01x07 - Ilahi Adalet

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Dirilis: Ertugrul". Aired: 10 December 2014 – 29 May 2019.*
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Show is set in the 13th century and is based on the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, the founder of the Ottoman Empire.
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01x07 - Ilahi Adalet

Post by bunniefuu »

Deal with the loot!

Come on!

Shame. Shame on you!

You did not deserve any of this, Gundogdu.
I told your father.

I said, “if you don’t give the prisoners
I will make the sky fall on you.”

Now he can make a decision.
Will he choose his customs or his own son?

Catch him!

Stop him! Stop him!

The whole tribe is starving.
Famine is everywhere.

We could not even go on a foray. Why?

Because our Bey has a carbuncle problem.

The whole tribe complains
about your old age.

I told you that I would succeed and
make you proud. I have, father.

My prayers came true.

Thank God they have.

We have a winter territory now
but our job will not be easy.

Kayi does not seek things that are easy,
son. With God’s help...

...we can overcome any obstacle.
-With God’s help, we can.

Welcome, my brave son.
You came with this good news...

...may God make you happy
in this world and next.

May your clan grow, may your progeny prosper.

Mother, my life.

I would die for you, mother.

May God let you lead us till the end.

May God protect you.

Now you can go and rest.

You will attend the headquarters. You will
personally announce the good news...

...from Aleppo to all Beys of Kayi.

Then we can talk about
the problems in detail. Altogether.

If you will allow me, there is something
I need to do before I rest.

I would like to take care of it first.

God, I am very grateful.

Just when all our hopes had d*ed,
you made Ertugrul appear before us.

You made him strong against the tyrants.

Now ordain him to return safely
with good news.


Aykiz told me that you were here.

-Did I scare you?
-I was not scared but...

...surprised. You came so quickly.

I had told you that I would not rest
and return as soon as possible.

You did.

I kept my promise.

Did you bring good news from Aleppo?

Is there a new home to go to?


Thank God.

The tribe will find some peace at the end.

Everyone was waiting for your return.

Especially Aykiz.

Especially Aykiz?

I mean...

...your mother and father. The babies
who were getting cold in the highlands.


All of us.

I never parted from it.

It gave me strength in every obstacle
I faced.

Anytime I felt in distraught,
it reminded me that you are with me.

I brought this from Aleppo for you.

For me?

This is so beautiful, Ertugrul Bey.

I wanted you to see the beauty that I see as well.

Everything is like a dream.

But like all dreams, this will end too.

What happened, Halime?

What is it that bothers you?

Kara Toygar.

He raided the tribe to kidnap us.

He will not rest until he catches us,

You can be rest assured.

I promise you that I will never leave you.


Today is the anniversary
of my father’s death.

It has been eight years.

I wish he had a grave,
where I could weep and pray.

You should not pray for your father’s
death, you should pray that he lives.

No one has ever seen
your father’s dead body until now.

Maybe he is still alive.

Maybe the hope of seeing his daughter
once again is keeping him alive.

When did he come and
meet with that ominous girl?

May it be easy, Hatuns.

Ertugrul Bey ran off to see that girl
as soon as he arrived, mother.

Where did they go?
How can they walk side by side like this?

Don’t think of malice
before you have your facts right, Selcan.

No one would benefit from it.

Ertugrul came and kissed our hands first.

We have to deal with this guest problem
as soon as possible, mother.

My father in law does not know
or see these things.

This girl has bad intentions
against our family.

Talk less work more!
There is a lot to do.

What did Suleyman Shah say, my Bey?

Ertugrul returned from Aleppo.

He got a territory from El Aziz.

Ertugrul turned out to be
more capable than we thought.

Do you think Kurdoglu Bey’s
bag of tricks have run out?

Of course we have a plan as well.

Deli Demir,
the heretic’s sword is bigger than yours.

Where did you find
this donkey stick?

From the Crusaders we k*lled.

Infidels don’t know
the first thing about a sword.

A w*apon should be like this.

It should be curved like Alif.

It should be comfortable on the wrist.

It should be a head to steel.

Kara Toygar’s men raided Halime’s tent,
Deli Demir. Is this true?

It is true, Ertugrul. The dog did
his thing but he was defeated.

I entrusted that tent’s honor with you.

How can they come and
raid the tent right under our noses?

