05x12 - Iron Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x12 - Iron Town

Post by bunniefuu »

Iron Town

Tama: Shifting to cleaning mode.

Tama: I will not stop until I have eliminated all of the trash

: in the Kabuki district.

Tama: It's cleaning time.

C: What's with them?!

C: They're like little demons!

D: Who are they?!

D: Why are these monsters working for that old hag?!

Odd Jobs Gin-chan Snack Otose

Pirako: You could say that Otose

has the power to attract such people.

Pirako: We have no choice then.

Pirako: Time to get serious.

Gin: Saigo!

Pirako: Too bad, Bro.

Pirako: You were trying to buy time by fighting a bunch of chumps,

Pirako: but that cat burglar of yours won't be coming back.

Pirako: She won't be able to steal Saigo's son.

Pirako: Even if she manages to make it to Teruhiko-kun,

Pirako: Kada's people and my old man will be waiting.

Pirako: It's pretty much impossible for her

to make it back alive.

Saigo: That's what you were trying to do...

Pirako: There's no point in trying to avoid a fight with Saigo-san.

Pirako: Look what will happen if you take too long.

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Pirako: Otose-san's bar is going to burn down.

Shin: The building's on fire!

Kagura: Oh, no!

Kagura: We have to put it out!

Pirako: You're leaving?

Pirako: I believe that you barely have enough fighters as it is.

Gin: You're pretty brutal for a little shrimp.

Gin: I'm starting to like you.

Gin: But I'll need to separate your head from your body first.

Pirako: I've always liked you, Bro.

Pirako: But you have to join my old man first.

Pirako: Actually, you should just marry me.

Pirako: That's the only way for you to survive in this town.

Pirako: You guys are all alone with no coming to help.

Tatsumi: All alone with no help?

Tatsumi: I don't think so.

Tatsumi: At least, there's one person here who's willing to help.

Tatsumi: Yeah, Gin-san?

Gin: You're...

Gin: ...Tatsumi the firefighter!

D: Who are you?!

D: Trying to interfere?!

E: Die!

Tetsuko: That's some weak iron.

Tetsuko: You can't even scratch these guys with that junk.

Want me to reforge that for you?

Kagura: Te-Tetsuko!

E: Don't take us lightly!

Kozen: Hey, now.

Kozen: A lady doesn't like it when you g*ng up on her.

Kozen: Yes, a man should be hard-boiled, Camus

Shin: Kozenigata-san! Haji-san!

G: What's with that weird-looking bunch?!

Tama: Master Gengai!

H: Hey! There's a freak mixed in there!

Madao: Can't let this bar be shut down!

Madao: No more free drinks for me!

Shin: You have a running tab.

Madao: Why am I the only one who gets the cold shoulder?!

Kyoshiro: The Members of Odd Jobs, you are not alone.

Kyoshiro: They have forged a bond during their time in this town.

G: What?! Now we have an army of male escorts!

Kyoshiro: The Kabuki district women may cry once I'm gone.

Kyoshiro: But I will cry once you're gone.

Kyoshiro: How very naughty of you to seduce a male escort.

Shin: Kyoshiro-san!

Otae: We won't let you carry the burden alone.

H: And here are a bunch of cabaret girls!

Otae: It's not very nice to decide the fate of

the Kabuki district on your own.

Otae: This town doesn't belong to any of you.

Otae: It belongs to us cabaret girls.

Otae: The Jirocho g*ng and tr*nny g*ng can bring it on.

Otae: We'll show you how terrifying

the Kabuki district truly is.

Tatsumi: We won't let you have your way here!

Tatsumi: Those guys helped protect the things we care about.

Kozen: They know what it truly means to be hard-boiled.

Kozen: They're the hardest-boiled bunch in Edo, Camus.

Tetsuko: I'll never be able to pay you back.

Tetsuko: But I also won't forget what you've taught me.

Kyoshiro: Please watch us.

Kyoshiro: This time, we will protect the things we care about ourselves...

Kabuki District st Street

Kyoshiro: Our Kabuki District...

Kyoshiro: Our precious friends, the members of Odd Jobs...

Madao: We've lived together and

shared laughs in this filthy town.

