03x05 - Cooking with Claw - Catnipped in the Bud

Episode Transcripts for the TV show "Inspector Gadget". Aired January 2015 - May 2018.*
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When Dr. Claw returns, Inspector Gadget is brought out of retirement to defeat him again, now with Penny and Brain's open participation.
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03x05 - Cooking with Claw - Catnipped in the Bud

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Inspector Gadget, Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget, Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

♪ Go, go, Gadget, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, get 'em, Gadget ♪

♪ Inspector Gadget ♪

- Ugh.
- Ugh. [gulps]

Remember your t*rture
resistance training, Brain.

We can survive this!

It's time... for dinner!

- Ugh! [whimpers]
- [thuds]

Macaroni and cheese... and molten metal.

For extra iron, right?

Very good, Penny!

You've just earned yourself
an extra helping!


- Don't forget to save room for dessert!
- [Brain whimpers]

I've been told my Chocolate ala Boom
is infamous,

which I believe is short
for insanely famous!

[plate shattering]

- [mumbles]
- I know.

I just haven't found the right way
to tell Uncle Gadget the truth

about his cooking. It'll crush him!

- Popping by for a bite, Chief?
- Sorry, Gadget, but...

[burps] MAD's latest plan
has made me lose my appetite.

We have reason to believe that MAD
is kidnapping the world's best chefs.

HQ has no idea what MAD's cooking up
but we do know it's a recipe for disaster!

Your mission is to open a restaurant,
lure in the chef-nappers,

and find out where those cooks are.

The "steaks" couldn't be higher!

The "steaks" couldn’t [coughs]

This message will self-destruct.

[timer rings]

Uh, Chief? Wouldn't it be better
to have your best agent out searching

for the chefs and not, uh, in the kitchen?

No, Penny.
They could be anywhere in the world.

The only option on the menu
is to make MAD come to us

before they make mincemeat of the chefs.

And as a graduate
of the Institute of Exotic Cookery,

my culinary skills
are sure to draw MAD in.


Our motto was... No cuisine is too extreme,
except for Gadget's.

Isn't it nice that they included me
in the slogan?

- [expl*si*n]
- Phew!

- [crackles]
- I know it's bad for me, but... [chuckles]



[Dr. Claw] Revolting!

How many chefs do I have to kidnap
before I find one

who can cook like Mama Claw?

This viper ragu has none of her bite.

tasting nothing like Nana's cooking

- is a good thing in my books.
- [plate shattering]

[Dr. Claw] Get me the chef
of that hot new restaurant, La Pou-Belle.

It's MAD tasty.

Finally, a mission I can really sink
my teeth into. Get it?

Yes, but don't quit your day job
of doing what I say! Now, go!



An aroma infuser? Wowzers!

This'll make my cooking reek with flavor!

Uncle Gadget,
this is a super delicate mission.

One bad dish could blow our cover.

- Say no more, Penny.
- Phew.

- You can definitely be my sous-chef!
- [Brain groans]

It's about time you learned
my culinary secrets.

One day you can pass them on
to your nieces.

- Go Go Gadget, chef's gear!
- [clanking]

[both] Oh!

Brain, you stay in the kitchen
with Uncle Gadget,

I'll keep a lookout for...



It seems the ignition's on the fritz.

Good thing I always come prepared.

- Go Go Gadget, stove repair kit!
- [gasps]

Now we're cooking!

How ya doin'?
We'll take your best table.

Ya hear me? Only your best!

Garcon, you are about to serve
ze great food critic, Marcel Mangiarie.

Ew, I’ve seen better ambience
at the food court! [laughs]


This is your best table?

Seems your review
will be like a cloudy night.

No stars. [laughs]

Oui, we are so close to ze toilette!

- [toilet flushing]
- [sighs]

Don't give me that look. Just do your job
and move us over there.




Was that so hard?

Now bring us some organic, free-range,
gluten-free, small-batch, local water.

Ze service 'ere is abominable.
My dog could wait tables with more aplomb.


Whatevs, we're here to enjoy dinner
on MAD.

Just remember to save room for dessert.
And the chef.



