05x11 - Chains of a Warrior

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x11 - Chains of a Warrior

Post by bunniefuu »

Chains of a Warrior

Pirako: We appreciate your cooperation.

Pirako: It won't be long before the Jirocho g*ng and Lady Kada control the Kabuki district.

Kada: Nonsense.

Kada: You're merely using me to help your father take over the world.

Pirako: I could say the same about you, Lady Kada.

Pirako: As a result, the collar around my old man's neck has been released.

Pirako: That old hag took away the flowers and freedom my father once had.

Pirako: I'm sure that my old man will now...

Kada: Pay more attention to you?

Kada: I have a feeling that you're the one who can breathe easy now.

Kada: You must be overjoyed to know that the woman who stole your father from you is dead.

Pirako: Man, this is why I hate women.

Pirako: They're always so suspicious.

Pirako: Anyway, I'll need you to take care of Saigo's kid.

Pirako: Who knows when that sheman will betray us?

Kada: Pirako...

Kada: Jirocho doesn't see you.

Kada: You can eliminate every obstacle in the way.

Kada: You can spend your entire life serving him.

Kada: He will never turn to you...

Pirako: Man...

Pirako: Could you cut it out, Lady Kada?

Pirako: If you don't shut your mouth, I'll have to make some flowers, you hag.

Greater Edo Hospital

Tama: Madame Catherine, you should get some rest.

Tama: You have been standing there for two days.

Tama: I do not require any rest.

Tama: Shall I take your place, Madame Catherine?

Shin: Kagura-chan, shouldn't you get some rest too?

Kagura: I'm not skanky enough to go to sleep in someone else's house.

Kagura: Besides...

Kagura: What if I wake up to find out she's...

Shin: She'll be fine.

Shin: I'm sure she'll be fine.

Shin: You should go home and get some rest.

Shin: She would be upset if she learned that everyone was ruining their health.

Saigo: You have no home to return to.

Saigo: There's no place for you here.

Shin: Saigo-san!

Saigo: That fool.

Saigo: I kept telling her to escape...

Shin: Saigo-san...

Shin: Was that phone call...?

Saigo: I'm not going to apologize.

Saigo: There was nothing I could do.

Saigo: And there's nothing I can do now.

Saigo: The day after tomorrow...

Odd Jobs Gin-chan Snack Otose

Saigo: Your place will be destroyed by the Four Devas.

Saigo: The day after tomorrow.

Saigo: You have until then to pack up and leave this town.

Shin: Wh-Why is this happening?!

Saigo: Didn't you hear me?

Saigo: There's no place for you here in this town.

Saigo: The entire Kabuki district is against you.

Gin: Did they take your kid hostage?

Shin: Gin-san...

Saigo: They appear to be testing me.

Saigo: There are things I'll do anything to protect.

Shin: Saigo-san...

Saigo: Pako, can you take care of them?

Gin: Don't worry.

Gin: I'm closing up shop.

Gin: The rest is up to you.

Catherine: You bastard!

Catherine: Otose-san was left for dead!

Catherine: Her bar was destroyed!

Catherine: And you're just gonna turn tail and run?!

Gin: You're telling me to fight?

Gin: Don't make me laugh.

Gin: I couldn't even take Jirocho one-on-one.

Catherine: When did you become so pathetic?!

Catherine: Damn you, Sakata!

Catherine: If you're gonna leave, you can leave by yourself!

Catherine: I won't! I won't...!

Gin: Do you know why Gran went by herself?

Gin: To protect us.

Gin: If you still insist on dying,

Gin: you're free to stay behind and get yourself k*lled.

Gin: Odd Jobs and Gran's bar are being closed down.

Gin: We're just strangers now.

Gin: Free to do as we please.

Gin: I'll be doing just that.

Kagura: Wait!

Shin: Gin-san!

Gin: Sorry.

Gin: I doubt I can protect anything now...

Shin: Gin-san...

Kagura: Master Gintoki...

Kabuki District st Street

A: Doesn't it feel like there aren't many people around these days?

B: Didn't you know?

B: There's a w*r brewing around these parts.

A: A w*r?

