03x06 - Anniversary

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "In the Heat of the Night", Aired: March 6, 1988 – May 16, 1995.*
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A sequel to the 1967 film, follows the cases and adventures of the police forces in and around Sparta, Mississippi.
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03x06 - Anniversary

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ I've got troubles
wall to wall ♪

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ Yeah

♪ Must be an ending
to it all ♪

♪ Oh

♪ But hold on

♪ It won't be long

♪ Just you be strong

♪ And it'll be all right

♪ In the heat of the night

♪ In the heat
of the night ♪

Callaghan, fbi.
Line two.

Get him on this
thing here.

Chief's here,
mr. Callaghan.

Morning, chief gillespie.

Want me
to record this?

That would be
sneaky, wouldn't it?

Well, they do it.

He's right. You'll hear
the advisory beeps.

to begin with,

This brotherhood
of aryan people,

Known as
the b.o.a.p.,

They're still
in existence,

And several
of their members

Are awaiting
trial for m*rder
down here.

The main victim being your
replacement, chief dugan.

That's right, sir.


What was that?

That was
your advisory beep.

He told you
about it, chief.

Well, o.k. Um...

I was kidnapped
by these aryan idiots.

I'm not going to tell you
what I saw

And what other people
told me they saw.

Let's get
out of here.

[Flies buzzing]

You a hunter?

I've hunted some.

Saw your g*n
sticking out.

I used to carry
my r*fle that way--

Broke down
in the bag.


Hunting ain't what
it used to be
in mississippi.

Depends on
who you are and
what you're hunting.



Hey! Hey!

I noticed
you're looking
at your watch.

Somebody meeting
you in sparta?



Will you drop me
where I can
call a taxi?



Thank you.

Where have you been?

The whole county's
looking for you
and captain dugan.

I'm in a hurry.

Yes, sir.

[Indistinct chatters]


Look at you!

You really look good.

Well, I feel fine.

I feel just fine.

I'm afraid
we'll have to send

An investigative team
back to the woods

To pick up
paul dugan.

Uh, hey, chief...

It's fbi agent barriman.

Well, not now.

Not now. Later.

They tell me
joann's all right.

Joann's fine.

Doing just fine.

How did they
k*ll dugan?

they just, uh...

Gunned him down.

I told everybody
you'd make it.

I knew you would.

I told everybody.

There were
times I wish

I'd been as
confident as you.

Chief, we are
nowhere close

To an explanation
on any of this.

Have you got
anything we can use?

I'm afraid
I haven't.

It's not over yet.

Well, I'm back
anyhow, praise
the lord.

Praise the lord.

Thank you all
for stopping by.

Lieutenant sweet here will
take care of everybody.

Jamison, you're
looking good.

I ought to go
to the hospital, huh?

I'll run you over.

you're dirty.


He means, why don't
you clean up some?

Yeah, I'd clean up
a little bit.

Oh, all right.
All right.


I talked
with dugan's family.

They want to know
when they can have him.

When we finish
the autopsy.

I'll call them back.

Why did they leave
the chief alive?

We don't know yet.

What did they have
against dugan,

Whoever they are?

Chief, hey,
welcome back
to the world.

Thank you very much,
alan, uh...

Mind excusing us?

Oh, no.
Sure, chief.

Is he really
a hospital administrator?

It seems anybody
can be anything

We got everybody out
looking for curt breynard.

That's dugan's godson.

He started
racial trouble
at school.

Right now
I'm more interested

In how
the chief escaped.

They let me
walk away finally.

I didn't know them.

Why didn't
they k*ll me?

Tell me
whatever you can.

They had me
in the woods.

They brought
dugan there.

I didn't see them
k*ll him,

But I sure
heard them.

Bubba, who's
that r*cist nut?

Tommy palmerton.

Did you question him? Oh, yeah.

Chief, that's
an exciting story
about the woods,

But I wish it
were helpful.

Maybe if you'd told us

Dugan was
an fbi informant,

We could have
kept him alive.

He was undercover.

Telling you about dugan
would be dangerous.

For what
it's worth, chief,

I'm glad you're back.

I'll be in touch.

What is the matter
with that woman?

You know what
she needs, don't you?

I don't want to know
what you think she needs.

[Both laughing]


Yeah, it's bad.

Even the message
is inflammatory.

