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02x05 - A Crack in Time

Posted: 02/04/23 19:46
by bunniefuu
Amanda told me
that a witch was making her sick.

And you didn't ask more questions?

Yes. I made a mistake. But she seemed
so terrified, I thought it was true.

It's not normal for Amanda
to want to harass me so much.

She's obsessed with harming me
because she's afraid of me.

Or because she doesn't want me
to find something out.

And I need to know what it is.

I bumped into her today...

and I felt her anguish.

[echoing] You hurt your face.

[high-pitched ringing]


[echoing] Get away!

As if she herself
was the bird of ill omen.

So I came here to ask you
to take the bird away from her.

You want her not to suffer
the punishment she deserves?

I want to know what she's hiding...

and doesn't want me to see.


[Johnny Ki] ...

... , ,


It's here.

The stuff inside disappeared again.

Careful, not like that!
I told you not to press this button.


We've arrived. It's here.

In my world, that wasn't there.

What do we do now?


[Antares] Like putting out a candle...

curses can be removed.


Let's hold hands
so that our energy becomes one.

Go ahead. [breathing shakily]


Honey, an accident can happen to anyone.

I'm telling you that Carmen confessed
she returned the spell.

Yes, I heard you.

But calm down. It was only
four stitches. You can't even tell.

What if Carmen really wants to hurt me?

She could learn what we did
and ruin the project!

-Miguel, we could end up in jail!
-Calm down.

-You're unbearable. It's not that bad.

That stupid bird
won't stop looking at me.

I can't stand Carmen.

We have to find a way
to get Carmen off our backs.


we can't have anyone
finding out what we did.

Her good luck and fortune
will come back to her soon.

If the lesson has been learned...

may the curse evaporate.

Miguel, the bird...

It left!

Amanda, Amanda, Amanda.

Your wound isn't there anymore.

I don't understand.

No, neither do I.

[laughs] Carmen.

-Carmen, how? How is she involved?
-Of course!

She wants to scare us with her power.

Miguel, we have to find a way to hit her
where it hurts the most.

-[low rumbling]

[rumbling continues]

[Kobo] And it was on exactly this rock
that the enemy went down.

Kobo took out his sword...

and without mercy...

ripped his heart out.

That is why Kobo
was the most feared pirate of his time.

Drake, Blackbeard...

no one dared to fight against Kobo.

-Plus, his fleets were much bigger.
-Young man!

You cannot be here without authorization.

History doesn't need
authorization to be told.

Please leave.

Sir, don't ruin a man's
chance to make a living.

Give me more minutes

and we'll split the earnings.


Don't force me.

We have a situation at the main entrance.

You didn't take
the sword thing seriously, right?


-Let's calm down.

Eh... do not get
that thunder thing close to me.

Don't you know who I am?

Tell them, Johnny!

I was Kobo!

They know what I can do.

It's so sad when people...

fool you with lies, with fake promises...


[Alicia] Why did you remove
Amanda's vulture curse?

It's a grackle.

Whatever, Carmen,
why did you remove it?

If Amanda cast a voodoo spell on you,
she deserves the worst.

Alicia, I don't want bad things
to keep happening to her.

I want to know what's troubling her
and what it has to do with me.

Carmen, there's no way to find out.

If people are envious,
that's just who they are.

Actually, Amanda is cool.

-She's really nice to me.
-I don't understand why you talk to her.

I think you're too nice, Mayte.

I talk to her because she's great.

I don't think she's a bad person.

All this stuff about bad luck
must be affecting her. I don't know.

-So now it's Carmen's fault?
-I'm not saying that, Alicia.

Stop it. Don't fight.

This is ready.

[speaking mystic language]

Coffee holds great secrets.
We just have to ask it to reveal them.

We'll use it with Amanda.

And I need your help for that.

OK. How can I help you?




-Thank you.
-It's hot. Be careful.

Well, are you going to tell me?

-What's going on with Carmen?
-[chuckles] Nothing.

I just wanted to prove that Carmen
isn't as good a witch as she seems.

She's such a good witch,
she made the grackle go away.

Otherwise, it would still be around.

And you deserved it, a bit,
because what you did was wrong.

And how do you know that?

-So you sit down to talk about me?
-No, because...

because we're friends.

And that's what friends do.
Tell each other things.

I knew Carmen was obsessed with me.
I'm not obsessed with her.

Come on, Mayte, you wanted to meet me here
to get information?


No, how can you think that?

I feel very bad for you.

You don't realize how everybody uses you.

Why do you say that?

Mayte, I will give you some free advice.

Instead of paying
so much attention to my life,

you should pay more attention
to your boyfriend and to Daniel.

