05x03 - Obsession

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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05x03 - Obsession

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night. ♪


Hi, jeanette.

[Shutter clicks]

What do you want?

Another boyfriend?

None of your business.

Three different
guys in one week.

Can'’t you see
how bad that is?

When are you going
to stop following
me around?

When are you
going to stop
bothering me?

You are a creep.

You are sick.

Go find a doctor
and just disappear.

You'’re going to be punished
for your adultery, jeanette.

It'’s what happens.

It'’s what always happens.

Just get away from here.


Yes, ma'’am,
how may I assist you?

I'’d like to make
a complaint.

About what?about harassment.

Who'’s in charge here?

Well, ma'’am,

Bubba--captain skinner--
is sitting right over there.

Will he do?

Well, sure.

But may I talk to him
over there, please?

Well, yes, ma'’am.

Come on in.

Thank you.

Uh, bubba?hmm?

The lady didn'’t
want to talk
at the counter.

Talk to you here?

Hi. I'’m jeanette marshall.

Captain skinner.

Go ahead. Sit down.

Thank you.


Now, what can
I do for you?

I'’m being harassed
by a man.

A man you know?

Oh, yes.

I'’ve met him,
talked to him once or twice.

Where did you meet him?

The mason dixieline.

A place I like
to go to.

That place is
kind of rough, isn'’t it?

Well, it'’s colorful.

I like colorful.

Yes, ma'’am.

What'’s his name?

Ashe crowe.

O.k. Ashe crowe.

Now there'’s
somebody interesting.

Interesting? Why?

She teaches at the school
with althea.

More rumors fly around
about her

Than the football team.


She'’s a swinger,

To use moderate language.


You mean popular?

Well, that'’s too moderate.


No, I guess
I mean "seeking."


We used to call that

But I forget the word.

What did jeanette marshall
have to say?

She said a fella
named ashe crowe

Has been annoying her--
that is, harassing her.

Had she dated him?

That'’s the funny thing.

She says she was willing,

But he never responded.

Some guys make advances
and never follow through.

they'’re insecure.

That'’s all they want to do,
is keep bothering women?

That'’s right.

Maybe a restraining order
might help.

Well, I suggested that,

But she can'’t afford
the attorney,

Nor the publicity
that might bring.

That'’s his place
of business there.

Seems funny, though,

That a woman who
chases after men--

If that'’s
the kind she is--

Would complain
about a man chasing
after her.

Maybe he'’s repulsive.

Ashe crowe.

It'’s an odd name.

Need a signature
on this, chief.

Parker, where do I
know the name
ashe crowe from?

A while back
we cited him

For using dynamite
without a permit.

He was blowing up
tree stumps.

No arrests?

No, sir,

But I heard he was
in trouble in the army

And then got out.

Go have an informal
talk with him,

Sort of
warn him off.

I did that once
with a fella.

Did he listen to you?

No, but this
fella might.

What happened
to that fella?

Oh, the woman
finally sh*t him.

On his deathbed,
he repented

And asked her
to marry him.

She accepted him,
he recovered,

They got married,
and they ran away
to arkansas.

I'’ll be right with you.

I'’ve passed
this place for years
but never came in.

Why not?

I guess I'’m just
so fond of seeing
animals alive.

So am i.

I don'’t k*ll them,
you know.

I only preserve
their natural beauty.

How can I help you?

Jeanette marshall
came into the station
to complain about you.

I greatly admire jeanette.

She says you keep
annoying her.

You keep phoning her,
following her
in a pickup truck,

Snapping her

I never touched her.

She never
said you did.

I never threatened her,
never laid a hand on her.

She say that?

No, but she said
she was tired of you
bothering her.

Now, she told us
that today flat out.

I didn'’t know it was
against the law

To express your feelings
for someone.

Crowe, she just
ain'’t interested
in your feelings.

But hey,
that happens
to all of us.

She goes out
with a lot of men.

I got a list of nine.

It bothers you
that she goes out
with lots of men?

She gives herself to them,

To any male trash
she finds in a h*nky-tonk.

Crowe, if that'’s true,
it'’s kind of sad,

But you and I
got no right

To interfere
with that whatsoever.

What I want you to do

Is, uh...

Leave her alone.

You people can'’t
tell me what to do.

We can tell you
what not to do,

And we can keep
an eye on you.

This is so typical--

Hi, honey.

Oh, hi.

You'’ve met
jeanette marshall.

Yeah. Hi.

Virgil, I'’m sorry
to intrude,

But I didn'’t
get much help
at the station.

It'’s a shame
we can'’t do more.

Unless this fellow
molests you in front
of witnesses--

Molest how?

He'’s scaring
her to death.

