04x46 - Letter from Thorny

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x46 - Letter from Thorny

Post by bunniefuu »

Boss! I apologize! We didn't realize they were your friends and mistreated them! Who's the guy with the stony face? Lord Seimei.

Head of the Ketsuno clan.

A genius onmyoji who's said to be the strongest in clan history.

Seimei Ketsuno.

[Note: Based off the Onmyoji Seimei Abeno.


Lady Christel's older brother.

Huh? ["Not Losing to the Wind"]

I apologize for the uncomfortable experience.

Gedomaru, you did well to protect Christel's friends.

You have my gratitude.

Please rest to your heart's content.

Christel will yell at me if I allow you to leave without offering any hospitality.

I can also serve liquor if any of you drink.

He made a feast appear with a snap of his fingers.

He's a monster! A Paul Maki monster! [Note: Japanese Comedian who was popular with his constant finger snaps.


Gin-san, I think I'm going crazy! We've got fox spirits wrapped around us! Wrapped around us? More like they've been suckling at our nipples.

This may be the work of a devil.

I shall test it for poison first.

Hey, you're drooling.

That's mine! Uh, Seimei-san How did you know we were acquainted with Ms.

Ketsuno? We of the Ketsuno clan have used our knowledge of Onmyodo to defend the Bakufu and Edo for a long time.

Do you know how we have carried out that duty? Through our sight.

Give it to me! When foretelling disaster or ill omens, one must first analyze the target from every possible angle in order to see anything.

I have stationed shikigami all around Edo to serve as my eyes.

It is my duty to process the information they send, determine what direction this nation is heading, and how the Bakufu should act.

How could I not be aware of my sister's situation? Heh.

I see that Big Bro knows everything that's going on.

That makes this simple.

What did you people do to Ms.

Ketsuno? You believe that we are the reason Christel can no longer forecast the weather? Wouldn't the strongest onmyoji ever be capable of such a thing? It's true that when Christel left the Ketsuno clan without a word and chose to use her power for the common people, the traditionalists were vehemently opposed.

I was also one of them until I saw her as Boss! Could it be?! Wait! Seimei-san, where are you going?! I apologize for being off with the morning forecast.

I hope to do better as I give you the afternoon forecast.

Christel! Why?! Why is Christel, morning personality, reporting a daytime weather forecast?! Boss! That's because the other weather lady got sick and took the day off.

Just hurry! Hurry up and record this on DVD! But boss! The disk is full after recording Spider-man yesterday! Erase it! Erase Spider-man! We've already seen it so many times! No, we can't! Erase King Kong No, stick to Spider-man! Just erase the parts where the heroine shows up! The annoying one! Here I go then! Boss! Her forecast is starting! Hey! You bastards ready to pray?! Don't miss what she says! We'll do whatever it takes to make Christel's forecast accurate! Pray the second she speaks! The very instant she speaks! Yes, sir! The afternoon forecast for Edo Is sunny.

Make it sunny! Gin-san, the entire clan is supporting her, not interfering.

Seimei-san seems about ready to literally burn up for his sister.

Shinpachi, it's no use.

He already joined their family.

Say, why is the person who was suspecting them joining in?! How can he blend in so perfectly?! What is that?! So they've also begun! Don't give in, men! Break their spell! The two sides are pushing and prancing around with each other.

It is the Shirino clan.

Shirino clan? A family of onmyoji that rivals the Ketsuno.

The Shirino clan.

The Ketsuno clan and Shirino clan have been in a savage struggle for political power since the Heian period.

If they hate each other so much, why do they live next to each other?! After many years of fighting, they finally joined to serve the Bakufu together in this Edo period.

Through Lord Seimei's efforts.

However, a new tragedy was born.

The Shirino clan placed one condition in the peace accord.

To offer Lady Christel as a bride.

Is that when Ms.

Ketsuno, known to everyone as the weather lady, has gotten married.

Lord Seimei accepted the condition, believing that it would serve to bring Lady Christel back to this world.

And Lady Christel also agreed, believing it would make peace between the clans.

However, she was unable to lie to herself.

After getting married, she grew weaker every day.

Lady Christel spent most of her time gazing into the sky back then.

Once Lord Seimei saw her, he realized his mistake, broke the peace accord, got Lady Christel divorced, and returned her to her position as weather lady.

Leaving two clans, allies only in name, serving the Bakufu side-by-side And the hatred was greater than before.

