05x06 - Glasses Are Part of the Soul

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x06 - Glasses Are Part of the Soul

Post by bunniefuu »

Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Gin: The hell?

Gin: It won't make a sound?

Shin: What's wrong, Gin-san?

Sugar Content

Gin: The damn TV just closed its eyes with a dark look on its face.

Kagura: Maybe it has something on its mind?

Kagura: It hasn't adjusted to the digital transition?

Shin: It's probably time to buy a new one.

Shin: Huh?

Shin: Is this how the TV always looked?

Gin: Huh?

Gin: Now that you mention it...

Kagura: Some guy from Edobashi Camera brought it over the other day.

Kagura: Maybe it's from one of our clients?

Gin: I don't remember taking any

jobs that involved defective merchandise.

Sa: Click.

Shin: Oh, it turned on.

Shin: Gin-san, the TV's fixed.

Gin: There's someone familiar on the screen.

Gin: A face I didn't want to see is sticking out of the TV.

Sa: This is a D TV.

Gin: Whoa, D? That's amazing.

Gin: How do I turn it off?

Sa: Press your lips against the button here.

Gin: I see.

Gin: Sadaharu, turn the TV off.

Gin: And turn her off while you're at it.

Gin: Bulk trash.

Sa: Wait!

Sa: Wait a moment!

Shin: Huh?

Shin: Is something wrong?

Sa: N-No, it's nothing.

Sa: Just that my glasses broke.

Kagura: Were they important to you?

Sa: Huh?

Sa: Y-Yes...

Sa: Oh, I'm sorry.

Sa: It's not a big deal.

Sa: They were cheap.

Sa: Don't worry about it.

Sa: It's just that they were from my late grandmother...

Shin: Huh?

Shin: But...

Shin: You should probably buy a new pair.

Sa: Yes?

Sa: Oh, I'm sorry.

Sa: They're all I have to remember her by, but I'm fine,

so don't worry about it.

Kagura: But you're crying.

Sa: I-I'm not!

Sa: It's just that a piece of lens got in my eye.

Shin: Wait, what?!

Kagura: Hmm, it looks okay, but your eyes are totally red.

Kagura: You should go to the hospital.

Shin: Want me to take you there?

Sa: It's okay!

Sa: Don't worry about it!

Kagura: Just ignore those guys.

Kagura: I'll take you to the hospital.

Kagura: Let's go, Sa-chan.

Gin: Wait!

Gin: Something's wrong with this situation!

Gin: Why is it all awkward like I accidentally hit

a girl in the face while playing dodgeball?!

Gin: It was clearly her fault!

Gin: She basically moved her face

into the ball and broke her glasses!

Sa: I'm sorry, Gin-san.

Sa: It's been so long since

my last appearance that I overdid it.

Sa: I'm sorry!

Sa: I'll be leaving then!

Shin: Ah! Sa-chan-san!

Gin: Wh-Why are you looking at me?

Gin: What are you trying to say?

Gin: Even you, Sadaharu?!

EpTitle: Glasses Are Part of the Soul

Glasses for Edogawa

Sa: They're all so lovely!

Sa: Which one should I pick?

Sa: It's like a dream come true!

Sa: Gin-san buying a pair of glasses for me...

Both Nearsighted and Farsighted

Sa: Thank you for breaking, Grandma.

Sa: I won't let your death be for nothing!

Sa: Which should I pick?

Sa: Maybe I should ask Gin-san to pick for me?!

Gin: How about one of the pairs in that clearance bin?

Sa: I can't see a thing.

Sa: But if this is what you like,

I'll go with these.

Sa: Do they fit?

Sa: How do I look?

Gin: Cute, very cute.

Super Cheap

Gin: You look perfect.

Gin: Like you were born wearing those.

Man: Mister, Mister.

Man: Are you searching for engagement glasses?

Gin: What the hell are engagement glasses?

Gin: I've never heard of those!

Gin: And wait,

Gin: haven't we met before?

Man: Young lady, I see that you have excellent taste.

Man: There's a story behind those glasses.

Man: The lens used in the famous Battle of Red Cliffs

by the Wu to set fire to Cao Cao's forces

Man: were made by a man whose glasses lenses

were made by a man whose glasses lenses

Man: were made by a man whose glasses lenses were seen by a man

who wore this particular pair of glasses.

Gin: That doesn't mean a damn thing!

Gin: We'll take these, Gramps.

Gin: Since they're used, give us a % discount.

Man: Huh? Wait a moment.

Man: There's a story behind those glasses.

Man: The lens used in the famous Trojan Horse during the Trojan w*r...

Sa: Um... Thank you, Gin-san.

Sa: I don't know how to show

my gratitude for these wonderful glasses.

Sa: I've never received such a wonderful and stinky present.

