01x04 - Change of Course

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boston Legal". Aired: October 3, 2004 – December 8, 2008.*
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Follows the exploits of former Practice character Alan Shore, and his passionate co-workers, at the fictional offices of Crane, Poole & Schmidt.
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01x04 - Change of Course

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Boston Legal:

You disapprove of me.

I'd stake out a little distance
from that Shore guy, Sally.

He tends to leave people's minds
worse off than he finds them.

Why are you counseling Sally
to distance herself from me?

There are happily-ever-after guys,
and those who leave girls in a heap.

And I can tell the difference.

Sorry I'm late, good people.

Edwin, everything all right?

Hunky dory.

Denny, guess what.
I'm due in court with Tara.

We're on it. Don't you worry.
You just get better.

- Okay.
- De-magnetize his parking pass.

- Beg your pardon?
- I know when a man is gone.

- Helen?
- He's gone.

- Denny, Edwin's gone.
- I know. Shame.

No. I mean he's missing.
He left the hospital.

- Did he come here?
- Not that I'm aware of.

Anyone see Edwin Poole?

Your Honor, at this time,
I would like to discharge counsel.

JUDGE: Can you tell me
why you want new counsel?

On the grounds of intolerabilitude.

Not a real word, Mr. Litch.

It should be, Your Honor...

...because it describes
my deteriorating relationship...

...with the man vested with the
responsibility of proving my innocence.

Sir, you confessed to the crime.

- I changed my position on that.
JUDGE: Mr. Litch...

...this is the seventh attorney you've
sought to discharge on the eve of trial.

Your Honor, I'm anxious
for my day in court.

I'm looking forward to seeing
12 open minds in that box...

...because I don't see one where you sit
and I don't have one sitting with me.

Well, here's my problem, Mr. Litch.

I'm all out of public defenders.

Every available one, you fired.

I'll do it.

Attorney Edwin Poole, Your Honor,
of Crane Poole & Schmidt.

I'll represent Mr. Litch.

- You're the Edwin Poole?
- Indeed.

- From Crane Poole & Schmidt?
- Indeed.

- And you're offering to defend this man?
- Yes.

Mr. Litch,
I will give you a new attorney.

What I will not give you is additional
time. This trial will begin tomorrow...

- May I be heard on bail, judge?
- You may not. 10:00 tomorrow.

Defendant stays in custody.
We are adjourned.

Hello, Mr. Criminal.

We can talk back in custody.
Incidentally, what are you charged with?

m*rder. You've got yourself
a top-of-the-line criminal.

- He did what?
- He took a case.

Left the hospital, went into
criminal session and took a case.

- We need you to get down there.
- Whoa.

- Never mind "whoa."
- I don't do criminal law.

- I can't. I'm in trial.
- We have lots of lawyers.

- What about Alan Shore?
- Lewiston needs him.

I need you to get down there, please.
He is sitting in a jail cell.

What do you mean, he's in a cell?

He walked into custody,
went into the cell there...

...he sits with the client, happily so.

Please get down there.

- So, what's it about?
- No idea.

It would be nice for Paul Lewiston
to know that I exist.

- Denny Crane.
- You got it.

- What can I do for you?
- Thank you. Please have a seat.

We represent a company...

...the CEO of which is in need
of immediate legal assistance.

Lee Tyler, brilliant woman,
kind woman.

Also a kleptomaniac.
She's about to go on trial tomorrow...

...for stealing a $200 scarf.

It's ordinarily a small matter.
Here's why it's not.

If she gets convicted of this crime...

...she violates a morals clause
in her contract. She's out as CEO.

And since she's the one who hired us,
we stand to lose our biggest client.

We have exhausted all conventional
means to make this go away.

We have failed.

We now need an attorney...

...with experience in, perhaps...

...unconventional means.

I don't care.

You don't care?

He basically escaped
from a mental facility.

Objection. You're talking as if
I'm not in the room. It's inappropriate.

You shouldn't be in the room,
you should be in the hospital.

Look, Miss Colson,
your firm took this case.

If Edwin Poole lacks capacity to try it,
then it falls to you.

- Me? I don't practice criminal law...
- Counsel, I have had it.

This case has been perversely delayed.

I've had a widow
and her two children...

