04x48 - Presents Are Meant to Be Given Early

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x48 - Presents Are Meant to Be Given Early

Post by bunniefuu »

I can no longer see Doman, it appears that I've lost sight of myself again.

I no longer have a need to watch over all! I only want one thing I only want to see her smile That's all.

Come get me, Doman! I shall show you the true power of the head of the Ketsuno clan, Seimei Ketsuno! ["Never Losing That Smile"]

What incredible power! Seimei has gathered the power that was used to protect Edo! Team Shirino's shikigami was instantly eradicated! Soan has lost his will to fight and run away! Only Doman remains! Doman! Seimei Seimei! Rin, Pyo, To, Sha, Kai, Jin, Retsu, Zai, Zen! Mystic counter! Mantra of Victory! Mystic seal! Spell return! A furious exchange of blows! The arena is falling apart! It's like we're watching Dragonball! Seimei, I will not lose! I will never lose! It's futile, Doman.

Your power alone will not be enough to defeat me! namaH sarvatathaagatebhyaH sarvamukhebhyaH, sarvathaa traT But Doman is already chanting another spell! You have a bad habit of getting so excited that you lose sight of everything else, Doman.

I'm going to wake you up! Silence! Acala Vidyaraja! Wow! Doman is surrounded by a swirl of flaming wards! To cast so many wards simultaneously! Such an amazing display of power! Seimei I shall incinerate you with an infinite number of flames! Doman.

Don't make up numbers.

Rounding 103 wards wouldn't give you an infinite number.

I should mention that I'm using 1,562.

Nowhere near infinity.

What an incredible number! Seimei has surpassed Doman by controlling an infinite! Correction, by controlling 1,562 wards! It's almost like a giant wall of fire! Seimei You Doman, this is the difference between our heart's wish! Overwhelming! Now that Seimei has unleashed his true power, Doman is unable to fight back! Doman has been swallowed in a giant flame to burn! Is the match over?! Doman Doman Doman, what are you doing? You're so hopeless.

Staying up late again.

But I can't fall asleep.

Very well.

I shall tell you another old tale.

Yay! What are you going to tell me about today? Kintaro slaying Gedomaru? Or Momotaro? No, I have an older story to tell you.

Long, long ago, an evil god lived in the capital.

The brutal god, Antenmaru, shrouded the capital in dark clouds and tortured the people with an eternal rain.

However, Antenmaru was sealed by the mysterious power of two travelers.

The skies cleared above the capital and the emperor showed his appreciation for the brothers by granting the name Mikado, as protectors of the capital, and made them his servants.

The Mikado brothers were very close, and they were able to drive away all forms of wickedness.

Their strong bond kept the capital safe.

But something happened to fracture their bond, where demons had been unable to strike.

The younger Mikado brother was in love with the emperor's sister, the lovely princess.

However, the princess lived in a different world from the Mikado brothers.

The younger brother's love was a sad one that could never be.

The younger brother kept his feelings for the princess secret as he could only watch over her from afar.

That was when a shocking piece of news reached his ears.

The princess had been kidnapped.

The kidnapper was His older brother.

Yes, the older brother was also in love with the princess.

Sadly, they had fallen in love with each other without the younger brother knowing and eloped, abandoning their position and prestige! The emperor was absolutely furious and declared that the older brother be tried as a traitor.

And the younger brother was chosen to track him down.

The younger brother set off on his search with a heavy heart But his older brother was living happily with the princess And when he saw their baby, his heart was overcome with darkness.

The next thing he knew, the two of them were on the ground before him.

The two people he loved most.

He spared the baby because he could not bear for his heart to be blackened any further.

Once he returned to the capital, he was named to a high position in the government.

But despite his prestige, despite his beautiful wife, his heart remained clouded.

Rain continued to fall on the capital, as it did in his heart.

And the younger brother finally realized.

That he was causing the rain That he had become a demon The darkness had spread from his heart to the rest of his body, transforming him into the evil god he and his brother had once sealed, Antenmaru! Antenmaru had been biding his time after they sealed him, before possessing the younger brother through his jealousy, hatred, and negative feelings, all while plotting revenge.

However, it was too late by the time he realized.

An arrow was fired into his hideous face.

There stood the son of his brother, whose life he had spared.

And thus, the clouds which had shrouded the capital cleared.

However, a new dark cloud was born.

The son of the older brother slew the revived Antenmaru and entered the Emperor's service, founding the Ketsuno clan.


And the children of the younger brother who were chased from the capital and had their name taken, the Shirino clan.


The holy gate, Mikado, which had once guarded the capital, was split in half like a dirty ass.

And thus began the long struggle between Ketsuno and Shirino.

A spiral of growing hate How am I supposed to fall asleep after hearing all that melodrama?! Now listen, Doman.

No way! You're going to tell me to fight Seimei-kun again! So it's true that you've become friendly with the Ketsuno boy.

I don't care about the past! Don't force your family feud onto us! Seimei-kun's a really nice guy! He taught me how to curse my enemies today! Once the two of us take over, the Ketsuno clan and Shirino clan will get along together! We made a promise! You fool! Can you not understand the grudge our ancestors hold for having their position and prestige taken away?! Get along together? That will never happen! If you have time to learn how to curse your enemies from an enemy, curse that boy to death.

If you don't end your relationship with him, our relationship as father and son ends here.

What's that?! The mystical mark on Doman-san! It's too bad.

I thought we could become best friends.

Hey, you hear? Our young master was beaten up by the Ketsuno kid again.

