02x09 - Winners Right the History Books

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Berlin Station". Aired October 2016 - February 2019.*
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"Berlin Station" follows Daniel Meyer/Miller, who has just arrived at the CIA foreign station in Berlin, Germany. Meyer has a clandestine mission: to uncover the source of a leak who has supplied information to a now-famous whistle-blower named Thomas Shaw. Guided by veteran Hector DeJean, Daniel learns to contend with the rough-and-tumble world of the field agent: agent-running, deception, the dangers and moral compromises.
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02x09 - Winners Right the History Books

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on "Berlin Station"...

- [sn*per SHOT]

Katerina Gerhardt has died

whilst being treated for a g*nsh*t wound.

- I know who shot her.
- Come on inside.

- What, in the embassy?
- Yeah.

My guess is, he's a g*n for hire.

- What were you doing there?
- Lena Ganz.

She wanted payback.

Thankfully, she pulled out
the last minute.

Where are you, Dad? That woman was shot?

The politician, right?
Were you involved in it?

No, of course not.
Why would you ask such a thing?

How's Josef?

He trusts me.
I believe he still does, yeah.

And you trust him?

Was that Nick Fischer?
Oslo Chief of Station.

Yes, as if I can't see through him.

What he stands to gain.

This morning, the police found a stash

of burner phones at an address
frequented by Otto Ganz.

We need that phone.

Josef keeps everything
in a safe in his flat.

That phone you're looking for, call it.


I don't think Katerina had
anything to do with this.

Joseph handed her to us.

And supplied Otto Ganz
with everything he needed.

He set both of them up.


Esther, I know you want
Hector to be guilty,

but we've got the real sh**t.

Who's hiring you?

I don't know who. We didn't meet.

- I think he switched cars.
- How do you know?

- Where's Beitel?
- He's dead, it was a setup.

- Why'd you let him go?
- It's not that simple.

He's one of us.

German police have now named a suspect

in connection with the
sh**ting of Katerina Gerhardt.

He is Hector DeJean, an
American and a former member

of the CIA who remains at large.


♪ Johnny's in America,
Lo Teks at the wheel ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Na, na, na,
na, na, na, na, na, na, na ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'm afraid of Americans ♪

♪ I'm afraid of the world ♪

♪ I'm afraid I can't help it ♪

♪ I'm afraid I can't ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'm afraid of Americans ♪

♪ I'm afraid of the world ♪

♪ I'm afraid I can't help it ♪

♪ I'm afraid I can't ♪

♪ ♪

♪ I'm afraid of Americans ♪



♪ ♪



♪ ♪



Chaos in Germany

following the assassination

of PfD leader Katerina Gerhardt.

We can see behind me American
Marines guarding the embassy

as tensions mount and demands
intensified for the turnover

of prime suspect Hector DeJean

to German authorities.

As rumors swirl
that Mr. DeJean sought refuge

inside the U.S. Embassy in Berlin.


Meanwhile, German citizens
have surrounded

the embassy to protest
against what they suspect

might be CIA...

Seems like you got out just in time.

Ah, seems like it.

You say you didn't know
this Hector DeJean.

But sources tell me he was part

of your station only four months ago.

Well... [CHUCKLES]

I sort of know him.

I mean, the way you know someone

who works down the hallway
from you at the PfD,

but you don't really know him.

♪ ♪

Why are you looking at me like that?

Today I step into Katerina's shoes.

I cannot have any liabilities.

You mean like an American lover?

Only if she has conflicting loyalties.

It wasn't just a whim leaving
your job to be with me?

No, Josef, it wasn't just a whim.

♪ ♪

There will be more of that,
what I said last night.

I cannot back down or apologize
when I come home later.

I know.

And I understand that.

It's not a good day for
Americans to be on the street.

I think you should stay in.

I've seen worse than this, trust me.

Then if you insist,

I'll send you a car.

See you later.


♪ ♪


- U.S.A. go home!
ALL: U.S.A. go home!

U.S.A. go home!

♪ ♪

The hunt for Katerina Gerhardt's assassin

goes on as polizei continue

to search for suspect Hector DeJean,

an American former CIA officer

who served a long stint in Berlin

and is rumored to be hiding
in the U.S. Embassy there.