...show up for trial
only to have it put off.

I won't delay it another day.
If he can't do it, then you will.

Now, I suggest you get back there
and meet your client.

He pulls me over for running a stop sign.
I got this dime bag of coke, you know?

So I stuff it under my seat
so he can't see it.

- I also got my g*n under there.
- He's a drug dealer.


So he comes to the window...

...and gives me this and that
about road safety, and all that.

Then he tells me to step out of the car.
I'm thinking:

"Damn. He's gonna search it. And
two priors for intent, I'm a dead man.

That's strike three. It's life sentence."
So I panicked.

I reached under the seat.
I grabbed the g*n...

...and I sh*t him.
- Boom!


Sorry. Continue.

Well, I panicked. I don't even remember.
I'm telling you the truth.

I mean, one second
I'm thinking life sentence...

...and the next thing,
I'm squeezing the trigger.

- Then what happened?
LITCH: Well, I drove off.

I'm seeing on the news
how they had this manhunt.

They had a partial license plate,
I figured it was only a matter of time.

One week later, my door is busted in.
I try and go out the window.

And that's when I got sh*t.

Finally I just confessed to it all
in the hospital.

- And they don't have the g*n?
- No g*n. No witnesses.

- They ain't got nothing.
- Except your confession.

Mm, yeah.

Mr. Criminal, I don't ever like
to make predictions.

But I think we can get you off.


MAN: I asked her if I could look
in her bag. She said to me:

"What right do you have?"

I said, "I'm a security officer
for the store."

ATTORNEY: And then what happened, sir?
LYNE: She let me look in her bag.

- And there was the scarf.
- Did she say anything?

Said she had no idea how it got there.

Tell me, Mr. Lyne, from what
distance did you see the accused...

...put the scarf in her bag?
- I didn't see it myself.

- Oh, you didn't see it?
- No.

- A store clerk said she took it.
- Oh, there we go.

- Do you see the store clerk here?
- Yes, I do.

Miles Tibbett, sitting right over there.

This man? He told you
the defendant took the scarf?

Yes, he did.

How do you feel
about working undercover?

- I'm sorry?
- Their entire case is a store clerk.

I want a private investigator on it.
Follow him.

We pick the opportunity
for you to meet him. Lunch.

- And then what?
- Denny Crane.

Then order appetizers,
elicit some disparaging information...

...allow him to believe you're anyone
other than the defendant's lawyer.

Is that fair?

I don't understand the question.

He says he grew up
watching Perry Mason...

...and he promised himself
he would one day do a criminal trial.

Certainly you're not going to let him.

He seems to have his wits about him.

The truth is, he's probably
more equipped than me.

The best thing would be for me
to supervise and let him first chair.

- Edwin.
- Paul.

- You really think you're up to this?
- I did clinical work in law school.

The rules of evidence are the same
as civil. There's no great mystery to it.

Also, he came to me
in a dream last night...

...and he told me to try this case.



I'll first chair.


BARTENDER: Can I help you?
- Whatever's on tap.

You got it.

How's it going?

Fine, thank you.


You're very beautiful.

But I don't do that sort of thing.

What sort of thing?

What? You think I'm a hooker?


Excuse me, can you throw that
in this man's face?

I'm sorry...

...but beautiful women don't usually
come up to me and say hi unless...

Excuse me for thinking
you look like a decent guy.

Do you know how hard it is...

...for a girl to just go out
for a quiet beer by herself...

...without being att*cked by wolves?

I thought you looked safe and nice.

And you call me a hooker.

- Learn anything?
- Only his whole life story.

And no one is bidding
for the movie rights. Trust me.

He collects autographs,
has almost 1200 of them...

...including the entire cast
of Mamma Mia! National tour.

Oh, yes, and he's allergic to shellfish.
Want more?

Yes. This is very helpful.



It's him.

Hi, Miles, how's it going?

We would like to be able
to offer you witnesses.

Unfortunately, there were only two.

One's dead, the other's on trial.

The good news is he confessed.

Though he now wants to recant...

...you will hear from the officer
who listened to that confession...

...and you will find it reliable.

You will find it consistent
with the truth.

The truth that on July 17th,
the defendant, Warren Litch...

...sh*t dead
Officer Michael Devereaux.