- Customers?
- Mm-hm.


[swallows] Ick!

And one's a critic?

Good thing Cuisine ala Gadget
is so satisfying.

After this meal, they may never need
or want to eat again!

- [Brain whimpers]
- Happy serving, Mr. Waiter!

What was in that dish?

Just a little something I whipped up
with a pinch of cinnamon,

a dash of nutmeg,

and a zap of Professor Von Slickstein's
Inter-Dimensional Rift Ray.

Uncle Gadget! We'll never get MAD
to come here if we serve...

Humdrum food? Precisely, Penny.

That's why we're sending out chow
that excites!

Hope this is better than your attitude.

[both shrieking]

We gotta abort!

This isn't a restaurant.
This is a freak show!

There's an octopus thing and a...

[Dr. Claw] Octopus? Thing?

Those are two of my favorite ingredients!

This chef and I are two peas
in an evil pod.

Bring him to me!

And be sure to bring back
some Octopus-Thing.

MAD Cat loves it too. Don't you, girl?

- Uh-uh!
- [gasps]


[both scream]

- Were those screams?
- [Talon and Sue scream]

Yes! Screams of joy!

And they'll be screaming even louder
after my next course.

Uncle Gadget,
the chefs are running out of time.

If there's a food critic out there,
shouldn't we...

- Pull out all the stops? Absolutely!
- [Brain] Oh.

No self-respecting kidnapper
will be able to resist this recipe.

In fact, I'd be shocked
if it didn't get me thrown in a cell!

Uh... Zey look okay.


Zey smell okay.

And zey taste... [munches]


What's in zem? Mmmm! I must know!

- [plate shattering]
- [cat shrieks]

Back fat? Ear wax?

Chicken spit? Gopher skin!


And two eggplant?


There's no way I'm eating here alone.
I don't care who the chef is.

Hey, don’t move! Uh-uh!

It's a trap! I think it's time to turn
the tables on Gadget.


- Thanks, but I'm taking the chef to go.
- [Brain] Oh!

You know what they say,
"Revenge is a dish best served now."

Hmm... [spits]

This banana broccoli soup
could use a soupçon less peel.

- Oh!
- Wowzers! Mystery gum.

That could only be one thing.
The ingredient I've been looking for!


Outta the fire, into the frying... Yow!


- Whoa!
- Close...

- [plates shattering]
- ...but does it scream "extreme"?

- [Talon whimpers]
- Go Go Gadget, secret herbs and spices!

Yow! Aaarggh!


Hmm, that's a titch too screamy.
Now, where did I put that raccoon juice?

- Oh!
- Talon?

You're the critic? Looks like it's time
for you to start serving up info.

Sorry, Pen. Why spill the beans
when I can bean you?

Ha! Refried style!

Don't make me beat it outta you!

[both grunt]

[Penny grunts]

Looks like you bit off
more than you can chew, Pen!

- [Penny] Oh.
- [grunts]

Oh, yeah?

[grunts] Chew on this!


You're gonna say where the chefs are,

or should I serve up
some finger sandwiches?

You mean "knuckle sandwiches," right?

Seriously, Pen,
your threats are like your uncle's food.

Terrible! [laughs]

You mean "terribly good!" Right, Penny?

- Uh...
- Yeah, right, Penny?

Tell him what you really think.



Honestly, Uncle Gadget,
your cooking just isn't good enough.

- Ha!
- [stammers] What do you mean?

It would have to be twice as extreme
to impress this critic!

You're absolutely right!

Thank you for being so honest
with your old uncle. I'll get prepping!

[screams] No more of Gadget's cooking!
I'll tell you anything you want!

Great! You can start by telling me
where the missing chefs are.

The chefs are at these coordinates.

- [slurps] Hmm.
- [indistinct chattering]

It's been a pleasure serving you.

Come on, Brain. We've got chefs to save!


[laughs] Time to dine and dash!

You can't leave yet, Mr. Critic.

Prepare to have your taste buds
blown away!

- We begin with my patented Puffer Poppers!
- Hmm.

Mm, not so bad.