We can'’t just grab him.

Why not?

Look, you'’ve been through
worse than this yourself,

And you know
the problem we face.

Can'’t you scare him?

We sent somebody
to talk to this man.

Uh, we'’ll do our best.

These fellas
always plead innocent.

The woman is always
the seducer,

Whether she'’s the shy,
retiring type or--


Don'’t say it.

Say what?

I don'’t know
what word I wanted.

Nymphomaniac, maybe.

That was the word,
wasn'’t it, althea,

That mrs. Nivens
used at the pta?

Those women
wanted me fired.

Virgil did not
mean that.


If you find me
hanging from
my apple tree,

Do pick up
ashe crowe
and grill him,

Just a little,
just to be doing

Why didn'’t you
mention the pta?

Because it'’s absurd.

Why should this woman'’s
private life

Bother those cackling hens?

She'’s a terrific
math and science teacher.

That'’s all that matters.

That'’s all that
should matter.

What'’s going to happen?

We'’ll do the best we can.

Excuse me?

I said, we'’ll do
the best we can.

Uh, chief.

Army says crowe
was charged with
harassing women

At two different

Same thing as here,

Plus some
peeping-tom stuff.

What did he do
in the army?


Construction, demolition.
In the engineers.

Did he get
counseling for this?

Yes, but it would
be hard getting
those reports.

They shuffled him
from fort jackson
to fort campbell,

Then general
discharged him.

If I were as tough a man
as they say I am,

I'’d be asking why,

With everything
we have to do,

We'’re spending so much
talking time

On a peeping tom.

Why are we?


I guess because I get
such a gloomy feeling
about that man.


Yeah, chief?

I'’ve been worrying
about that young woman

Being bothered by--
what'’s his name?

His name'’s ashe crowe.


I was thinking about
another fella,

Somebody I knew personally,

Same type,

Kind of creepy,

Went around
threatening people,

But after awhile,

We stopped thinking
about him,

Didn'’t pay
attention to him.

One day he got up,
went to his neighbor,

Said hello,
and sh*t the man dead.

You want me to do something
about this guy crowe?

Uh, what?

You know, follow him,

See what he'’s up to?

We can'’t provide a private
security agency

For young women
like jeanette marshall.

She is a teacher, chief,

A public employee,
just like us.

She deserves
some extra interest.

Sure enough.

Well, if you happen
to be moseying around town...

I'’ll see you
tomorrow, chief. Thank you.

[Country music plays]

You ready to take mama
home to bed?

Daddy'’s got
to hit the john,

Then we'’re
out of here.

Go away!

You'’re living
a dirty life, jeanette.

You are sick.

You need help.

Go get help.

You'’re the one
who needs help.

I just want
to save you.

Well, I don'’t want
to be saved.

I just want
to be used.

That'’s why I got
to k*ll you.

Ha ha. What?

Is he kidding?


He is merely insane.

Are you serious?

Dead serious.

I'’m ready.

Hi, lonnie.

Bo, did you hear
what that guy said?

He said he was
going to k*ll
that woman.

And you know,
I believe
he meant it.

[Church bell tolling]

We could arrest crowe
for disturbing the peace,

But he'’d be fined
and freed the same day.

What happened to the right
not to be hounded?

miss marshall,
nothing at all.

But crowe
also has a right
not to be hounded.

Threatening to k*ll me has
to be against the law.

It is.

But the law
requires that other
people besides you

Hear him say that.

We could always put
a tap on your phone, miss.

And listen
to all my calls?

We'’d only be interested
in the ones from him.

I can'’t go for that.

You could wear
a wire.

We could put
a little microphone
on you.

Then you let him

We record
what he says.

Of course,
there'’s some risk.

I don'’t like that.

I don'’t like it,

I'’m meeting someone
for those services.

Can I think about it
and get back to you?


You had your eye on me,
and I never knew.

That'’s right.

I usually sense
that sort of thing.


Services? Her?

Well, there'’s no
contradiction in that.

Rather, it'’s typical
of our species.

[Clears throat]

Nadine tucker?

I was expecting
to see the chief,

Or at least
bubba skinner.

I'’ve known
sergeant skinner
since he was a kid.

He'’s a captain now.
Maybe I can help you.

Somebody'’s been
indecently using
your property?

That'’s right.
They park
in that grove.


Can you be more
explicit about that?


You don'’t know exactly
what they were doing?

Certainly I know,

But I won'’t say anything
more than indecent.

The same car,
three different times.

Same woman,
always a different man.

When was the last time?

Night before last.


Always that one woman.

You ever speak to her?

Certainly not.

Can you describe her?

Well, only to say
she'’s a good-looking

Or seems to be.

Can you identify
the vehicle?

