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04x10 - A Witch in Time

Posted: 02/04/23 21:38
by bunniefuu
What could have done all these
things without magic - or a body?

What if it's a ghost?

Make it leave, this thing we fear,
pass this house and disappear.

I cast a spell which caused
all the weird stuff to happen.

Ethel wins this challenge.



Here we go.

The head girl triathlon -

three challenges,
three badges up for grabs.

With the scores currently - to
Ethel, Mildred will need

to win all three to stay
in the competition.

They have each had a week
to prepare for their trials,

the order of which will be
decided by our magical tombola.

And they are...



..and familiar control.

May the best witch win.

Great class, girls. Don't worry.
A few explosions never hurt anybody.

Mr Daisy!
What on earth have you been doing?

I-I-I...I've been teaching them
about incompatible ingredients.

That is a theoretical,
not a practical.


Mr Daisy was probably just trying to
liven things up a bit.

I shall witness your lessons
for the rest of the day

to assess your suitability
for the role.

I feel I know the answer.

That's it. I may as well
pack my bags now. Nonsense!

You've got to show what a brilliant
teacher you are.

Is that invention working yet?

Like a dream. I made
a breakthrough last night.

Then get it out of the shed.
Trust me.

You show that to the class

and everyone will see
that you're a genius.

Just like I do.

# Now you see us,
but now you don't

# You think you'll find us,
but you won't

# Here to stay but gone for ever

# Our secret power
is one to treasure. #

# Let summer fall and winter rise

# Snowflakes fall down
from the skies

# Dance and twirl

# Enjoy the snow

# Winter's here

# Put on a show. #


Come on, Millie, come on!



One more badge to go.

Go on, Tabby. Look!

Look - string.

I'm head girl.

And, as head girl,
I'd like to thank you all

for making this so much more
than I have ever dreamed of.

I owe it all to your support,

and my talent.

My vision's coming true. Ethel's
going to win it and make everyone

disappear at her victory ceremony.
I have to stop her.

We need to know exactly
what's going to happen to do that.

There's no more magic future water.

Unless Mr Daisy's already
replaced it.

We're going on a field trip?

That's what Clarice said.

And Mr Daisy's going to show us
his new invention.

What do you think the invention is?

A gigantic robot.

Or a rocket that goes up into space.

Those are non-magical ideas,
Isabella Jones.

Witches do not use r-r-rockets
or r-r-robots.

You have so much to learn about our
wh-ay of life.

Sorry, Miss Hardbroom.
I am trying. Then answer me this.

What is the mark of
a gr-r-reat wh-itch?

Come and find me when you know.

Oh! Girls!

Do you need some assistance? We...

We wanted to ask you which subjects
to take for fifth year.

We're torn between spell science
and potions.

Spell science is a must!

You'll be learning
about vortex travel

and the table of magical elements

and time spells. Time spells?

Like seeing the future? I thought
that was really unreliable.

Well, it's not an exact science.

Sometimes, you perceive things
in one way

when, er, really, they're another.

It's a rabbit.

Oh. Or a duck.

I've got an exciting unit
planned in time spells.

We're going to be covering
everything from seeing the future

to changing the past.

Changing the what? I've been
conjuring up some loop spells.

They allow you to reverse time

so you can repeat the day
from scratch.

Well, fingers crossed I'll be here
to teach you next year.

Next week, for that matter!

Oh. See you later, girls. Maybe.

He took the key with him. I know.

But I bet you he hasn't even
magic-proofed it. He's new.

No longer shall I need a key,

this door will now unlock for me.

These loop spells are better
than seeing in the future.

I can turn back time and win
the triathlon

and my vision will
never ever come true.

Meddling with time
is extremely dangerous.

What makes you think it will go
any differently?

This will boost Tabby's magic.

It will make him bolder,
more agile and energetic.

Millie, please. What if you change
something you didn't mean to?

I know.

But Ethel Hallow can't win.

Wish me luck.

I suppose.

Reverse the clocks
and turn back time.

Repeat the day from morning's chime.

Minutes, hours, begin again.

Take me from now back to then!



I did it!

I did it. Tabby, come here.


Now, just a sip.

It's really strong.

I'll come back for you soon, OK?

Here we go again.

And familiar control.

May the best witch win.

# Dance and twirl
Enjoy the snow. #


Tabby wins.

Yes! Well done, Tabby.