And I think you'll be extra impressed
with how the puffer fish spines double

as mouth acupuncture.


Now for the gruel flambé. Say "ah."


The flambé comes from Guatamazillian
Magma Peppers.

Ah, I see you've helped yourself
to the Liquid Helium palate cleanser.


Now, for the piece of resistance!
Alligator ala carte!

- [Talon screams]
- Bye now, Mr. Critic!

- I can't wait to read your review!
- All the chefs have been rescued.

Congratulations, Gadget!
This was a job well done!

Actually, this was a job
medium-rare, Chief!


[Dr. Claw]
Once again, you failed me, Talon!

Go to your room with no supper! Ever!

No problem. You can have my leftovers.

Gah! This is the last time
I send you for food, Talon!

- Last time!
- [meows]

[alarm buzzing]

Uncle Claw! What's the emergency?

- That!
- [purrs]

- [purrs]
- Ew! What's happening?

Isn't she supposed to be the most
hate-filled creature, like, ever?

[glass shatters]

She got her paws on some catnip
and it turned her into a cat-twit!

And no matter what I do,
she figures out how to get more. See?

But now I have a solution
as simple as it is devious.


With the MAD Weed Wacko's
Flora-No-More-A device,

we'll destroy all the catnip on Earth!

Um, isn’t the MAD Weed Wacko
a little, um..


Yes. Why do you think
I’m sending you to help him?

He'll be waiting for you deep
in the Ecuadorian jungle

where you will destroy all plants!

All the plants? Huh. Overkill much?

Overkill is my favorite type of k*ll!

If I destroy all plants,
there’ll be no more catnip.

It's called logic, Talon!
Now go, before it gets any worse!


Nice toss, Penny!

Now watch how your old uncle does it.
Go Go Gadget, disc tosser!

[Penny] And... that's never coming back.

Sure it is! Fetch, Brain!


Good dog.

- Gadget.
- Chief!

Don’t be a stick-in-the-mud
and come play catch.

The only catch we’re going to play today
is catching MAD.

HQ has reason to believe that MAD's going
to use the Flora-No-More-A device

to destroy all vegetation on Earth.

Your mission, weed out MAD
before they weed out all plants.

This message will self-destruct.

But without plants to make oxygen,
we'll suffocate! It makes no sense!

MAD never makes sense, Penny.
They only make evil.

I’m on it, Chief!

- Phew.
- [Brain barks]



[Brain whimpers]


Never fear, jungle.
Inspector Gadget is here to keep you safe!

Go Go Gadget, eco-friendly mode!

- Whoa!
- [Penny] Uh, Uncle Gadget?

- [gibbers]
- Maybe we should step away

- from the wildlife?
- Nonsense, Penny!

This spirited simian knows
we're here to rid the jungle of MAD.

She must be here to guide us
to the device!

- [smooches]
- Good thing I'm fluent in Baboonglish.

[imitates baboon]


[howls, gibbers]

Hey! [screams]

That’s baboon for "The Flora
No-More-A device is this way!"

Brain, you help Uncle Gadget
with his monkey business,

I'm gonna uproot MAD's plans.

[Talon groans]

Disgusting bugs biting!
Disgusting humidity ruining my hair!

Disgusting jungle!

Yes! The jungle is disgusting!

And so are its compatriots.
The forest, the woodland, and... [moans]

Ugh. Uh-uh.

Oh, oh, that feels good. [sighs]
Where was I?

Uh, you were being a whack
and I was about to laugh at you.

Who told you to laugh at me?

Was it this flower? It was, wasn't it?



Laugh with me, fellow plant hater.

[chuckles] Okay.


Okay. This guy is completely
cuckoo banana pants!

You want to see
completely cuckoo banana pants?


Destroy the plants! Now!

Time to reap my revenge!

Say buh-bye to plants...

- [Penny] And hello to Penny!
- [screams]

[screams, grunts]

- I won't let you foil this foliage!
- Penny!


Oh, I'm gonna dig a hole and plant...


Plant your face?
Mission accomplished, Talon.

Brain, my Baboonglish is as perfect
as the day I learned it!

