Air Force the Movie: Selagi Bernyawa (2022)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Air Force the Movie: Selagi Bernyawa (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

The peace and well-being enjoyed
today was not easily achieved,...

...but through the sacrifices of
heroes who gave their lives to...

...protect the country.

We hold steadfast to our vow as
warriors to defend the country's...

...sovereignty, security and
interest, till our last breath.


A volatile country
in the Pacific Ocean.

For five years, the northern and
southern Namburi have been at w*r.

Then a ceasefire was called
in Namburi just four months ago.

Humanitarian missions
are accompanied by PASKAU,...

...deployed to Namburi for
a peace-keeping mission...

...during the ceasefire.

Today, the ceasefire
in Namburi has ended.

They must return home to avoid
being trapped in this civil w*r.

The ceasefire in
the Namburi Civil w*r...

...has reached a dead end.

The Southern Namburi
separatist militants... control more
than half of Namburi.

They k*ll anyone siding with
the Northern Namburi m*llitary.

the Northern Namburi m*llitary...

...are on the hunt for
the Southern Namburi separatists.

Women and children are not spared
as victims of this civil w*r.

The international community
provided humanitarian aid...

...during the ceasefire.

Malaysia has also sent
its humanitarian delegation,...

...with help from
The Royal Malaysian Air Force.

However, the v*olence
in Namburi persisted.

Death toll has reached.....

Pause here.

Fighting has resumed.

Everyone has left, except us.

Rewind that for me.

The ceasefire has ended.

All foreigners are advised
to leave the country immediately.

I repeat,
the ceasefire has ended.

All foreigners are advised
to leave the country immediately.

Come on, guys! Move it!

Are these the only
footages available?

It's inside there.
-Open the inserted folder.

Open in? It's time to leave.

Enough, we'll resume
editing it in Kuala Lumpur.

Let's go.

When will we depart, Adib?
Everyone else has already left.

We're the only ones left.
Don't be late.

Rock, coming in hot. Over.

Copy that. Bravo!

Weapons ready!
Move to the gate now!

Go! Go! Go!

Here we go again.
Come on, girls!

Go! Go! Go!

They're after us! Hurry!

Open the gate!

Go, Hujan!

Go, Hujan! Go, go, go!

Close the gate!

Close the gate!
-Adib, hold the line!

Yes, sir!
-Paco, jump in!


You're dead, foreign traitors.

Everyone stand down.
We'll wait till they leave.

Okay, let's go!

-Bring the stretcher!

Put him down.
-Are you okay?

Press down on the wound!

He's Southern militant.

He brings danger.
-How long has he been like this?

Help me, come on.

Yes, sir!

Hey, move, move!

Help Susan!

I'll do my best...

...but this is the last time.

He's gone.

Hey, don't record.
-Excuse me?

We're just doing our job, sir.
-Don't try to sensationalize this.

I want to show the truth.

Everyone out.
We are about to leave.

Hurry. Now.

We don't have time
for all this, sir.

What would you
have done in my shoes?

Although he's a child,
he is still human.

Have you forgotten
your principles as a PASKAU?

You shouldn't have saved that boy.

You've possibly made enemies
with the most dangerous militia...

...of Namburi.
-I know what I did, my brother.


My advice, destroy that.



Pilot, this is Loadmaster.
Scan check completed.

Cabin secured.

Everything settled?

You hate our army that much?

Angkasa 1-1, ready for taxi.

Hey, look at this.

"Fighter jet fly low,
civilian file suit".

What is your problem, Zaf?

Always with your "b*at-up".

Take off.

Man Toga SRS autothrust armed.

Checked. Power set.

Positive climb.

Gear up.
-Gear up.

Hurry! Hurry!

-sh**t! sh**t!

sh**t the traitors.
-Yes, sir.

Passing one zero thousand.

m*ssile. m*ssile.

Sir, spike at 4 o'clock.
-Set countermeasure.

Ready on my go.
-Countermeasure ready, sir.

Seatbelt sign on.


Flare! Flare! Flare!

We grew up together.

