05x04 - Liar's Poker

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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05x04 - Liar's Poker

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night. ♪

Chief gillespie,
you deny knowledge
of criminal activities?

You mean rumors.

You and everyone else know
those rumors are well-founded.

People are presumed innocent
until proved otherwise.

Don'’t patronize me.

Everyone knew about
the salacious goings-on

At the van buren mansion.

And gillespie turned
a blind eye to all of it.

Behavior has to be
reliably witnessed

Before I can
call it criminal.

I don'’t understand
what you'’re talking about.

Mr. Ogelvy,
the constitution
gives everybody

The right to privacy
in his own home.

Then a heinous crime
was committed

Behind the constitution.

That happens.

Wait a minute.

Are you saying the chief
is responsible for this?

I'’m glad you have
intelligence to see that.

You know what you are?


That'’s what you are,




Byron, this is an inquiry,
not an inquisition.

I agree,

And i, for one,
want to thank
the chief

For appearing
here before us.

Now, chief, all we have

Is the sparta herald
version of what happened.

Well, I can tell you
all I know.



Of course.

Mr. Ogelvy?

You afraid of someone
in particular?

You know
the sparta herald

Has friends
in the city government.

I resent that, tibbs.

Let'’s get on
with it.

This is
a closed meeting.


Well, this is
a preliminary report here.


"Captain skinner
and sergeant sweet,

"They were the first
to arrive

"At the van buren estate.

"That was around 1:30 a.m.

"The sex party in that
sparta herald article

"Was about a bunch
of young women

"Imported to entertain
poker guests.

"The young women were
huddled in the sitting room

"When the officers arrived.

"They let them wait there.

"Their first concern
was to see the body."

Come right this way,

You'’re the one
who found the body, huh?

Yes, sir.

I went to
mrs. Van buren.

She said
phone the police.

That'’s just the way
I found him.


Ma'’am, it's
the police.

H-h-here. Let me
help you up.

Come on now.

That'’s it.

That'’s it.

What happened here?

What'’s your name?

Ma'’am, do you know
what your name is?


Tamara pollard.

She ain'’t with it.

Totally spaced out.


By the time I arrived,

The other officers
were there.

They were questioning
the girls in the sitting room.

I didn'’t expect we'd
get much out of them,

Not tonight anyway.

Honestly, I didn'’t think
we'’d find our m*rder*r

Among those girls.

isn'’t characteristic.

The crime van was there.

The boys were
pushing the gurney.

Van buren was
on his way out

As I was on my way in,

But I was interested
in first going upstairs

To talk to virgil
to see what he'’d found.

And also to see
mrs. Van buren.


Oh, yes, sir.

We got some really
fine prints here.

Real good.

Did you ever meet anybody
who you just knew

Was going to be
m*rder*d someday?


Old mr. Van buren
being entertained
by a hooker.

Next thing you know
he'’s dead,

And she'’s out cold.

And where'’s
mrs. Van buren?

She'’s here
in the house.


The whole while
the hooking
was going on.

Can you believe
a thing like this?

Where'’s the hooker?

Downstairs with
officer freeman,

Drinking lots
of coffee.

Is this w*apon consistent
with the wound?


And is the time
of death

with the call?

I'’d say so.

And rigor mortis
set into neck
and jaw muscles

But not hands
and feet yet.


Hey, parker, bring me
that bag over there.

Sure thing, bubba.

What you going
to put in the bag?


Well, that'’s blood,
isn'’t it?

Yeah. That'’s blood.

Looks like
somebody waved
something across it

And it dripped.

As if they, uh...


I don'’t know.

[Knock on door]


It'’s bill gillespie.

Oh. Please, come in.

I just want
to thank you

For attending
to me personally.

Edgar taught me
to always speak
to the top man.

You have my sympathies,
mrs. Van buren.

I'’d just like to add

That the whole town'’s
going to be shocked

When they find out.

Edgar was always
so charitable
and generous to sparta.

Yes, he was.

Can you tell me
anything at all?

Well, i...

I assume you know
about edgar'’s annual
poker weekend.

