04x06 - Heart of Gold

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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04x06 - Heart of Gold

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

How about that
jelly doughnut?

No jelly doughnut,
I beg you.

Why can't parker
make coffee like this?

You do what you can.

Did bubba give you
that kimbrough file?


I guess I have to
go through his desk.

Well, where is he?

Visiting his uncle efrem
in birmingham.

He has no uncle efrem
in birmingham

Or anywhere else in
the land of the living.

Of course not.
It's a woman.


What is she going to be
like from birmingham?

That young man
has no judgment
with regard to women.

He will never find one
with a brain

Or a penny to her name.

Come on.
You can do it.

Come on, fella.

Yeah, chrissy,
you sure do have
a beautiful place here.

Worth $2.5 million
on the market.

But nothing to me
without someone
to share it with.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, I do,
and it embarrasses
me a little.


I should be
offering you
the good things.

Oh, come on.

Who offers who
should mean nothing

To people who love
each other.

I don't suppose
it should.

And I love you.

I feel real strong
about you.

But you don't want
to marry me?

I didn't say that, now.

Well, we should
get going.

I wouldn't want you
to be late for work.

You let me worry
about work, huh?

Bubba get back yet?

He's on duty
this afternoon.

Chief, bubba did not
spend his weekend
in birmingham.


Want to know where?



What do you mean,

I mean sparta.

He was with a friend.

You know, a fair friend.

You want to know who?


Christine anderson.

Christine anderson?

Yes, sir.

Christine anderson
married earle millings.

And buried him.

Yeah, old earle passed on
in april in jackson.

He left christine
a considerable fortune
in local property.

She's working
with his lawyer trying
to get it all together.

where do you get all
this interesting stuff?

From a friend
in the hall of records.

A fair friend.

Why didn't bubba
ever mention
any of this?

He probably
didn't know

That police officers had
to report their romances.

He doesn't
have to hide them.

He's not
hiding anything.

No, sir.

Step outside
and see for yourself.

Go ahead,
take a look outside.

Did you have
a nice weekend?

You talking to me?

Yeah, and anybody else
the question
might apply to.

Chief, this here is
christine millings.

I believe we've met.

How have you been?

Why, fine.

I'm sorry
I didn't hear about earle.

Sam dortland was supposed
to let everybody know.


Yeah, how's sam
these days?

Fine, chief.


Well, see you.

I'm just asking
for some consideration.

You're paying
part-time wages
for full-time work.

I'm paying
what we agreed.

We did not agree
on the work.

Mr. Dortland, I can't
take care of your yard,

Your house,
and run your errands.

There just ain't
enough time.

If you worked
as hard as you drank,

I think you'd manage it.

I ain't done no drinking
on your time.

How I spend my time
is my business.

Maybe you should
have more time
for your own business.

Our deal is over.


You're fired, morgan.

Pack up and be out
of the cottage by tomorrow.

Get out!

Get out!

My ex-caretaker.

Come on in.

Now, what can I do
for you, chris?

I want a new executor
of the will.

Legally impossible.

Your husband
appointed me
to handle the estate.

Why is liquidating
the assets taking so long?

Earle's been dead
three months.

I want to
get out of here.

The market's down.

Good offers
aren't coming in.

Then take the best offer.

Who's pushing you,
your cop friend?

You didn't think
I knew about that?

I don't get it.

What's he got now
he didn't have
when you were 17?

I love him.

But that's something
you wouldn't understand.


What do you call
our weekend
in aiken?

A mistake.

A year of waiting--

Now you tell me
we got no future

You waited?

I waited
with earle millings
for 15 years.

Don't talk to me
about waiting.

Never easy
marrying for money.

But you,
you started out poor.

Shouldn't be hard
to go back.

What do you mean?

An interesting

You should
take a look at it.

[Intercom buzzes]


Your 1:00
is here.

I'll be with him
in a minute.

Yes, sir.

the last thing I'd want

Is for you and me
to become enemies.

Come by
my place tonight.

We'll have a drink,
we'll talk.

We'll work it out.