We grew up
sharing the same dream.

Dream of flying together.

Every struggle
surely has a beginning.

Every beginning
surely starts with a choice.

Left, right, left.

Adib. There.

That's Captain Adnan.

I heard a story he once
rescued over 50 refugees.

Isn't that crazy?
He's the youngest PASKAU...

...bestowed with
the Pahlawan Gagah Berani medal.

When did you take
this photo with Hana?

It's an old photo.

When were you
planning to tell me?

I really wanted to tell you
but I didn't want to get you upset.

Of course I'm upset, Adib.

We've vowed to fly together.

What is this?
-If you want to fly, go ahead.

That's your dream.
-It was our promise, Adib.

Come here.

Forgive me, Zaf.

We both have different paths.

This is my journey.



Now, this is wife material.

You're so full of it, Adib.

Hang on, I'll go
get my identity card.

Where to, Komando?

What with you, Zaf,
snapping at me like this?

Why are you still upset with me?

You fly, I'm with PASKAU.

We each have our own strengths.

Are you dating Hana?

Yes, I'm dating Hana.

Is there a problem?
-The problem now is...'re dating my sister
secretly, behind my back.

I knew it. You are still pissed
at me for joining PASKAU, right?

Don't drag Hana into this.

It's not about that, Adib.

You are fickle.

I don't want
my sister to get hurt.

Can you guys stop it?

Whether you're a pilot
or PASKAU, it shouldn't matter.

You've been friends since
childhood, why fight about it?

Zaf, please respect my choice,
whomever I chose to be with.

Please respect Zaf.

Like it or not,
Zaf is my brother...

...and might be
your brother-in-law.

"Might be"?
-Yes, "might be".

Enough, Zaf, we're on a date.

From then on, me and Zaf
were never on good terms.

Our differences...

...will eventually come to pass.

That's my hope.

Taking off.

We are here for a reason,...

...not by chance.

If you choose to fight,...

...never ever back down.

Keep on fighting
as long as we live.

-Understood, sir!

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

This is Angkasa 1-1,
we have been sh*t!

Bail out! Bail out!

Come on, the ramp!

Go, go, go!

m*ssile. m*ssile.

We got them.

Good. Now, go k*ll
all the survivors.

Send the death squad to
take over the tunnel. Move!


Go to the tunnel and
k*ll all traitors from the south.

Go now!

Okay, Mantis.
Exercise completed...

...but your category
is still under review.

Take us back to base.

We will wait for
the engineering reports.

All the best, Mantis.
-Roger that, sir.

Let's return to base.

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

This is Angkasa 1-1!

We've been sh*t! We've been sh*t!

Bail out! Bail out!

We get ready
for all possibilities.

Open all communication line.

Get the approval
from higher authority.

Activate search and rescue.

Let's bring them home.

Well done, chap.

Good to go?

Let's go.
-Let's move.

Come on. Natrah.
Nat, we got to go now. Okay?

We got to go now.
Come on. Let's go!

What are you doing, Paco?

Who is that? Who is this kid?



I've tried my best.

I think these are corpses of
villagers from the east side.

The militants must've done this.
These people were supposed to go... the airbase
for yesterday's supplies.

They're East Siders.

What else do they want?

Our sortie just now was good.

The recent case
wasn't even your fault.

Hey, Lowball!

This place is for
pilots who can really fly,...

...not for those
with fake licenses.

Pal, an A400 went
missing this morning in Namburi!

Isn't your brother-in-law there?



Go, let's go.


Matno, you okay?

You okay?
-Take off your bright jacket.

Take it off now!

They should be nearby!
Find them!

Is everyone okay?

Hey, hey.

-Go, go, go.


Why are you here, Mantis?

I know what happened, sir.

I am requesting to be
part of this mission, sir.

Your case is still under
investigation, you know that.

But I'm the best
fighter pilot you have, sir.

And you know it.
-We'll discuss it some other time.

Not now.

You're dismissed.

Mantis, you've breached the SOP...

...with an unauthorised...

...low flying.

We'll do a standard check flight.

In the meantime,...

