01x05 - An Eye for an Eye

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boston Legal". Aired: October 3, 2004 – December 8, 2008.*
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Follows the exploits of former Practice character Alan Shore, and his passionate co-workers, at the fictional offices of Crane, Poole & Schmidt.
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01x05 - An Eye for an Eye

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Boston Legal:

Miss Colson,
your firm took this case.

If Edwin Poole lacks capacity to try it,
then it falls to you.

Me? I don't practice criminal law.

And you keep talking
about a system of rules and regulations?

I'm in this for my life here.

I will give you
the very best defense I know how.

I will not allow myself
to be in this for you.

- It's hard, isn't it?
- What is?

To reconcile what we do
and who we are sometimes.

I'm just doing a job.

Sally's given me information...

...which I am ethically required
to att*ck you with.

- I never said...
- I'm talking.

- Alan...
- I'm talking, Sally.

- May I speak with you?
- I don't wanna speak with you.

If I told you Miles was coming...

I do not want to speak with you.

Can you please walk away?

We either go forward
or go in opposite directions...

...because I don't like
where we are now.

I think I'll just move forward.

Suspects were first observed
at approximately 10:30 p. M...

...across the street
from the station house.

Robin and Catwoman stood guard...

...as Batman soaped
an unoccupied police vehicle.

SUV, Your Honor. An egregious
gas-guzzler. And filthy, by the way.

Continue, officer.

Officer Brody and I approached.
An altercation ensued.

We thought they were hooligans
dressed in costume.

- As the Village People.
- Mm-hmm.

OFFICER: Suspects attempted
to evade apprehension...

...by discharging one or more eggs
in our direction.

Charges are vandalism,
resisting arrest and pandering.

Pandering? Our only tricks
were in conjunction with treating.

- I do not look like a pimp.
- You look like an idiot.

- The cat's a prost*tute, Your Honor.
- I object to that.

All right. Masks off now.

I know you.

- Alan Shore.
- Good to see you, judge.

- My colleague, Tara Wilson.
- Hello.

Would you care to explain to me
why two attorneys...

...are out cavorting with a prost*tute?
- We needed somebody to be Catwoman.

Someone with a whip.

Mr. Shore,
while you are a gifted attorney...

...you bring embarrassment and shame
to the legal community.

You're very kind, sir.

Case dismissed.

What's this
with the Markham settlement?

He refuses to sign.
Keeps redlining us on language.

We think he's postponing for tax reasons.
I'll keep pushing him as best I can.

On a personal aside, I'd like to remind
everyone to vote. It's our civic duty.

Whatever our politics, we're Americans.
We bleed red, white and blue.

Morgan v. Rayburn.

Still in trial.
Client survived his testimony, barely.

Tara and I are pushing a settlement,
and on a personal aside, I'm bored.

- I beg your pardon?
ALAN: You people keep assigning me...

...these boring cases.
At my old firm, I got murderers.

Clients who touched
themselves in public restrooms.

These were people you could root for,
not to mention, relate to.

Is there some other place
you'd rather be, Mr. Shore?

Yes, I wanna be on cable.

That's where all the best work
is being done.

- Who's doing the Holcomb case?
- That's Edwin Poole.

- Aren't you...?
- I just handled the decert motion.

- I didn't prep the trial.
- Surely, Edwin assigned it to somebody.

Well, um, actually...


Are you handling
the Holcomb Pharmaceuticals trial?

I am.

Are you prepared to try this case?

- I will be.
PAUL: You will be?

Are you aware
the trial begins tomorrow?

We have a problem, Lori.

You at least need to backstop
Denny here. I don't...

I can't.

- I'm in trial myself today.
- In trial on what?

I was assigned a case a couple
of days ago, which I sort of took.

What kind of case?

Uh, just a...

- What?

Why are you suddenly
taking court appointments?

I just need kind of a change, that's all.

Now everyone here is dissatisfied?
What is this?

The case I did last week,
it kind of awakened me a little.

