04x28 - Making It Through Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x28 - Making It Through Love

Post by bunniefuu »

I saw a spider.

A spider tattoo on that man's neck A spider, huh? Not much to go by, but oh well.

I'll have to let myself be caught.

In the spiderweb.

I'm the one who brought you into this mess.

Go, quickly! I'll follow behind shortly.

Sorry, but I try not to take a woman's last minute nonsense seriously.

Please go, I beg you.

I wish to stay as your equal.

When I'm with you, my resolve weakens.

Give up on being a woman, Tsukuyo.

Don't shake up my feelings any further.

Pay attention, you idiot! You're the one who's not paying attention.

["Once You're Entangled in a Spiderweb, It's Hard to Get It Off.


Gintoki! Bastard! You need to shut up.

Tsukuyo! I knew you would come, Tsukuyo.

You've become so beautiful.

I almost didn't recognize you.

However Your soul has become repulsive to behold.

A tragedy.

Who are you?! You must be the one who ruined the moon.

The one who soiled my beautiful moon.

It must have been you.

I see Your movements are still sharp despite the injuries.

I can see how you were able to defeat Hosen.

Who the hell are you?! Someone you can trust to watch your back.

Someone who would protect you, instead of being protected.

Did that bring back the womanhood you thought to have given up on? Or could it be You've fallen for this man? Gin-san and Tsukuyo are really late.

They should have returned by now.

I hope that they weren't caught up in any trouble.

Don't worry.

She's with Gin-chan.

Though the fact that she's with Gin-san gives us something else to worry about.

Anyway, sorry about today, Hinowa-san.

We checked all over but we weren't able to learn anything.

It's fine.

I'm sorry about forcing you to do this.

To be honest, I was more worried about her than this whole drug deal.

Are you talking about Tsukky? Yes, Tsukky.

You're the only ones who would call her that.

Does it sound dumb? No, it's wonderful.

I'll call her Tsukky from now on.

She always tries to bear the burden alone.

I'm always so worried.

Protecting me and Yoshiwara for so long, when she's only a woman Yet she never tries to rely on other people when something happens.

She's so focused on protecting others that she doesn't allow others to protect her.

It was the same this time.

She was thinking of how to deal with this problem by herself.

Acting recklessly without considering the danger to herself I wish she'd be willing to rely on me when there was trouble.

It's because I'm so useless like this But it's different with you people.

When she's with you, she's able to relax.

Able to face you on equal footing and ask for help or offer help.

Able to forget that she's the leader of the Hyakka and become an ordinary girl.

You people are a true marvel Any heavy burden, any attempt to shun others feels stupid when we're around you.

Hinowa-san Was that a compliment? Or an insult? It makes me happy to see Tsukuyo look that way.

It doesn't have to involve business.

Please come to see her when you have a little time.

She needs people like you.

Ever since he d*ed He? Who do you mean? A long time ago, there was a person she was able to rely on.

A person who would protect her no matter what.

Tsukuyo, I made this clear.

One who can't give up on being a woman couldn't possibly protect a thing.

Have you forgotten the pain which came with that scar? Tsukuyo.

If you wish to become one who protects instead of one who is protected, give up on being a woman.

How can you protect someone or something if you're busy ensuring your own safety? Devotion can only come from sacrificing the self.

But devotion to what? Not the Bakufu, not the Shogun, not your lord.

It is to what you believe in, what you must protect.

Yes, he protected Tsukuyo.

And Tsukuyo respected him in return.

However, it wasn't Tsukuyo that he was protecting.

Tsukuyo turned out this way because Who are you talking about? You may not be the sun which shines above the people.

But I alone know of your lunar beauty which secretly illuminates the land.

I alone shall watch over you.

I alone will protect you.

That's right I've come to protect your former beauty.

He was one of the strongest Ninja in Edo.

Yet he was banished from the Oniwabanshu for his sins, and ended up in Yoshiwara.

Nobody knows his real name.

He's known as Jiraia.

The original head of the Hyakka.

And Tsukuyo's Ma- Master?! Ma- Master So you weren't able to see through my disguise.

It's ironic.

I gave up my face when I gave up my identity, yet now that very face serves as the only proof of my existence.

The face of my identity Master How can you be alive? Why are you doing this?! Isn't it obvious? To see you, Tsukuyo.

He was the one who trained Tsukuyo from a young age to create a hardened warrior.

He was the one who made Tsukuyo abandon her life as a woman.

He was the one who created the Tsukuyo we now know.

And as a final lesson, he sacrificed himself and d*ed.

d*ed? There was a great fire in Yoshiwara four years ago.

He d*ed to protect Tsukuyo.

He was never trying to protect Yoshiwara.

He was protecting his beloved student, Tsukuyo.

I'm grateful to him for risking his life to protect her.

For providing her with support this whole time But she remains reluctant to depend on others because she's walking in his footsteps.

And he probably wasn't even protecting Tsukuyo as a person.

He was protecting Tsukuyo as his creation.