You are right, Ertugrul. Whatever you say.

A negligence on my part.
Take the dagger if you wish...

I swear I won’t even dare to bleed.

I still have to thank you, Master Demir.

Their life were saved thanks to you.

No, not only me. There was Afsin as well.

The man of the trader
who came to the tribe.

But you know what Ertugrul?
There is a good reason for everything.

If those rabid dogs didn’t come
to the tribe to att*ck Halime’s family...

...that night they were going to run away.

What if the dogs att*cked them somewhere
else outside the tribe?

We would not have been aware of it.

Halime’s family...

...were going to run away?

Did Afsin k*ll all those dogs by himself?

Look at the helper of a trader.


...Ertugrul Bey asked for you
the minute he came.

You should have seen
how fast he went after you.

Turgut and I are going to meet in a while.

My heart always skips
a b*at when he is away.

Thank God, they returned safe and sound.
And with good news as well.

Patience is a virtue, Aykiz.

Our wedding will be soon.
Look at me, I’m shivering with excitement.

Did Ertugrul Bey buy this?

It is so nice.

So he was thinking about
you even over there.

So what if he thinks, Aykiz?

Why do you talk like this, dear Halime?

It is obvious that
you are not in the mood.

Did something happen and hurt you?

I had to run away for my whole life
so that we don’t get hurt.

This is the first time I am hurting
because I have to leave.

I do not know from whom
or why you are running away.

If you want the truth, I don’t care.

But I know one thing, Halime...

...you are not alone anymore.

Ertugrul Bey would not let you go
or let something happen to you.


...you are in sorrow.

Your sorrow even made my pigeons uneasy.

I am in the lands where my father d*ed.

I want to pray by his grave for once.

Knight Giovanni was the wisest and
the bravest knight I had ever seen.

You were the last person to see
my father before the Turks k*lled him.

They blinded me with hot iron rod
and left me to my fate.

Before I was blinded for good,
the last thing I saw was your father.

What if my father did not die?

I buried your father with my own hands...

...while blood was seeping from my eyes.

You are saying you buried
my father when you were blind.

What if the person who you thought you
buried was not my father but someone else?

How can I not recognize
the master I worked for years?

I need to go.

With your permission, my girl.

Farewell, Elanora.

I am going on a mission and
I cannot return until it is completed.

I wanted to bid you farewell.

I will pray for your return.


I want you to send this letter
to my sister Isadora.

She has suspicions about
the death of her father, sir.

She is trying to find a contradiction
in my statements by asking questions.

I want to be informed about
every step Elanora takes, Mario.


Mother Hayme wanted to ask you whether
your heart is with Ertugrul or not.

You should come to your senses. Don’t hide
in the corners and t*rture yourself.

When I saw them together like that...

So she inquired my feelings?

It's done and you will not hide anymore.

You should be seen by Ertugrul
in every occasion.

Sister, Ertugrul’s heart is with Halime.

You see and know this as well.

His mother might have inquired me
but I know...

...her son will not want to marry me.

My beautiful sister, my naive sister.

Who cares about what Ertugrul wants?
If Suleyman Shah tells him to marry you...

...how can he object?

-He cannot, can he?
-Of course not.

When a wedding decision comes out of
Suleyman Shah’s mouth, it is final.

Have you ever seen Ertugrul oppose
his father up to this day?

Your wedding is soon, Gokce.
Do not eat up yourself.

When Gundogdu returns home,
we can engage you and Ertugrul.

Do I have permission, aunt?

Come in, my Bey.

-Thank you.

I wanted to see how you are.
I hope you are well.

We are better now that we see you,
Ertugrul Bey.

-You got us a territory from Aleppo.
-We did, thank God.

When my brother returns
with the caravan, we can migrate.

-Let him return safe and sound.
-He will, if God permits.

Yes but, my Bey...

...the whole tribe wants a new territory.
Winter is at our door.

What can we do apart from migrating to
Aleppo? Do you know another way out?

Do you know how many Turkmen tribes
serve in the Mongol army, Alpargu?

-No, I do not.
-But I do.

Instead of conceding to Ertugrul's mind
and being stuffed into a snake hole...

...we can turn back and
make a deal with the Mongol commanders.

Why should we use our lives as a shield
against the Templars’ swords...

...so that the Kayis can be used
as the guard dogs of Aleppo?