...your category is suspended.

Your flight status will
also depend on the BOI report.

So, you're the
one handling my case?

You enjoy deciding
the fate of others?

Let me ask you this.

Who decides your fate?

Me or this Sukhoi?

Or is it on you?

We are being hunted.
Only the Northern Namburi...

...m*llitary owns
surface-to-air missiles.

Our mission,
find assets and weapons.

We are here now.

Find any remaining survivors
and also the A400 data pack.

It's the only proof we have.

Only then, we move towards airbase.

Wait for rescue. Move quietly.

Then we'll go back
to Kuala Lumpur?

I promise everyone
will get home safely... Kuala Lumpur.

Get me the latest satellite images.

Sir, Zafran volunteered
himself for this mission.

However, he has
a case under investigation.

I think he is the best pilot
we have for this mission, sir.

I recommend we give a fair
chance to all our pilots,...

...including Zafran.

Let them prepare the mission plan.

I agree. Proceed.

Thank you, sir.


Gaban, no!

He's just a child!

Why didn't you sh**t?
-They are not far. Find them!


Lejen, we have to split.

Stick to the original plan.
-Hujan, here's your beacon.

Beacon on,
so we can be tracked.

Move to the crash site.

Shut it, shut it.

What's that sound? Go find it!

Lay low. Wait.

Rock, grenade!

Rock, okay?

-Okay, Lejen!

-Are you okay?

-Are you guys okay?


Go, go.
-You go.

Guys, keep searching.

Come here, go, go.


Hujan, whose
watch made that noise?

Whose watch?

Tuai, stop it!
-Say it.

Your watch.

If you mess
with me once again,...

...I shall k*ll
you myself. Get it?

Stop it!
-Got it, sir.

Tuai! Lejen!

Over here!

Stop it!


We're stuck here, Matno.

I don't want to die here, Natrah.

As long as we stay together.

Lejen, the militants
are here on trucks.

They're at the bottom.

Lejen, I've found the data pack.


Paco, change into
the militant's outfit.

Tell Hujan to do it too.

We move to airbase...

...on truck. Understand?



The Government has ordered us
to proceed with our plan.

Sure, Dato' Sri.

I will go to Charlie Cube later.

Yes, Dato' Sri.

That's our true enemy, sir.

We need to move fast.

To achieve such speed,
we need to fly light.

Hence, we must revise
our w*apon configuration.

To avoid detection,
we must fly low, sir.

Sir. Negative to fly low.

We go full force.

This is my mission plan.


I entrust this to you.
Keep this data pack safe... if it's your own life.

That's the only proof we have.

Yes, sir.

This is Angkasa 1-1, come in.

This is Angkasa 1-1, come in.

They got away.

Be careful, everyone.
This is South Namburi camp area.

Those are Northern armies.

Paco. Are you serious?

What do you plan
to do with this child?

We'll take her to the airbase.

I can take care of this kid, Tuai.

Focus! Focus!

Rock, move, Rock!

Rock, move, Rock!

It's them! It's them!

Move! Move, Rock!

Go! Go! Go!


Go! Go! Go!


Guys, weapons out!


Hujan, Gaban, cover!

You guys okay?

There's blood!

There's blood!

She's bleeding.

Matno, help.

Put pressure on her neck. Press!

I can't feel anything.

I can't feel anything.

Lejen, we will
continue to safe area.

Sir, we've received
new information.

They're from
the satellite feed.

Sir, based on their
movement, this is our men.

There's a four hour difference
between their location and ours.

It's almost night there.
We must act fast.

A400M standby
for combat deployment.

Once we get aerial pictures
from our AWACS in Namburi,...

...we'll identify m*ssile sites,...

...then you guys
do the rest. Understood?

Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!

Negative, it's not working.

You must try to
get a signal, Hujan.

I'm trying.
-Until you get it.

If you had sh*t the kid,...

...Susan would still be alive.

Will you stop chewing?

Is there something wrong
with your Commanding Officer?

What do you mean?

He promised to keep us all safe.

We didn't ask
for this to happen.