I imagine
everybody did.

And the players
were all
very wealthy men.

I know they
arrived that way.

Yeah. They came
from houston

And all those other
strange cities.


There were the girls.


Like the one
who k*lled him.

Oh, I'’m
so ashamed. I...

I just want
to die myself.

I warned edgar
this could lead
to tragedy.

Well, I know
what you'’re thinking.

Why didn'’t I put
a stop to it?


I finally
just learned
to live with it.

You'’re wondering
why I didn'’t
divorce him?

Because I loved him.

Even though
I had to spend
one weekend a year

Holed up in my suite
all alone.

Is that where
you were tonight?


But didn'’t you
ever feel like, uh,

Just leaving here
one of those weekends?

Well, never.

this place is mine.

It'’s... It's
my creation...

from the marble floors

To the crystal

I'’ve got 30 years
of my life into it.

Why would I let anyone
drive me from it?

Uh, mrs. Van buren,

Do you remember
seeing or hearing
anything unusual

Up here
on the second floor?


Oh, I'’m sure
all of this

Is going to be
all over
the sparta herald.

You can count on that,
I'’m afraid.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

Here you are,
mrs. Van buren.

I sure hope you can
fall asleep for a while.

Thank you.


I have the most
horrid hangover
of my life.

I'’m detective tibbs,
sparta police.

detective tibbs.

Do you freelance,

Or do you work
for a service?

Both, actually...

Though I was introduced
to mr. Van buren

Through select escorts
in atlantic city.


What happened?

was a wild man.

I mean, he'’d drink
himself silly.

The only way
I could put up
with his nonsense

Was do the same.

Miss, be specific.

What did he do?

What did you do?


It'’s not like me
to pass out
like that.

Edgar would
drink so much,
he couldn'’t move.

Not at all.

That would
make him depressed.

Then he'’d drink
some more.

I'’d wait till
he was snoring

And then sneak out.

This time I woke up
on the floor.

You'’re telling me

You have no idea
of how this man d*ed?


Were you
on something else?


You woke up.

And then what?

I woke up,
and there was blood
on the pillow.

I saw where edgar
was hit in the head.

I saw he was dead,

And I started
to scream.

Then I
passed out again.

O.k., Miss.
You better put
some clothes on.

That'’s what happened.

Would you please come with me,

I'’ve got
no reason to lie.

I'’m telling
the truth.

I'’m arresting you
for the m*rder
of edgar van buren.

Freeman, go ahead.

Come on, miss.

Byron, would you
consider yielding
the floor to sadie?

I presume, the floor'’s
still mine?


Then I'’ll hold it

Until all my questions
have been answered.

have been known

To keep minutes
and waste hours.

If tamara pollard
was arrested

For edgar van buren'’s

Why does
the sparta heraldclaim

That you'’re
still investigating?

An arrest is hardly
the end of
an investigation.

That'’s right.

Often times,
it'’s just
the beginning.

You'’re wasting
the taxpayers'’ money

Trying to exonerate
a whore?

We'’re merely looking
for evidence.

The creature was found
with van buren.

And that'’s not enough
to convict her.

What else do you need?

I believe
it'’s called a trial.

Don'’t get sarcastic
with me, gillespie.

Now just a minute.


Now, chief, would you
please tell us

What happened afterward?

Perhaps that would answer

Some more
of the council'’s questions.

Well, this company
is called, uh...

Select escorts.

Hey, we want
to leave.

What'’s the deal?

We'’ll talk a while,
then turn you loose.

You'’re too cute
to be a cop.

I wish somebody said that
10 years back.

May I see that,

"Charlotte reed."


Would you walk
right over there for me?

Don'’t look a whole lot
like your picture,

That was
a long time ago.

Two years.

You from
atlantic city?

St. Louis, but I work
in atlantic city

Or wherever they send us.

Your address
on your license here

Is the same one that'’s
on tamara'’s license.

We share that condo.

Know why your roommate
would want to k*ll
mr. Van buren?

She wouldn'’t.

She couldn'’t.
It doesn'’t make any sense.

He loved her.