Gin: Glad to hear it.

Gin: Why don't you walk her home, "Gin-san"?

Gin: I'll ask Gengai to fix your Grandma's glasses,

Gin: so just use those for the time being.

Sa: No, it's okay.

Gin: Huh?

Sa: Grandma would yell at me for clinging to the past.

Sa: Goodbye...

Sa: Grandma's glasses which were stepped on by Dad

who was stepped on by Mom

Sa: who stepped on the poop of a dog whose owner

had a daughter that owned the store which sold these glasses.

Gin: What?!

Gin: That doesn't mean a damn thing?!

Sa: I'll think of these glasses as you and never let them go!

Sa: I'll treasure them forever!

Gin: Oh well.

Sa: Open wide!

Love Garden

Gin: Put on the damn glasses!

Gin: The hell are you doing with those glasses?!

Gin: Why are you going on a date and going all the way with a pair of glasses?!

Sa: Gin-san, are you jealous of Glassin-san?

Gin: Who the hell is Glassin-san?!

Sa: You've got it wrong, Gin-san.

Sa: I was planning on putting on Glassin-san right away.

Sa: But when I thought of them as you,

I got all nervous...

Sa: But I'm finally ready now, so...

Sa: I'm going to p-put...

Love Garden

Sa: No, I can't say it!

Sa: It's too embarrassing!

Gin: Why are you making the act of

putting on glasses sound so dirty?!

Sa: But they're like another you!

Sa: If I put them on, it's like, you know?

Sa: The two of us become one!

Gin: How can you turn the act of putting

on glasses into such a big deal?

Gin: And those are like another random

old guy who owns the glasses store.

Gin: Here you go.

Gin: I got your glasses fixed.

Gin: Just throw away that filthy pair.

Gin: Now listen to me.

Gin: If you don't want your glasses broken again,

Gin: never sneak into our house again.

Sa: I refuse.

Sa: How can you come slinking back

and acting like you're my boyfriend?

Sa: Now, I...

Sa: I...

Sa: I'm devoted to Glassin-san!

Sa: I want Glassin-san!

Sa: It has to be Glassin-san!

Sa: I can't even imagine wearing another pair of glasses.

Sa: Don't treat me like one of those

loose-eared sluts that constantly switches glasses!

Gin: The hell is a loose-eared slut?

Gin: I got these fixed because you kept complaining.

Gin: Besides, those glasses aren't your prescription,

so you can't see a thing, right?

Gin: That's dangerous.

Sa: Leave Glassin-san and me alone!

Sa: It's too...

Sa: It's too late to try to be nice to me now!

Gin: What's up with this conversation?

Gin: Why does it sound like a love triangle?!

Sa: Never show your face around Glassin-san and me again!

Sa: Farewell, former glasses!

Sa: Farewell, former lover!

Shin: I'll buy you a drink.

Gin: What's going on?

Gin: Why do I feel like I was just dumped?

Gin: Hey! Is this country full of idiots?!

Dango House

Sa: The target?

Man: A government official, Zenkichiro Yoneda.

Man: Preparations have been made by

previously dispatched agents.

Man: Your mission is to rendezvous

with the agents and take out the target.

Man: Will you return to the path of evil

for the sake of saving the weak masses, Sa-chan?

Sa: Sometimes, evil can only be eradicated by evil.

Sa: I'm willing to get my hands bloody to save others...

Man: Sa-chan, those aren't dango.

Yoneda: Echimoya, you're so bad!

Echimoya: Please, I pale in comparison to you.

Yoneda: Come closer.

Yoneda: I have a question to ask you before we begin.

Yoneda: Who is she?

Echimoya: Intruders!

Men: Damn intruders!

Men: Cut 'em all down!

Sa: I'll act as a decoy.

Sa: While I draw their attention, you all should escape.

A: But Sa-chan...

Sa: Don't you understand?

Sa: I can't unleash my strength with you around!

B: Sa-chan...

Sa: Now hurry!

Sa: Escape!

Zenzo: Sarutobi, I'll make this easy.

Zenzo: Switch glasses.

Zenzo: I heard that you're not getting any assassination work.

Zenzo: Only makes sense after all the mistakes,

and you even injured your own men.

Zenzo: There are rumors that you're in a slump,

Zenzo: but you can't fool me.

Zenzo: You can't see a thing, can you?

Sa: Th-That's not true.

Zenzo: Can you see what I'm doing right now?

Sa: What?

You're just talking to me.

Zenzo: No.

Zenzo: I'm applying Preparation H in front of your face...

Zenzo: I-Impressive...

Zenzo: You're using your mastery of your other

senses to compensate for the lack of eyesight.

Zenzo: However, a ninja lives and dies by the eyes.

