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04x08 - Enid's Last Race

Posted: 02/04/23 21:37
by bunniefuu
Look deep into the water
and you'll get your answer.

Will Ethel Hallow be
a good head girl?

What's happened to all the witches?

She tricked me.

And she's got the formula.

I'll keep it safe,
for my old chum Dimity.



Rise and shine, it's your big day.

Win today and you're a shoo-in to
shine at the Witch World Games.


Is it just me or does she seem
slightly less than thrilled?

I didn't mean to do anything bad.


Miss Hempnettle told me this story.

Made me think I was
helping Miss Drill.

Helping them both.

So I...

..I took her speed potion formula.

Wait, you mean you stole it?


And now Miss Hempnettle's run off
with it and Miss Drill doesn't know.

What does she want it for?

Can't be good if she had
to trick me for it.

She was the first teacher who made
me feel like I was good enough.

You are, Enid. Don't say that.

I didn't even really qualify, Maud.

She cheated to get me through.

She did what?!

"Bent the rules," she called it.

Even she didn't believe
I could do it on my own.

You'll have to come clean
to Miss Drill.

She'll know what to do.

She's never going to forgive me.

This way to the gates.
Instant travel.

One at a time, please.

Hosting the national qualifier
of the Witch World Games

is a whopper of
a responsibility, Hecate.

Some might even say pain.

Oh, come now.

What could be more worthwhile than
the celebration of true grit

and athletic endeavour?

Shall I prepare a list or...?

Oh, how goes the selection for our
school ambassadors for the day?

It is in hand.

My main concern is that
we are not humiliated

in front of the Magic Council.


Oh! Sizzling catalysts.

And on that note...


Thank you.

Who'd have thought putting up
a table would be harder

than conjuring a doppelganger
spell in a force hurricane?

Yes, who would think that?

Seen Miss Hempnettle, Dimity?

As our games committee liaison, she
needs to be on hand at all times.

I have seen neither hide nor
hair of her since yesterday,

when she didn't show
up for our meeting.

I don't like it. She's too quiet.

Like the calm before the storm.

No, Mill. I see the same thing.
What does it even mean?

I don't know.

But whatever it is, it's
a message we can't ignore.

I think if Ethel wins,

we all lose.

You stand before me,
Cackle's brightest and best.

You will be our games ambassadors

and will look after
the Magic Council.

These are very shiny and all,

but me and Izzy were hoping to go
to the games to cheer Enid, and...

This is a great honour, Azura.

The Magic Council are
the most esteemed dignitaries

of the witching world.

OK, I'll give it a go.

Remember, Azura.

Be respectful, attentive
and, most importantly,

learn from their immense wisdom.

I'll look after her.


Have you seen
Miss Hempnettle anywhere?

No. No, Miss Drill, I haven't.

This is so like her.

She really should be
here for you today.

So...I'll give her a piece
of my mind when I find her.

Miss Drill, wait.

You won't find her.

She's left. What do you mean,

With your potion formula.

She lied, said I needed
it to win, so I...

..took it for her.


I'm so sorry.

Right, we'll see about this.

You're just jealous HB
made me an ambassador.

No, if you'd seen what I'd seen,
you'd withdraw from the competition.

Seen what exactly?

An empty hall with
hats on the floor?

Oh, so scary.

Pull the other one.
It's got bats on.

One look at the water,
then you'll believe me.

Star, no!

Making up a stupid story
to trick me into withdrawing.

How pathetic.


So Enid was right.

Hello, Dimity.


If only I could see your face.

I only came to Cackle's
for your potion... help my star runner win.

And now I have it!


Bye, Stormy.



Bye, Mill, Maud...



I checked. Arabella's registered
as coach of the Wolfram Academy.

She never intended
for Enid to race.

Got any rickleweed in the kitchen?
How perfectly diabolical.

I thought she nicked your potion.

The formula, yes, but I know it
off by heart. Salamander root?

I've got 'em both somewhere.

With my potion, Enid can at least
level the playing field

and stand a fighting chance against
Arabella's so-called star runner.

Come on. I know I've
only just arrived

and it's not my place
to give advice,

but I'm a firm believer
in the moral high ground.

Eh, poppycock.

Keeping low's best.

Under the radar so your enemy
doesn't see you coming.

Then you strike!

I want to see Hempnettle's ugly mug

when Enid stomps her runner
seven ways from sundown.

Me, too.

Oh, my.

Culinary wonder and devious
military strategist.

Hoo! Let's go. Hmph!

Not a peep from you in ages, and
then you pop up out of the blue.

Shows you're a born star.

You know it's all
about the entrance.

Just keeping you on your toes, Mum.


Got tingles. This is it, sweetie.

The big family show we always
dreamed of putting on.

Mum. Mm-hm?

