05x02 - Kaniel Outis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Prison Break". Aired: August 2005 to May 2017.*
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Brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows continue to evade the law.
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05x02 - Kaniel Outis

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Prison Break...

Losing a brother, the massive hole that leaves in your life.

Like the same massive hole losing a husband makes.

Your brother's dead, Lincoln. How do you explain that?

Lincoln Burrows. Jacob.

Uncle Lincoln! Hey!

911. I have an armed intruder in my house.

We've awoken something...

Something people are trying to hide about Michael.

I don't know who we're fighting. Let's go to Yemen and find out.

You don't know a damn thing about Yemen.

I'll find someone who does.

The country's falling apart. Everyone wants out.

Welcome to the civil w*r.

Come quickly, or we'll all be dead!

Who's that contact again? A woman named Sheba.

Michael's caught in the middle of something big.

Kaniel Outis is a big-time t*rror1st. We've arranged a visit to Ogygia Prison.

That mean Michael's in there?


My name isn't Michael, and I don't know who you are.


Michael, what are you doing, damn it?!

The fighting in Yemen intensified today as ISIL forces get ever nearer to the capitol.

The rebels, who have the stated intent of taking over the country and establishing a radical caliphate, are also bent on freeing their leader, Abu Ramal, who was captured by the government five years ago.

Ramal is known for his extreme views and practices, from using young girls as sex slaves, to a medieval brand of justice that includes public beheadings and executions in the street.

Ramal is currently being held in Yemen's most notorious penitentiary, Ogygia Prison.



This is it.

Whip, get up here.

Is it happening?

You are not going to leave us, are you?

If the rebels take the city, we're dead. You've told us that a thousand times, Sid. You're a broken record. Is it clear?

Okay, it's clear.

Whip. Come on.

Lights go out... you follow.

Come on.

Would have made it so much easier if it was just you and me like it was on all the other ones.

Nothing is easy on this one.

Yeah, tell me about it.

One minute.

Board spans the gap.


Blanket covers the wire.

Now it's about those lights going out.

He didn't flash it 24 hours before.

That's supposed to be the signal. Have faith.

Seven straight nights?

No signal, no lights getting turned out?

Those strikes are getting closer, too.

Those lights aren't going out.

Lights aren't going out. Got to go back.

Maybe make a run for it.

Too much ground to cover. They'll sh**t us down before we make the gap.

What's the plan then? Give up and die?

I can't wait another four years.

It was supposed to be one week.

Poseidon has left us here to die. We still got one card left to play.

I didn't want to play it, but it's already in motion.

Let's go.

Apparently, Kaniel Outis was thrown into Ogygia for crimes against the government.

Shortly after, he was captured trying to escape, and thrown into solitary.

They just released him into gen pop recently.

Call him Michael, will you?

But why didn't he acknowledge us when he saw us?


Get back here!

Kid was spying on us. Yeah.

And he left something under the doormat.


This is Michael's handwriting. Swan was his calling card.

He's reaching out to us.

But why is he being so mysterious?

Back in the day, he never talked to you straight, as in not in code? He's worried about someone intercepting his message.

Yeah, but what does it mean?

I don't know, but we're supposed to know.

"Sheik of Light." Sheik of Light.

That sounds like a guy on a mountain peak communing with God.

Yeah, we got to get help.

We're out of help. Sheba.

She's thinks I'm abetting a t*rror1st.

Well, then you have to convince her that you're not.

You have got to leave, Papa.

I will not run away. The government is being targeted.

You are being targeted.

I'm a no one. You are government to them.

You don't understand being a Yemeni.

You would run away when she needs you the most?

I understand that we are no good to this country dead.

Papa, there will come a time. We go abroad, regroup with an exile government.

With what money, girl?

It would cost two years' salary.

I'd rather die with my face to the enemy than to run away.


Hey. I suggest you leave this country as quickly as you can.

What's he doing here?

My friend needs your help.