I'm feeling the need
to connect with people.

- Criminal people?
- Please don't trivialize this.

Criminal defense is a far cry
from criminal prosecution, Lori.

- You won't like it.
- How can you possibly know that...

...before I even...?
- I know you.


- Shall we?
TARA: We shall.

Do you have Morgan's address?

I do. But what I meant is...

...shall we continue where we left off
last night?

In front of my building
with you peeing in the planter?

I was about to burst.
You should have let me come up.

That plant needed watering.

You should have let me
come up, Tara.

It was 4 a.m. I let you up.
Next thing we know...

...we're in the liquor cabinet.
Two minutes after that, passed out:

Robin sprawled across Batman.

What would they say
at the Hall of Justice?

Was that what you were afraid of?
The sprawling?

I invited you out
to get your mind off Sally.

You've succeeded. It's back to an old,
familiar wanton place.

Alan, we agreed
that you and I couldn't work.

What was the reason again?
I've forgotten.

It would be trouble.
One night out, we lose all control...

...and end up behind bars.

Which was utterly intoxicating,
was it not? Losing control together?

What about it, Tara? After all this time,
maybe we should undress.

We're late.

- Thick file.
- Of course it's a thick file...

...it's a class action
involving thousands of plaintiffs...

...and it's complicated, Denny.

Thick file.

Look, all we can do is throw ourselves
at the mercy of the judge.

If you and I both go to see him
and explain Edwin's situation...

...maybe he'll give us some time.

Thick file.

- Seventy thousand dollars.
- It's their opening offer.


You seem like a very nice man,
Mr. Morgan.

You also seem like a hypochondriac.

- These headaches are real.
- I have no doubt.

You've also complained
on several occasions...

...that you were suffering
from tanapox virus.

Because I noticed
the characteristic papular-lesions.

Very tender.
Approximately 2 centimeters in diameter.

You realize the tanapox virus
is endemic to Equatorial Africa?


Have you enjoyed your many visits
to Equatorial Africa?

- I've never been there.
- Ah.

Then perhaps you can see
the outline of our problem, Mr. Morgan.

Look, it's not my fault.
I go to the library and I read books.

And I try to understand
how I might get better.

But sometimes the books,
they scare me even more...

...because they describe diseases
I didn't even know I had.

Maybe I am a hypochondriac.

What do you take for that?

Miss Colson,
I have never been in a fight before.

Okay. We need to be able
to call a witness or two...

...who can speak to your
non-violent character.

- I told you, my mother.
- Mothers tend to come off as biased.

There's gotta be somebody else:

Friends, co-workers.
There's gotta be somebody.

I live at home. I work at home.
I hardly ever go out.

My mother's the only one who...

But I gotta warn you.
She doesn't make the best impression.

- What do you mean?
- Well, she's got a glass eye.

And it doesn't fit so good.
And when she gets upset...

If you put her on the stand,
don't get her upset.

I went up to the bar
to get a few drinks.

And when I turned around, that's when
I saw Jared and him exchanging words.

- And I could tell it wasn't friendly.
- By him...?

The defendant.
So I started heading back...

...and the place was really packed
so I was kind of blocked.

And that's when I saw Jared push him.
And then Jared took a swing and...

...that was it.
- What was it?

Tell us what you saw.

QUINLAN: The defendant, he just
threw a punch right to Jared's throat.

And Jared
just collapsed to the ground.

And when I got there,
he was hardly breathing.

And... He was making
like a sucking noise.

Then he just stopped breathing.
And I tried to do mouth-to-mouth.

And so did another guy
who said he knew CPR, but he...

He just d*ed.
Right there on the floor.

Okay. Now, Mr. Quinlan,
this is important:

Describe the punch as best you can.

It was a... A short direct punch,
and I could... I could tell...

...by the way
he was holding his hand...

...and how he threw the punch,
that he knew martial arts.

It was a k*ll punch.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

Why, in your lay opinion, sir,
did you regard it as a k*ll punch?