When you were my age, starting out,

how did you know
you wanted to do this?

Deep down, I mean.

You mean, how did I know
my true calling in life?

Yeah, that sort of thing.

Opening night, standing on that
stage, hearing the crowd roar.

Girls, where's Enid?

We don't know, but...

..Stormy had this in his collar.

It just says to take care of him
and not to look for her.

The costumes her mum left are gone.

We think she might have run
away to join her on tour.

Why would she go and do a daft
thing like that on race day?

You're not mad at her?

Oh, I'm livid, Mildred, but
not with Enid. Not one bit.

Uh, the Magic Council are
demanding their...lunch.

Hello, everyone.

Right. Here's the plan.

Mildred, with me. We'll fetch Enid.

The rest of you, round up the
missing ingredients on this list.

But if she is not going to race?

Oh, she's racing, all right,
and she's doing it with my potion.

Come on.

Come on, Miss Tapioca.

We're going to need
your cool wits and cunning,

and maybe some of
your little snacks.


We're missing the broomstick

Back straight, Azura. Chin up.

Thank you, thank you.

Lunch is served, your honours.

What is that?!

My top-secret spice mix, guaranteed
to improve the flavour of any dish.

I just invented it.

Wow, this soup is delicious.

It's magnificent.

Just wonderful.

Oh, relax, Eenie.

First rehearsals are always rough.
You barely know the act.

It's not that, Mum. It's just...

I'm not sure this is for me.

What are you doing here?

Apologies for barging in like this,
Mistress Nightshade.

There's no time to explain.

I just came to tell Enid I don't
blame you for what happened.

I don't know what's going on here,
and it's lovely to see you both,

but we need to get back on stage,
Enid. Now come on.

I'm sorry, Mum. I can't do this.

Well, this is always
what you've wanted!

No. I wanted you. Your time.

But performing's
your thing, not mine.

Well, then, what's your thing?

She is an athlete.

A brilliant one.

So come back with us. Please.
Before it's too late.

I can't win. I'm not fast enough.

Well, you'll never know for sure
unless you race, will you?

Clock's ticking, Enid.

I think you both should leave.

My mum's right.

You should.

And I'm coming with you.


You're making a mistake, Eenie.


But at least it's my mistake.

Bye, Mum.

It's funny.

I thought dignitaries were supposed
to be, well, more dignified.

Your renowned eminences,

we must go to the World Games!

Don't just stand there!
Sybil, Azura, give me a hand.

I beg of you!

This is...unbecoming
of the Magic Council.

Stop it now!


Now, off to the games with you.

This is great. We've only
two ingredients left to find.

Yes, we have done remarkably
well considering, haven't we?

While they're out here, I might
snag a few ingredients for my...

For your what, Mr Daisy?


Heh, nothing at all.





Bunsen burners!

There we are, nine-tailed mushrooms.
And they grow down foxholes.

Oh, I'll go and fetch it.

I'll use a transformation spell
to make myself smaller.

You're going in there all tiny
with a ravenous fox?

You'd have to be mad or stupid.

I'll turn myself into something
that'll make a fox

turn bushy tail and scarper.

Stupid it is, then.

Like a coyote, or a...a wolf!

Yes, a wolf.

Sorry, Mr Daisy, I think you might
have to go a bit smaller.

How small?

Good luck, Mr Daisy.

In and out like the wind now,
you hear?


Maybe that's how foxes say hello.


Ooh! Perhaps Enid could have
done without the mushrooms.

Oh, it's a bit late for that now.

Oh! Ah!



This mouse just roared.

Well done, Mr Daisy. Well done!

Sorry to say,
Azura is no use at all.

Who is responsible for this?

It would seem they were
a little overgenerous

with the spicy red jojoberries.

Otherwise known as fun berries.

OK, fine, but Azura is...

New to our ways,

whereas you, Ethel Hallow,
a prospective head girl,

should know better.

Enid, I'm so happy you're back!

Me, too. I was an idiot to leave.

What's that?

The ingredients for the greatest
speed potion ever concocted,

if I do say so myself.

Whoa, Miss Drill's potion!

But I don't deserve this.

If anyone does, it's you, Enid.

Besides, Mr Daisy here
risked life and limb

to get his hand on
a nine-tailed mushroom.

He's a hero.

It was nothing. Not really.

Don't be so modest.

Really?! Good work, Mr Daisy.

Well, perhaps it was quite brave.

We couldn't find the last
one on the list, though.

It just said secret.

Ah, that one's really special.
I'll tell you when it's time, Enid.

Then let's go make a potion!

I wore your rosette, Ethel, and you
tried to drop me in it like that.

I'm sorry, Azura.

HB's right. A worthy head girl
would have tried guiding you,

not blaming you.

Well, apology accepted.