B: The factional rivalry between the Four Devas is heating up.

B: Everybody's too scared to come near this town.

A: Is it really that dangerous?

A: We've managed to survive everything that's come before.

A: This is no different.

Puppet House

C: But there are rumors that Otose's dead.

D: What?!

E: She got in a fight with Jirocho's g*ng.

E: And it sounds like Katsuo, one of their young leaders, also d*ed.

A: But there's this rookie who's filling in for Katsuo.

A: I heard that she persuaded Kada and Saigo to help crush Otose-san.

E: I still owe her for lending me money when I was in debt.

G: I owe her for helping me out when I got in a fight with my wife.

B: Why don't you go protect Otose-san's bar then?

H: Don't be stupid. I'd be throwing my life away.

I: In this town, the wicked live longer than the kind.

J: Who knows when the three remaining Devas will turn on one another...

K: It's probably time to get out of this town.

Odd Jobs Gin-chan Snack Otose

Tama: The Kabuki District, a town which accepts the clean and unclean.

Tama: I was unable to predict that we would be chased out of this town.

Tama: Madame Otose loved this town of good and evil.

Tama: But now, we can never...

Catherine: Why must we abandon Otose's bar? Our bar...

Shin: Don't say that.

Shin: If we die, Otose-san will have risked her life for nothing.

Shin: Otose-san will be moved out of the Kabuki district hospital tomorrow.

Shin: We'll be able to visit her every day.

Shin: Anyway, we'll have to stay away from the Kabuki district.

Shin: As long as we're alive, we can always start...

Shin: Start over...

Shin: S-Start...

Shin: Huh? That's strange...

Shin: Why am I crying?

Shin: Huh?

Katsuo: So you couldn't take on the Four Devas.

Katsuo: I didn't think our boss would actually att*ck Otose.

Katsuo: You probably thought you could calm things down by saving my life, but tough luck.

Katsuo: Nobody can stop this w*r.

Gin: Don't get the wrong idea.

Gin: I wasn't trying to save your life.

Gin: I just needed you to spill your guts.

Gin: Let's get those guts out of you.

Katsuo: What?! What do you wanna know?!

Gin: Why were you surprised that Jirocho att*cked Gran?

Katsuo: You didn't know?

Katsuo: The boss and Otose have known each other since they were kids.

Katsuo: You could say they were childhood friends.

Katsuo: The boss was a pretty naughty kid,

Katsuo: but Otose was there to straighten him out every time he tried something.

Katsuo: Even after he got into organized crime,

Katsuo: Otose was the only one who stood by him and tried to straighten him out.

Katsuo: As a result, the boss became a vigilante who was popular enough to be considered a leader of the town.

Katsuo: Jirocho, man among men, would never have existed without Otose.

Katsuo: At the time, nobody could defeat the boss in a fight.

Katsuo: But, there was one man who managed to triumph over the boss once.

Katsuo: Tatsugoro Terada, a cop who was also a leader of the town

Katsuo: and Otose's husband.

Katsuo: A man who was strong in a fight and stuck to his ideals.

Katsuo: Everyone had to love him.

Katsuo: Cop and vigilante.

Katsuo: They got in a fight once because of their different positions,

Katsuo: but they both fought to protect their town.

Katsuo: It wasn't long before they became friends.

Katsuo: But there was one problem.

Katsuo: They were in love with the same woman.

Katsuo: The boss backed down because he wanted Otose to be happy,

Katsuo: since he figured a vigilante wouldn't be able to provide that happiness.

Katsuo: But Tatsugoro got himself k*lled, which left Otose alone.

Katsuo: And he d*ed in the middle of a battle,

Katsuo: taking a b*llet that was meant for the boss.

Doromizu g*ng

Katsuo: When the boss returned from the w*r, his wife and daughter were waiting for him.

Katsuo: But the boss paid no attention to his daughter.

Katsuo: He was willing to do anything, no matter how underhanded it was, for the sake of business.

Katsuo: He said that he didn't have the right to be a father or a vigilante.

Katsuo: Who was it, what was it, that drove the boss to give up all he had to stay in this town?

Katsuo: Now that he's struck down the old lady, I'm not really sure.