Madao: In that case, we should suck it up and

protect this town together.

Otae: You are the ones who have become enemies of the Kabuki district.

Otae: You're in our town.

Shin: E-Everyone...

I: What's with these people?!

J: Young lady, they completely outnumber us!

Pirako: Is that supposed to matter?

Pirako: We're up against a bunch of amateurs!

Pirako: Take them all out!

H: Yeah!

H: We can't let a bunch of cabaret girls boss us around!

Otae: A bunch of cabaret girls, you said?

Otae: Get down on your knees.

Otae: I am the queen of the Kabuki district.

Tatsumi: Idiot!

Tatsumi: Are you trying to protect this town or destroy it?!

Kozen: Don't forget that you have allies down here!

Kozen: Straighten out your act or I'll have to punish you!

Tetsuko: If the town gets destroyed, we can rebuild it.

Tetsuko: This time, we can build a sturdy iron town.

Kyoshiro: What are you talking about?

Kyoshiro: We already live in an iron town.

Madao: Gin-san, you guys go settle this business!

Madao: We'll handle the small fry here!

Yakuza: You're the small fry!

Saigo: That's the difference between you, who takes things that others hold dear,

Saigo: and them, who protect the things that others hold dear.

Gin: You should know when a battle is lost, Saigo-san.

Gin: Leave.

Gin: This battle is our...

Gin: ...Gran's victory.

Pirako: As long as Saigo-san and I are here,

Pirako: your crowd doesn't stand a chance.

Pirako: I won't let you go to my old man.

Gin: I said that you already lost.

Gin: You've really pissed them off.

Both: Stay out of this, curly head!

Saigo: I'm disappointed, Pako.

Saigo: You're going to let a couple of kids throw their lives away?

Gin: So be it.

Gin: I'd rather disappoint you than disappoint them.

Pirako: A couple of softies who didn't want to fight

Saigo-san are supposed to put up a fight?

Kagura: Looks like I'll need to rip your head off to make you understand.

Shin: True, we were softies who let you use us.

Shin: You tricked us, betrayed us,

but we'll be able to laugh it off in a couple of days.

Shin: I'm used to having girls trick me.

Shin: But, no matter your reasons...

Shin: We can never forgive you for hurting...

Shin: ...the Kabuki district's mother.

Kagura: Don't underestimate Odd Jobs.

Kagura: We won't let you hurt anyone else.

Kagura: You won't have your way around here.

Kagura: We aren't alone!

Kagura: Now that the three members of Odd Jobs are together,

Kagura: you won't be taking anything else from us!

Kagura: It's time to show you the power...

Kagura: ...that has kept Odd Jobs safe.

Saigo: It would be rude to go easy

on someone with such fierce eyes.

Pirako: I understand.

Pirako: Then I'll turn you into corpses first.

Pirako: Where would you like me to make some bright red flowers?

Pirako: Your head?

Pirako: Or your chest?

Pirako: Or...

Pirako: ...Bro's heart?

Gin: There won't be any flowers.

Gin: Flowers aren't for samurai.

Shin: Flowers are meant for girls.

Kagura: And trannies.


Pirako: That's strange...

Pirako: How could I...

Pirako: I can't let them reach my old man.

Pirako: I'm gonna...

Saigo: You used the back of your blade?

Saigo: You're still softies.

Saigo: You hit my chin so hard that my head's spinning.

Saigo: I won't be able to stand anytime soon.

Saigo: Damn. Guess I can't stop you.

Gin: You're just as soft.

Gin: Yeah, I'm gonna talk to myself for a bit.

Gin: Don't pay any attention.

Gin: We'll take care of your kid.

Gin: Rest easy and get some beauty sleep or ugly sleep.

Saigo: Then I'll also talk to myself for a bit.

Saigo: Don't get yourselves k*lled.

Saigo: I leave the Kabuki district,

Saigo: our town, in your hands, Odd Jobs.

Jirocho: This town looks pretty meek when there's nobody around.

Kada: Easier for your daughter to do her job.

Kada: The red light district will soon be a playground for children.

Jirocho: Don't you mean it will be the hunting ground for a certain vixen?

Kada: Are you here to keep an eye on me?