Listen, if there's one thing
I've learnt here,

it's the value of true friendship

and how horrible it is
to feel alone.

You're lucky to have Izzy.

Go and watch the games with her.

Thanks, Ethel. You're OK.

How can you show your face?

All you are is a liar and a thief.

Dial it down, girls.
You'd hate to peak early.

That formula was only a waste
of space, gathering dust.

And that made it OK
to use me, did it?

Potion or no potion,
you're fast, Enid.

But I'm afraid you're no champion.

Not like Barbara.

And when she wins,
I'll be famous, too!


Come on, girls.

You should know that I've filed
a complaint, Miss Hempnettle.

Your word against mine, Cackle.

No apologies, Arabella?

Not even the slightest
sliver of guilt?

Ooh, that sounds like
loser talk, Dimity.

Let's go!

We'll see about that. Right, Enid?

ANNOUNCER: Take your seats!

We are moments away from
the start of the final race.

Isn't it amazing, Enid?!

Oh, Enid, why embarrass yourself?

Sorry, Miss Hardbroom.

I tried to stop her. I really did.

But she just wouldn't
listen to reason.

Azura and I will have words.
Thank you, Ethel.

Ignore what Miss Hempnettle said.

But I'm only here because of a lie.

It's not how you got here,

it's what you do here that counts.

It doesn't matter what anybody else
thinks or expects from you,

only that at the end of the race,

you know in your heart
that you gave it your all.

What is the last ingredient?


I just wanted to win more.

That's all that counts.

How much do you want to win?

I really want to win.

Then get out there and do it.

Oh, not worried, are you, Arabella?

ANNOUNCER: Witches to the starting
position for the km portal sprint.

Ladies and gentlemen,
the main event of the day.

The portal race is about to begin.

On your marks.

Get set.


And they're away!

Barbara Beechmark is in the lead
as they go through the first portal.

Come on, Enid, come on! Go on, Enid!

But Enid Nightshade's
gaining ground!

And they're back in the arena.

What's her game?

Let's follow her, Maud.

Quick, before we lose
her magic slipstream.

Into the tunnel they go!


What is she doing?

That's Enid's lane!

She's trying to nobble her, Maud.

No, she's going the wrong way!

Hang on a minute.

What's happening?!


This is going to cost her.

No! No!

Will she have time to catch up?

Nightshade's got a huge amount
of ground to make up.

But look at her go!


There's the bell.
It's the final lap!

Go, Enid!


Beechmark and Nightshade go into
the home straight, neck and neck!

And Enid Nightshade takes gold!

I never doubted it
for a second, Enid.

I did it for you, Miss Drill.

This is an outrage!

A travesty. Sounds like
loser talk to me.

I demand a rerun.

Oh, put a cork in it, Arabella.


And you can stay in there until
the Games Committee deal with you.



So this is your thing.

You're here.

But...the show.

Ah, I cancelled it.

This is much more important.

Eenie, listen.

Do you remember what I said, how
I knew I'd found my true calling

when I heard the crowd roar?


..have you? Witches and wizards,
Enid Nightshade!


Come on, leave that.
Let's get you two fed.

Is it odd that I've got a desperate
hankering for cheese?

Being ambassador was
an important responsibility,

and you shirked it to be
with your friend.

I think you both need more
space to be individuals.

I'm giving you your
own bedroom, Azura.

But, Miss Hardbroom...

It's fine. We'll make it work.

Thank you, Miss Hardbroom.

Might be nice to spread
our wings a bit.

I can't believe it.

You know what this means, Enid?

You're in the Witch World Games.

That's Miss Rook from Mount Broom,

the most prestigious sports training
academy in the country.

They've been churning out
champions for centuries.

She saw you race.

She says there's a place
for you there.

If you want it, that is.

You mean leave Cackle's?

Opportunities like this
don't come along every day.

Enid, you have to go.

Mill's right. You can't throw
away this chance.

You could be the fastest witch
in the whole world.

I can't believe I'm actually
leaving you.

You're leaving Cackle's, not us.

We'll be at all your races,
cheering you on.

We'll spend half-term
holidays together,

and we'll do so much
chatting on the mirrors

that we'll wear
the shine off of them.

The three of us are going to be
best friends forever.


It's been...

..a joy.

The pleasure was all mine,
Miss Cackle.

You show those witches who's
the fastest and the best.

All right?



I'll miss you guys.


It's time.

It's just you and me now, Maud.

The terrible twosome.

The dastardly duo.



Bye, Enid! Bye!

Bye! We'll miss you! We'll miss you!

Bye, Enid!

She leaves as she arrives -

showing off.

A number of disturbances
have been reported.

Fear not, Fenella. This will
not affect your etiquette test.

What could have done all these
things without magic or a body?

What if it's a ghost?