Katsuo: That said, I'm one of them.

Katsuo: If it's for the boss who took me in, or his daughter,

Katsuo: I'm willing to have a hole in my gut.

Katsuo: That's my duty.

Katsuo: But was this really the right thing to do?

Katsuo: Will this really make them happy?

Gin: They're never gonna be happy...

Gin: ...'cause I'm gonna crush them.

Katsuo: So you were putting on a show for the kids.

Katsuo: You don't stand a chance by yourself.

Gin: I can't go back on my word.

Gin: Joe Schmo, take care of Gran.

Katsuo: What?! Why?!

Gin: You always return the favor, seven for three.

Otose: Shouldn't you stay here to watch this old woman pass on?

Otose: Gintoki...

Otose: I don't want to see...

Otose: ...you die.

Gin: Gran, I promise to pay off the rent.

Gin: So sit tight.

Pirako: How did it feel to cut down the woman you loved?

Jirocho: How did it feel to manipulate a bunch of old men and women?

Pirako: That's harsh.

Pirako: I did it all for your sake.

Jirocho: Next, you'll have Saigo destroy Otose's bar.

Jirocho: What a waste of time...

Jirocho: Did that vixen put you up to it?

Pirako: Of course not.

Pirako: This is part of the plan.

Pirako: There are many people left in this town who were involved with Otose.

Pirako: We'll use this chance to flush them out.

Pirako: Saigo happens to be one of them.

Jirocho: Will it really work?

Jirocho: And you don't need to worry. The old woman's buddies aren't in this town anymore.

Jirocho: The watchdog's chains have been snapped.

Pirako: You intend to keep your promise to not harm anyone else?

Pirako: It's no use.

Pirako: That person was never chained.

Pirako: You took him to be an obedient dog who could be chained?

Pirako: I guarantee that Bro will come.

Jirocho: You were watching?

Pirako: I was watching.

Pirako: When you failed to finish off Otose too...

Pirako: When you cut her down so she wouldn't be dragged into this w*r...

Pirako: You don't need to worry.

Pirako: I understand that there's no point in focusing on Otose.

Pirako: It's not that simple to explain what it is that chains you to this town.

Pirako: I figured it out.

Pirako: You're just like him.

Gin: But I'm going to protect her in your stead.

Tatsugoro: Jirocho...

Tatsugoro: Take care of her... Take care of our town...

Pirako: Both of you are chained to this town by the same thing.

Pirako: A promise made to a certain man.

Pirako: An iron vow of your own choosing.

Pirako: The chains of a warrior.

Pirako: Both of you are animals bound by the same chain.

Pirako: But...

Pirako: One has experienced loss, but accepted the responsibility and continues to protect this town.

Pirako: The other has experienced loss,

Pirako: but has abandoned the responsibility and chosen to protect this town by using force to conquer it.

Pirako: Two beasts whose interests clash, despite sharing the same goal.

Pirako: Now, who will be the last man standing over the Kabuki district?

Pirako: Don't worry.

Pirako: I've already made up my mind.

Pirako: I'll be joining you on your rampage.

Pirako: I promise to help you take over this town.

Pirako: So once this is finished,

Pirako: you'll come back to me, won't you?

Jirocho: You...

Shin: Where do you think you're going?

Shin: With Otose-san's mementos of her husband...

Gin: Why are you here?

Kagura: You're the one who said we could do as we please.

Shin: Take us with you.

Shin: We can help you fight.

Gin: Don't get the wrong idea.

Gin: I'm just here because Gran told me to pick this up for her.

Kagura: Enough already...

Kagura: Neither of you get it...

Kagura: If you shoulder the burden alone and leave us behind...

Kagura: How are we supposed to be happy you saved our lives?

Kagura: How are we supposed to be happy that Gran saved us if she's gone?

Kagura: If you're gone, life won't be any fun!

Gin: Life doesn't need to be fun.

Gin: I just want you to live.

Gin: I don't want to go through that again.

Gin: I don't want anyone to die.

Shin: Aren't you supposed to be Gintoki Sakata?

Shin: The man who's let so much slip away, who's failed to protect so much...