Good morning.
My name is Lori Colson, and...

Your Honor, at this time,
I would like to discharge counsel.

- Denied.
- In that case, it should be known...

...that this woman didn't meet me
until yesterday. My lawyer!

She didn't know my name.
She is unprofessional...

...she is unprepared.
On top of that, she's fleshy.

I want me a thin, wiry attorney.
Somebody hungry for justice.

Motion for new counsel denied.

May I have a moment with my client,
Your Honor?


- What was that?
- I didn't like the look of the jury.

- I was going for a mistrial.
- You didn't get one, did you?

All you did was alienate them
and undermine me in the process.

Do you wanna go to prison?

Lady, I'm going to prison.

I sh*t a cop. There's no doubt
I'm going to prison.

The only living I got left
is in this trial business.

And I'm happy
to stretch it out forever.

You think this is some game for you,
to have your last joy ride?

I k*lled a man, Miss Colson.

I see his widow sitting in there
and I see his kids.

I know this ain't no game.

Son, if I might ask...

...why did you call her "fleshy"?

I was just trying to humanize her.
Juries don't like beautiful women.

You think I'm fleshy?

Is there any deal
to be made here? A plea?

They don't need to deal.
You confessed.

Another curious strategic move.

I only confessed
because they tricked me.

What do you mean, they tricked you?

They got the doctor
to tell me I was about to die.

Then they sent in this cop undercover
pretending to be the hospital chaplain.

He laid it on thick with the whole:

"Confess thy sins"
or there's no heaven for me.

They told you you were dying
to get you to confess?


And then he pointed to me
right in open court.

- What did you do?
- I tried to sit straight and undaunted.

I'm the chief witness
for the prosecution.

- Isn't it exciting?
- It is. L...

I even invited a few of my friends
to, you know, come watch.

- You did?
- It's silly, I know...

...but this is the first time
I've been at the center of... Of anything.

- I'm sure you'll do fine.
- Really?

Yeah. And I don't think
I'll get too nervous.

I take beta blockers for anxiety.

- Retail must be very stressful.
- Yes.

But I love it.

Listen, you're probably wondering
why I asked you to lunch. I just...

I don't meet too many women.
It's not what you think. I swear.

I'm not about to ask you out
on a date or anything.

But I did want to tell you...

...how much last night meant to me.

What did it mean? We drank beer.

Sally, for a beautiful woman...

...to talk to me for three hours...

...as if I were an interesting person...

...as if my life were interesting...

...that meant something to me.

That's really all I wanted to say. L...

I'm grateful.


Denny, I need you at 12:30.
It'll take five minutes tops.

I need to trade a little
on your prominence, your heft.

- What do you want me to do?
- I don't want you to do or say anything.

I just want you to be.
Be all that you can be.

One of the few, the proud.

You don't want me to say anything?

Just those two little words
that tend to shock and awe.

"Denny Crane."

Feel free to mock me all you want,
but don't you dare ridicule our troops.

Just so I'm clear,
I should feel free to mock you.

He basically said that he panicked.

His next conviction was strike three.

He'd be looking at a life sentence
and he just panicked.

And by panicked, you mean...?

He reached under the seat,
retrieved the w*apon, sh*t the officer.

ATTORNEY: He told you he sh*t
Officer Devereaux?

Yes, sir. He asked me to forgive him.

And he asked God to forgive him.

Thank you, officer.

- Your Honor, at this time, I would...
- Sit.

To remind the jury, at the time my client
said this, he thought he was dying?

Yes, ma'am.

And thought you were
the hospital chaplain?

- Yes, ma'am.
- Thank you, officer.

That's it?

Two questions? That was your cross?

I didn't have much
to cross him with, Warren.

What was the point
of your questions? Tell me that.

I was trying to establish
that you were coerced.

The judge doesn't shock easily,
but maybe the jury does.

Oh, I see. You were going
for shock value.

You could've really gone for it
and asked three questions.

- Warren, if you're unhappy with me...
- Then what?

The judge isn't gonna let me
hire anybody else.

You're all I got, lady.

You're all I got.

Right here. There you go.

Miles, thank you so much for coming.
Alan Shore.

The D.A. Said
I didn't have to talk to you.

Which compounds my gratitude
for you choosing to do so.

