02x06 - Love Galore

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Grown-ish". Aired: January 3, 2018 - present.*
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Zoey heads off to college and begins her hilarious journey to adulthood.
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02x06 - Love Galore

Post by bunniefuu »

So, dropping the design class

I was taking with Luca

seemed to lift the pressure
off of me, my relationship,

and honestly life in general.

I may not have found my genius yet,

but Luca and I finally found our stride.

- Hi!
- What's up, baby?

I have a surprise for you.

I have a surprise for you, too.

Aww! Okay.

Then let's do it together. Same time.

- One... two... three.
- We're counting?

- I got you a ring holder...
- Michelle Obama is coming...

- ... for when you sleep over!
- ... to our design class.

What'd you just say
about Michelle Obama?

- You got me a ring holder?
- Yeah. Um...

What is this? Velvet? Look
at the craftsmanship.

- This is crazy.
- Luca...

what did you just say
about Michelle Obama?

You know, Michelle supports

independent designers, like Jason Wu,

and she was gonna stop by the lab

to see if any of our projects
really caught her eye.


- A-Am I saying it wrong?
- Okay.

So, she's visiting the
class I just dropped?

Yeah. Kinda hyped.

But I would love to have
you come by the lab

and help me get my designs together.

This is... crazy.

I know. It's fire.

Yeah, fire.

Like super, flamethrower.

Like, opportunity of a lifetime for you.

It's official. I've just ruined my life.

Did you just finish my banana bread?

- No.
- Oh.


We might have more coming.

So it might not be done entirely.

That was so good.

- Mmm.

- Okay, guys.
- Mm?

You will never guess what happened.

- You're pregnant.
- You're pregnant.

- Jinx!
- Jinx!

No! Just that I have
totally ruined my life.

Yeah, babies tend to do that.

Aww, you guys are gonna have
the most self-absorbed baby

with the most luxurious head of hair.

Guys, I am not pregnant.
But you are trying?

No. Are you guys high?

- Maybe.
- Maybe.

- Jinx again!
- Jinx again!

I'm being serious.

I literally made the
biggest mistake of my life

by dropping that design lab.

Like, at first I thought I was
gonna be okay with my decision,

but now I'm totally
regretting everything.

But didn't you drop the lab

because you didn't want
to design anymore?

Yeah, but that was before

Michelle Obama was coming to the class.

Oh, my God. My forever-FLOTUS

- is coming here?
- Yes.

She's coming to anoint the
next hottest designer.

And you know all she has to do

is, like, give them one IG shout out

and they become an instant success.

Wait, so you're just regretting
dropping your design class

because there's a chance for notoriety?

No, it's that I'll be

helping my boyfriend on his rise to fame

instead of attaining said
notoriety for myself.

Got to be honest, this sounds

a little like your ego talking.

- Mm.
- How?

All I want to do is meet Michelle Obama,

or, you know what, more importantly

have her meet me so she knows that I am

the best thing that has
ever happened in her life.

How is that ego?

Personally, I think you need

to rip a page out of Michelle's book

- and go support your man.
- Mm.

This is an incredible
opportunity for Luca.

Help him shine.

My friends are as right
as they are high.

Which means they're very right.

I have to step out of
my ego, go help my boo,

and, you know, roll
confidently with my decision.

You have to let me back
into the design lab!

Now, you know I would
do anything for you.

You've done nothing for me.

Well, all that's gonna change.

But not today.

The add/drop period is over.

This is a very serious university.

Hey, my man, you, uh...

you brought the Tend Skin, right?

- Yep.
- Okay, cool.

Your boy gets bumpy sometimes.


Yes. Yes, it is.

All right, look, if I knew that

the former First Lady was coming,

I would have never dropped the class.

And if I'd have known the future
Mrs. Obama-Telphy was coming,

I would've got lined up sooner.

She will be my wife.

Hey, my man, you think you can
give me a line in the back?


Oh! Oh! Or... Or... Or...
a Chicago Bulls logo.

My girl... she's from Chicago...

so I know she's gonna appreciate that.

Now, she's still kickin'
it with dude, right?

President Obama?

- Sorry, guys.
- She looks thirsty as hell.


I'd trample any of you

- to get her a glass of water.
- Oh, yeah.

What's the point of us waking
up at 4:00 a.m. to train

if all the school needs to sell tickets

- is a THOT in a jersey?
- Wait a second.

How do you know Chastity Decas
doesn't wake up at 4:00 a.m.?

Please, if she was a serious athlete,

she'd be worried about her jump sh*t

- and not her damn double D's.
- Mm-hmm.

Female athletes already
have to fight so hard

to be taken seriously

and now you got a skank
licking a basketball.

Wait. So, you have zero issues
with Vaseline-faced Cash,

but have a problem with this beautiful,

Black, bottle-shaped queen?

It just sounds like a
double standard to me.

You mad.

Like, shouldn't you support her ability

to be able to play ball

and use her sexuality
in an empowered way?