Whatever you're trying--


Somebody looking for
that kimbrough report?

Yeah, thank you.

Hey, bubba.

Chrissy millings,
she's sure looking fine.

Yeah, she sure is,
isn't she, chief?

She's got a lot more
going for her
than just her looks.

when I'm out with her,

I feel like
I'm out of my element.


You and she
go back to high school.

A lot has happened
since then.

She's come into
a whole mess of money.

to popular opinion,

Money doesn't
change people very much.

It might exaggerate
something that's
already there,

But that's it.

Anything else?



I don't know, chief.

This gal,
she's got me
going upside down,

in and out...

Now, bubba,
I don't want
to hear any details.

I wasn't going
to tell you
what's going on.

It's just that
she's got me
a tad confused

About how I feel.

How so?

I...think I love her.


Trouble is, I don't know
how to tell her.

I can't tell her.

Uh, the words
just won't come out.

And that gets her upset.

Well, uh,
send her some flowers.



Yeah, I ought
to do that, huh?


Or a present--
a little sweetheart gift.

That's it.

A sweetheart gift.

That's what I'll do.
Thanks, chief.

Sweetheart gift.

It was nothing.
Your daughter
dropped her bottle.

She's got it.

She'll stay quiet now?

She should.

Will he?

If we're lucky.

Will we ever sleep
another eight-hour
night again?

Of course!

When we're old.

You know,
someone should
let bubba know

What he's
getting into.

Is he getting married?

So I hear.

High-school sweetheart.

How romantic.

Better than that.
She's got money.

Since when have you
been concerned about money?

Since those two upstairs

So, bubba's girl...

Did she
inherit this money?

She married it.

And then?

She became
a lonely widow.

No, no. She became
a merry widow.

Money doesn't
make you merry.

What does?

[Baby crying]


Would you look at you?

Going somewhere?

Just a quick errand.

I guess I shouldn't have
just dropped by like this.

I never mind you
dropping by.

It's the leaving
that bothers me.

Want to come in?

Yeah, just a minute.
I'm still on duty.

Seeing me
is a duty?

You know
that's not true.

Chrissy, uh,
remember we were
talking this morning?


Yeah, well, you know me.

It's always
been hard for me
to say what's inside.

Bubba, I don't
want to rush you
into anything.

I feel like
I'm pressuring you
all the time.

I don't mean to.

You haven't. You haven't.

Hell, a man
ought to be able
to say what he feels.

And, chrissy...

This is how I feel.

Oh, bubba.

You like it?

It's beautiful.

I want to put it on.

Thank you.

Well, uh, I think
I've used up my minute.

I swear,
one of these days,

We'll have
all the minutes we want.

[Knock on door]

[Knock knock]

[Knock knock]

You're late.

I had a visitor.

Your cop?


My cop.

You had something
to show me?

Tell me.

Did you really live
in a one-room shack,

Or is that
just an expression?

What are you
getting at?

You may have to
get used to
being poor again.

A few days
before he d*ed,

Your husband
gave me another will.


Read the copy.


To the church?

Three churches,
in fact.

One in memphis, one here,
and one on television.

Earle got religion
at the end.

Thought he could
buy his way
into heaven.

My mama had
the same thought.

I said, "mama,
what you got
won't buy the ticket."

She said,
"you're right."

And she left it all
to me.

This can't be right.

It is.

Of course,

I don't have to
show it
to anybody else.

If I go off with you.

I can't believe
you're that naive.

I was about to
say that to you.

What would you gain?

A woman who
doesn't want you.

You only
feel that way today.

Let's just talk
about money.

There is
a lot of it here
for both of us.

I have money.

It always
goes back to that
with you, doesn't it?

It'll be interesting
to see how you do
without it.

Oh, I will fight this.

In court.

Go ahead.

The costs
will break you,

And your country cop
will leave you.

Too bad, christine.

We could've worked out

A wonderful life


I came in this morning.
That's how I found him.

Thank you, ma'am.
You've been
real helpful.

Cleaning lady
found the body.

Anybody else
on the premises?

Caretaker lives
back here.