- Ms. Baboon here is in love...
- [smooching]

...with the idea of stopping MAD.


- [gibbers]
- You're right. MAD is bananas.


Stop smacking my perfect face,
you useless plants!

Poor Talon.
Can't see the forest for the trees!

- Aah! Whoa!
- Whatevs! [laughs]


Aah! [groans]


You got the key back.
Now, we can finally...

Ooh, itchy! So itchy!

Where was I?

I was giving you the key
to destroy all plants,

and you were going to do that

[yells] so we can get out
of this stinkin’ jungle!

Oh, yeah. Oh, right.

[Penny] Ew.

What are you so smug about?

If you destroy all the plants,
there'll be no photosynthesis!

Uh... Um, uh...

How plants take in carbon dioxide
and release oxygen?

We breathe oxygen!

Ohhh. That's not good.

Hold on one sec.

Uh, Uncle Claw, um, about
this whole destroying all plants thing...

Did you know about this
Photo... graphy... synth... eziers?

Sounds trendy. And who has time for trends
when they're dealing with this?

- She's out of control!
- [purrs]

k*ll those plants now!

Think about what you're doing.

Fine! I'll save the world,
but just so I can keep breathing!

Exactly, Ms. Baboon!

We have to pick MAD out
from where they hide!

[whimpers, grunts]

- [growls]
- Oh!


[Weed Wacko laughs]

Weed Wacko, you can't do this!

Carbon dioxidethesis
will eat our plant food,

then Photon-Sylabis won’t let us breathe!

- [Talon groans]
- What he means is,

you've whacked your last weed.

What she said.

You've turned over a new leaf,
like a filthy plant!

Now I've gotta... Ugh, oh.

Argh! Aah, aah.

[Penny and Talon coughing]

[laughs maniacally]

Why are you doing this?

Because I'm itchy! Duh!

No, why are you destroying all plants?

Ugh. Don't get him started.

Well, plants have had it out for me

- since the day I was born.
- [sighs]

The doctor who delivered me
put on poison ivy gloves

instead of surgical gloves.

Who does that?

Ever since that day,
I've sworn to k*ll all plants!


- Brain, get Uncle Gadget here. Fast!
- Bow-wow.

I think we've slow-danced around the point
long enough, Ms. Baboon.

It's time you show us where MAD is.


- [snarls]
- What is it, Brain?

You really need to learn
to communicate better,

like our friend, Ms. Baboon.

- [whimpers]
- [growls]

I think she's telling us MAD is behind us.

Go Go Gadget,
baboon finger pointer follower!


And when I woke up,
I discovered my pillow

was actually a pile of stinging nettles!

How's that for a Christmas morning?

I don't know what's worse,

the energy beam, his monologues,
or having to watch him scratch himself.

Especially there. Ew.

[screams] Wowzers!

This is no time for tree hugging,
Penny and Penny's friend.

Ms. Baboon said MAD is over here!

Save your breath, Gadget.
It's your last!



Wowzers! Those are terrible exhaust fumes!

Don't people know... [coughs] letting
machines idle is bad for the environment?

Go Go Gadget, anti-idler!

- Yes!
- No!

You've ruined my only chance
to destroy the plants,

and for that, I will destroy you!

- [baboon howls]
- [crash, thuds]

Ooh! Ouch!

Plants! Oh, itchy hurty plants!

- [Wicked Wacko screams]
- Hello, Ms. Baboon!

Thanks again for the tip.

Oh, this is my niece Penny
I've been telling you about.

Well, Pen,
this has been a breath of fresh air.

But I've gotta jet!

- Hey! [screams]
- [gibbers]


What? No! Please! [screams]

No. No, no, no.

It can’t be. Not just poison ivy

Jungle poison ivy?

I hate plants!

Congratulations, Gadget!
You've saved the world again.

And I couldn't have done it without...

Where did Ms. Baboon go?

I think she moved on.

Ugh! Uncle Claw, this'd be a good time
to come and get me!

Not now! MAD Cat's out of catnip
and she's angry, really angry!

- Stop, MAD Cat! Stop! [screams]
- [yowls]
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