You know what? Matter of
fact, instead of clowning,

you guys should come with
us to the game later.

Y'all are going to a
women's basketball game?

No, no, no. We're going to
Chastity Decas' basketball game.

- That's...
- All of that.

I mean, don't you guys want to support

your fellow female Black athlete?

- Oh, you play dirty, bitch.
- Fine.

I mean, I'm sure we can
sit through a few hours

of some boring-ass lay-ups

and poorly ex*cuted pick and rolls.

What, only guys are

allowed to make fun of
women's basketball?

Well, at least it's not

- one of your track meets.
- Yeah.

Up top!


Pfft, you mad!


- _
- Mm.

It felt bittersweet to be
back in the Cal U design lab.

I hadn't been back since
I dropped the class,

and I forgot how magical it was.

Look at my old workspace.

Sitting there... all
abandoned and dusty.

You know what? No. No. No.

I am not doing that,

because I have come to
terms with my decision,

and I'm here to support my man.

Just look at him.

He's so in his element.

How could I not want to support that?

Hey, babe!

Got your favorite... dirty chai latte.

Did you forget the rules?
There's no liquids in here.

Uh, yeah. No, sorry. I... guess I did.

No need to apologize.

It was a sweet idea. Thank you.

I haven't even been here for one minute,

and he's already throwing
my ideas in the trash.


While suppressing my envy

of Luca's chance to
have his designs seen

by America's Queen, Michelle Obama,

I was trying my very best to let

the supportive-girlfriend
side of me shine...

But Luca's attitude was
making it very, very hard.

Can you go right to left, please?

I'm sorry, what?

The way you're steaming... I
need you to go right to left.

Like Arabic?

Can't take it personal.

He is under a lot of pressure and,

in his defense, the Arabs
did invent steaming.

They're beautiful.

It almost reminds me

of Alexander McQueen's 1997 collection.

Was it Plato is Atlantis?

Are you calling me derivative?

Uh... no. Of course not.

But everybody's inspired by somebody.

I mean, wasn't it Picasso who said,

"good artists copy,
great artists steal"?

Okay. So, now I'm a thief?

That's not what I said.

Zoey, please...

help me...

help you... help me.

It's all good.

It is all good,

'cause when he goes low, I'll go high.

There's actually a good
number of people here.

Way more than our track meets.

I get a bigger line of
people outside my door

on Shroom Sunday.

See? Look.

Just another player doing her thing.

Gotta go slo-mo mode for this.

Mm! Look at that. The
woman has got skill.

You got to admit, she has skill.

One jumper with no one guarding her

means nothing.


Oh! That... That is something.

This is some bullshit.

These thirst buckets are going crazy,

and the game hasn't even started yet.

Yes, yes, but we...

We have already won.

How do I do the slo-mo?

It's coming, but something's
not quite right yet.

I feel like a dog that won't
stop chewing its own butt.

Hey, uh, babe, sorry,
but don't you think

this collar/dress combo may
be a little avant-garde

for Ms. Michelle Obama?

- Meaning?
- Meaning...

Okay, you have to remember
that this is a woman

who wore J. Crew to an inauguration.

So you may want to adapt a little

to fit the taste of your audience?

Make it more straightforward?
More simple?



You want me to mass-produce

some Mercantile cap-sleeve Midi dress

in a goofy-ass dragonfly print

and sell it for $74.99 to sorority girls

who can't afford Michael Kors?

Well, you know that's not what I meant.

I'm not here to pander to the mainstream

or give off a two-bit
department store vibe.

- I want to be original.
- I just think it's important

to give people what they want.

I'm not here to give
people what they want.

I'm here to give people what they need,

and I'm not gonna be thinking small.


Just as soon as I thought
Luca and I hit our stride,

he shows me a side of him
I've never seen before,

and this side sucks.

I get you're trying to help...

but I think I need some alone time.

Mm, happily.

How do I...

It just feels so much
better to go low sometimes.


Good "D."

Do you see what I mean?
This isn't about talent.

The girl with the
ittie-bitties got 27 points,

and the girl with the tig ol'
bitties got four points,

but she's the one with the banner.

Damn. This girl's making bank.

I mean, she's got sponsors
for Flat Tummy Tea,

Fashion Nova, and what?!
And The Container Store?

This is easily a 10K-a-month feed.

Ugh. We get it.

You a ho at the beach,
the gym, and Petco.

Why is she even playing basketball

when she's making this type of bank?

Social media is a living organism.

You know, one thing
feeds off the others.

Basketball is part of Chastity's image,

and these days, my friends,
everything is about brand.

And your guys' Insta feed
is literally pictures

of you and your dad eating donuts.

So what? I'm supposed
to be like Chastity

and straddle a hurdle?

Yeah, there is no way I'm going to Petco

just to press my ass
cheeks on some fish tanks.

Oh, real life, though, that'll
get you a lot of likes.

- Give me my phone!
- What the idiot is trying to say here is,

a little more sexy gets
you a few more followers,

which brings a few more spectators,

which then gets you the
banner above the library,

then brings endorsements
from... you guessed it...

wait for it... The Container Store.