What was her interest
in him?

Are you kidding?
A rich guy like that?

Not having
to do this anymore.

Nice house,

Ordering stuff
out of catalogs,

Sleeping at night.

Yes, ma'’am. Um...

How long
had she known him?

Uh, since the service
sent her last summer.

Oh, he was wild
about her.

They spent weekends

Flew her
to new orleans
for mardi gras.

Paid her
the whole while,
I suppose.

Yeah. Real well.

He wanted tamara to be
his private mistress,

And she was kind of
negotiating terms.

He was talking
about a car...
A mercedes.

She wouldn'’t k*ll someone
who'’d give her a mercedes.

Why don'’t you question
that guy...


He had a nasty argument
with edgar.

What about?


Cantrell accused edgar
of cheating.

Yeah, o.k.,
That'’s all, charlotte.

Who'’s this?

A fella named cantrell.

He was a guest
of van buren.

Had a falling out
over a game of cards.


Pour me
a double scotch.

Don'’t pull anything.
The party'’s over.

You got no right
saying that to me.

You can'’t hold me.

I'’ll sue
for lots of money.

Why don'’t you sit down?

Nobody tells me
to sit.

Don'’t you know me?

Yeah, you'’re, um...
Mr. Cantrell?

Do you know I am?

No, sir.

I don'’t know either.
Who are you?

You are?

I'’m the police chief,

And so I ask again,
who are you?

Cantrell chemicals.

We'’re traded,
you know?

His company'’s
on the stock market.

Is he offering me stock?

No. He'’s telling you
about himself.

Could he tell me
where he was

Between 9:30 and 11:00?

How about it?

Van buren
was a damn cheat.

Are you telling me
that you were with him?

He was a cheat.
I didn'’t k*ll him.

I ain'’t saying
another word.

You care about this?

No, sir,
I don'’t care.

I don'’t care either.

Let'’s see
who'’s over here.

Hello, chief.

Well, dalton sykes, I'’m
most surprised to see you.

My first time.

In this house?

Surely not.

Well, no,
I meant the first time
at this poker game.


Well, dalton,
what in the world
happened here?

I'’ll tell you about me.

Please do.

The game was
five card draw,

Stakes were very high,

And I was
out of my league.

Spent my time
drinking and watching.

I'’ll see that.

Raise $5,000.

I'’m going to fold.

I'’m in.

One card.

One card,
down and dirty.

You'’re out?

Dealer takes two.


Those cards were
off the bottom.

You'’re a drunken fool,

You b*at my hand,

You won'’t live
to brag about it.

I figured
on betting these,

But maybe we better
put our cards down.

Go on. Show '’em.

Four queens.

You damnable
stinking cheat!

Hold that drunken jackass!

Get him off me!

When you
control yourself.

Can you control yourself?

Let him go.

You'’re pitiful, nolan.

Get out of my sight.

Go on.

Boys, I think
I'’ll take a short break.

-Yes, sir?

Send that chardonnay
to my suite.

Right away,

Robert, take care
of my chips and things.

Come on, sugar pie.

Next time I saw edgar,

They were
carrying him out.


Is that
how you remember it?

I don'’t remember
what I remember.

What cards
were you holding?

Like I said,
I ain'’t saying nothing.

I know
what cards he had.

A full house.

Did he tell you that?

First thing he told me.

I stepped out to smoke.

He was wandering around,
behaving silly.

What time was that?

10:30. That man
can flirt for a living.

He was trying
to hit on me.

Then mrs. Van buren
called me.

What did she want?

Wanted me to clear away
the food and glasses
I brought before.

The food and glasses?
Did she have company?

Yes, sir.

The man from sparta federal.

Mr. Sykes?

Mr. Sykes.
She didn'’t want
anyone to know,

But I know
'’cause I seen him.

I came upstairs with some
appetizers for mr. Van buren.

I seen miss annabelle
and that man in the hallway.

She seemed real mad.

He looked like he was
trying to stop her
from doing something.

They both went
into her suite.

He closed the door
behind them.

I think he seen me, too.

