05x02 - Baby for Sale

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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05x02 - Baby for Sale

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I'’ve got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won'’t be long ♪

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'’ll be all right ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night. ♪

Here are
the overnights.

I signed them
for bubba.

What'’s the matter
with bubba?

Nothing, I'’m just filling in.

Bubba went
to a baby party.

What baby is he
mixed up with now?

Don'’t worry, chief.
There'’s no problem,

The baby'’s mother
is a cousin of bubba'’s.

That'’s right,

She is
a very nice woman.

She finally
got the baby
she'’s wanted

For a very
long time.

Got it under unusual
circumstances, too.

I suppose
you want me to ask you

What were those unusual
circumstances, parker?

Only if you'’re
interested, chief.

I'’m very interested.

But...i don'’t think
it'’s any of my business.

Hey, bubba.

Hello there,
miss candace.

Kevin'’s gonna be
glad to see you.

I brought this
for the little one.

That'’s sweet.
Thank you.

You'’re welcome.
Candace, I was thinking...

If you and me
are cousins,

Then what
does that make

The little boy
to me?

Oh, um...
Cousin once removed?

Yeah, yeah.


Look who'’s here.

Try to cheer him up.
Something'’s got him down.

Hey, how'’s the proud
papa, huh?

No complaints.

You know something?

It'’s just
plum wonderful...

Seeing you celebrating
the first birthday

Of your little boy.

It'’s like a dream
come true.


Well, I'’ve got to get you
something to eat.

No. I'’m trying
to cut down.

[Telephone rings]

I'’ll get that.

Let'’s go say hello
to matthew.

Yeah, let'’s do that.

Would you look at that
little fellow there?

Not a care
in the world.

by nothing
but pure love.

We were a long time

I don'’t know
how we ever
got by without him.

Well, anyway,
what have we here?

Aw, it'’s just...
A little thing
I picked up.

I love presents.

Oh, bubba.
It'’s adorable!

Never too early
to starting thinking

About old miss.

Kevin, look at what
bubba gave matthew.

I'’ve got to leave.

What'’s the matter?

That was
ralph newborn
on the phone.

He says
there'’s a problem
at the mill.

Can'’t someone else
handle it?

No, no.

Listen, I'’ll be back
as fast as I can.

I'’m awful sorry
about this, bubba.

Work'’s work.

Sleep tight,
little man.

Is everything all right
with the baby?

Yeah, sure. Fine.

How long has he
been acting...

Like that?

A few days now.

final adoption hearing
is coming up,

And I think
he'’s worried about it.

It'’s just a formality,
isn'’t it?

Yeah. Unless
there'’s a challenge.

Any chance of that?

No. The father'’s
not even known,

And the mother, patty...
She'’s behind us all the way.

You know we helped her out
with some cash.

What'’s patty
doing now?

I heard she was working
out at western diner.

Luckiest day of our lives
was the day we met patty.

Well, '’cuz,

This old boy'’s
got to hit the road.

Thanks for coming by.
Thanks for the present.





So, you know
what you'’d like?

I'’d like some
sweetened ice tea.

How about
some mud pie?

No, thank you,

Sometimes I forget
I'’m wearing this name tag.

I thought I knew you.

You do know some
kinfolk of mine.


and candace reilly.

real nice people.

Yeah, they are.

I do know you.
You'’re a cop, right?

Yup. Yup.

I best get your tea.

Hey, george.

How you doing,
bubba skinner?

Pretty good.
I was wondering,

Could you give me
the address

Of your
waitress patty?

She done
something wrong?

Well, george,
if you don'’t mind,

Could you just
give me what
I asked you for?

I thought I told you
not to call my house.

You don'’t
want me to call,
do what I say.

I gave patty

She spent it.
Now I want mine.

I ain'’t got
no more money.

And you'’ve got
nothing coming.

Oh, I think
I have, kev.

I'’m the victim here now.

I was so thrilled
to find out I had a son,

I rushed back here
from tennessee

Only to find out

That patty
had sold my child.

I never gave her
permission to do that.

Think of
all the good times

You'’re going
to have with my son.

I ain'’t going
to be around

The first time
he says, "daddy,"

Or the first time
he hits that big home run

In little league.

There'’s no more money.


Then we got ourselves

A little problem here,
don'’t we, boy?

For me,
there'’s no solution.

I'’ll just have to
fight you in court.

get you in debt,

But you won'’t win.

Got no choice.

Yes, you have.

All you got to give me
is nine numbers.

Give you what?

The five-number code

To the alarm system
in newborn'’s mill,

And the four-number code
to the outside door.