I gave him my help.

You didn't tell me he was working with the enemy.

This man you claim is your brother, Kaniel Outis, worked with the rebels.

His name's Michael Scofield. I don't care!

Not Kaniel Outis!

There's nothing you can say to me that will make me help you, okay?

Is that right?

This enough to get your family out of the country?

Deliver me this first.


Ready, love?


What's that? It's, uh... it's something your Uncle Lincoln sent.

Here. I don't want to go.

I want to stay with you.

You got to go to school.

And I'm gonna be right here when the bell rings.

Okay? You walk down those steps, you hop straight into the car. Yeah?

I love you.

Make it a great day.

I got the note.

I got the note, Michael.

We're going to get you out of here.

Look, my name isn't Michael, and I don't know who you are.

I'm sorry.


You know I'm a noted economist?

I mean, that's what it says in the paper.

"Noted Economist att*cked in Home."

I didn't even know economists made the news.

That's the first and last time, hopefully.

I've been trying to piece this thing together.

You remember those government guys, those think t*nk guys, trying to pick my brain about game theory, how they could use it for foreign policy?

Yeah, you bored the hell out of 'em, right?

Yeah, okay, but I mean, did I hear something I shouldn't have? I don't know. Did you?

Like who shot JFK?

I am trying to be serious here.

No, you're doped up on painkillers and you're thinking too much.

I promise this has nothing to do with you.

You rest. I'm going to, um...

I'm gonna run some errands, and then I'm gonna come visit you, okay?

Okay. Love you.

Love you, too.

Okay, no problem. Thanks.

Hi. I, uh, I called earlier about a missing U.S. citizen in the Middle East. Yes. I'm Henry Kishida.

Let me walk you to the director's office.

It's an unusual situation, which you can appreciate, since your husband is declared legally dead, and the person that you're referring to goes by another name.

I'll take it from here, Henry.

How are you, Sara?


I'll leave you two be. Let me know if you need anything, sir.

Mm-hmm. Sorry, how did I end up with you again?

You asked for the State Department's help.

I wanted the State Department, not you.

Yeah, you've lived so many lives, I don't know who you are.

That'd be a consistent theme for you, wouldn't it, given that you were married to a man who never existed?

What is that supposed to mean?

It means you should come in and let me enlighten you to all things Michael Scofield...

Or should I say Kaniel Outis?

You shouldn't drink bottled water... the dioxins, the BPAs in there...

I'm touched by your concern.

Have a seat.

Good, thank you.

You know, Sara... you and I have... a checkered past.

But I am evermore a boring guy now, and... mellowed by life, trust me.

If you have something you want to tell me about Michael, I'd sure love to hear it.

Okay. When your call came in and Kishida processed it... well, let's just say there are certain keywords that get our system buzzing pretty quickly.

Kaniel Outis...

Actually, can't stand it watching you drink out of that.

Hey, Kishida?

Could you bring Sara a glass for her water, please?

Thank you.

Kaniel Outis... is a known t*rror1st, ties to ISIL, wanted in the k*lling of a senior CIA official.

Michael's no k*ller. You see, that's the problem.

Because Kaniel Outis is.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

And... this is Kaniel Outis.

That's ridiculous.

The record here at State says that... that's Kaniel Outis's face. Okay, but you and I both know who Michael Scofield was.

No, that's just a memory.

The official record... history...

It says otherwise now.

Now, that's scary, to think who could be behind that.

Because only somebody very formidable would be capable of officially turning one man into another.

It would take a genius... like Michael.

You're insinuating that he did this?

He disappeared, just quit on his life?

I want answers just like you do.

Who's capable of this?

Only a handful of people in the world.

Sara? Sara!

I figure we got a day, maybe two, tops, to get out of this hole.

At that point, either the shelling gets us... or ISIL does.

Does any of this phase you at all?

The fact that we're gonna die in here?

We're not gonna die. We're still getting out.

All of us.