Today's his day off.
We're looking for him.

Somebody b*at him
with something.

This tennis player
looks to be
the something.

Been dead awhile.

Sometime around

I'd guess.

Billfold and watch
are missing.

How well
did you know him?

Chrissy introduced me
to him once.

Nice fella?

Can't say I really
cared for him much.

Struck me as being
a real uppity type,
you know?

Excuse me.
Is it ok to move
the body now?


Ok. Go ahead.

The prints
in the bedroom
ain't much good.

Can they be helped?

It's up to the lab.

I did find
something else,

I found it
right on top
of the dresser.

Now why would
a burglar

Leave something
like that behind?

Maybe he missed it.

It was
out in the open.
Left there.

Well, maybe
he found it

And then
forgot to take it.


Yes, luann?

The lab phoned.

No prints
on the trophy

And no readable prints
on the window, either.

Thank you, luann.


The ground
outside that window

Is surrounded
by flowers.

The only way
to get in the window

Is to mash down
some of the flowers.

But suppose the guy
walked right in
the front door?

Had a key.

An associate.

A girl friend.

who became an enemy.

the search warrant.

We can go through
his records.

What about
that caretaker?

We're still
looking for him.

And what about
this ring?

I've seen a couple
that big. I'd say
$20,000 at least.

Did he have
a lady friend?

I don't know.

No, I don't
know of any.

Of course,
being a lawyer,

He was always
involved in,
you know,

bad stuff.

Thank you.

Did sam
ever discuss
business with you?

Only my own
business matters.

Did he seem worried
about anything


Of course, if he was,
he'd never show it.

Was there a woman
in his life?

Not that I know of.

He never mentioned
a woman?

Well, not
in that way, no.

I thought you were
looking for a thief.

We are. We are.

Among other people.


Thank you.

Would you let me know
if you find anything?

Sam was a good friend.

Of course.

And you call me
if you think
of anything.

Really good.


Excuse me just a second.

Sparta police department.
Parker williams speaking.

How can I help you?

Yes, ma'am.

Well, thank you, ma'am.
Can I get your name, ma'am?


Excuse me.

Is jamison
still looking

For ramsey morgan,
the handyman?

Sure is.

We got a tip--

A woman saw a light
in ramsey's cottage.

Who's the woman?

She just hung up.

One of them
monogamous tips.

Come in,
sergeant jamison.

[Telephone rings]

[Baby cries]




This is
christine millings.

I hope I haven't
disturbed you.


Not at all.

Did you think
of something?

I did.
I suppose it could
wait till morning.

Uh, no. That's
all right, really.

What is it?

Well, this might not
mean anything,

But when I visited
sam dortland
the other day,

He was having
an argument
with his caretaker,

That man morgan.

Nothing physical,

But he did fire him,

And the man
looked pretty angry.

Thank you, ma'am.

I'm glad you called,
so don't worry about it.

What you told me
is very important.

Good night, now.

Good night.

That tip paid off.

Found these
in morgan's room.

These things
belong to dortland?

Yes, sir.

Now we know why morgan's
been hard to find.

Parker just got
a call about him now.

I just heard
from randy.

He's got a make
on morgan's pickup.

a mistake, though.


If ramsey
k*lled somebody,

He's not fool enough
to stay in sparta.

It takes a fool
to commit m*rder.

Get back on the horn.
Get randy some backup.

Yes, sir. Right on it.

Randy, I heard
you know this fella.

I sure do.
Smart fella.

Randy played
checkers with him
last time we jailed him.

Bubba, he b*at me.

Yeah, well, randy,
you take around back.

[Loud music plays]

You ramsey morgan?

Yeah. What you want?


Hey, how you
doing, ramsey?

Come on now, mr. Morgan.

I was going to pay
them traffic tickets.

This ain't
about no traffic tickets.

You're under arrest
for the m*rder
of mr. Samuel dortland.

I haven't been back.

The last time
I saw dortland
was when he fired me.

What was his watch
and wallet doing
in your bureau?

I don't know how
they got there.

Somebody's doing this to me.
I was with
ernie hotchkiss.