- Objection.
- Overruled. He can answer.

QUINLAN: By hitting the throat,
you can make it collapse...

...and then the person suffocates.
Which is exactly what happened.


You didn't actually see
the altercation begin.

You turned around
and they were having words.

- That's right.
- You couldn't hear what was said?

- No.
- Mr. Quinlan, when the police arrived...

...and questioned you did you tell them
that you recognized my client's punch...

...as a form of martial arts?
- No. I was prob...

Did you demonstrate to them
the fist you just made for the jury?

I was too shook up.

LORl: In fact, you made
no mention of martial arts...

...until after it was published
in the newspapers.

When I read it, it clicked. It made
perfect sense because that's what I saw.

You just forgot to mention it...

...when the police specifically asked you
what you saw?

- How many beers had you had that night?
- Three.

- How many beers had Jared Grant had?
- Three.

So you admittedly
couldn't hear the exchange.

You admittedly didn't see
the altercation begin...

...and you'd been drinking.

Certainly, no one could anticipate
Edwin Poole's illness.

This unanticipated illness
occurred weeks ago.

You come to me the day before the trial?

The simple truth is,
this one fell through the cracks.

The plaintiff has witnesses
from out of town...

- We're willing to assume those costs.
- Gee, what a swell bunch of guys.

PAUL: Your Honor...
BRIAN: No, I'm sick of this.

You have employed a strategy
of systemic heel-dragging. It's immoral.

Edwin Poole is the only...

Whose fault is that?
You should be sued for malpractice.

Brian. You and I have a relationship.
I think of you as a friend.

Yes, well, that friendship's gotta take
a backseat to principle. I'm sorry.

Well, you know, Brian,
given our relationship...

...I feel entitled to be honest, the way
friends are during difficult times.

Can I be honest with you, Brian?

- Please.
- Denny.

You're a bastard, and a greedy one
at that. This is a class action.

You get credit for all
the consolidated cases in one fell swoop.

You're looking to make presiding judge.
You need that credit by year's end.

That's why you're desperate to move
this thing forward. To pad your docket.

This is about ambition, not morality,
you greedy, sniveling, little wop.

- Motion for continuance denied.
DENNY: You know what I'm gonna do?

Just to show you
there are no hard feelings:

I'm gonna sleep with your wife.

It is our recommendation
that you discharge us as counsel.

Ask the judge for time
to find new attorneys.

The only alternative
is proceeding tomorrow...

...which I don't think we want to do.

Edwin Poole never even gave us
this trial date.

He told us
it was continued indefinitely.

Which is why we're suggesting
that you discharge us.

He has got to give you time
to find new counsel.

LORl: You have to handle this, Sally.
- Me?

Look, I have this thing
about glass eyes:

I once had a teacher with a glass eye,
and sometimes when he'd get mad...

...he'd take it out and whack it
on his desk. Gave me nightmares.

- Hi there.
- Hey.

What was that?


Someone just seems a little overeager
to rekindle the flame with Alan Shore.

The offer was firm at 70.

Yes. We thought if you'd unfirm it
to one and a quarter...

...we could be done, your client
wouldn't have to testify tomorrow...

...which, of course, would free him up
to misdiagnose others.

You don't seem to get it, Mr. Shore.
We offered 70 as nuisance change.

Yes. We just feel Mr. Morgan
is a much bigger nuisance...

...than you give him credit for.

And I'm an enormous nuisance.
We should get something for that.

- I feel nauseous.
- You'll be fine.

- Knock on it.
- You knock on it.

- Sally...
- lf I'm doing the talking the least you...


- You his lawyers?
- Hi.

- Hi.
SALLY: I'm Sally Heep.

- This is...
- Lori Colson. Hello.

We just wanted to ask you a few
questions, Mrs. Binder, if we could.

Come on in.

He's a wonderful boy
with a gentle heart.

Yes. Our problem is...

...you seem to be the only person
to truly know him.


He thinks I'll make a bad witness
on account of the eye.