No chance there.

That kid's said to be the greatest prodigy the Ketsuno clan has ever seen.

Adults can't even b*at him, and he's still young.

Man, what a terrifying kid.

Completely different from our craven young master.

I have to worry about our future when our next head is so pathetic.

Honestly, I envy the Ketsuno clan.

You fool! You have the nerve to crawl back to this house! You have shamed our clan! I told you not to return until you defeated him! Hate him! Envy him! Despise him! We are armed with a millennia of malice! Change that hatred into power! Take everything back, even if it requires you to become a demon! Are you okay? I'm sorry.

My brother doesn't know how to hold back.

Oh no You're bleeding from your butt.

You can use mine.

Help one another when in need, right? ["Rorie"]

[Note: This is a play on "Laurier", a woman's sanitary napkin brand.


What is this?! The writing on Doman's face is spreading! That's?! Doman.

Surrender your body to me! The ones who banished your family from the light to the dark should be hated! Should be destroyed! Why do you hesitate? Why do you wait? Surrender your body, just as it happened a thousand years ago! I'm sorry Today's that day Recall! The magma of hatred sleeping deep within! Hey, Christel.

We're out of paper.

Okay, then I'll leave some out here.

That's all you ever have! Never forgive the ones who took everything from you! If you can never have what you want, destroy it all! Soak into darkness! Doman Did you channel yourself into a shikigami? No.

That is not a mere shikigami.

Lord Seimei, that man Has allowed his hatred to drive him into summoning something terrible.

Don't tell me that's?! The most evil of gods, sealed by the Ketsuno and Shirino clans a thousand years ago after a desperate fight.


Antenmaru, you say?! The demon who almost destroyed the capital a thousand years ago The strongest of the wrathful gods which was sealed by our predecessors, the Mikado, after many battles Why is it here?! It was revived.

That man was driven by negative feelings to seek power and dabbled in the forbidden arts.

He's awakened the slumbering Antenmaru and given his own body.

Turn his own body over to a demon How could he do this? You intend to repeat the tragedy from a thousand years ago, Doman?! Lord Doman! Get a hold of yourself! What's going on?! No! He can no longer differentiate between friend and foe! Everyone run! Wake up! Doman! My spells don't work! Lord Seimei! Shinpachi! We don't have time to worry about rules! Darkness Overwhelming darkness capable of even swallowing Lord Seimei's spells It consumes Doman's negative feelings to grow stronger.

It can no longer be stopped It won't stop until it has shrouded everything in darkness! Lord Seimei! Stay back! Gedomaru! Kuzunoha! Take that man and his friends and escape! Lord Seimei! Gedomaru?! It's too early to give up.

This man has yet to play his role.

What are you saying?! Continue treating him.

His right ball is more or less healed.

Lord Seimei wasn't able to stand against that thing! What could this man with no balls possibly do?! It's true that he has no balls But this man has a soul that can never be crushed.

What are you doing?! Don't push yourself! Your left ball is still crushed! It's just as she said, I'm good to go Help keep my balance Speaking of which, it's time for me to use this baby.

Got a rendezvous with a demon.

Spruce it up a bit.

Something flashy enough to stick up its dirty ass! What are you doing?! There isn't time to worry about which side you're on! At this rate, the Ketsuno clan, Shirino clan, and all of Edo will be wiped out! Help him out! You may have had your differences, but you were all trying to protect Edo! Didn't I tell you to escape?! Sister lover! Hold on! We're coming to help! This is the fate of those born to Ketsuno and Shirino.

We may struggle, but we cannot escape a millennia of karma.

Our ancestors destroyed one another over a woman.

Our ancestors took from yours, and threw you into the darkness And I have repeated that mistake.

However, Doman I can not allow a woman to die because of our fight! And Doman I won't let you die! I am the only one who needs to die.

Doman, I knew that you had fallen for Christel.

That you were suffering from the mess created by your feelings for her, animosity toward me, pressure from your clan, and whatnot.

I thought I could ease your suffering A time would come where the three of us could laugh together, that's what I thought But in the end, I only hurt Christel and you Fate is beyond our control, Doman.

I may know a thousand different spells, but I don't know a single way to make up with a friend.

I was the one who pushed you into that state.

It is my duty to take it all in.

Throw me all your hatred, sadness I'll accept all of your darkness.

My life would be a cheap price to pay to end this stupid thousand-year-long fight Let's end this, Doman.

You must not lose yourself like your ancestor and attempt to destroy all! Come back to us, Doman! Remember! Was the woman you loved meant to stand in the rain under a dark sky? Was the Christel you loved? The Christel we loved? Seimei-san! Descendant of Mikado.

It is too late.

Your voices cannot reach him, now that I have swallowed him.

I laugh that a weakling consumed by darkness would ever think to control my power.

However, his negative feelings served useful.

I'll gladly be taking them.

And thus, Ketsuno and Shirino, the two despicable Mikado bloodlines, have been destroyed.

However, my thousand-year-long curse will not end! I will not allow a single drop of Mikado blood, responsible for sealing me, to exist in this land! What?! Who are you?! Just a fan.

[To Be Continued]


Not losing to the rain.

Not losing to the wind.

Not losing to the storm.

All while never losing that smile.

"That's How I Wish To Be, Beautiful And Strong.

" [Gintoki, blast away Antenmaru and the feud between the Shirino and Ketsuno clans, to get Ms.

Ketsuno smiling again!!]

[Next time, the conclusion of the Onmyoji arc.


[See you next time.

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