They have asked anyone

- with any information...
- Hello? Hello?

Hey, hey, hey, hey, where are you?

I told you I have to take care of my kid.

I'll be there soon.

Well, hurry up.

Unless you want me to take over
as acting chief.

God damn it, Hector, I'm on my way.


Hey, I don't want you to go either.

But you saw those images on the TV.

All those crowds gathering
at the embassy.

It's not a good situation...

Why are people protesting at the embassy

if the CIA is responsible?

Because it gives them a place, you know,

a place where they can focus
their anger against America.

But where's the CIA based?

Okay, let's not dawdle anymore, okay?

We're gonna miss your flight,

and by the way, Uncle Steven's
gonna take you to the airport

'cause I got to go straight
into the office and deal...

So the Office of Regional Affairs

is going to save the day now?



You sit.


I don't work for the Office
of Regional Affairs.

You work for the CIA.

Yes, I do.

You're a spy?

Yes, I am.


the definition of that is
probably not quite the same

as the one you have in mind.

- Does Mom know?
- Yes, she does.

There are reasons

that I have never told you the truth

about what it is that I do.

They have nothing to do with you.

They have nothing to do with me.

What are you feeling?

A little pride?

Maybe your dad isn't

quite so uncool as you thought he was?

- Kind of.
- Kind of?

Well, pride is good.

You can be proud of the fact
that I serve our country.

The rest is just hype.

- Fear? You a little scared?
- Yes.

Okay, nothing wrong with that.

Fear keeps us on our toes.

It keeps us careful.

It keeps you grateful.

I love you.

You can ask me anything.

Anytime you want.

I just can't tell you everything.


Uncle Steven, too?

Uncle Steven, too, what?

Noah, you talk about that
with me and me alone.

No one else.

Okay, listen to me.

You call me when you take off.

You call me when you land, okay?

I love you.

You did the right thing by telling him.

He knew. He already knew.


I'm terrible at good-byes myself.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were back at Langley

getting raked over the coals.

And not help finish what I started?

I wanted to let you know what
Valerie and I found last night.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Roll back.

I thought your last act here

was strong-arming her resignation.

All a ruse to cement her access to Josef.

I'm so glad that I was apprised

of that ruse as Acting Chief.

This is me apprising you.

And my hunch paid off.

We have proof of connection
between Josef and Otto Ganz.

It seems Josef was behind
the whole Otto Ganz plot.

Set Katerina up for the fall.

Which begs the question...

if he went full Brutus
and had her k*lled then...

- What?
- That's crazy.

Even crazier, crumb trail points

to Nick Fischer on that count.


Well, that doesn't make any sense at all.

No, no, it doesn't.

♪ ♪

You doing okay?

It just seems like every assumption

we've made along the way
is the wrong one.

Things get upended all the time.

Turn out to be the opposite
of what you thought.

- You get used to it?
- No.

But you give yourself a break.

Your next score could be
just around the corner.

Or walking through a door...

in a nice suit with a big ol' cigar.

Same guy who funnels money
under the table to Gerhardt

has her k*lled moments after she wins,

and then is out for a stroll

- the next day?

I mean, what gives?

Something f*cked-up
when we find out, no doubt.

- Robert?
- Yeah.

Hector! God damn it.

You're on speaker. Fischer's on the move.

- You want April solo?
- Yeah, yeah.

I need you back at base camp

to help me with Hector.

I can't do my job

and babysit him at the same time.

I'll get you back out as soon as I can.

And give April your firearm.
Fischer carries.

I don't need to give you
the standard lecture,

- do I, April?
- No, sir.

There's not enough people

to go around today.

We'll get it done.


U.S.A. go home!

ALL: U.S.A. go home!

- U.S.A. go home!
ALL: U.S.A. go home!




♪ ♪


Keep that mouth of yours in check.

Provoke the Foreign Minister and...


- Hello, Georg.
- Welcome.

Richard Hanes. We haven't
had the pleasure yet.

Esther Krug.

It won't last for long at this rate.

Please, we are short on time today.

He doesn't fancy deputies.
Don't take it personally.

Esther. You first.

The situation outside speaks for itself,

and it will only get worse.

I have been ordered by the Chancellor

to break liaison with your station.