It's glass, you see? Look close.

- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.


The thing is, the prosecution
is obviously claiming...

...that Jason's heart is not gentle.

Has he ever been in trouble?
Has he ever been arrested?

Has he ever caused any problems
for anybody?

No. He is a nice young man
and it's the way I raised him.

That's exactly what we'll need
you to say.

I'm also maybe gonna take you
shopping. Get your hair done.

- The more presentable that you can...
- He deserved to die. Jared Grant.

Why do you say that?

- He b*at up my Jason.
- He didn't exactly b*at him up.

There was an altercation.

He b*at him up. The man is evil
and he deserved to die!

- Let's calm down.
- He deserved it, I tell you!

Dr. Rayburn, over the six months
that Mr. Morgan was in your care...

...how many visits did he make
to your practice?

- Thirty-eight.
- Is that a lot?

Four times as many
as any other patient.

We joked he was the office mascot.

You name the condition,
Mr. Morgan was convinced he had it:

Cold, flu, bronchitis, shingles,
adult-onset diabetes.

I never complained
of adult-onset diabetes.

That's characterized by
excessive thirst.

Does it seem to you
like I've been drinking a lot today?

I'm sure you're fine, Bill.

Mr. Morgan contends,
your neglect drove him to this state.

RAYBURN: The truth is, I bent over
backwards to accommodate him.

He needed to be seen immediately.
And busy as my practice is...

...I always made the time.

I applaud you, sir, for your tireless
commitment to my client. What a guy.

- Objection.
- Sustained.

So these 38 visits, on the house?

- I'm sorry?
- They were free visits?



So you charged him?
That makes sense.

So with all his complaining,
his incapacitation...

...that pinched look on his face,
there's nothing wrong with him?

RAYBURN: Nothing clinically, no.
It's in his head.

Traditional home for the migraine,
is it not?

It's psychosomatic.
He's a classic hypochondriac.

I see. Well, there's a diagnosis.

Tell me, what treatment
did you prescribe...

...for my client's classic hypochondria?

I'm a general practitioner,
not a psychiatrist.

So you referred him out to whom?

No one in particular, l...
I did tell him he needed help.

I believe I even gave him
a list of practitioners.

So he kept coming to you,
you kept taking his money...

...you did not treat him,
and you referred him to...

...no one in particular.
- I'm a GP.

I told him to seek mental treatment.

I advised it. I can't force it.

Once again: He kept coming,
you kept taking the money...

...and you referred him
to no one in particular.

So you now wanna fire your lawyers?

Yes, Your Honor.
We had no idea trial was about to start.

That's how incompetent
these people are.

And I suppose you had no idea that your
company was bilking senior citizens?

Certainly, Your Honor intends to
keep an open mind with regard to the...

Here's the deal:
I give you one day to find new counsel.

Twenty-four hours. After that, I'm fining
you $250,000 a day for further delay.

It almost seemed personal.

Have you done anything
to upset this guy?

Not that I can think of.

Look, aside from preparation concerns,
we got a bigger problem.

- This judge, he's biased.
- This is what I propose we do:

- File an interlocutory appeal, asking...
- At 250,000 a day...?

While we're filing that appeal,
we'll go forward.

Should we win,
we can suspend the trial.

Should we lose,
we won't incur the fine.

But are you people ready
to try this case?

I can try it.

Denny Crane.

There were some settlement discussions
that broke down.

If Denny can open big, that might
bring them back to the table...

...which may be the best way to go
at this point.

It was four years ago
at a park in Brighton.

- You met the defendant?
- Well, I didn't exactly meet him.

- Well, what then?
- I b*at the crap out of him.

Excuse me.
I was a different person then.

Okay, Mr. Stone, we need to be very
specific about what happened back then.

STONE: He tried to get into a game
of pick-up hoops.

Me and another guy,
we started dissing him.

He said something back, and we b*at
him up pretty good. I'm not proud of it.

And you're sure it was Jason Binder?