- Let's go to my office.
- What's this about?

Believe it or not,
it's about your best interest.

Gosh, my office seems so far away.
Let's go to this one over here instead.

Sally Heep, Miles Tibbett.
Perhaps you've met.

Sally gets around. She works with me.

You've heard of this gentleman.
He needs no introduction.

Denny Crane.

Please, have a seat.

- Alan...
- Sally, I'll take it from here.

You've done your share.

Let's make this brief, Miles.

We represent a woman charged with
stealing a scarf from where you work.

Which is what she did,
you saw the whole thing.

So we find ourselves between
a rock and a hard place, Miles.

The rock being our client,
CEO of a Fortune 500 company...

...who has made it abundantly clear
the only acceptable verdict is not guilty...

...and the hard place being you,
Miles, the eyewitness.

But maybe you aren't so hard after all.
Am I right?

- I'm not sure what...
- Sally's given me information...

...which I am ethically required
to att*ck you with.

For example, since I know
you take beta blockers for anxiety...

...some possible side effects
being dizziness, confusion...

...I am duty-bound to raise it.

Also, the idea that
you invited friends...

...down to the courthouse
to hear you testify...

...it would be malpractice
not to make a snack of that.

I'll get into your inferiority complex.

If a girl smiles at you, she must
be a hooker. That sort of thing.

- I never said...
- I'm talking.

- Alan...
- I'm talking, Sally.

You collect autographs, Miles.

Must be fun.
Standing around on drizzly nights...

...waiting for famous people to give you
a moment of their time...

...if they take pity on you.
Do people take pity on you?

Wouldn't surprise me.
I'm seeing a pattern:

Pity, anxiety, inferiority.
All those "-ity" words.

- This isn't fair.
- You're right. It's not.

But you have a job to do,
and so do I.

Yours is to sell
socks and suspenders.

Mine is to cross-examine people like you
and crush them.

- This man here would fire me if I didn't.
- Denny Crane.

He would fire me, Miles,
if I didn't explore...

...every nuance and shadow
of your personality.

Every secret place and insufficiency...

...in the hours you will spend
in that witness chair, Miles...

...in front of those friends you invited.
When I'm finished...

...even they will believe you are
a vindictive, pathetic little sycophant...

...who has falsely accused,
and probably framed, a fine woman...

...for something she never did
and never would do...

...only so you could get,
at last, your moment of attention.

By the time I'm done...

...I'll have you believing
you put that scarf in her handbag.

Lee Tyler can afford to hire
any attorney in the world.

She's chosen me.

Do you wonder
if I'm any good, Miles?

Do you really wonder?

- May I speak with you?
- I don't wanna speak with you.

If I told you Miles was coming...

I do not want to speak with you.

Can you please walk away?

Sally, that was not
a pleasant meeting.

Typically, when associates are unhappy,
I give them a hug.

- I don't want a hug, Mr. Crane.
- Okay. May I have one?

They told me that he was religious.

That maybe if he thought
he was about to die...

...his conscience
would get the better of him.

So you told Mr. Litch he was dying.

Yeah. I'm not proud of it
but I probably should have...

And, doctor, did you also hear
Mr. Litch confess...

...to k*lling Officer Devereaux?

- Yes.
- You're sure?

I'm very positive.

Thank you, doctor.

Okay. How long had he treated you
before you...?

In fact, you told him
he had less than an hour to live.

- You lied to your own patient?

They told me that he had m*rder*d
a police officer, and l...

As a result of this conduct,
were you disciplined by the hospital?

DOCTOR: My privileges were
suspended for three months.

You're back in the ER now?

No. No. I've started my residency
in the Neurology Department.

- Your specialty is the brain?
- Yes.

Doctor, as a neurologist...

...how does trauma and extensive
blood loss affect the brain?

Sometimes it can compromise
mental functioning.

- Can a person become delusional?
- I don't believe he was delusional.

Did he suffer trauma
and extensive blood loss?

Yes. Yes, he did, but l...

Can you state to a medical certainty
that he was not delusional?



One last question.

And this one I ask you as a lay person,
a human being.

Is it conceivable to you that if you
had a loved one who had panicked...

...and committed
a horrible crime, say m*rder...