"Seemed real mad,"
you said.

What'’d you mean by that?

I mean
there was an expression
on mrs. Van buren'’s face

That I ain'’t never
seen before.

If looks could k*ll,
she could have k*lled
anybody she want to

Right then and there.

when I returned
to the van buren estate

The following morning,

I expected to find
mrs. Van buren grieving,

Alone, up in
her suite of rooms.

She wasn'’t.

She was calm.

She was outside...

In the sunshine.

Morning, mrs. Van buren.

bill gillespie.

I reckon gardening
is soothing to the mind.

I'’m not gardening.

Oh, uh, I'’m sorry.

I know how you feel.

No, you don'’t.

My insides
are aching.

You don'’t ever
really know how much
you love someone

Until they'’re gone.

Well, I don'’t want to take
too much of your time.

You...you told me
that you spent the evening
alone in your suite.

That'’s right.

But it'’s wrong.

I happen to know
you had a rather long visit

From mr. Dalton sykes.

Well, i--i don'’t
think that'’s
anyone'’s business.

A man in a married
woman'’s bedroom

Is bound to be

You really worried
about that

While your husband
was carrying on
the way he did?

Well, I didn'’t want
my name dragged
down like his.

Dalton is
an old acquaintance.

He called on me
just to say hello.

That'’s all.


Oh. Did you ever
leave your suite?



Somebody said you did.

Well, I say I didn'’t.

I'’m disappointed.


'’Cause I'm leaving
no wiser than
when I came.

Good day, ma'’am.

Ma'’am, I'm here
to see mr. Sykes.

Thank you.

Of course I will.

That was your boss.

I'’d be glad
to be of service.

Sit down,
make yourself comfortable.

Thank you, mr. Sykes.

Only have a few
questions for you.

Now you said that
it was the first time

That you had been
to the annual party?


Edgar was interested
in buying my bank.

He extended the invitation.

I felt obliged to go.

Why do you suppose
mrs. Van buren
would lie

About you dropping in?

Just like annabelle.

Worrying about messing
up her hairdo

In the midst of a tornado.

Yeah. What was you
doing in her suite?

Paying my respects.
We'’re old friends.

I thought y'’all
were fighting
in the hall.

Don'’t tell me.
The maid said something?

Yes, sir,
I guess so.

But what I would
really like

Is if you could
say something.

I met annabelle
on my way up to her suite.

She'’d just learned
edgar had taken that hooker
up to his bedroom.

They had some sort
of arrangement.

Edgar was not supposed
to use the upstairs rooms.

She was livid.
She wanted
to confront him.

I calmed her down.

And she felt
she had to lie
about that?

Can'’t blame her...
Wanting to keep it

I can understand that.

Well, thank you
for your time.

Nothing else?

As a matter of fact,
there is.

Are you presently
involved with anybody?

I don'’t have
to answer a question
like that.

No, sir,
you sure don'’t.

Thank you.

Anyway, the answer is
no, I'’m not.

And I thank you again.

You were right about
the time of death.

Liver temperature puts it
right around 11:00.

At least his last meal
was prime rib.

Was death caused
by blows to the skull?

Yep. Blunt instrument
used to crush
the cranium.

Three blows.

Any sign of a struggle?

No hair or skin
underneath his nails.

Could he have been asleep?

He was asleep.

He was drugged?

A large dose
of diazepam,

Commonly known
as valium,
was in his system.

The dosage wasn'’t

But more than enough
to put him out
for hours.

Dia--spell that.




Thank you, dr. Robb.

Would a man
who'’s sexually excited,

Who would bring a woman
to his room,

Swallow a whole bunch
of valium?



How do you slip
a bunch of pills

To a man, then?

The analysis from that wine
bottle should be here soon.

sit down here,


We know about
your long relationship
with van buren.

Why'’d you lie about it?

Keep out of trouble.

The lie only
made you look bad.

You don'’t want
to look bad, do you?

You believe me?

I didn'’t do it.

The evidence points
your way.

Your fingerprints match
those on the poker.

Then there'’s this letter

From annabelle to you
begging you

To end your relationship
with her husband.