How's that? The roof?

The roof ain't happening. The roof is happening.

We don't have time to come up with another escape plan.

So you are nervous.

Great, now I know I'm in deep crap.

I'm only doing this for the money.

Don't think you and I are suddenly good.

You just deliver me the sheik.

The sheiks are well away from here.

High desert.

And I've never heard of one being referred to as Sheik of Light.

Which means it's probably a code.

She knows your brother.

This tape...

It's the only thing that doesn't belong.

Your brother speaks in riddles, does he? Maybe it's Braille or, uh, Morse.

Or just numbers.

I think it's a phone number.

Voice mail.

Mohammad El-Tunis.

Director of Electrical Works in Sana'a.

Director of Electrical Works.

"Sheik of Light."


Thanks for taking the time to see us.

Where is everybody?

They are fleeing ahead of the advance.

We have been trying to reach him.

All we know is that he went to the suburbs to try to find his daughter.

Do you have an address for her?

We tried calling her, but no answer.

Address is here.

You are not going to try to find him, are you?

God be with you, then.

Circled the address.

Good luck.

You're coming with us.

If you think I'm going into the suburbs, you're crazy.

What's wrong with the suburbs?

The suburbs are out there.

The front line of the w*r.

Nice knowing you, Benjamin.

I hope next time it's under better circumstances.

Pay up. You have to get us past the checkpoint.

Two Americans... we'll never make it without you.

I am not getting myself k*lled.

Pay up.

Deliver the sheik.

Then you get your money.

Get in.


You should check your e-mail, Sara.

What am I looking at?

Footage captured by a hunter four years ago.

One of those motion sensor devices you hang on trees, takes intermittent photos of prey.

Hunter comes out one morning, finds these images.

This is the k*lling I was telling you about.

The victim's Harlan Gaines, Deputy Chief of the CIA.

And the k*ller... well, you can see, it's who we call Michael Scofield, or Kaniel Outis, or... This is exactly what they did to Lincoln.

And then there's the blood evidence the next day.

Kaniel or Michael or whatever gets on a flight to Yemen.

We all most nail him when he lands.

He gets away.

His luggage doesn't and Gaines' blood is all over the clothes inside.

The evidence is overwhelming.

Whatever name you want to call him, Michael's a m*rder*r, Sara.


Are you all right?

You all right?

Oh, this old thing?

Yeah, I'm doing fine.

What's going on?

I need your advice.

It's probably something you're not gonna want to talk about.

I could really use your clarity right now.

It's about Michael.

Still want to know how he got that in here.

Hugging naked with the guards.

Got to be, right?

What the hell is that?

"We are the Champions."

You get stuck in a Porta-Potty like this, you go Queen?

I mean, where are the girls riding the washing machines, right?

Look at my screen again, this goes in your eye.

You know, the world never ceases to amaze.

You get stuck in a Middle Eastern prison, the biggest S.O.B. is a Korean.

He's in withdrawal.

You know, he's the biggest collector of Queen paraphernalia in the world.

They say his house in Seoul is a shrine to Freddy Mercury.

And he got in here how?

Identity theft.

Apparently he used to sit on his couch, hack high net worth accounts all over the world.

Turned it into a collection of Hummers, helicopters and, apparently, Freddy Mercury's ashes.

Wait, you mean like his burnt-up body?

The story is Freddy's cremated, but his ashes go missing.

To this day no one knows where they are.

Ja admitted to me once when he was high he bought them.

Two million bucks.

He's got Queen's lead singer in his family room.

How exactly do you know all this?

I asked him.

He's a real mensch when he's not in withdrawal.

I didn't know you talked to him.


Just when I think I know your game, I don't.

You know my game, Whip.

See, right there, "Whip."

I don't even know why you call me that.

Because you're my whip hand.

My ace in the hole.

Yeah, sure, okay.

See, in game theory, it serves you to be two-faced.

Be everyone's friend till the moment you're not.