It just did.

We trust Major Adnan.

I hope you will too.

Trust should be earned,...

...not given.

Natrah, there's blood.

Not my blood.

Burn down this place!


Lejen, we have to change route
so the enemy can't track us.

Everyone move.

This is too open.

The A400M plane which
disappeared from radar... feared to have crashed.

The RMAF is gathering
more information.

They should have passed
through here. Burn this place down!


We need to turn back.

We've just passed the roadblock.

We can't turn back.
We've got to press on.

You want to go through this area?



Lara, my child!







Come on!

Is Lara safe?

Lara is safe.

I know him, uncle, but...

...I still haven't gotten
any information. I'm sorry.

Excuse me.
-Be patient.

We've been waiting long.

-Zaf, I want to know...

...what happened to Adib.
Why is it nobody knows anything?

All of us are still
waiting, Hana, including Zaf.

Waiting for what, Zaf?
-We still don't know...

...the situation there.

Maybe there are still.....

Still what, Zaf?

What happened?
-We don't have information.

Are they safe or not?
-It's too soon to tell.

Sir, what's going on?
Who's safe and who's not, sir?

Do you know something?
-Be patient.

Tell us, sir.
-Please, sir!

Be patient.

Have patience, please.
-How can we be patient?

I'm sorry, everyone.

I'm not an officer
assigned for this mission.

Any information...

...will be relayed by the
higher authority. I apologize.

Sir! How long must we wait?

Zaf! Zaf!


I know you guys
haven't been closed.

But I'm begging you, Zaf.

Bring Adib back.


Please clear this.

Why did Paco do that?

That's his child.

His daughter
has long been gone.

Paco accidentally
ran over his daughter.

So, he can't forgive himself.


Stick to the original plan.

We head to airbase.

Do we have to go through this?

That can't be.

-Lejen, I don't think...

...the tunnel
is our best choice.

You want to go through this?

It's the only choice we have.


Call airbase, request
for an update on the tunnel.


Lejen, I suggest
we move to higher ground...

...and try to make contact.
The tunnel is too dangerous.

We don't know what's inside.

We can't expose ourselves.

The tunnel is our best choice.
-But Lejen.....

Stick to the plan.

Lejen, negative.

Whatever happens,
you guys stay close to me.


Display it on the screen later.
-Sure, sir.

Good job, Layla. Good job.

According to our intel,
the survivors are located...

...on high ground
nearby the Namburi Airbase.

We believe they will
access the tunnel... avoid the militants.

The enemy is equipped
with surface-to-air missiles...

...dan the MiG-29 fighter jets.

Suit up and be ready
for Mission Hornbill.

Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!

Status update,
we've reached FOB 0300, sir.

Very well. What's the
latest satellite imagery?


Latest update, sir.
-Okay, standby.

I'll show you the latest image.



We've agreed to
follow your flight plan.

So,... will lead this operation.

Yes, sir.


Their fate in Namburi
now rests in your hands.

Don't let them down.

God willing, sir.

I will do my best.

Thank you, sir.

Bring them home.


Your plan has been authorized.

Low flying and all.
-Their fate lies with us, Spoon.

For us, it's zero...

...or hero.

-We have work to do now.

They are inside.
-Go in.

Come here, woman!

Don't resist!

Grenade! Take cover!


Take cover!

Gaban! Check on Hujan!

Bring this girl.



Let's go.

Useless. Let's go!



Take cover!
-Gaban, take six!




We've got company!

Cover, Gaban!


Let's die together!

Pass me the bag.



Airbase, this is Angkasa 1-1.

Do you copy?

I repeat.

Airbase, this is Angkasa 1-1.

Do you copy?


Lejen, airbase has
been compromised. Let's go.


Find weapons that we can use.

Get the MiG-29
ready for flight.


How much a*mo left?

How's airbase?



Lejen, we need to
secure the perimeter here.

Are you okay?
-I'm okay. Check on the others.

What bracelet is that, sir?

A gift from my son.

During his therapy.

He's autistic.

I did my best.

Adib joined PASKAU because of me.