Somebody go find ernie.

I got peake
looking for him.

What were you doing?



His place.

Ho ho.
Ernie hotchkiss
threw a party, huh?

He just had a jug
of homemade, that's all.

Well, we're going
to hold you, ramsey.

I knew it.

Come on, mr. Morgan.



What do you think?

I think
he's telling the truth.

How much did he have?

About 5 bucks.

Why would he
leave dortland's
fat old wallet

When he went out
looking for fun?

These were
in mr. Dortland's
office stuff.

Thank you, luann.

Credit card receipts
from allanby's florist.

It seems like dortland
was sending someone flowers

On a regular basis.

It's the same old story--
find the woman.

Don't you mean,
cherchez la femme?

[Knock on door]

I'm coming, coming.


I thought
I'd surprise you.

And you sure did.

What are you
doing for dinner?

I'm frying some chicken.

Let's go to jackson

And eat in
their best restaurant?

We celebrating


Our good luck
and that incredible fate

That brought us together
after all these years.

Well, life do take
some interesting turns,
don't it?

We've got so much
to make up for.

We should go
and see the world.

We should leave tonight.


You know you'd need
at least a week to pack.

I'm serious.

Say the word, I'll go.

Easy now. Easy.

We got lots of time.

There's never
as much time
as we think.

Life just
goes rushing by,

And you have to
reach out and grab
what you want,

Or it's gone.

I lost you once.

Hey, come here.

I want you to look here.

We were young,

And we made
some young mistakes,

But that is old news.

I just don't want it
to happen again.

I love you so much.

All them sweet words,

And you already stopped
wearing my heart.


I must
have forgotten it.

It's ok.
It's ok.

The one
that counts is here.

You were right.

Dortland was k*lled
between 11:00 and 12:00.

He was
drinking a bit, too.

Think he was
taken by surprise?

There's no sign
of a struggle,

No scratches,

No bruises, except
the wound to the head.

That's the interesting
part, though.

What is?

The first wound
was superficial.

It was the second one
that k*lled him.

So whoever hit him
may not have been
very powerful.

May have been weak.

A strong man would
have done more damage.

But morgan's a pretty
strong fellow, isn't he?

He didn't do it.

The question is,

Who planted dortland's
things in morgan's house?

Who gave you the tip
on the light
showing in that house?

We don't know.

A woman.

Chrissy gave me the tip
about dortland and morgan.

She was right.
Morgan was fired.

He got angry and drunk.

Chief, according
to the florist,

Mr. Dortland was
sending flowers
to christine millings.

Let me see this...

Do people write love stuff
on these receipts?

Some folks do.

"Lunch was great.

"How about dinner
and breakfast?

Love, sam."


Something was going on.

Where was this woman

When dortland was hit
on the head?

[Knock on door]


Good afternoon, ma'am.

Won't you come in?

Thank you.


What else
can I tell you?

We were talking
about samuel dortland.

Yes. He fired morgan.

Yes, you told me,
and it was very helpful,

But what can you tell me
about his personal life?

Please, sit down.

Thank you.


Practically nothing.

Would you mind
explaining these, then?

Those flowers
didn't mean anything.

At the least, they meant
he was fond of you.

I didn't do anything
to encourage him,

But I suppose that's true.

Why didn't you
mention them before?

I didn't want to give
bubba the wrong idea

In case you and he
were talking.

So, where were you
the night of the m*rder?

What difference
does it make?

You caught
sam's k*ller, didn't you?


Ramsey morgan
didn't do it.

Well, then, who did?

We're still hoping
that someone who
knew him well

Might be able
to tell us.

Afternoon, ma'am.

Hey, bubba.

You accusing
chrissy of m*rder?

No, bubba. Not yet.

What does that mean?

The facts in that file
speak for themselves.
Why don't you read it?

I don't have to.

Dortland sent
chrissy flowers.

So what?

We can't forget chrissy
as a possible suspect.

Chief, you're way off
on this one now.

The man
was nothing to her.

Bubba, she's a suspect.

I don't
believe that.

Sit down
and read this file!