The emotions of the two clans towards Lady Christel were tangled up, and their battle grew into something never seen before.

A mystic battle.

Over the weather.

So the ones who messed with Ms.

Ketsuno's weather forecast and got her fired are Boss! We can't hold on much longer! Stand strong! We must make it sunny! We can't hold on! Guys! Yes The misfortune which has befallen Lady Christel is the work of a single man.

The head of the Shirino clan, Lady Christel's ex-husband.

The black onmyoji, Doman Shirino.

[Based off Doman Ashiya, Seimei's rival.


That's Ms.

Ketsuno's Ex-husband? Yes, though they were married, they never opened up to one another or held hands, before Lord Seimei stole his wife away.

Doman Seimei, it appears that I win again! Your sister's weather forecast is wrong.

She should quit before they force her off.

How does she have the nerve to appear on television with her inaccurate forecasts I see that both siblings are thick-skinned.

Doman, damn you Circular flyer! What?! Seimei, you may strive to be the greatest onmyoji, but your abilities are no longer able to even scratch me.

Oh, a neighborhood matsutake-picking trip.

Should I participate? I am no longer the person I was before.

I was reborn to extract revenge against you siblings.

Seimei, you won't be participating? Then I'm going, up yours.

Bastard After challenging and being defeated by the Shirino clan multiple times, you no longer have anyone able to fight.

You are the only one left to protect your sister.

This rain will never end, Seimei.

Christel may be fired from her position as weather lady The Ketsuno clan may be obliterated And this rain will still continue.

This rain will continue until the wails of you siblings have forever ceased.

Pass this to Iwashita-san next door, will ya? Seimei-san! Get a grip, sister lover! I never imagined that a battle over the weather was taking place.

An argument between neighbors gets blown out of proportion when onmyoji are involved.

They were all beaten up.

Gedomaru-san, Ms.

Ketsuno doesn't know about this, does she? I've been keeping her out of the loop.

Huh? Why's that?! Ms.

Ketsuno was suffering so much! If she knew about this fight, she would return to Doman in an attempt to end the fight.

Quite frankly, I don't give a damn about this battle between the clans.

I couldn't care less if the Ketsuno clan, which tamed and used me, were to be crushed.

But I never want to see Lady Christel look so sorrowful again.

You really care about Ms.

Ketsuno, don't you? Lady Christel was the only onmyoji master who ever treated me as a friend.

And he does not wish for Lady Christel to learn the truth.

Hello, Ketsuno here.

I apologize for being wrong with my afternoon forecast, too.

I promise to do better tomorrow.

Shut up! How many times are you going to screw up the forecast, girl? Ah, excuse me.

Camera's rolling.

Who gives a damn? Stop giving forecasts that are wrong! Yeah! Yeah! Nobody's watching your forecasts anymore! Please stop throwing things! Ms.

Ketsuno, run! It's dangerous here! Then I'll be giving the forecast now.

Wait! What are you doing, Ketsuno?! It's dangerous! The hell? Are you okay, Ms.

Ketsuno?! Aren't you a fan of Christel? I can't believe you can watch this.

Yeah, I'm a super sadist.

Besides Ms.

Ketsuno is putting up with this crap to give her report.

It isn't known when this rain will end, but by tomorrow morning We have a duty to watch.

Isn't that right, big brother? Who are you calling your big brother? I am the one responsible for Christel's suffering and Doman's turning down a dark path.

I am not allowed to avert my eyes.

I am obligated to watch every second.

In the past, I was so focused on protecting the family as the leader of the Ketsuno clan, that I allowed duty to blind me to everything else.

I selfishly used my own sister as a tool before selfishly taking her away from Doman.

Pathetic for the greatest onmyoji, who, supposedly saw all as he defended Edo.

Only after blundering was I able to see.

Only after suffering loss was I able to understand.

You must watch the things that are important with your own two eyes.

Dear brother, what's that? Who are you calling your dear brother? A letter sent from Doman.

Seimei, you should know well that continued skirmishes will only serve to waste our men.

It is the duty of the head to defend the family.

And it is the duty of an older brother to defend a younger sister.

I won't tell you to choose between them.

If you wish to defend both, face me in a contest.

In a Shikigami Tag Team Mystic Deathmatch! This contest shall serve as the final battle of the weather w*r! Shikigami Tag Team Mystic Deathmatch? The hell is that, broseph? Who are you calling your broseph? It refers to a 3-on-3 onmyodo match.

