04x45 - Festival of Thornies

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x45 - Festival of Thornies

Post by bunniefuu »

A woman's heart is as changeable as the autumn sky? Pachinko's luck is as changeable as the autumn sky is more like it.

I was doing so well a moment ago.


Ketsuno, Ana, has been off with her weather forecasts lately.

Maybe she should give up on the weather and do forecasts for gambling luck.

Excuse me Did you forget your umbrella? Would you like to share mine? But I'd feel bad.

Please use this.

Hey! Hold on! Wait up, lady.

Hey, what are you doing? It doesn't matter if I catch a cold.

It matters.

Leave a bad taste in my mouth.

It doesn't matter.

Since this is my fault.

What's your fault? The weather's to blame, not you.

Hell, you might as well blame the weather forecaster That's right.

It's my fault for giving an inaccurate forecast.

K-K-Ke It'll be sunny today! Ketsuno Ana?! ["Not Losing to the Rain"]

The incredibly popular morning personality with her dead-on forecasts, weather lady Ketsuno has been feeling under the weather.

After rattling off inaccurate forecasts lately, Ms.

Christel Ketsuno has received a multitude of complaints, and she has finally stepped down from her position on Wake Up TV.

What do you think? I knew that there was something wrong with her methods.

It's nonsense to rely on fortune telling in this age of science to forecast the weather.

But I believe that her popularity was not only because of her personality, but because of the factor of uncertainty which comes with using fortune telling to forecast the weather.

In fact, her black horoscopes were known for their accuracy.

Rumor has it that since the dawn of the Bakufu, her family has served and protected them as On You idiots! I told you to turn off the TV when we have guests! You're the one who always keeps it on, Gin-chan! Gin-chan? Who's that? He was k*lled in action long ago.

I told you to forget about him already! Bring us some tea, fool! Boo.

Sorry about all the chaos.

I actually have another twenty or so employees.

They're all out working today so I've only got dead weight to work with here.

We're moving to Roppongi Hills soon.

That's why the place is in disarray.

Oh, so we're upper class now.

That's amazing, Gin-san.

Didn't I say that Gin-san is dead?! Call me President! President, I say! Hello, Sebastianita.

Where's the tea? The wine? Didn't we have a 40s vintage bottle? Here, President.

You're very welcome.

Hey, what is this? Nilo.

Of all choices, why Nilo?! This isn't like having some classmates over! Nilo is a delicious and healthy beverage that both children and adults should drink.

That's only 'cause you like Nilo! What, are you a spy for Nilo?! Thank you very much.

Nilo is always delicious.

Right? Isn't Nilo the best thing ever? I apologize.

I had some 40s vintage Nilo ready, but she messed it up Mild.

What the hell would 40s vintage Nilo be like? He's getting way too excited.

You can't blame him.

Gin-san is a huge fan of Ms.


He always had his eyes glued to the screen for her weather forecast.

I don't know how he managed to pick her up, but what is he going to do? Is she going to ask us to change the weather so her forecasts are right? That's impossible, even for us.


I'm sorry to say that it won't be possible for us to change the weather for you.

But there is one thing we can do.

Your gloomy face We can clear it up for you.


Sorry to point out, but there's no blinds.

Ketsuno-san, feel free to tell us your worries.

I'm sure we can put that smile back on your face.

May I have another? President.

Sorry to point out, but she isn't listening.

The Nilo has put a smile back on her face.

I appreciate the thought.

There are still people cheering me on after I've fallen apart.

Just knowing that is enough for me.

Why did you suddenly lose your ability to forecast the weather? I mean, the fact that you could predict the weather through fortune telling was amazing enough But did something happen? It's not an issue that can be solved by talking about it.

I'm sorry.

So something did happen.

Please tell us.

I don't want to put you in danger.

Danger? What do you mean? We definitely can't back down after hearing that.



I don't care if your weather forecasts are accurate or not.

I just wanted to see your smile.

Your smile gives me the strength to make it through the day.

That was the only reason I turned to your channel.

Day after day It's our turn now.

Will you let us help? Is it really okay? For me to take advantage of your kindness? You don't need to worry.

We're a lot tougher than we look.

A little danger won't be any problem Tsk! They've found me! God of the eastern sea, Amei! God of the western sea, Shukuryo! God of the southern sea, Kyojo! God of the northern sea, Gukyo! Gods of the seas, repel the fiends and halt this crisis! Evil be gone! Kyukyunyoritsuyou! Um This is more or less what you can expect.

Are you sure you're up for this? Y-Yeah S-S-So this is what we can expect, huh? Right, gotcha.

So we're dealing with this pattern.

Pattern B2.

I-I-It'll be fine, yeah? Perfectly okay, yeah? Uh-huh, pattern A3 might have been a problem, but we can handle this.