It's not easy to be a leader.

I have failed.

Sir, you haven't failed.

You saved me.

I should be eating
a burger right now,...

...watching Blu-ray,...



...I'm still stuck here.

I'm amazed at how
you guys can do this.

We became PASKAU... everybody else
don't have to go through this.

I too have a habit
when I'm stressed.

Biting your nails?
-When I'm stressed,...

...I fart.

No wonder it smells.

Are you okay, Matno?


My bag is not, though.

Lejen, we are ready to move.

I am sorry.

I've made the wrong decision.


What has happened wasn't
yours or anyone's fault.

It's fated.

But what I've learnt
from someone I respect is... continue.

Continue to live.

Fight for those we leave behind.

They pray for our strength, sir.

Don't let them down.

As long as we live.


I think I've found an exit.

There's a door.

Okay. Gaban.

Surveillance sensors ready, sir.

Support element ready, sir.

Fighter formation ready, sir.

Local weather good, sir.

Okay, guys.

Operation Hornbill is a go!

Naga Formation, F18,
requesting to take off.


All the best, pal.

Thanks, buddy. We're okay?

There are more
important things than our egos.

We're okay.

I personally calibrated
this SU jet for you.

Take care, okay?

Thanks, Marya.

Tower, Bisa formation ready.

Bisa, taxiing out.

Copy. Expect radar departure.

Bisa, ready for immediate.

For radar departure,
maintain runway heading.

Climb level 140.

Clear for take off.

Bisa 0-4, astern right.

Contact right.

Clear disconnect right.

Bisa 0-4,
deploy for k*ll Box Alpha.

Roger, buddy.
-Go get them.

Wilco, buddy.
-Bisa leaving twilight zone.

Entering Namburi now.
Maintain 1,000 feet.

Speed 450.
-QRF ready at FOB... deploy, sir.
-Deploy to Initial Point.

We have a go!

Rimau formation check.

Rimau two.

QRF onboard. Cabin ready, sir.

Rimau Formation take off.


There's a ladder leading out.

Hurry, Rock.

Stay. I'll check.


Go, go.



There's no escape, foreign traitor!

-Open, open.

One, two, three!

Wait! Wait!



Take the vest.

-You okay, sir?

Tuai, Gaban.

Bring Lejen and the civilians
to a safe location and take cover.



Come with me. We'll go to
a higher ground to make contact.

I will find you guys later.
Now, move!

Lejen, sir.

-Carry on.

Sir, we are receiving
the survivors' beacon signals.

Bring them home.

Fighters engage.
Clear the airspace.

Bisa combine.


System checked, weapons hot.


Scope is naked. Feet dry.

Maintain flight path.


Standby to link you to
Romeo Mike Foxtrot Charlie Cube.

Echo Seven Golf Kilo.

Romeo Mike Foxtrot Charlie Cube.

We found Angkasa 1-1
and linking them to you.

We got you, AWACS 2-2.
Come in, Echo Seven.

Romeo Mike Foxtrot,
this is Echo Seven.

We're in hostile area.
Request immediate evacuation.

I repeat,
request immediate evacuation.

Roger that, Angkasa 1-1.

Proceed to landing zone
at Bravo Two West.

Bravo Two.

Listen, buddy.
One kilometer to the west.

Copy that.

Echo Seven,
satellite frequency off.

Switching to uniform frequency,
channel 5-2.

Switching to uniform channel 5-2.


Let's go, let's go!

Approaching target. Get ready.

Copy that.

On target. Rolling in hot.

Switches checked.
-Prepare for launch.

Target locked.
Master arm live.

Magnum, Magnum, Magnum!

Target splashed!

thr*at neutralised.

Picture is clear.
Bisa 0-4 on station.

Airspace is clear.
QRF is good to go.

Rimau copy.

Area cool.
Rimau, ingress.

Guys, we've got
the landing zone.

Let's move. Move!

Come in, Echo Seven.
Current landing zone is hot.

Change to new landing zone.
Zone-12, Delta East.

Rock, we've really got to move.