Jirocho: You think I would skip a sumo match

Jirocho: to come all the way out here and waste my time on you?

Jirocho: I'm here for the vixen's head.

C: Hallelujah!

D: I'm next!

E: And then me!

F: Hey! What are you doing?!

G: Wouldn't you want to be sent to heaven by Kyoshiro's rod?!

G: Uh, he's using a real blade!

G: They're literally going to heaven!

G: And what's going on?!

G: The others have been understanding

of our situation and have shown mercy,

G: but that guy won't stop slaughtering trannies!

Agomi: Stay back.

F: Agomi?!

Agomi: I recognize his technique.

Agomi: A special assassination technique for slaying trannies.

Agomi: Blade of the Male Escort!

Blade of the Male Escort!

Okama: That sounds familiar!

Agomi: A thousand years ago,

during the great w*r between male escort and tr*nny,

Agomi: this legendary technique was born during the Battle of Bootyloo.

Agomi: I didn't realize that someone had inherited the technique it.

Agomi: This was the last place I expected

to run into the dreaded foe of all trannies.

Kyoshiro: That stance, it can't be...!

Agomi: You were too hasty.

Agomi: Yes, I have inherited the

Kama-sen-ryu which counters the Blade of the Male Escort!

Agomi: I am Agomi, King of Fist!

Agomi: Sorry, never heard of you.

F: Ago!

Agomi: So you were willing to sever this cursed chin of mine...

Agomi: I have no chins in this life!

F: Yeah, you do!

F: You've got one long-ass chin there!

Agomi: Oh, you're right.

Agomi: He didn't cut it off?

Kyoshiro: Uh, could you pretend to be dead?

Kyoshiro: A male escort is only allowed to penetrate women.

Agomi: A toy?

All: Kyoshiro!

A: You were acting to keep us from getting hurt!

Agomi: I don't care if you use the sword

up here or the sword down there!

Agomi: Penetrate me!

Agomi: Penetrat--

Saigo: What are you doing?

Saigo: We're getting out of here.

All: Mama!

Saigo: This fight is over.

Saigo: We've lost.

Otae: Saigo-san...

Pirako: I can't accept that.

Pirako: My old man hasn't conquered the world yet.

Saigo: If you want to help him conquer the world,

Saigo: you shouldn't waste his men out here.

Pirako: We don't need these useless chumps.

Pirako: Go ahead and turn your back on us if you wish.

Pirako: I'll support my old man by myself if that's what it takes.

A: I don't believe it.

A: He backstabbed his own relatives for the sake of business.

B: The wife and daughter you abandoned are here.

Pirako: Doesn't matter what people say about him...

C: This is the end.

C: We never want anything to do with you again.

Jirocho: I see.

Jirocho: I assumed that it was over a long time ago.

Pirako: Doesn't matter if he never looks at me...

Mother: I see...

Mother: So he's still making mischief.

Pirako: How can you smile?

Pirako: He abandoned us and started doing terrible things

for the sake of a woman...

Mother: Before he left for the w*r,

Mother: he placed his hand here and promised...

Mother: ...that he would surely return.

Mother: Pirako, he hasn't returned from the w*r yet.

Mother: He's still fighting right now.

Medicine for Ingesting

Mother: But once he's finished, he'll return.

Mother: After all, the one thing he knew how to do was

to keep his promises.

Mother: So don't hate him.

Mother: Once I'm gone,

there won't be anyone on his side.

Mother: We have his promise...

Mother: You will be the only one who believes in him...

Pirako: He promised...

Pirako: You'll come back to me, won't you?

Pirako: He promised to return...

I: Reinforcements from Kada?!

Pirako: Take care of this.

Pirako: I need to go to my old man.

I: Young lady!

Saigo: So we were all played by that damn vixen.

All: Mama!

Pirako: Sa-Saigo-san...

Jirocho: Using a kid to set off a w*r in this town

Jirocho: and manipulate the Four Devas into wearing each other down

Jirocho: in order to take control of this town.

Jirocho: That should be the general gist of your plan.

Kada: But it's too late.

Kada: Those pathetic monkeys are being crushed as we speak.

Kada: Along with your daughter.

