01x07 - Hyperion

Episode transcripts for the 2013 TV show "Avengers Assemble". Aired May 2013 - February 2019.*
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"Avengers Assemble" is about the further adventures of the Marvel Universe's mightiest general membership superhero team. Season 3: "Ultron Revolution" revolves around Ultron returning after his apparent demise, planning to replace humanity with robots, and seeking revenge on the Avengers.
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01x07 - Hyperion

Post by bunniefuu »


Iron Man: Jarvis, hurry up.

Sounds like we're missing the party.

What're we looking at, Jarvis?

Jarvis: A tight cluster of meteors entering Earth's atmosphere at 200.7 miles per hour.

Heading straight for the Eastern seaboard.

Iron Man: How large a cluster are we talking about, here?

According to scans, an expl*si*n in the X-36 star quadrant.

A planet, sir.

Avengers, assemble!

Thor, you're up.


[CHUCKLES] Stones from the sky, hardly a challenge.

Hulk: Then sit down, butterscotch. Leaves more for me to smash!




Well, that's using your head.

[GROANS] Not funny.

Looks like you can use some backup, Hawkeye.

You missed one!


Yep, didn't think that through! Help!

Falcon: Go limp. This is gonna hurt!



You call that a save?

You call that a thank you?

Everybody thinks they're a hero.

Might as well just sit back and...



Jarvis: Warning, a designate Class-Z meteorite has just entered the atmosphere. An "Earth k*ller," sir.

"Earth k*ller"?

There's two words I never wanted to hear together.


Iron Man: Avengers, go!


Keep at it! Give it everything you've got!

Hulk, smash! Like you've never smashed before!


Iron Man: We can't let it hit! There's gotta be a way!



Sorry, guys. This one's just too big.

If only we had more power.

Been nice working with you all.

Iron Man: Something's k*lling this Earth k*ller. Jarvis?

Jarvis: Scanning.

Iron Man: What just happened?

Stark, is this your doing?

Not on my best day.

We've got company. Look.

Captain America: I don't think he's from around here.

Did that dude just wink at me?


Looks like we got a new contender to the title "Earth's mightiest hero."

Calls himself Hyperion. A touch grandiose, even by my standards.

On the contrary, he seems quite impressive.

I've been analyzing this guy for weeks. His power rating's off the charts.

Heat vision, invulnerability. Super-strength, flight.

[GROANS] Just another pretty boy in a cape to me.

Wonder how his aim is.

He diced a meteor the size of the Grand Canyon into cheese cubes.

I'd say accurate.

I say it's time for a face-to-face.

After that near-miss with the meteorite, yeah, pretty obvious we could use someone like him on the team.

Hulk: You like him 'cause he winked at you.

What makes any of you think he wants to be an Avenger?

Has anyone stopped to think about what motivates this... Hyperion?

Some people hear the call to help where they can.

There should always be an ideal, Widow.

Agreed, but, on the other hand, who tells the man who saved the world without breaking a sweat, "no"?


You just got wrecked by the...

Iron Man: Wrecker? Where's your wrecking crew?

Back off, Avengers, or you're gonna see more than double when I'm finished with you.

Captain America: Hyperion!


Wait, there are people inside!

Oh, get out of here!

Ahh! Let's go![/i]


Hyperion: This is your final warning! Surrender!

Or next time, I won't miss!

Thanks for the assist, gents.


Stop! We need to talk, we need...

A new hero for a new day!

With crime on a sharp decline since his appearance, Hyperion's methods of justice may be just what this world needs.



I'd hate to be on the other end of that grunt.

Let's just say speaking with this Hyperion has become a priority.

Any word on...

I got it! I got his position.

Hyperion shares the same energy signature as those meteorite dice.

All I had to do was triangulate the frequencies and...

No more babble. Where is Hyperion?



Way upstairs.

Falcon: Wow!

Hawkeye: Should we be jealous that his clubhouse blows our clubhouse out of the water?


Ah, the Avengers! Welcome, I'm Hyperion. Hi!

Hi? Seriously?

You have to wonder about his decorating skills.

Hyperion: You mean the statue?

I can see why you'd think it's funny, but I find that image is really important.

It's all about first impressions.

Striking fear into the hearts of villains before I even throw a punch.

Your scans missed one, Sam. Super-hearing.

I cannot tell you how pleased I am to finally meet you all.

I have been admiring you all from afar.

Your abilities are impressive and wide-ranged.

Stealth, technology, unbridled strength.

I mean, there's a reason they call you "Earth's mightiest heroes."

You've been studying us?

You've been studying me too, right? It makes sense.

I wanted to know what I was dealing with before I made contact.

Needless to say, I was very impressed.

Can't say the same, not yet.

Oh, I'm sorry, why?

Simply put, your methods are severe.

Your power makes some people nervous.

By "people," do you mean the Avengers? Surely not.

[CHUCKLES] I think what Cap is saying is...

We just wanna know who you are.

Ah, my origin.


I'm afraid it's not a happy one.

Quagmire, display file E-712.

We so need this wall.

On my planet, life was far different from yours.

However, it had the same challenges.

Villainy, corruption, and w*r had grown like a cancer on the soul of my world.

I tried my hardest to carve it out,
but, sadly, I failed.

In the end, the corrupt people of my world wound up destroying themselves.

There was nothing I could do. I barely escaped.

So you're an alien, the last of your kind, with both amazing powers and super-intellect?



That's another one you missed, Sam. You're slipping.

All that remains of my home is in this citadel.

With this technology, I will use its advancements to save your planet.

Nice cape.

Save our planet?


Hold that thought, Captain.

