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04x03 - Happy Birthday, Indigo Moon

Posted: 02/04/23 21:33
by bunniefuu
When Joy was more lonely than ever,
she stole a wishing star...

Make a witch out of my friend.

..but the spell is forbidden for
a reason.

Magic is too much for

That's Indigo Moon.

Hello, who are you?

My middle name is Hecate.

My first name is Joy.







# Happy daisies
Show we care

# All the things
that we love to share

# Already held
Already baked

# The most amazing
birthday cake. #


I love being a witch.


You look old, like as old as HB.


Great prank, guys.


Room parties are forbidden.

What? Just because we didn't

invite you?
Potions laboratory.


That was no prank.

What just happened?

The party wasn't even my idea,
but I'm the one in trouble?

You know where the mop is, so... No!

We were best friends once, and now
you can't even be nice to me.

There are more important things
than being nice.

Oh, and thanks for the birthday
present you didn't get me.

I have written to
the Great Wizard about your future.

In fact, I'm expecting a visit from
a member of his staff to...

I get it! You don't want me here.

I really think I'll be back to full
fitness very soon, Miss Cackle.

But in the meantime,
I hope you will provide support

and guidance to our new temporary
sports witch. Oh, yes.

She'll be needing quite
a few pointers.

Most Games teachers don't meet
the rigorous standards...


Hi, Izzy!

Well met.

Well... Well met, Mildred.

I just came to say that I'm
leaving. What?

There's no way I'm getting
back on that broomstick,

so how am I ever going to fit in?

HB's getting me transferred to
another academy! Izzy?

No. Surely not even HB would
do that?

OK, where's Enid?

I mean, once is funny, but twice?
It's not Enid.

Yeah, right!

Do you know what, though?

This is a good thing.

This will help me teach HB
a lesson.



Indie! Indigo!

And may I further add that
Miss Hempnettle can be

turned into a dung beetle,
for all I care!

Well... I had no idea
about this personal history.

The problem... finding a replacement.

After all, most Games teachers don't
meet the rigorous standards

that you have established.

I am a professional, Miss Cackle.

I'll just have to deal with it
in a mature fashion.

Dimity, I...

Dimity, when are you going to
realise you have this all wrong?

From the Great Wizard's office? Yes.

It's about your letter...

..concerning Indigo Spoon.

Sorry. Moon.

I trust that all was in order?

It seems YOU have never been
formally assessed

for magical competence.

I have not heard of such an
assessment in years.

Part one. Can you complete
a simple transformation?

I am head of Potions at Cackle's
Academy for Witching Excellence.

Are you in the habit of refusing
requests from the Great Wizard,

Miss Hardnose?

Sorry. Hardbroom.


Now that THAT is over,

I would like to discuss
the future of Indigo Moon.

Can you transport yourself to
the Arctic Circle and back, please?


You really want this request
approved, don't you?





You three,
did you know that Izzy...?

What is that?

It's meant to be Fenella.

Magical sculpture is harder than
we thought.

And you think that's going to get
you back into her coven?

How about you just help Izzy Jones?

She's so homesick she wants
to leave...

..and you are partly to blame.

She's not in the potions lab.

Uh, what is going on?

Indie looks years older
and we don't know why.

I do have a theory.

Well, your theories are
always right.

Except for that one about cats
secretly being able to read.

As if!

Indie was turned into a statue
for years.

The residue of that
magic could be fading away.

I think nature's restoring her to
her actual age, permanently.

Oh, Indie.

You could be wrong. It is possible.


Let's keep on looking.

What about lessons?

It's only Games. We could skip
that easily.

The new teacher's bound to be
as thick as two short broomsticks.

Ah, short broomsticks are actually
the intelligent choice for speed,

so I'll take that as a compliment.

See you on the pitch...

This is preposterous!

All I'm asking is that you eat
a trifle whilst flying a broomstick.

How hard can it be?

Indigo Moon!

Oh, busted!

How dare you?!

I want you to go directly to
Miss Cackle's office.

Why should I care what you want?

You don't care what I want.

I am concerned with what you need!

Like you know what I need.

Yes, I do! You are gifted magically,
but you are reckless!

You require boundaries.

Without them, you will never
become a witch!

I never wanted to be a witch!

I just wanted someone who cared.

I'd give it all up tomorrow
for that.



YOUNG JOY: This is where you live?

No, it's just my den.

Now you see it... you don't.

Oh, but what's that in your pocket?

That's supposed to be magic?

Hey, magic's real, as long
as you believe in it.

Miss Hempnettle,

so you know, six of the teams
I played for won cups last term.