You make them love you so much that when they're up against it, their loyalty will make them act against their own best interests.

That's game theory.

A cold, rational focus on winning.

Even if it's at everyone else's expense.

What I'm trying to understand is what he stands to gain.

Leaving his family, and-and the new identity.

According to the little you've told me, he was different.

Always an agenda, right?


I mean, he apparently loved you.

Of course he loved you.

How could he not?

But he also wanted you to open that door in the prison for him.

I mean, true game theory, everything, everyone is a contingency.

You meet people, you bring them into your life and you keep them percolating until the moment you need to manipulate the relationship to your advantage.

I'm not judging, you know? That's not my thing.

I know. You know me. But...

schema as deep and as calculating as that can, in the end, spin a man off into madness.

He might initially think smaller evils are okay in the service of a greater good.

Like breaking Lincoln out of prison.

But the dance of good and evil could become jumbled, and the manipulation itself becomes the most important thing.

Becomes about winning rather than whether the game should be won at all.

I don't think I've seen you this scared before.

They say, for Ramadan, as an act of forgiveness, they're going to release all prisoners from solitary over there back into general population.

Worst of the worst.

ISIL fanatics.

Abu Ramal.

They're going to k*ll me, you know.

Government gave me 20 years for h*m*.

But the monsters in there, Ramal and his men, won't let me live 20 minutes.

Please tell me you still plan on getting us out of here.

You were responsible for k*lling the lights, and then your Sheik of Light went missing at exactly the wrong time.

I don't know what happened to him.

Maybe I can find another way.

There is something you could do.

Give me a piece of that gum.

Piece of gum is going to get us out of prison?

It'll start the process.

Sometimes, my friend, I can't tell which is bigger, your plans or your lies.

I take that personally, you calling me a liar.

And I'm gonna show you, just like the butterfly's wings, this piece of gum is gonna start a sequence of events that will finish on the other side of the world.

Battery, please.

Prison lighter.

Whip, I need your socks.

Sid, water can.

How we doing out there?

We're all good. Quick though.



You sure about this?

There's no time left.

The city's about to collapse.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Ah! Got it.

Come on, come on, come on.

Go, go, go.


We got a sick one in here.

What is this?

He's burning up, he needs the infirmary.


This is it.

Limit of government control.

Anything after this is ISIL territory.


Let me do the talking.

He's says us being Westerners, a woman... we go inside, we are not coming back.

They're not letting us through.

Tell him I bet $500 bucks we'll make it back in one piece.

He doesn't have $500 to bet.

It doesn't matter.

We don't make it back, he keeps it.

He says we have a death wish.


The city used to be beautiful, alive.

Look what they've done to it.

They're putting up portraits of Abu Ramal.

He's only gotten more powerful since he got locked up in Ogygia.

God help us if he gets out.


We're gonna get stopped. Get down.

Down now.

Cover up.

Can't believe this.

I know him.




It's Abu Amir now.

What are you doing in the suburbs, Sheba?

Took a wrong turn.

You got your hair covered up.

That's good.

Finally find God?

Not your God.

There is only one God.

We're gonna take the city, you know.

You be nice... maybe I'll make a good woman of you.

Forgive the devil in you.

Why don't I just turn around now?

We forgive each other.

Forget each other ever existed.

Beauty is not so easily forgotten.

Lover boy!

We have to go.

Government's moving in at Aksa Park.

Cut her loose.

Get the hell off our territory.

They are gone.

We have to hurry.

We're lucky he didn't k*ll me right then.


Maybe I'll tell you one day.

They're destroying our city.

Your ISIL friends are destroying our city.

And you come in here wanting help.

Just give me a little something.

Is there a doctor here?

I'm burning up.

You should have thought about that when you supplied g*ns to them, assassinated good men.

Those charges were a misunderstanding.

Oh, Allah. Kaniel Outis says it was a misunderstanding.