Forget it.

O.k., Man.
If that'’s the way
you want it.

I guess the next time
I see you,

It'’ll be in court.

You trash.

You watch your mouth.

You'’re talking
to matthew'’s daddy.

It just seems that

As soon as I manage
to make ends meet,

Somebody comes along
and moves the ends.

Raising a family
is the world'’s
most expensive...

Personal activity.

Tell me about it.

I thought this was
bubba'’s day off.

He came in to run
a tennessee plate.


He'’s worried
about his cousin candace,

Who bought a baby.

Bought what?

Bought a baby from some people
who had one.

It'’s legal...
As long as the adoption
process is legal.

If people choose
to exchange money,

The law doesn'’t mind.

Yeah, but...

It'’s been years
since I heard of anybody...

Doing that.

Tennessee license
plate dda621.

to waylon davis.

I know that name.so do i.

Where do we
know it from?

He hung out with
the olin brothers.

Was he as nasty
as them?

Nobody'’s that bad,
but waylon davis was close.

And he worked
at tyler plumbing
a few years back.

I forget, bubba.

And he had a record,
didn'’t he?

I forget that, too.
Why don'’t you punch it up
on the computer?

Well, parker,
I thought you were

The main computer
on these premises.

He'’s almost asleep.

You two look so
beautiful together.

Special day.

His first birthday.

I'’m sorry I had to leave.


You don'’t need to worry.

going to be o.k.

I promise.

I love you so much.

I love you, too.

we'’re a family now.

Nobody'’s going to ever
take that away from us.

You'’re right.

Well...i better
put matthew down.

We need to talk.

Yes, you swine.

You should
see the line
at the bank.

Pretty long, huh?

Sometimes I wonder

Why I still
bother doing this.

Tradition, dad.
The workers appreciate
your cashing their checks.

Why don'’t I just
pay everybody cash,
like the old days?

A lot of them
want checks,

And you like giving them
what they want.

How did the birthday
party go?

It was quite
an experience.

Thank you
for the day off.

I loved it.

You'’ll find there's
nothing as rewarding
as having children.

What'’s this?

A little something
from me and garvin

For your boy.

It ain'’t
no big deal.

Thank you.

Thank both of you
very much.

It'’s awful kind.

Have a seat, cap.

Well, thank you.

What you want to know
about waylon davis?

First of all,
why did he quit?

He didn'’t quit.
I fired him
two years ago.

Why?the man was no good.

He was rotten. Some people
just born that way.

How, exactly,
did you find out?

He wanted me
to loan him money.

That made
the man rotten?

As you can plainly see,
I'’m a family man,

But I'’m only human.

I had a lovely secretary
who has since left sparta.

Waylon claimed
to know about

to tell my wife

If I didn'’t
help him out.

Sounds like
extortion, don'’t it?

There you go.

What did you
do about it?

I told him to go ahead
and tell my wife.

And I asked him
what hymn he wanted
sung at his funeral.


About a year ago?

Yes, ma'’am.
The mother'’s name
was patty bowden.

You notice more girls
being born than boys?

No, can'’t say
that I have.

The number of boys
has steadily been

And you know why?



Ever since
they put it in
the drinking water,

Women stopped
having boys.

The baby'’s name
is matthew?

Yes, ma'’am.

Well. Thank you
very much for your help.

May i, uh...

As long as
it'’s local.

Thank you.

Yeah, parker.
It'’s sweet.

Can you put me through
to bubba?

Uh, hold on
a second, sweet.

Uh, bubba.

Yeah.sweet'’s on line two.

I'’ll take it in here.

Yeah, sweet?


Well, I had
strong suspicions
about that.

Thanks for calling.

What'’s up?

Waylon davis
is the boy'’s natural father.

You think he may be
putting the squeeze
on kevin?


Virgil, I don'’t know why
they got involved

With a knothead
like him.

Didn'’t they tell you?

No. They said
they was adopting a baby.

They didn'’t say
from where.

Maybe they thought that was
the only way they could go.

Yeah, I guess.

No, I don'’t guess.

If I would have known,
I would have butted in,

Because, virgil,
to pay money for a baby...

That'’s wrong.

The law doesn'’t object.


The law.

The law could be changed

If it'’s brought to the
legislature'’s attention.

Still, they can'’t interfere
with a person'’s right

To make private

Didn'’t you say
the father abandoned
the mother?

That'’s what
candace told bubba.

Surely the court
will look at that

If waylon
challenges the adoption.

But this man
is still the baby'’s
real daddy.

The court will look
at that, too.