Tsukuyo, you were a masterpiece that came from my blood and sweat.

I have been watching you, ever since I feigned my death and vanished from Yoshiwara.

And you alone After losing your only source of support, you were desperate to protect Yoshiwara, Hinowa on your own.

You were beautiful to behold.

Just like the moon.

Humans acting in selfless devotion can transcend flesh, good, and evil Only your beautiful soul remains.

You would have never been perfected as a creation without my aid.

But my existence was also preventing your perfection.

A weak human who had someone to rely on could never sacrifice her sense of self.

Once your heart is strong enough to bear the loneliness of having no one to depend on, you are able to abandon your sense of self.

You were perfected when you lost me.

Yes, that should have been the end.

Until you all appeared! Tsukuyo, you understand nothing.

You do not need anything to rely on, depend on.

You only need solitude and an enemy for your blade.

Look, Tsukuyo.

You will watch as one who protects you vanishes.

And a new enemy will be born here to replace your King of Night.

I, Jiraia! Gintoki! Run! You won't get away.

You are already caught in my web.

He's floating?! Gintoki! The threads! He's strung up threads all around! We can't b*at him here! Run! Threads?! He's using imperceptible threads as a foothold?! The first set of kunai was for setting this up?! By the time you notice that you're caught in a spiderweb, it's already too late.

Gintoki! Now, to finish you off.

With your death, the moon will become whole again.

Gaze at my beautiful moon from the afterlife.

No matter.

He won't survive those wounds.

Gin Gin Gintoki Not my problem.

I didn't see a thing.

I've been reading JUMP the whole time.

Because Ninjas can read JUMP even in the dark.

I have nothing to do with this.

Gin-san! Hang in there, Gin- Gin-san! Thank goodness! I thought you were gonna die! Are you stupid? It'll take more than this to k*ll Gin-chan! But he was unconscious for three whole days! And these injuries are terrible.

Hey, why am I alive? How did I make it back here? [Ugly Girls Club]

C'mon! Drink up! You're a good man.

But aren't you going to run out of money if you come every day? Oh, it's fine.

I got a bunch of coupons from the Hinowa lady.

Besides, I'm rich.

I actually used to work for the Shogun.

You're such a kidder.

Why would someone from a fine background surround himself with fuglies in a rundown club.

I find more beauty in ruined buildings and funky caverns than shiny skyscrapers.

You're a real wreck.

A rare breed.

What happened here? Were you att*cked by a Giant Warrior? What are these two caverns? Why are they pointing up? Can I stick it in? Can I stick an electric plug in? Ow Bastard! Is this how you treat the man who saved your life? Do you have any idea how hard it was to fish you out of the ocean and drag you down here?! What the hell are you babbling about? You have no right to talk when you stood by and watched while I was almost k*lled.

Why would I come to your rescue? Besides, I have no interest in pretty girls.

What the hell were you doing there? What happened to Tsukuyo? Had a little business to take care of.

The pretty girl was taken.

Where'd they go? Beats me.

I said that I have no interest in pretty girls.

Hey, where are you going? Just to be clear, you don't have a chance against him.

Even if you weren't all b*at-up.

So you have no interest in pretty girls, but you seem to be very interested in fuglies and old men.

Jiraia the Spider He belonged to the last generation.

His power was said to rival my old man's, the strongest of the Oniwabanshu.

However, despite his abilities, he was banished from the Oniwabanshu Because of his dangerous nature.

I'm trying to be helpful.

Give up on the woman.

If you've been caught in his web, you're beyond saving.

Are you awake? How do you feel? Master No, Jiraia You no longer wish to call me master? That's fine.

You only need solitude and an enemy.

So I'd been struggling in your web all these years? I believed you.

I wanted to follow in your footsteps But it was all a lie? What was it that you believed in? The kind master who gave his life to protect you? Or the harsh master who taught you the meaning of selfless devotion, to give up your identity, to give up on being a woman? In that case, it wasn't a lie.

Even now, am I not sacrificing myself for the sake of creating you? Creating me? You k*lled him just for that reason? That's right.

If you hadn't grown weak, I would have left Yoshiwara alone.

If you hadn't learned to rely on others, I wouldn't have k*lled that man either.

You are the one who k*lled him, Tsukuyo.

And the tragedy that will soon play out will all be your fault.

What do you intend to do?! Wait! Jiraia! Abandon your sense of self to protect Yoshiwara and Hinowa.

That was the oath you swore on that scar But Yoshiwara has become more than a place for you to protect.

It has become a place where you belong, where you can rely on others.

None of that is necessary.

I shall burn the cobwebs and roots in your heart.

Wait! Jiraia!! [Preview]

Screw that.

Screw that to hell.

I'll die before I let that son of a bitch call himself her master! ["It's the Irresponsible One Who's Scary When Pissed.


[Jiraia's spiderweb cloaks all of Yoshiwara.


[Feelings towards the master, who misses Gintoki]

[See you next week.

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