It gives me
the willies.

"Statewide alert.

the attorney general

To the mississippi
highway patrol

Right down to us.
Bubba, read it to us.

"Advise all agencies

"That the reverend
john carter will arrive

"At 1400 hours tomorrow
to attend a reception

"On saturday the 19th.

"The reception commemorates
the 25th anniversary

"Of reverend carter
leading a march to jackson.

It will be held
at david morgan's estate."

Is that related
to your abduction?

If carter
had come earlier,

Yeah, but we
just got informed.

Who needs
this visit anyhow?

It only brings
all the nuts

Out of
the woodwork.

You against it?


It's bad
for good people

Who don't want
people digging
into their pasts.

It's good
for bad people

for an excuse
to commit m*rder.

That's good
and bad white people.

What about black people?

They want to see carter.

And apparently,
one prominent
white man does, too.

That's david morgan.

Carter going
to make trouble here.

Chief: wait, bubba.
Get it straight.

The reverend
dr. Carter

Doesn't intend
to make trouble.

He's a man
of peace.

But others use him

As an excuse
to make trouble.

It wrecks
his visit.

He marched
right through here.

He started here
because he's from here.

And david morgan
wants to remember
that march

And honor the man
for his contribution
to civil rights.

we still have lots
of lunatics here,

Organized lunatics
like we had 25 years ago

When I first
wore a badge.

You were
against carter

Coming through
mississippi then, right?


25 Years later,
you're still against
that man coming here.

Now, virgil.

Hold on.

The man
is coming here

As a proud leader
of people--

Black and white.

You know,

I never figured
you'd think that way.

But, I see I was
wrong about you.

If you're
wrong about me,

You're wrong
about most

Black or white?

Either one!

Sorry it didn't
go better.

It's not your fault.

You'd have thought
I'd do better.

Maybe you just
had an off night.

You know
where to find me.


I forgot my jacket.

I'm sorry.

Real sorry.

Well, tommy,
we home.

We home.

Get your hands off me.

He broke my window.

You broke
my damn window!

Get your hands
off me!

Hey, knock it off!

I'll break
your leg off!

Get him in there,

Get your hands off!

Come on!

Broke my window.

Well, well, well,
this is, uh...

Tommy palmerton
kindly consented to come in.

The gentleman
that owns
the tavern, yeah.

Come on in,
mr. Palmerton.

I brought you in
because detective tibbs

Wants to ask you
some questions.

Make yourself
comfortable right
in that chair, huh?

Yes, right there.

Sit down!

Go ahead.

I understand
you know something

the chief's kidnapping.

Any truth to that?

I'm a tavern owner.

I don't
kidnap people.

I don't even
serve people that do.

You belong to b.o.a.p.,
Isn't that right,

A r*cist t*rror1st group?

Might have
heard of them.

I may even
agree with them.

But I ain't
joined them.

Where's dugan's godson,
curt breynard?

I imagine he's gone
to bury his godfather.

I need to call
my attorney.

No, you don't have
to call your attorney

'Cause we're not
charging you.

I'm going to
turn you loose.

Get out
of that chair.

Don't just stand there.

Get out of here.

Wait, wait a minute.

Why bring
the man in

If you're just
going to let him go?

What am I going
to hold him for?

I could find

For damaging
a police car.


If I keep him here,
what would you do?

You'll ask

He'll give you lies.

If I turn him loose,

He might lead us
to somebody

I'd like to know
something about,
curt breynard.

plenty of kooks

I'd like to know about.

We've worked
our informants

Since your
disappearance. Nothing.

Detective. Line two.

just the tip

Of the nose
of the cottonmouth.

The whole
animal's still
under the water.

Many people
would love to k*ll
reverend carter.

They'd hire K*llers
from outside to do it.

Want me to bird dog

I think you should.

Say, parker. Yeah?

You heard him.
Let's go.

All right, sweet.
What you got?

The driver
was her pimp.

They had
an interesting customer.

Debbie, tell detective tibbs
what you told me.

I had
a real weirdo.

He'd been
in prison.

I thought
he'd take hours.

Nothing happened.

He tried,
but nothing happened.

Keep going.

I left my jacket.
When I went back,

He was
fitting a r*fle.

"Reverend carter
coming to town."

And a stranger
in town
with a r*fle.