But his rights
could be terminated

If the court
found him unfit.

Is he a criminal?

No record.

Is he a criminal
without a record?

That'’s a good question.

Someone could be unfit,
and who would know?

I would.

Just give me five minutes
with a person.

Are bubba'’s friends
adopting through
the state?

I think they tried
and got nowhere.

The state probably spent
five minutes with them

And said, "no."

Public adoptions
of white babies

Takes five
to seven years.


Because you can'’t
get them.

Since when
white people can'’t
get what they want

In mississippi?

There'’s a shortage
of white babies.

Even if a couple
wanted to adopt
a white baby,

They'’d have to go
through checkups--

Financial status, age.
A lot of things.

Yeah. And this guy'’s
over 40,

And I don'’t think
he makes a lot of money.

So they chose
to adopt privately.

Now you see
how lucky you was

To be blessed
with twins.

[Baby cries]

Aunt etta, I count
my blessings

Every day.


I just ought to
sh**t you right now.

Just take it easy.

Put the money down.

All right.

Just don'’t
sh**t me, man.



What happened?

Somebody sh*t
your boss.

Ralph newborn

Garvin found him
this morning

When he came
to work.

Any idea
who did this?

Somebody who knew
his way around here.

Garvin said you and he
were the only ones
with the alarm codes.

That'’s right. Why?

He was wrong.

The burglar knew.
Both alarms were off.

This is...

Really terrible.

I'’m going
to have to ask you
something as a cop.

Go right ahead.

Where were you
last night?

You think that
I had something
to do with this?

No, but I do have to
know where you were.

I was home with
candace and the baby.

Can you give us
when to when?

right through
this morning.

And how are things
with the baby, kevin?


I mean the whole situation
with the baby.

Captain skinner,
the whole situation

Is just fine.

I'’m going
to go on in.

hold on, chief.

Do you have

A lot of
readable prints--
too many.

Most are
probably newborn'’s.


The guy knew exactly
what he was doing.

He also knew
it was payday.

I suppose that'’s
common knowledge
around there.

Yeah. The question
is whether or not

He knew the code
to the alarm

Or just how to
deactivate it.

The boss could'’ve
deactivated it before
he got sh*t.

We got some tire tracks.

It looks like
we'’ll be here a while.

Stay in touch.


Could you come
over here for a moment?

It looks like I found
some blood here.

Seems like newborn might
have winged that bird.



Is that
candace'’s husband?

Yeah, kevin reilly--
trusted employee.

Damn you, it hurts!

Well, I ain'’t

It looks like
it'’s infected.

I got to get
to a doctor,

One that won'’t blab.

You'’re liable to get
blood poisoning.

It'’s fatal.

Well, if I croak,

I'’ll leave
the 18 grand for you.

You'’re running a fever.

Get off of me!

You can'’t go
like this.

Don'’t tell me
what to do.

Suit yourself.

The cops are going to
figure this out.

I told you
this was too risky.

[Knock on door]

It'’s kevin.

Well, let him in.

Why the hell
did you do that?

He just
came in on me.

Would you have
any idea why?

No, I wouldn'’t...

But I think
the police know.

I told you.

Shut up!

Know what?


Maybe everything.

Did you get
your money?

I got a few bucks,

Then you both
better leave town.

How am I supposed
to do that?

Fly like a bird?

He got sh*t.

What more do you
want from me?

I want you to keep
your trap shut.

I'’ll let you know
when I need your help.

Hey, I want you
to remember something.

If I go down...

I'’m taking you
with me...


Kevin'’s alibi
checked out.

He was home
last night.

You still think
he'’s involved?

He couldn'’t have.
He'’s too nice.

My gut feeling
says he was.

Know him, parker?

No, sir.

What are you
talking about?

His wife candace
is one of sparta'’s
finest ladies.

How do you know?

Asked her to marry me.

She turned me down.

Chief, it does appear
inside information

Was used to deactivate
that alarm.

Why are you guessing

That waylon davis
was mixed up in this?

'’Cause he's resorted
to extortion before.

Chief, we just got
some information.

owns a .22 p*stol.

We think a .22
is what k*lled
ralph newborn.

You think?

We got to get
the slugs

And check
the ballistics,

But, yeah.

Hmm. Well,
say something, virgil.

The man'’s never
been convicted

Of anything more than
a traffic violation.

If we find him,

And he'’s nursing
a b*llet wound...

Well, I sho'’ hope we're
wrong about your friend.


I heard about
what happened
to ralph newborn.

Who told you?

Bubba was here.

He was here?


Well, he'’s working
on the case.