Zenzo: You were able to become a member of

the Oniwaban despite your poor eyesight

Zenzo: because of natural talent and hard work,

Zenzo: but those custom-made Iga glasses also played a role...

Zenzo: Why are you wearing those glasses?

Zenzo: You should know very well that this world isn't a playground.

Sa: It's none of your business.

Sa: If I decide to wear these glasses...

Sa: If I can't find any work...

Zenzo: If only it were that simple.

Zenzo: The way things stand, you're gonna get yourself k*lled.

Zenzo: The former head assassins are acting suspiciously.

A: Does Sarutobi intend to desert?

B: She may intend to defect to a different group

and provide them with information on us.

C: Even if she doesn't,

she could still create headaches

by getting herself captured and leaking information.

D: We have no choice but to take her out.

Zenzo: Once you've lost their trust, they'll come for you.

Zenzo: The Assassins of Assassins Squad!

Zenzo: The Lethal Punishers!

Sa: P-Punishment?!

Sa: Does it involve whips and candles and things of that nature?!

Zenzo: Why are you getting excited?

Zenzo: These assassins are trained to k*ll assassins.

Zenzo: Do you stand a chance with those glasses on?

Zenzo: I don't care what happens to you,

Zenzo: but if you die a dog's death,

Zenzo: it'll make the rest of the former Oniwabanshu look bad.

Zenzo: Try to avoid that.

Sa: These were the first...

Sa: The first present from Gin-san...

Sa: But I'm not allowed to wear them.

A: I believe that you are Lady Ayame Sarutobi.

A: Is that correct?

Sa: I see that nobody ever taught you any manners.

Sa: A gentleman would

never interrupt a girl who's crying.

A: My policy is to

gently wipe away the tears when a woman cries.

Sa: I see.

Sa: How kind of you.

Sa: So what do you do...

Sa: ...when the woman happens to be your target for assassination?!

A: I'll wipe away your tears.

A: And I'll wipe away your blood, as well.

B: Ayame Sarutobi the assassin.

C: Our superiors have determined that you are

no longer necessary.

All: Thus, we Lethal Punishers

have been charged with your disposal.

A: If you have any last words, we'll hear you out.

A: Do you have anything to say?

Sa: Say...

Sa: Would you let me put on my glasses?

Greater Edo Hospital

Zenzo: Fool...

Zenzo: I told you not to die a dog's death.

Shin: Why did this happen to Sa-chan-san?

Zenzo: Look at these.

Zenzo: She kept wearing these glasses

when they weren't the right prescription.

Zenzo: As a result, she kept screwing up on the job

and attracted the attention of the higher-ups.

Zenzo: When I found her on the verge of death,

Zenzo: she was still holding those glasses.

Zenzo: I don't care how happy they made her.

Zenzo: She's a fool.

Zenzo: Can you dispose of those?

Greater Edo Hospital

Zenzo: They'll find this place very soon.

Zenzo: She won't stand a chance if those are still around.

Zenzo: Well, if she still refuses to put these on,

Zenzo: that's the end of that.

Kagura: Hey, hemorrhoid ninja!

Kagura: You're going to leave Sa-chan all alone here?!

Zenzo: Sorry, but ninja don't band together the way samurai do.

Zenzo: If you don't want to die, stay away from her.

Zenzo: I'm sure that's what she wants.

Sa: I'm...

Sa: I'm sorry...

Sa: They were a present from Gin-san.

Sa: I promised to treasure them.

Sa: I'm sorry I broke my promise.

Kagura: Sa-chan...

Gin: You don't need to see a thing right now.

Gin: Don't need to see a thing.

Gin: When you wake up,

Gin: there won't be any cracks in your vision.

Shin: Gin-san...

Gin: Can't help it.

Gin: I'm the one who broke her glasses.

Gin: The Assassins of Assassins of Assassins Squad!

Gin: Lethal Odd Jobs is moving out!

Zenzo: The hell are you doing in my house?!

Zenzo: Why are you sneaking into my house in the

middle of night to make fried rice all dramatic-like?!

Zenzo: And turn off the damn music!

Zenzo: It's bothering the neighbors!

Zenzo: What is this?

Zenzo: Seriously, why are you here?

Gin: Well, people usually get hungry around this time.

Gin: So we were making a little snack.

Zenzo: Wait up. This is my house.

Zenzo: Those are my eggs, my ham.

Zenzo: My fried rice!

Kagura: Don't worry!

Kagura: We made enough for you!

Zenzo: That's not the issue here!

Zenzo: I'm asking why you're in my house!

Zenzo: Don't tell me you actually came here to make fried ri--

Gin: Oh, Sadaharu's here.

Gin: Over there.

Gin: Just set her down there.

Zenzo: Uh, wait. Er, what?