Mr. Morgan,
we don't know.

What have you got?

on the bottle
and glass.

Good. The ncic can
check them in 20 minutes.

I'm on the phone
with mr. Morgan.

Yes, sir.

No, we did not
arrest him.

We can't even
identify him.

We don't know.
He could be anyplace

Between the airport
and town.

He might show up

At that reception
of yours tomorrow.

All right. Good-bye.

He's got a private
security service.

I keep thinking
what happened
to me and dugan.

some connection.

Is there anything
new on palmerton?

We got nothing new.

Somebody's on him

Guess what?

Parker, don't
make me guess.

I got a headache
growing right here.

Yes, sir. I'm sorry.

Somebody just stole
a le baron convertible

From around the corner from
that guy's rooming house.

Our friend may be
heading to the airport.

Bubba, run out
there, will you?

Look around
the whole perimeter.

Yes, sir.

Chief! Detective!

We just got an i.d.
On those prints.

Noah james crowley.

15 Years in joliet
for r*pe and m*rder.

Reverend carter
was a friend
of the victim's.

He was principal witness
against crowley.

This is one man
out for vengeance.

a loose cannon.

Did you report him?

I warned
mr. David morgan.

Who is this man,

Besides being
a wealthy businessman?

He's a liberal
do-gooder, you know.

I don't
know him well.

He's not the kind
to be friendly with me.

You're not the kind
to be friendly

With a do-gooder, huh?

No, virgil,
I guess I'm not.

This is the stolen car.

See anything over there?

Yes, sir.

We found the le baron
in the woods.

We got no driver.

Well, work your way
to the airport from there.

Where will you
put your men?

There. There. There.


Better check
behind the hangars.


Hello, john.


How are you, david?

Welcome to sparta.

You remember
my wife?

Of course.
How are you?

Hey! Drop it!

Get down!
Get down!

Get down, everybody!

He's gone.

Call an ambulance
right now.

We got him!

Who's doing
all the sh**ting?

We don't know,
but apparently
we got him.

You o.k.?

This is
detective tibbs.

How do you do?

How do you do?

This is chief gillespie.

Hello, reverend.

I'm sorry
about this.

This might
not have happened

If I'd been on time.

I was told you
were right on time.

I was delayed.

I thought I'd be here
48 hours ago.

There's a car waiting.

Mr. Morgan,
take reverend carter
to the car.

Well, I guess
you know now

Why I was kidnapped,
don't you?

They kidnapped you
to divert attention

From the attempt
on carter's life.

The attempt was
supposed to take place
48 hours ago.

While they're headed
for morgan's place,

I'd better have
them escorted.

Go ahead,
go ahead.

Well, looks like
we caught
your loose cannon.

Well, hooray
for us,

But we're
still looking

At an organized
against carter.

Unless we start
acting smart fast,

This town's
going to be famous
in spite of itself.

What happened?

I got a call saying
carter was delayed.

I told washington to k*ll
notification to sparta.

Why didn't you tell me
about the visit?

Virgil, there have been
southern lawmen

We haven't been able
to trust.

You hear that?

I'm now classified
as a southern lawman.

If you can't trust us,

How do you expect law
to be enforced here

For the next 25 years--

With federal troops?

Chief, I'd like
to make things right

By working together
the rest of the time
carter's here.

Fine. Fine, fine.

Oh, excuse me.

We got that
ballistics report.

Now, we dropped crowley
with 9 millimeters, right?

"Ballistics examination
reveals the b*llet
k*lling the deceased

Entered his head--"

Bubba... What?

Boil it down,
will you?

That b*llet didn't come
from no police w*apon.

It's from a .357 magnum.

That's the same kind
of g*n that k*lled dugan. Bubba: that's right.

[Telephone rings]

Yeah, what?

He what?


All right.

Now, there's an
inspiring piece of news.

The reverend john carter
decided to take himself

A stroll down
in the bottoms.

What did he go
there for?

He wants to see
black people.

Where else you
gonna go

If you want to see
black people?

Out of the way, please.

Yeah. Right.

My, you looking good.

My, my, my...

Good day to you,

I touched your face.

Reverend john,
do you remember me?

I remember you, sister.

I came back for you.

You're looking
so pretty.

You take good care
of her, you understand?

All right.