They're selling the sentry elixir
at school,

and you know that's forbidden.

Where did you hear that?

With Carmen's help,
they set up a business.

And from what I've heard,
it's going very well.


You didn't know?

-[low rumbling]
-Mayte, do you really think

that your boyfriend bought
the motorcycle he gave you

with what he earns at the docks?

See what I'm telling you?

Everyone is lying to you.

I told you so.

[low rumbling continues]

[Mayte] Here you go.

-How did it go?
-You don't look like it went so well.

Alicia, do you want to learn
to read coffee dregs?

Of course, Carmen, show me.

Put the dish on top of the cup...


Turn it over...

wait for a few seconds...

What do you see?

A coffee stain.


No, really, I'll focus.

I see, like...

like some circles.

-What do you see?
-I don't really know what I see here.

Hey, I learned about something horrible.

I told you! I told you, didn't I?
Amanda is the worst.

Although they do seem like circles.

Take a photo with your cell phone
to see if it's clearer, please.

-[shutter clicks]
-Hey, could you pay attention to me?

I'm trying to tell you something.

I learned something awful.
And it has nothing to do with Amanda.

It's about Daniel and León.

They're selling your elixir.



[Daniel] See all the money that we made?

And you were thinking
of ending the business.

What we have to do is work more,

twice as much, because tonight,
we have an order just as big.

No, Dani, I won't go.
I said this was the last one.

Take this. I'm done.

I don't want to get in trouble
with Mayte or with Carmen.

But why?

With this you can buy her
things for the bike, lights, a vest...

I almost told her the truth yesterday.

I love her too much
to keep lying to her.

Then give me the formula
and I'll find someone who can do it,

because I won't give up on this gold mine

just because
you're afraid of your girlfriend.

[in English] And you lose, baby.

Were you selling my sentry elixir?


I can't believe
you betrayed my trust like this.

Don't you know I could be expelled
because of that?

Carmen, I know
that you're angry, but look, I...

-I want to thank you...

-I don't want your money.
-Man, you're not helping.

Carmen, let's go.
We're wasting our time with these two.


I need to see the three of you
in the classroom.


What are you doing there?

I... I'm... I'm the plumber
that you requested.

Plumber? And which pipe are you fixing?

Man, this one that's...
The one that goes to...

I swear I'm not doing anything wrong.

Bro, if you let me explain, I assure you
we can come to an agreement.

Man, tell your story to the police.

Why go to those extremes?

-Listen. I'll tell you the truth.
-What lies are you going to tell?

-Look, I was with a friend.

Look, we're doing
charity work for a foundation.

-It's for children.

-The children...


Attention, everyone! We have an intruder!

I already told you, Professor.
Carmen had nothing to do with this.

-We did it.
-And who gave you the formula?


Is this sentry elixir yours?

I gave León a very small dose

because he said he needed to perform well
at work and at school.

That he was exhausted.

But I never thought they would do this.

[Esteban] I warned you, Carmen.

You can't practice magic
here in the university.

Do whatever you want with us.

But it's not Carmen's fault.

Yes, Professor, please.

-I told you, she didn't do anything.
-Yes, she did.

She trusted the wrong people.
A serious mistake.

I'm sorry, Carmen.

Lots of students reported you.
You knew the terms of your probation.

I know you're innocent,
but while I convince the board of that,

the three of you are suspended.

-What do you mean?
-Just suspend me, Professor.

What happened?

I was suspended from the university.

What? What do you mean, Carmen, why?

[Carmen] You had no right
to put me at risk.

I've come from very far away.

I've had to sacrifice a lot
to be here at the university.

And now I'm suspended
because of... my friends?

Why did you do it?

Honey, it was a mistake.
I needed money for the apartment and...

my boss wouldn't give me the promotion
because I was late.

Sweetheart, wait, no!


-[Carmen] Let's go.
-[Daniel] Carmen. I was convinced

by Tomás, he offered me a lot of money--

What do you mean?

Tomás and his friends
are involved in this?

-I told you.
-And so what?

Amanda cast a black magic spell on Carmen.
And you think she's trustworthy?

-Black magic?
-Carmen, please forgive us.

What can we do to fix it?


You broke the most important part
of a friendship.


Let's go.

I told you this wouldn't end well.

But it's also true that if Amanda
gave Mayte the information just like that,

it's because she wants
to either harm her or distract me.

Are you saying she planned everything?
On purpose?

I suspect she did.

I felt her anguish,

and her desire to harm.

So let's see
if we can still see anything.

Can you see anything?

-Do you have the photo?

This is what's in front.

But look at the whole shape,
and tell me what you see.


I see, like, a light bulb.