We need to move
two kilometres to the east.

Let's move.
On me, move!


Lejen! Lejen!

Natrah is sh*t too!

Hujan! Hujan!


Hujan! Wake up!

Wake up!

They are closing in.
We've got to move!

Rock, bring them home safely.

Leave me.

Sir Adib.

No, no, no, no.

Sir, what is this?

It's an order.

Keep going
as long as we live.


Enemy closing, enemy closing!


-Go! Go! Go!

Move! Move!

Sir, thank you!


Angkasa 1-1.

This is Lejen.


Danger Close.

Bisa 0-4, Bisa 0-4.

Danger Close.

I repeat,...

...Danger Close.

Danger Close.

Danger Close?
That's our men down there!

Is this true, Danger Close?
Our men are down there.


Mantis, Dewa Wangsa,
you're the only one up there.

Bisa 0-4, clear Danger Close.

Mantis, we have to decide now.


Bisa 0-4, beacon
transmitting good data to you.

Data received.

Target 0-8-0, 30 seconds out.

w*apon's hot.

Bisa 0-4.


Bombs on target!

I hope none of our people got hurt.

Bisa 0-4,
single bogey hot on you!

2-0-0-6, low level.
-Look out!

m*ssile on our six coming fast!

Mantis, MiG 7 o'clock low!
Take the plane up!

Die, you scumbag.

Rimau Formation,
leaving Initial Point.

I can see the target.

Let's go higher.


Okay, let's move.


Take cover!

Natrah, Matno, take cover!

Confirm bandit still on us?

He's still there.

Gaban, cover!

a*mo! a*mo!

Gaban! Gaban!

Let's move! Let's move!

You go! You go!

I'll cover, I'll cover.

Is this the commando's way?

We leave no one behind.

Buddy till death, Sergeant.

Buddy, let's go! On me!

One, two, three.

Let's go! Let's go!

MiG is still on us!

He's still behind us, Mantis.

Bandit saddling up.
Bandit locked on us.

Prepare for break turn.
Turning, now!

He's still...

...locked on us.

Mantis, we need to flush him out.

Going manoeuvre mode.

Ready, Spoon?


Let's do this!

Combat mode on!

Good lock!
Fox Three! Fox Three!

Mantis! m*ssile 4 o'clock low!

Going vertical!
Maximum after burner!

Angel 42.

46. 49.

Spoon, flush! flush!

We lost contact with Bisa 0-4.

Locked visual, sir.

Let's go supersonic.

Rimau One, visual on survivors.

Hamburger! Hamburger!

Alpha Three and Five.

Rimau Three, smoking.
Engaging hostiles.

Spoon! Positive engine response!

Recovering now!

Yes! Good job!

Mantis, system all green.
-Charlie Cube,...

...Bisa 0-4 system's good.
Splashed one bandit.

Go! Go! Go!

QRF request covering fire...

...along the tree lines.
-Naga Formation, visual.

In live.

We have the package.
Rimau prepare for extraction.

Package secured.
Rimau Formation, egress 270.

Mantis, package is secured.

Roger, Spoon.
Set course RV Bravo.

RV Bravo set, heading 240.

Bisa and Naga,
package is secured.

Proceed to RV Bravo.

Bisa 0-5, wilco.

Roger, Naga, wilco.

Mission accomplished.

Package minus eight.

We are bringing them home.

Come home safely, guys.

We are gathered here today,
as a family.

We are here to
receive the return of...

...our real heroes.

They fought for us all...

...and for
the people they knew not.

A dead tiger leaves its stripes.

Heroes leaves their names...

...and deeds,
immortalised for all time.

We live
while death awaits.

Are our lives
filled with deeds?

Or are they filled
with broken promises?

Before death comes,...

...we promise to keep on fighting.

Fighting not for ourselves.

"The Value of A Fighter"

We fight for
those we leave behind.

Though we bleed,...

...carrying with us
amm*nit*on and trust,...

...we shall not fear...

...even for a moment.

Fighting for the country.

Fighting for the people.

We will keep on fighting.

As long as we live.
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