This will be the last communication

between BfV and CIA until further notice.

Berlin Station is declared
persona non grata.

Great, we're all just going to lose

our f*cking heads along
with the protestors outside?

You're speaking
to the Foreign Minister here.

Thanks, Stefan.

I'm pretty much boned up

on everyone in the Bundestag.

Watch it, Kirsch,

or I'll kick you out of
this office before they do.

You will be the first to go, Richard.

The Embassy has hours
to turn over Hector DeJean,

or you all will be on
the first flight home tomorrow.

Pending investigations
and questions of complicity,

criminal charges are a possibility.

Georg, this is crazy.

We don't have DeJean.
We weren't involved.

Hector DeJean stands accused
of a crime he did not commit.

Says who? Hector DeJean?

We have testimony from the Ganz daughter

that they were planning it together,

and eyewitness accounts
that place him at the Messe

right before the sh**ting.

Planning, planning, Esther.

Do you have any idea how many people

probably wanted Katerina Gerhardt dead?

We have proof...

who did the deed.


To share the details of that

with you now would be premature.

Suit yourself.

Your resources are limited
along with your time.

The people want blood, Richard.

I suggest you give them DeJean
before they get it.

♪ ♪


I can't give 'em what we don't have.


Yeah, he's here.

In the Station.

Got trapped last night
when the news broke.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

DeJean is under my roof?

And that's the good news.

The bad news is,
your buddy, Nick Fischer,

he put the hit out on Gerhardt.


Get out of here.

He'd have given his lunch money
to the PfD if he had to.

If he had to reinforce his front.

This is crazy. Nick Fischer?

Welcome to intelligence, ambassador.

The thing we have to do now is

find out who Fischer's in league with.

My money is on Josef Emmerich.

What if Fischer is doubling
for the Moscow?

Russian interference over here, too?

Well, I vote for World w*r III.


- Hello?
- Where are you?

Uh, I'm on my way to the office.

Would you mind swinging
by your old office?

I need a favor.

What are you doing here?

What do you think?

Is Hector upstairs?


Fortunately, I know you
better than I know Robert.

- Esther...
- What?

You have proof?

It's complicated.


It's actually very simple.

We need Hector by nightfall,

- or I can't...
- Or what?

This is good-bye?

Please, don't do this.

It's not my choice.

We just need a little more time.

Look outside. You don't have time.

Esther, please.



♪ ♪

So we all go on trial for this?

If they decided to press
collective charges,

and hold the Station accountable.

Right, so sounding more and
more hopeful every second.

I need some real food, man.

I can't eat this vending machine shit.

You need to shut the f*ck up and listen,

is what you need to do.

All right.

Hanes and I just met with the Germans.



They want us to hand you over by tonight

or this Station gets the boot.


Great, so... so Esther Krug
finally gets her chance

to bury me alive.

Hector, there's a crowd outside

that wants your head on a pike.

And the BfV apparently has more

than Lena Ganz's testimony.

[CHUCKLES] Of course they f*cking do.

They can easily tamper
with any evidence they want to.


- What do you have on Fischer?
- Working on it.

Well, work on it faster, Robert.

What are you doing here
wasting your f*cking time?

What about the tunnels?
We could get him out that way.

- Say he escaped.
- Oh, so what... what...

so I run around like a f*cking fugitive

for something I did not do?

But you were about to do it, Hector.

You wanted to do it.

You're what's landed us in
this shit in the first place.

We all have you to thank for that.

Oh, you're welcome. What... for...

for closing the deal with Otto Ganz,

for bringing in the sh**t?

You're not my f*cking boss anymore!

f*ck you!

♪ ♪

Somebody just...

let me sail off into the sunset.

Let you all get on with your lives.

♪ ♪


He's starting to calm down a little bit.

April has eyes on Fischer
at the Gerhardt memorial.

Valerie has ears on Josef,
who's headed there now so...

You want me to get back out there?




Oh, come on, assh*le.

- I don't even work here anymore.


Look, I've pitching you

on the cyber-surveillance stuff
for weeks,

but you're a people guy,
Steven, I know that.

More dialogue than data.

You want me to convince Hector

to hand himself over to the Germans?