Was it also a misunderstanding when you tried to escape the moment you got into this prison? Hmm?

An honest man doesn't try to escape.

He asks for a lawyer. But you, you tried to escape the very first week.

I'd have left you in solitary forever if it was up to me.

The address at the end of the block.

Rebels... right in front of the house.

Son of a bitch.

Anything easy in this country?

The question is: is the sheik even inside?

Only one way to find out.

They find us up here, there's no explaining ourselves.

We're all dead.

Shh, shh, shh.


You... You are not ISIL?

No. But you're Mohammad El-Tunis, I take it?


We are from the city center. We are here to get you out.

Not without my daughter.

We can bring her. Where is she?

She's out there. Where?

In the basement of the schoolyard, across the street.

Pinned since ISIL arrived.

I came to get her out.

And I got pinned, too.

I hate to say it, Linc, but I think we might've just got pinned as well.

You okay?

You look like you could use a few sharp edges knocked off your world.

You don't look so good yourself.

Say what you want about Yemen, they're not shy about prescriptions.

It's the good stuff. Morphine derivative.

I need access to your cell phone and a credit card number.


I want to order a pizza.

There's a back door, toward the schoolhouse. Come on.

Too late.

Go to the rooftops.

They're all over the Rover.

We'll never get to it. I can get in that pickup, make a ruckus on my way out.

Any luck, they'll be all over me.

Then you got a clean shot to the Rover.

Go. Go!

I'm not leaving without my daughter.

You don't know what ISIL will do to her for educating those girls.

I'll get her out, I promise.

Go! Okay! Okay.

Your father sent me. I'm getting you out of here.

Come on! Come on!

Get down! Stay down!

He's got to make it.

You know you got to make it. Come on.

There he is! There he is!

Yeah, baby!

Oh, no. This isn't good.

This isn't good.

This government checkpoint.

They'll think we're su1c1de bombers. We have to stop.

Are you out of your mind?

Don't sh**t at us!

Don't sh**t! Don't sh**t!

Stay down!

I'm so happy, too.

Forgive me, uh...

Their parents have been k*lled.

I'm trying to figure out how I can help them.

They can stay here for now.

As long as you tell me who you know in Ogygia, and why they want you so bad.

I'm a man with, uh... troublesome children.

They're beautiful.

But perhaps too modern for this country.

My daughter tries to educate girls.

And my son, he falls in love with another man.

They gave him 20 years in Ogygia Prison.

I went to visit him a few weeks ago.

He said, maybe there is a way out.

A way I could help.

A man is not a man if he would let his family die.

You agreed to help him.


He said if I could arrange a blackout, he... he knew someone who could get him out.

An American?

I don't know.

I-I was supposed to do this a week ago, but then this happened with my daughter.

Thank God you found us.

There's still time to do it.

They're waiting for you in there.

Then I have to go now.

He said I was to give a signal exactly 24 hours before the blackout.

I will pulse the power grid twice.

This city may not have 24 hours in it.

Bye, guys.


God knows I'm no perfect judge of character, but Michael?

If any of what they're saying is true...

So there's more to find out, Sara.

I mean, the important thing is that you are gonna survive this, however it turns out.


And we're here for you. Okay?

Let's go. Thank you.

Call me, okay?


Hey, can I just scoop Mike real quick?

All the kids have been released.

You don't have him?


I'll go this way. Okay, yeah.


Hey, hey, have you seen Mike?





What are you doing? You scared me.

I was looking for where the man went.

What man, baby?

The man that gave me this.

The pizza man.

The pizza man?



What are you into?

ISIL is getting closer by the hour.

And the rebels in here know it.

When they take over, they'll k*ll all of us.

Infidels, the sinners, the foreigners.

Praise Allah.

Someone found my father.

Means the escape is on.

24 hours from now.

But this may be too late.

Ramadan has begun.

The guards are releasing the prisoners.

Abu Ramal and his men, they'll k*ll me.

And you.
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