I believe this belongs to you,

Three badges each, Ethel. Looks like
I might be your next head girl.

Dream on, Mildred Hubble.

Told you it would work. And I've
still got two loop spells to spare.

Two what spells? Er, nothing.
Forget I said anything.

Mildred, can you help me
with my riddle?

Miss Hardbroom asked me
what the mark of a great witch is.


Looks like a wolf's att*cked.

Where's Star?


He drank Tabby's potion.

Long story. We'd better find him.

Good work, everyone.

Once we've found all the

we'll be able to use my secret

Not without this.
You tampered with it? Why?

Getting back at him.

For wrecking my sweet cart.

As you were, girls.

I am here to observe Mr Daisy.

You're going to humiliate him
in front of HB.

What if he gets in trouble?

I couldn't see it.
It was too fast.

I chased the cats out of the
kitten room and ran this way.

You did well to inform us,

Get down! Get down!

Miss Tapioca! Oh, my goodness.

Star? How did he get up there?

He jumped.

Bring Mildred Hubble
to my office immediately.

Maybe we should do this
a-another day, Mr Daisy.


My patented potion engine!


Now, this device will allow you
to create any potion you desire.

You just have to choose the potion.


With a little bit of this.

And a bit of...

And a touch of that.




A spell that enables us
to talk to animals. Ha-ha.

One of thousands of combinations.

What do you think?

It is ridiculous. Potions require
precision, skill, cr-r-raft.

They cannot be mass-produced.

Maybe you need to see
the potion in action. Fenella.


How would you like to
talk to animals?

Yes? Good, great.

No incantations necessary.


Oh. There must be a glitch.
Um, er...

Just give me a sec.

You may complete today's lessons,
Mr Daisy,

then I shall expect you
in Miss Cackle's office

to discuss your future
in this school.

Or lack of it!


He seems calmer now.
What on earth got into him?

I've no idea, Miss Cackle.

I'll take him back to my room now.

I'm afraid it's too late for that,

Mildred. Star raided the kitchens
and terrorised the school cats.

And this was hardly
his first misdemeanour.

It's clear that Cackle's
is no place for dogs.

Miss Cackle?

I take no pleasure in this.

But it's time
we found Star a new home.

You can't! He's my familiar.
You already have a familiar.

A skilled and obedient cat,
as you demonstrated this morning.

I've been far too lenient
in allowing you to keep both.

Where are you going to send him?
I know a very good kennels.

He'll be well looked after

until they can find him
a suitable home.

I'll leave you to say your goodbyes.

I'm sorry, Mr Daisy,
but I can't lose him.

Reverse the clocks
and turn back time.

Repeat the day from morning's chime.

Minutes, hours, begin again.

Take me from now back to then.




I am never letting anyone take you
away again, OK?


Here you go, Tabby.

None for you, this time.

OK. Here we go again.


And they are...

..familiar control...


and chanting.

May the best witch win.


Come on, Millie, come on!

# Let summer fall... #


Ethel! What?


Oh! Agh! Oh!


I'm sorry, I just lost my voice.

We were yelling too much
in the broomstick races.

The chanting exercise
has to come first,

so we can preserve our voices.

I'll have to rig the tombola.


Do you need a hand, Mr Daisy?

Oh, I have a knack for breaking
things, not so much fixing them.


I have no idea
why my machine malfunctioned.

Didn't do your cart any good,
either, did I?

You have been bad for business. Hm.

I... I like your invention, though.

Trust me,
I know a good idea when I see one.

You could sell it for a fortune.
That's something to fall back on,

when I get given the boot. Ha!


Oh, er, is, er... Is this yours?

I, er, I found it.

My stabiliser!

Oh! It must have come loose.

Thank you so much, Mabel. Ha-ha!

Last one. Come on, Mildred.

Reverse the clocks
and turn back time.

Repeat the day from morning's chime.

Mildred, can you help me?
Minutes, hours begin again!

Miss Hardbroom... Take me from
now back to then!



What did you do?

Er... We've travelled back in time.

Only by a few hours. You must have
got caught up in the magic.

Just go along with everything like
it was before and it'll be fine.

Why would you do that?

I don't... Come on, Tabby, drink up.

I need you to beat Nightstar
for me, OK?

Are you cheating in the triathlon?

Not exactly. Um...

If Ethel wins head girl,

then she's going to do something
terrible to the school.

Like what?