And save Berlin Station in the process.


Sounds like the redemption
of Steven Frost to me.

Oh, really?

I would think that Richard Hanes

could use a little redemption
right about now, no?

I never should have trusted Nick Fischer.

I know that now.

I f*cked up and I need your help.

This is as close as I come to groveling.

I don't have clearance
to enter the Station.

That's a mere phone call away.

What you do have is the respect
of your former subordinates.

In theory. Look, Richard...

the last time Hector
and I saw each other...

at least let me say, it didn't go well.

And more to the point...

I'm not gonna step
on Robert's toes with this.

He's Acting Chief.

For another ten hours

if something doesn't give.


I think Kirsch would let you
dance all over him

if it meant saving his job.

Hector's not going to listen to me.

He's just not.

And why would I want to convince him

in the first place?

Because the future
of American intelligence

in Europe might depend on it?

This is not the time to lose
our foothold here, Steven.

Germany cuts us off, others will follow.

♪ ♪

Let DeJean have his day
in court if he's so innocent.

What do you got?

Looks like a dead drop.

Message card from flowers next to his.

How does he know which card to pull?

You know, if I was a betting man

I'd say it's the same florist.

Let's circle back to the shop
after Emmerich shows his face.

If we get lucky, it leads us
to Fischer's contact.

I'll get the car.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

Fischer's approaching Emmerich.

I was hoping we could meet
before I fly out tonight.

It's a busy day, as you can imagine.

He's nervous.

Daniel, what's the body language?

Emmerich looks uneasy.

I don't think this is
a meeting you'll want to miss.

What time?

: .

I'll send a car.

They're both leaving.

We think Fischer may have picked up

a message at the memorial.

Dead drop in an adjacent bouquet.

Our guess is, whoever left it
for him is using

the same florist so Fischer
would recognize the card.

I'm gonna follow it up.

Who do you think the tail was?

I don't know. He looked German.

Josef's contact in the BfV?



Do you think he's on to you?

I don't know. It's hard to tell.

Robert wants to be patched into the SCIF.

Need a moment?

[CHUCKLES] No, I do not.



I need a secure line. Get out.

So what do you make
of Fischer's gambling jaunts

to Macao while he was
stationed in Cambodia?

A man with a gambling habit.

Get out.

So the Chinese mafia served his head

on a platter to Beijing,

this could just be him doubling

to cut off the American hand
in Gerhardt's victory.

I'll put that in the same hopper

as the Ambassador's Russian theory.

Okay, so do you have a theory?

- Or are you still working on...
- You know what?


I put my kid on an airplane this morning.

If I need a f*cking
surrogate -year-old,

I'll let you know.

You're such a d*ck, Robert,

which makes my continued
affection for you a mystery

and a conundrum.


Fischer obviously wants
to control the meeting

if he's sending a car for Emmerich.

Which means we'll have to piggyback

and take control of it.


I started this.
I intend to finish it, Robert.

Where are you with Fischer, by the way?

Deep inside a mind-f*ck.

Daniel and April may have a lead.

We'll see.

Keep me posted.

I have a hunch I know how you're feeling,

and it's not good.

[SCOFFS] Josef played me.

So, let's make him pay.













- Steven.
- Hey, Robert.

What are you doing here?

I want him to DeJean.

We're pulling out all the stops.

I already told you Hector won't listen,

and we're pulling
all the stops out as we speak.

Good, in the meantime,
maybe he'll listen more

to his former boss than his current one.

And maybe you don't know what
the f*ck you're talking about.

Jesus, all right, come on, come on.

- Can we please...
- Come on...

No, let's stay on the same page,

today of all days.

- It's your call.
- It's my call.

No, Richard, it's not
your f*cking call, stop.

Stop pulling rank like you got
some God damn twitch,

and put some faith in those under you

who've dedicated their lives
to public service

and not been handed an ambassadorship

because they wrote a big
f*cking check to the president.


Robert, this is your turf, not mine.

But I think it's worth a shot
to let Steven talk with DeJean.

What do you say?

♪ ♪



Thank you.


Are you sure you want to step
back inside this place?

Uh, yes and no.

♪ ♪

- Take this.
- Thanks.

Last night it was Hector. Now you.

You ready?