Zenzo: Why did you bring Sarutobi here?

Shin: Well, we're going to take on the assassins,

Shin: but we don't want to fight in a hospital.

Shin: So we were trying to find a good place.

Zenzo: Oh, I see.

Zenzo: I'm rich and own a big house.

Zenzo: Plus I'm single so nobody else is around,

Zenzo: so nobody else will be inconvenienced.

Zenzo: That's the logic you used.

Zenzo: What kind of logic is that?!

Gin: Now, now, now.

Gin: We're just borrowing your place.

Gin: It won't take long.

Gin: We're just gonna k*ll four or five assassins.

Zenzo: You're going to turn my house into a m*rder scene?!

Zenzo: Hey, why are you eating?! Get out of here!

Zenzo: I don't want blood and innards all over my room!

Zenzo: I'm actually a clean freak!

Kagura: That's why you're still single.

Kagura: Women can't stand men who are perfect.

Kagura: The ideal would be a man whose room is a little messy.

Zenzo: Hey! That's way too big of a mess!

Shin: What should we do, Gin-san?

Shin: Now that the trap is set, where do we wait?

Zenzo: Wait!

Zenzo: What are you doing?! Seriously, stop!

Gin: How about the ceiling?

Zenzo: Hey!

Zenzo: I'm seriously gonna k*ll you!

Zenzo: I'll assassinate your ass before the assassins get here!

Kagura: I'll wait here.

Zenzo: Wait! I got it!

Zenzo: I got it so stop!

Zenzo: I'll help!

Zenzo: I'll give you a hand!

Zenzo: So stop destroying my house!

Zenzo: Uh, do you read me?

Zenzo: Hattori here.

Zenzo: I'm right above Sarutobi.

Zenzo: Is everybody in position?

Gin: No problem. Everything's fine.

Shin: It's really hot.

Kagura: Are you sure about this?

Zenzo: It's not perfect, but I did what I could.

Zenzo: We're up against professional K*llers.

Zenzo: They know that Sarutobi and the rest of you are here.

Zenzo: They'll be extremely cautious,

Zenzo: so we can use that to our advantage.

Kagura Shinpachi Sadaharu Sarutobi Zenzo Gintoki

Zenzo: I left the entrance to the room where Sarutobi is completely unguarded.

Enemy Enemy Enemy

Zenzo: So they won't come from that direction.

Zenzo: It's clearly a trap.

Zenzo: They'll circle around.

Zenzo: If anything goes wrong, let us know immediately.

Zenzo: Be ready to react if they come through the front.

Zenzo: Don't let your guard down.

Zenzo: And don't destroy my house.

Zenzo: Got it?

Shin: Roger.

Gin: Yeah.

Zenzo: Damn, why do I have to do this?

Zenzo: Huh?

Zenzo: Wait a second.

Zenzo: Was someone asleep?

Zenzo: Someone sounded asleep!

Zenzo: I'm calling roll again.

Shin: Roger.

Gin: Oh, sh*t.

Zenzo: Hey!

Zenzo: Somebody ran off to Don Quijote!

Zenzo: Don't give me that crap!

Zenzo: I'm trying to help here!

Zenzo: Get your ass back here, whoever went to Don Quijote!

Shin: Roger.

Gin: Hey, Shinpachi.

Gin: Help me put Kagura on Sadaharu's back.

Zenzo: You all went to Don Quijote!

Zenzo: Wait a second!

Zenzo: One of you is asleep in Don Quijote?!

Zenzo: The hell is going on?! Why did they all ditch me?!

Zenzo: They could have invited me along!

Zenzo: Not that I wanted to go!

Zenzo: Oh, right.

Zenzo: Could you buy some Preparation H?

Zenzo: I'm out. The suppository type.

Zenzo: Hello?

Zenzo: Do you read me?

Zenzo: Stop lying!

Zenzo: Don't pretend to be asleep!

Zenzo: Even the dog was pretending to be asleep!

Zenzo: The bastards are toying with me.

Zenzo: I'm pissed!

Zenzo: Screw this!

Zenzo: I've had enough!

Zenzo: This sensation...

Zenzo: Someone's here.

Zenzo: Two on the roof.

Zenzo: One inside.

Zenzo: And in the yard...

A: I can smell multiple humans.

A: As expected.

A: But it doesn't matter how many there are.

A: This time, we'll finish her off.

A: Along with the others.

Zenzo: Th-They're here...

Gin: Excuse me, do you have any Preparation H?

Zenzo: The hell are they doing?!

Zenzo: Hurry!

Zenzo: Hurry back!

To Be Continued

Next Episode Glasses Prevent You From Seeing Certain Things

Zenzo: Next time:

Zenzo: Glasses prevent you from seeing certain things.
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