Why keep it with you?

I was going to show it
to edgar.


I guess I waited too long.

Did you drink any
of that wine
in the bedroom?

Just a glass.

I'’d already had
too much to drink.

Edgar finished
the rest of the bottle.

Who brought it
up there?

The butler.

Are you cole jackson?

That'’s right.

Did you bring a bottle
of wine to the room?

Sure did.

Did you uncork it?

No, the bartender
uncorked it before
giving it to me.

But you brought it
to van buren'’s room?

With a couple glasses
on a tray, yeah.

Did you hand it to him?

No. I knocked, and mr. Edgar
said to leave it
in the hallway,

And that'’s what I done.

Yeah. Thank you.

Excuse me. Miss?

Do you happen to remember
a bottle of wine
in the hallway

When you saw mrs. Van buren
talking to dalton sykes?


If you saw it,
then both of them saw it.

They knew it was there.

Sure they did.

Thank you.


Lab report.

Oh, where my glasses?

You want me
to read it?

Oh, yes, please do.

"Traces of valium
were found
in the wine bottle.

"Valium was also
found in tamara
pollard'’s blood."

Thank you.

I think someone set
tamara up.

Maybe annabelle
van buren.

Oh, virgil,
I'’m having trouble
with that idea.

Chief, she was angry.

I can'’t believe that woman
planned and premeditated

The m*rder of her husband.

He left a big estate.

She had a lot to gain
by planning.

I think the woman
still loved

That no-good, kinky
devil of a husband,

Lord forgive me
for passing judgment.

Excuse me, chief...

Miss van buren'’s doctor
returned your call.

He said he was
prescribing her valium.


Well, think of that.

Yes. While you at it,

Think about
annabelle van buren.

our district
attorney concluded

That tamara pollard

Was probably guilty
of m*rder

Because she was certainly
guilty of something else.

The woman'’s a prost*tute!
A whore!

Then why don'’t you
charge her with that?

Tamara pollard
was in the room
with van buren.

Her prints were on
the m*rder w*apon.

But why would she
want to k*ll him?

According to captain
skinner'’s report,

Van buren had promised
this woman the moon.

Perhaps he was delivering
just a little less.

That doesn'’t sound
like a good motive.

I think she
was set up.

By who?

Obviously by whoever
k*lled him.

Stand by over there.

So, although mr. Ogelvy here
and d.a. Darnelle

Don'’t have too much
in common,

I think they agree
on certain things.

You finished?

Almost. I'’m just
trying to tell you

How these
investigations go.

They'’re all
fairly routine.

The d.a. Assures you
there is sufficient

For a conviction,

But you don'’t agree.

I suppose we
have to trust

Your superior
legal experience
in this matter?

Let'’s try to keep things
as pleasant as possible.

Now, bill,
who do you think did it?

Well, I wouldn'’t want
to say, harriet,

Because we'’re not
in court.

Nobody'’s even been
indicted yet.

He thinks annabelle
van buren did it.

he'’s arrested her.

This is not
an arrest.

She'’s here to answer

Some questions
about the investigation

With the commission'’s
permission, of course.

That'’s against the rules.

Isn'’t it?

This being very


I'’m not prepared to say
what the rules are, exactly.

If y'’all don't want
to hear what
she'’s got to say...

I have
no problem
with it.

All right. Let'’s see
where this goes.

[Door opens]

Excuse me, chief.
I'’ve got mr. Sykes
for you.

Oh, fine.

Ted, can mr. Sykes
and mrs. Van buren
be seated here?


Sit down.

Can we expect anyone else?

Not as far as I know.

Oh, fine.

Now, mrs. Van buren,

I believe you know
this young woman

We'’ve got
in custody,
tamara pollard.

I was hardly interested
in keeping track

Of edgar'’s bimbos.

They were vulgar girls
with vulgar names.

Well, I think tamara'’s
kind of a beautiful name.

You weren'’t acquainted
with it at all?

No, I wasn'’t.

But you wrote
that young woman
a letter.

Virgil'’s got it
right here.