And the seventh was only defeated
because, well.. the next head girl,
I need to mix with losers, too!

How did you say you knew her again?

That line's not even straight. Mm.

She won't last five minutes.

Miss Hempnettle, I need to see
Miss Cackle urgently.

See, my friend's suddenly turned
years older and I don't know why.

Is that so?

Despite what some of you might
think, I'm not that thick.

Would you get my speed potion
for me, please?

We're going to start with magical
sprinting, everyone!

Ah. There you are.

First, take your potion with
a firm grip.

But only uncork if it hasn't been
switched for a slowness potion.

She's good.

I assume you wanted to create
a distraction

so your friend could sneak off?

I have read all your reports,
you know...

..Enid Nightshade.

Oh, she's really good.

Everyone else, get your own potions!

You can use this.



Well, go on, then.
I'm distracted!

Won't last five minutes, you say.

Before I begin my presentation,

could I just thank my coven buddies
Harriet and Valerie

for making me
this wonderful sculpture?

My presentation today will be on
the secret role of witches in...

Don't get how Izzy could be
homesick here.

This place is so friendly.

Pretty sure it's the scared of
flying thing.

I suppose it must be strange coming
from a non-magical background.

Or...just the flying.

So, what we do is make this place
seem less strange to her.

As I say, flying...

I've got an idea.

Indigo Moon!

Indigo Moon!


What does this mean?

Alarmingly, I fear Maud's
theory may be correct.

What can we do? We could try to mix
one of the trickiest potions of all.

The Potion Of Youth.

Well, not too hard for you,
Miss Cackle, surely?

Both difficult and risky, Mildred.

Could you get the full range of base
herbs while I will get...

..the rarest of ingredients?

Golden thyme.

Why risky, Miss Cackle?

We must be precise.

Mix the potion incorrectly
and instead of making you younger,

it could send you back in time.

That doesn't sound good.

I recommend a low intensity dose.

I will make myself one
minute younger... see if it works.

Don't bother. It doesn't.

I was about to try it out on myself.
Not you, Mildred!

Yeah, but she's going to spill
it all over herself in a moment

and send herself back in time
one minute instead.

I am not!

I know everyone thinks I'm clumsy,
but I'm not that clumsy...

What did I say?

We can't possibly use
this on Indigo.

We'd be sending her back to a time
when she had no-one to care for her.

Someone was looking for me.

You always said you had nobody.

Just an aunt and uncle who never
wanted me around.

This is not a joke.

Something is very wrong.

She's on her way.

Liverwort, fig and honeycomb,
make Izzy feel she's right at home.


Fight it, Indigo! FIGHT!

Indie! Oh! Thank goodness.

Will yourself to stay younger.
You can do it!

You can.


You're going to be fine. I promise.

You are in no such position to make
such promises, Mildred Hubble.

It may not be long before

she reverts to her older self,

And miss out on half of my life?
No way!

We are trying to fix it.

Now that Miss Hardbroom is here,
perhaps the risks can be reduced.

# Let our fingernails be gnarly

# All our warts be large and proud

# May our hair be full of spiders

# All our cackles long and loud. #

I'm going up to watch telly.

Do what?

Any chance of a sandwich?


Sit down this instant!

OK, Dad. I'll feed the chickens

Did you just call me "Dad"?

What else am I supposed to call you?

You big, hairy doof!

Isabella Jones, come back here!

I think we've made her feel...
too much at home.

As in, she thinks
she's really there.

Magical sprinting is not a purely
physical event.

It's as much about the spell
as it is the sprint.

Those who excel have a flair
for mixing potions.

Starting positions.

Get set...









I can't make it. You've got this.

Nah! I'm kidding.


Enid Nightshade, I think you might
actually have a sporting talent.

Thanks, Miss Hempnettle.

So you can stay behind
for extra training.


You go.

I can't let it beat you, Indie.

I can't stop it.


You can. You have two.
Miss Cackle, can I help?

There is but one person
that can help,

and I do not know where she is!

HB doesn't care.

Never has. Don't worry about that.

She'll get what she wants now,
won't she?

I can hardly stay at school
when I'm years older.

But we'll stop it. It's OK.

It turns out there was someone
looking for me after all.

That someone wanted me.

Someone did.

Oi! You are out of bounds,
young lady.

Aww! Who's a lovely doggie?

Yes, you are.
Yes, you are. Stay, boy!

Come and get your din dins,


You...are going swimming.

In porridge!

Sorry! It's...a...

..drama club thing. Let's go!