Jirocho: I doubt that they're gonna roll over for you.

Jirocho: Well, this means I get a private meeting with a beautiful lady.

Kada: We won't be having that.

Kada: Though I've prepared a little party.

Jirocho: Shinra?

Jirocho: Along with Yato and Dakini in your troops,

Jirocho: it's clear that you're not just some gambler.

Kada: My long battle with you ends here.

Kada: This town belongs to me now.

Kada: Or should I say...

Kada: It belongs to Kada,

: captain of the th squad of the space pirates Harusame?

Jirocho: You've finally revealed your true colors, vixen?

Kada: Nonsense.

Kada: You already knew my identity.

Kada: If it weren't for you,

Kada: I would've taken over this town the way

Hosen took over Yoshiwara.

Kada: I know the reason

you were willing to sink so low to protect this town.

Kada: You were protecting this town from us Amanto.

Jirocho: I learned two things from the w*r.

Jirocho: First, at this rate, we'll be swallowed by you Amanto.

Jirocho: Second, we are completely powerless.

Tatsugoro: Take care of her... Take care of our town...

Jirocho: If you still want to protect what's dear to you,

you'll have to change.

Jirocho: I gave up on being a human so I could defeat you.

Jirocho: Kada, I can't say much for any other town,

but this place won't go down without a fight.

Kada: Your vaunted Four Devas have perished, leaving you alone.

Kada: What can you possibly accomplish?

Jirocho: Have you been paying any attention to this town?

Jirocho: Don't underestimate the Kabuki District.

Kada: Who are you people?!

Gin: Sorry to keep you waiting, dark dude.

Jirocho: I've been waiting for you, silver kid.

Gin: I'd like to return the favor,

Gin: but I guess the situation's changed.

Jirocho: You've got sharp eyes.

Saigo: So while we were engaged in a pointless fight,

they took control of this town.

Pirako: Sa-Saigo-san...

Pirako: Why?

Saigo: Hostages are only useful alive.

Saigo: I consider you a hostage to use against Jirocho.

Saigo: Besides, I've had enough.

Saigo: I don't want to see any old ladies

or naughty kids bite the dust.

Saigo: Our enemy is elsewhere...

H: Mama! Hang in there, Mama!

Saigo: But it's too late when you realize it.

I: I can't believe it...

I: Saigo's spent.

I: The rest of us can barely fight.

I: We're finished!

I: The Amanto are gonna take over our Kabuki District!

Otose: Good grief.

Otose: Could you stop whining?

Otose: And you call yourself Kabuki District residents?

Saigo: That voice is...

Otose: Bold and bullheaded, adamant and adaptable.

Otose: Isn't that our creed?

Saigo: O-O...

Saigo: Otose!

Gin: Shinpachi, Kagura...

Gin: I'm leaving Saigo's kid to you.

Gin: We're running out of time.

Kagura: Gin-chan...

Gin: We promised.

Gin: I'm trusting you to do as I ask,

Gin: so have some faith in me.

Shin: Gin-san...

Shin: We'll meet back up in the Kabuki district.

Kada: I'm not sure why you're here,

Kada: but you're trying to allow those kids to escape?

Gin: It's not like that.

Gin: They wouldn't be able to hold

themselves back against you people.

Gin: It's R- time.

Gin: I don't know the details, but one thing's for sure.

Gin: I'm k*lling the old man and you, and we're all k*lling each other.

Jirocho: You got balls to talk like that to

the mighty Jirocho and the Harusame, kid.

Jirocho: But it's easy to understand.

Jirocho: Count me in, kid.

Jirocho: I'm gonna slaughter you all.

Gin: We're all alone here with no help in sight.

Gin: Just cut down anything that moves.

Jirocho: The last one standing is the winner.

Jirocho: Nice and simple, the way I like it.

Gin: You probably had bad grades.

Jirocho: Not as bad as yours.

Kada: What's so funny?!

Kada: Why are you laughing?!

Kada: Don't you realize the situation you're in?!

Kada: You and your town are finished!

Gin: Damn old man!

Jirocho: Kid!

Gin: Don't die...

Jirocho: ...until I k*ll you.

Next Episode 'Tis an Honor!
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