I sure can.

I can even give you
the license number.


Well, thank you.

We'’ll run this down.

[Bell rings]

You'’d have more time.

Miss tibbs,
mr. Tibbs is here.

Hi. What brings
you here?

I needed to speak
to jeanette.

And not me?


Althea, please.

You can make
that kind of joke
about anybody but me.

Don'’t be hypersensitive.

Police work?

It won'’t take long.

I'’ll get us
some fresh coffee.

I'’d prefer it
if you stayed.

Do you know a woman
named nadine tucker?

I don'’t think so.

Well, she says you
were parking
on her property,

With men.

Et cetera,
et cetera.


That is bizarre.

Well, that was
the reaction
of the officer

Who took


She described you
as a good-looking

No doubt about that.

She also gave
your license
plate number.

No doubt
about that either.

There is something
phony going on here.

Just for the record,

Where were you
night before last
at 10:00?

I was here
at the high school,

the drama club play.

So were you.

That'’s right.
And after the play

We went to the mall
for coffee and cake.


Why, bubba skinner.

Hello, nadine.

You mind
if we come in?

Of course.


You shouldn'’t have told
that tale about
the teacher, nadine.

I didn'’t tell tales
about nobody.

Ma'’am, you told
another officer

That jeanette marshall
brings men

Onto your property--

for indecent purposes.

Did ashe crowe
tell you to?

Ashe crowe'’s a friend.

My late husband
was his best customer.

Nadine. Nadine.

Why did you tell
that lie for him?

He said a wicked woman--

A harlot
went to the police

To spread dirty lies
about him.

So he decided
to even the score.

I guess it was wrong,

But that woman
was lying to y'’all.

Ashe crowe would never
force himself on any woman.

He'’s a gentleman.


What do you mean

Making love in a car
don'’t sound ridiculous
to me.

Sounds exciting.

Maybe to someone 18.

I'’m 35, sugar.

That'’s what's on
your driver'’s license,

But I know
what is inside
your head.

Well, who needs
to be smart?

I don'’t know.

It'’s better
to be fun.


[Radio plays
country music]






Look at this.

Must have
just happened.


So did that.

We got any
casting equipment
with us?

Sure enough do.

I'’ll get it.

Any sign of injuries
besides around the neck?

No. None at all.

Miss marshall
doesn'’t think
it was a su1c1de,

But it sure
looks like it.

Mm-hmm.doesn'’t it?

Yeah, but maybe
that'’s what it's
supposed to look like.

Is that
his writing?

Yeah. Some
canceled checks.

Where is
jeanette marshall?

in the dining room.

This handwriting
interests me.


The way he wrote
these checks tell me
he'’s right-handed.

Look at the knot
on that noose.

You mean,
it'’s on the left.

Yeah. Right-handed people
always knot the noose
on the right.

About that nylon rope.

What about it?

We couldn'’t find it
on the premises, sir.

You mean all
he had was exactly
what he needed

To hang himself?

It doesn'’t
seem likely,
does it?

It sure doesn'’t.

How much longer
am I going
to have to stay?

I feel sick,
my head hurts,

And I'’ve got
cats to feed.

Well, the chief'’s
coming now.

Miss marshall,
I understand
that lowell kessler

Was your boyfriend.

He was a friend.

Intimate friend?

We saw each other
a lot lately.

What is "lately"?

About a month.

When was the last time
you saw him alive?

At about 11:00
last night.

Do you think that
crowe m*rder*d lowell?

I don'’t know for sure
whether anybody
m*rder*d him.

Well, he didn'’t
k*ll himself.

He wasn'’t that kind
of guy. He loved life.

He had fun.
He had no big problems,

And he was just
a nice guy,

And this is just
the most terrible
awful thing.

I feel sick.

I'’m feeling
really sick.

Luann, luann,
go with her.

Chief, I would bet
that dr. Robb will see
that lowell was k*lled

Before he was hung.

His limbs
had not relaxed.

I think rigor mortis
had set in

Before he was
hauled up there.

And then whoever hauled
him up there

Must have cut off
the excess line
and taken it.

Imagine how surprised
I was.

That'’s the first time
you ever called me.

How come you ain'’t
teaching your 10:00
computer math class?

I'’m not well, crowe.

I had to talk to you.

I saw police cars
parked in front
of lowell'’s house.

What were you doing
on his street?

Gettin'’ rid of trash.

I saw your car
parked there, too.

You k*lled him,
didn'’t you?

What if I said yes?

Would that make you

Is that what you want
from me?

I only want
to admire you.

Repent, and I'’ll see
you'’re forgiven.

Why didn'’t you
let lowell repent?

I ain'’t interested
in lowell.