Or shall we do what scores of tribes...

...are doing and foray
the Rome territory from end to end?

But my Bey, did not the Mongols
deceive us tens of times?

This time it will be different!

We have to risk making a deal with even
the devil for the future of our tribe.

Do not forget...

...we do everything for our tribe.

Now go and talk with
that simpleton called Baybora.

And don’t let the gimmicks of that
inexperienced child to blur your mind.

Today I will keep quiet and
you will talk in the headquarters.

While Ertugrul talks about his sweet
victory, you should shake him up a bit.

This way we can also see
the reactions of the tribe Beys.

Let us see how many will join in
your opposing views.


Kara Toygar wants him alive.

Take him away.

We will be a burden to you, Ilyas Fakih.

You will have to put up with us
until the tribe migrates.

Don’t make a big deal out of it.
We will just sleep quietly in a corner.

You are always welcome, brothers.

Turgut, what will Ertugrul Bey
talk to me about?

I see that you made yourself at home.

Do not test Ilyas Fakih’s patience.

Try to be tidy.

-Do you know what happened back here?
-Yes, my Bey. Turgut told me everything.

It is obvious that Kara Toygar
has a man inside.

He gave them the courage to raid
the tribe while we were away.

We need someone who will not
attract attention.

Just the job for us, my Bey.

Will you do this job with
that body and bandit face of yours?

Is there someone our Bey suspects?

Yes. Afsin.

Trader’s man.

He stayed in the tribe
after saving Halime’s family.

I want to know who he is.

Of course, my Bey. Do not worry about it.
I will breath down his neck.

I came to ask for your permission, sir.

Time for the mission.

I will finalize the job that I left
incomplete. I will do it silently.

Nurture the feeling of revenge inside you
like a newborn baby.

But never let it precede your mission.

Stop the Turks from settling at
our borders.

Verily, when He intends a thing,
His Command is, “be”, and it is.

In the ninety-nine names of Almighty God
who blesses our hearts with faith...

In the name of God, the Compassionate
and the Merciful.

You may speak, Ertugrul.

Our new land is like the ones described
in the legends of our forefathers.

Very secure as described. Surrounded by
mountains on all four sides.

The people of the region even named
the place as "Wind k*ller".

Then, if you even squeeze a stone,
water would drip.

It is such a fertile land.

A heaven on earth where our ponies can
freely roam and our herds can fatten...

...after the harsh winter.

-May God bless you.
-Thank you, bless you.

All problems are not solved
with getting the land.

Our new land is where the enemy is violent
just as much as the soil is fertile.

It is at the border of
the Earldom of the Crusaders.

While our children and herds grow,
the ploys around us will grow as well.

If that is so, why do you talk about
our legends and confuse our minds?

Yes, Alpargu is right.

-He is right.
-He tells the truth.

We want a home, not a grave.

What makes land a home
is the grave, Baybora.

We should have graves so that
the land can be our territory...

...and our territory be our homeland.
-Deli Demir speaks the truth.

-Yes, he is right.
-I think so too.

You are wrong, Alpargu Bey.

Did you think the sagas of
our forefathers are fables?

They are not for making the babies sleep,
they are for awaking the grownups.

From them we learned how to cultivate
the fertile lands as well as...

...how to melt the surrounding
iron mountains.

What do you say, Kurdoglu?

Ertugrul is right, Bey.

The presence of an enemy gives us
the chance to be veterans and martyrs...

...praise to God. It would strengthen our
tribe. We can collect booty from around.

Is there anyone who objects?

As everyone agrees...

...let the migration preparations start.


Come closer, Gundogdu.

I can see the rage in your eyes.

Is that rage towards me or your father?

I do not like to lie about my feelings,
Kara Toygar.

There is really no need for all these,

God forbid, if something happens
to your old father in the near future...

...wouldn’t it be better for you to lead
the Kayi tribe in the future?

If I were to become a Bey one day...

...I would skin you alive and
feed you to the dogs.


When I came to the tribe, I thought
the growling Ertugrul was the brave one.

But it is the other dog
who didn’t show his teeth then.

Bring him in!


I will give your father one last chance,

I will send your Alp,
Hamza to your father.

I will gently propose that he should
bring the prisoners alone tomorrow.

If he rejects my offer...

...first you, then the whole Kayi tribe
shall be slain by our swords.
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