A light bulb?

Yes. Yes, how weird.

It looks like a light bulb.

-But why?



It's not a light bulb.

It means that death is...

present in someone's life.


[soundtrack plays over dialogue]

[Tomy] I came to celebrate.

One hundred thousand likes,
and we're in every news show.

-I'll go get a beer.

That's great, huh?

-What the hell is wrong with you?

-Why did you have to tell Mayte?

Dani, we told you to stop bugging us.

But you don't listen.

And you think you won?
Well, you're wrong.

Because Carmen is a very powerful witch.

-How scary!

If she's so powerful,

why didn't she do anything
when she was suspended?

Because she's ethical,
something you know nothing about.

Is that why she cursed me?

Be grateful she didn't do something worse.

Like go back in time
and prevent you all from being born.


Did you smoke some bad weed, or what?

No. Hold on.

Do you mean Carmen can travel in time?

-Oh, you can't believe that.
-Obviously not.

Idiot! I thought you could think.

-It was a joke.
-You're rude!

-[woman] What a jerk!
-[Miguel] He's crazy.

[woman] What's wrong with him?

[Alicia] I don't see anything weird.

Besides the typical smile
and the perfect life.

-[in English] Bullshit.

[Mayte] And a nice body.

[Alicia] And a stupid boyfriend.

At least you can tell
they love each other.

I don't trust anything,
but there's nothing too worrying either.

I want to see the photo of the party

to see if I recognize
anything from my vision.

[Alicia] I showed you all of them, Carmen.

-You had to make sure no one saw me.

-What? Go upstairs.
-Johnny Ki!

-Johnny Ki!
-It's your fault. Go upstairs.

I need a favor.

Where were you?

I had a problem
with some guys on the street

that wanted to steal from me.

If it wasn't for my cousin
who helped me...

Have you met my cousin?
This is him...

Yes, Kobo, the pirate.

I know who you are. And don't lie to me.

What are you looking for in this time?

For now, a place to sleep.

What? Alicia kicked you out?

[Kobo] Let's say we had our differences.

-It's best we stopped living together.
-You, living with her?

No, no, no, Carmen.
It's not what it looks like.

[Kobo] Hi, Alicia.

I think that you should go back
to your time.

[Kobo] Why?

You're also not from this time,
but you live here happily, right?

-Why can't I?
-Shut up, you don't know me.

-You don't know me either--
-[Carmen] Shut up!

-Shut your mouth!

-[Johnny] Stop fighting!
-Shut up.

-Tell your friend to shut up.
-Stop fighting.

Don't listen to her. She must be upset.

When she is, she finds everything dark.
Why did you need me?

I need you to help me find someone.

[Johnny] You can clearly see
the Grim Reaper. But what can I do?

Help me find out if there's a dead person
related to parties, masks...

I don't know, anything.
Something to help me connect the dots.

Masks, parties.
You can't do much with that.

How about Antares?
The witch doctor you talk so much about.

Could he help?

You have a new witch doctor friend
and you didn't tell me?

-And why do you want to know?

-I thought you had retired from magic.

I don't want to ask him for another favor.


I can't find anything.
Have you used your powers?

No, just what I told you.

[Mayte] Do you have a better idea?


Just so you know,
I didn't want you to leave.

But you couldn't live with me.
I prefer to live on my own.

You don't owe me an explanation.

Besides, I think I'll be
more comfortable here.

Around all these people,
all of them foreigners, like me.

But they're not like you, Kobo.
You're from the s.

Be careful about telling your stories.

You could end up
in a mental institution.

Are you sure it's that?
Or is it me making female friends?

You want me to only talk to you?

-Kobo, do whatever you want.
-Don't worry, Alicia. I always do.

However, I think that,
sooner or later, you will miss me.

I doubt it. You snore like a lion.

But I could protect you
against intruders.

But you're too disorganized for my taste.

But life with me is an adventure.

But you don't like water.

But I smell like a man.


Take care. Don't get in trouble.

It was a pleasure meeting you,
Kobo the pirate.

Are we saying goodbye?

[Carmen] I'm going to see Antares.

[Johnny] I'll go with Carmen.

Start getting settled.
I'll be right back.

-Will you buy me a drink while we wait?
-I can't.

Mayte needs me.

But I'll see you at the bar tonight.

[laughter and chatter]

We'll invoke the spirit of the deceased
to see what happened.

[Johnny] The spirit? Are-- are--

are you professional enough for that?

Because Carmen and I
had a really rough experience--

What's the ritual like?

The spirit of the deceased will use
these ashes to communicate with us

and answer your questions, Carmen.


Who are you?

What does A and C mean?

The initials.

Are you among us?