Well, she's going to make
everyone disappear.

I've seen it - in a vision.

Just promise me
you won't tell anyone.

Well, can you help me
with my riddle, then?

Ms Hardbroom asked me -
I mean, she's going to ask me -

what is the mark of a great witch?
I don't know, potion-making?

I'm trying to save the academy.

It's far more important
than a silly riddle.

Izzy, wait!


Everything has to be perfect.

Here we go again.

And they are...

WHISPERS: Select the order
right for me.

Chanting followed by two
and three.


..familiar control...

..and flying.
May the best witch win.

# Let summer fall
and winter rise. #

Tabby wins.

Yes! Well done, Tabby.



Millie, look out! Where's Izzy?



I'm so sorry. Please help her.
Can you do a spell?

Healing spells only work on
minor injuries, Mildred.

A witch cannot rely on magic alone.

You should know that by now.

Miss Hardbroom. It was my idea
to bring her, Mr Daisy.

I thought she should see your
potions engine working properly.

It won't take long, Miss Hardbroom.
Get on with it!

You won't regret it.

Ha-ha! OK.

It's, er...


Oh. Ha-ha!

GIRL: Whoo!

I owe you an antidote.



Finally! That felt like for ever.

I know - donkey's years!

Ha! "Donkey's years".

Well, my patented potions engine
is now fully operational.

Be that as it may,

it is still a ghastly machine that
strips magic of all of its c-r-raft.

But, Miss Hardbroom, it takes craft
and skill

to design something like that.

Exactly. Imagine everything
Mr Daisy could teach us.

We're all going to join Mr Daisy's
spell science club.

Right, everyone?
ALL: Yes.

So you see,
Mr Daisy's got to stick around.

Because there's no spell
science club without him.

Very well.

But consider this
your final warning.

Oh! Thank you, girls.

Thank you.

The soothing potion should
help with the pain,

but you'll be out of action
for a few weeks.

What about end-of-year exams?

You can do them next year. Please
don't hold me back, Miss Cackle.

But you can't sit them like this.

I must go and inform your parents.

We'll be back to check on you soon.

We won't be in the same class any
more. You'll graduate before me.

Maud, I never meant for this to
happen. I know, it was an accident.

No, but you tried to warn me
and I didn't listen.

What are you talking about?

I lost the triathlon.

And so I reversed time to try again.

And it worked at first,
but then I lost Star.

So I just pushed my luck
to try again

and now I've pushed it too far.

You can reverse it, though, right?

You can make it so I never got hurt.

I used them all up.

I think this is permanent.
I am so sorry.

I'd like to be alone, please.

I wondered where
my magic future water had gone.

I was worried that I'd drunk it.

I should never have borrowed it
without your permission.

Or the loop spells. Hmm.

An astute observation.

Though I understand
you had the best of intentions.


I'd just give anything
for one more loop potion.

I'd only use it to save Maud.
I don't care about anything else.

In that case, if you've absolutely
learnt your lesson...


But I thought I used
the last one up.

You took your spells
from a different timeline.

In this reality,
they're all where they should be -

safe and sound.

Are you really giving this to me?

Oh, but promise me
no more cheating, hm?

A great witch relies on her wits,
not just her magic.

I promise.

Then I didn't see a thing.


Reverse the clocks
and turn back time.

Repeat the day from morning's chime.


OK, Tabby. Why don't
we do some last-minute practice?

I know you can do this -

without a potion.

And familiar control.

# Snowflakes fall... #



It's close, but Tabby scrapes it.

Yes! Well done, Tabby.

Beginner's luck. I believe
this belongs to you, Mildred.

Thank you, Miss Cackle.


What was that for?
I'm just really happy to see you.

You're back in the running,
you just have to win

the next badge and you'll be head
girl. Better deserve it, then.

Hey, Izzy, has HB spoken to you yet?

No, about what?

OK. So, she's going to ask you
a riddle later and, when she does,

tell her this - a great witch relies
on her wits, not just her magic.

OK. Thanks.


Time for bed, I think,
I'm pooped.

It's not even lunch yet.
We've still got classes.


Oh, yeah!

Here we go again.

Maud tells me you are feeling some
pressure from the head girl contest.

A short break away
could do you good.

Are you sure
your parents won't mind?

It's just me and my dad.

Consider yourself
part of this family.

Engine fire, petrol flow,
turn the key and make it go.

My magic - it's not working.