Yeah. When I saw his picture
on the news, I remembered his face.

It was definitely him.

And what about the other guy
who b*at him up?

Jared Grant, the guy he k*lled.

You lied to me.
Not only were you in a fight before...

- It doesn't prove anything.
- Now they have a motive, Jason:

The victim beats you up four years ago,
you take tae kwon do...

...you just happen to encounter him,
at which point, you k*ll him?

- It wasn't like that.
- That's why your mom said...

...he deserved to die, because...
- It wasn't like that!

What am I supposed to argue now?

Let's have it, Jason.
Did you go to that bar to get revenge?

I went there to stand up to him.

You have no idea
how haunted I was by...

I didn't even put up my hands
four years ago.

It wasn't getting b*at up
that stuck with me.

It was that I didn't even...

I just let myself get b*at up.

- So you took up martial arts.
- And I went there to stand up to him.

I didn't plan to fight.
I certainly didn't go there to k*ll him.

And then when he swung at me,
I just...

I swung back.

I never meant to k*ll him.

Who are we over-billing?

- Medicare or senior citizens?
- Both. But Medicare isn't suing us.

- Us? Meaning the drug company?
- Correct.

But if the hospitals
are doing the overcharging...

...why are the seniors
suing the drug company?

Denny, we've been over this before:

The drug company,
our client, deals with hospitals.

We give them rebates, they disguise
the real cost of dr*gs.

They then bill Medicare for the
higher, allegedly inflated costs.

Really? What's our defense to that?

Seventy-five. You've upped
your offer by 5000 dollars.

We feel it's generous.

Particularly when your
client's injuries aren't real.

- They're real.
ALAN: All right, Bill.

You know, Mr. Morgan, I don't
typically counsel opposing parties.

But I might advise
a legal malpractice claim...

...against the attorney who filled
your head with million-dollar windfalls.

You seem to have a little something
wedged between numbers four and five.


Guess it's just part of your mouth.

One last proposal, and it's entirely
possible I'm kidding, by the way...

...depending upon your reaction.

Three hundred thousand, sealed,
we kick back 50 to you under the table.

Mr. Shore, I guarantee you,
I am not that kind of attorney.

Really? Gosh, I am.

I should report you directly to the bar,
if not the district attorney.

Well, if that's how you feel,
then I was kidding.

I'm going to the judge now.

Excellent. New trial. That'll certainly
cost your client much more than 75,000.

Your offer is rejected.

Suppose he does go to the judge?

ALAN: Oh, please. He doesn't
want a mistrial. He thinks he's won.

Plus, he can't prove I wasn't kidding.
I'm known to be funny.

This is a child who wouldn't
slap a mosquito.

He would shoo it away.

He couldn't bring himself to harm a fly or
any animal, certainly not a human being.

Four years harboring a grudge
doesn't suggest a rage to you?

He was bullied by
many people, Mr. Martin.

- Not just Jared Grant.
- But he k*lled Jared Grant.

MRS. BINDER: He got into a fight
which had a tragic ending.

He never intended to k*ll,
nor could he.

- Well, he learns a lethal martial arts...
- He learned to defend himself.

Look at the size of him,
for God's sake.

What was he to do?
Fend people off with a sharp wit?

Mrs. Binder, you love your son
very much, don't you?

- Of course I do.
- In fact, he's your only child.

He's all you have, isn't he?

- Yes.
- He lives with you.

- Or, did before his arrest.
- There's something wrong with that?

I bet you would do or say anything
to keep him from going to prison.

I'm up here telling the truth.

MARTIN: No, you're telling lies
to spare a loved one a life sentence.

- No, you're the liar.
- Your son's a k*ller!

- No, he is not!
- Your son is a k*ller!

No, he is not!


DENNY: What does a rubber glove
have to do with it?

Denny, the alleged fraud goes
beyond prescription dr*gs.

- It goes to medical supplies.
- I see a rubber glove...

...I'm heading the other direction.