...somebody you cared deeply for,
perhaps a brother, a best friend...

...maybe your son
had done this horrible thing...

...and you lay in a hospital bed dying.

Is it conceivable that,
knowing you were dying...

...you might take the blame
for something you didn't do...

...just to spare your loved one
a life sentence?

- Objection.
- Sustained. Did it ever occur to you...

...Warren Litch said
he committed the crime...

...simply to protect somebody else?

No. No, it didn't.

I bet it never occurred
to the police either.

Nothing further.

Mr. Preston?

Prosecution rests, Your Honor.

Miss Colson?

The defense rests, Your Honor.

- How do I not get in that chair?
- Edwin did a good job.

- Lf I don't say I didn't do it...
- I can't put you in that chair.

- Why?
- Because you did do it.

I cannot put a witness
in the chair to lie.

I have a right to testify.

But it would have to be
in the narrative.

Best-case scenario,
you'll trip all over yourself.

Worst-case, the jurors will know
why it's in the narrative.

Why can't you ask me questions...

...that would allow...?
- Because I can't.

We have rules, Warren.

One is I cannot put you up there
to knowingly lie.

Our best strategy here would be to argue
the prosecution didn't satisfy its burden.

This is my life on the line here.

And you keep talking
about a system of rules and regulations?

I'm in this for my life here.

And you're supposed to be
in this for my life too.

Well, I'm not.

Don't get me wrong, I will give you
the very best defense I know how.

I will not allow myself
to be in this for you.

I will play my part in a system
that I have an enormous allegiance to...

...but I will never be in this for you.


That was pretty awesome
today, Edwin.

People forget
I'm a brilliant trial attorney.

I can be nuts and still brilliant.

How do you feel about closing?

If you can close
like you crossed, then...

That was Perry's strength,
you know, the closing.

What do you think?

I told the man I'd get him a not guilty,
I might as well see it through.

It's hard, isn't it?

What is?

Coming to care for a person
who committed such a heinous act.

It's hard to reconcile what we do
and who we are sometimes.

I don't care about him.

I'm just doing a job.

You know, in Perry's closings,
he would point to the real k*ller.

I don't suppose
I should do that, should I?


Tibbet's a good man, Alan.

Decent. He was just doing his job.

Yes, he was. And so are you.
And so was I.

And after ambushing him,
you can just shake it off.

I'm not shaking anything off.
Miles Tibbet had a very bad day.

I had a bad day too, Alan.

I was taken advantage of.

Or don't you consider sending me...

...to hit on some guy at a bar
taking advantage?

It has nothing to do
with what I consider.


It's not the kind of thing
you ask of someone you care about.

Do you care about me, Alan?

I care a great deal for you.

That's why I'm gonna give you
some very sound advice.


- What?
- This is a bad business.

It is an often filthy,
dehumanizing, mean-spirited job.

I assure you, I take no pleasure in it.

It just comes easily to me. But...


...are not that way.

So I suggest you think
long and hard...

...about whether you really
wanna wake up every morning...

...with all the promise
that morning conveys...

...and come here.

Which I say to you
only because I care.

You are such a liar.

Pretending that this stuff
doesn't affect you.

That you can just brush it off.

I'm afraid I can.

You heard from witness Frank Simmons,
who saw an SUV speed by him...

...a mile from the scene
around the time of the m*rder...

...with a license plate
beginning with "3L6."

Mr. Litch's SUV has a license plate
beginning with 3L6.

When the police entered the defendant's
apartment, what did he do?

He didn't ask, "What's this about?"

He didn't say,
"Hey, what's going on?"

He knew exactly
why they were there...

...and he immediately
began his escape.

And then, in the hospital,
he confessed.

It wasn't a delusional confession.

He described a fact pattern which was
completely consistent with the crime.

The defendant admitted that he was
afraid of yet another drug conviction...

...that would land him a life sentence.

He panicked, pulled out a g*n,
and fired.

Now, his lawyer suggests he was,
perhaps, delusional when he confessed...

...or that he simply lied to protect
the real k*ller, a friend or loved one.

Desperate suggestions
for a desperate client.

It's insulting to this court, to you...

...and especially to that woman
and her two children.

Warren Litch m*rder*d her husband.

Warren Litch k*lled their father.