Home sweet home.

Let's go.

♪ ♪

Welcome back, Chief.

♪ ♪


Oh, Jesus Christ.


He's next. I'm just the warm-up act.


- So, this was his idea, right?
- Rob? No.

[CHUCKLES] God, no.

He's got about as much hope
in this as I do.

Oh, so what's the hope?

You talk some sense into me,
I turn myself in,

and this shit goes away, right?

Um... yeah, something like that.

Esther Krug has wanted me

out of this equation the moment
I stepped foot back in Berlin.

Once she gets her hands on me, it's over.

She will control the investigation,

she will tamper with evidence,

and she will lock me up

and make me swallow the f*cking key.


Okay, here's what you do.

You wait a day.

- And then you shit it out.

It's a prison trick.

So, how have you been?

[CHUCKLES] Me? Well, you know...

ah, second lease on life,

second career, second beard,

second home in Provence, it's...

Where you will pull a Van Gogh

in a field of sunflowers?

Oh, God, don't give me ideas.

Heard you had your own little role

in the sidelines recently, too.

You know, Hector, a few weeks ago,

I thought that I missed this game so bad

I'd do anything to get back in.

Now, I'm not so sure.

Yeah, I didn't think I'd miss it at all

until I got roped back in.

Once a spy, always a spy, huh?

You didn't come here to feed me clichés.

So, come on.

Give me the hard sell.

Martyrdom or bust, right?

"Saint Hector" doesn't really
have a ring to it...

you know.

No, it doesn't.

Not after the shit I've done.


What if this is
one of those times in life

where the only way around something...

is to go right through it.

♪ ♪

Are you advising me
to throw in the towel?

In every way.

But one.

It's tiny. Just one employee.

And not much room for distraction.

Transactions on a hard drive?

Yeah, looks like it.

Well, I'll...

I'll run interference,

make a big thing about the arrangements,

didn't trust you
to make the right choice.

I'll make her show me everything.

You'll have plenty of time
to copy the hard drive.

Why do I get the feeling this
is how you always buy flowers?



Something's wrong with the keys.

They're not working.

No, I had the lock changed.

Come in.


♪ ♪

I'd like my cuff links back.

These are CIA property.

Not mine.

And who told you that?

The man you had tailing me this morning?

I told you I couldn't have
any liabilities.

Was he a friend, sympathizer
from the BfV, I'm guessing?

What a fool I was

to take you for a sympathizer last night.

No, I genuinely felt for you, Josef.

Until I found your phone in the safe

that you used to contact Otto Ganz.

You lied to me.

The past few days, all a sham.

That makes two of us.

So, I guess we're even.

That terror plot, it wasn't Katerina.

It was you.

- Says who?
- Katerina?

She's dead.

No, says the phone call
that you made to Ganz

while he was in Spain cutting a deal

with two of my f*cking officers.


k*lling Katerina wasn't enough?
Might be my turn now?

What are you talking about?

We know Nick Fischer pulled off that hit.

- Under your orders.
- My orders?

Nick Fischer?

You f*cking Americans.

Still running around the city
like you own it.

years after the w*r!

[SCOFFS] Get out of my house!

Get out of my country!

You and your f*cking weapons.

It was a false terror plot.

Nothing was ever meant
to happen beyond their arrest

after the weapons exchange.

Well, good luck with
that story holding up in court.

Ridding your party
of extremists like Otto Ganz,

I get.

Framing an innocent women

for a terror attack
just because she was in bed

with American donors, I do not get.

Germany has been taking
handouts from America

ever since the end of the w*r.

It was time for sacrifice.

Yeah, well this isn't a handout.

This is a f*cking chokehold.

We need to find out why Fischer did this.

- Go and ask him.
- He met with you

at the memorial,

and he approached you
about a meeting, did he not?

I won't be going to that.

Oh, yes, you will.

Because if you don't cooperate,

I'll make f*cking sure
that your career is finished.

I promise you.

So, this is where
we conduct business now?

It's not as secure as I'd like,

but the view is better.

I'll never get used to no windows.

I think maybe you just like
the image of the precipice

we're perched on at the moment.

We haven't fallen yet.


Daniel and April have gotten

into the database at the florist shop.