I'll see you little later.
Take good care now.

Lookie there.

It's good to see you.

Thank you.

You're looking fine.

I'm glad to see
you making progress.

I'm proud of you.

Thanks so much
for taking care of him.


Tell me.

Reverend carter,
we need to know

Who you first contacted
here in sparta

When you found out
you were going to stay

In new york longer
than expected.

I don't know.

One of my associates
in chicago

Called whoever
needed calling.

He might have called any
number of my friends.

I'll check
if it's important.

Oh, yes.

It's very important.

Sweet, palmerton
just pulled out,

for swanson's corner.

I'll call for backup.

And employment
for all those

Willing and able to work
for a better life!

And if the nation
has only 6% unemployed,

Then the bottoms
of sparta

Should have 6%
and not 96!

All: yeah!

We must strive for it.


Now, this may be hard...

But we must not only
do this for ourselves,

But for the redemption
of the souls

Of those who withhold
equality from us.

Our striving
will be pleasing

To the eye of the lord.

Bless you, my sisters...

And brothers!


I love you! We love you, too!

Here's $1,000.

Call me
from new orleans.

Tell me
where you're at.

Go home
when it's over.

I want to thank you
for all you done.

Will I ever know
who k*lled my godfather?

I hope so.

Don't worry
about that now.

Remember you got
friends here
and you done good.

Stay away from
new orleans ladies
and booze.

They rot your brain.


Get out of the car.

Get your hands up.

Out of the car,
hands up!

Get your
hands up!

Out of the car now.

What kind
of g*n's he got?

.357 magnum.

I'll call in
the serial numbers.

It's not mine!

I'm holding it
for some guy.

All right, let's get
this guy out of here.

On that .357 magnum
we grabbed,

Washington will have
some information
in about an hour.

All right.

We got a sn*per!

He's hit!

Get an ambulance!

Get behind
the building.

Let's go!

Bring him
to the car!

See a muzzle flash?

See where it's from?


Get him out
of here!

Breynard's g*n came from
a g*n shop in louisiana.

This organization
is interstate,

Please, sit down,
won't you?

But was crowley
really part
of the conspiracy?

I testified
against him in court,
you know, long ago.

I put him in prison.

That's the kind
of information

This brotherhood
of aryan people

Would file away.

a man in jail,

Used him
after his release.

Why did they k*ll
their own hired assassin?

They didn't want him
captured alive.

That's why they went after
this young fellow breynard.

What's the recommendation,

We think they'll take
another whack at you.

Cancel the reception,
leave sparta.

Leave mississippi.

You feel the same way,
detective tibbs?

Yes, I do, reverend.

The chief is right.

I don't think
we could keep you alive.

Well...i want
to thank you both

For everything
you've done.

The good police work
I can see all around me.

But if I didn't retreat
25 years ago,

Did you really think
I would retreat now?

I keep thinking
there's something
we've forgotten.

It must have been
a bit like this
25 years ago.

Oh, it was worse.

Whenever you
picked up the phone,

It was somebody
saying there'd be

A b*mb or machine g*n
along the line of march.

Everything turned
on the chief.

The city gave him
more than he wanted.

He had g*ns and sticks.
They gave him dogs.

They gave him gas,
gave him gas masks.

I was new and wanted
to do my job.

I asked for that badge,

But I didn't want
to turn that stuff loose
on unarmed people.

So then
along about dawn,

The chief
made up his mind.

We were all
on the highway

Waiting for carter
and his people to turn up,

And the chief come up
and looked at us,

Looked down the road

And looked back at us,

And he said, "let the
marchers go through."

I'm here to tell you

I was very glad
about it.

Can you tell us something,
curt breynard?

Thought I was doing
the right thing.

Can you
understand that?

What was it all about, son?

They said it would be
a better america.


We could lead
the world again.

Curt, the last time
you saw captain dugan,

What did he say to you?

There was a call
for him...

And I asked who it was.

A man said,
"dugan will know.

Have him call me
right away."

He came home...

Just nodded his head
when I told him...

Made a call.

That was the last
I ever saw him.

They k*lled him.

Thank you.


Hello, chief!

Mr. Tibbs.

Well, what are
y'all doing here?

I came to see
that young fbi man

Who was wounded
at the airport.