He admitted to the police
that he did so.

Let's not waste any more time.


It's your turn.

I fell asleep last night
and forgot to prepare a closing.

I meant to tell you.

- You don't have a closing?
- No. Do you?

- Counsel?
- Edwin, you've got nothing?

When I was a little boy,
my father said to me...

...I can still hear his voice...

I believe he said, "Ladies first."

I don't know about you...

...but if I hear that someone
confessed to a crime...

...then I just assume he's guilty.

But if I hear the confession
is coerced, then...

For example...

...you could have a man
with a stomach wound...

...put him in a room
with police and clergy...

...who keep insisting he did something,
and he might actually believe it.

And what if it was a friend or
a loved one driving Warren's car?

That would explain why Warren
was trying to flee, wouldn't it?

He likely knew the police were coming
to mistakenly arrest him.

Did the police investigate any of this?

My God, we all assume Warren Litch
is guilty. But what if he isn't?

Now let's turn to the other evidence.


There is no other evidence.

No g*n, no witnesses,
no fibers, no forensics.

All they have
is that coerced confession.

Now you might think he did it.

If you're determined,
you can even still assume it, I suppose.

But if you're to uphold the law...

...and demand proof
beyond all reasonable doubt...

...and if we don't demand that...

...do we really want to send
a message to the police:

"Hey, forget the evidence.

Just bring us that confession"?

They really should give you
your own office.

Evidently the store clerk has recanted.

He's suddenly not sure
he saw Lee Tyler take the scarf.

- The case might even be dropped.
- It's a great country.

The district attorney has lodged
a complaint against you...

...for witness tampering, intimidation,
obstruction of justice, extortion.

He should make up his mind.

This firm does not engage
in that kind of conduct, counsel.

We do not intimidate or blackmail.

The attorneys
at Crane Poole & Schmidt...

...conduct themselves
with integrity always.

Do I make myself clear?

More than clear.



Mr. Shore.

Thank you.

Madame Foreperson, the jury
has reached a unanimous verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

Mr. Litch, please rise.

Madame Foreperson, what say you?

We the jury...

...in the matter of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts v. Warren Litch...

...on the charge
of first-degree m*rder...

...we find the defendant,
Warren Litch, guilty.


JUDGE: Members of the jury,
I would like to thank you...

...for your service in this matter.

You are hereby excused. Please be sure
to sign out with the courtroom deputy...

...so you're credited for time.

The defendant is to be retained
in County until sentencing...

...which shall be scheduled
within 60 days.

If that is all, then we are adjourned.


Listen, I'll review
any grounds for appeal.

- The confession... There are grounds.
- Okay.

- Okay.
- I'll be in touch.

- I'll order up the transcript.
- Listen, um...

...I thought for somebody
who felt the way you felt...

...it was honorable
for you to try your hardest.

And I know that you did.

Thank you.

EDWIN: Unprofessional for me
not to be prepared with my closing.

I think I'll perhaps
go back to the hospital.

Get a little tune-up.




Surely you're feeling better about things.
I've plied you with alcohol.

I'm sorry.

It suddenly occurred to me, Alan,
you weren't using me at all.

You were using Miles.

How so?

I think...

...he was some sort of device
for you to look despicable in my eyes.

It's your pattern with women,
I think, to get them to...

You know, when you psychoanalyze me,
I find you much less sexually attractive.

Yes. Nice deflection, but...

Don't try and get in my head, Sally.
You won't like the mess.

You weren't telling me
to run from the law...

...you were telling me
to run from you.

Maybe you think it's my relationship
with you that's ultimately dehumanizing.

So being an incredibly decent man...

Which you are,
underneath all your stuff.

- You decided to warn me.

I'm not trying to push you away.

Are you trying to keep me?

We either go forward
or go in opposite directions...

...because I don't like
where we are now.

By forward, you mean...?

You know what?

I think I'll just move forward.

Next on Boston Legal:

I'm not following your argument.

- That's because you're a moron.
- You are in contempt!

I invited you
to get your mind off Sally.

You've succeeded. It's back to
an old familiar wanton place.

- What kind of case?
- Homicide.

Criminal defense is a far cry
from criminal prosecution, Lori.

You won't like it.

Your bail was set at $6 million.
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