with Ertugrul
to prevent their escape.

If something happens to us...

...Sultan Aladdin will be
informed of everything.

Shahzada has told everything to
Sultan Aladdin in a letter he wrote.

He wrote how he was held in the hands of
the Templars for months...

...how he was tortured and forced
to be the Sultan...

...how he didn’t betray his state
despite those tortures...

...that you were colluding with the Templars...

...in short, everything.

The decision is yours.


My son.

What happened?

-Did you give the prisoners to Kara Toygar?

-Kara Toygar freed you.

Go to the tribe.

-Father, that man would not let you live.
-Do as I tell you, Gundogdu.

Go now.


-Be quick.
-Go on.

I said go!

What happened, Akcakoca?
Is there someone inside?

What is happening here?
What is this outrage?

Get out of the way, Akcakoca.
We want to see who is inside.

-What is it to you?
-I said get out of the way!

The things we heard are true!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

What do you think you are doing?

Our sons have d*ed, Mother Hayme.
All because of them!

They ambushed the caravan
but you didn't tell us!

So you violate our customs and our Bey.

-Shame on you all!
-That is enough, Mother Hayme.

You are saying customs but how many more
lives shall be sacrificed?

Where are the bodies of our sons?

-Where is Suleyman Shah?
-My son has d*ed, not yours, Mother Hayme.

Everyone in this tribe is my child,
my heart!

Tribe survives, when there is unity.

If the unity is disrupted, you are fated
to be defeated by the enemy.

Suleyman Shah Bey
ever put his own live before yours?

Has he ever put his own sons before yours,
has he ever chose a path other than...

...the goodness of the tribe?

Whatever he does, he does for the welfare,
for the future of the tribe.

Breaking the unity of the tribe in his absence,
to cry out mutiny...

...is this what you see befitting
for yourselves?

If you try to crush the customs...

...you will be crushed one day.

From now on, anyone stoning them...

...would be stoning me!

Anyone who faces them, would be facing me!

Let this be known!

Come, my girl!


They are playing with you.

How did they learn our relationship,


It was a matter of time for him
to connect the dots.

God damn it! I need to k*ll them all.

What will happen to the letter
Shahzada wrote to the Sultan?

My fellows in the palace will prevent
the Sultan from receiving the letter.

I hope so.

They will see who the prey and who the hunter is?

God forbid, I was so afraid that
something would happen to you.

If something happened to you,
what could I have said to Suleyman Shah?

Stay here until they return.

We would accompany each other
while waiting for our beloved ones’ return.

With prayer, with faith, with patience.

This tribe has survived
so many hardships.

All the pain is still here...

...in my heart.

God knows that I have never felt
so desperate in my life.

My two sons...

...my man...

In my short life, I have seen
so much trouble.

The ones who wanted to k*ll my father
and brother...

...states that wanted to use them
since they are Shahzadas...

...nights we spent in dungeons.

Every single breath for each day was
with the fear of losing my loved ones.

Ertugrul Bey woke us up
from that nightmare...

...he put us in a beautiful dream.

Mother Hayme...

...I found the peace I yearned
for my whole life in your tribe.

You have what you wanted.

Now it is my turn, Suleyman Shah.
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