Some people don't learn from their mistakes.

Make yourselves at home, I'll be right back.

I'm not trying to escape! It wasn't me.

You can't prove nothing.

Silence! You had a chance at rehabilitation, villain.

You're a stain on this planet's face that I shall wipe off.

Iron Man: No! Ahh!

I hate days like this!


You're welcome.

Well done, Hulk.

Next time, Iron Man, I would advise you to stay clear of my eye-beams when...

Stop, there is no next time.

Why are you stopping me? I thought we were on the same team.

Avengers don't take lives. We save them.

But this scum adds nothing to the good of Earth.

He's a parasite!

That may be true, but we're not judge and jury.

We have laws.

If we don't follow them, we're no better than the criminals.

Stand down, Hyperion.


I understand.

Great. Cooler heads, right?

Whew, for a second there, I thought you'd gone...


It was the same on my planet.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem!

Says the guy blowing up half of New York!


Not good!

Hawkeye, Widow, get the civilians off this bridge now.

Falcon, clear out the Wrecker.

Going up!

You're not helping anyone, soldier.

Believe me.

Peace through force is the only course that works.

You're poisoning these people's minds with your soft ideals.

Hulk: How's this for soft?





I am missing the battle!

That should hold. Go bring the thunder.

At last.

My hammer thirsts!

Come, Hyperion.

Let me show you why they call me the Thunderer!

[Hyperion GRUNTS]


I really do love your cape.

I look forward to wearing it as a tribute when you're gone!


Right message, wrong messenger.

Hyperion is completely out of his...

Do not run.

I am here to bring you law, order, peace!



You... you hurt the Hulk!

Why do you fight me?

Must I save you even from yourselves?




Thanks, Hawkeye!


Let it go.

Captain America: You have a lot to answer for, Hyperion.

Stand down, last chance.

Last chance?

That's what they said on my planet, too.

But I showed them.

No, he couldn't have.

Keep him busy.

Tony? Tony, where are you going?

Finally, reason.

Looks like Iron Man has the most sense out of all of you.

Oh, yeah?


Have to admit, didn't expect that.

I'm full of surprises.

Okay, took out his ears, eyes, only thing left is his super-strength.

And all I gotta do is stay ahead of him. And...

You hurt me, little one. Impressive.


What was it? Oh yeah. Go limp!

Now that's what I call a save.



That should chill him out.


This gonna leave a mark?

Uh, I'd avoid mirrors for a while.

I'm gonna save you whether you like it or not.

Captain America: You save us? How about "not".

Your mind can't comprehend what comes next if you continue on this path.

Humans are flawed!

You have no idea what us humans are capable of.

You look at our compassion, our patience, our belief in personal dignity, and see weakness.

You have power, but you let it blind you.

You postpone the inevitable. Why?

A distraction!

My citadel.

Tony, heads up. Whatever you're doing, do it fast.

Trouble's coming your way, at Mach speed.

Jarvis, tick-tock!

Jarvis: Patience is a virtue, sir.



Oh, hey, you still want me to join your team?

No, Iron Man. I want you gone.


Jarvis, I can probably last about 3.2 seconds.

Get a move on.

Jarvis: Apologies, sir. His computers are almost as powerful as he is.

May I suggest playing possum until I can access them?

Heh, you made that sound almost doable.

Hyperion, I got a question for you.

You know, before you crush me and all.

If Earth is such a crummy place, why call it home?

I chose Earth because it was weak and in need of saving.

Chose Earth?

You're saying you looked over your options and thought you could put yourself on the top of the food chain here?

I offered you peace and order!

From the looks of it, the Avengers were gonna be your rebound team.

Unlike you, they were willing to do whatever was needed to get the job done.

Pathetic, to think I believed you worthy to be on my team.

The stabilizers!

Is that what they were? I thought they looked important.




Jarvis? I'm just about all possumed out here!

Give me something! Anything!

Jarvis: Uploading now.


It's over, Stark.

I have defeated you and your pathetic Avengers.

Like you did to your own people?

Jarvis, light it up.


Iron Man: No, you enslaved them. Just like you want to enslave us.

No, this... It didn't. I...

I offered them something! Something better.

You drove them to fear and desperation.

They refused me!

You made them hate you. They didn't destroy themselves.

You destroyed your own planet when they wouldn't listen to you.

They didn't deserve me.

They wouldn't listen. I tried to teach them right from wrong.

They chose wrong.

I'll let you in on something, Hyperion.

Humans aren't perfect. You're not perfect.

You're not even a hero.

You're a criminal.



What, another trick arrow? Does this one explode?

No, distraction arrow.


[Thor YELLS]


I believe this belongs to me.

Jameson: Hyperion revealed.

News flash, New York! We were hoodwinked.

J. Jonah Jameson is not too big to be the first to admit it.

Hyperion was not a superhero.

Gotta admit it, Hyperion sucker-punched me too.

Ow. For a second there, I actually wanted him to join us.

I don't usually miss, but when I do, man, I miss big.

We were all taken in. Power can be seductive.

Just glad we found out his true stripes before it was too late.

Where are they keeping super-psycho, anyway?

I'm itching for a round two.

You're gonna have to wait. A long time.


Release me!

Mark my words.

There will be a coming threat. There always is.

And you will find yourselves in need of me!

You'll see! I am Hyperion!

I am the...

Ugh, I've heard enough. The day the world needs that fool is the day the Avengers are no longer here to defend her.

Especially, the Son of Asgard.

You just winked at me. Why does...

Why does everyone keep winking at me?

Mmm, ha-ha!

[GRUNTS] Another!
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