Shin: ...but swore that he would never run away from his responsibilities!

Shin: Didn't you promise her husband?!

Shin: Once you've decided to protect something, you'll protect it to the very end!

Shin: Isn't that what makes you Gintoki Sakata?!

Shin: So what if Otose-san's life was in danger?!

Shin: This isn't enough to k*ll Otose-san off!

Shin: Isn't enough to k*ll us off!

Shin: Isn't enough to k*ll you off!

Shin: Because you're going to protect us!

Shin: Because we're going to protect you!

Shin: Isn't that what Odd Jobs is about?

Shin: Isn't that how the three of us protected so much over the years?

Tama: We have not lost anything yet.

Tama: So you must not lose your soul.

Shin: Catherine-san, Tama-san...

Tama: Master Gintoki...

Tama: You have protected us many times.

Tama: No matter how dire or hopeless the situation was...

Tama: We trust you.

Catherine: So it's your turn to trust us.

Tama: We can do this together.

Catherine: We can protect Otose-san's home, our home.

Kabuki District st Street

Tama: Protect the town which brought us together.

Gin: Sorry, pops.

Gin: I bought these for you,

Gin: but there probably won't be any left over.

Gin: In return, I'll make another promise.

Gin: We promise to protect everything which was dear to you.

Gin: Thanks, pops,

Gin: for leading me to these assholes.

K: What's with that group of men or women or both or neither?

L: It's the Jirocho's g*ng and Saigo's people!

K: Th-There's gonna be a w*r!

A: Why is this happening?

Agomi: Don't say anything.

Agomi: Mama's the one who's hurting the most.

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Odd Jobs Gin-chan Snack Otose

Pirako: Let's get started then!

Pirako: Make a lot of noise for Otose!

A: Wait, young lady!

A: The store banner is up!


Agomi: H-How can this be?!

Agomi: Th-This early in the morning?!

Agomi: They work too hard!

Saigo: You're missing the point!

Saigo: Why is the store banner up when Otose and everyone else is...?

Saigo: Could it be...

B: Y-You're...!

Gin: Sorry, but could you come back later?

Gin: The place is booked.

Gin: I feel like drinking by myself.

Gin: Without any interruptions.

B: What are you...?

Gin: Don't come any closer.

B: The hell are you talking about?!

Gin: Didn't you hear me?

Gin: I told you to keep your stinkin' pig feet out of this place.

Saigo: Pako!

Pirako: I knew you would come, Bro.

C: Eh?!

C: You're gonna take on the entire Kabuki District?!

Gin: The entire Kabuki District?

Gin: Don't make me laugh.

Gin: You fools aren't even part of this town.

Gin: You're no different from the dogshit on the side of the road.

Gin: All I need from the Kabuki District is right here.

Shin: Our Kabuki District...

Tama: ...can be found...

Kagura: ...right here.

Gin: Crush us if you can.

Gin: We're not letting any of you into our town.

Agomi: Pako!

Agomi: Please stop this!

Agomi: We don't want to fight you!

Saigo: Funny.

Saigo: It's very strange.

Saigo: It makes me sick to have to fight friends.

Saigo: Yet I felt relieved when I saw your face.

Saigo: Of course.

Saigo: It wouldn't be right if you weren't here.

Agomi: What are you...?

Saigo: Assmi, it would be rude to say anything.

Pirako: That's right!

Pirako: There's nothing left to say.

Pirako: Bro and Saigo-san are both protecting what's dear to them.

Saigo: You shouldn't be talking.

Saigo: Not when you're the one who took what was dear to me.

Pirako: I'm not going to apologize. After all...

Pirako: I'm here to protect what's dear to me.

Pirako: I'll steal and destroy what's dear to others...

Pirako: ...if that's what's needed to take him back.

Saigo: I must pity you, daughter of Jirocho.

Saigo: The swing of a samurai's blade can silence a thousand words!

Saigo: Warriors,

Saigo: let us hold our conversation in a whirlwind of blood!

Gin: The Otose Family will be paying our respects.

Gin: Let's go, bastards!

To Be Continued...

Next Episode: Iron Town
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