What did he
ask you?

what'’s going on?



I'’m in
a lot of trouble.

I'’ve done something...

really terrible.

Honey, no matter
what it is,

I know we can
handle it.

No, it'’s too late now.

No. It is never too late.
Not for us.

Come here.

You'’re so good.


Police! Open up!


Blood'’s still tacky.

Must not have
missed them by much.


Look at this.


A welding torch.

All we need
to do now

Is find out
where the owner is.

Can I help you?

Uh, yeah.
Is bubba skinner around?

How are you doing,

I got some things
I want to tell you.

Why don'’t we go
talk to the chief?

Chief, this here'’s
kevin reilly.

He'’s got some things
he wants to tell you.

All right, sir.
Go ahead.



Bubba knew.

I don'’t know
how he knew, but, um--

You told me
in different ways.

Now tell me.

It'’s my fault
that ralph newborn
was k*lled.

But you didn'’t
sh**t him yourself?

No, sir.

I wasn'’t in the yard

The night of the burglary.

Waylon davis did it.

You see...

Waylon was the
natural father of my baby.

He was going to
challenge the adoption.

He was going
to take my baby,

So I gave him
the alarm codes.

Kevin, why didn'’t you
come to me for help?

'’Cause I was a fool.

I ain'’t gonna
argue with that.

There'’s a chance
it wouldn'’t have
stood up in court.

I was afraid
to take that chance.

I was thinking
about my wife.


Do you know where
waylon davis is now?


Anybody with him?

I don'’t know.

Maybe his wife.

He keeps his g*n

In his right pants leg.

Do you hear that,

Yes, sir.

Parker, book mr. Reilly

For conspiracy
to commit a felony

And accessory to m*rder.

Yes, sir.

Come with me,
mr. Reilly.

Candace didn'’t have

Nothing to do
with this, chief.

I would stake
my life on that.

Jamison and sweet
are on route 9.

They spotted waylon davis.
Radio four.

Jamison, sweet--

Is davis on his way
to the interstate?

Maybe, chief,
but he can stay on 9
if he'’s heading north.

I'’m going to hit 9
at clyde road.


Luann, get virgil on this
right away, will you?

Yes, sir.

Hang on.
We'’re almost on him.

Hell, if he'’s
only got a .22,

We shouldn'’t have
too much trouble.

We'’re going to
pull him over.

I'’m rolling on 9
right now.

I'’m going to be
right with you, bubba.

You'’re going
to k*ll us!

Shut up!

We'’re on
ol'’ carver farm road

Out past the graveyard.

The tulies, gentlemen,
the tulies.

I'’m heading
right at him.

Get in the bag.

O.k., Let'’s not make
a big fuss, mr. Davis.

Put your hands up
and walk on out.


More like
two times .22.

Hold on. He got to be alive
to take that m*rder rap.

Waylon, please.

I don'’t want to die.

I ain'’t going
to k*ll you.

Now, these guys out here,
you never know.


You boys cover me now.


Come on out, man!

You don'’t want to come out
horizontal. Give up!

Here you go.

Get off of me
so I can k*ll you.

Will you shut up?

Well, I think we got
this ol'’ boy, huh?

I have heard the facts
surrounding this case.

They are
quite extraordinary.

There'’s no doubt
in my mind that matthew

Should not be returned
to his natural parents,

If and when they should be
released from prison.

However, adoptive laws
have as their primary focus

The promotion of
the welfare of the child,

Rather than the desire
of the adoptive parents,

To enjoy the privileges
of parenthood.

That being said,

Is there anything more
you wish to say?

I know what
kevin did was wrong.

He knows what he did
was wrong,

But his actions,
however misguided,

Were taken out of love
for matthew.

So noted.

Mr. Tibbs.

I thought your honor
might like to know

Kevin reilly'’s attorney
reached an agreement

With district attorney
darnelle'’s office.

And what is
that agreement?

Mr. Reilly will spend
five years on probation

In return for
turning state'’s evidence
against waylon davis,

If it pleases
the court.

Perhaps probation
is the best answer

For all concerned.

I'’m going to place matthew
in your continuing custody.

That custody will be
monitored by social services.

This case
will be reviewed again

In six months.

Does that mean that
we can keep matthew?

till I rule otherwise.

You may go.

Will you hold

Sure. I do
a lot of that
these days.

Thank you so much.

I don'’t know
how to thank you.

Candace, we'’re family.
No thanks needed.

There may not be
a need for thanks,

But there'’s definitely a need
to change this baby'’s diaper.

I speak with
twicethe experience
of everyone present.
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