I'm sorry.

Yeah, you are sorry--

You a sorry excuse
for a detective.

I'll pass the bar
before this is through.

We'll need more
help with this.

Like a lawyer.

And a cpa
and some assistants.

Take a look at this.

Well, if that doesn't open
bubba's eyes, nothing will.

Hi, bubba.

Hey, ms. Tibbs.

Uh, is virgil home?

No, bubba,
he left for the station.

They found something
very important
about the dortland case.

That's why
I wanted to see him.

Guess you heard, huh?

Yeah. Virgil told me.

I don't want there
to be any hard feelings.

Oh, bubba,
virgil understands.

I surely understand.

It's rough when
people put someone
you like in a bad light.

Yes, ma'am,
it sure can be.

I wish there was
something I could say.

Bubba, you're
my friend, my coach.

You already have.

Speaking of that, how
are the little tibbses?

They're fine.

They're busy at
their favorite activity.

Look. Ain't you cuter
than a bug's ear?

Listen, bubba,
I know it's hard,

But if you take
a few steps back...

I know--get a little

Well, I better
be running off now.

Thanks a lot.

Bye-bye, now.

Millings' new will
is dated seven days
before he d*ed.

Didn't mention
christine at all.

Dortland must have
held it, I guess.


Until the night
she k*lled him.

Maybe he said,
"marry me or else."

That's crazy.

Love is crazy.


Yes, sir?

Where's that
dortland m*rder file?


Well, uh...

Bubba stopped by
and picked it up.

I figured it was ok
to give it to him.

Hey, girl.

You got a few minutes?

Yeah. Always.

Come here.

Bubba, the police,
the rest of them,

They think
the worst, I know.

Yeah, well,
they got to keep
open minds about things.

You, too?

Yeah, sure.

The difference is, I'm
plumb crazy about you.



That's what
that heart meant.

I feel terrible
about losing it.

Aw, don't worry
about that.

That heart
can be replaced.

Come here.

This investigation
is running me ragged,

But, we'll
wind it up tomorrow,

'Cause we going to tear

That caretaker's
house apart.

What else
are you looking for?

We figure
whoever set morgan up,

they forgot something,

Left something behind.

If someone set him up.

Yeah. Yeah.

Well, uh...

Suppose I got to go.

When will I see you?


Real soon.

You looking for this?

I guess...

I dropped it...


You don't know
how much I was hoping

That you
wouldn't show up here.

I know
what you're thinking.

I think
you k*lled dortland.

All right.

I did.

But it was self-defense.

He was trying to--

hush, hush, hush.

I read the report,

And I got
a pretty good idea
why you k*lled the man.

Sam was trying to ruin me.

There was never
anything between us...

But he wanted me
for himself.

When I said no,
he threatened
to take all I had away.

You had me.

He never could
have took that away.

I did it for us.

Everything was
going to be ours.

It still can be.

You just
got to stand by me.

Don't say anything
about the little heart...


Just tell them
you believe in me.

I can't...

Because I don't.

And that just about
does it, don't it?

Please, bubba...

A quick drive to jackson.

A flight to atlanta.

Then london.

We could be far away
in a few hours.

No, chrissy.

I'm going to have
to take you in.

That little heart.

If only I hadn't
dropped it here.

Well, you didn't.

I found it
in your driveway.


Yes, sir?

Part of this file
you haven't read yet.

We found a will
giving all of millings'
estate to charity.

She wanted it all.

That's always been
chrissy's problem.

Well, no harm in that,

Long as you
can reconcile yourself

To what "all"
really means.

Hey, uh, virgil...

Sorry about, uh...
Jumping on you.

affairs of the heart

Make us all
a little crazy.


I'm real sorry.

Yeah, uh...


this little doodad...

in the evidence room.


Yes, sir?

Get to the cells and
turn ramsey morgan loose.

He's not ready
to leave right now, sir.

Why not?

He's playing
checkers with randy.

Oh, I don't like
to interrupt that,

Seeing how
the man's freedom

Is of
secondary importance,

But tell him
I need the space.
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