You know what I mean?


I was aiming for my mouth.

My mouth.


Oh, my God!

What are you doing here?

I live here, and also,

how can you two possibly
still be this high?

I thought you were supposed
to be helping Luca.

Or was that yesterday?

I left because, apparently,

not only am I not good at design,

well, I'm also not good at
being a supportive girlfriend.

I mean, at this point, I'm wondering,

"What the hell am I good at?"

Well, you're getting pretty
good at quitting stuff.

Yeah, you should play to your strengths.

I'm being serious.

He found fault in everything I did.

I chewed my gum too loud,

my head wasn't tall enough,

and I didn't steam in the
direction of the Qur'an.

But Lil Luca's under a lot of pressure

- right now, Zo.
- And he is the moody, genius artist

you signed up for.

Well, I'm going to
give that moody genius

as much space as he needs

until after Michelle Obama
sees his old, wack ass

Elizabethan pet cone dress,

which would be more appropriate
for "Bo," their dog,

not the greatest first
lady this... this country

and world has ever known!

Here. Come here.

We'll be your supportive girlfriends.

Yeah, let's do it.


What are you gonna do?

I guess I'll go see if my cone fits.


Oh, my God.

What happened?!

I quit.

Luca, you cannot quit.

I mean, come on. That's... my thing.


You can sit here and pout all you want,

but this is a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity,

and there's only one
genius in this class,

and it's you.

I hate that word.

"Genius"? But... you are.

Just stop saying that.

It's the label that's got me messed up.

Okay, well, whether people
call you that or not,

it's true.

And, I mean, dude,

I get that you're overwhelmed right now,

but watching you work... it's inspiring.

Your passion,

your love of design... all of it.

I mean...

I wish I had something
that flows out of me

as naturally as that does for you.

I appreciate that.

I mean, it's not flowing right now.

Well, that's because
you're in your head,

which is what happens
to all great artists.

You... You gotta gift, you.

- Yes, you do.
- What are you doing?

My best De Niro.

You're mad goofy.

Okay, well, seriously, the
one thing I actually do know

are my designers,

and you're a great one.

So, how about we get this done?

Let's get it.

Something's still missing.

Maybe just sleep on it.

Thanks for your help tonight.

Yeah. Of course.

You coming?

Uh, yeah, in a sec.

Girl, you are obsessed.

Chastity has over 200,000 followers.

So do all those other Insta hoes.

All I see now is opportunity.

I mean, come on. We're
just as cute as her.

Plus, there's two of us. It's just math.

I want to be recognized
for my athletic ability.

Not... my perfect... body!

Well, we're not getting
recognized for either right now,

so we might as well switch up our image.

Not doing it.

There's literally nothing you could say

that'll make me change my mind, so...

YG follows her.

You play dirty, bitch.

Uh... w-what are you doing?


Good morning.

So, um, I had a little
inspiration last night.

If you hate it, all easily removable.

The... The... The... The jacket,
the tulle, all of it...

can take it right off.

But I just thought it was
cool, so I, um... yeah.

- This is you?
- Yes, and I...

I shouldn't have styled it without you,

so I'm sorry about that.

No. It's...

It's perfect.

Oh, my God! Thank you!

While Michelle Obama was
checking out students' design,

those of us on the outside

were trying to catch a glimpse of her.

Mrs. Obama!

I was really happy for Luca. I was.

I was sure he'd shine in there,

and I couldn't have been prouder.

But also, if I was being
completely honest with myself,

I couldn't help but feel
like I'd missed out.



Here we go.



She loved it.

Oh, my... I knew she would.

I knew she would!

I am so happy for you.

You deserve it.

All right, what?

Okay. What's that?

- I got a surprise for you.
- Yeah?

Oh, how sweet. My left shoe.

Needed that... I was
gonna wear it tomorrow.

Turn it over.

"Zoey, fantastic work!
Best, Michelle... "



Yeah, she loved the
dress, which was fire,

but she immediately pointed out
the styling, which was you.

Luca, thank you.

I know you really wanted to meet her,

so I hope this is...

a decent consolation until you do.

I genuinely don't know what to say.

How about you say you're a genius,

'cause your styling was...
and 'cause you are.

I thought you hated that word.

When it fits, it fits, you know?

Oh, my God. Thank you.

These are for you.

Obviously, roses were, of
course, too predictable,

so I opted for red tulips...

with a black, heart-shaped stigma

in the center to symbolize my heart...

darkened by passion.

Passion for you, Ms. Michelle Obama...


And only you.

Now, I hear that

you're already in some
kind of "relationship,"

but when I heard that you were coming

to our school,

my school,

I was smart enough to... intuit
what your arrival meant.

A new day...

a new dawn...

for us.

How was that?

Are you serious?

She left yesterday, man.

What do you mean, "she left yesterday"?

Thankfully, because... if
she heard that, oof...

What are you doing with these?

Sh-She went back with dude?
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