Are you resting in peace?

Are Amanda and Miguel
to blame for your death?


So I was wrong.

We got our answer. Can we go now?

I-- I'll come tomorrow
for the protection tattoo.

Let's go, then.

Then, who is to blame for your death?

Mr. Hyde?

Mr. Hyde,
from the famous online challenges.

They're awesome.

Well, that's what I thought.
But if they k*ll people, that's not good.

-You're involved in that?

I'd like to be,
but they've never invited me.

It's a very exclusive group.

Some people say it was created in China,
others say France.

How is that related
to Amanda and Miguel?

Do they take part in the challenges?


Her friends are the same bums
she always hangs out with.

[laughs] And she's really old-fashioned.
She never uploads photos.

They're always tagged photos, look.

And I don't know if she's a witch or not,
but she's lucky.

Look at the video with Paulis.

The one who made her famous.

She doesn't have photos with siblings,

cousins, aunts and uncles, or parents.

Maybe she has no family?

I don't know.
It's as if she doesn't have a past.

Could this be related to what Daniel said
about traveling in time?

-Oh, no, Amanda.
-Let's search.

-Do you believe that?
-[Miguel] Let me see.


Let's see.

"Paula Eguiluz. Seventeenth century,
witch by descent,

accused of witchcraft
by the Holy Inquisition."

Like other witches
that also died at the stake.

Oh, that photo is scary!


Liona, condemned to the witches' limbo
by her own family.

Apparently she gave away
and betrayed one of her own

to the Inquisition for personal revenge,
and sent her to the stake.


Bad friend.

-Go back to see what else it says.
-Let's see.

Look. It also says
that she had a daughter.

There must be something else.

[woman] Oh!

[Miguel] Gosh!

They look very much alike. But no...

It's not possible. How can she be
the daughter of a witch from the s?

By traveling in time.

[Kobo] What do you see?

I see a pirate who is irresponsible...


who swears he is bad,

but that actually has a very sweet heart.

-Well, you didn't get anything right.

I really think you're the worst witch
I have ever met.

I know, sorry. But normally it isn't done
with rum, it's done with coffee.

Unless you would rather have a coffee.

No! No, no, no.

If you really want to know what I'm like,
rum is the best way.

People always show their true colors
when they're drunk.




I once met a really powerful witch.

The one who made me
that amulet that you burned. Remember?

-Are you really talking about that now?
-You remember, right?

She was a woman that...

that was impressive,


She was very attractive.

And were you close friends?

Of course not.

There can be no friendship
between a man and a woman.

[laughs] Kobo, that's not true.

But I know that when a man
gets very close to a woman...

it's because
he wants to reveal his treasure, no?


I like you.

You never give in.

-You know, you'd be a good pirate.

Besides, this witchcraft thing...

-I don't think you'll do very well.

Are you always so honest?

When I have to deceive
my enemies, I'm not.

And am I your friend?

I told you, there are no friendships
between men and women.

[girl] Hi, friends of Mr. Hyde.

I'll do the lick challenge.
I hope you like it.

This is the cold-blood challenge.

We'll apply the poison
of the Phyllomedusa bicolor,

also known as the blue and yellow frog.



[laughter offscreen]

Calm down.

[Carmen] This looks like the image
I saw from Amanda.

I don't know what you're talking about.

[scoffs] Daniel.

You were selling my elixir
to Tomás and his friends.

Tell me the truth.

Do they belong to the challenge group?

Yes. [clears throat]

And I do too. [inhales]

I asked them to let me in.

Daniel, you're involved in that?

Carmen, everyone does it.
There's nothing wrong with that.

You put your lives at risk.



-I felt lonely.

I did it because I wanted to belong
to something.

Ever since Juanjo left,
I'm not the same person.

I need you to tell me
if you've heard anything weird,

or if they talked about
getting rid of a dead body.

No, it hasn't gotten that far.
I haven't dealt with dead people.

Johnny Ki says
he doesn't know who sets the challenges.

Because we don't know.

Eh... they arrive directly
through WhatsApp.

Somebody sends them from Germany.

Mr. Hyde.

Forgive me.




He's not only big, he's mean. I don't get
why he didn't want to tattoo me.

I'm already tattooed.
I have one, two, I have many.

-I said I can do it.

I can do a better job
than the ones you have.



Can we talk?

I have nothing to say to you.

How can we travel in time?


[in English] I don't know.

Read history books.

We know that Carmen
is from the time of the Inquisition.

How do you know?

So it is true?

Amanda, leave me alone!

Where are you going, bro? We're fine here.

Don't make a scene. I'm not playing.


[sounds "Let Me See" by Irama Pacific]