Denny, do you understand
what this case is about?

I do, Paul.

Can you succinctly tell us?

The plaintiff thinks he's getting
bilked for dr*gs and supplies.

His evidence is: We charge
hospitals and clinics less...

...for those dr*gs and supplies.
Our argument is: The offering...

...of a discount to a consumer does
not constitute the over-billing to another.

In fact, since hospitals
and clinics with ER's...

...regularly treat
those who cannot pay...

...an argument could be made that we're
extending these discounts...

...to those most in need.
We're saving lives, damn it.

And I will not apologize
for my client's billing practices.

I salute them.
I invite you to salute them.

Okay. Let's turn
to the vertical integration...

...between our clients and the hospitals.

What the hell is that?

LORl: Earl Grey, huh?
- Mm-hmm.

- That would keep me up until Thursday.
- Hopefully a few hours, at least.

- You and Alan pulling a late one?
- Might be. We're closing tomorrow.

What are you doing tonight?



You know, the whole Sally
and Alan thing, she's still pretty raw.

- Meaning?
- Just that if you had any intentions of...

Eating her? Raw would
certainly be problematic.

All that kicking and screaming.
Rare often works for me.


I'm sorry.
Did you mean something else?

- I'm just looking out for a friend.
- I see.

Well, given that it was Sally's decision
to end our relationship...

...perhaps you'd consider
looking out for me.

You seem all right.

Just to clarify,
if Tara did have any intention...

...of whatever euphemism
you were in search of...

...it would, in fact,
be none of your business.

To put your mind at rest,
Tara appears not to have intentions.

I do. In fact, just yesterday...

...I was suggesting to her that
we engage in a sexual act in her office...

...but her impenetrable sense
of decorum...

...unfortunately prevented us
from engaging.

That was unnecessary.

It's a scam.

They charge the hospital
X amount of dollars for the drug.

The hospital then bills Medicare a portion
of which the senior citizens are paying.

The evidence will show that the
defendant, Holcomb Pharmaceuticals...

...systematically defrauded and bilked...

...senior citizens out of
billions and billions of dollars.

The elderly are discriminated against
every single day in this country:

They get their driver's licenses yanked.

They are targeted
by abusive telemarketers.

The prejudice is pervasive.

But you know what?
They still do get one thing:

Their day in court.

Need I point out
that it's your turn to talk?

Hate old people. Always have.
They're babies.

Hell, there's a reason
half of them are in diapers.

The elderly...

...make up a large percentage
of the wealth in this country.

They run most
of the Fortune 500 companies.

They're running
the w*r for God's sakes.

And most of them
are viable, healthy people.

What do they do? Retire at age 65
and start draining our resources.

We got enormous poverty
in this country.

We can't educate our kids,
partly because these strong-bodied...

...strong-minded senior-citizen farts
are living off of Social Security.

Why shouldn't we overcharge them?

Mr. Crane,
I'm not following your argument.

That's because you're a moron.

- Judges, old people, they all gotta go.
- Mr. Crane...

Tell you what. Slap my client
with a million-dollar verdict.

We'll pass on the cost
to the consumer.

The plaintiffs will think they've won.
We won't be out a dime.

Members of the jury, regretfully,
I must declare this proceeding a mistrial.

Oh, gee, I'm sorry to hear that.
That'll cause a big delay, won't it?

Next thing you know,
he'll recuse himself...

...because I called him a bad word.
- You are in contempt! Bailiff...

...take Mr. Crane into custody.
- Put me in a cell with Martha, will you?

I gotta have sex with that woman.

Four years of premeditation.
He trained in deadly force.

Then he sought out Jared Grant,
provoked a fight...

...and inflicted a deadly blow
to his trachea.

Maybe he even did start the fight.

We can't know that.
There's no proof of that.

But even if we're to assume it...

...we simply cannot make the leap
to intent to k*ll.

Why else would he go there?

Why else would he punch him
in the throat?

Why would he do it
in front of a room full of people?