We can handle this, yeah? Hell no! What is this?! What was that monster?! Why is the weather lady fighting monsters?! This has nothing to do with the weather! You know that my weather forecasts are done through fortune telling, right? But in reality, I wasn't doing anything soft like fortune telling.

The weather lady is my morning facade.

But I also have a different identity at night.

Christel Ketsuno, the onmyoji.

This would be the other side of me.

O-Onmyoji?! The morning weather lady is an onmyoji at night?! Yes.

Since ancient times, onmyoji, through the teachings of the Mahabhuta, are experts of fortune telling through divination, sorcery, and rituals.

In addition to revealing prophecy, they were skilled sorcerers with the ability conquer evil and stem disaster.

Ever since the Tokugawa shogunate was established, my family, the Ketsuno clan, has been employed by the Bakufu as onmyoji to protect Edo.

Why? Why is someone so amazing working as a weather lady? Why are you being att*cked by monsters?! This monster is a shikigami, a sort of familiar used by onmyoji.

In other words, an onmyoji sent this shikigami to prevent you from assisting me.

And my ability to read the heavens has also been repressed by an onmyoji.

Do you understand? There is an onmyoji in Edo who doesn't like the fact that I'm a weather lady.

And so, I will only be here a little longer, but I'll do the best I can until then.

So please bear with me! Thank you, Ms.


Do the best you can this final week.

Could you give us today's weather then, Ms.

Ketsuno? Today will be a sunny autumn day! We've gotten into a crazy mess, Gin-chan.

I never would have dreamed that Ms.

Ketsuno was an onmyoji And she's up against another onmyoji.

It's not for the Shogun or the Bakufu.

I I wish to use this power for the smiles of the people in this town.

All right, let's get going.

Huh? Hold on a second.

Where are we? The Ketsuno clan are established family of elitists.

Yet one of their members chose to become a weather lady, a waste of her considerable power.

How do you think those stuffy knuckleheads would feel? You mean?! Let's go have a talk.

With those assholes and their hemorrhoids! Wait, Gin-san! This is the Ketsuno clan residence? You're going to encroach on the territory of an elite clan of onmyoji?! If you do that Who are you bugs? You stepped in, knowing that this was the Ketsuno clan's turf?! I have no business with you tools.

Bring out the hemorrhoids.

Or you want me to squeeze some white puss out of you? Get the hell out of here before we crush you! Gin-san! This is bad! We'll get k*lled for sure! Let's leave for now! Let's come back after we've come up with a better plan! Why are you getting so scared? There's no need to worry.

Fight shikigami with shikigami.

I've got my own here.

That's? That can't be?! Ms.

Ketsuno gave this to me as a precaution.

It apparently contains one of the shikigami under her control.

Really?! Hey, fools.

You'd better scram now, since I won't be showing any pity afterwards! Come forth, Shikigami! An intercom? Aren't they usually supposed to appear right away? Hey, what are you doing? Ah, sorry about that.

Could you Could you give us a moment? Gin-chan, try pressing it again.

Come forth, Shikigami! Yeah, this is definitely an intercom.

This is an intercom.

Hello? There! Somebody picked up! A shikigami? Come forth, Shiki- Ah, we already have a newspaper subscription.

Uh, wait, no This isn't a sales pitch.

I'm asking for a shikigami Excuse me, but You are a shikigami, correct? An, Nakasaki-kun? Sorry, the shikigami is out right now.

Nakasaki? Huh, you aren't the shikigami? Returning a video to Sutaya, I think.

[Note: "Sutaya" is a play on "Tsutaya," a large video store chain.


I'll tell her to call back when she returns.

Sutaya? Huh? Who was that? How many people are in this thing? They have a Sutaya? Sounded like the mom.

We can't do anything if the shikigami isn't there.

Maybe the mom will do.

A shikigami's mom should also be a shikigami, right? Hey, what are you doing? Move on already.

Ah, sorry about that.

One more time! Just one more time! One last time then.

Hurry it up.

Hello? Uh, sorry to bother you again.

I'm Sakata and I had an appointment with the shikigami.

Ah, yes.

Please wait one moment.

All right! I think she's here this time.

Hey, Father! Father, take this call! It's another one of those funny people! Go tell him off! Damn, you're loud Is it Nakasaki? Him again? Cripes.

Hello? Whaddya want? Ah, excuse me.

It's Sakata, not Nakasaki.

And I was wondering if the shikigami, not the father, is around? So you're the one who's been constantly bugging our shikigami? Will you cut it out?! Uh, please listen to what I'm saying.

Sit tight.

I'm coming to smack you silly! Yes, please do.

The father will do.