I see.

So this is a challenge.

So he isn't satisfied by pestering Ms.


He's come to directly crush bro-bro.

Who are you calling your bro-bro? Cut that out already! How desperate are you to join my family? No, I don't really mean anything by it.

I just wanted to let you feel as though you'd suddenly discovered that you were about to live with twelve adorable little brothers.

That's one creepy-as-hell Brother Princess! Oh, so you do know Sister Princess.

[Note: Sister Princess is a popular beautiful girls novel, manga, anime and game franchise.


So you do have a thing for little sisters, ro-ro.

What the hell is ro-ro? What does that have to do with anything? In any case, I believe this challenge to be an opportunity.

If I win, I can save Princess Christel.

That would be like walking right into a trap, nutbro.

The hell is a nutbro? That makes it sound like I'm a nutxxxx! I will accept the challenge alone.

The responsibility is all mine.

Are you protecting Ms.

Ketsuno because you feel guilty? Guilt? No, I may have been jealous.

Here I was, using my power for the Bakufu, to protect our traditions, while she was using her power to give people the weather.

As I watched her smile on rainy days and windy days, I couldn't help but think That she was doing a magnificent job of protecting the people of Edo, of bringing them happiness She was a much greater onmyoji than I could ever be She is My Our clan's Pride and joy I wonder if the rain will stop.

Beats me.

Sadly, I don't know how to read the heavens.

But there's one thing I can say.

Lord Seimei will die.

Doman has become exponentially stronger than before.

The mark on his face He must have dabbled in forbidden arts so he could defeat Lord Seimei.

On the other hand, Lord Seimei has dispatched countless shikigami to watch over Edo and his power is dispersed.

He might have a chance if he were to focus his power, but his duty will not allow that to happen.

He won't be able to defeat Doman as things stand.

Will that change if we go? Master Gintoki.

I didn't want to say this, but you should butt out.

Do you know why Lady Christel sent me? To stop you.

I was ordered to keep you out of danger and prioritize your lives.

That can't be! Are you telling us to stand by and let Seimei-san die?! We're the only ones left who can fight! Don't you realize who will grieve the most if sister lover dies, bob cut?! You're okay with Ms.

Ketsuno crying?! You never had any intention of letting me order you around.

Oh well.

I'm not used to having people serve me anyway.

Now I'm free.

Don't you understand that a bunch of amateurs who can't use shikigami would be reduced to a rain of blood? Fine by me.

Look at this weather.

Not much difference if it's blood instead of water.

Spring showers, fall showers, rain of blood I'm willing to stand in any of those.

But I'm done standing in a girl's tears.

As I said A shikigami is always judging its master.

I've been waiting for those words.

Master Gintoki, I accept you.

You are my second master.

From now on, I will carry out your every command, no matter how difficult it may be.

I shall protect you from b*ll*ts and the elements.

So Master Gintoki Please assist me in helping Lady Christel.

You didn't need to ask.

But in return, skip the master-servant crap.

Too much of a pain.

And don't call me Master Gintoki.

Call me President.

Pachi-boy, let's get going! Wait! We can't summon shikigami or anything! Are we really going to be okay? Don't sweat the small stuff! Small stuff?! Isn't this a shikigami tag match?! You don't need to worry! We don't have any shikigami, but we still have familiar spirits! Huh?! Where?! Huh? So you've come, Seimei I praise you for coming alone.

I can handle you myself.

Simple as that.

Hah, you never shut up.

Doman, if I win, you will stop interfering with Christel Unlike you, the Shirino clan keeps its promises.

Seimei, the weather w*r was all but over.

Yet do you know why I would bother challenging you to a contest?! To show you my strength! I will destroy your pride so you can die in despair! Seimei, ever since that day, I have lived solely for the sake of revenge against you siblings! Focused only on the moment when I would tear the two of you apart, as I sharpened my claws in the darkness! And that time has finally come! The long weather w*r will finally end! Who are you?! Hey! Walk faster, shikigami! How did this happen? Ah! Sorry about being late! Is this where the world martial arts tournament is being held?! [To Be Continued]


Pandemonium Pandemonium-san Pandemonium-san! Pandemonium-san!! The next episode "Not Losing to the Storm.

" [Shinpachi and Kagura enter round one of the Shikigami Tag Team Mystic Deathmatch!]

["Deathmatch" means if you lose, you die.

Shikigami Shinpachi dies for love?!]

[See you next time.

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