It'’s addressed
to tamara pollard

Using your stationery,
mrs. Van buren.

It says--"miss pollard,
this is not
the first such letter

"I'’ve written,
and I doubt
it'’s the last.

"I notice that edgar
has reached that point

"In his relationship
with you

"Where his promises
are only exceeded

"By your expectations."

Stop! Don'’t do this to me.

We can hardly do
anything else

Because you won'’t
tell us the truth.

Well, yes, i--i knew tamara.

So what?

Now you say that
you found annabelle

in the hallway?


And the maid saw you?

Why, yes.

The maid also saw
a bottle of wine
up there.

What kind of sedative

Has the doctor got you
on at the moment?


The lab found valium
in the wine bottle.

It was valium that put
edgar van buren to sleep

Before he was bludgeoned
to death.

You do that?

I'’m going to have
to arrest you

For the m*rder
of your husband.

But I didn'’t do it.

When a jury hears
the story of your
life with edgar,

That conclusion
is going to be

Awful hard for them
to resist.

You know she didn'’t k*ll him.

Can you tell us anything
to convince us

Of that, dalton?

I can'’t say.


Maybe not.

What do y'’all
suggest I do?

Tell us how you felt
about van buren.

How did I feel...

About the man who
was torturing
the woman I love?

But you didn'’t have
to k*ll him.

No, of course I didn'’t.

He was bound to be
k*lled by somebody.

Some men are
like that, bill.

I hear tell.

He was k*lled by you.

You sedated him,
you drugged him.

You got your chance
when he ordered that
bottle of wine.

Now wait a minute.
What did I do?

Put some drug
in a bottle?


That'’s about right.

Then you sat back
and watched

As the butler took it

That'’s his story.

That'’s your story,
tibbs, not mine...

But I can tell you
about seeing annabelle
that night.

Edgar really
hurt me tonight.

What'’s different
about tonight?

He'’s in our bedroom.

He promised
he'’d never do that.

This is t*rture
for you and me.
Let'’s go.

And go where?

To the cabin.

We can leave
without anybody
seeing us.

And leave my house
to that god-forsaken trash...

Those drunks, perverts,
and whores?

I think not, dalton.

It'’s more than
two weeks since
we'’ve been together.

I love my home,
my life.

Do you love that
filthy animal
who shares it?

I despise him.

Yes, and I want
to k*ll him.


Mr. Sykes had
this p*stol.

I'’d say he was going
to use it on van buren

At first.


And then he
switched the play

To fit what
he found there.

And I
do believe that.

I do believe
that you,

Moved by annabelle'’s
great stress,

to edgar'’s bedroom.

And the reason
you didn'’t sh**t him

Was you found a way
to pin that m*rder

On somebody else.

Oh, may god forgive me...

For letting you
believe this

Could get you
what you want.

I'’m as guilty as you.


That isn'’t so.

It isn'’t so.

No, it isn'’t.

'’Cause you,
dalton sykes,
are the k*ller.

Bubba, here'’s
your man over here.

Mr. Sykes, you'’re
under arrest for m*rder.

Anything you want to say
say in front of your lawyer.

Well, aren'’t you
going to deny it?

I imagine my lawyer
will deny it.

Mrs. Van buren,

May I see you down
to your car?

Well, yes, please.

Could somebody drive me?


Well, now, that was quite
a show, I must say.

We aim to please.

Why didn'’t you arrest
sykes before?

Well, the evidence
wasn'’t very good.

It still isn'’t.

You expected sykes
to confess?

I wasn'’t counting on it.

Confession couldn'’t
make this case anyhow.

These confessions
are emotional things,

And then,
the emotions change.

Meaning confessions
can be taken back.

Most of them are

I got to go to another
committee meeting.

Wait a minute,

Ogelvy, don'’t you have
anything to say
to the chief?

Didn'’t I say excuse me?

Excuse me, gillespie.

I'’m late.

Bye, bill.

Oh, to think I could have
prevented all of this.

I know there'’s something
I could have done,

But I don'’t know
what it is.

What could I
have changed?

Maybe your address.
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