Come on out already! Hey! Where are you going with that thing?! Shut your trap! I'm gonna deal with that Nakasaki once and for all! Stop it! You'll get in trouble with the cops! You wanna become a k*ller?! You're the one who told me to deal with him! Now let me go! I said to stop! Calm down! Hey, this sounds dangerous! Are they okay?! H-Hey Setsuko? What's wrong? Hey, Se- Huh? What's happening? Setsuko! Hey! What happened?! What's going on there?! What's with all the drama?! She's been stabbed! They were grappling while he had a Kn*fe in his hands and she ended up getting stabbed! What?! Hey! What are you doing?! I don't know! I didn't do anything wrong! Stop wasting time and summon her so we can treat her! Huh?! That's your concern?! Uh, but they might be treating her on the other side! Shouldn't we avoid moving her around too much?! Just hurry it up! Uh, please! Someone answer! Hello, this is the shikigami.

All right! The shikigami finally answered! Hey, there's some real trouble going down! Though the trouble's on your side! Come out immediately! Come out with your mother immediately! Understood.

Phew, we're safe now.

I apologize for the wait.

The shikigami, Gedomaru, is here at your service.

Sh-She's in mourning! Hey! We managed to summon the shikigami, but the timing was horrible! The funeral?! We called her out in the middle of the funeral?! And is that a picture of her mother?! Did her mother end up dying?! I have heard everything from Lady Christel.

I am now Master Gintoki's servant through blood pact.

Feel free to order me around as you please.

Uh, sorry.

I find it really hard to order you around.

When your mind is clearly elsewhere.

You're clearly thinking about your mother.

Please don't feel bad about what happened to my mother.

I don't hold it against you.

Don't feel bad?! Why is she making it sound like this was my fault?! It's fine.

You may be responsible for my mother's death.

But I will fulfill my duty as a shikigami and obey my master.

Don't make me sound like the bad guy here! I wasn't responsible for her death! I didn't do anything wrong! It's fine.

I don't mix personal and business matters.

No, that's not the issue here! I'll really be fine.

Now, feel free to order me around as you please.

Mother I'll join you in a minute How am I supposed to order you around?! Huh? What is the problem? Uh And yeah Won't it be hard to fight while holding that portrait? And I mean, it's really difficult for me to give you commands You know? And it's pretty difficult for us to fight her.

Even if we're enemies, we aren't completely heartless Why don't you set it down for now? It should be okay to set it down while you're fighting.

I could never place Mother on the ground.

Then we'll hold it for you.

Uh, we'll place it in a proper location.

I apologize for the trouble.

Please take good care of Mother.

Don't worry about it.

It's rare to find such a daughter so devoted to her parents, especially one who's an enemy.

If only my daughter were the same Your belly's wide open! Huh?! Y-You bitch! You tricked us?! What a dirty trick Dirty? Who do you think you're talking to? I am the demon.

Master of playing dirty.


Exorcism complete.

She's so cool! She k*lled them in an instant! An innocent little girl! Against those huge shikigami! And she k*lled them using super dirty tricks! Stop standing around and let's get going.

She stepped on it! She stepped on the picture of her mother! Mother? She d*ed a thousand years ago.

It was all an act.

Act?! Including the whole intercom bit?! You were playing three roles by yourself?! This is a shock.

I thought you were going along with my act to fool the enemy, but you thought it was real? Master Gintoki, I have a warning for you.

Shikigami are divided into loyal servants and evil spirits, who are forced to do the bidding of their master.

I would be the latter.

Caught by the Ketsuno clan when I was tearing up Mt.

Oe during the Heian period and forced to serve them ever since.

I am just another demon.

If my master shows any signs of weakness, I may simply turn on him.

It would be best if you don't forget that I am always watching you.

U-Uh Anyone, wanna be her master instead? Hey! Wait! I'm scared! She's really scaring me! Gedomaru.

You are a servant of the Ketsuno clan, yet you have destroyed our shikigami and trespassed on our territory.

You may be Lady Christel's shikigami, but these actions cannot be forgiven! Th-That's?! The Ketsuno clan?! I no longer belong to Lady Christel.

I am this man's servant.

It is not my place to question what my master does.

Huh?! Could you be from the Shirino clan?! Na maḥ sa maṃ ta va jrā nāṃ caṃ ḍa ma hā ro ṣa ṇa spho ṭa ya huuṃ traṭ hāṃ māṃ.

Flames of Acala Vidyaraja! Incinerate all evil! Gedomaru! Do some- Why are you hiding behind me?! Did we get them? That is enough.

These people are friends of Christel.

A friend of Christel is a friend of mine.

I will not permit any further mistreatment of our guests.

Or my name isn't Seimei.

[Note: Name based on Onmyoji Seimei Abeno.


[To Be Continued]

The next episode "Not Losing to the Wind.

" Apparently so, big brother.

[Just who is the Seimei character who rescued Gin-san and the g*ng?]

[Yes, Seimei is you-know-who's older brother! (hint) It's not Kamotaro.


[See you next time.

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