They are looking for any contacts

that might connect to Nick Fischer.

Valerie has Josef dead to rights,

but she doesn't believe it's him.

No, that's because there's
a whole other party involved,

whoever Fischer is in league with.

NSA on it?

No, they're in total shut down mode.

It, um...

It looks like I'm gonna have to
eat shit and go to Hanes.

See if his cyber-surveillance leviathan

is everything he's cracked it up to be.


- Want some good news?
- Yes, please.

Valerie turned Josef.

He's agreed to wire up
for a meet with Fischer.

Well done, Valerie. And you?

I never should have doubted
her playing ball with him.

Oh, I'm not one to say I told you so.


Rule number one...

let Fischer do most of the talking.

Don't ask any leading questions.

It's up to us to follow up,

find the truth, not yours in the moment.

You make it sound like I want to do this.

Do you want this guy to go down or not?

Rule number two,
absolutely no show of emotion.

No anger, no disdain, no blood thirst.

Absolutely nothing.

What about you?

No show either?

I thought we had something.

You thought you could use me
to bring Katerina down,

that's what you thought.


At first, yes. But then... no.


Car's here.


To what do I owe the honor of
being invited into your lair?

A few weeks ago you said
you wanted in on things.

Well, I'm bringing you in.

If this is in the spirit
of "better late than never,"

I think you're cutting it close.

The NSA can't help, so...

So you come to my side?

Actually, I was thinking that...

you and I could meet somewhere
more in the middle.

What do you say?

Only way to get anything done these days.

We should have taken
that position a few weeks ago.


Where's DeJean?

I have him on a leash.


Josef just left.

He's getting into a black SUV.

Bravo Hotel Kilo .

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

We're on him.

♪ ♪

Meet point is the
Arminiusmarkthalle in Moabit.

Almost there.

♪ ♪

One day soon you won't be
able to stand alone

like this in public without
your supporters mobbing you.

Chancellor Emmerich?

Come on, let's take a walk.

What, is he taking him on a damn tour?

He's being cautious.

No, he's being paranoid.

We're headed around back.

You almost sound happy
about the turn of events.

You could say we have a vested interest

in your success.

Who's "we"?

Same group of Americans

that wined and dined Katerina?

All in due time.

I don't like Josef's tone.

Fischer's gonna spook.

Let me guess, you want
to offer me the same deal

Katerina took.

Help fund the PfD

if I help turn Uncle Sam
into Big Brother.

Germany is worth more to me
than a blank check.

I couldn't agree more, Josef.

I assure you I am not here
on behalf of Uncle Sam

or Big Brother.

It is proper allegiance

to Fatherland that we care about,

whatever the country.

"Vaterland" no?

What the hell is he talking about?

Is this guy the Naziest of them all?

Starting to sound that way.

We knew of Katerina's other priorities.

Her own career. Her popularity.

Then why support her?

Because she was our best
chance of helping the PfD

gain a foothold in Parliament.

But at the end of the day,
she was too soft.


- Yeah.
- Jacob.

We have an account
I need you to run down.

Sure thing. Give me a second.

Are you going to tell me
what this account is?

Belongs to a regular customer
at a florist.

Activity coincides with your
boy Fischer's trips to Berlin.

Meaning what?

Meaning whoever owns
the account is likely involved

in the hit on Katerina Gerhardt.

Okay, I'm ready. Give me the digits.

Stop bullshitting me.

Tell me who or we are done.

- What is he doing?
- God damn it.

♪ ♪



Do you want me to enunciate it
for them, too?

Who's listening, Josef?

You toothless piece of shit.


♪ ♪

I told my people you couldn't be trusted.

You call yourself a nationalist,

but you won't go the distance
for the cause.

Unlike you?


♪ ♪


♪ ♪



He's exiting the side entrance.

Getting on a motorbike.

Can't see the number plate.


Coming your way, coming your way, copy.

We're on it. Let's go, let's go.


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Where the f*ck is he?


♪ ♪

Shit, he 'ed.

Hold on.


Hey, stay down! f*ck.


I owe you one.

You okay?

What the f*ck?

Isn't that Esther Krug's deputy?

I've got something.

It's not good.

Stefan Heidrich

of the BfV.

f*ck me.