I can'’t trust you.

You say repent.

I'’d repent, and you'd
just punish me anyway.

'’Cause you're vile.

If I repent,
will you love me?

I can'’t love you,

But I can
forgive you.

And then what?

Suppose I repent,

And then I still
want to love
someone else?

'’Cause I will.
I'’m not like you, crowe.

I must have love
in my life.

Evil is what
you must have.

What you hate,
I can'’t live without.

Maybe you shouldn'’t
live at all.

Crowe, wait!

Chief, you there?

Yes, luanne,
did you get him?

I don'’t think
we got enough.

Though he did say
she ought to be dead.

Why can'’t parker
get judge garrison
on that phone?

bring in that tape.

It'’ll back up
a search warrant.

Chief, he left
like he had
something in mind.

All right, luanne,
bring it in.

Right, chief.

Chief, what if
judge garrison

Is his usual
uncooperative self?

What do you mean?

He won'’t give
search warrants
over the phone.

If he is his usual
uncooperative self,

I'’ll be my usual
charming self.

Judge is on line two.

Judge garrison,
bill gillespie here.

How are you? Yes.

Long time.

Before I say
another word,

How'’s linda sue?

Police. Open up.

Come on, now. We got
a warrant out here.

These sure haven'’t
been running around
a health club.

Let'’s see
if they match
our casts, huh?

Violent p*rn.

What can a man
see in this?


Just keeps on
adding up, huh?

Bubba, look what
we'’ve got here.

Some kind
of expl*sive.

Sure is.

It'’s plastic. Looks
like a c-4 composition.

They use this
in the m*llitary.

Probably got ripped off
from an armory.

Good lord, the man'’s
built a b*mb.

to the evidence,

Crowe was most likely
making a package b*mb.

Let me see that thing.

I'’ve heard
of these things.

They explode
when you open them.

to the manual.

Where'’s jeanette?

She should be
back at school.

Virgil, you come ride
with me.

Now, parker,
get the boys.

[Indistinct chattering]

[Bell rings]

Boy: wait up!

[Indistinct chattering]

[Kids yelling]

Oh, man, darlin'’,
did you see a man
running through here?

Sure did. That way.

Look here, everybody.
He'’s heading west.

Cover all exits
on that side.

Tibbs: sweet, stay by
the entrance.
We'’re coming in.

Yes, sir. Jamison
and bubba sighted him.
They'’re after him.

Nothing in here.

Where'’s that b*mb?

Right where it should be.

Too late.
It'’s all over.

You better find
that teacher.

Virgil, we got to find
that teacher fast.

The b*mb'’s been delivered.
You copy?

Virgil, talk to me.


There might be a b*mb.

We have to clear
the school.

jeanette'’s class?

107. Down
to the right.

Minus 4ac,
divided by 2a.

Wh-what'’s the matter?

Did you find a box
or carrying case?


Have you see crowe?

No, but he was here.how do you know?

The candy.what?

He often
brings me candy.

Sometimes my house,
sometimes here.

What do you do with it?

Usually I give it
the old heave-ho.

Mary lou, where'’d
you throw that candy?

Mary lou, where
is it, please?

Get the kids
out of here.

Go with them. Quickly.

All right, everybody
outside. Right away.

Come on. Quickly.
Let'’s go.

All students and personnel,

Evacuate the building

Virgil, give me
the package.

No. Wait.

I'’m the boss. I do not
want the father

Of my small godchildren
fooling with this.

Easy. Easy.

Don'’t worry. It
will only explode

When you start
to unwrap it.

Now go and open
that door for me.

Go on.

I read that manual
on this.

See, the plastic
expl*sive is wired

To a couple of burglar
alarm contacts.

The circuit'’s broken
when the package
is opened.

Then the letter b*mb
or package b*mb explodes
but only then.

to the manual.

[Indistinct chattering]

It goes in here, chief.
We'’ll take it.

Who gave you that?

Sheriff mccomb
sent it over.

Come on.
This thing'’s
getting heavy.

Then again, it may be
the same old candy.

Is that what
he brought her?

[Country music playing]

I told you.
I always know.

Now I'’m starting
to believe you.

So, you following me?

Well, uh, chief
was just wondering
how you were.

How should I be
after being fired?

Gonna leave sparta?

Only if they run me
out of town.

Think they will?


Think they
might try?

I think
they better not.

What would you
advise me to do?

I would advise you
not to make friends

In a place
like this.

Bo, what do you think
of that?

You know, he'’s right.

This really is
a sorry joint,

And I should know,

Because I'’ve been working
here a long time.

Nothing nice
ever happens here?


Nothing I ever heard of.

You know,
I hear in jackson

They got
a video dating service.
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