I wasn't expecting to see you here,
Uncle Dave!

Auntie Marge?

Oh, and they brought the baby!

Coochie, coochie coo!

I told you this was a bad idea.

Reverse the spell. Quick.

By ray of sun or light of star,
Izzy, remember where you are.


How did I get...? You three?

I've just remembered...
There is no drama club!

You are in big trouble! What?

What did you do this time?
I just want to go home!

Think about stuff you like.
Kids' stuff! Practical jokes.

What you said to me
the first time we met.

Last one to the top of the tower...

..gets turned to custard.

Yes! Now, hold that thought.

Hecate! At last!

I need a cauldron,

I need base herbs,
and I need you all out of my way.

Yes, Miss Hardbroom.

Do not panic.
I know how to fix everything.

Do you know who made this?

I believe I do.

You were wrong to think that no-one
cared about you back then,

just as you were wrong to think
that no-one cared about you here.

Quite wrong.

Are you actually saying that...?
Oh no, Indigo Moon.

As you suspect,

I do not want you here.


Where is she?

Hecate, you miscalculated.

You sent her back in time.
How could you, Miss Hardbroom?

How could you get it so wrong?

I mixed the potion deliberately to
send her back,

with an added dose of forgetting

to ensure she remembers nothing

of becoming a witch. What?

I would have done it long ago

if I'd have known she had someone
to go back to.

Indigo Moon's mother gave her up
when she was small

and moved far away.

She had been persuaded
that Indigo's aunt

and uncle could provide a better
life for her daughter.

It was only after the girl went
missing that her mother

realised her mistake.

She devoted the rest of her life... searching for Indigo.

But she never found her
because, of course, she was here.

A statue.

I did not know this until now.

Indie's mum was looking for her
all that time?

They never got to be together?

Now, you see it...

Now, you don't.


Hecate, I didn't know
whether to give this to you or not,

but, erm...

From the Great Wizard.

Would you read it to me, please?

Oh, but surely you would prefer...?


Exactly as it is written.

"Dear Miss Hardbroom.

"I received your letter, and there
is no need for a staff visit.

"I am more than happy to approve
your request to be Witching Guardian

"to Indigo Moon.

"I believe...

"I believe you will make
a wonderful parent."


Mildred! You shouldn't be here!

Ah, Mildred. Good. I shall require
help clearing Indigo's room.

We are overcrowded and require
the space immediately so...

How can you say that when you asked
the Great Wizard...?

There is nothing to gain
from any further discussion

of that subject.

I shall be fine here...

..Miss Cackle.


I have a packing crate somewhere.

It's not sad that she's gone, is it?

I mean,
she's where she's meant to be.

It's not sad that she won't grow up
to be a witch,

if she won't even remember
there are witches.

It's not sad, is it?

Entirely correct.

Now, the crate.

Miss Hardbroom.
There's a non-magical parent here

with their daughter.

She's been offered a place, I think.

Then show her to Miss Cackle.

Miss Cackle's not here,
Miss Hardbroom.

She left here a mo... Fine!

I shall deal with it.

Thank you, Felicity.

I apologise for the wait. I...

I didn't hear you come in.

This is Azura.

And I'm Indigo.

Indigo Moon.

Awesome place you've got here.

Seriously! I couldn't believe it
when the map appeared on my book.

Well, I always taught her
magic's real.

As long as you believe in it.

It's what my mum taught me.

Your mother taught you well.

Mildred Hubble, perhaps you could
show Azura Moon here

a little more of the academy.

Of, erm... Sorry.

Of course, Miss Hardbroom.

Last one to the top of the tower...

..gets turned to custard.

Now, there is
some paperwork for you to read.

I'm sorry. It's weird, but...

This place. It feels familiar,

You seem familiar.

Do we know each other?

You are mistaken.

Now, if you would like to wait
outside, I shall fetch the papers.


Happy birthday...

..Indigo Moon.

We'll start outside.

It's late but we might
still see some flying.

If you hear a thud,
that's me passing out with shock!

Don't worry,
everyone struggles at first.

Found her by the main gate.
Tempted her back with hot chocolate.

Well, it's handy Sybil bumped
into you before you left because...

..there's a new girl here

who's probably finding the place
a bit strange.

I think she could do with someone

who knows the ropes to show her

Don't worry. It can be a bit crazy
at first, but you'll get used to it.

The Express Yourself badge.

One of the highlights of
the Head Girl Race.

Millie can't go on stage
super smart.

It'll be obvious she cheated!

She can... Secure superiority with
my rationalised reasoning?

What she said!