Why not just run him down with a car,
if his intent was to k*ll?

Jason Binder went there, as he told you,
to stand up for himself.

Nothing more.

It's bad enough that patients
are running to the courts...

...suing their doctors for all their ills.

Now we have one suing
for his imagined ills.

This case represents the height
in frivolous litigation.

What's next?
Seeking damages for a bad dream?

I hope not.

Frivolous, is that what he said?

Astonishing. This man,
who suffers day in and day out...

...migraines so excruciating
he cannot work...

...can't endure 10 minutes at his
computer, a trained software-engineer.

And here he is subjecting himself
to depositions, to examinations...

...to the laborious mind-numbing
blather of attorneys, all for what?


For six months, Bill Morgan
reached out to his doctor.

Week after week.

Each time, invoiced for thousands
and thousands of dollars in sum.

And then, each time, dismissed.
Patted on the head, and sent on his way.

Had Mr. Morgan actually received
the right medical care...

...or even been directed to a doctor...

...who could specifically give him
that care...

...psychiatric or otherwise...

...his current state would most likely
have been alleviated.

But the defendant couldn't
be bothered to care.

As Dr. Rayburn told you himself,
he treated Bill Morgan like a mascot.

Opposing counsel
regards him as a nuisance.

He's a human being.

He's a human being.

We teach our children...

...that everyone is entitled
to respect and dignity.

How pathetic it is,
when adults can't abide...

...such a basic lesson in humanity.

How unconscionable.

The defendant will please rise.

Madam Foreperson, the jury has
reached a unanimous verdict?

- We have, Your Honor.
- What say you?

In the case of
the Commonwealth v. Jason Binder...

...on the charge of m*rder
in the first degree...

...we find the defendant,
Jason Binder, not guilty.

On the charge of m*rder
in the second degree...

...we find the defendant,
Jason Binder, not guilty.

JUDGE: The jury is dismissed, with our
thanks. The defendant is free to go.

We are adjourned.

Thank you, so much. Thank you.

I'm told congratulations are in order.

You too.

Denny bought you some time, I hear.

My father was
a criminal-defense attorney.

He went into it
to champion civil rights...

...to defend the oppressed...


...connect with people.

But all I ever saw
at the supper table...

...was a man struggling to deal
with the idea...

...that he helped put murderers
back on the street.

- Heading home?
- Jail.

Incarcerated friend.

- You run with a dangerous crowd.
- I try.

- As do I.
- I don't think that's quite true.

You don't know me, Alan Shore,
not as well as you think.

- No?
- No, certainly not as well as I know you.

How well is that?

I know that
there are three Alan Shores:

The good, the bad and the naughty.

The good Alan, the man that I saw today
in court, is honorable and decent.

But you can't bear the burden
of being that man.

Thus, the bad Alan.

Who lays to waste everything
in his life that seems right.

I do have intentions.

My intentions are
to get beyond the bad...

...which I have tried to do,
again and again...

...by appealing to the good.

But it appears to me that perhaps...

...I should be appealing
to the naughty.

I'm not certain the Tara Wilson I know
is up to the task.

Again, you don't know me, Alan.

File for you.


Your bail was set at six million dollars.


I brought you a hamburger.

The guards here
are extremely outspoken.

I just got a jury verdict for $320,000.

Lori got a not guilty
in her m*rder case.

You cleverly orchestrated a mistrial.

And a woman I'm infatuated with...

...delivered to me her panties
in a manila folder.

I think we're obliged to have a drink.


I wasn't clever.

I forgot.

I beg your pardon?

I stood up...

...armed with all the facts
of our client's billing practices...


...I went blank in front of the jury.

I couldn't remember a damn thing.

Well, that can happen sometimes.

You once said you suspected I had...


How does a person know?


...there's no exact diagnostic...

They can do certain tests.


...you may have gone up
on an opening...

...but to recover like that
and go for the mistrial...

...that's evidence of a man
thinking quickly on his feet.

I wanna take the test.
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