He wasn't
entirely conscious,

But I think
he understood me

When I thanked him
and blessed him.

You make me
feel ashamed.

That's what
I should have done.

You mean,
we should have done.


Well, maybe you all
can do it tomorrow.

Excuse me.

Can I ask
a question?

Yeah, sure,
go ahead.

Um...didn't we know
each other,

Say maybe
50 years ago?

I reckon it was
a little more than 50.

Aaron sunderson's
watermelon field

Over by kenard's,
wasn't it?

I was hoping you
wouldn't remember that.

County sheriff arrested
my brother and me

For standing, looking
at some watermelons

By the side of the road.

And you came
out of that field.

Yeah, I came
out of the field,

Saw what was happening,

And let that
deputy sheriff
arrest y'all,

Though it was
i, myself,

Who stole
those watermelons.

Yes, you did.

But he was
a nice deputy.

He saw the picture.

He didn't
take us in.
He took us home.

So, it didn't matter.

It mattered
to the lord, right?

Yes, like
all things we do.

But I can get you
off the hook

By saying...
I forgive you.


Well, now I'm glad
you remembered.

You got everything?

I got it all.
Uniform, .357.

Give me a box
of a*mo.

How come so much?

I may have
to defend myself
before this ends.

Why couldn't they
hit carter
in the bottoms?

I don't know,
but now you get
your chance.

Make sure this truck
is where it should be.

Get me and that bike
when I need to get out.

A man who is illiterate
is not free.

A homeless family
isn't free.

A child k*lled
in a cr*ck w*r

Has never been free.

Not enough change.

Not enough.

The honor of introducing
john carter

Goes to
the generous host

Who provided
this reception,

David morgan.

Thank you, althea.

We have a tradition
around here

That the introduction
takes longer

Than the principal
speaker's message.

I'll break
with tradition again

And simply introduce
a man of god,

A leader of all the people
of the united states.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the reverend john carter.

Thank you, david.
Thank you.

I'm grateful to you
and sharon

For your
wonderful invitation

To return here,

To come home and remember
that blessed turning point

25 Years ago.


That's alan thurman. Thurman?

The hospital

Good lord.

Just a scratch,
don't even need aspirin.

A long-time employee
of the hospital.

It's difficult
to believe.

I'm sorry
it got this far,

at our home.

Now, david,
you can't feel guilty.

But he can, reverend.

David has a lot
to feel guilty for.

What are you
talking about?

When reverend carter
learned he would be delayed,

His people notified
someone in sparta.

That was you.

Yes, but
that's hardly...

Dugan wasn't at home
to receive his call.

He had to call back.

We traced that call
to your private number.

You thought dugan
warned the fbi

About an assassination
here in sparta.

You sent that man
to his death.

When we discovered

Crowley was the one man
we might take alive,

I told mr. Morgan here.

I didn't tell
anybody but him.

Inside an hour,
crowley was dead.

You're under arrest

For the murders
of dugan and crowley,

And the attempted m*rder
of breynard
and reverend carter.

Take this incredible,
disgraceful man to jail.

You have the right
to feel as you do,

As I have the right
to feel I've performed

Distinguished service
to my race.

Things would be
different today

If my orders
hadn't been disobeyed,

Which were
to blow your head off.

Just wanted you
to know that.

Please, boys,
take him away.

Chief, when
do we meet again,

In another
25 more years?

If we're going to plan

I think we'd better
plan something sooner.

Let's say sooner.

I want to thank you
for saving my life.

Not that it's all
that important,

But the tough truth is,

It takes people a while
to find themselves

When a leader
has been sh*t down.

The other side...

They accept death
with some kind of
fanatical indifference.

I want to say,

In front
of virgil here,

I was wrong about
this visit of yours.

The chief thought
your visit

Would stir up
a lot of bad memories.

Yeah, I worry about, uh,

Making people think
too much about the past.

What's the good
when people

Are trying to turn
themselves around?

I've often worried
about that very thing, chief.

Often, I've
wanted to decline
invitations to appear,

But some higher good

Always comes
out of these things.

I saw that good today

In the faces of people
who came to greet you,

And I'll remember it
more powerfully
than the evil.

May the lord bless you
in all your travels.

Thank you.

Well, there goes
my leader.

Well, you don't own
the man, virgil.

He gripped my hand
as well as yours.

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