That assh*le who sat in my office?

He's in league with Fischer?

And that may only be the tip
of the iceberg.


- Anything?
- Not yet.

But I believe this rogue network

goes beyond Nick Fischer
and Stefan Heidrich.


Is the part where I'm suppose
to give myself a break?

No, it's the part where
you're supposed to

pat yourself on the back.

I just k*lled a BfV Officer.

Who would have k*lled me
if you hadn't done your job,

so thank you.

It was self-defense, April.

And great instincts.

I break contact with your Station,

- and you k*ll my deputy?
- There's a bunch of stuff

you don't know. We need to talk.

- What are you talking about?
- Not here, come on, let's go.

♪ ♪

Okay, what I'm about
to tell you is the truth,

and I need you to trust me on this.

Just say it.

Last night we learned
that one of our officers

stationed out in Norway

was behind the assassination
of Katerina Gerhardt.

What does this have to do with Stefan?

We chased our officer into that tunnel,

but he got away thanks to a decoy.

Stefan was the decoy.

- Is this your strategy?
- No.

- Share the blame?
- No.

It's not a strategy, Esther.

Stefan was in on this.

One of your officers was behind
the assassination plot.

That's what doesn't make any sense.

I know, it's the same for us.

Nick Fischer, one of ours,

pumping illegal funds
into the PfD coffers.

Who else was involved?

We don't know if it stops at these two

or whether there are more involved,

but we do know that it was not Hector.


So is this where you burn me
to save yourselves.

That's not what I'm saying,

but swapping one rogue CIA officer

for another does not spell salvation.

- Then what are you saying?
- I'm asking you

if you still want
to scapegoat Hector on this

knowing what you know?

What do you suggest?

We go public with this,

it could ruin all of our
careers, not just mine.

Oh, f*ck our careers.
What about the truth?

We let some white supremacy
jihadists run riot

just so that we could save our jobs?

There is no time.

The deadline for Hector is almost up.


♪ ♪


ALL: U.S.A. go home!



Hector's made a decision.

Join us in the SCIF.


♪ ♪

As if I can ever be Hector DeJean again.

You've been playing a shell game.

Hector, Thomas Shaw, Andrew Chevalier.

It was just a matter of time
before it caught up with you.

It's the right move, Hector.

You're done chiming in?

It's a crazy form of justice, but, hey.


Esther Krug is on the line.

Time's up.

All right.

Give them what they want.



♪ ♪



♪ ♪




♪ ♪


♪ ♪

What are you doing here?

I thought you could probably
use a visitor.

Katerina Gerhardt had nothing
to do with any of it.

The planned attack.

Father's death. None of it.

- What do you mean?
- She was set up.

We've both been had to some extent.


♪ ♪


So, this is where we meet from now on?

Oh, you'll get used to
a variety of locations.

All as pleasant as this one?


No power.

Karma's a b*tch.

Not the only one in the room.

No, maybe not.

But I am the one in charge.

Your cooperation moving forward
is essential.

Now you resort to blackmail.

I really wish you'd left me
with another choice.

♪ ♪

Word is, there's an entire
underground network

of their kind.

Rogue intelligence agents

looking to push the far right agenda.

We got a hit on a figure
fitting Fischer's profile

in Cape Town.

- That's their base?
- Or his hideout.

We don't know.

But the brass wants us to find out.

- Us?
- Come on, Steven.

You don't really mean to tell me

you shaved your beard on a whim.

Or was it a desire to return
to the Steven Frost

of yesteryear?

Give it some time.

We'll be back on our feet.

Time? Seems like an eternity

since you told us we needed a win.

At a bigger price than I anticipated.

We got a win, though.

Even though it was ugly.

I'd say we did.

♪ ♪

- Hey.
- Hey.

How was it?

Oh, you know.

He's in a better place.

As they say.

And what place is that?

God only knows.

Did anyone give a eulogy?

Why, you miss your chance
to say something nice?

Let's not push our luck.

I did something nice.

You did.

He's out of your life now.

And what about you?

You seem to be heading
in the same direction.

Do I?

I don't know.


You want to go for a walk?

You know we're not supposed
to be seen in public.

Well, there is a lot of things

we're not supposed to be.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
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